Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Greatest of All Onr Millinery Sales
Friday and Saturday
if Any Trimmed Hat in the House
Friday we offer our entire stock of hundreds of high
class Ostrich, Paradise, Aigrette and Fur Trimmed Hats,
Street Hats, Dress Hats one-half their original prices.
We have never before offered such values so early in
the season. (The reason, we have too many trimmed hats.)
Every woman in Omaha should take advantage of this sale:
Hats . $5
Hats . $7??
Hats . $10
Hats $12!?.
Hats $1K
Hats . $25
AH $10
'MMl AU$50
Widow of Admiral Found Not Guilty
of Murder. ,
Appearance of Defemlnnt nn Stand,
L'nnanal Incident In (Capi
tal Cases, Jlelpnl Decide
the Case.
(Continued from Pass One
In Our Basement
100 Trimmed Hats selected from our
Second Floor Department, worth up to $6.75;
$1 and $2
PLYMOUTH. Mass., Oct. ). Mrs.
.Tcnnta May Eaton was acquitted of the
charge of murder of her husband. Hear
Admiral Joseph Q. Eaton by a verdict
of tho Jury rendered at 5:10 o'clock this
The Jury retired at 6 o'clock last nltht.
Notwithstanding that there seemed little
prospects aa the night wore on of
verdict before morning, a crowd of nearly
iOO persons sat out the tedious nlsht.
Mrs, Eaton awaited the verdict com
posedly and smiled when she heard the
foreman of the Jury pronounce her "hot
sullty." -
Mrs. Eaton had sat Up in a private
room at the, court house until 2 o'clock
this morning. Then she was permitted
to go to the JudK'" lobby, where she
slept on a couch until awakened at 4:30
and summoned to the court room.
After the foreman had announced tho
verdict. Chief Justice Aiken warned tho
jurors to keep secret the proceedings In
the Jury room.
Defendant ThanUs Jarors.
After Mrs. Eaton had left the court
room the Jurors, through their foreman,
sked that they might be allowed to
meet her. The permission was granted,
and they formed a seml-clrcle In the
corridor. Mrs. Eaton came out from
the judge's lobby and thanked them In
dividually. As she did so she burst Into
tears for the first time since her trial
started. A little later Mrs. Eaton gave
cut the following statement:
"I nm glad most of all because of my
mother and child, both of whom need
me. I shall go home late, today, I- hope
that a new life will be opened to me and
that tho trials ad tribulations which
have been mine are ended."
Make UooA Impression on Stand.
Her chief counsel, Mr Morse, saldr
"It was Mrs. Eaton's appearand) on the
stand, an unusual event in any capital
cue and a remarkable one where a
, woman was on trial for her life, which
decided .her Innocence In the minds o:
tha Jurors.
"The verdict was what we expected.
It frees on Innocent woman, but leaves
as a mystery tha end of the admiral, her
husband. For six months I have tried
to find out what was behind the poison
which caused lils death, but my Investi
gations have developed ho explanation."
llecause of tho prominence of near
Admiral Eaton, the trial of Mrs. Eaton,
who was his second wife, attracted country-wide
Interest. The admiral took a
prominent part In the battle of Santiago.
After his retirement he settled down on
a little chicken farm at Asslnlppl, where
he died on March 8. Mrs. Eaton was ar
rested on March 19. The trial began Oc
tober 14.
I From
c $15
Then 91 Per Week
UmittMit tlxlig Ctatfattta All
Vigbt Xr XMtiafi, Cole.
"Work mt Tallin Arms tram Btrlk-
at Walaennarsr I'raeeaila
Systematically Besmtlea
flarrentter Rifles.
TH1N1DAD, Colo., pet. 38.-Detachment
of artillery from batteries 8 and B of
Denver, In command of Captain Lefevre,
left here tills afternoon under order
from Central Chase to move In the direc
tion of Ludlow, the center of the recent
disturbances." Unless an outbreak oo
jura the detachments will probably spend
(he day In reconnotterlng and return to
TrtoMad tonight.
A Hue at cawpfiree was sa along
the rMe between Hastings and Tabasco,
una Intermittent firing all during the
sight confirm the bollef that the strik
es still are armed. Shots ware fired
Into Tabasco early today, but no damage
was done.
At WaleengriHr two trc-OM of cavalry
were placed e-n jftatrol duty today The
work of gathering up the arms ol the
strikers was carried forward systematic
ally, Many of the Huerfano county
strikers are said to have Joined those
now la the hill In the northern section
Of this county. The Huerfano county
deputies have turned In their rifle.
A squad of cavalry late this morning;
was ordered to return to A guitar, where
according to report recelvrf at head
quarters In the military camp, shots
wero fired by armed guards Into the tent
colony of strikers. Adjutant Gensntf
Chase today stated that he would order
troops to remain at Agullar Indefinitely,
a h6 U&4 learned that conditions there
threaten a violent uprising momentarily.
The 1 infantry troops which guarded
that mine camp last night returned to
WalsenBUrg early this morning and the
firing Into the colony began as soon as
their train departed.
Today the sanitary condition of the
Ludlow strikers' colony was called to
the attention of the military officers and
an Investigation waa begun to determine
whether the camp should be closed and
tents ordered struck because of the
perilous condition there. One death this
week: has occurred from typhoid fever
and other cases havo been reported.
Fruit Laxativt for Mamma, Daddy and
the Baby, ''California Syrup of Figs
Bt4)r thui mImmI, oil r pilk
to eM aad rffitifttt liver,
towels ad tomck.
( Mother, daddy and the children can
always keep feeling fine by. taking this
delicious fruit laxative as occasion de
mands. Nothing else cleanses the
stomach, Uvtr and bowels so thoroughly
without griping.
Tod lake a little at night and In the
morning all the foul, constipated wests,
sour bile and fermenting food, delayed
In the bowels, gently moves out of the
tystem. When you awaken all headache.
Indlueatloa, sourness, foul taste, bad
breath, fever and dustiness Is gone; your
stemach Is sweet, liver end bowels clean,
and yeu feel grand.
"Callfenila Byrne et Figs" I family
laxative. Every en from franaps to
baby caa safely take It and no one Is
aver disappointed In Its pleasant action
Millions of mothers knew that It Is the
Ideal laxative to give cross, sick, feverish
children. But get the genuine, ask your
druggist for a M cent bottle of "Califor
nia Syrup of Figs," which has directions
for babies, children of alt ages and for
grown-ups on each bottle. Refuse wtth
coatempt the cheaper Fig Syrups and
oouaterfelta. Bee that It bears the nan
"California Fig Byrup Company."
Blasting Operations
Kill Million Salmon
AVABHINQTON, Oct 80.- IUrtlroa4
blasting operations pn a tributary of the
Fraser river In 'Washington, having killed
more than 1 ,000,000 salmon and prevented
the spawning of between two nnd three
Ml! Ion sockeye salmon eggs, the Depart
ment of Commerce and Labor announced
today that the flsh-lovtnir American
public might expect a decided shortage
in its ravorite article or rood three or
five years hence. The department pro
nounces the slaughter of the fish to be
a "catastrophe."
The effect of this catastrophe, it was
declared, "will bo seen three or five
Stars hence, when the 1913 progeny come
back to the river to spawn. How serious
the outcome will bo ran only be sur
mised." The livelihood of thousanda of
persons In the state of Washington and
In British. Columbia, add tho department.
depend on tho annual "run" of these
flah, which return year by year to the
same spawning grounds. This. It Is sug
gested, makes the matter one of eyen
greater economic Interest. Hocks dls
lodged by the blasting blocked the
stream and caused the death of the
Ascending fish.
Newspaper IMaut Dynamited.
UULLH POURC1IE, 8. D., Oct. 50.-
(SpecJal.)A climax In the fight for bet
ter moral conditions In the town of
Hulett. Wyo., northwest of here, reached
sensational climax when the otflca of
the Hulett Globe, a weekly newspaper.
was dynamited. The building was badly
wrocked, but no one was hurt nnd the
plant was uninjured by the explosion.
The Globe s conducted by H. H. Qundcr
son, formerly a Ilaptlst minister at Lead,
who lost his health In clerical work and
went to Hulett and took up homesteadlng,
later acquiring the Hulett alone, which
for some months past has been waging
a vigorous campaign against the lawless
element In that community. Editor
Ounderson declares that he will continue
the ftght
Interesting themselves In obtaining con
trol of the expenditure of money of thV
State .state, been ucceaafuW" Moore Bays,
"that your orator and most of the cltl-
Izens of the state believe the administra
tion of the state on January 1, tost, had
passed out of and beyond Control of the
people of the state 'Into the control of
one or more of the men so Interesting
themselves as aforesaid together with a
small group of other citizens in accord
with them In the sole purpose of obtain
ing control of the moneys 'of the stato
to their solo Use and benefit and not
with any hope, deetre or ambition to
profit or safeguard the state In tho ex
penditure thereof."
Will Take? Case to Supreme Court.
Mr. Moore denied that there waa any
politics behind his suit. Ho said that he
and his attorney, John Leary, had con
ceived the Idea and submitted the peti
tion to several attorneys, who agreed that
K held a substantial basis. "If I lose In
the district court." he said. "I expect to
appeal and lay the whole Impeachment
question before the supreme court."
He confirmed Butter's declaration that
the former governor knew nothing about
the suit before It was filed.
Moore has been active In democratic
politics and In the Typographical union.
He never held office, although he was
a candidate for appointment by the gov
ernor 'as state labor commissioner.
Tho publishers of the New York World
said that although Moore was one of
their employes they did not know he was
to bring the suit and that the newspaper
was In no way connected with It.
Absurd, Says Attorney General.
ALBANY, N. Y., Oct SO. "A suit to
restdro Sulzor to power Is absurd," said
Attorney General Carmody today. "I
cannot believe that anyone would bring some way get together I shall support
such an action" known progressives against known stand-
Former Senator PViear T. Tirnckott. patters regardless of party affiliations.
chief counsel for the asembly managers He sal dfurther he thought more good
In the Impeachment proceedings, de- could be accomplished If progressives
clarod that "there Is no way the constl- would Join In overthrowing stand-pat con.
tutlonallty of the Impeachment can boltrol In the republican party
Judge D. Cady Herrlck, chief counsel BAR R NOW DENIES HIS
rpr the ueronse, on several occasions nas
expressed the opinion that the carrying
of the enso to the supreme court would
be futile.
No Precedents for Action1,
"WIABIII NGTON, Oct. lO.-Thero are no
precedents for the supremo court review
ing Impeachment proceedings as such.
the Injunction proceedings filed in New
York today might come ' to the highest
court for revle on tho contention that
federal constitutional rights
U T . v
Vlctrota XIV,
and oak
No matter what your musical taste, tho
Victor or Columbia will satisfy you. Visit
our wareroomB and let us play your favorite
Here Is your opportunity 'to put the world'B best music In your
home for 30 days. Tho only store In the city where you can hear
both Victor and Columbia Talking .Machines and Records.
Klas 1023.
Oldest I'iano House in
1811-18 Farnam St.
the AVest.
ought to be united, but that there were
progressives In nil parties.
"I nm'not married to any name, ne
said. "Personally I am practically non
partisan and unless progressives can In
MEMPHIS, Tenn.. Oct .-Meade Ban-,
an Inmate of the Jeffersonville, Ind., re
formatory, who was said to have con
fessed that he killed Florence Brown in
Dallas, Tex., last July, was brought to
Memphis today by officials, enroute to
Texas. They will not go to Dallas direct
because of fear of violence there, but
had. been probably will make the trip by way of
Ohapin Estate
Goes to Family
CHICAGO. Oct. 30.-Charles A. Chapln,
who died a week ago, left an estate esti
mated at l(,&1,000, according to tho will
which was filed today, Tho estate goes
to the widow and seven sons and daugh
ters. The heirs are instructed to devote
(300,000 to charity.
denied to SuUer. For that much there New Orleans and El Paso. Barr here
Is legal provision for a supreme court
review. Should the case be forwarded
from the lower court It undoubtedly will
be expedited, otherwise a decision would
not be reached in regular course jnuch
under three years.
today denied that ho
had made a con-
Connterfelt Dollars
buy trouble, but a genuine quarter buys
Dr. King's New Life Pills; for constipa
tion, malaria, headache and Jaundice.
f or saw by your druggist Advcrtlse-H'C-nL
(Continued from Page One.) '
T ieatcstf yea ars a refsW reasW je smt amaet SU Csafea Mk tab sac
teed to be the greatest collection and biggest bargain in
patterns ever offered. The 190 patterns have a retail
value of 10 cents each, or more than $10,00 in all. Bring
SIX Coupons and 16 ceta to this office aad yeu will be
prodiaUi with One Complete Outfit, including Book of
lnftntctioM and one All Metal Hoop. The cents is to
cover duty, express, handling and the numerous over
; 4 txfmm of getting the ekasj bmm faesery to yeu.
r ' Bfr-'Omt mf Turn RJr$ vtlU mtU T wmla 9xtrm far
Xc'eVta- THK
Indigestion Ended,
Stomach Feels Fine
. Time 'Tape's rjifseia!" In five
1 BataBtett all BoaTBf aa, GaS, Heart.
Bra ad Djnsf epftla la gone.
the United States. While the election
has been repudiated here the aclyal. for
malities of proclaiming the result may
have some bearing on the situation, for
while this government has already re
fused to countenance the result, foreign
governments have1 not taken any position,
and it Is fet in many quarters that the
United States should wait formal action
by the authorities In Mexico City before
putting on record Its rejection.
President Wllron Is considering carefully
suggestions from his advisers, and It waa
said today the plan might not be ready
until next week's cabinet meeting.
Will Transfer Dlaa to Liner.
Acting Secretary Itooaevelt of the navy
todnv Instructed Hear Admiral Fletcher
to place General Felix Dlas. the Mexican
refugee, and his party aboard a New
York and Cuba mall steamer after the
ship leaves the last Mexican port on Ita
Under that plan Dlax and Ills party
will be transferred from the battleship
Louisiana to a New York and Cuba liner
after the latter sails from Trogresso at k
date yet undetermined. Mr. Roosevelt's
Instructions were issued after a confer
ence today with President "Wilson. The
transfer of the fugitives will be at sea
to guard against their arrest by tha
Huerta authorities.
Trrvlao Declines Presidency.
MEXICO CITT, Oct. SO. General Gero
nlmo Trevlno, news of whose capture by
rebels during an assault on Monterey,
was telegraphed to the federal authori
ties yesterday by his son, was recently
called to Mexico City by Provisional
President Huerta. who Is said to havo
offered him the provisional presidency.
General Trevlno declined the office. He
has been a soldier ever since he reached
manhood and was formerly federal com
mander of the. northern, military xone of
Mexico, with headquarters at Monterey,
A thorough search Is being made by the
police of the federal capital for further
evidence of an alleged plot against the
life of Provlsotnat President HUerta. dis
closed to the authorities by two women
lost night.
The women accused several men who.
they declared, had offered them SS00 to
Induce General Huerta to visit them so
that the plotters could have an oppor
tunlty of assassinating htm. The women
asserted that they have declined to par
ticipate In the conspiracy. The men named
have been arrested.
(Continued from .Page One.)
Douglas county bull moose committee;
Dr. W. O. Henry, president of the Roose
velt club.
They squatted and. talked ..very low.
Hutchison cussed a little. Towle: s
some soro spots and believed
move would hurt Uie progressive cause.
Dr. Henry was sure It would. Nathan
M err I am remarked that Norris had made
a great mistake. KUngbett thought -some
acUon should be taken. Lewis was out
raged at Norrla' action. And so there
was unanimity.
BELLE FOUltCHB, S. Oct. .-
(Special.) The latest potato report in
this section la that ot jr. v.: wjqooss oi
this city, who raised 4 bUehels of pota
n on one acre of ground at his farm
rtMlwaler. seven miles soutlieaai ox.
Belle Fourcb.6. Mr.Wlddosa is one oi me
....t nnunWlva farmers In this section,
showed and hi Irrigated 'farm Is one of the fln
NArrls' est to be seetf In western 'South Dakota. -
WAHOO, Neb., Oct -(Bpec!al. Tho
marriage of Mr. John Fishier of .Morse
Bluff and Miss Anna Lanlk of this city
took place yesterday morning at the hu
Wenceslaus Catholic church In this city.
Itev. Father Bor performed tho .cere
mony. They ,wlll make their home at.
Morse Bluff, where Mr. Fishier is en
gaged In business.
Hip Off Denunciation.
With due deliberation, then, this self-
constituted committee, self-constituted to
represent the bull moosers ot the state,
ripped off a manuscript and rushed to
the telegraph office. It was addressed
to Senator George W. Norris. Washing
ton, D. C, and It had saw-teeth. It told
him how "outraged and hurt we all feel
at your action." It asked whether or
not he cared to explain to this worthy
body his recent actions in supporting a
republican against a progressive and
ended will, a satisfactory nourish In re- mg SftlU tO flUflh KidueYS if
gard to loyalty and gratitude and a lot 1 , , . , , '
of other words that come easy In political
Meat Cause of
Kidney Trouble
Then they adjourned, very secretly. But
some of them were too mad to keep the
secret. They had to swear at Norris on
the street and let out divers hints and
when some of them were approached and
asked for an explanation they shrunk
back and wondered who had been letting
the cat out of the bag.
To date the senator has not replied to
Back hurts or Bladder
T I if a. - . waw
Xtni Notea of Kalrhnry.
FAIRUURY. Neb., Oct. S0.-(8peclal.)-
Harry D. Andrews, electrician for the
Rock Island at this point, has returned
from Chicago, where he has been at
tendlnr the sixth annual convention of
railway electrical engineers. He also via-
tted with his parents at Muskegon, Mich.
Sour, gassy, upeet stowaeh. Indigestion. ! The annual session ot tne jetrerson
heartburn, dyspepsia; whan the food you i County Farmers' Institute opened In the
at femeats Into gases and stubborn court rcom yesterday afternoon with an
address by Its president, John i". xnics.
sen. The session will last until Friday.
A stock show is one of the principal fee
tures of the Institute. The stock Is being
housed In the Smith's sale pavilion. A
number of valuable prises wilt be
awarded at the close.
-The Brotherhood of Locordotlve Engi
neers, together with the Brotherhood ot
Locomotive Firemen and Engtnemen, held
a Joint conference In this city this week
and listened to talks by Peter Ktlduff ot
Chicago and Joaepb McQuald ot Rock
Island, III. The former la general chair
man ot the engineers for the Rock Is
land, and the latter fills the same, posi
tion for the firemen. As a result ot the
conference, the firemen ' decided to make
the lay-over ot the Jersey passenger runs
on the Nebraska division atFalrbury In
stead -of Lincoln and Philllpsburg, Kan.,
aa formerly
lumps; your head aches and you teal sick
aad miserable, that's when you realise
the nagle In Pace's Dlapepsin. It nakes
all stomach alaery vanish la five rata
utea. i t your stomach Is In a continuous re
' VoltIf yeu canH get It regulated, pltave,
for your sake, try Papa's Dlapepsin. It's
so needless to have a bad stomach make
your next meal a favorite food meal, then
take a little Dlapepsin. There will not b
any Hltre-eat without fear. It's be
cause Pace's Dlapepsin 'really does" reg
ulate weak, out-of-order stomachs that
, gives It Its millions of sales annually.
Get a large fifty-cent case ot Papa's
Ptaphv from any drug store. If is tha
stale kiwi, surest stomach relief and cure
smews. It acts almost like magic It Is a
aoteettfle, hartaleee and pleasant stocnaek
1 preparation which truly belongs In every
1 home.
Senator from Nebraska Sends
a?vr to Nebraakana,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Oct. S0.-(Speclal Tel.
egram.) Senator Norris left fop Massa
chusetts tonight, where he Is to cam
paign In behalf ot his former colleague.
Representative A. P. Gardner, candidate
for governor on the republican ticket
J lis principal opponent Is a progressive,
Charles S. Bird.
Certain Nebraska progressive support
ers of Senator Norris wired him today
exresslng disapproval that he did not
support Bird Instead of Gardner. The
senator has sent them a letter giving his
reasons for supporting Gardner. They
are based on the fight the two made
against Speaker Cannon and so-called
boss rule. He said In part;
'I would support Gardner regardless of
politics on the ticket He Is bucking the
machine rule In Massachusetts. I
my duty to help him. No one secrtflced
more than Gardner In the rules tight He
had to turn his back on former supporters
and members of his own family. I have
never known a man who has superior
courage or stronger fldenlty to what his
conscience told him was right"
With reference to the progressive party.
Senator Norris said all progressives
If you must have your meat every day.
eat it. but flush your kidneys with salts
occasionally, says a noted authority who
tells us that meat forma uric acid which
almost paralyses the kidneys in their ef
forts to expel it from the blood. They
become sluggish and weaken, then you
suffer with a dull misery In the Iddney
.region, sharp pains In the back or sick
headache, dltrtness, your stomach sours,
tongue is coated and when the weather
Is bad you have rheumatic twinges. Tha
An- urine gets cloudy, full' of sediment the
channels often get sore and Irritated,
obliging you to seak relief two or three
tlmas during the night
To neutralize these Irritating adds, to
cltanse the kidneys and flush off the
body's urinous waste get four ounces of
J ad Salts from any pharmacy I ere,
tike a tablespoonful - in a glass of.
watar before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act tins. This
famous salts Is made from the add of
grapes and lemon juice, comotnea witn
llthla. and has been used tor generations
to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys.
also to jisutrallse the srlds in urine, sq
It no longer Irritates, thus ending blad
der weakness.
Jad Salts Is inexpensive; cannot injure.
and makes a delightful effervescent 11th-ta-water
It Doubles tha Pleasure
of Buying to Know that
You Have Received Full
Value for the Money Spent
Benjamin clothes repre
sent value, honest value.
For every dollar you in
vest in a Benjamin suit or
oyercoat wo return to you
a dollnr in - clothes satis
faction. ' ' 1 '.
Tho more ! you know
Benjamin clothes and. bur
method of doing business
the' better you Understand
why you are perfectly safe
in buying here.
AH wool perfectly
tailored and made in stylish
models for young or older men
are here for your Inspection.
May we show you?
Benjamin suits and over
coats $8.00 to $30.00
Coal lill Ctil Ce.
211 SOUTH 10th ST.
We Fuellse the West,
Certain Relief
frees headaches, dull fee Use, and
fatigue of billousDBis, cwnes qwekly
ml psmsssat kaprevement M
Wail COMtltiOR fUow td tsryottT
s-tew&ch, Mver s4 bewek Eava
MRa ana rffuits y
UkoaM. Me,
Serve These
Appctiziag Crisps
with cream today and you'll
want them often.
Waahinglpn CRISPS
vC Teutts Cera Flako XUCa
Robert B. Mantel!
Kvcning at 8 p. m. Mat. 2 p. m.
Saturday Matinee
....."Merchant of Venice"
Saturday Evening. ."Richard III"
ToxnsxT axii nx
Jsatlassa Saarsaaj aaa Saturday
American Theater Stock Oo
"Under Southern Skies."
sTait Wee TK VmarxraTr'
Botre. 4i.
1UUa Ktarr Dr. J:U, Krirr NlibL 1
Tula Ou Ejvudi' KM , .
Prtow Mat. O.IIrr. U., ,
tat aaa Sua. I S Nl5u7l.n2. if
'amgt'a vtrsr n...T:
.Su. Qun of Paris
Tka rtpoaat, Tasclnattar raU-Ksll of
Xatoxlcatlaa; XUarlty. "Wt, Vs fe Co
at Xosas." Bis; Cacti O&oros c H SaalW
tar Beauties, aorrsoea ss sHla(,
ZAalas1 Bias aCatla Wtak Bars.