in Polly and Her PalsIt's Going D'VfOJow Polly. Tme puiTie'T (Sal I eve sejem WANT ADS Waat ads received at any time, bat to iMure proper claMlficatloa must be preaeated before 12 o'clock boob for the erealBR edition and before 7:30 p. in. for the moralng and Sun day editions. Want ada rccclred after sHcVtioura will havo their first tnaeruoa wider the head Ins, "To Late to Classify." CASH RATK FOR WANT ADB REGULAR CIjVSSIFIOATION: One insertion, 13 ccHta-per line. Two or more consecutive lier t!oH, 9 cento per line. One ItMe per taoatli, 1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patron fcariHg accounts are measured by the 'Jae, not by the word. CHARGE RATES: Six words to the line. Oae insertion, 12 cents per line. Two or more cohsc entire inter tfoM, 9 cent per line. Oae line per moatli, f 1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. XOTE The Be will not be re poiMtuto for mora tlian one wrong Insertion due to typograpliical error; Claims for error cannot be allowed after the loth of the following won th. Aa advertisement Inserted to be tun until forbidden must be (topped by written order. Verbal or telephone cancellations caaaot be accepted. DEATHS AND FUNRRAk NOTICES 1TUART Arthtfr F.. OctoUr . 1913, aged 38 year and 17 days. Funeral from family residence, 263 Hwtrman avenue, Hrlday, October II, IMS, at 2 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friend Invited. Deceased I survived by, hi father and mother. Mr Mid Mr. Thomas M. Stuart, and three later, Mr. U Simmons, Anna and Helen fHuart. Dealer In Omaha are: lco A Hoffman, 21th and Dodge. 13. L. Dodder, 23d and Cuming. N. P. Swanson, tftti and Cumins. O. It. Brewer, 600 North 24th at, South Omaha. You can order SAUCOPUAai from the following: CEMETERIES: Forest Lawn. Phone Florence 111. Prospect Jllll. Phone Webster 2404. Wen Lawn. Phone Douglas 829. Mount Hope, l'hone Benson 141-W. aracoland rark. l'hone Douglas 1064. Holy Sepulchcr. 312 Darker block. Or, order direct from the AMERICAN 8AHCOPHAGUS COMl'ANY. Douglas 2142. Office. 30t First Nut, Bonk Bldg. MIRTHS AND DKATHH. IMrths John and Mary Adam, Ittt South ThlrteMth. girl; K. and Lena. Qtlllan. 2768 South Thirteenth, girl; Mike and Mary llolsasa, mo South Eighteenth, boy; Adam and Mary Kurtx. 367 South Twen-ty-feurth, girl; Joseph and Nelll Ift, Fourteenth and Amu avenue, girl; John and Edith Iennon. 16M South Twenty-second, girl; Ralph and Lena, Mawaer, Elev enth ai.4 Paul, bey; Sam and Koaa Mor asco, S47 Pacific girl; Franchl and So phia Ntcoloat, 1IW South Seventh, boy; Walter and Peart Wolls. 21 North Twen tieth, boy. .. .... Dctb-Alex Doyer. 61 year, hottal; C, . Hamilton. 75 year, jm Douglas; Fraa Hntfleaa, S3 1W9 Bouth Fif teenth: George R. Lumbar, M year. 538 South Thirteenth; Kathryna McCormlck, 67 years, IS I'ark avenue. MARRIAQB MCKNSKH. The following marriage, licsnce hav boen Issued: Name and Address. Age. Nick Peleees. south Omaha.............. Cere Ventele. South Omaha. ,u.. S Chester faardekoofer. Itedileld, la 22 Minnie Hoover, itedneia, xa u Clarence Sheets. Uenson , 31 draco E, Hemstedt, Omaha 21 David W. Bloom. IJancrort.... 2S Hilda 8. Carlson. Omaha 0 Ceorira Htewart. Waterloo 48 Luclle Headlee, Omaha 3 Walter Moraine, Omaha 1 JCalherlne Iluser, Lockwood, Mo 21 John A. Kruse, More land. la 34 Henilce 8. Qlbson, Fort Dodge, la. 33 Jo Magstor. South Omaha. 30 Anna Freseconle, South Omaha. 30 HK4U WAXTJCD yfcM A XX. Clerteat s Ofttetr. GIRLS for office and sanitarium work. German doctors. 420 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Address J ICQ, care Uea. Kemaekeepcrs sat xaoaaestlea. THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM t-OLVED The U will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREE until you cot the desired results. This applies to residents or Omaha, south omana and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Uee office or teiepnone yyter iww. WANTED Housekeeper on farm; Dane preferred, k z.. uox si. uenoa, neb. WANTED Competent .girl for general housework In -small new apartment; two In family; good home. Apply 109 S, 42d WANTED Maid for general housework In family of two. One who can go home nights preferred, call mornings at Wo. lu, Jioson Apis.. 3ii aaa ssason ma. GIRL or woman for general housework. Ao coofclas;. 1MB CtUco sX- D. 84SS. WANTKD Competent girl for general iicusework Kmait family, it CiSJ. DESIRES winter Job to earn board and oom rvnt In city or farther north. Wtlta toon. William. Anderson, snt uuminx oL WANTEIK Matd for general house work: amaH house: need not be fine H I DO ! , JKMUL WTHiy CCU5.M5 fc '', ook. Phono Harney 210, 'ha S boys, age S and 18 jeara 1614 Call- WANTED -Experienced cook, in Prlvata ?rn2 Bt- Tyl?r faH rtferenea rulfl. Apply S016.I DAY work 2 N 58th Ave. Phono 1 i y ' i-" n . i ' i ii mi ii ii ni .....x..-. t ict i if i KPMAJ J I I I 11 II I II I i W3N I I .'.. HELP WANTED FEMALE. lloasekevper ana Dametlc WANTED-Oood girl for central house work, 3617 Farnam St. l'hone Harney WANTKD Younic inn to anlut with housework; no waelilntr. 4012 Curnlnc HU ami. wantnl for xeneral housework. No. f7 Fo. Kith Ave. WANTBD-dood girl for general house work. 372 Jones St. WANTHD A xoverness for -year-old child. 8102 No. 21st fit. XV. Z. "VVANTHD A food (Irl for general housework. 1916 s. 3SA Ave. 118221. " WANTED A aood whlte' cook, ttO per month. M N. Mth St WANTED Qood' Rlrf for'llrht house wdrk; three In family; best of treatment to rtcht trtrli treated the same a one of th family. Phone Harney 428S or 1315 South th Street WANTED-Competent alrl for aeneral housework) one who can go ahead; good wage and good home to one who stays; three In family. Apply 272t Bpauldlng St., or phone Webster ioso. WANTKD A good cook; call Har. . WANTKD-Competent girl for irenena housework; small family. 1020 S. 35th Ave. H. 21 W. WANTED Qood rlrl for eenernl hniun. work; good, wage; grownup family. 212 in. Ha; nwr nign scnooi. Tel. uovg. ns. Miscellaneous. FOIt day, womnn. Call Douglas SSI. YnilK'n womn mmlmi ,,. slrangor are Invited to visit the Yoiinc Wnmmi'l f'tirlatlon a.anolatU.. t. . .1 1 .1 1 u at St Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where iur- iriii do uirecien 10 suiiauie uoarulng place or otherwise assisted lxok for our traveler' guide at the Union station. HELP WANTED MAJjE. Asenta, Salesmen and Solicitor. WANTED A good first cUbi collector; must give best of reference; man who 1 now employed preferred. C. F. Adams, 6S1 S. 19th St MALKOMAN Good paying side line. Sold by all grocers. Commission very liberal. Address Y iU. llee. WANTKD At once neat appearing solicitor; must be able to leave city. 704 Mrandcls Theater litdg. Hay. WANTED IJrlght ofIce boy. rteply In own handwriting to a 132, caro liee of fice. WANTED Throe high school boy to work part time. Must be bright, clean cut and energetic. Apply Saturday morn Ing to Mr. Chestnut. Western Electric Co. Factory ana Trades. Drug store snaps; lob. KnMst. Dee nidg. wawibu-a nrsi eis experienced upholsterer for tutting and box spring work. liiaton & Laelr Co., 415-117 Uouth 16lh 8t UET Into the most profitable business of today, the automobile business, and become Independent. Our large, well equipped whops offer the opportunities of learnlnff the business hv .nimi .n.r4. . .. i,, . . l. - : . ' viivfi vii uuinrviii inaKe oi car. UUr terms nre moderate. Write or rail. Na- tmnal Auto Training association. 2S14 N. 2Ui Bt. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Webster 5941 COHtt IIUHtfKlirt vr.n,., n,.v, if"l" Ployment Dureau. Ill No. 15th St. WB WANT MKN Tn 1.IMT1N Tiiin BARBER TRADE. Do you want a po sition In a good shop? Two months will quality you. We atve tools. We turn you out competent. See our catalogue. Call or write. Moler Barber College. 110 BO. lHh Bt HELP Call Omaha Employment Bureau, WANTED One buffer and two nnliah. era Immediately. Howard Stove Works. Mtncetlaueuuk. WANTED Railway mall elerlca .iv. amlnatlon everywhere frequently; sam- jio quwions rree. franuun institute, Dept. 21J it.. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED A first clau a window shad hanger for outside work: permanent position, good salary, Beaton & Laler Co.. 416-417 South llth Bt MEN lth nntrnliibU !rtn writ. n.n. ilolph A Co., patent solicitor. Wash ington, D. C. YOUNG MEN. you should learn ha automobile business, and learn It RIGHT. r.tru iuui money man you ever a la ne fere. W have both a day and a night class, ao you have no reason for delay. Come In NOW. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, me I'ouse m. WANTED Fifteen msn for ditch work. Qlenwood, la Raymond Trlsler. SEMI-VROFE3SIONA1. I 'layers wanted for Y. M. C. A. band. Specially In need ot reod -Instruments, alto and baritone. Instructed under exceptionally tine leader. oee Mr. jsaton. HEIxP WANTED. MALE AND FUMALK. WANTED One buffer and two polish- ers immediately. Howard Stove Works. WANTED SITUATIONS. YOUNG man attending Boyle college wants .wora ror Doara. u, ueo. Wanted posit as practical nurse. W.csa YOUNQ white woman wanta ateady em ployment In restaurant as conk; does pastry work; write or call; state wages; reference It desired. M. Hartcr.'lO) S. aeth St., council Biutia. la. STENOGRAPHEU, with six years' ex perience, desires permanent position. Ad dress a , cars uee. MARRIED man. experienced, reliable, warns piace on larm. v. ih care xieo. SITUATION wanted by experienced chauffeur with private family; can drlvo any make of car or will work In small anop as meonanic or engine trouble man. i'lion Douglas - WANTED A DOSttlon by an unreata. tered drug clerk; age 26; 6 years' expe rience in town or ifiw to ,wo population. Agareks im, car uee. FARM HANDS furnished, short notice. rreo. umana employment uureau, 121 is, 15th St Tel. Douglas lilt A WlDOv'winlinnlira hmiuli... if or barhelor in lt- or wir nm.h, uh. l yvevaier THE BEE: to Be a Hard Winter A. B. C. of Omaha A RION'S KOSHER CAFE stands for quality, quantity & econ omy. UC H. 16th. middle of block. 2d floor. BBL,l DltUO CO. Now location. 1216 Farnam. Everythlnir new. Old phone Douglas 2623. Come, call or write. Ilubber good. KEHIt Abstract Co., 90G 8. 17th St Better be safe than sorry. Have Kerr do your title work. NEIUIASKA CYCLE CO. "Mlckel'," 15th and Harney. Dougla 1G62. all sewing machines, )KOPLE'8 restaurant 1804 Douglas I iieni i an nrs., music, serviro tno best. 13.50 meal ticket, tt. Cocalls.Ms. Tr rimniu . . uicitunrn, awocpers, nyaraui ic, eleotrlo and hand powar sold on .-.rjara:,nte.8! lowest prices; machines tented. Sanitary Service Co. Doug. 2904. ANNOUNCES nSNTS. Gibson's Buffet 822 South 15th St. R. M. E. J?utorcyle messenger service, ' ' 212 8. Uth. Doug. 3808 or 3B20. Wedding announcements. Doug Ptg. Co. SJ?. ,uc,,l' WEDDING RINO from CROWN, tip the GOLDEN STAins. 16th AVUUialOil D. a Urlfflth. wig mfr. Frenxer Dlk. 1 1 A ' TT . T.TffAW nlT.t.. nnuina remedy for Itching, bleedlni; or protruding piles; 60o postpaid; samples freo. Sher- m. .rwuuiicii tvrua wo.tiumana. ............... ,,WcU,,,,iH tiiiu saio table, the most up-to-date barn In the vim. win ua u,eii lar uusiness oovemuer . -.1 ... -.Ill C3I. ItCUBlCl OIUi lrfllRT.PI.ARH hniinllni. HIM 1 stalls. Howard Bt. Stables. 1314-16 Howard. ATTRACTIONS Omnha film, exch., lltlvand Doug. Mo tion picture machine aiidfllm bargains. AUTOMOBILES. !00 forfeit for any magneto we can't re palr. Coll repairing. Daysdorfer. 210 N. 18. FOR 8AJ.E lord roadster, A-l condi tion. 2320 Fort St. Douglas 10W. DRUMMOND'S Dig now garage at 26th find Farnam. FORE DOORS SEAT COVERS. Motorcycles. IlAnoAlNS In nil makes nr imeil mntnr. cycles. Victor 11. Roos, "The Motorcycle WIlTfli FOR. LI fiT OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL8' NE11RAHKA CYCLE CO., UTH AND HARNEY. RUSIVESS GRANGES. Special plans tor Helling your business or real estate. Kennobeck Co.. Omaha. TTVT, a 4 T fl k I ...II...- U . . . . . w k.. mvuiuiiih iiuuhc, m rcgu 1? boarders, 11 rooms and bath above; alt nowly furnished; only business of kind In county seat town; best reason for sell- Investigate. Address Y 318, Uee. . THB"u"li Oell harness and liiuilement business In Glenwood, la,; only harness stock In city of 4.000, with trade from ex- tcnaea ana prosperous farming com munity; stock about 9,000, total; a splen did opportunity for an active business man. II. M. Logan, Administrator, Qlen- wood, la. FOR SALE Hardware and Imnlamant stock, nice clean stock that will Invoice about $7,000, In a good country 14 mile south of Lincoln, In a town of 200 Inhabi tants; reason soiling, other business. Ad dress Y BOO. Bee TO set in or out of business, call on GANG EST AD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. HssuIbk lli.Mava tor sale. It rooms, newly furnished, party leaving city; rooms full; Phone Doug. 5S5&. (17 So. istn, f lat . BUSINESS PERSONALS Mrasa Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta Cktropraotor. J. a Lawrence, P. C. 2322 Howard. D. 8441. Mrs. Rosa Boesen, U23 Lake. Web. 4790. W.EPurvlance. D.C. 40 Paxton blk.D.4942, Chiropodist. DR. ROY. 1508 Farnam. Douglas 64JI. Contractor. Ist-claas carpenter repair work. W. 4071. Costumer. FULL dresa suits: narty dresses fop aala or rent II. 50 ner nlaht Own vnlri-. John Feldman. 806 N. llth. Doug. 3128. Historical masquerade costumes to Mra at Theo. Lleben & Bona. 1514 Howard St Cklita Pitkatlag. CHINA painting; outside firing done. Mrs. F. C. Hay nee, lig 8. gth 8t D. 4990. Creameries, Datrlr and Sfapplte. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. D&uclua Academies. DON'T you danoeT Go to Mackle'a, ltll Harney, where all others learn. D. 5444. Jewell Simpson, Douglaa Auditorium; Monday averting. Pou g. 2424 or Web. 2491. Tangos. All new social dances. R. 3241 Tango, social dances a specialty. D. 6SoT Uenttatry. Preventive dentistry, pyorrhea, oral I rOPhyUxl. Dr. Flckea. 727 City Nat Bid. Detectives. Omaha Sec Str. A gey.. 428 Paxton. D. 1311. JAMES ALLAN, 313 Neville Blk. EvT dence aecurud In all casts. Tyler 1186. Dressmaking-. Terry DrcssrnKg. college. 20th & Farnam. Dressmaking; day. Miss 11 r una D. CMC M1S8 NELSON; by the day. Har 5C03. BE your own dressmaker: easy method; day and night course: special Induce ment to student enrolling during month oi j iuuvr .-nmuuiiai LTessmaKinK col lega aOI Patterson block Omaha. Neb. DRESSMAKING b lsy U'"ebtins OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1913. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Drnaa. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb, Urerrthlnc for Women, Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Krugcr. 423-A. Paxton lk. D. 8334. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sises and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT INO CO.. 220 Douglas Ulk. Douglao 1311. OLD plumes made new. California Os trich Plume Co., 20fi Ncvlllo Bldg. D. 6010. Florists. A. Donaghue, 1807 Farnam. D. 1001. HESS tt SWOIIODA. 1415 Farnntn SI. L. HENDERSON. 161D Farnam. D. IK BATH'S florists, Boyd Theater Bldg. Fnrnltnrei Itepalrlnir, First-Class Furnlturo Repair. R, 8CT1. Ftirnnce, Stove, Itepnlrs. REPAIRS In stock for all makes of itoves and henters, furnaces, steam and hot water hollers; new furnaces. Em press and Sultan water and steam hollers. Omaha Stovo Repair Works. 1206-8 Douglus St. Tyler 20. Insurance. TORNADO INSURANCE. Call Tyler 1024. O'Neill's. 1MB Farnam St. ainttrrsaea und Pillows. HAVE your feather mattresses and down covers made nt Omaha Pillow Co. Call or write. Will give you our prompt attention. 1721 Cuming. D. 2467. Nnrserlea and Beeda. STEWARTS SEEDMAN. 119 N. Hth. Osteopathy. Alice Johnson. 308-9 Brandels The. Dldg. Painting; nmt Paper Ilnnsinir. Tho Globe Houso ptg., paper hanging & dec, satisfaction guar. 1107 Douglas. R.K393. Patents. H. A. Sturges. C30 Brandels Thea. Bldg. D. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Plumbing. Plumbing and heating. Fischer A nell. 1818 William 8t Doug. B7S7. Con- ' Prlii tin it. DOUOr.AH Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. WATERS-nARNH ART Ptg. Co., qual Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 S. 13th. RABER PRINTING CO. Doug. 1018. Sheet Metal Work. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 S. 10th. More nnil Office Klxtorea. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, we sell. Omaha Fixture and supply Co., 414-16-13 8. 12th. D. 2721 Storm Doors nnd Wlndnvrs. Welrlch. storm doors, sashes. HIT N. 21 Tailoring. First-lass tailoring. 8. Kenyon. H. 3937. Trunks nnd Snltoases. FRBLINQ & STEIN LB. 1803 Farnam St Wine and Liquor. ..WiL.I'Pvv sPtlngs beer, liquors, cigars. andwlche.Aex Jete. 20t-3 3. Hth 8t EDUCATIONAL. .H!nN chlropracUc, elocution, French, S! K;w?nlm. etc-!. evening classes b Physician. Address A 216, Care Bee. Y. M. 0. A. Nirrht School Now Classes Opening! Carpenters' Arlth., 3175; Commercial law. tlO: Electrical Testing. 16t: Ele2 ft.. i V ' uiuwing. Si, ??." ngeer,n,ri ?7 Mi ""rinnn. (ukl; I ' U,. ., ? ,m i-uoiio BpeaK- 7r Salesmanship. 825. Showcard X 5ram Engineering. 315; Speed h'jmiu. nrsi Ain tasK). Knroll now. Extra fee of 13 iiniim.n,k.Ni 16 CLASSES OPENED SEPT, IS. NOW la U irnul Hma in T cheorfully answered. Call Tyler 1000. KDUCATIONAL DEPT. 17th A Harney. llnallm....,! ,l.., . Graduates are guaranteed good positions dresa Moaner-Lampman College, 1815 Far- imiii ni., umana. ieu. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. keeping, SUnography. Telegraphy, Clvlt SenMce and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is ready. Call, write or phone for It. Boyles College, 13th and Harney Sta., LIVE STOCK FOR BAMS Horse and Vehicles, FOR BALE Pedigreed horse. Five years old. W, H. Stephen. 2619 Foit St Webster 4169. HEAVY teaming gears and wagons: best makes and largest variety in the city. Johnson-Da ntorth Co., 10th and Jones Sta. Horses. Mules on payment. 2010 Nicholas. LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha St Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they lift it 'n the street cars. Many articles each day are turned la and the company la anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug laa 41 IX)8T-Oold locket, between Wirt and Blnney. on 24th. Return to 2218 Miami St Webster TIM. Reward. LOST Male dog, shaggy-haired Alrdale. answering to the name of "Huss;" wore collar, with 1913 tax tag No. 243. Reward, If returned to Pleasant Holyoke, 3S63 Far nam Bt. rhone Harney 6664. MEDICAti. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarn cures piles, fistula and other rectal dleeaae without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured W.-ite for book on rectal dUeaaea with testimonials. PR E R TARRVA i Bee Bldg . Omaha. MISS r.NETA. nisssage & alcohol tubs, scalp treatment 204 Na 16th. R 9. J Drawn OMDER 'THE ClRCOMWCE iTLt BE kTWOt OH US LllIMCr UADfcR THE 4HE ROOF 4U ylMTER MBD1CAL. Dr. Baker Medical Offices. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South Hth Street. Omuha. Neb. MOXEV, TO LOAN. MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. Nor ton & Co., 333 Board of Trade Building. 6FKERED FOR RENT. Apnrtrneut nnd Flats, Gordon VanCo. Sf: 219 N llth St.. or 210 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 391. 4-r. Apartment $25 Summer, $30 Winter. New, very choice, equipped with gas range, refrigerator, etc., within walking distance, located at 26th Ave. and Doug las; heat, water and janitor service all furnished; Janitor will show you through or call D. 1006. HASTINGS & IIEYDEN. 1614 Harney. 1S07 FARNAM 5 rooms completely mod ern, suitable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst Co., 433 Ramge. Douglas 7406. FOR RENT Four-room modern apart ment. SO S. 2Sth St. H. 4141. Reasonable FREE TO NOVEMBER L Call D. 4512. $20--room flat, 1202 N. 21th St Beautifully papered throughout 6-r., modern apartment 1112 So. llth. STEAM-HEATED apartment of 4 rooms In the Troy, 0000 Harney, to release Oct 1, 1914. THOS. W. HAZEN, 207 McCasue. D. U00. FOUR-ROOM steam-heated apartment; gaa range In kitchen. 2556 Cuming St., 318.50. Thos. V. Haxen, 207 McCague Bldg. Phone Douglas 1300. Furnished Rooms. FURNISHED room for rent In private family, walking distance. 2310 Howard. FRONT room. 2222 Farnam. Doug. 6844. GOOD furnished room, with private family, within walking distance of post office. For further Information telephone H. 3903. SOUTH front Davenport St. rooms, modern. 3026 FOR RENT Large, well furnished room; suitable for gentleman. 19S9 Jones. Tel. Red 7444. Hotels and Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modem, reasonable. Furnished Housekeeping Room. DAVENPORT. 2018-Two nlshed housekeeping rooms. nicely fur- House and Cottasre. T7TTYET TTV Storage and Van Co. Goods stored. A- -A-'a--A J. a. mov.d. nacked shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516. A COMPLETE list of vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rtnt This Is a list compiled dally and can be seen free of charge at 309 South Uth St OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. NEW 5-room, modert. without 2721 Parker. Phone Harney 74. beat T Pi "Rrl aP- c-. furniture moving. ii.ujmi;u Two men n hour D. ou TTmiana in all parts ot the city. nuuaiB Crel8h Son, A CO t Bea migt EIGIIT-room house, modem, for sole or rent. Inquire 1003 Leoivenworth 8t 6109 "UNDERWOOD AVE., Dundee, 8 rooms, new; hot water heat; 800, 1515 HALL AVE. T rooms completely modern, 320. Hall, 433 Ramge Iilrtg. D. FOR RENT. r Modem ten-room house, east front full lot largo barn. Will Vut In thorough re pair for a desirable tenant No. 1122 So. 32d street , 1 10.00 Desirable six-room cottage, east front paved street almost new. No. 136 No. 37th street 327.60 Eight-room modern house, within walk ing distance. No. 2621 Capitol avenue 330.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 722. FOR RENT Two-atory frame dwelling on Cass, near 26th; modern. Crelghton university. Douglas 2320. 9-ROOM house lor rent. Furnished or unfurnished. 190! Wirt Web. C66. MAOGARP VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods and pianos. Douglas 1496. Foil RENT Hlx-room cottage; gas. electricity; fully modern; nearly new; all re papered, varnished and in first-class condition; 2521 Bristol St, one block from car iinr. Call and see It or telephone office. Douglas 20S1; residence, it. iui. House open Sunday after 4 o'clock. E. E. Huntlev. owner. 7-ROOM strictly modem house for rent; reasonable for right party; fur nished or unfurnlshedH nice location; on car Una. Phone D. 5296. 2913 MASON 12-room brick. Suitable for 3 families or roomers. Har. 165a FOR RENT 7-room house, all modem, 3126 Cass street Phone Benson 3a W. 6-ROOM cottage, near car. modern ex cept heat. 1906 Spring. H. 1550. "TthtCK houses. 2616-2616 Dewey Ave.. 1 rooms, modern. 41Ult.ll BTAilU.Tlt.lH V.V., 1616 Farnam St 6- ROOM cottage. U57 No. 25th Ave., 115. 7- room modern house. 2629 Caldwell, Vi. THOS. W. HAZEN. 207 McCague. D- 1300. $35 NEW square house, 6 rooms and re ception nan; entirely raouern; dak finish; walls beautifully decorated throughout; located at 2225 Sherman Ave. First time offered. $20 Six room cottage, all rooms on one floor; modem except heat; east front. paved street; 1618 North 35th St 21 Nice 5-room cvttags. newly papered throughout; modern except heat; nloe yard. 2615 Wirt St. SCOTT A HILL. Douglas 10C9. NOTHING like It: steam heat 4 or 5 o 7 room flats and houses. 220 N. 21d. IKATTH-'l"!. 6-roora modern home, full basement and garage. Comet- ot ttth and Jackson. 54 S. 2Sth St Phone H. ISM. for The Bee by OFFERED FOR RENT. Houses nmt Cottages. S12 H. 2T.t!i Ave.. 6-r., part modern 115 1717 S. loth St. 6-r., part modern 17 2924 Dupont, S-r., part modern 12 14W Westerfleld, 5-r.. city water 9 210 S. ICth St., 4-r., cistern i IS14 Rees. A-r city wnter ! CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 200. COS Beo Bids. 325.00-fi-r., 3510 Jackson St., modem. 23.00-8-r., 2219 Capitol Ave., modern ex cept heat. $25.00-.r. flat. 1615 Howard 8t, modern except heat. 323.00--r., 4313 Charles St., modern, new. 3."M.0O7-r., 3126 Cass St.. modern. 332.C0 7-r., C04 S. 33th Ave., modern. $32.50 S-r., 3027 Chicago St, modern. .Ti.O0-6.r. flat, C42 S. 2Cth Ave., modern. r.C0-8-r., 1S19 Wirt St., modem. 340.00 8-r 3511 Lafayette Ave., modem. 350.00 7-r 3509 Lafayette Ave., new, mod. tra.OO 7-r., S870 Dodge St, mod., garage. $110.00-24-r., 1611-13 Howard St., modem except heat GEORGE & COMPANY, Phone D. 756. 902 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 6- r 1607 Locust, mod 320.00 5-r., 1110 Farnam, mod 18.00 7- r., 939 N. 36th. mod , 25.00 8- ., 2232 Lake St 25.00 10-r.. 1031 8. 30th Ave. mod 32.50 BENSON & MYERS CO.. 421 Omaha National Bhnk. Douglas 7'1 7-KUO.M house, strictly muuet u. Marcv St 830. If. 2705 I Store nnd Offices. STORE ROOMS 1212 Douglas St.. Millard hotel building, fine, large storeroom with basement, 3!0. 1214 Douglas St., adjoining above on the west, fine storeroom with basement, not quite so deep as abovo. 300. Or rent both, together to one party for 31X. N. E. Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts., In Mil lard hotel, fine, large tiled comer store room, with entrance to hotel lobby, ex cellent location for drugs or Jewelry. CIS So. 16th St.. in Rome hotel building, nlcn storeroom with entrance off hotel lobby; excellent location for merchant tailor, 3125. D. V. SHOLES CO 913 City Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug, 49. FOR RENT. 1811 FARNAM STREET 3,000 SQUARE FETT Two and one-half blocks from 16th and Farnam. Ready for occupancy Novem ber 1st. THOS. F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. Douglas 7406. FOR RENT Tho office on ground floor of The Bee building occupied by tho Havens-White Coal company. Frontore on Farnam St and occupying abput l,a square feet, .with extra entrance on the court of the building.' Large vault. Fin office fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. Fell. Bee office. . DESIRABLE two-room office suto In the Continental block, convenient loca tion, good service, 330. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglaa 722. OFFICE and floor space for rent at 1115- 17 Farnam. NEW store building, 26x00. Steam heat 170S Jackson. ' Barn for Rent. F.arn Suitable for ten cars. 2226 Howard. OFFERED FOR SALE. Furniture. FIVE-ROOM flat, complete, new fuml ture. 1110 Farnam, second floor, rear. Tyler 1256. 33M. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale. 3025 S. 21st St. Phone Douglas 6727. Musical Instrument. ELECTRIC pianos, 3125. Ui N. 16th, FOR SALE Instruments, paraphernalia and music for orchestra. Apply Post Exchange, Fort Omaha. Neb. Typewriter. RENT Remingtons. Monarchs and Smith Premlors ot their makers. The Itemlnsrton Typewriter Co., teiepnone Douglas 1824-f Rental credited ir you purchase, and only very' newest and highest grade machines sent out. Rates, three months for 33 for underatroke machines or 83 per month for latest model visible writers. TYPEWRITERS sold and rented every- I where. L. C. Smith 4: Bros. Typewriter Company, 1819 Farnam Bt., Omaha. Neb. TYPEWRITERS for rent: 3 months. 35. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE RENT an Oliver. tytxiwrlter: 3 months. 34. The Oliver Typewriter Co. Doug. 2919b ALL makes typewriters rented and sold, caay terms. Butts' Typewriter Exchange, 1806 Farnam St Douglas 6031. Miscellaneous, FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix ture of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 407-409 a 10th St FOR SALE Four-panel white pin doors. 4-pane window sashes. Webster 4508, 45 00 Buys Best Coal for the money; ;pu.uv L Web Harmon & weeth. lTftll HIT .V 1 . WrtAil nal, . n - formerly used In The Bee business office; viigy. jxyyiy t peg omcc. ee UIQg. T?fTTrV Intr har-.l. fn. .al. A . 1 - Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. make. J. J. Derlght Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam fXV) atovea must be sold In 60 days. D, 1593. Amer. Furn. Co.. 605 N. 16th St GIBSON guitar for sale. 410 No. 16th. top desk. 1 flat top desk. 1 office safe. 1 inutui, 1VII 41. ioin Si. RAT and rabbit hunting ferrets for sale. Henry Burghardt St. Paul. Neb. PERSONAL. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and 8t Mirj'i Ave., where they will be directed! suitable boarding ptares or otherwise assisted. Look for our tratel era' ,nld at the Union station. v THE Salvation Army lndustrialhome solicits your old clothlnc. furlnture. mar. laxlnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone I Douglas 4136 and our wagon will mil Call and inspect the new nome HlO-llir-1114 Dodge St Cliff Sterrett TKE IT PROM ME,, A5HUR., FIERCE 4 "1 PERSONAL. 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge. Marguerite Halloran. maaaage. D. 7781. Miss Fisher, mas., bnth. eleo. treat D. StS. MARS A fili1, Swedish movement 418 Mnnlc'r'g. massage. Miss Debar.1711 DodgT Elect mas'g. bath. .214 Balrd Bldg., 17 A. D. Dyeing switches & hair specialty. W. 2600. MAGNETIC Trt.. 1829 Vinton. D. 6026. REAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract oN flee In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater CITY PROPERTY ITOR hALB. $2,750 and $2,800 Your choice of two splendid five-room cottages; modern except furnace. These) cottages are piped for furnace, which wo will add for 3100 additional. Wo have Just finished them, so they're brand new. and well built Double floors, paper bei tween; tar paper between boxing and sid ing; In fact, built for solid wear and conn fort, of first class materials and bv thnrw ougmy competent carpenters. Parlor an tuning room finished In oak. columns and rtuesiais octween; gooa sizea rooms throughout: two fine bedrooms, with yieniy oi ciosot space; nice uitcnen witn mtiu-in cupooard. stairway to attic, which Is partly floored. Nice large base, ment, fully cemented. East front lots; nice shade trees. Handy to Lake school and Sherman Ave. car. Twenty to twenty, five minutes' walk downtown. Easy terms, SCOTT & HILL Douglas 1009. 307 McCague Bldg John M. Guild Home 1335 So. 35th Ave. A beautiful home of ten rooms, Includ- Ing sun room and sleeping porch, hot water heat, fireplace and finished and. decorated very beautifully; lot 54x130 ft. This Is extra good nnd will go quick. Can be seen any time. D. V. Sholes Co., 913 City Net Bank Bldg. Doug. 43;- New Stucco--$4,500 7 rooms nnd sleeping porch, all modern, bullt-ln buffet kitchen, large basement, located high and sightly and surrounded by new, beautiful homes, one block front boulevard, built by owner for homo. Change of plans necessitates quick sale. Glover & Spain 919 City Nat. Bank Bldg; D, 39621 Dundee Bungalow Large shingle and stucco 5-room bunga low, all modem, beautiful hardwood fin. Ish, bath and bedrooms enameled, fire, place, bookcases, buffet and kitchen cabl. net bullt-ln. It's a beauty Inside and outr" Located on a sightly lot with trees, one block to car line. On Webster St. boi tween 49th and 60th streets. Good terms, Peters Trust Co. 1C22 Farnam St Doug. 898. DUNDEE New, first-class, six-room house, 4941 Capitol Ave., Dundee. Oak finish first floor; birch, second floor; oak floors throughout; living room has beamed ceil ing and dining room has fine fireplace; paneled walls with heavy plate rails and white enameled with tile floors and Keane cement walls. House decorated through- out. First-class plumbing and large JIlli ton Rogers furnace. Conveniently lo-t cated, between car lines. South front lot. W.' H. THOMAS St SON, 228 State Bank Bldg. Douglas 164fr 6-ROOM NEW HOME Entirely modern, oak finish In living rooms, kitchen nnd bedrooms In pine, dandy basement, south front lot, paved stieet. North 24th St car, near school. good location, rnce muu. uraii. BEMJS-CARLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. CONTRACTORS. LOOK HERE) Make ua an offer on two south front lot. 40x20Q each, 170 feet west of 30th SU on Larlmore Ave., only three blocks front the car. Get busy. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Phone Douglas 1781. Big Reduction in Price of New ' Houses I have several newly furnished house ready for occupancy. They are all modem, beautifully finished and In good location. On account of the lateness of the sea son I am going to offer these houses at greatly reduced prices and on easy monthly payments. If you are looking for a bargain In a home, telephone m tonight after 6 p. m. and I will show you the houses tomorrow. Telephone Web. 7112. FOR SALE BY OWNER 13.500 NET. 4919 Chicago street Dundee, 8 rooms, cold sleeping room with heated drvssttul room, open fire place, the real thtngt bullt-ln bookcaies. oak floors throughout oak finish first floor; birch second floor Built for home. If not sold by De. L will rent for 345 per month. Can be seen any time. 11. W. MORROW. rhonea: Day. Doug. 4960: nights. H. SUO.t $1 FOR SALE Several tine ouiiaing lots nir thA .r tin. city water, good lo cation v terms $1 without interest; you can start V build at a- fAAn sata V 1 1 nov i,m . 1 1 JI H If ABIMiR. 101-1I City Nat l Bank Bid. HANSCOM PARK, nest side., s,,,;" rooms, nearly new. hardwood tnalde; hot air, lelrtmv. SSs exceptional location--'ie,',J'e a" niprovement. Duur.ii