Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1913, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. XL11I-NO. 11(5.
Governor Baldwin
Of Connecticut
TT t ct.
Take Action.
HV.11,. TT W.w Rnniol Ohlicrfltinns
acvj.i., v H" " O .
to CongregatlOnanStS.
s j
Methodist Men Declare in lavor 01
National prohibition.
liltcrntttre One of Urcntest 1'itctom
in nvnwrclftntton af World, As
sertion Before Women's For
clgn Mission Board.
KANSAS C1TT. Oct. 30.-A plea for
eugenic marriages by Governor Simeon
K. Baldwin of Connecticut and an ad
dress by Rev. Newell Dwlght HIUIs of
Jlrooktyn, N. Y., on the new social ob
ligations for tho church brought to an
end tonight tho fifteenth triennial coun
cil of tho Congregational churches In the
Vnlted States.
Tho council Is regarded as one of the
most Important In tho church's hlBtory.
3t adopted a new constitution, appointed
a general secretary with enlarged ad
visory powers, brought the eight church
societies directly under the guidance of
tho council and provided for biennial
Governor Baldwin urged the passage
P tn,.. 1 . minitt 1 at n In r.a in tirnlilo
ministers of religion to determine
nre fit before tho ministers perform tho
Dr. HIUIs said:
Wealth Obligation to Poverty.
"The greatest need of this hour in
American society Is the need of minis
ters and parents who will teach this
generation that God is more than gold;
that wealth Is an obligation to poverty;
nnd that from those who have received
much, much will be required.
"There is not one industrial problem
that would not bo solved by the reap
pearance of tho puritan type In our
great railways, banks and mines.
"If the republic Is to prosper, once
again we must produce that splendid
type of 'manhood that can hold our peo
ple back from the trampled cornfields
and from bloody streets and fill the land
not 'only with prosperity, but with
National Prohibition Endorsed,
INpiXNAPOLTB. Ind.. Oct. 30.-A. reso
lution endorsliu- lluMMMMMtlen"rwi
tho campaign of tho National Anti-Saloon
icajjuo' to suppress the manufacture and
tale' of Intoxicating beverages was adopted
by the national convention of Methodist
Men here this afternon amid great ap
plause. The resolution sets forth that "We stand
tor the speediest possible suppression of
all liquor traffic" and that "the only
proper attitude of civil government to
ward anything so harmful as the liquor
trafflo Is thatof absolute prohibition."
3t Urges all Methodists to co-operate In
(ill movements for liquor prohibition.
Literature Great Factor.
TOPEKA. Kan., Oct. 80.-Llteni.ture Is
one pi the greatest factors In the evan
pcllzatlon of the world, Mrs. J. F. Fisher
of Cincinnati said today in an address to
the Women's Forelgng. Missionary society
of the Methodist Episcopal church, which
is In session here. Mrs. Fisher's subject
was "Missions from the Viewpoint of the
Woman Who Writes."
The work of the society In Mexico,
South America and the Philippine Is
lands was discussed today.
Preliminary Sfeetinsr Held.
ASBURY PARK, N. J.. Oct. 39. The de
partment school of methods of the Na
tional Woman's Christian Temperance
union met today preliminary to the for
mal opening of the fortieth annual con
vention of the union here tomorrow.
New Postmaster for Billing.
WASHINGTON, Oct. S0.-Presldent
Wilson today nominated T. C. Armitage,
postmaster at Billings, Mont.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Unsettled; warmer.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday.
Hours. Deg.
6 a. m 22
6 a. m zi
7 a. in 20
8 a. m zt
a a. m 23
10 a. m 27
Hum 1.1
- mt ...,.......... vj
12 m. . , 33
1 p. m 34
2 p. in
, S3
3 p. m
4 p. tn
P P. m
. S7'
. 36
. SH
. U
. 33 1
31 ;
6 p. m.
7 p. tn
8 p. m
Cosaparattre xocal Heeord.' j
1913. 1911. 1511. 1S10. I
Highest yesterday 37 43 40 70
lowest yesterday 19 3 34
iiean temperature a
Precipitation W .06 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature...,..,... 4S
Deficiency for the day...., ,, ,, 18
Total excess since March 1 ....466
Normal precipitation 07 Inch
Deficiency for the day 07 Inch
Total rainfall Isnce March 1.. . 20 JW inches
Deficiency since March 1 6.&S Inches
Deficiency for qpr. perlor, 1912. 2.93 inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1911.11.36 Inches
Reports from Stations at t P. M,
Ftatton and State Temp High- Rain-
oi earner, i p. m.
Cheyenne, snow 28
Davenport, clear 33
Denver, cloudy 34
Des Moines, clear , 34
Dodge City, cloudy 40
lender, cloudy S4
North platte. part cloudy S
Omaha, clear S3
Pueblo, clear 38
Rapid City, cloudy 3J
Salt Lake City, pt cloudy li
Santa. Fe. cloudy CO
Sheridan, cloudy -34
Kloux City, clear 30
Valentine, clear 38
est. fall
33 .01
34 .00
38 .00
38 .00
li M
St .00
4 .CO
37 .00
42 .00
3 .01
68 .03
K .00
36 .02
3 .00
36 .00
X A. WELSH, Local Forecaster,
J. J.McNamara and
Hookin Must Bear
Blame, Says Lawyer
CHICAGO, Oct. 90,-Herbert S. llockln
wns licM to share with John J. McNamara
the whole responsibility for the dynamite
plots by attorneys who argued tho appeal
of the other convicted men before the
I'nitea btaics carcuu court 01 appeals
llockln, sentenced to six years' Imprls-j
onment at Leavenworth. Kan.. Is the only
nn nf ihn thlrlv.thren men convicted at
Jnuianapolls last December wno is serv-
".""" .iuumi-l-. i
Int- Ihn Irlnl )m n-n nf )w.t rtlVlnIT
his co-consplrators and later wns aban-!
I doned bv the other defendants.
Attorney Chester H. Krum. counsel for
Frank M. Rynn and twenty-nine other ap
pellants, asserted before tho court that
it was llockln and McNamara alone
within tho ranks of the Iron "Workers'
union who undertook to destroy by dyna-
mite' the work of open shop contractors.
11 wan ineso mo Rione, .ur. ivrum nin-ui,
who employed Ortlo McManlgal and
James n. McNamara to travel about the
country to blow up Jobs. McManlgat was
a member of tho Iron Workers' union,
but was not an official, as were llockln
and J. D. MoNomara.
These, Mr. Krum said. President Ryan
of" tho Iron Workers' union and tho
twcnty-n'ne other convicted men knew
nothing of the dynamite plots carried on I
secretly by llockln and McNamara, the
Work of Counting
Twenty-five Tons
of Gold Coin Begins
NEW YORK, Oct. M.r-About twenty
flvo tons of gold which lies In the
United States subtreasury In Wall street,
guarded night and day by a small army
of watchmen, with a battery of machine
guns, is being, counted by nine men sent
over from tho Treasury department at
Washington,. Between 2,500 and 3,000
tons of silver also Is being counted, as
well as several million dollars In bills
and a few tons of nickels a,id coppers.
Tho task was begun Tuesday and will
keep ntne skilled men busy for three
week. At the end of that time they arc
expected to Inform Martin Vogel, assist
ant United States treasurer. In charge uf
the New York subtreasury. that he has
$171,103,0.12 of government funds In his
keeping If they "Should report one dollar
moro or less than' this amount thero
would be no rest until tho reason for the
discrepancy was found.
Mr. Vogel took office on Monday and
became responsible for tho money In
tho vaults.
Gray Objects to
Wedding Present
WASHINGTON1, 6ct. 30.-Ilcpubllcan
Leader Mann's plan for subscriptions
from congressmen to a wedding gift for
Miss Jessie Wilson was denounced in the
house today by Representative Gray,
democrat, of Indiana, who said the move
ment was "in exceeding bad tastq."
Gray declared that fe of the meipbers
knew the bride-elect and ho offered a
resolution declaring the members of the
house "Extend to Miss Wilson on ap
proaching the great step In life's highway
their heartiest congratulations and well
wishes as a symbol of the solicitude of
this great nation for the happiness and
welfare of all our people."
No .action was taken on the resolution.
While Gray was speaking he waved a
check for 15, which ho said ho would give
to "some little poor child who at Christ
mas time peers through the windows of
a toy shop."
Nurse is Involved
in Bradley's Death
DENVER, Colo.. Oct. 30. (Special
Telegram. )-Ml88 Louise Hale, also known !
as Mrs. Louise Pusker and as Mrs. Louise
Maxwell Is being held in connection with
the suspicious circumstances surrounding
the death Sunday night of Harry Brad-
ley, a Lincoln, Neb., traveling man, in a
rooming house.
Miss Hale Is charged by women friends
with having given Bradley an overdose
of strychnine, which caused his death.
They also declare that, as In this case,
she volunteered her services as a trained
nurse when a young woman named
Smith died two years ago from an over
dose of poison administered by Miss
Miss Hale, who Is 28, was divorced
from a man named Pusker a few years
ago. She had known Bradley several
years. In her statement to the police
she said sho graduated as a nurse from
Mercy hospital at Des Moines. Her fa
ther, she said, was a newspaper pub-
. . . .. , . ,
i ,1DIler llirro ur vsinecn years.
1 Bradley's body nas been sent to his
home at Lincoln for burial, A post mor
tem examination will probably be held
there to determine the nuantlty of poison
gtvon by his nurse.
Mrs.Henning Takes
Turn for Worse
C1UCAOO, Oct. 30. The condition of
Mrs. John C. Hennlng. chief witness -for
the state in the case of Daniel Donahoo
and Isaac Stlefel, charged with conspiring
to defame Clarence 8. Funk, took a turn
for the worse today. Her physicians told
Judgo Pam that It might be some days
beore she can resume the witness stand.
Reading of transcripts of evidence taken
at the damage suit filed against Funk
by John C Hennlng was resumed.
Judge Pam, before whom the case Is
being heard, baa Informed attorneys for
the defense that he will not permit tho
prosecution to put any witnesses on the
stand to break the continuity of Mrs.
Hennlngs evidence. The Judge also has
Intimated he will not allow the case to
continue unless Mrs. Hennlng'a cross-examination
la completed. Mrs. Hennlng ts
under the care of a physician appointed
by the court after having twice collapsed
while testifying.
Railroad Builder Tells Investment
Bankers Country is Water
logged with Bonds.
Declares Timid Pi
No Hope They Will Put Selves Out ,
of Job by Silence.
Sietv Yorker Snyn Antes Proposed In
Glass Illll Unit! No Iteserrei Pro
vided by Government and
lionned Without Limit.
CHICAGO, Oct. . James J. Hill and
Franklin A. Vanderlip. the speakers to
night at tho banquet that closed the con
vention here of the Investment Bankers'
Association of America, each sounded a
note of warning to the business Interests
ot the country
Mr. Hill, whoso subject
was "Railroad Financing of tho Future,"
declared tM "tho country Is waterlogged
with bonds. Confidence cannot bo re
stored," he said, "until the namo bond has
won back something of Its old standard."
Mr. Hill said that timidity on the part
of financiers was allowing a recession,
to develop. "This Is the tlmo for men
to show courage," he asserted, "If big
men are no willing to nocept their re
sponsibilities they should lay them down.
If responsible men would do their part
tho depression would not last. As for the
politicians, It Is useless to hope that they
will put themselves out of a Job Ty
ktcplng quiet.
Pint Money Peril.
Mr. Vanderlip said that congress was
In danger of saddling on tho country a
ruinous policy of flat money. The senate.
he sold, was hesitating and fearful of
doing anything against the wishes of the
Mr. Vanderlip spoko on' tho pending
banking legislation. "The fatal defect of
the Glass bill," he.snld, "is that It starts
tho country on an issue of flat currency.
Tho notes proposed nro flat notes. They
have no 'reserve whatever provided by the
government and they are to bo loaned
without limit to n number oi'bankn.
"There Is no cuso in all history whore a
nation, has started on an issue of fiat
monr$3 that the result has not been a
complete breakdown of the financial sys
tem of that country."
Mr. Vanderlip urged. Instead of regional
banks, a single central bank owned by the
people. and under government control.
Regipai banits, he said, were dangerous,
as the same climate and crop stresses
would affect the entire region, bringing
too heavy a strain on the resources of
the bank. Competition for reserves among
regional banks and forced Investment by
national banks in regloal bank securities
he also gave as fatal objections. Tho cen
tral bank, ho asserted, met every objec
tion. "I bellove the Intellectual Judgment of
every member of the senate committee,
approves such a plan," said Mr. Vander
lip. "Politically, however, some of tho
members seo serious obstacles. The fact
that the house Is committed to a regional
system is a serious obstacle. The disposi
tion of the president not to consider or
even discuss any Iither plan than the
Glass-Owen bill Is
n obstacle Tho dco-
laratlon of the
laltlMOro convention
against a central
Were It not for Uie
baax Is a difficulty.
three things I have
no doubt the scnat
committee would be
well on their way today toward complet
ing the bill for such a central Instltntlon."
Sesational Charges
Against Receiver
For Coal Corporation
CIIICAOO, Oct. 30. Sensational charges
j wero tiel against Thomas J. O'Gara,
i President or the O'Gara Coal company,
oerore Judge Landls in the United States
district court today.
Tho company went Into bankruptcy six
weeks ago and Judgo Carpenter ap
pointed O'Gara and former Mayor Fred
Busse receivers.
Eastern stockholders, Including Amos
R. K. Plnchot and Albert B. Kerr of New
York City and William B. Kerr of Syra.
cuse, now ask that O'Gara bo relieved as
a receiver and make charges as follows;
That O'Gara Is under Indictment In the
federal court charged with receiving re
bates from railroads.
That the flnunclal difficulties of the
company are due to his mismanagement.
That he diverted funds of the company
to his personal use.
That he has retained 1400,000 due the
company as commissions on the sale of
coal taken from the O'Gara mines.
That he used the company's credit to
borrow money for himself without, know.
edge of the directors. .
- 1 That he Used men anil milnmont r,r
.he company In his private enterprises.
Garrison Released
by Order of Court
NEW YORK, Oct 30. James C. Garri
son, campaign press agent for former
Governor Sulzer, received word today that
Supreme Court Justice Cochrane at Hud
son, N. Y had discharged him under the
sentence for contempt imposed by the
assembly, for Garrison's refusal to testify
In the recent Impeachment controversy.
Mr. Garrison was sentenced to Imprison
ment until the adjournment of the legis
lature, but was paroled in custody of his
Justice Cochraue's decision held that the
arsembly had no jurisdiction to punish
him for alleged contempt before the Im
peachment committee.
air. Garrison said his attorneys had ad-
vised him that he hod a cause of action
against the leaders of the assembly and
that he expected to fllo suit fur damages.
wtpouticians rr -crLM-mu AAjJJtKiKs?
KtAV il I m rj If r SEP) BBW - T J F T1 I f t TSJJJJJ Hi m m
Drawn for Tho Bee by Powell. I
Tom Schumacker, New Head of the
Rock Island, Lived Here.
Prom tho Time He Left Omiihn Un
til Wednesday He linn Been
UoIiir- Porwurd Pnst In
Itnllrond World.
tirrit. r... nt. M mIIim. .via.. 41.k mAtfnrlc
former Omaha boy, is tho chief topic of
discussion. Wednesday tho announce
ment came by telegraph that Schumacker
had been elected chairman ot tho board
of directors and chairman of the execu
tive commlttco of the Rock Island Rail
road company, tho highest office In con
nection with the road.
In 1E90 Tom Schumacker was simply a
clerk In tho offloes of the Kenernl agen.1
of the Union Paclfla at St. Louts. In
1501 he came to Omaha as chief clerk In
the general freight offices of the company
hero. It was then that he began to climb
toward the top of the railroad ladder. Ho
remained hero thffta years and was then
sent to Sou Francisco as general agent
of the company's freight department. A
llttlo while later he was sent to Portland,
Ore., as assistant traffic manager of the
Oregon Short Line, continuing In this
position a couple of years. Then he quit
railroading and accepted the position of
trafflo manager of the Karl Fruit com
pany of California, subsequently tnklntr
a similar position with tho United Fruit
company and going cast. In New York
his work .attracted the attention of the
American Smelting and Refining company
and he accepted Its offer to become Us
traffic1 manager.
While with the smelter people Mr.
Schumacker attracted the attention of J.
C. Stubbs, then trafflo director of tho
Harriman lines and he was called to
Chicago as Mr. .Stubbs' assistant. Re
signing this position, he was elected vlco
president of the Wells Fargo Express
company, quitting to become yjco presi
dent of the El Paso & Southwestern road,
which office he held until going to the
Rock Island Wednesday as Its executive
Mr. Schumacker Is about 15 years old
and is a widower. While In Omaha he
was married to Miss Mary Cotton Allen,
of St. Louis. She died a number of years
With railroad men the election of
Schumacker as the head of the Rock
Island system Is taken to mean that tho
Moore Interests have been shaken out
and that tho Phelps-Dodge syndlcuto,
owners of the El Paso & Southwestern
are In control and that In the future thoy
will be represented by Schumacker.
The Phelps-Dodge syndicate Is the
owner of most of the copper mines and j
properties In Arizona and New Mexico i
and for yearg has had the backing of
Scotch capitalists.
Methodist Men
Object to Report
' INDIANAPOLIS, Oct. 30.-The policy
committee of the national convention of commission which required the oharg
Methodlst men made a tentative report lnK to current expenses of the value of
today, which almost Immediately met abandoned tracks In re-locating lines to
with disfavor at 'the hands of the delu- ovoid grades. He said such a system cut
gates because of many omissions of down the roads' dividends and thereby In
activities of the chureh. jured Its credit '
After continued criticism Bishop W. F. J Representatives of the government de
MoDowell of Chicago, who had read It, I fended the commission In considering such
withdrew the report and the comniltteo I items as depreciation.
began, work on a new one.
Among tne activities urged, not con
talned In the report, ore the hospitals,
superanunated ministers and ministers'
widows. Increase in pastors' salaries, the'
rural church, Sunday observances, plac
ing the bible in public schools and fight
against the liquor .traffic
Bishop Edwin H. Hughes of Han Fran
cisco opposed the burdening of the re
port with details. "I might ask," said
Ui,0 bishop, "that the bishops' fund hi
given attention, but I believe the report
will lose its spiritual force if burdened
I with details,
All Hallowe'en
. . ; '
The National Capital
Thnrsdny, October .10, lf)i:t.
The Senate.
Mot at noon.
Three now bills to regulato opium traf
fic referred to a silbcommlHee.
Banking committee continued working
on currency bill In cxccutlvo session.
Adourncd at 1:01 p. in. to noon Monday.
The House.
Met at noon.
Representative Gray, democrat of In
diana, objected, on tho Pica that It wbh
In "exceeding had tasto." to members of
tllO hOUSA subscribing tn n whilrl tlf Bti I
Adjourned at 12: p, m, to noon Friday.
President and Advisers Are Going
Over Situation.
ProKrom Will Xot llo Announced
Until Arter llranlt of Alleged
ISIretlon la Prnclnlmed
In Mexico.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. - Secretary
Bryan, leaving today to speak In tho New
Jersey political campaign, said there was
no chango In the Mexican situation. Mr.
Bryan will speok in Perth Amboy and
New Brunswick tonight. In Elisabeth to
morrow afternoon and Jersey City tomor
row night. He will return to Washington
Saturday morning and Monday will ad
dress Maryland voters In Rockvllle, Hajf
eratown and Frederick,
That the next stepUn the Moxlcan pol
icy of tho admanlstrhtlon has not been
worked out finally and may not be an
nounced for another week was Indicated
today at the White House.
"It has been necessary," said Chairman
Bacon of tho senate foreign relations
committee, "that the European nations
should recognize the right of the Unltw'
States to deal with the situation. Not
that we have recognition it will take a
little tlmo for the president to work out
tho problem."
Will Walt linerta's Next Move.
The i"oslblllty that within the next few
days a definite announcement will he
mado by the Iluerta government of tho'
result of the election last Sunday. Is hav
InK tile effect of postponing notion b
(Continued on""Iage Two.)7"
; : System of Railroad
Accounting Attacked !
By Kansas City Line
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.-The unJCnnn
' system of accounting established for rail
1 roads by the Interstate Commerce com
mission, was Attacked today before -tho
! supreme court as a veiled attempt to In
! terfere with the Internal 'management of
Hamuel Ui
i rcuuiunj j ii i m3j , .ui me nniiMi n;
Southern, was objecting to the rules of
; Missing Copper
Magnate is round
NEW" YORK, Oot 30.-A telegram was
received here today from William H.
Worthlngton, the wealthy Arizona cop
per mine owner, for whom the police had
been looking for several days. He Is In
Mllford, Fa. His message gave no par-
tlculars, but said he would return here
tomorrow. Friends feared that he had
met with foul ploy.
32S i
Senator from Nebraska Gets Blister
ing Word from Bull Moosers.
Author of Ilenttnclntlon of Ne
hrnsknn'n Support uf Gardner
nf Mnssnohnnetts Thlnlc
" Out Land,
Omhha, nnd, maybe, with ,thr bull
moosers of tho state. A halt dozen of
the leading bull moosers of Omaha con
stituted themselves Into a committee nnrt
sent tho senator a scathing" telegram,
which they predict will burn, lilm alive.
They aro mad bocuuso ho Is going into
Massachusetts to campaign for Gardner,
tho republican cnmlldatn for .governor of
that state. C. A. Bird, a btlll mooser, Is
running thero on a progressive ticket
and tho local bull moonorn feel that Norrls
has absolutely disgraced himself with
all Nebraska progressives by Jumping
Into tho fight In Massachusetts to help a
republican candidate against a bull
moose candidate.
So without calling a meeting ot tho
executive comtnlttoo of the stato bull
moooo committee ; without even calling
the executive committee of tho county
bull moosers, a scant half dozen moosers
hero took It upon themselves to chastize
tho senator.
They got their heads together very se
cretly and no newspaper men nor any
one olso wero supposed to know. Squat
ted around the campflrn wero Nnthan
Merriam, national committeeman ot tho
bull moose party: John W. Towle. who
was a delegate to tho ' progressive na.
tlonul convention a year ago;' Ct D.
Hutchison, an Insurance man; G. L. E.
Ktlngbell, treasurer of the local bull
moosers; John Lewis, chairman of the
(Continued on Page Two.)
Hernandez Will
Start Revolution
in Venezuela
PORT OF SPAJN, Trinidad, Oct.
General Jose Manuel Hernandez, tho ex
iled Venezuelan, known as "Kl Herein,-'
arrived here today from St. Thomas,
Danish West Indies, and was rovelved
enthusiastically by u uumbr ot friunds
and adherents,
"If free elections wero held In Ven
ezuela I. would become; president of the
republic," declared Kl Mercho. "Presi
dent Gomez, by suppressing free elec
tions under the pretense that thn country
j engaged In crushing a rebellion, which
exists only In his Imagination, 'n likely
to produro a conflict"
General Hernandaz was reticent In re
bard to his future. He Is said to be en
gaged In political schemes against Gomez.
' Nothing Is known here regarding The
whereabouts of General Clpriuno Cualro,
to whom Hernandez la also hostile. One
report was that Castro had been as
sassinated, Another was that he wns
lost by tho foundering of his schooner
In the Caribbean eeu
Synod Commends
Wilson's Program
HARTFORD, Conn.. Oct. M.-A rosolu
tlon commending President Wilson's
policy In Mexico, was passed unanimously
by the New England Presbyterian synod
today. The resolution says:
"The synod most heartily commends
the course of President Wilson In his ef
forts, to discountenance the usurpation of
power through assassination and the en
couragement ot constitutional methods of
government In Mexico. As the largest
and richest Christian nation, we rejoice
j In a national policy In harmony with the
spirit of the gospel, which has done so
jinuili for Christian America."
New York Printer Alleges that Con
trol of State Has Passed from
People to Spoilsmen.
It Alleges Impeachment is Illegal
and Void.
Asks thnt Qlynn Be Restrained from.
Acting as Governor.
IlnxlN of Suit ! Hint Men llnve
I'snrpnl Office nnd Converted
Vast rnnds of Stnte to
Their (Inn Use.
Oct $. The conviction
of William SuUcr by the high court of
Impeachment and his removal from offleo
as governor of New York wns thrown
Into tho federal courts for review today
by William II. Moore, a printer of this
city. In a remarkable petition Mooro
alleges that the control of the govern
ment of tho state of New York has pnssed
from the people to a small group Of do
zens, and that consequently Nnw York
Is no longer enjoying a republican form
of government as guaranteed by the fed
eral constitution.
Moore seeks to have tho court enjoin
Martin H, Glynn from exercising any of
tho functions of governor, prays fdr the
restoration of tho office ' to Hulser, t
tnckn tho assembly far arrogating to It
self the power to convene In extraonll
tiary session and pass articles of Im
peachment, and conclude his petition
with a prayer for an audit of all tho
state books.
Snlser Knows Nothing; of It,
Members of the court of Impeachment
Governor Glynn, Attorney General Car
mody, Secretary of State May and Sulxer
himself are named na defendants. Why
Suiter was made n. defendant la not clear
Sulior engaged In tho height of a cam
paign for election to tho assembly on tho
progressive ticket? expressed surprise at
tho filing of the stilt. When reporters
told hint that tho action had been brought
hn said:
"That's thn first I have heard of 11."
Mooro disclaimed any motive for the
aullon othor than Inspired by his duty
as a citizen and a taxpayer.
Shorn ot Its verbiage the petition
charges a certain group of men, consist
Imr partly of Ike defendants nro! portly
ot men unnamed 'with' having obtained
VasY.futtjhf for;- their sole uso uni benefit
Court Declare Invalid.
It I charged that the defendants
"claiming to bo a court of Impeachment."
voted that- William Bulzer "was guilty as
charged In several of tho articles In which
the Impeachment proceedings were based,
and that the defendant Glynn, acting In
sympathy with tho other defendants, took
the oath of office of governor ot tho
stato of Nefy York and wrongfully as
sumod nnd Is still assuming to exercise
all the powers, duties and functions ot
that office.
The other defendants, the petition adds,
aro using all tho power of their several
offices to maintain Glynn as governor to
the exclusion of Bulzer and to Induce
other officials and citizens ot the state
to toso.
Tiw'tcgallty of tho Impeachment charges
alsffls attacked. On this point Moore
contends that the legislature Illegally as
sumed and arrogated to Itself the right
to convene and Illegally "went through
the form of reconvening and passing acts
of Impeachment"
Conspiracy to Loot Treasnry.
The stute's vast expenditures and
many offices attracted the covetoUsness
of u certain group of cltlzons long prior
to January 1, Moore asserts without nam-
tig tho group .thus designated. The ac
tivities of this group, ho continues, wer
lliccted to obtaining control of the pub
lic offices ot tho state.
"To such an extent hove these citizens,
(Continued on Page Two.)
French women believe that
the hat "makes" the coatutne.
It Is this belief that bos led
them to spend bo much thought
on head gear and they stand
pre-eminent In the world ot
Some women have an idea
that French hats are things of
mysterious lntrlcac. Nothing
could be farther from the truth,
fort An tho whole, they are ex
tremely simple.
The only mysterious quality
they have Is "style" and it is
Just this quality that all wo
men desire moat.
Not every woman can buy im
ported hate, but she. can read
about them, see them pictured
or described in the bes( news
papers and when she, has edu
cated her perceptions in this
way, she will be delighted to
find that our American design
ers and manufacturers are
turning out beautiful copies
and adaptations that equal and
perhaps excel the French stand
ard and have the advantage ot
being within the reach ot her
By reading such newspapers
as The Deo carefully she can
not only educate her tasta but
at the same time spare her