THE BEE: OMAHA, TUTKSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1913. I ii A Magnificent Fur Cloak My Own Beauty Secrets f By Anna Held An Out-of-Date Fashion llnp nf thp l.atoct Imnnrtafinnc ftnm ranit Good Teeth and a Pretty Smile as Beauty Essentials Which Still Persists in the Padaung Tribe, Upper Burma I T The must striking feature this season in fur cloaks for milady is the mannor in which leopard skins are WnR tfed to not off the main ma terial. In this plcturo a leopard skin 1 t!rajed over the shoulders, producing on effect that no other combina tion could liopo to achieve. This wrap comes from a Paris fur garment-maker, whfft within the lat two seasons, has Jumped to the front ranks of orig inality In style. This "Is a wrap that will suit any woman, no matter what her size or physical propor tions may be. So subtle, too, Is .the charm of the leopard skin Uiut its color effect seems to blend with any shade of hair. ' r Wireless Telephony j S3? The teeth must be brushed with Home cloanalng and disinfecting preparation every morning and ovuntng. A simple and effective combination Is carbon nnd common soot, rowdcred vltulk and orris, with n lfttle wlnte- itreon powder to sweeten the breath. Is nlso effective. And there are a number of reliable prepara tions on the market. Use a firm toothbrush with hard brls tlcs unless your gums uro very tender, Brush your teeth In the direction awav from the gums up from the lower and down from the upper teeth. Umsh th teeth thus In front and In buck. On tho upper surface of tho teeth uce a lit tlo rotary motion. Keep a supply of dental floss on hand. - a,nd never nllow food to lodge between the teeth. It rush the teeth with clean water of the mouth tempcmlurv after each meal, nnd uo tho dental floss It necessary. Watch tho enamel Tor any crack or stain This may Indicate decay or dam ace of a sort that requires u dentlst'n aid. Ho- careful of your diet. Hweets at tack the enamel of tho teeth and are Hy (JAKKETT P. SKHVIHS. "There Is no longer tho slightest doubt that tho time In coming, and perhaps close at hand', which wo shall habitually talk to one another at distances of hun dreds, or even thou sands, of miles with out the Intervention of any wires con necting the speaker with the hearer. Wireless tele phony Is an established fiQt, but the ap paratus still need j development be foro It can come Into gen eral)' everyday use and. dlsplaco the' ox lstlrig telephonic ys-tenv There Is something wolrdly Impressive In the thought of transferring the feeble human voice over mountains and seas, and making It virtually encircle the earth. Man speaks and his planet hears. At'hls command a little electric demon Iralisforms his voice Into waves that traverse the ether with the speed of light, carrying the voice with them, locked up In'ihelr undulations.- In less than one second and a third they could bear It to the'-rnoop. In about Ihres minutes they could, carry It to -the planet Mars. Here, there, anywhere on tho surface of the earth other little man-made de mons seise upon the speeding waves and Stork and Cupid Cunning Plotters Miay a Nw Home will Hare a Little c 1 la . l - - There Is usually a certain degree of dread Id every woman's mind as 1o the probable pain, distress and dinger of cbild-blrth. Hutr thinks to a most remarkable remedy tnown as Mother's Friend, all far Is bn Ished and tbs period Is on of unbounded, foyfol anticipation. Jfother's Friend Is used externally, It Is a most penetrating application, make the muscles of the stomach aad abdosacn pliant so they expand easily and naturally without pain, without distress and with none of that peculiar nausea, nervousness and other symptoms that tend to weakta tot'prospectlre. mother. Thus Cupid and the stork are held up to veneration; they re rated as cunning plotters to herald the coming of a llttla sunbeam to glidden tho f-tarts and brighten the homes of a host of Jjpjr families'. There are thousands of women who hire used. Mother's. Friend, and thus know from experience that It Is one of our greatest contributions to healthy, happy mother rood. It Is sold by all druggists at 1.00 I'er bottle, and Is especially recommended s a preventive of caking breasts and all ther such distresses. Write to Bradfleld Regulator Co., 131 I-auur Bldg., Atlanta, (it.. Xor their Tery valuable book to expectant mothers. Get K. bottle of Mother Friend to-day. if change them back again Into the human I voice. Was anything equally marvelous j ever Imagined about the powers of the I magicians of oldT The only difference j Is that the ancients merely dreamed, and we first dreamed, and then acted. The Imagination Is the prime motor for both, j but they saw Its pictures) without an ef fort to transform them Into realities, whilu wo liave made them substantial by the nld of science. Many Inventors are working upon the problem of malting wireless telephony at rrrcat distances commercially successful, ( it Is probable that several different sys I terns will be perfected, but the base of i all Is tho same. It Is always the elec 1 trio waves that carry the Impulses trans .mltted from tho human organs of speech, ready to be retransformed when they reach their destination, into articulate words. The difficulties an purely mat- ters of detail. There- are American terns. German aystema, French systems, Italian systems, and all of them are tnoro or less successful. As far as I am aware, the record of distance at present Is held by Mr. Vannl, the director of the Telegraphic Institute of Rome He has transmitted human speech by electric waves from Home to Biclly and from Home to Tripoli, acrosr the Mediterranean sea. The greatest dis tance yet" attained by him Is 1,000 kllome-ters-about S miles. For shorter dis tances the transmission Is easy, not only by his apparatus, but by others. One curlovsj fact about wireless telephony Is that It carries the voice al most Infinitely quicker than it could be transmitted by soUpd. provided that round could be heard so far. A sound wave would require more than three, quarters of an hour to go 600 miles through the air; an electric wave goe that distance Is one-three-hundredths of a second. Practically we may say that lha transmission Is instantaneous. The isms thing Is, of course, true of Pimple signals transmitted by wireless telegraphy. They could go round the ' earth In about one-seventh of a second. jThis fact Is about to be taken advantago of in order to ascertain more accurately than it 'a known at present the longitude ibf Washington. Beginning In October thls year, and continuing until April 'next, signals are to be exchanged for hls purpose between the ptffel tower In Paris and the Naval Itadlo station at , Arlington, near Washington. These slg. nale will probably traverse the Atlantic In about one-fiftieth of a second. . Already the time signals from the Eiffel tower are receLved by ships far out on the ocean. But these communlca ! tlons. which enable the navigator to de J termlne Ills longitude with hitherto unat- lalnablo accuracy, will surety seem far more wp.nderfjU. when. Instead of mere telegraphic, dots and dashes, the captain bf a ship In mid-Atlantic hears a voice from Paris, dropping down out of the Wuc and eeylng, as If the speaker worn close by his ear: "Twelve o'clock at the Eiffel tower." But we quickly become accustomed to marvels when they are of everyday oo urrenre If we did not, we should be wondering at ourselves all the while. Our j bodies are as amazing as wireless tele- pi-onj and our m rids infinite y more nmazlnff Miss Held' Hmllo nnd Her Pretty Teetli. (Heading "Anna JlWd's All-Htur Varlete Jubilee," Under Management of John Cort). Copyright, 1913, International News , . . Service. v . . . Have you the courage to smile? I do not ask. "Have you tho disposition to smlle?"for every 'woman has the disposi tion to smile. Every woman has the knowledge that a smile radiates light over hrr whole face. And every woman smiles 'if only she has good teeth to give her the courage to smile and show them. Even, white, well-cared for teeth. They add charm to a charming face. Thoy even, make you forget Irregularity of feature and flaws In coloring. Come, "madam, confess, have you given your teeth the care they deserve? And mademoiselle, be warned before It is too late. Your teeth are one of your great beauty assets. But they are perishable, they ara easily flawed, nnd .they will repay you measure for measure for either neglect or care. Do you know one reason why the peas ant woman and the middle-class "hour geoslr" of my own country fade so early? It Is because In youth they have spark ling girlish faces lit by smiles and flash ing teeth. Soon decay takes Its toll the teeth be enmo yellow and broken! thoy fall out from ill use and neglect. Tho cheeks be come hollow when tho foqth support Is removed; tho pretty facial curve Is lost and a smile bocomes Impossible. Now the first .rule to follow In caring for your teeth Is to have them examined by a reliable dentist every six months. Whatever sacrifice of luxury this means, you shduld stll adhere to this rule. A tiny cavity can be rilled painlessly uud cheaply and a tilling In time saves the tooth. So consult your dentist regularly and save big cavities in teetli and pocket book. Don't fear a toothache that Is brought on by work in the dentist's choir. If vlslblo decay starts attend to It at onco. Jf no decay Is visible or can be felt with the sensitive tonguo tip, it Is still h necessary precaution to visit the dentist twice a year. Ufe peroxide to disinfect the mouth and lips a.nd allow no soreness to persist in either place. Absolute cleanliness In and about the mouth cavity is as Important as Is every other sort of bodily cleanli agents for rapid decay. The slightest crack In the enamel utlows decay an en tering wedje. An overabundance of any one princlptn In the system Is Inadvisable Too .much acid or too, much alkallno matter will In jure the teeth. The dirt ehould counter act this. If you aro a gourmet and cannot resist tho delights of the menu, find out if your mouth is over-actd or over-alknilne. For tho acid mouth, bicarbonate of soda and water will mako a counter irritant, mouth wash. ' For the alkaline mouth vlnegur has beon used with good results I recommend carbon and common soot as u tooth cleanser, since I have used them for years, and my teeth are white and mine own. And lis the final aid for teeth I recom mend fresh air. Ijet us return to our be ginning a smile. Smile If you have good teeth and smile because It Is good for your teetli. It gives them a chance for the cleansing, renewing, growing power of fresh air. Ho, chere amies, here Is my slogan for beautiful teeth: Have tho courage tit smile for your teeth's sake and have teeth that will give you the courage to smile. The Girl Who is "Knocking" Hy I1EATWCK FAIRFAX. "Do you think a girl who talks about her friends is a girl to trust? "My best, friend has been talking about me, and now she wonders why I don't want her for a friend any more. "She says she didn't mean any harm but somehow I can't feel tho same to tier. "Do you blame me? She has been a good filend. She took care of me when I was ill, and once she lent me money; but now I do not want to think of that "What do you think about It all?" Talk about you, does she! Well, what crime Is that? Who aro you that you shouldn't be talked about, pray, and what did the "false friend" say auy how?" Did she Just say that you were ex travagant, or that you dyediyour hair, or (hat the new dress you are so proud of It your last year's turned? What of it f she did? Why shouldn't she say any or all of these things If they happen to be true? Do you think you ought to sit some where on a pedestal and have every one glad to merely gaze upon your perfec tions, and let 't go at that? You see their faults plainly enough, don't you? And whisper, don't you ever speak qf thorn once In a while? Honest and truly now; think back. Didn't you ever "talk about" this friend .In particular, In no very particular fashion? So she took care of you when you were 111, and she lent you money and now you don't want to see her Vny more. But. my dear ohlld, you can't do that sort of thing, you can't really not and respect ourself at all. What she did Is jxist. Your memory of It Is not past, is It? When you take favors like that from a friend, you may let the friend forget you can't. She looks ugly to you now, does she? Well, how did she look the day she lent you the money? Tell me tliat. And whisper, who told you that she "talked about you" nd how do you llko the person who did It? Trust her again, I'd trust her twice as far as I'd trust the one who told me what she's said, or Idnted It, which Is twice as bud. These people who whisper to you, "I hate to hurt your feelings, but you ought to know." and then tell you a whole lot !of stuff that you ought not to know at Of course you have faults, and of, all -I wish I could take the whole bunch ccurse your friends see thoso faults, too. of them and lead them to the edge of the wny not,- ito you want mem all to be Battery and ste what would happen- bv nd Just o pla-e 'Wen the ru saw them, Stick to the friend wh6 stuck to you, little girl, and If she "talks about you," why, give her something -to talk about, something ploasant and good, and see If he doern't talk a whole lot more and be happy. The ladles of tho HiirincHo tribe of I'adauiiR appar ently Fttill persist in nnd, In fact, t one better than tiio fashions lit neck ndorn ment that pre vailed over hero ten years ago. The nlm of the women of the tribe Is to elonRntn the neck ns riucli bn possible, nnd to effect this a fcmalo child has n. hrnsH vrlro collar fitted round Its nock, to which addltinnnl rings nro ndded an tho yearn o by until she Is fifteen, when she Is valued by tho lengU of her collnr and purchased m a wife hy n "Iwan" of tho villuire. (Jlrls witJi necks of over n foot lonK aro not mi common. The modern V-shaped low neck, how ever, In making Its Influence felt, below tlio collar oven In Iltirma, as may be seen In tho photograph. Science Questions By EI)An IjUCIBN IiAIIKIN Question-It Is thought that In spaco eternal cold and darkness prevall-what then Is the explanation of the fact tlmt both light and heat from the sun, some 50,000,000 miles away, In cold space, reach tho earth? Answer Heat and light as such do not reach the earth from our own and 100, 000,000 more suns, IUdiant energy Is transmitted by undulations or waves In electrons, which energy is In the forms of waves of varying Isngths and ampli tudes. "When romo of these energy Im pulses Impinge on matter able to receive and appropriate them heat and light re sult. Many molecules In many thousands of kinds of matter are able to translate energy waves Into heat, while others are translated as light on the retina of tho eye and in the brain. But no heat or light dovelopes until the waves strike forms of matter fitted to receive, ap". proprlsto and translate. Thus energy will pass through a "burning glass" made of Ice, converge to a focus, and set light objects on fir. Q.-Ifas It been practically proven that ether does not exist? If nothing exists but electrons, and these are relat ively far apart, ,how can the various waves of heat, light and electricity, of such different lengths, be transmitted therein? , A. It has not been proved that other does or does not exist. But the capital discovery of electrons and the study of their properties, these and more, seem to meet all requirements of physicists, In transmissions of space waves of all known kinds, lengths and rates of un dulation, and their terrlflo speeds. If electrons could by any human means Jmposslble, since they repel be forced to lie side by side, then a row one Inch long would contain X2,TOO,000,000,000. The shortest space wa,ves so far detected by the most delicate photography are 261.000 to an Inch. Omit the twelve trillion, then there would still be' 700,000,000,000 electrons In the linear Inch. Then the line In space Gone IJy CON8TAX0K CLAIIKK. Little dead baby bo etill and so cold; Little whlto baby with ringlets of gold; Wee waxen fingers half clasping a toy, lOyellds tight closed on the world and, its joy Over tho hills where the dark shadows creep, Stilled In the valley where baby souls sleep, Littlo dead baby so still and co cold, Little white baby with ringlets of gold. ' Wee Ilttlo grave at the end of the lane, Shut 6ut ulone with tho pattering rain; Kose petals blown from the bush at the gate Drift through the garden and settle in state, Dusting the ground with a coverlet gay, One rosy spot In the gloom of the day . Wee little grave at the end of the lane, Shut out alone with the pattering rt. :J Is almost empty, But ths wave would find enough spaco electrons the actual ethei to transmit its Impulse the enor' mous number 5.740,000,000. What then shall be said of the huge number of elec trons met and moved In the shortest Vlsl blo waves of light, 93,009 to the loch, or longest visible, 23,000 to one Inch? Elec trons dispersed throughout all that part of the sidereal universe, whose outlying suns are so for away tlint their Images, much smaller than needle points, tax the most powerful tele-cameras to re veal on sensitive plates, meet all physi cal requirements of any Democrltls, to Newton, Dalton and ether Imagined from Leuclpplm and Mlchclson, to Thomson and Ilutherford and to Madam Curie. 86 as I I I I A Serial Leader's Advice to a DsWtaaie "Remember, my dear, Good Teethkeeping means good health and wlr.wing smiles both indispensable to social success." Rely on the habitual night and morning use of Htl IlasTMsW'asV I UI.LUII3 1 PERFECT Tooth Powder PitpartJfor neariy half a century ly a Doctor of Denial Surgtry. Cleanses the teeth by the harmless method of polishing. Dr. Lyon's is iaft. It is a smooth, gritlesa powder which prevents the formation of tar tar and the beginning of decay. Teach your children to use Dr, Lyon's night and morninf; above- ali at night. Tbk will insure them against future tooth discomfort and prove the best safeguard to their bealtaJ What Dr. tjwn's fMf not do mnly yur dta titt It corastaU ( J. Are you reading Dr, Lyon's magazine advertisements!