Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Jtraaining Winners in Land Drawing
at North Platte.
1,1 nt or Thntr WIiom Xmr Hare)
Ileen .SMrrlnl Kllsrtble to
File on tfarm I.nniU In
Wen It
(Continued from Poae One.)
1,10. Kdwin F . lyers. Hrokcn How,
Neb. i . .
1.109. John Dale, route 4, Bertram!. Neb.
1.110. Oscar K lluesman, 7 West Col
fax street, Denver, Colo.
1.111. Henrr Hchrlade, Station A, Kansas
City. Mo. ,
1.112. J. D. Bowlcy, 5nS R street, tlroken
How, Neb.
1.11. It. S. Sander, riarlon. la.
1.114. Henrr Schulw, Olpe. Kan.
l.HS. Charles A. T. Martin, U14 South
Seventh street. Lincoln, Neb.
1.116. Otto Templen, route i, mason uuy,
UK. C. II. Rchouley. 407 Uncoln avenue,
Norfolk. Neb.
MIS. J W. Devore. Tort Jtoriran. Colo.
LIV. W. II Itanuolpli. route 8. Kearney,
J,13a J. O. Hamburger, Harvard. Neb.
1.121. Peter Keck, Prairie Home, Neb.
1.122. Clarence O. I'otter, Thurman, la.
l.isa. winter r, -Murpny, licrtranu, isro.
1.124. Cliarlea U tihunrk, Kenesaw, Neb.
1.125. J. n. Marvel, IlenedlcU Neb.
1.128 F. K. Culver. Albion, Neb.
1J27. Albert II. t,udwlg. 7131 South
Tenth street, Uncoln, Neb.
J.lffl. Mrs. Jessie Scott, 923 York street,
Lawrence. Kan.
1,19. John 8. Vouehnnl. Ord, Neb.
1.130. Frank J. Merriam. Wakefield,
1.11. William Murfln. Wrw. Colo.
1,132, Joe H. l'elti!, Unwood, Neb,
1.123. Charley Bnlder. route 2. Pattoru
burtr. Mo.
1.131. Victoria M. Ussy. Crab Orchard,
US. Olwl Mlener Wl, 320 North Forty
fifth street. Omaha, Neb.
1.136. Henry It. Welshanns, Klllman,
1.117. II. W. Gilbert, Kast Peoria, la.
UK Arthur Ilhln. llavenna. Neb.
1,119. Adoway H. Jacobs, O'Neill, Neb.
U40. Justa Olena Wood, Weat Lawn,
Grand Island, Neb.
1.141. Ilurton C. Hoffhine. Rhetby, Neb.
1.142. II. C. Todd, Wells, Kan.
1.143. A. EL Anderson, route 1, Btatn
ferd, Neb. 1
1,111. (1. A, Manlon, Oconto, Neb.
1,145. Charles "V1 Newman, Kabctho,
1.14. John Mi Tost, route J. Culver, Kan.
M47. Raymond El Waller, 302 WesL
Williams street. Denver, Colo.
1,14. John Mury. Bee, Neb,
Lie. Charley Hliamls, 1122 Avenue O,
Kearney, Neb. .....
MM. Frank Koctn, route 1 Leigh, Neb.
l.lil. Fred II. Douglas, On), Nel.
1,152. T. O, Webb, Odessa, Neb.
LIU. C F. Dalley. Salomon. Kan.
1.1&4. A. F. Richardson, Turin, la.
L1G5. J. 11 Isriy, ltenson, Neb.
1,184. It. II. Bhowell. Central City, Neb.
1,157. Otlft Wollen, Wllsonville. Neb.
1.IM. Charles H. Fulton. Loup City, Neb.
Ll. Relmer Orube, Upland, Neb.
1,190. Andrew Townsend, route 1, t
I'&ul Neb
William 8. Klhrore. SIS AYest
(Division street, Grand Island, wen,
. . .... A Unirtafir Mmv
vision siren, urnuu i.iwim. ",'".,h
1.1S2. Joseph A. MoKeefer, Maryvllte. Mo,
l ie J. W. Deeter. Norcatur, Kan.
L1C. J. W. Deeter, Norcatur. Kan.
U64. II. F. Flefcr. Button. Neb.
H. Adolph E. Oonsaulus, Oothenburs;,
H(W. Albert II. Sllllpson. Holbrook Net.
11C7. Robert Hughes, WlrtsMe. JcW
U. Art Htcplienaon. Calliiwrjy; Nebi
lit. Fay O. Finch, ArnsM Neb.
1170. J. M. llenver. Wsmew, Kan.
lHL D. II. Hwltscr, rme , Wep!nif
mx'ilarvey Ii Blmpwn. llardwku,
1172. V. D. Moore, Beatrice. Neb.
ilk Phillip Jacob, Hayes City. Krt.
J1JB, J. noip'-K, Woodbine, id,
lift. August' fitelnborn. yaW J'nn
cheater, Knn. . A ,
110. W. H. Wester, Cheroe, la.
U4. A. D. Haunt. .Kimball, Neb.
IK, Thomas J. Calttll. Arnold, New.
111. Roy Helm. Uerryton, Kan.
im. W. IL Hammond, Uroken llow,
Nn. Thomai V. Uritt, Rurwell. b.
ijlij. aeorge Trimmer, route 1, Ueimb
"llM. Fred J. Huiscll. Mwon Clty.-Nib. .
1191. Fred A. Tlmpke, route (Kloren
tine). Grand Island. Neb,
R92.Robn. Carlyle, Twenty-flftU and
Mtfson street's, apartment (. Omaha. Neb,
ItSJ. John nornekc, North Platte, Neb.
m. C F. Ktnert, Grand Island, Neb.
Hi. 8. R. lU-lsurc. Oskaloosa, la.
il Charles Madsen, Btir route, Chap
PflL Neb.
at HMd Disorders
A Rtmttly Tht Hat Shown
a Mot RtMiarkftUa
Punfyinf Elfoct
It XMt Tea Can Gt TtlJ f W.otui
6. B. S.
TrantilM 1
The word Medtcine la one of the most
aliuaed In our language. There are cer
tain medicinal properties Just as neces
sary to health aa the food we eat. Take,
lot example, the well-known medicine 8.
B. 8. This fasaous blood, purifier con
tlns medicinal components Just as vital
an4 essential to healthy blood aa the ele-
mfnta of wheat, roast beef, the fata and
IbO" sugars Hut make up our dally ration.
as a matter oi fact, mere is one m-
Krcdlent In 8. 8. 8. which serves the
active purpose of stimulating each cellu- j
lor part of the body to the healthy and ,
, .. i i i . i I,. . . i .. i i
blood supply; why it has such a tremend-
ot Influence in overcoming- Rheumatism. I
nn u iiw BiuiwiHi uu luictimtt, '
skin eruptions and all blood troubles.
jApd In regenerating the tissues B. 8. 8.
has: a rapid and posltlvo antidotal effect
upon all-those .Irritating- Influences that
C4us sore throat, weak eyes, loss of
wlerht. Ihlrv pale, cheek and that weari
ness of .muscle and nerve that leads so
many people Into the dangerous path of
stimulants -and narcotics.
Get a, bottle of B. 0, 8, at any druc
store, and In. a few days you will not
tny fe,l brbjht and. energetic, but you
will be the picture of new life, 8. 8. S.
Is prepared only In the laboratory or The
Swift Bpeclfio Co., 2i Swift Uldg At
lanta. O,, who maintain a very efficient
medical department where all who have
ny blood disorder of x stubborn nature
may conuK freely.
E, H. 8. t sold everywhere by drug;
storec depart SMBt aa4 general stores.
Don't yernk anyone to sell you a sub
stitute. Inatst weon 8. 8. 8.
Ayers Sarsaparitla
Bum tWgfcskai glaUAgaAa
rsSess. gewvBga B9gsgagBVg grw
sBgagaja ISBsRsgVggM m gssVssWslssffVa
4g l ' 4Jgw 'asUl '
sVgl MT MgffV
Aafc Yr w
1197. Ilert nirkett. ftea, Neb.
1198. John II. Pennum, S North Tenth
street, Lincoln. Neb
1ID9. Morris Wilson, route t, Kearney.
120). W. W. MoMlllon. Marjuvllle. Kan. John Schlndlcr. Ooodland. Kan.
1.202. Kdna Jacoosen. jimken Bow, Neb.
l.JOJ. John FJvans, Lon. la.
LI. .1. J. Jones. 2119 b'hennan avenue,
Omaha, Neb.
LSOCi. Mora A. Dobal. 1224 1C street. Lin
coin. Neb.
1.206. Lewis J. Larson, Lincoln, Neb.
1.207. P. H. Htephens, Overton, Neb.
1.208. R. II. Richardson, Downs. Kan.
l. Relnhold Harms, Hoeklns, Neb.
1.210. Chris Valentine, Hastings, Neb,
1.211. Harry W. Clark. Dunning. Neb.
1.212. R. o. Allen, Hradshaw, Neb.
1.213. George Hufforil, )7 lllalne. Hold
tcKe, Neb, Mark G. Taylor. 027 Kansas ave
nue. Atchison, Kin.
1,215. Carrol vAkIiii, I.oomls. Nb.
1211 Irvln V. Lld, 6U South Twenty
sixth avenue, Omaha, Neb.
1217. It II. Wtillitms, Tryon. Neb.
12!K. Myra K Kilre. Ioup City, Neb.
1219. Clyde 1'. Clark, 2213 Garrison ave
nue, HioiK City, la.
1220. Charles Mnln. mute 2. fiearsboro.
1221. JoKcnh B IlIAke. route 3. Tecumseh.
1222. O. C. Wamberr. Norfolk. Neb.
1223. John II. Dempster, Irnar, la.
1224. It. U, Simmons, McCook, Neb.
12. Perry Sherard, Maysvllle, Mo.
1226. J. II Ureedlove. 1 Parle Circle,
Council Rlutfs, In.
""'. at, ciu.tit,, i ohi tiu,
1W9 Il,i,rnnl U-1-. XXJtm
1.229. Miss Utile Finney, 221 Kast Bee-
1.230. Thomas Thomsen. Mlndon. la,
1.231. lister II. Sawyer, R. F. U) 2,
uioomrieia, nen.
1.232. William Peterson, Sairent, Neb.
1.233. Krnest V. Kills, York. Neb.
1,214. John Hlffar, Kennard, Neb.
1.23S. Roy Owens, Missouri Valley, Is.
1.23, C. A, Granger. Comstoek. Neb.
1,237. Katherine Klddoo, Smith Center,
1.23S. fSeorge Tliompson. Plcemont, R D,
1,229. Georxe Fitstribbons, S. Ann. Neb.
1.240. Alvah It. Park, 1306 Knox avenue,
Lincoln. Neb.
1.241. William Carmady, Norden, Neb.
1.242. II. 11. Morgan. KIlKore, Neb.
1243. J I. Martin. Coin, la.
1214, O. Laveck, 1321 Avenuo D, Council
Dluffs. la.
124T.. K.rnh C Campbell. Kmerson, Neb.
124S. Put Mcltugh, 623 Maple street,
North Platte. Neb. .
1247. C. I'eterson, Fort Crook, Neb.
fclrrrt, Fort Dole, la.
jiis. Aiae won en, Kigin, nro,
12TA Josenh Belbold. S32 Willis street
Council lifuffs. la
1Z5J. imn i''cnstermacner, ccaar uiuiri,
1252. Leo It. Wilson, Splckard, Mo,
1253. Alba M. Wiley. Wewelu, H D,
12G4, A. U. Chase, Hprinrview, Neb.
1 Riley O. Ader, Vivian, S. I.
1254. Arthur Lutman. Union Pacific cora
mlislrr, Omaha, Neb.
1237. Chariea J. Janaa. iw tsi i.ouis ave
nue, Chtcaxo, 111. . .
125S. t. j. carison, wufU'eu, ieo.
12C9. John A. Jobe. 1721 South Ninth
street. Omaha. Neb.
120O. Matt U, Donovan, SMiThlrtV-elRhth
Place. Chicago. Ill,
12C1. M. N. Harvey, Cawlf-r City. Knn.
1283. Fay Wt Franker, 1320 Teas! street,
Lincoln, Neb,
I2C3. Fred Noren, rou(e 2, Scottsv'llo,
1284. Samuel Fluton, Alma. Neb.
IMS. Alvln Non.i. ScottaYllle, l.'an
1208. J. F. Kdle. Klwood, Neb,
127. H. A. Wlnslow. ISsbsn, Kan.
126S. Peter Grant, SOlt Oellfontun Ivan
ssa City, Mo.
1269. J. II. lSvalsn.1. Carter. R D.
1270. W. W. Olds, Custer, a D.
1271. J. E. Ault, 113 West Rlghtrenth,
University Place, Neb,
1272. J. L. Bhutnaker, Wray, Colo.
1273. II. J, tiouthworth, Ploasanton, Neb.
137. Richard M. Wright, 1)16 North Jack
son street, Pratt, Kan,
127R. W. L. Htinsmah, Henkelman. Ne j.
1276. John R. Strevt, Broken Row, Neb,
1277. Homer W. Hughes. Loup City, Neb.
1278. K. II, Spencer, Palisade. Nob.
I,l. Herman Wllklni, 1727 West Third
street, Grand Island, Nob,
1,666. G. H. FeMterllngf, Valentine, Neb.
i,m.' Dert BeeeM,' Juteaberr. oCt,
1,604. Normal Hall, Ooloms. S. D Route
No. 2.
"1.(09. John Multrrue, Ulysses. Neb.
'1,896. Albert K. Loock, Spenoer, tNeb,
,.UW. BlbaTtlien, Oerlng; Neb. y
1.60S. Anna! Kng wtan, .Crter H, p,
l.ft. J, Hi Pknk, lkl Fifth
!KeaiT.ey, Neb,
F. M.
Torrv. Wltehell. Neb.
1.611. K. S. Hlnsley, Cook, Neb., Route
No. 1.
1.611 R. W. Smith. Maple hotel. Has-
lings, Neb.
1,(13. Druce 10. Thompson, (20 South Den
ver street, Hasting. Net).
1,611. C. It. Valentine, Fairfield, Neb.,
Route 1.
1,616. Poter A. Flnlgan, Havelock, Neb.,
dx 40, Route No. 3.
1.616.. 10. D. Winner,' Keneaaw, Nelx
l,6lTJacoh Itoerven, .Durham. Kan,
1.CIS. Charlrtf It. Martin, 311 I!ait High
Itreet, Jefferson City, Mo.
1,619. Walter 1L Mary, Oconto. Neb,
1.G24.W. M.OUlsy. -Clinton, III.
1.C2L Fred l Wecjts, 6303 Arbor" street,
Omaha, Neb. n :
1.023. Alex Vallso, Desota, Neb.
1.623. Kmest A. H&ack, W Weet Pllh
street, Qrand island. .Neb.,,
L624. V. J. Xhni: Spalding. Neb.
l.CJ. Henry F, Itolscher,' Uertrand. Neb.
l,C2ft. R, O, Severln. I'rlncelon. Neb.
l.7. Fobert Martin, isti North Thirty,
eighth street, Omaha. Neb.
1.621. Richard Trcbue, IOC It street, FalM
burv 'NtU. , .
I.C29. VlctoV V L nstedt, Bdx 335, ilaVt
Wk, Neb;
LWO, W. 11. lape. llalril, Neb.
1.63L O. M. Roles, Mooretleld, Neb.
1,632, Roe Rass,
LCJ2. C. J. Gelsef, Round Valley. Neb.
1.611, Alva C. Martin, Atlanta, Neb.
1,63!. J. Jf MeColloch. Wolbseh
1.636. O. V, Hollen, Iodffiole, Neb.
USS7. J, O. Cerven, Crab Orchard, Nb.
1.C3S. George A. Zontniyer, (14 West Sixth
streeU North Platte. Neb.
1,630. Phtll Reeholer, Callaway, Neb,
1.640. C. J. Tiller. UasHett. Neb.
1.641. Plato Motintloy. Cedar EMte, Colo,
1.642. William H- Moore, Central CTty,
1.641, John K Tanks. 1W1 IJoulh Twenty
third street, Lincoln. Neb.
1.644. Claude DaVls. Gordon, Neb.
1.643. a W. Tupper, Anselmo. Neb.
1,646. It. II Groves, Kranklln. Neb.
1.617- K. C. Fletcher. 1119 Kast Fifth
utreet, arand island. ?eb.
l.ctt. Kdwin Berg-, Uray, Neb.
1,649. Earl Daub, care Q. W. Fo
Sargent, Neb.
L(WX Kmest Pcherbart. Rurwell. Neb.
1.661, Arthur W. Denack, Jefferson Bar
racks, Mo.
1.662, M. II. Iteonurd, Ilelowe. Kan.
l.dTA O. M. Isom. Itobanon, Kan. '
1.C64. Thecdore J. mishern', 620 K Pine
kireet, Grand Island, Neb.
U6io. II. c. Hmitli, Downs, Kan., Routo
No. 1
l.KW. D. I. Wl)klns. Gothenburg. Kan.
LGG7. Ren Carney, Blomlnston. Neb.
I.rti. P. C. Iierireti. Naplervllle. III.
l.ct. It. 13. Kutberlaml, Clarlnda, la,
l.COX Martha M. Steele. Valley, Neb.
1.W1 William Hagernian, McCool June
i lion. Neb.
l1roken llow. Neb.
l &sl pavtd D Hubert, Hamoton. Neb.
l tr,i Ans Mlrr Humphrey. Neu.
1.4KS. J. A. D Ilardeltben. 901 North Six-
leenth strt. Uncoln. Neb.
LfOi Anna Whealen. Oconto, Neb
1.66T. John W Adams. North Tlatte,
Neb.. Route No. 2-
LOSS. U. Q. Toippklns, Nordon, 8. D.
t.63. Oliver K. Coon. Norden. Neb.
1.67a R. I. Tanna, 2410 Dodge street.
Oman. Neb,
1.671. Theodore Moss. Atkinson. Neb.
1.CT2. Roy Golden. Norway. Neb.
1 C7J. G. J. Aopelbere. Alliance, Neb.
1.674. C. R. Shelley. Kalrbury. Neb,.
1.676. George K. Hall, 216 Bast Sixth
street, H'oux Cttv. Ia.
1.67ft. John A. Uechtel. MtlU, Neb.
1677. Frank C. Krenxlen, Clearwater,
1.67s. J. 1). Ryle. 5K Totored street, Al
liance, Neb.
1.67ft. Ell Caffrey. Orleans. Neb., Route
No. 2.
l.m Carl Schick, North Platte. Neb.
Route Na 1
L6IL Ed L. Babbitt, 90S West Sixth
street. North Platte, Neb.
1 651 Henderson a. Waggoner, Elba.
1 SKt. 1, R. Copeland, Gibbon. Neb.
ISU. E. 1 McGovenu 232 West Fourth
nne Denver. Colo.
1 Jhj Lovelady 4216 Grand avenue
0h Neb.
IW F41r, iSrhneidee Acer" v 8 n
irr t H n--K Altlnsort NeK
1 & Fdward N Allen, 14 J Atldand
treet, St Joseph, Ma
l.fiM). Bugene C. Rotty. 11 Thlrtl street.
t-.uroiK, ieo.
1.6MI Cnrlvle HruneAU. Jefferson-. H. D.
1,691. F. J. Ulensr. 1033 West Sixth street.
torm I'iaue. Web.
1.692. Harn- Whltaker. Wllber. Neb.
1.693. Angellne G. Parker. 412 West
i wenty-nlntli street. Kearney, Neb.
1.694. J. K. Hand, Fairfield, Neb. Route
No. 2.
1.695. Mrs. Anna Belts. 2T.U North Scv.
enteenth street,, Omaha. Neb.
L6W. Michael -M. Carkoskl, Elyrla. Neb.
1.G97. Tony Ozehorvak, I,oup City, Neb.
1.69S. W. II. Akcrs, Ravenna, Neb.
1.699. F. W. Mat)Dfs. sr.. MR NnrfnlW
avenue. Norfolk. Neb.
i.iW. H. Nonhof. Long Island, Kan.
l.iOI. Iewls I. Camp, Odell, Neb.
1,702. Ray w. Hutton. Woodriver. Neb.
Route No, 4.
1.70J. P. II. Haltzlncer. P)easanton. Neb.
1.704. Oliver R. Mannon. Maxwell, Neb,
1.70C. Jacob L. Hoffman, Kadoka, S. D.
1,706. J. B. Pennlnvlnn. P!vi,nfni
General Delivery.
i.w. Karl Maoy, Oross. Neb. Route
No, 1,
'.708. Mltcbell B. Harris. Red Oak, la.
1.709. Thlrsa J. Wenclker. Tamora. .Neb.
1.710. Joe Pol I ark 91! V.Mh.
Omaha, Neb. George F. Mckel, Cowles, Ne;.
1,712. George Plckerill. Geneva. Neb, J, M. Manuel, Minneapolis. Kan.
,i if. iteorge .i. Aaams, aandy, Neb.
1.716. C. R Vestal. Hunting. 1..
i.n. Ralph Morse, Hastings, Neb.
l.17. J. L. Smith, Emerson, la.
1.718. A. P. Wlar. Adams, Neb,
1.719. IL 8. Calvert. Peru. Neb.
1.720. Frank Frerichs, Hlldreth, Neh.
1.721. Ardmore Austin, 2900 West Sixth
street, Kansas City, Mo.
1.722. J. R Upton. 316 Barker avenue,
Peoria, III.
1.723. R Jf. Gate. Gates, Neb.
1.721. Alman Davis. Frank, Neb.
1,723. John Moeller. Utlea, Neb.
1.726. George H. Moyer. McCool Junc
tion, Neb.
1.737. J. R. F. Nowers, Emporia, Kan.
1.72. Benjamin Parker, Benson. Neb.
1.. 23. William C. Stranjr, 14S Glenn ave
nue. Council Bluffs, la.
1,730, Julius Blovers. Gregory, 8. D.
1,711. S. D, Angel, Sioux City, la. Gen
eral Delivery;
1.732, W. I Rodgcrs, Kearney, Neb.
Route No. 6.
1.733. William II. Branstlter. Oconto,
1.714. A. B. Dalley, Hayes Center, Neb.
1.7.15. KImer J. Illgtey, 2006 Miami street,
Omaha, Neh.
L724. Paul lee. North Loup,- Neb.
1.1. T7. James Kelso, Catherine, Neb.
1,728. Mary M. Caldwell, Dallas. B. D.
1,789. A. B. Spain, Oacoma, S. D.
i.iw. u. a. Terry, icnsworth, Kan
1.741. Charles W. Ripp, Tecumseh. Neb.
i.ifj. aames vv. uavis, llellevllle, Ivan.
1,743. John V. Westcott, Comstoek, Neb.
1.T44. V. Noltle. Holbrook, Neb.
1.746. John Hewgley, Ovid, Colo?
1,766. George Deeut, Holbrook, Neb,
Route No. 1.
1.747. Grace Morrison, 1000 B avenue,
Kearney, Neb,
1.74J. Henrv Griffiths, Lonr Island, Kan.
1.749. Lewis Kngleman, , Lltohfleld, Neb.
1..C0. Forest Cxajanskey, Ames, Kan.
Route No. 1,
1,761. W. J. Collins. Ksbon. Kan.
ZJ'i. MrTlX- W City. Mo.
1.763. Will BrorJtmlller. 2801 South Thir
teenth street, Omaha.
1.764, Margie Coleman, Blue Springs,
Neb88, LnwrMlc 8orenon, Ravenna.
lank J1' .Smh. Edith. Neb.
rZ?;- r!!nr. Jl Johnson, Loomts, Neb.
1,768, Miss Anna Patterson, Wilcox, Neb.
Route No, 1.
!'JS ?rn"f Wejtner. Ills; Springs. Neb.
'J?- Seymour Harklns. Bfies, Neb.
MSi' i' 9i Ry'L-hon, CTearfleld. 8. D.
J'SJ- ,B-Mh". Cedar, Kan.
?f; J- MeKenile. Alma. Neb.
JV. B. Mucktndorf. Baaeett, Neb.
.ffi,OmnahaDeVer 883 Nwth
i Wnney, Burwell
1,768. II. C. Frees. 2749 Fn
. Neb.
rancls Place,
1.766. Frank (Inrilnn Ttvl. r....
Route No. i. ' ' v 1
VV,0,' U- .neckett;JlaJf,n City, Kan.
ttre. Smiii, Omafta. Neb :
JtJ A. Glover. Osceola, Mo.
.-1.. a'. f.u,Jiva'? 'r. .ortrr. Fifteenth
Tulrnlr. .'- i
1.711. It.- Wehh. rr TrA rU,.l.
Ansley. Neb.
i'U i; "-Booth. Enterprise, Neb.
j- ' ..-nvn muubd WIW,
i'tm fmi,ar?t "",'t.,'Volbaeh. Neb.
J'!H yu? lfatlne. Hast ngs. Neb.
'JS- 5' Ai iem' .'"Wreth, Neb.
1.787. Frank D. It trelnann
MS- Mr"i rArrl Pickerel. Sewanl. Neb.
1.789, K. K. Frantz. Sewnt-il Vth iin,.,.
No. J. '
1.790. Cecil M. Jter, HastlhKs. Neb.
1.791, John A. Ktrldhurs". Ktnm.i- xr.i.
NM,-vVewl F Ifertj Box 106, Potter!
Valt.yrb.'"' C8r8 "O-bornJ
a. u. oerow, 618 West Third,
Grand Island. Neb.
rSX- ,vlula'n Lucas. Chanute, Kan.
1.790. Roscoa C. Mnrlln ltn im rV,.ii
BluffilH.' '
'SI li- AVorJfr' Mrshalltown. I.
?1!fr Crnwell. Qulde Rock. Neb.
1.799. John
iicvuruy, vvuiiamsburg,
C'M- Porge,,'C, Brlnkerhuff, Denver,
vS.V L-hn n. Pt. Paul. Neh,
1.80!. fl. ft rSuvlau 1011 V-n.. U m ...
eighth Vtreet IJnVoV Neb: " "u
1.664. Pethrv J. I'niU- tvn rShin
Wwrence. ifanV
I'JSS-' 1 0lnOuam. Springfield. . n,
Nn Borland, route l, Florence,
i.sot. Weert B. Runs, route !, Aver, Neb.
i'iir r"o'a- voiom,e. s, p,
i iRm 1', Tanner, Norfolk. Net,
J'SS- jyiJHf"J. 'nwr..Euslla; Nell
I!- ! ?atcllff, Tecumseh; Neb.
i. m, u. . -iarann.
fSBBBBBBsKj Vl II - -7 MgWfBttJsBa
America's Finest
Whlskev I
III Mellow ia flavor. Aged for year in charred casks, in IM
IB u,arhniie flfvule-.l with sunshine. .11
I Best Northern Rye always selected by a member of the firm. I
Purest water from wells sunk, hundreds of feet into solid II
II lltuestone. I
mm That's why the man who knows always insists on
Oedsutl. O. c Jesh, Mo. UalerUlt, Ky.
Gver. mute
urand island. Neb.
1,909. K. K Kilmer, Garfield, Neb.
1.S10. II. L. Heinameyer. routo T. Silver
Creek, Neb.
1.811. Martin L. FlUKefald, Alliance.
1.812. Marcla Stoddard. Mason City.
1.813. 11.. I. Cotemnn. Ithaca, Neb. .
1.814. Frank Ford, I'nlon Stock yards.
Bert rand. Neb.
1,816. Andrew tf. Wilson. Rnvenna. Neb
1,816. n. C. Lyons. Rushville. Neb. .
1,617. Robert Wllllartis, Valentin, Neh.
1.818. James Parks, 3347 Itoulevard F,
Denver. Colo.
1.819. Edward S. Lannln. box 71J. LeT-
ington. Neb, . .
1.S20. F". w. Ku Her. Clearfteiu. n. I).
1.821. George R. Tlghe. North Platte
1.K2. G. w. Hendtlckson. womis. rsen.
1,123. Charles J. Loc. Brownlee. Neb.
1.824, Murray n. Foss, Aurora. Neb.
1.825. Charles I. Baker. Chicago. III.
1.828. Oscar T. Rullmsn. 2720 Renlck
street, fit, Joseph, Mo., rea vvauace, iiroxen tvow, nio,
1.828. A. K. Allen. Walworth. Neb.
1.829. Adolph Ftxenner, Shlckley, .Neh.
1.630. R. J, Turner. Doniphan. Neb,
1.631. Ora Keeler. Ewtnc, Neb.
1.832. C. K. Thornton Lt-up City. Neb.
1 4 tin., TT Tv. a wl Wat llmanwRV.
Council Bluff's. Ia.' ....
1.814. John O'Neill, 200 Twenty-fifth
fctreet, Ogden. trtah. . . v
i ur, aiic-iii T. Johnson. Berlrand. Neb.
I 1,836. Charles Harrison, route 2, Carte-
1.8J7. Frank Olson, Rokeby, Nsb.
1.M8. Pearl Lewis, Osceola. Neb.
1.8J9. A. Itella Abrahamon, Holdrege,
1.840. J. A. Price, Bterllnsr, Colo.
1.841. R. W. Herklnson. 3141 Stout
street. Denver. Colo.
1.842. Harry R. Swahsnn. 2010 California
street, Omaha. Neb,
1.843. Emll li. Lund, Sacramento, Neb.
1.844. Ahton Budlnn. Esbon. Kan.
1,848. Richard W. WIrtx, Holbrook. Neb.
1.S46. Ernest R Hoppe, Columbus, Neb.
1.847. John Nltche. Herrtngton. Kan.
1.848. John H. Cantlin. Hot Springs,
s n
1.849. A. E. Vernson. 1512 South' Twenty
fifth street. Argentine. Kan.
1.800. T. W. Cavett, route 1. Phillips,
Nf.1. II. Lee Norrts, Laurel. Neb.
1.852. N. F. Hester, Naponee, Neb,
1.85J, Wllber Wriddel, Nelson, Nebraska,
Nockola countv. , ...
1,854. lAwrence Andress, route 2. Aim
Vista. Kan. . ,, . .
1.866. Arthur Blue, Lowell. Neb.
L8S5. R. G. Daacke, 2S17 North Twenty-
'rjSttfSS&KSl?. Farnam .tre.t,
l.h Jame".bNlon. R, L Neb.
1R59. John Lamberir. Valley. Neb.
I860. Marlorio Bridges. DOB Court street,
Beatrice. Neb,
im. Nina Crlss. aros. Neb.
1868. Mamie E. Dunbar. Comstoek. Neb.
1898. Joseph H. Andrews, McAlester. Okl.
VM. Edwin M. White. Broken Bow. Neb.
1865. E. W. Schwab, Clay Center, Neb.
1866. A. a Stensen. Colome, R D-
1867. Johanna Nowburg, Gothenburg-.
N1RC8. Oscar Worley. Alnsworth. Neb.
1869. Bemhard Decker, Tipton, Kan.
1870. Frank L, White. Hansen. Neb.
1871. V. O. Rankin. Beatrice, Neb.
1872. Carl J. Johnson, care of N
Davidson, Chappell. Neb.
1872. F. C. Tester. Rosebud, 8. D.
1874. Wiley Hrt.T,?Urr.ar4eb-
1876. Susie Souden, Blgnell, Neb.
r,i J. li. Glass. 21 Bast Third street.
Grand Island. Ne.
1877. W. A. Smith. Bellv llN Kvn.
1878. William Zoerb. Callaway, Neb.
1W. Luther Joratemon,. Fort Omaha,
K18M. J. U Rosebaugh. rI t. Hoco, Neb.
18. A. W. Pyle. I-nor. Ij-8-"-
1883. F. a. Coleman, Carter, R , D.
W3. Alfred Cooper. 661 South Fourth
street, St. Joseph, Mo. ..rtWK
1864. It Shook, g-eneral delivery, North
r'vmard M. SmVh. Hvannls, KjA.
18; J. R. Heake. Rt. 1. Mahaska, Kan.
18S7. J. B. Brown. Berwyn. Neb.
18ffl! Omer F. Eller. 700 East Eighth
street, Grand Island, Neb.
1889. Frank Efflnger, 1820 Kansas ave
nue, TopekO, Kan.
-,odrt" tM.iw mfinM. 'Tlnvenna. Neb,
m'. AlbeVi KuVu. 'Junctl6aUClty. Kan.
1892, Eva Francte. RL 1. Altoona. Kan
iw) t u nnpvtp Kan. -?
irbl Ivrtli Rbudreau. Campbell, Neb.
i n I, -Tirnu-n . Arnold. Neb. -
1864, Albert, UBrkhetmr. Miller, Neb..
169. 8. V. GusUfson, 3026 , California,
street, Omaha, Neb. v ,
1899. Theodore Moll, Rt. 1, Grand Island,
Neb. . '
1900. P. A. Norton, North Platte. Neb.
1901. R W, Oakes, Wells. Kan.
1902. B. It. Jacobs, Avoca. Ia.
1IW3. R, R Werts. Woodbine, la,
1901. Charles K. Henry, 904 West Fourth
Street. Orand Island, Neb.
1603. C. Uber, 411 West Port avenue,
Rosevllle, Kan,
1906. A, II. Kchtri tiacht, Shelton. Neb.
1907. George It. Ovirbeck, Buffalo. Okl.
B. Dlercnger. 2ls East Seventh
street, Hastings', Neb. 1 '
1109. Earl Btillwell, Valentine, .Neb.
.1910. Howard lLr McAfee. Rt. 2. Loomls.
1911. W. A. Ijishley. Sillier. Neb.
19t2. Harry E. Walters, Ord. Neb.
1911 Jeff Itong, Gretna, Neb. ' t
1914. R. M. Carpenter, Fremont, Neb.
1916. Frits Leseberg. Rt 1, Phelps City,
1.916. E4 Oman. Etna. Neb.
1.91T. H.-H. Manck. Nelson. Neb.
1.918. .1. T. Keelev, Jr.. Valentine. Neb.
1.918. It. If nwll Aniuinn' III.
1.920. Arthur II. unison. Princeton. ,
1.92L Man Snyder, 421 Pine street,
Sterling. Colo.
1.9S. H. C. 8tofford. S711 Lincoln boul
evard. Omaha. Neb.
1.923. W. H. Clarta-i, Atkinson. Neb.
1.924. Ren King, McCook, Neb. Route
No. 6. . . ,
1.925. Joseph Gumble. North Platte.
Neb. Route No. 2.
1.926. Alx Cynova, Rock field," Neb.
1.927. E. Wlsaea, Rocaiv Nb.
1.80S. Fedlnand K.
1.928. J. r. Hausherr. 90S East Fifth
street. North Platte. Neb.
1.629. S. O. Martin. Anthony. Kan.
1.930. Peter Stevenson, Brock, Neb.
1.90L Thomaii O. Hardls. Crawtdro.
1.9T. C. A. Yoder, Elm Creek. Neb.
1.933. Thomas U. Goodier, Loll. Neb.
1.931. Walter Bprague. Coxad, Neb,
Route No. 8.
1,628. Martin L. Buck. Burton. 8. D.
1.936. Alice Zlska. Exeter, Neb.
1.937. D. W. Nichols, Coxad. Neb.
1.93S. Itaura, McCaskey, FalU City, Neb.
,939. a II. Whltleberry, Dallas Center.
1,946. Fred Oppllger, Tolden. Neb.
1JM1. Warren O. Wlthee. Crelghto.i.
ttilij. JWUW rtO. .
1.942. Harvey Nelo,i. Utchfleld, Neb.
1.943. C. E. Roberts, Moorevlll, Mo.
L944. Ray A. Cook, Coxad, Nct. Route
1,945. J. H. Iledgefeth. Rockport. Me.
Route No. 3.
1.94rt. Roy Llndholm, Dallas, 8. D.
Route No. 11.
1.947. Isaac T. Bryan. 719H Gcrmanla
street, Milwaukee, Wis.
L948. Gust Guatesen, Cushlng, Neb.
.?49. L. M. Ba'm. Burton. Neb.
.J.-'S0- )V" "-Wade. 1703 North Thirty,
third street, Omaha, Neb.
L95L nnrr nMhm inii a...H,w
street. Uncoln, Neb.
,.'9M,J "ultery. 1204 N street. Utt.
coin. Neb.
I'Sfr 5r' W H- Atkinson, Neb.
1.664. Gust Johnson, Overton, Neb
Route No, 2. .
.. Mont Attebem-. Hardy, Okl.
1 l.tnt. A It'll II . n-m ....It
Nineteenth avenue, Omaha, Neb.
i'fSL- ,;'renc eirain, Okaton. S. D.
J.5J Lmma A. Burt, Norwloh, Ia.
J'SSS- I'V? Ma'one, Herndon. Kun.
Routs No. 2.
1,961. William Mathlson, 62 Lewis ave.
ntie. Brooklyn. N. Y,
i.m. uurr v-rum, uneviiie. Ia.
1,963. James Oleary, Vllllca. Ia.
1.961. Norton rt RItv ots it'... ri .
nut street, Kansas aty. Mo.
j.TO.. v. j. jtoei. Pcaalla, Mo.
1.960. M. T Mllrnv V.I- n...a.
NO 1 """"" wui-i,, ,,Cif, ituuit
1.M7. Horpld Grlnt. Sargent, Neb.
J'JS ul Beran. Verdlgre. Neb.
MS k0 Morgristern, Otis. Kan.
.?r"? "hrtcb, Elkhorn. Neb.
1.971. ICtMB .Tnhnnnn ivtnll ?u I
No; a. "uult
atreet; North PlaUe. ' Neb
i'SAr JV Ht0,ry. Wewela, S. D. i
VV4 oT'i7, J?w,Xe Wool Lake. Neb.
ittH-..?1 f rame- Hershey. Neb. Box
II, Route No. 1,
autlh7rie,okU,khUghM Wt Dr0ftd Btreetl
'Vl- i Y- Scheets. Ault: Colo.
ly Voncleave. Lodi. Neb.
i'S?" f,eter E- Tunall. Marquette. Neb.
V!2 f lt'M-B,;h.rr' Tekamah, Neb.
.fifj i'. V: H'?,ck' 1JT SUK Tenth
street, Lincoln, Neb.
1,964. Roes JerrmljMen. Ault. Colo, B- To"nir. O'Neill. Neb.
I.98S. Elmond Itarson, Conway. Kan..
L9S7. Aaa T. Coch, Sidney, Neb.
J'XS- t14..11' Ph. Red Cloud. Neb.
utl.a Ri Brto. Rarsent, Neb.
1.990. Paul C. Wold. Chadron. Neb.
BOX 81,
1.691. Frank T. Raymond, 4036 West
Park avenue. Chicago, III.
1,992. Robert Robinson. Valentine. Neb.
HS?" Bul. Osmond. Neb.
1.994. William J. Hopkins. 1306 Fifth
street, Boone, Ia.
J'iSS' i a "uddart, Weldon. Colo.
HK Srik..8- nobbirts, Greeley, Neb.
? Vi- K,u"r. Alexander. Jean.
J-SS- J. B. Welhopp. Columbus. Mo.
nLS ? -,c P0' 308 EMt "h atreet,
Grand. Island. Neb.
2,600. Peter Erlckson. Wakefield, Neb.
Persistent Advertising- Is the Road to
Btgr Returns.
,mm' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bbbbbbb(iW
YOU see them every day
Gillette users with the well
groomed face and the brisk air
that comes from feeling fit and know
ing that you look it! The Gillette is
just as practical and necessary for
you as it is for them.
Gillette Safety Razors, $5 and up.
Blade, 50c. and $1.00 per Packet
Miss Bcrtlja Thoclecke, Clifton Hill
school teacher, who drew claim No. 49 In
'the North Platte land lottery Will Blve
a theater party for all the teachers In
Clifton Hill school. The party will at
tend one of the Robert Mantell perform
ances, probably going Saturday evening.
Miss Thoelecke promised to give a box
party for tho Clifton Hill teachers If
sho won a claim. She has now discov
ered there are Just thirteen teachers in
the school, but because of her good for
tune In drawing a 640-acre claim sho is
not worrying over the hard luck bogle.
MORT'S Clothes Shop
107 South 16th Street
a. -JimimW BgigsBBBBBBX
afWswsi tra"YJg1 WIMB5
Ri-0 QVtS
Headachy, Costive,
Eiilious Cascareta
Sick Headache, .Bad i Rrcath, Sotn
Stomacli, mean Liver and IViwcls
ar cloggod Chtw npt
Get a 16-cent box.
Sick headache, biliousness, dlzxiness,
coated tongue, foul taste and foul breath
always trace them to torpid liver; de
layed, fermenting food In the bowels or
sour, gassy stomach.
Polsopous matter clogred in the
testlnes, Instead of being cast out of the
system Is re-absorbed Into the blood.
When this poison reaches the delicate
brain tissue it causes congestion and that
dull, throbbing, sickening headache.
Cascarets immediately cleanse the atom
ache, remove the sour, undigested food
and foul gases, take the excess bile from
waste matter and poisons In the bowels.
A Cascaret tontght will surely
straighten you out by morning. They
work while you sleep a 10-cent box from
your druggist means your head clear,
stomach sweet and your liver and bowels
regular for months.
Drawn For The Bee
The best aewepaper artiata of the
country contribute tkelr best
work for Bee readers.
g Brothers
H Baturdar. V
A sale of
for every.
JAUNTY warm gracefu
U appearing proper ma
terial popular priced
I have 'em.
That'll be about all I'll have
to ay today, sir!
. All Wool Mrt.
od. "