Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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Want & Ruling on Provitioni of the
, Income Tax Law.
' Scenes at "North Platte When the Land Drawing Started Tuesday j
Investigate your needs today, then visit this store tomorrow!
Bapposed to Deduct rer Cmt from
All Coupon, Except Municipal, !
When rreaented for Collection.
" Omaha banker are waiting for om
tullng on a provinlon of the Income tax
law which they say Is contusing. The
law goes Into effect November 1. Banli
ra ear they are expected to deduct 1
percent for Income tax from atl coupons
on all obnds except municipal when audi
coupon! are presented to them for col
lcctl6n. This would mean that anyone
presenting, say, a $500 coupon on an east
ern bond due any clay after November 1.
nd desiring to cash It at a local banlt.
would receive but 4, while the bank
here must hold the other 5 to be ttirp1
in aa Income tax, or be responsible for" It.
Eastern banks are notifying their cor
respondents and customers to this effect.
The National City bank of Chicago hns
ent the following to Its correspondents
and customers throughout the country
Including the banks In Omaha:
Accepted for Coltectton.
Please bo advised that all eoupos ma
turing on and after November 1, 1M3.
and until further notice, will be aceceptcd
by this bank only' for collection.
Under the provision of the federal Irt
opme tax law, which Is fefecttve an of
November 1. WIS, We do not care to un
dertake giving credit for coupons until
tnelr final payment at iieh nlnr. flour.
'nated for presentation.
The law relerred to provides that de- !
nuctlon of the normal tax Is to be with- .
held at tho placo of the payment of auv I
ui uy coupon, or -at tne ao'urce." and
pending such payment we cannot def-
lnltelr credit mirh tirftr--.
Local bankers ay this would mean that
the widow or orphan who might be hold
lng a small bond would be compelled to
ray an Income tax on cashing a 300
coupon, although the law specifically Bay
that Incomes under J3.O0O are to be ex
empt. Hero Is the seeming contradiction.
As the bankers here construe the law,
the person might be-able to--secure 'the
refund of this money on properly filing
an, affadavlt that he or hes has art In
come of les than 3.0p0. hut they hold that
this would mean an endless pile of affi
davits. A meeting of Investment bankers from
many of the larger cities of tho country
is In session at Chicago taking up this
problem In an effort to get some ruling
on tho matter from headquarters at
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Oct. .-(Sue-cial.)--Oh,
you bungalow!" the glad re
mark was tnjecled-Into a conversation
Hvith hla Intended bride by Mr, Fred J
iDryer, a bank clerk, upon receiving u !
telegram from tho land ofrice to the ef
fect that he had drawn No. 1 rit North
J'latte, Furthermore, tho finest 18 cent I
cigars were on tap Just as soon as lie
could phone an order to his tobacconist
nd delivery could be made. And that
toboceonlst was "soon " It meant ftt,$x
to Wfci. 4espJto the fact .that, the young
wajijl lan,'t at all impecunious. , Whose
iartVihould not be-giad? i'Why aliould.
toftt Hemls-come K'kM anJoSeh one T
Or. what waa unnatural fno many call
ing Jijl on the 'phone, even, though the
caIU came with systematic precision,
iwfcen news of the kind would spread' so
quickly T t was several hqura before the
ewa from newspaper bulJeUns r.eached
hlnl, so "careful wens his friend to keep
him away from them. But he maintains
that the boys put up a mighty clever Job
and that he Isn't any- more sore than he
wa before ho received the "telegram."
YORK, Neb., Oct .-SneclaU-Tuea-day
waa tho day designated by W. Y.
Feaater, T. It. Clifford and J. 13. Mc
Clnley to hold a primary for tho purpose
of .determining which one of the three
ws the most popular gentleman foe
postmaster, to be appointed' some time
during the year 1914. The polls wfro
opened promptly at 9 o'clock, and after
the candidates and' two or three others
l:id voted, the following notice wan
posted on the door: "The democratic
primary has been postponed on, account
of bad weather until Baturday, Novem
ber 1."
The holding of a primary at this time,
which allows only democrats or near
democrats to vote, Is looked upon by tha
true bluf democrats us a hugo joke.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Oct. (Spe
clal.) Fire Commissioner nidglty re
turned to Lincoln last night after hav
ing Investigated the recent Incipient biaze
on the ouulde of the chapel of the Sol
diers' home grounds. Jfr. Ridgeiy s con
vinced that the fliA was of Incendiary
nature, but can find no sufficient baels
for a specific suspicion. The warden U
convinced that the former fire, a, barn on
the same premises, was entirely acci-dental.
Top Picture Little Ilutlt KUIcr
of North Platte hniidlng Judge
James W. AVIttcn tho first number
In the land lottery at North IMattc,
October Si8. Mabel MrFarlnnd, at
the Judge' right, holding No. U
ready to hand hint.'
Lower Picture Judge James W.
Wltten receiving the seventh num
ber In the land lottery at North
Platte from the hand of little Ma-1
bel Mcl'arland. Kuth Klder, at his
right, In tho girl who haudctl Tilm
the first envelope, thus hegipnlng
the drawing.
Cold weather is booked for a long stay so shed
those light weight garments and hustle into some
warmer, good fitting underwear the sort sold here.
Separate Garments
To tfcoss wanting ssparat
garments we say "o o m
usrt," no alia too large for
us to fit perfectly, all gradsa
and weights
Union Suits
Greatest showing iu town.
Units that fit perfectly, all
weights In both cotton or
wool. Stocks are now at
their best.
$1.00 to $5.00
iwrnm 'iHBBrai i . imm soc and u
VdiDrAwin&X 1 inUoxth Platte AajtJlottery0
I EVER BURN $.49-50 1
tSiUKSSSim SmbMI 'vSsbSSSImvSm
BtBBsSMBBmSmBBBSKtslz m ftwkffllEs&WEttu aDarQHBSHfiKHanBBBiiVT
Sixteenth at Howard
MINDEN. Nob.. Oct. .-(Bpclal.)-,W
it. Cole, living In the outskirts of the
town, waa burned to death last night
when he waa seized with epileptic con-
viumona ana in nis struggles upset a
lamp which set fire to the houe. His
body waa seriously burned and his- fare
disfigured. The house burned to the
Cole had been subject to epileptic fits
alnca ha waa hurt In u runaway several
years ago.
Boy Ran Over br Anla.
WYMORE, Neb., Oct. 29.-t8r.wUl.)-Toota"
Peters, the 7-year-old son of
Wr. and Mrs. Robert Peters, was run
over by an automobile and escaped with
only slight bruises. Toots" win nUv.
lng the road at the corner of Decatur
una mam avenue. He started to get out
ef the way of the , approaching auto
mobile, but did not move fast enough.
u-wo wneeis passed over the boy. Tha
occupants ox the car took the lad tn
ft doctor and later to hla home, offering
ony further aid needed. Thuy drove off
wnnout giving their nam. The boy waa
only slighUy bruised on the body.
I - f
A. Horrible Death
tnay reault from diseased, lungs. Cure
coughs and weak, sore lungs with Or.
Klnga New Discovery Jo and JUtt. For
by your druggist.Advei-tlsement
Notes from Beatrice
and Gage County
lltiATRlCIC, Neb.. Oct 29.-(Speclal.)-
After deliberating five hours Tuesday
evening the. Jury In tho district court
brought In a verdict to the effect that
the signature of the late D. W. Shafer
of Liberty on a liCOO note held by U. S.
Haynor of this city was genuine, and
that the claim against the Shafer estate
for JI.COO with Interest1 at 8 per cent from
February, 1911, should bo 'allowed. Tho
claim of Mr. Raynor against the Shafer
estate was allowed by County Judge
Walden some tlmo ago, and tho heirs ap
pealed to the district court. The note
had been sold to him by O. A. lllplcy, a
son-in-law of the late Mr. Shafer. Tho
heirs contended that tho signature of Mr.
Shafer waa forged and so the estate could
not be held responsible. Tho city com
missioners held their regular weekly
meeting Tuesday afternoon and disposed'
ot considerable routtne business. Dills
amounting to I3.-JS7.61 were allowed and'
a resolution was adopted to pay ho
widow of W. A.i Hrlnton $35 for a horse
which was kllled'last spring by falling
Into a ditch on North Fourth street,
Peter Penner, sr., celebrated his nine
tieth birthday today. He waa born In
Danzig, Prussia, and came to this country.
In 1875, where he haa since resided. Two.'
weeks ago he took his first automobile
ride. He Is probably the oldest man in'
Gage county. He Is still mentally vigor
ous and taken an Interest In affairs.
J. O. Jeffrey, an old resident of Wy
more, died at this placo last week, sed
6S years. Ho 'Is survived by a family of
four children,' all grown.' He 'located In
Wymore In 18S8.
Nearly 200 persons attended the -reception
held Tuesday evening in the. Meth
odist church'for Rev. B. F. Qalther and
family. Welcome on behalf of. the min
isters of the city waa extended by Rev.
C, F. Steveps.
Ttto Arldrnt nt 'Albion.
AliDION, NeU., Oct. 29,-(8pecIal,)-The
2-year old child of Walter -Jacobson
of this city won .severely scalded- Tues
day by pulling a pan of hot water from
tho stove.
Mrs. M. W. IJIley, , living west of town,
sustained a fall that resulted In a broken
arm. '
Vnttdnl -Breaks Ills; Windows.
(Special.) Tho heavy plat glass windows,
76x108 inches, In tho front of D. C. Oll
lesple's storo,ln this city wore broken
Monday night by no mo unknown person.
Ho used two heavy short' bolts, both of
which were, found Inside1 of ' the store.
Nothing In the. store, was. molested.
Persistent, .Adverttstng . the Road to
Big Returns.
Made of Wheat
Rosy Complexion
Good Digestion
Good Liver
Good Heart
Peaceful Nerves
Good Flavour
No Drug-Energy
. J
Containing a' Drug
Sallow Complexion
Stomach Troubles
Bad Liver
Heart Palpitation
Shattered Nerves
Good Flavour
Caffeine,', a Drug
Weakness from Drugging
Try each. and judge for yourself.
Postum comes in two forms.
Regular Postum requires fifteen to twenty minutes boiling to bring. out the rich
flavour and food value.
Instant Postum requires no boUingbufc is made instantly by stirring a teaspoonful
of the soluble powder in a cup of hot water and adding cream and sugar to taste.
Drink instead of coffee.
. ....( . .
"There's a Reason" "
I Must Pass Over the
Store Keys Shortly!
My "last day in business" isn't far away, and
when it's horo you'll censure your OWN forgetful
ness, if you will liavo failed to purchaso "Brooks"
Suits and Overcoats at original factory COST.
My "Good Bye" Prices on all
Suits and Overcoats are the
LOWEST ever quoted on simi
lar High Grade Garments
Values Colossal Values Extraordinary Low
Prices Cost Less -than cost on tho snappiest gar
ments in America. And all because yours truly,
George Brooks, is GODTG OUT OF BUSINESS!
Nur nhy $15.00 to $18.00 Suit or Ovorcont
in tho Iiohho : becniiBO Hrooka H jrolng out of
liny any $20.00 to $23.tlo Suit or Ovcrcont
In Uio lioiiso Ixsriutao llrooks Is iroliiir out of
lluyn any, $2tt.oo to $30.00 Suit or Overcoat
In tho hoitso Iiccauso llrooks In Kolnjr out of
nuy any $110.00 to $35.00 Suit or Overcoat
In tho . hoiiHb hecaUito Brooks In going out of
llurs any IW5.00 to $-10.00 Suit or Overcoat
In thehouao'. because Ilrooka la koIiir put of
City National Bank Building
Cor. 16th and Harney Sts.
Friends Are
Always Near
by Telephone
The long distance Bell
Telephone permits yon to
reach nearly every one at
any time, in a pleasant,
direct and personal way.
When you want to visit
a distant friend, suppose
you compare long distance
telephone rates with rail
road fare to andfrom any
point, and add the incon
venience, of the trip,
Then it's very likely
yeu'll decide in favor of
the telephone
' Ask "Long Distance" for
rates anytvhere.
Two Clean Papers
The Youths Companion
Julius Orkin
Women's Exclusive Wearing Apparel
At Moderate Prices
New Goods Arriving Daily.
The Evening Bee
Mcuiixi mm
litl. f.r 55 CU. i Minlh
rersistcnt Advertising is tho ltoad to Big ltoturnst-
Tlie Omaha Bee is the Best Medium in Its Territory,
Office For Rent
The l&rge room on ground
floor of Bee Building, oc
cupied by the Havens.
White Goal Oo.
Nice Farnam .street front
age. About 1,500 square
feet of floor space with
large vault. Extra en
trance from court of the
Fine office fixtures are of.
fered for sale. Apply to
N. P. Feil, Bee office,