Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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victim quits with the (MThis Cinderella is Found
' ; Through Want Ad in Bee
Man from Missouri About, to Be'
Trimmed Saved by Pdlice.
Oald Jfot Speak Knallah, lint En.
teren Ittto Deal Which Wnld
Hnrti Coat Hint Plentyo
Ilia Coin.
When Enoch StrauaberK of 8t Louis.
Ma, stepped from an Incoming train at
the Vnton station Monday morning
dressed In the garb of a common labomr.
ho was straightaway chosen as a lucra
tlvo victim by four eagle-eyed "con"
men. who Immediately net their plan to
extract the coin of the realm- from
Hnoch's jeans.
Through the mysterious channels of
underworld news, the -juartetvof thieves
hnd lenrned that the victim was carting
several hundred dollars In' negotiable
noUjvalthough Enoch himself never men
tlonedV the fact to a soul ns he doesn't
speak much English.
E. Hawkins and C. .Harris of Minne
apolis. Vrank Cooper of Frisco and M. E.
ntxpatrlclt of Baltimore, all well known
In their line tit "business." trailed
Strausberg throughout the morning- and
well Into tho afternoon, when, in a
saloon near Sixteenth and Davenport
Irwli. thev cornered their man and,
succeeded In gcttrnir" him Interested In V
game of matching-. coins.
Comhlnn la Ttitdf.' r
Hawkins and Cooper were to represent1
the "fall guys In the game; ..while Fits-,
Patrick. Harris and fUraqshers 'wero to
eteoute the 'larceny"" or ''tHinmlng.":
Enoch wa somewhat slow Id grasp the"
true nature of tho proceedings, but when
ntipatrlck uncovered ' a roll 6f bills,
which looked as If It contained all of
two million dollars and thirteen rents,
and from the bundle handed- the: stranger
a perfectly good five dollar' bill to start
the affair, he was "hep" at once, hlnssj1
were Just rounding: to nicety, and the
five' had adjourned to the street to conf
duet their trangactloiJ,, wherf the' police
emergency exuded Detective- 'Wllluun
Dsverecse, together with Officer Joe
Hell Between the two they persuaded
the outfit to call on Chief Maloney. ' ,
Borne honest soul In the' saloon, prob
ably by mistake. Informed ther chief, rand
his minions had been jUspatahed almost
lnftanter." Larxo rolls .of confederate
Mayhap the days of -miracles are past,
But wo still have with Us oocaalonar evj
dences and traces' ol fairy' tales. ''At
least we like to think so. Anyhow, that
Is the way Otto Ollok feels about tho
matter. Mr. Qllck conducts a. shoe store
In the Woodman of thoVorld bulldlng
now, right away, yout'know what the
fairy tale li "Well, anyway
Once upon a time a young woman who
necessarily must bo a very beautiful
young woman irot In an elevator and rode
up to Mr. tJllck's shop. The shop was
crowded, for the day was (Saturday, ond
alt the'countrytldo Was preparing for the
cold and sleet andsnow of winter.
A good fairy godmother had sr-en to It
that our princess has very tiny feet So
tiny that only a I-U shoe would fit her.
She the princess bought her shoes and
jlfpartwl. BUt- .,hlle on the elevator
some bad, naught? InVlsa'ble Imps untied
the package iand one, shoo slipped un
heard on Hho, 'floor of tho car; and the
princess went away, not knowing her. loss.
1 Noti Altchfneon. the prince of our fairy
story, has, an pfflce on. the tentli floor
of tho building, and ho found the shoe.
It was a black satin shoe with pink,
delicate lining; and ever so tiny. Not
knowing where the princess had gone or
where she lives, or her name even, the
prince inserted an advertisement in the
"lost and found" column of The Bee.
As to tho rest of the fairy tale, as to
whether they finally married and lived
happily ever afterward, we shall leave
that' to the prince and to Cinderella.
So Says Secretary of Commerce Red
field at Commercial Club.
Americans Are Second to Kane In the
Conduct n Commerce nnd Uncle
'Sam to VHclp
An Inquiry into thejfaws of production
underlying tho trust'' problems of the
United States, and an Inquiry Into the
maintaining, of flxtd .prices Is the pro
posed work of a newJprattch, of tho De
PBrtmenoCCommsrce,. which will be es
tablished in thfa near future, according to
William d Hedfleld. secretary of the De.
jWrtmant of Commerce" Mr. Redfleld
spoke before the' members of the Com
mercial 'club at a'publlo affairs luncheon
yesterday! noon. '
The Departmonl;of Commorce. and Its
Relation to the Business World," was his
Mrs'i S, ArcMutcher
Given Divorce from
Husband by Troup
Mm. Samuel Archdutcber, whose hus
band was supposed to hnvo committed
sulcldo by Jumping off the Douglas
street bridge on March 15, 1919, wan
granted a divorce In Judge Troup's court.
Mrs. Archdutchcr alleged in her petition
that Just three days prior to the disap
pearance of her husband n woman left
Omaha njlhe-r suspiciously and that this
.woman was known to her husband.
Ifer plea for divorce was on the
grounds of detertlon and she was given
the custody of her 6-year-old boy, Mrs.
ArchducheW says she Is-now employed
In a wholcealo house.
Tom McShane, 117 South Thirty-seventh '
street, told the police that burglars en
tered his homo In the absence of thoi
family by prying open a rear door and
took a Jeweled brooch and a diamond
.ring valued at $100 each.
20 Bolow Omaha Price,
Not One Day. But Every Day
When Yovr Appetite
Conies Bilk To Yon
It I a 8uro Hlfrn Your Stomach Is
Able to Work. Stuart' Dyspepsia
Tablets Will Giro You a
Housing Appetite.
It Is the greatest Joy In (he world to
be able to eat. what one wants and no,
misery can compare with that which 1
comes when an appetite falls.
When thn atomnrh rannnl illfftkt- tnnA
the system revolts at the Very Idea of
eating, but when the digestive Apparatus
Is restored to Its normal condition every
quality of mind seems to make & man
mosey and tho usual paraphernalia which'
accompanies the trade were taken from
the, four "and with scant ceremony they
were locked'fap on suspicion.
Enoch, wio had been an Interested
spectator of all that took place, sud
denly made- known that he had IS of his
"friend's" money which he did not know
what to do with. Maloney, observing
his bewilderment, remarked, "Straus
berg, my boy, you are a splendid speci
men, of the spoclo boob, but owing tp tho
extreme hickHess of your , skull "and
other earmarks of merit, I am "going to
allow; you to keep tne fiver as a memento.
You liave Juet .succeeded In conning four
of the bett'coa' men In the country."
Hart Hral Metier.
EiWch smiled several yards and re
plied "Yah,'J and was then escorted back
to the Union-sUtleri, where, with a rail
road gang, he departed In the evening for
Colorado, TlfoSfeur men under arrest
had been la the My a week and their
presence was known to the police, who
wer awaiting a favorable opportunity to
pleco' them Saer5 arre4t when 'they Mad
the,ffrst falaa-atart. 11tsfatrJcfc has ah
International rcpufciWn fo Ijt llAei hv-:
ing worKett tne "easy monoy" throughput
Europe and South Africa' as wol as In
the states. The man will ibe, given a hear
ing after their record are.satlafactorlly
pasotd upon by the Jocal " boMco heads.
Inddentallygtrausberr was' the possessor
of at the. time of his experience.
Aly a Alvord Returns
Home; is Suffering
ec Lapse of Mdinory
XlVa Alvord, the young bookkeeper of
the- M. U; defers Milling company, whoso.
clotHos won found oa the Missouri river
bank about two months ago and who'
was supposed to have been drowned, re
turned to his home, sm Poonleton ave.
ntiei shortly before noon Tuesday, lie was
met at the door by hta wife, who was an
badly 4hcKfd that she was nervously )l
Alvord returned about It o'clock and is
s14 to be very 111. He was la such a
condition when he reWmed that ha was
unable to glvd a coherent account of him-
"en. tie saia no haa been all over the
sooth, but further details could not be
gotten from him by 'his wife, lib did not
r why he ivent away, u is believed
he Is suffering fropi a lapse of memory.
The Crelghton Dehtal college lm. nr.
gatilxea tho first dental society of any
university in this country and. aa far
known, ill tho foreign countries as well
The object of this society Is to give the
students a thorough training in the way
of managing a district dental society
and the different papers that my come
up for consideration and tho discussions
tor the same. This coctety' is in the
hands ol tho -senior. studena entirely,
and exclusive of the faculty. Iost week
officers were elected as follows) PresU
u.nt, Joseph Krin.lcCantl. Omaha; vice
president. Ned A, Doyle, Qreelcy, Neb.
secretary and treasurer, Miss Loretta
White, Council Bluffs, lu.
At the last meetlug II. F. McQrave of
Bloux City read a lengthy paper upon
the History of Denflstry." A' commit
tee has been appointed to draw up by.
laws and tp. suggest a name befitting for
this organisation, Tho initial meeting
was enlivened by the presence of Dr. A.
H, Hippie, -dean Of the' college, who gavt,
several good suggestions.
Or fe N Uruenlng. Dr. M. n. Ki
Dr A- C. Iteed and Pr. William Bheaver
alt spoke on the importance of mixing
with uu:h other jto tliat pne's Idea's may
be broadened, thus being more beneficial
to the public, pr. Psp-her. together
wlh several students,, aro making an
examination of all tho mouths of chll
dren in tho peroachlal schools In tho
city St. Cecilia's have been examined
and Socrod Heart will be examined
Wednesday. A complete chart is kept
snd sent homo to the parent, telling Just
whero and why the child is deficient. At
esch school Pr. Despocher explained and
oosaoMU-atea how to use the tooth brush
without Injury and to. do the most good.
- ,
A Vljper 1st tka If nk'eh
Is dytpawBs. pasopUcatod with Uw and
Mdaey troutls. saectjU Bitters help 4U
uca ntti or no pay- Try them,
For sale by your dragglst-Advertlso-tnant
A number of little friends of Valeria
Ttnhr tpmlered her a nururlin BdturdftV
toplo and was one of great Interest to the i afternoon at' )ier .home, W Ersklno
buolnNM men of .Onialia- II sold that f street, tho occasion being her tenth birth-
iha Alnaririln. titlartn mat. ! t Vi a h... .)..
of any, business man of the world In ef-. Mrs. V4. Itohr, assisted by Miss Mable
iicionur jiu EToauoiion. t or inia rea i oieison, neipcu io cnienain mem, uiunti
son the government Intends to expand
American business abroad. Ite said In
part: . . ,
"The Department of Commerca wishes
to Initiate a new step toward the expan
sion of American" btlilfjtss abroad; It de
sires to place In each of the fourteen
great capitals a commercial attache, .ac
credited to our legation there, hut under
the charge of the Department of Com
merce. This off Icer.wlll have for .his sole
duty tho study of commerce and Indus
tries of the country In which he resides,
and will be expected to collaborate with
t he r consuls In tho various local centers
in that country In so doing. Tho , pro
toed organisation would then consist of
three parts: " "
On its inquiry side the Department of
Commerce will take Up three, matters oC
importance': '
"An inquiry Into the. laws ot Production
underlying our Jrust,. problem.'
"An Inquiry into tho maintaining ot
fixed prices t .
i'Vas'AlUqulry ,into Jho technical facta
underlying? tho work of public, service'
corporations." ' ' ' " " J ' " -
One of the largest croWs that ever
attendeod a public affalra luncheon heard.
Mr. Iledfleld speak, Every available
seat wao occupied ktld .people were stand
ing aiong tno aides or tho huga dining
room. N. IT. LboniUJ general solicitor
for tho .Union 1'aclfla Itailwty company,
presided at the lueetjng nnd Introduced
the speaker, '
Hutchinson Says
Ee Will Settle on
the F&rrHe Draws
wero played and prizes wero awarded
Catherine Hadfletd, Marjory Nyej Han
nah Zllk and Adelaide Clark.
Among those present were Lou rest a
lawless, MarJorV Nye, Catherine Had-
field, Myrtle Haberstroh, Adelaide Clark,
Lillian Ltnskog, Hannah Zllk, Bertha
R trick er, Winifred Tyncr, Valeria Itohr.
That's tho Way Z Vsd to took.
WaaVa you think of mo now?"
Btuarj's Dyspepsia TaoleU mix with
the food you eat. Tho stomach by its
peristaltic action churns and moves the
food around the stomach walls, the power
ful Ingredients in these tablets Instantly
begin digesting the food as they are
forced through It and around It.
These tablets regulate the strength of
gsstrio Juices, If there Is too much acid
or "alkali then Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets
reduces or dlluto these eyll conditions and
prevent the Irritating nnd raw stomachs
which always como with dyspepsia, indi
gestion, etc.
It is the vory esaencn of pleasure to a
stomach sufferer to know that he can di
gest any meal -If ho will only tako a
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet arter eating.
The use of one of these tablets after
meals will In a very short time restore
your appetite to Its normal condition and
you will be able to enjoy your food with
an old-time relish.
Every drug storo carries Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tabids. Trice, CO cents.
A suit, in which Cadt Taylor, collector
of customs (for the Omaha district, Is
asking 150,000 damages from Tho Dee went
fo trial before District Judge Sears.
This Is the case growing out of refer
ences made to Taylor's connection with
the dcfuncU Globe Savings bank at the
time he was a candidate for the position
of surveyor of customs. Tho case so far
hns only got to the empaneling ot tho
Jury. T
fiootl Keo for 111" 'tfnthsslnsm.
When a man has suffered for several
days with colic, dlarrhpsa, ox .other form
ofr bowel complaint and4 Is then cured
sound and, well by one qr two doses of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy,' as is often the case, it Is
but natural that ho should bo enthusiastic-
in his pralss ot tho remedy, and espe
cially- Is this tliu case of a severe attaok
when life 'Is threatened. Try is when in
ned of such a remedy. It -never falls; Vvr
sals by all druggists Advertisement.
Pat It Ridiculous
K. W. . Hutchinson, , aOM SqUth Nine
teenth street, waa tnoro than pleased at
noon when he passed Tho Dee bulletin
board and saw his name down as tho
winner ot the sevfnty-fourth selection
of tW lands being given out by tlie gov
ernment In tho western part ot tho state,
Hutchinson always wanted n, farm, but
did not think much of the .lottery sys.
tern and so waited, until tho .early part
of last week before, making up his mind
to register. When he finally did put hs
name among tho rest about. 7 1. 000 had
already been there and ho considered hl
opportunity ot getting a desirable farm
preuy sum. j
He Is in earnest about settling a claim 1
and wilt move out In tho spring with Mrs.
Hutchinson and their daughter. Tor the
1 . . .Wma V . I. i. , ... .
. . TT. nlv ' "T'a VZt:!vr.r Overfat wen and woman, wortlfled and
...... ... w. ....,,., ..... ..... u, j eumu-HUtd by the publicity or eonapicu-
ean previous to that held the samo ous rolls and billows of fat, are gradually
position of tho Doyd. learning that 'through Jthe discovery of aa
eminent physician tho burden of overfat-
.. . ; nana la taken from them, leaving the ng-
Y. M. C. A. SALESMANSHIP I attractively proportioned, tho flesh
i. m. wr. n. oAucomnnonir th ,kBm0,lh, an1 the general
hiu. Thtro is no equal and no substitute
9x12 Seamless
Brussels OQ Jjj
9x12 Seamless
ves . . 514i5
9xl2Ax-$17 H
minster . II iU
Bargains in
Small Rugs
Sptcial Offering tf BtMing
Wo have on
Xana a ZArge
line of Pillows,
Com forts and
Blaaota watch
will bo sold
at low
rrlcca tola
week only.
'Ba T?rsTPJjPssaJs
ll!" ' iiiiiw s mi mmm -
See Our New Daylight Display Room
Solid Oak "Colon
ial" Library Table
S 512.00
Compare the Price.
Just received com
plete assortment of
Much Below Omaha Price
Lov Prices on Good Stoves
and Ranges Sold for Cash
or Easy Foments.
v 't lie :
to!e V.zL taoSJ.
Tfee Ctapagne of
Bottled Seer
Exclurively bottled in light bottles.
Common beerfcomes in dark botdes,
On sale at leading Buffets, on Dining Cars
and Steamship Lines.
Salesmanship in all its persuasive
ness was' expounded Monday nlerht In
the Young Men's Christian association
asaembl room to tho class of ypunf men
who aj-e ,maKlny a study of this ."profes
sion. II. K. Van Duser ot the University
for the famous Marmot Prescription, but
there is a nsr and more convenient form
a. tsblst form of this safa fat r mover.
Marmola Prescription Tablats contain tho
same harmless, effective Infrsdlents aa
lbs original prescription that has enabled
so many thousands of uncomfortable men
ana women to reduce their wtigni evenly
ot Iowa put tho class through Its first '"nd steadily at tho rate of a pound or
lesson and was followed by Edwin 8. c' " f:. wfKMrtKtan TaolatsU
Jewell, supertntehdent of the 1ty Na- sold by all druggists at TSc or sent you
tlonal bank building. The school's courso direct by the Marmola Co., Farmer Did"
Is in full blast now. irou wen., on rci9t oi yneo.
You don't know the tate of onnA htr im.
0 w mmm mt mmr -mw m ar mW Si mm mmf m 4 Va4A f
less you ve tried HIGH LIFE in light bottles
the finest tasting beer ever produced.
. i ne very next time you order bottled beer
do not merely say "Give me a bottle of beer." Make your demand
clear and concise. Use these words "Give me HIGH LIFE in the
Light Bottle and insist on getting it.
We are educating consumers to use this high grade beer in light
bottles and to distinguish common beer in dark bottles.
Corwincm yeurtalf order a com today
Brewed In Milwaukee by the Miller Brewing Co.
Doctors Now Agree
On Eczema Remedy
Cmim the State AiMt 1. 1. ! frcicrtfltafl
BhcreeoM. .IX la my
I). suU bo salls4 la
ikla aiaaase- -aa famitl
Um ilea, a eafaa to aa.
Oae. T, JUefc
eelDlea Dl D. I
all easoo f okla Hsssso--aa I
ata nliat m vim Ilea, a eaka
ettoa aarvoa, sort, ooowwaa?. ytt a pow
erful aaoat. a otroactk to tho goaorat
oyttosc' .
r. unaa kswmi -ti, u, u, s a
rur. oisosma bm csa
aa to itWM is saa-
wtrtM u. u. u.
ttttor, .barter" a
IOC tl
Bear a asoiAo lor
aroaaoa )sonaaM
Urla. I oonotaaUir roMrUo D. D. D.
also fariaalt raMtsa.
Hca. ptsaplsa. alllorsM
tloa. ooalaa aora
Sr. Im. 9 "Oabbartl
iauU D. IX D. reachoa oaaoa.
i testes orc.
"I froeir aaoalt
ana or
of Kaasaa. Writ to hiss. Dr. Ira T.
Qabbert. Caldwell, Xafls.
If you aro aatootad with any akin
blemlah. avoa tho altghtoat. or a torn
penury rash, try V. D. D. today.
Usa it accoralng to dlracUona.
Kotleo bow tho okln la cooled,
ootaod. smoothed, rofroohed the In
EtanttWo TSouMl Is ue4.
The poeunuo with tho simple waaa,
aad watch your euro.
Xl drnggista handle D. XX D. Como
to us and we will tell -you of tho mar
:elous eJHeleacy of this remedy aa well
I tht D D. D. Skin Soap. We offer
tno ara ruu sue ootue on u guar
aatoe tbat unless It do what Is
el aimed,
toaaoalsr omroa tfeesa, saaeo waanotgns
W mmm SB."
Dr. tUob art's worfta ac OC ovactal
IgaMnaaoo Xo Is knewa'aa oso of
the im swta aeoeiatuu w too sum
Phermaa V
costs you BOttlng.
McOonnell Drug Co.
in India
Wholesale Distributors. 1028 W. Broadway. Council Bluffc. U