THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2!, 1M3. Nebraska CHARGE IS A VINDICATION Board Files Nine-Page Bill Against Dr. Thomas. Nebraska Nebraska CLEARS UP DISPUTED POINT Issue of Veracity IletTreen Kenrner Man and Dnnrrt Decided liy ..Necord of I.nttcr ARnltmt S. ItMlf. farom a Staff Correspondent.) lilKCOhK, Oct.-28.-(Spoclat Telegram.) State- Superintendent Delzcll, acting for , the State Normal board, made the prom Ised charges ngatnst Dr. Thomas of the Kearney Normal school this morning In a nlno-pasc typewritten statement,' In whlcK-'the charge Ms made that Dr. Thomas represented to the board that hehad been offered the choncclorshlp of thd-f Arkansas State university and was Crahtcd a two weeks' vacation to ro down and talk the matter over with the board. , The charge!, If so they might be called, Instead of proving, anything against Dr. Thomas, are really a vindication, as It was simply a question of veracity be- ' tween Dr. Thomas and the board as to , whether the Arkansas board had con- eldered the Kearney educator. That tho board had considered Dr. Thomas for the position Is proven by .copies of letters received by A. L Cave . ness of tho Nebraska board, who took the trouble to Issue a circular letter to every member of the Arkansas board, ns Is shown In tho so-coiled "charges." A letter In the hands of State Treas urer Corge from one of tho faculty and board of the Arkansas university also makes Inquiry as to tho' qualifications of Dr. Thomas. ThU letter was wrlt 'ten n December, 1912. Those who have taken) the .side of tho board In the con troversy openly speak of. the chargos this morning as a "Joke" and. really no charges at nlj. ; Other ChnrKFs. iThe "charges" as prepared and given nut by State Superintendent ' Detzell, ono of tho members , of tho State Normal upard, contain nlno pages of typewritten matter and are composed principally of nn answer to the letter and resolutions went to the board by tho people of Kearney. The "charges" start out with the statement that "It Is with extreme reluctance and regret that you force upon us no other alternative than to disclose certain facts which caused tho board 'to lose confidence In Dr. Thomas.- As one goes through the "charges" It 9s easy to perceive why tho board was so "reluctant to "disclose certain facts." fhcro Is nothing but proof throughout the jcntlro "charges" that Dr. Thomas Jiad been considered for the chancclorshlp of the Arkansas State university, not withstanding the fact that tho Nebraska Normal board had fired Dr. Thomas, because he represented to the board that 'lie was. being considered for the position and wanted a couple of weeks layoff that ie might go down and confer with the 'Arkansas people. Jin speaking of the Kearney Normal whool the "charges' say: , , "Tfoi3tato Board of' Education ,-re- IT Jolces In the fact that the Kearney Nor mal school since Us Inception has en Joyed a tremendous growth and taks pride in this as much as do the. citizens of Kearney, but the board -takes Issue with the Citizens of Kearney. In their in terpretation of the' removal of President Thomas as a premeditated blow at the , welfare of the school. The" "State HoHrd or EMUcatlon bad lost confident In the, head of the Kearne' Normal school, and having lost conYWenoe, a change was Imperative " , "Humors" Reach Hoard. ' Tlie "charges" then" set out that rumors had reached the board that' President Thomas was' "unreliable and 'untrue, but credence sufficient to result Jn action was never given to these reports until the true version of the so-called .Arkan sas' nffalr came by chance Into the hands of the, board." Just hdw the board went about to get hold of the evidence by "chance" Is shown by the way In which A. I Cave ness, one of the board who voted to oust Dr. Thomas, wrote to the chairman of the Arkansas university board' for "evi dence" and, then wrote to each member of the board for more "evidence." It looks as If the element of "chance" didn't have much of a show for escape. The "charges" then go on to say that at a meeting of the State Normal board held September t, 1918. President Thomas requested a leave of absence with the "understanding of the board" that It was for the purpose of visiting Arkansas and looking after an offer he clalnled to have received of the chancellorship of the uni versity of that state. "In Ignorance of the true situation," the board granted the vacation. .Kesolutlons passed by the Kearney Commercial club, appearing In the dally papers, requesting. the state board to not alio the Arkansas university to take Dr. Thomas away are spoken of In the "charges" as giving credence. to the re port that. Dr. Thomas was wanted by the Arkansas university. Itrcelvrs Confidential Letter. ' However, Mr. Cavneis rec'elved a "confidential" letter from the Chairman of the Arkansas board, who '.'supposed" he was writing to the president of the Nebraska Normal . board, saying that the name of Dr. Thomas had been suggested as president of the University of 'Arkan sas, but the matter had not come before tho board for consideration and the presi dent did not know that It wollld. How ever, the president would like to .know ''confidentially what you know concern ing Dr. Thomas, his character, reputation for truth and veracity, his scholarship and his success as a school man." For a man whom the Nebraska State Normal board has been trying to make the people believe had not been consid ered by tho Arkansas board, tho forego ing Indicates that tho members ' were at least Interested enough to write to Mr, Caveness, "whom they suppdsed to be presldont," for their Information. The "charges" then cohtain Ine answer of Mr. Qavonees that "President Thomas of the Kearney normal l:ad 'reported to the board that a committee from the board of trustees of the lYrkansas'itnlrcr-' Blty had visited him atid tendered him the chancellorship of the University of Ar kansas at a salary - of $7,00) per .annum and requested leave of .absence. Mr. Cavenss then asked the Arkansas man t6 send hint the rjameo'of all of the members of tho Arkansas board of trustees that he might write each one of ttiern. HlL'ht here was where the element of "chance" got another opportunity to make good. Writes to Trailers. Mr, Caveness then wrote to each ofthe members of he k Arkansas board of trus tees, asking them what salary had been offered Dr. Thomas. The answers as shown In the ""charEes" were of some length In some cases, but were to the effect that no specified amount had been etf,red Dr. Thomas, which might have been expected, as the letters written by Mr.' Caveness stated that the people .of Kearnoy were very anxious to keep Dr. Thomas, and the board would like to know how much the Arkansas board was going to offer so they could act "Intelli gently at the next meeting. . This was an Invitation to the Arkansas board to show their hand so that the Ne braska board wbuld know what to play, knd naturally they refused to give the amount or signify any very great Interest In telling Mr. Caveness. who was so anxious to know that he wrote letters to ati the members of the board, what they were up to. H. B. McKenile of Prescolt said that tho place was being filled by a man who was doing very well and they did not think they would make a change "this ynar." If at all. He did not know any thing about Dr. Thomas as chancellor of the university. C Was JS'et Considered. Edgar Brewster of Pine Bluffs, Atk.. said It had been some time since the stat board had met, but at the "last" meeting Dr. Thomas' name was not considered T.'A. Turner of Jonesboro said that It was the opinion of the board that the salary now paid should be raised and woa not able to Inform Mr. Caveness-of the "amount of salary which would accom pany an offer to Mr. Thomas." And yet tho state board attempts to say that Dr. Thomas had not been con sidered by tho board. Other letters run about along the same line, but Gustave Jones, who wrote from Newport, said: "Vo have mode no offr of a 'salary, but If we are able' to.seclrre 'him' he can name 'his' own salary. The board 'has not formally acted.' We are waiting for the legislature to meet to see If tho appropriation wilt not be materially Increased." It would look as If Mr. Jones had let sbmethlng out which the rest of the board was trying to keep quiet, for who could the "he" and tho "him" mentioned In his letter be but Dr. Thomas, to whom Mr. Caveness had referred in his letter of Inquiry. Governor G. W. Donaghey, who Is presl dent of the board, was very guarded In his answer to Mr. Caveness. He said that no "tender" of the position had been made Dr. Thomas and also that no "offer" of salary had been made. In closing the "charges" the board ex plains that they look upon the whole mat ter as a scheme of Dr, Thomas to use the University of Arkansas story to -work the, board. to raise his salary as president of the normal at Kearney, and for that reason they consider that he should go. Be, that as It may, there are other statements In connection with the dis puted offer of the position of president of .the Arkansas State university to Dr. Nebraska Thomas. In tho statetauU made by the members of the Normal board which voted to dlsmlr Dr. Thomas, A. 11 Vlele. j Jamc-s K. Delicti. A. U Cavlnesa and T V. Majors, who elun the "charges," It Is set forth that the board "understoou" Dr. Thomas that he wanted to go to Arkansas to look otter an offer he had received as chancellor of the Arkansas university. They "understood" Dr. Thoman to say. But they come out and make chargesv'tr the have removed him, giving the public to understand that they had caught the doctor with the goods on him. In their "charges" they vc tlcnlly admit thnt they might have heen mMtaken. State Treasurer George, who Is a mem ber of tho board, said this morning after rending the "charges" that Dr, Thomas made no such statement, but that he un derstood him to say that he had been mentioned In consideration with tho place and wanted to go down and talk with tho board. Another proposition which goes to show that Dr. Thomas was considered for the position Is the fact that, last December threo members of the Arkansas state beard, acting as a committee, came to Lincoln and made Inquiry aa to the stand ing of Dr, Thomas as an educator. They called at the office of State Treasurer George and were there Interviewed by a Lincoln reporter o ntho matter, Does this not Indicate that Dr. Thomas was considered as a possible future chan cellor of the Arkansas university? Congressman Kinkaid Goes Over Irrigation Dispute Along Platte KKAKNBY, Oct. tS.-(Speclal.)-Afler being presented with evidence so con vincing that he could but acknowledge the Injury done to the Platto valley In the last season by the lack of underflow arid auhlrrlgatlon caused by the Impound ing of the waters In the Pathfinder dam In Wyoming. Congressman. Kvlnkald came to the city Saturday for the express pur pose of going over the situation with M. Jj, Hand and Freeman Mnrryman, presi dent and secretary of the Platte Valley Protective association. Before coining to tho city last week the Nebraska congressman was not sure of what stand he should toko In the situa tion along the Platte, but after having evidence presented to him by the local association office, ho stated that there was no doubt of the Injuries sustained by the farmers along tho entire valley To the association men he stated that he would take hold of tho matter Imme diately upon his arrival at-Washington and would Inslste that the reclamation bureau of the Interior department send one of tho best men In thn service to make a thorough Investigation of the Platto conditions. The congressman said that he felt that tho water should be so managed that the Platte river would not bo robbed of the water which should be flowing within Its banks. The matter, added Mr. Kin kaid, Is up to the reclamation officials and should be readily adjusted. Beforo leaving the city he told the officials that he was heartily In sympathy with their demands and would do anything In his power to help straighten tho matter out In an equitable way. This picture shows the sea son's classiest model, but we've scores of coats built on more con servative lines flv emsm us am w th. quamy Wrs. If you want an overcoat with class all over it ' and quality all through it, you want one of our's -few Prices run . from $13.50 to $85.00 with the best in town at $18, $20, $25 $15 or better OSULKA'S rABTKST QHOWIJfO BTOJUG JPARWAM ST. No matter what your size, we have -the overcoat to fit you to bring you . comfort and im part stylishness to your appearance. Wooster Appears in Behalf, of 'Convict (From a Staff Correspondent,) LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. IS.-(Hpoclal Teto-gram.)-Charles Wooster of Hllver Creell, appearing before the Btato Board'of Con trol this afternoon, urged tho board -"to make n landmark Jn history" by drderlng tho warden of tho stnte penitentiary td discontinue religious exercises Bunds.)' afternoon at that Institution. Mr. Wooster appeared before thoiboivrd principally in behalf of Convict 8t. Clair; who had been kept In his cell because of dtsobeyanco of prison discipline otio of the cases being a refusal to attend chapel oxerclses on 8unday. Wooster 'olaimeit that St. Clair had a right granted him- Uy the constitution to refuse to attend chaptl exercises. Judge I, L. Albert also ap peared In IJehalf of St. Clair Chaplain Johnson of the penitentiary! Attorney Wolfenborger, Sheriff Hyers and one other party spoke In favor of prlnoli discipline. They contended that when a man was convicted of a crimo and' entered the prison his constitutional rights were lost and hn was subject to prison rule. A man has a right to re celvo and open his own letters, but when he reaches prisoip that right ceases, as other constitutional rlnhta conflicting with prison rules neceesary to the temperment of discipline, according to the contention of thoso spenklng for the enforcement 6f ;tie rule. The iKjnrd will probably hand down Its "decision" tomorrow. Himilnr XpIiooI Convention. BTBUVA, Nori., oot. (Bpeclal.)-Tho annual convention Of the Itlrhardson County Cunday flchool association will be held In Balem next Wednesday, Miss Margaret laien Brown and Wt II. Kim bo r ley, state Pundny school workers from Lincoln, will ' bn - present. Miss drawn attended tho world's Sunday school con vention at Zurich, Hwltxortand, and but recently returned from a trip around the world, flhe was a' rriember of tho llelnx commission, whose privilege It was to study the condition of childhood In the orient. NEW PETITION FILED FOR REQUISITION OF THAW CONCOno: N. It., Oct. .-Another pe tition for tho extradition of Harry K. Tli aw was filed wttii tho secretary of stats by Bernard Jacobs, a New Hamp shire lawyer 'representing the state of New York. The new petition Is based on the Indictment returned by the New York county grand Jury, last week and charges that Thaw conspired to escape from the Matteawan asylum. Key to the Bltilation-Uce Advertising. Sidney Lanier, the ppet, the Christian, the greatest flute player of all time, said this: "To make a home out of a household, given the raw materials to wit, a wife, children, r a friend or two and a house two other things are necessary. These are a good fire and MUSIC. And inasmuch as we can do without the fire half the year, may say MUSIC is the one essential. " ' ' k Come tomorrow with FIVE dollars m& come wfth ttte expectation ol having one of these, magnificent pianos or p!ayer-pianos sent home COME here tomorrow. Tuck a five dollar bill in your pocket before starting. And come with the expectation of begin ning right then and there to own one of these fine pianos. You will be surprised agreeably surprised. We expect. you to be. For you will see a piano, which in design, in finish, in tone and in action will equal if not surpass those of your friends and neighbors which cost three hundred and fifty to three hundred nd seventy-five dollars: And even up to four hundred dollars! We don't care how skeptical you may be. You will see that these instruments are the biggest kind of bargains at the price ($248.75), to say nothing of the r, any other advantages you get in the plan through which tl ey are now being Bold. You will see that these are just the kind of p ano you have been pictur ing in your mind for your home. You will see at a glance that these instru ments will grace any home. That they will correspond with any modern room it matters not how beautifully appointed. In fact, you will be so' delighted with them th at you will be irresistibly compelled to select one for your very own. The whole ' disposition gone over again f In order that von will know this whole proposition jUBt an well as we know it, we will go over It again. qf First, we are going to sell three hundred pianos for two hundred and forty-eight dollars and seventy-five ceata each, which under the uiuaf mithodt of selling roll at three hundred and fifty dollars each. T Instead of selling them on rtgular , lurmt of twenty to twenty-five dollars down, and ten, twelve, flftwtt dollars a month, you pay but fiv doilart .as an Initial payment and the remainder at the rate of only one rfortar and twenty. five cents a week and the piano Ih .sent" to your home at ones. A Joint guarantee, signed by both the manufacturer and ourselves, Is handed to you in writing, which guar antees the material and workmanship of tho piano for five years from the day you make your purchase. q You can get your money bach at the'end of thirty days' trial of the piano Vf you wish. o; At tho end of the first years' use of tbeplano.should you wish, you can exchange it for any other new piano we sell of equal or, greater value.' This gives you a whole year to fully eatlsfy yourself, that the piano Is all you wish It to be. - q And, should you die before all of your payments have been made, all future or unpaid payments wlH be cancelled voluntarily. ( q If you wish, you need not. take, the full one hundred and ninety-five weeks' time In which to pay for your piano. You may pay in let time. '' This Is -wholly optional on our part. But for each and every wek you do shorten the life of your agreement, you can earn a cath dividend or ca$h premium of fifteen cents. q Included, without extra charge, are a late style scarf and stool to match the piano. CcjiyUllytojjetCarrckIne. jCoyflitJjnibjrStor T fiam numummmmt iHiwnWi'aiiM'Wirw apryr;