Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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Words of Praise
For Mayr's Wonderful
Stomach Remedy
"How thankful we
re to you lor fjot
ting a hold of your
Wonderful Homed)-.
My wife could not
Iihvo hod but a short
time to live If she
had not taken your
Wonderful Hem e d y
when she did. One
more of those parox
ism pains she was
having would have
killed her without a
doubt Now she Is free from all pain.
Tree from heart trouble and free from
that disturbing Neuralgia all the re
sult of five treatments and the ex
pulsion of five or six hundred OaU
Stones. Now she Is able to eat anything
ahe wants nnd her sppetlte Is good and
before taking your medicine she had no
appetite and when she ate anything she
would suffer death for so .doing and
could not sleep at night, since taking
your treatment she sleeps well nil night
long. T A. ytall, Roanoke, Texas."
The above letter should convince you
more than anything wc could any In be
half of Kajrr'a Woadsrfnl Btomaoh
Xsasdjr. Fufferrrji should try one dosa
of this ltemedy one dose should con
vince them that they can be restored to
health. Nearly all Stomach Ailments
are caused by the clogging of the In
testinal tract with mucoid and catarrhal
accretions -allowing poisonous . fluids
into the Btotnach and otherwise derang
ing the digestive system. Xayrs Won.
Ssrfnl Stomach Senear painlessly re
moves these accretions without a
surgical operation and puts an end to
Colic Attarks. Oases n the Stomach
nnd Intestines and all of the usual
symptoms of Sterna1!!., lver and In
testinal Aliments. Ask your druggist
about Kayr'a Wonderful Htomaoh Xssn
eajr or send to Oeo. It Atayr,, Mfg.
Chemist, m Wliltln. SU Chicago, 111.,
for free booklet on Stomach Ailments
and many grateful letters from people
who have born rcstoreu.
For sale In Onmlia -by Hherman & Mc
Connell, Druggist. Hth and Dodge Sts.,
ltlt and Jlarney Kts.-, 24th and Kamam
Bis., and Hotel Loyal, and druggists
FACE" amass qf it
trays -staol Carta SC. of Oa ef the
Went Oases Anybody Svsr 8w."
Phttadelphla, Pa. "I had eczema tar
the last twenty-five years, and have boen
afflicted so badly that for weeks I eoald
not go outaldo the door. My face was
one mass of pimples, and not only the
looks of It, but the Itching and burning
jpulns I experienced were Just dreadful.
I lost a great deal of sleep and had to
keep dampened cloths on my face all
night to relieve the pain. I had. become
StsKUated with trying different things.
"One day I made up my mind to try
Tlesinol, and after using one Jar of IUsl-
nol Ointment, and one cake of Iteslnol
Boap, I saw tho difference, and now my
face Is as clear aa anybody'sand I cer
tainly don't need to bo ashamed, to. go
out. Restnol Hoap and Iteslnot Ointment
cured me of ono of the worst cases ot
eosema, i guess, mat anyoooy ever saw.'
(Sfcited) Mrs. C. Ilellmuth, Mil Apple-
tree St, Kept. 30. 1912.
Nothing we can say of Tleslnol equals
what others, such as Mrs. Ilellmuth, say
of It If you are suffering from Itching,
Burning skin troubles, pimples, black
heads, dandruff, ulcers, belts, stubborn
cores, or pile, r Restnol Ointment and
3tMnoI Boat at the nearest druggist's.
For free trial, write to Dept. 21-H. RM
TA, Baltimore, Md.
wSisti i 'isOi-y
Tuesday, October 28, 1913.
LL roads lod to Lincoln'-' Monday ns far aa society was concerned.
There were no large social entertainments scheduled in Omaha,
but a large number of guests from hero attended the dinner
dance given at the Lincoln hotel Monday evening by Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Mullen in honor of former Ambassador D. E. Thompson and his
brido. Both hosts nnd honor guests have many friends here and quite n
number attended.
The attractive banquet room of the Lincoln hotel was beautifully
decorated with huge bouquets of chrysanthemums. Thero were six large
round tables, having centerprleccs of the chrysanthemums surrounded with
smaller vases of the same kind of blossoms, and more than 100 guests were
Mrs. Thompson, who is a charming blonde, wore a white satin char
meuso evening gown and Mrs. Mullen wore an American Dcauty velvet even
ing gown trimmed with shadow laco. Among tho Omaha guests at the din
ner dance were Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Becson, Mr. and Mrs. R, L. Huntley and
Mr, and Mrs. Halleck Rose. Soveral other guests had planned to attend.
Lincoln visitors In Omaha returned home Monday afternoon to attend
the dinner dance. ,
The Original Bridge club all motored to Lincoln .for their meeting this
week and we're entertained by Mrs. R. J. Greene, sister of Mrs. A. Q. Boeson.
decorated the rooms. Prlies were won by
Mrs. E. P. Hennesy, Mr. Chatles El
gutter and Mrs. filmon Bergcr. Those
present were:"1
J. Merrill,
A. B. Mertltt,
A. Urown,
J BcHlsnk.
Toby Jacobs,
Charles Singer,
J. 3. Singer,
A. Hosenthal,
A. Ilane,
lto Itosenthal,
A. Herxberw,'
J3. C. Hennesay,
Charles 1C1 gutter,
Pinion Burger,
Pam Kreldman,
M. Orkln,
I. Qluck.
Max Pommers
M. Newman,
Mlna Rosenthal,
Evening Coffee.
The plan of having some of' the mas
culine guests assist at evening parties Is
growing. In popularity. This Idea orig
inated lu Washington society and has
bren used not.' a little In Omaha, espe
cially at dancing parties', where the as-
tgtlng men must1 aid the hostess In In
troducing thjKjrutests. This evening Miss
Alice Carter will entertain Informally at
o'clock coffee at her home for tho mem
bers of the younger set In honor of her
guest. Miss Iydia Cook of Portland, Mo.,
and a number of young men aa well as
women will assist Yellow chrysanthe
mums will be used In decoration and
about forty young people will be present
Assisting will be:
Misses MImpV.
Mlldred nogera, Carmellta Chase,
KatherlnoThummell. Knthrrlnn ltro.nn
Bertha Dickey,
Messrs. Messrs.
Lake Deuel, Tavlor Belcher.
Jack Webster. John Btewart,
Qeorgo Flack, Robert Connell.
Annual Charity Ball.
The Jewish Ladles' Relict society will
give Us ninth charity ball Ootober 30 at
the Auditorium. The officer of the so
ciety are: Mrs. A. Mtlcher, president;
Mrs. A. B. Alplrn, vlco president; Mrs.
It ICulakofsky, aecretary; Mrs. II. Maro
wits, treasurer, and the chairman of the
committee are Mrs". B. A, Blmon and
Mrs. E. V. Long. The ball com mitt eo
Includes Mrs. J. Steinberg, Mrs, Charles
Bunshlne, Mrs. H. Prod, Mrs. Gordon.
Mrs. E. A. Chedlck, Mrs. L. Kneeter,
Mrs. D. Sherman, Mrs. W. Wolfson, lira.
I. Levy, Mrs. II. A. Wolf, Mrs. A. B. Al
plrn, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. M. Tatel, Mrs.
M. Horn. Mrs. J. B. Robinson, Mrs. R,
Kulakofsky, Mrs. 8. Ravlts, Mrs. B.
Bugartnin, Mrs. II. Marowltx and Mrs.
M. Melcher. '
IbbbbV 2'SBSB.fei fsfc
standard set by tho dental college stu
dents last year. It will be a Hallowe'en
party and ft witch will serve punch. The
hnll will be elaborately decorated.
This Is the first of a series of five. The
committee In charge of the affair Is; E.
6. Taylor and Joxeph Krenklng of the
seniors, Frank Murphy and Charles And
ers 6f tho Juniors,. C. V. Bobollk and Ben
jamin Mach of the freshmen.
0. Newman,
1. Pommers,
Ixuls Pommers,
Frederick Cohn,
1 lagan,
Pol Klein,
Moa Miller,
Vr" Miller.
J. N. Kopald,
(1. Grots.
V. Pinions.
Eva Gladstone,
Myron Kahn,
M. Meyer,
8 Wells,
Dave Wells.
M timer Moses,
Irma Wells.
The meeting of the V. 8. Grant post and
corps, planned for Tuesday evening at the
home of Mrs. George W. Lower, has been
Indefinitely postponed. ,
Tcrry-Liddel Wedding.
Mrs. Robert B. Uddell announces the
wedding of hc.r daughter, Carolyn, to Mr.
Charles I Terry. Tho ceremony tools
place Punday at the bride's parents'
home, 2.'20 Charles street. Rev. J. M.
Runcie officiated.
For November Bride.
Mrs. Harold Sobotker and Miss Trimble
entertained at bridge this afternosn at
the home o the former In Dundee, in
hon6r of Miss Marguerite Buseh, who will
t. n November bride. Tho guests In
Army Card Party,
Mrs. C. A, Hweet entertained Informally
at cards Saturday afternoon for her
daughter, Mrs. George W. C. Whiting of
Fort Crook, who will leave Wednesday
Tor Galveston, where she will Join lieu
tenant Whiting, and for Mrs. Trlnder,
who expects to leave Fort Omaha Friday
for Tosas. Those present were:
O. W, C. Whiting, Hentlng of
William Nesbltt Fort.Crook,
of Fort Crook, W; T. fcoleman
John Trlnder. of Fort Crook,
MUs Plummcr of Fort Crook.
Bridge luncheon.
Mrs, 'David Wells was hostess at a
bridge luncheon Saturday at her home.
American Beauty roses and carnations
Marguerite BukcIi,
Marjorlf lowland,
Helen Kpeneter,
llclen Murphy,
Beatrice Coad,
Josephino Murphy,
Ireno Coad,
Georgo Trimble,
D. M. Edgerly,
Clifford Wcller,
E II. Blakeley,
1-iiiim Yund of
Amsterdam, N. T ,
Roso Smyth.
Gladys Impey,
Marie Woodard,
Hazel Heggblade,
Claire H. Woodard.
Mel Uhl, Jr.;
C. H. Sobotker,
J. P. Trimble,
Harold Sobotker,
W. C. T. U. Halowe'en Party.
The Frances Wllllvl Woman's Chris
tian Temperance. union will entertain at a
Hallowe'en party. at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. James Dalsell, 1119 South Thirty
first street, Friday evening. A cordial
Invitation Is extended to all friends.
How the 'rronlile Starts.
Constipation la the cause of many all
ments and disorders that make life mis
erable, Take Chamberlain's Tablets, keep
your bowels regular and you will avoid
these diseases. For sale by all druggists.
Evening Reception.
Miss Goldle Alplrn entertained at a
reception Sunday evening from 8 to 10
o'clock for her cousin, Miss Sadie Fern
stein ot St Paul. Pink and white waa
the color scheme, a mound of the roses
being Used on the dining table with pink
shaded candles. About ISO guests called.
Among those assisting were;
Joe Rosenberg, '
Marlon Marowlt,
Badle Marowlts.
Mollle Corby.
Bess Monsky.
Fannie Rosenblum.
Lillian Rabin,
11. D. Marowltx,
Badle Maro wits.
Rose Weinberg,
Ida B rod key,
Ruth Gross,
Frances Palais.
Mr. Dflsae iot tils rw t9-llrto. It rur4 his
rMIp nr k had ultrM tertunt oq
thlnr-li iars. H sttent tbwiMBi ct aolt&ra
b4oe be illmrrxl tht rmt4r that cur4 him,'
l I will ilr jru the tnfll o hit MBrisc
Ur svthlsc.
It irou mirtrr from rlimnvtlm let ot (Mil you.
ot IhU Mtotj abaoluttlr (rt. Dont
nr Br 1 at to trt It to o. I
st jmi io m tor whit It will do.
Tht X-rr Blruir aliovi fcw rhtusuttua twtiU
OMsrt th toon. Mtjtm ;ou r aattertag
(h mm fjij. Don't. Tea don't mid to. r
ta rrraed that I tlltto will turt rou,
as U'a roar for t aotins. Writ is today.
1". H. IMtao, 1U.Q. V', too Olds.. SyracuM, Now
Yont. to I will n yea troo rtcktf ih
Trry y I irt rtir loiter.
"TVeti you havs frequent sneettng fits,
tlekUng In the throat crusts In the nose,
Pv ma of coughing, raising of mucus,
droppings In the throat and offensive
breath, you are affected with catarrh.
Uamedlate steps should t taken to
remedy this condition or the allmtnt wilt
Increase and spread through the air pas
sages, and a chronic and serious stags
ot th disease may result.
At the first symptoms of catarrh, uss
Hyomel as sold by druggists everywhere.
Tfesre Is no other treatment like it or
Just as good; none that can take Its
place and ralleva so surely, so quickly
and at so little cost It Is a scientific
medicated air treatment that doe not
drug and derange the stomach, but Is
breathed In through the Hyomel Inhaler,
destroying the disease germs that may
lurK In the Moce, throat and lungs, aad
soothing and healing tht irritated mucous
Hyomel Is offer to catarrhal suffer
trs with the agTeemett to refund the
purchase price to any one who Is not
satisfied with results. Tou certainly can
afford to test Hyomel with an offer like
lh(. Get It now, and be cured ot ca
tarrh, Hyomel does not contain cocaine,
or any other habit forming drug. Com
plete outfit including. 'inhaler and bottlt
of liquid. l.0 Extra bottles of liquid.
If 1atr nerd'd, SOc
Unique Party, at Plerenn.
Miss Myrtle Hooper of Florence enter
tained at a unique party at her horns
Thursday evening, when the gueats were
entertained with a mock weddjng. Miss
Hooper was the bride and wore a white
wedding gown with veil and flowers.
Miss Palma Law eon served as bride
groom. Miss Georgia Remhardt acted as
bridesmaid ana Mlta Clara. McDermand as
maid of honor. Preceding the ceremony
Miss Clta, Barcntsn sang "I Love You
Truly," Miss Maria Field played the
Lohengrin wedding march. Rose Houska
read the marriage line, a wedding sup
per was served, after which the bride
and bridegroom enjoyed a wedding trip
by auto to Calhoun, Those In attendance
Rose Houska,
Allda Klander.
Grace Henkley,
Etta Barentsen,
iieien iinn,
Palma Lurstn,
Helen Loftman,
Mario Field.
Clara McDermand.
Georgia Remhardt,
Myrl Hooper.
Gamma ta Gamma.
Theta chapter or minima ICta Gamma
of the Crelghton College of Law gave an
Informal recaption Saturday evening, the
occasion being the opening of their new
home at 1113 South Thlrty-thlrd street
The house waa tastily decorated with
autumn leaves and the combined colors
of tho college and fraternity. Those pres.
ent were:
Misses Ma.
Ileen McCaffreif
iajuh unatrnui.
Watch the Folks Rush
Tonight's Spaghetti Night
You never served a dish more
welcome more appetizing
more nutritious than Faust
Spaghetti. There's practically
no end to the ways Faust
Spaghetti can be served all
, savory,- relishable and satisfy
ing. Far cheaper than meat
mucn more strengtnening ana
easier digested. You should
fjive the children a whole
unch of
at least twice a week it's a mus
cle, bone and flesh builder. Ask
your doctor. Faust Spaghetti
is made from Durum wheat,
which is extremely, rich in gluten
the food content that makes
for strength and growth. Write
for free recipe book and learn
how many dishes you make
of Faust Spaghetti.
At all grocers'
5c and 10c
St Louis, Mo.
Correct styles and
exceptional wear
Mayer Honorbilt Shoe3 appeal to men and
women who seek the most approved styles
and at the same time demand the utmost in wear
ing quality- They are stylish in appearance, and
are made in the most thorough, workmanlike man
nerof the best materials obtainable.
lilanch A. Coffraan, Irene Downev
Mabel Fulton,
Bess Later.
Edith a. Norrls.
iii a
ace Kibbler.
Alice Delaney.
Ruth Hunzlker.
Philip E. Horan,
K. H. McCarthy.
Walter T, Morr.
Vernon Bchleh,
G. V. Itademacher,
O W.(pratt,
W. W,vHoyi.
J. P. Gaffeney.
Maurice a Griffin.
V. Mooney Maher,
F. H. Sheehan.
Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Dougherty.
Mr. and Mrs. ltaymond T. Young,
Mrs. W, E. rarker.
Irene Lansdon.
Nell Lovely,
Irene McCoy.
Norma Wilhurn.
Catharine M. Goodall
Helen M. Grady,
Margaret Ine,
Irene Kenney.
Emmet T, Harinon,
Claude Parker,
Charles P. Flood,
Edward J. Robins,
K. J. Kean.
Joe Rreen,
Joe Lovely,
1 B. Day.
J. V. McDermott,
Matthew Urossard.
Lunoheoa at Floreaoe,
Mrs. David Manln. formerly Miss Hasel
Hoff of Florence, entertained a number
of her friends at luncheon Saturday
afternoon. Those present were:
A Noted Eastern Furrier
Exhibits Here, Com
mencing TODAY
promise something extraordinary
in the way of Furs and Fur Prices.
See the Eastern Styles, and own them if
you wish, at LESS than Eastern Prices.
Ladies' Tailor,
Webster -Sunderland Bldg.,
16th and Howard Sts.
Irene Mess
Helen Kick.
Ellen KdluUt,
Iva Blsley,
Mesdames -II
li Kllsore.
Nora Kelly.
Bess Horsens,
Ruth Marco.
David M. Manln.
Hair! ?5?'?.'?.
Ayer's M5r
SsWs Sas lM4sC
hat' M. hm't a kU & tUk,
hsavy hair wortk wWk?
Tho Crtlxhton Dental college students
will fc-lve their first dance of the year at
C'rambers' dandns academy Tuesday arc
rilnir. "Elaborate preparations have leen'
aade by t,-o committee In rtarse andf
- eiy cfdrt will bo made to meet the hint
LadW Dept. with expert lady fitters
Have your truss
fitted by an expert
Surcteal aad XavaUd IohUm,
1410-13 Xarncy B trs it.
Tslssbons Hour. USS,
"Buy your surgical supplies
where your physician buys his."
1 Arth I
3 an n m
It I '
I AMtatwl trim I
SiNrUrt 1
I I MmssjbjbjkbbBI
For men, women
u4 children
Mayer Honorbilt Shoes hold their shape, look neat
and dressy and are far more serviceable than other
shoes of equal price. These extremely fine fitting
shoes are acknowledged everywhere to be the
greatest shoe, values obtainable.
WARNING Be sure and look for the Mayer
trade mark on the sole. If your dealer does
not handle Honorbilt Shoes, write to us.
We make Honorbilt Shoes in all styles for men, women
and children; Yerma Cushion Shoes: Dry-Sox, the
creat wet weather shoe, and Martha Washington Com
fort Shoes.
F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co., Milwaukee
t BbbbbQsbbSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
The great popularity of the
clean, pure, healthful
is causing unscrupulous persons to wrap
rank imitations that are not even real
chewing gum so they resemble i genuine
WRIGLEY'S BKB2E . The better class
of stores will not try to fool you with
these imitations. They will be offered to
you principally by street fakirs, peddlers
and the candy departments of some 5 and
10 cent stores. These rank imitations
cost dealers one cent a package or
even less and are sold to careless people
for almost any price.
If you want Wrigley's look before you
buy. Get what you pay form
Be sate it's
r.ji . rr.
BLV Bflr iBr . r jam
is adTertisement
customers, who
ther purchas
JVilrnc! nrrilriTil
Women's Exclusive Wearing Apparel
At Moderate Price
Jj New Goods Arriving Daily.
Uads strons ana
ell In a few days
without a surcteal
operation or loss ot
Urns. Our work U
cuarantted. Call or
write tor particulars.
Dis. TVrajr & Uin.
ShM B.e Bid,,