Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Jon't Be Dull in Body and Brain,
jjoagt a iatue Laxa Capi Stop
Constipation and Pat
end for TREE Trial Fackaca Today.
tSXrJ.':"'. . - ' '-.-i-;--r.-r
bT iHHiiHiiH
Wake VP nnc" "show 'em' you're still
a "Lira Wire.' Don't let constipation
makb you . an old man at middle ace.
Dodge's Llltlo Laxa Caps are a "new
one1' unllko unythlng you've ever tried.
No constipation remedy made gives such
quick and frentle relief. Your exhaustion
and brain-fag are due to constipation
which- binds your bowels with bodily
waste. Dodge's Little Loxa Caps relieve
you In the gentlest, quickest way ward
off headaches, grip, find many far worse
diseases,'. Be wlso In time. Give Dodge's
Little Irfua Caps a (trial. They are pure
ly vegetable and contain no mercury In
any form. Price at drug and depart
ment stores. If your dealer cAn't supply
you, we will by mall, on receipt of price.
Free Trial Coupon
Walter Luther Sodga & Co.,
1833 Bo. Wabash. Ave, Chicago, ZU.
Gentlemen: Please send me free
trial package of Dodge' Little Laxa
Caps. I will give Uiem a fair test,
Street t
Town State
For sal and recommended by the fol
lowing drut? stores In Omaha: Beaton
Drug Co.. Bell Drug Co.. Men-its Phar
macy;, Sherman .t McConnell Drug Co.
"The Art of Mixing Them"
Is tlip name of a handy little
book,, which Is FKKK TO YOU
for the asking at
1309 Farnam Street.
$1.00 and $1.25 quarts of well
known whiskies audi ai "Jockey
Club," "Old Kentucky" and 7fn
"Old STcBrayer" at
$1 bottle Willow Brook (boiuc
in bond) Whiskey 69 G
Sb VoVtie port wini " Q9p
IH botile Itock and iiye, tho' great
etii remedy for colds and RQn
grippe, at ..., UU
Order by phone. We deliver
We ship anywhere. Send for prlct
list and special offers.
Can You Use a
Revolving v
At a Bargain?
Inquire of
Room 4 03
fixing facts -m the MiNDifhri,mro,narap,ru,:?,onkno:f
Expert Memory Man Tells How Not
to Forget Names.
1 mm i arrant Boy nishrrasher Twenty
Vn Airo, A'ott Trains Slem
orlea of Ministers and
A, young Intmlsrant boy. dishwasher by
occupation, walked Into Cooper Cnlon one
night, sleepy' and tired, and picked up a
book at random, lie was" a ivory Ignorant
boy; he- had never heard of Shakespeare,
30.SW, but I want to show that people
can remember anything they want to.
If I were a minister, I would know
even verse In tho ntble; If I wcro an
insurance man, I would know very
premium. There are all sorts of spare
time. "Why take dinners! Assurance
Is halt the battle. If you know that
ou know, you are efficient and a
happy man. If you aren't sure, you
are Inefficient and miserable. Read
your slips on the subway, on the ele
atcd,' between times. Most men work
eight .hours out of the twenty-four, and
then take mental recreation on a root
garden. The mind only need's a change;
tit never, requires complete relaxation.
. M 1. 1 1. .tin. - .-At... It...
, ... ... , i 4iuiuuuiucr. biifb w till-
and Lincoln was a myth, but he liked a). Dolhg c(.rU,n ,hmgJ, R ,h0
book now aim intn. eu uc icau. ... . v, i, i. ..ii
The boy was Felix Berol, today the
greatest "memory man" allvel the dish
washer who twenty years ago knew noth
ing; except that he existed n a rather dull ,
world, today Is the man who has SOo.OOi
facts at his Instant command. The book
was Henry "Georg-e'a "Progress and Pov
erty." the factor In Berol's life that
changed the whole current of his career.
For he found that he couldn't remember
anything he read, so he hunted books on
memory. For seven months after that
first night he ,was kicked around from
the pillar of Cooper Union to the post of
Astor library as a loafer. For some
times, even though ho was Interested
greatly, he would nod over his book;
dishwashing for twelve hours was rather
fatiguing. But he read voraciously on (he
subject that was fascinating his awaken
ing mind. He began to plan a little sys
tem by which he could remember things.
In seven months he was on the vaudeville
stage as "Berol, the Mental Marvel, with
6.000 Foots In Ills Head."
Mr. Berol smiles deprectlngly now at
that paltry store of Information, for to
day there are sixty times 6,000. Yet he
mttlgatcn the deprecation by asking,
"What do you know? What knowledge
has the ordinary man outside his bus!
noss? How much of ,yqur college educa
tion have you retained? Then ho reels off
the history of the war of the Spanish suc
cession or gives. In full the construction !
of the dlgestVve system.
. Practical System.
How did he do It? What Is his secret?
The system Is one of "hooks" and
"slips." all very mysterious to the un
initiated, but quite dimple and practical
to the men. who knows. Every single
fact to bo acquired Is written down on
a stlp of paper, on the other side of
which Is, the "hook," or suggestive Idea.
The student, by repeat el reference to
these slips, soon learns the "hook," and
threby, of course, Instantly can recall
the associated fact
"We use the principle of assimila
tion," said Mr. Berol recently, "when
wo find. Imagine, or matte a.' word, which
Ib easier for us to remember than the
word -wo are. trying to remember. Those
assimilations are called handphones. As
names of persons, for Instance, generally
mean little or nothing to us, they are
hard to remembej. By assimilating; those
bard-to-remember words into words
which mean something to us, which
therefore are easily remembered, we will
be able to recall the names of people,
without difficulty. A little practice soon
will enable ua to find homophones to
fit any name which wo may encounter.
There Is no name, however strange, for
which a homophune ma not be fouVid.
"The homophone . easily may be asso
ciated with something1 about the person's
features, business peculiarities. There
are several kinds of associations, that of
similarity, of contrast, of succession; of
contiguity;' It depends entirely upon your
power of Imagination. For Instance, take
that portly woman yonder. The most
striking; thing about her Is that she Is
fat. We find .that her name Is Fry.
See, how easy that Is. There Is a tailor
named Nutting. Assimilation: Nutting
nothing. Association: It Is very seldom
that one can get a good suit for nothing.
Association Is Eaaeatlal.
"Memory never starts on Us own- ac
count: association Is absolutely essen
tial. Although memories are by no
reasoning- power, they constitute an Im
portant part of the act of remember
ing." Just by way of experiment a few
questions were put to Mr. Merol.
"When was Mendelssohn bornT' asked
the reporter.
"On the third of February, 180," came
the Instant reply.
"How long is the Rlvsr JordanT"
' extends sixty miles, though It
really ls 200 miles In length."
"What Is the population of Ceylon?
"Four hundred and thirty-eight thou
sand four hundred and flfty-slx, with
an area of 25,100 square miles."
"Who Invented the sewing midline?""
"Ellas Howe. He exhibited the ma
chine first on September 10, 1S."
"What town are you trom?" asked'
Mr. Berol, turning questioner himself.
"Illchmond, Ind. Can you give ' me
"Twenty-two thousand three hundred
and twenty-foir."
"I knew It Was somewhere around
83,000," replied th reporter.
"Which approximate knowledge Is my
reason for conducting a memory
course," said Mr. Berol.
In teaching his class at the Young
Men's Christian association, Mr. Herol
gives a little talk.
"It Is to easy to be exact," he says,
"and so few people are. Now it really
Is what counts. Read them every spare
moment, review thqm''pach week, 'and
I meantime keep adding new facts to your
Knar to Remrtaber "Hook."
Mr Berol explains' that the hook Is al
ways the simplest thing about the tact,
and' that remembering It requires no ef
fort. That the fat woman is fat hits you
In the face; that her name Is Fry Is not
so obvious.' Furthermore, you are positive
that her name la Fry after you have onco
learned It. Mr. Berol's system Is one by
which a man can recall In an orderly
way, facts which come to other people
by chance If at all.
"I quit the vaudeville stage a year
ago," said Mr. Berol, "because I did not
like to show oft as well as I like to show
how "
During an engagement In Chicago, just
a year ago, Mr. Berol was attending a
trial In which tlie decision hinged upon
the population of two cities, namely,
Bprlrurfleld and Peoria, 111. Proceedings
halted, books were lugged out', and au
thorities called upon. Nobody knew. Tho
court was about to bo dlsinlsscdwhen a
slip of paper wan handed to the Judge.
Upon It was written the exhet population
of each city. After the Atrial the Judge
called for the man who had supplied tho
"Are you a freak, or dtd'.you Just hap
pen to know the . population1' of. those
-I have a'.liftnrerj' system," replied thtr
vaudevllle entertainer.
"Can you teach It to otHera?"
As a result, Mr. BerotVbegan the In
struction of a class of Chicago assistant
district attorneys, and achieved eudh suc
cess that he later tool? class 'of S00
medical students. ,
"Your possibilities are unlimited," Mr.
Berol tells his classes '.'if yqu have an
accurate memory. But, though I can
teach you to train ;your ;nemory, the
mainspring of successes In yourself. You
must keep alert andori the watcji. Head
your Emerson on self-reliance, study
your slips. Improve your spare moments,
and then see If you're not happier niien."
New York Times.
Move for Betterment of Those With
out the Protection of
In almost every larKo tlty In Ihlii cpim
try ars organised efforts In which women
generally take the lead (a service that
can not bo too fervently acknowledged)
tp take care In many ways of the great
mass of young women wh,p i)ust work
for a living. Bomo of these have real
homes; some, homes only in name- with.
no homo care; some the hall bedroom,
and eat as you please; all on wages that
come near the minimum. It .la needless
to say that the temptations and hard
ships of such a life are great. Among tho
greatest la that ot loneliness and lack of
safeguard In the enjoyment of amuse
ments or recreation, which Is Implanted
In every healthy human being. The race
would go mad without it and many of
these poor girls do go mad In an awful
sense from this very lack. Bo tljere la
no more Important work that any city
can undertake than to provide rational
amusement for the mass of young women
who are fighting the battle of life alone.
Tho constant crimes committed against
women, the purso snatching and far
worse, like the murder of that Chicago
nursa who answered an advertisement
alone after night at a place out on the
pralrla edge of the city, counsel us that
women should begin to toko care of
themselves as the women of Europe do.
and that there shall come In a. general
manner or custom of chaperonage. The
streets of any city in broad daylight with
young girls roaming at will alone and
courting a 'publicity that Is unwholesome
ought to suggest fresh work from the
many agencies that make for good in
this time of great development of our so
cial Ufo. But of all the greatest Is that
provision for those that are thrown on
their own resources.
A girls' protective league In Detroit Is
at work to drive drink from any connec
tion' w)th public dance halls. That alone
would do away with many worso evils
that go with Uiem, for a dance hall where
no drink Is accessible and where proper
conduct Is Insured by chaperonage has
no attraction for men whose contact Is
evil. DetTott, like many other cities. Is
going to secure for young girls proper
places for public dancing. Such ought to
be the work of good people in every city.
No one needs help In so many ways as
the girl who works for her living and In
nothing does she need It more than in
protection- in amusements and recreation
aa an offset for the horrible loneliness
that besets her life every day, when she
Is not bound up with toll. There Is no
nobler field for high endeavor than this.
Indianapolis News.
Wants Government to Collect Three
Million Dollars.
Matter I liirratlKntrl by V. T.
Thompson and Ilia Opinion Here
tofore Mnile Una Not Been
Acted Upon,
See if the Child's
Tongue is Coated
Mother! Doft't bceiUle! If orou,
feverish, cQMtlptd, Rive "usai
foravl& Syrup of Figs."
Look at the tongue, mother! If coated.
It Is a sure sign that your little one's
stomach, llrer and bowels need a gentle,
thorough cleansing at oKva.
When peertsh. cross, listless, pals,
doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act naturally,
or Is feverish, stomach sour, breath bad;
has stomach ache, sore throat, diarrhoea,
full of cold, give a teaspoontul ot "Cali
fornia Syrup of FJgs." and in a few hoars
all the foul, constipated waste, ua41gestc4
food, and sour bile gently moves out ot
Its tittle bowels without griping, and you
have a well, playful child again.
mi needn't coax tick ehlUren to take
this harmless "fruit laxative;" they love I. The young man Is now In a hospital,
,,. ...ii-i,,,,. . .nd it ain.ra makes yrllt 6na cnuaren aie, presumably,
Its delicious taste, and It always maxes a tnankfu, ,,,,. tht cl
them feel splendid. ,cldal attempt did not succeed, and the
Ask your druggist for a. tc-cswt bottle whole situation awalu the healing touch
f 'California Syrup of Figs," which ha of time. It is to be hoped that Kent
direction, for rTia'r uALo ffiS.
and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. even hU foggy wlu He ,l4J hl
Beware of counterfeits sold here. To be er's quick wit to thank for the breath
sure you get the genuine, ask to see that still In him. New York Post
. . . v.. v,.llfAnta Vtm Rvnm 1 1 1
it i n.uo Persistent Advertising Is the Uoad
i Company. ' Refuse any other kind with , lg Keturng
contempt I
Qnlclc Wl(and Sure Aim.
A man named Kent in New Jersey
started a drinking bout several weeks
ago, leaving his wire and children In
Newark and going to his parents, home
in West Orange to pursue Ills rapuloux
fancy, on Baiuruay nignt remorse over
took him. and with the logic which Is
common In such cases, he tried to com
mit suicide by drinking carbolic add In
the presence of his mother. That de
voted woman's quick sense did not de
sert her and she threw the family Bible
ut his head, knocking the bottle from
his hand and-probably saving his life.
rot since turner uuew nis inkstand
at the devil and hit him In the eye,
causing htm to disappear in an odor of
sulphur, has. the combination, of quick
common sense with tho power of the
written word availed so dearly to avert
sin. This mother's devotion Is accented
by the fact that she held the weapon
ot her .son's deliverance ready In her
hand; her action wax most admirable,
and In Luther's time doubtless would
nave passed ror sneer inspiration.
(From tj Staff Correspoiidcnt.1
WA8MINOTON iCc. Oct. I8.-(!pccla!
Telegram.) lteprgsen'tatlvo Barton today
Introduced a resolution asking tho Trcas'
Ur.v department .'for Information as tp
steps taken v by the secretary to recover
over W.WO.COO alleged; to be duo the ijov
eminent from the XlUsourl l'nclflo rail
road. In explanation of his resolution Mr.
Barton said:
"Between July 2T. 1S66 and January 21,
1S63 .the government Issued subsidy bonds
In an amount or $1,630,000 to asilst In
constructing a hundred miles of railroad
between Atchison and Watervllle, Kns.
This road Is now owned by the Missouri
raclflc. Tho prlnclpnl and Intercut due
on those bonds as set out In n rrport by
the soerctary of the treasury, October 1,
IMS was M,S7,902.K",.
"A resolution was Introduced in tho
house of representatives April 30, 1918, dl
rectltiK the attorney general to proceed
Immediately to collect this sum by fore
closure sale or otherwise. My resolution
Of Inquiry sent to tho secretary of the
treasury was Introduced for the purposo.
of showing to tho country 'and to. thq
members of congress that to date no ac
tion has been taken.
InvratlKntert hr Thomiinon.
"Mr. W. T. Thompson, solicitor of the
Treasury department made a very care
ful, and exhaustive examination of this
case, coming to tho conclusion that the
government should tako action to collect
this money and so advised Franklin Mac
yelgh, then secretary of the treasury. Fr
fomo reason this matter Is permitted to
continue without any decisive, action be
ing taken.
I "Tho seoretary.oC tho jreasury should
make demand ' upon tho present ownsrs
Vt the road to pay uio principal and In
terest, nnd In event they failed to pay we
should do as, wo would do In ordinary
business, to foreclose) the government sub
sidy bond Hen. and bring action for a
sale ot said rosd and telegraph line; for
an accounting 'of Its net earnings end
tor persfonnt.Judgment nKHlnst the present
owners for ttny deficient') that remains
"T.he ago ot subsidy bonds has passed.
I believe all other roads that have this
gratuity from the government' ha'e paid
their debts nnd I cannot see one Intellt- '
gent reason why enforced collection of !
this debt has not nnd Is not now being j
made by our government officials.'' i
Knalent Way Oat.
A Louisville negro was uuight with a
number of hides In his possession, for
Which he could not reasonably account,
and wns brought Into court charged with
. "Guilty or not guilty:" thundered the
"Not guilty," emphatically responded
tho negro.
' "Then how do. you aocoumit for the. fact
Hint, you were. In oss.slon of two f.1
Mils when 'you were arrested, although
you aw known to have been unem
ployed for a year?" demanded his honor.
"Jcs let me relate .the circumstances.
Mr. J edge "
"And that threo .Hides' of which you
claim to know nothing, were found hldlinc
In your cellar?" .
"I dunno, Jedge, but"
"And that ydu-wcr' seen -coming' out
Of tho tannery wlth tlma more"
Tho negro scratched his head In-sllenco
for a minute, then blurted out;
"Lookey here, Mr. Jodgr, .It you' Is
cwlne to got so troublotumio an' so 'nuls
itlve 'bout this little matter, I's Jest
plntedly gwlne ter take ' hock wliht 1
said 'bout not guilty; an' tnaho It guilty,"
Louisville Courler-Jpurnal,
Via thp
. 'ssQuri Pacific
Lv. Omaha . ...,.11:15 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
At. Kansas City. . 7:10 a. m. 4:00 p. m, 6:05 p. m.
Observation-Parlor Oar on Fast Day Train
Observation Sleeping Oar on Night Train
Direct connections in Kansas Oity with Missouri
Pacific trains East, South and West: '
The route Is along the Missouri river for a
laree part of the war, thus affording a moat
nJoyable, picturesque daylight trip or a cool,
comfortable night trip.
For reservations and any Information, phone
er see
General Agent Pasasengcr Dept.,
1438 Farnam Street. Phono Dong. 104.
bbbbbbB iI.IJ I saf f .bbbbbbAI
1317 Farnam Street
Steamship Tickets
Agent for all foreign tours nnd
crutaea. Attractlvo winter trlpa
to Weat Indloa, Panama, South
America, Mediterranean,
'Egypt, India and around the
world. Complqto Information
on application.
Telephone Douglas U83.
J. W. IXW, -ftresldsnt and Kasagtr
O. W, BTJ5WA.XT, Asst. Kana-r
SOUin OKOWXHT, Bseretary
-jJbbPw flBaHnBtawc"-- .
Hotel Snapp
Modern, Thoroughly Equipped
Mineral Bath Department in Hotel
5IAX, MELOV, Manager,
Excelsior Springe, Mo.
The Karlsbad of America
Correspondence solicited. Rooms
rtwerred hy wire. Further partic
ulars on application.
s; ? w
U)W JUNE 1, 1914. HATES
Jacksonville, Fla $50.50
m 111 MkA. - 4-.
lUS&m Annum, xia Ui5.JLU
Miami Fla $72.60
St. Augustine, Fla $52.80
?KF Palm Boach. Fin. IU
iljJfe'fl ' ww.vvr
.rensacoia, Fla . .$41.00
51 YT.. !. nil., ill. Ann mm
nwiuva Jiy, iiu auU. tfU
Havana, Cuba $87.00
Also Many Other Destinations
Tickets golhg via on route, returning
via another nt nllghtly higher farce.
'fflABnnllflri1 Tlf,1Ata AM nntrt Mm I s ,
1 W jiflSSsSS. nnrt th,rcl Tuesdays (if each month.
TTnSI full Infnfmntlnn ami rla-
'5WK;5J&1 scrintlvo llteratttro rail nt filtv
ImJVMWMv,. Tlp.knt Offlrn r wrltn H NnRTH
-ArmtVK South ICth St, Tolophono Doug-
las 264.
The strictly modern and
up-to-date hotel, located in
the very heart of the city of
(Where life is worth living)
Most popular hotel in
the city. Finest Cafe west
of Now York.
250 rooms at $1.50 per
day nnd up. Nothing bet
ter at our rates.
When you want a hotel
where you get what you
pay for, and then some,
come and see us.
sf riostal
Write for set
cards in colors
the different departments
of the hotel, they are free.
Special Tri-Cities
Sleeping Car
Special sleeping car service is now
operated via Rock Island Lines between.
Omaha and Rock Islarid as follows:, '
Leave Osaaka . . -. 6:08 p. w. ' -"
Council Bluffs . . . 6:28 p. m.
Arrive Davenport . . 3:27 a. m.
" Rock Islaad . . . 3:37 a; m.
Passengers may occupy berths in sleeper .
(at Rock Islarid) until 7:00 a. m.
Tickets and reservations
Htb aad Tai-cam Streets, O alalia
16 Pearl Street, Council Blaffa
J. S. Met! ALLY, Divislea Paseesjer Aieat
and the East
Fourteen solendid trains dailv be
tween Omaha and Chicago over the
Chicago and North Western Ry.
Thm famoui hravtly rock ballattmi, doublm tracktd,
automatic ictttty itgnai n oatwetn tna ii$taurt
Rivr and Chicago.
Dining car service unequaled.
7 he Best of Everything
m ckf t wid 'ult Inforrottlon t
.-0 Fatnnm Slntt
Omahb, itb.
"An hotel of distinction
with moderate charges"
Within flv minutes of principal railway trmlnU.
Situation Ideal.
T A R I F Kl
Blnily roorna . . . pjr d.y-tJ. U. tt, M
Doubt romi . . . t5, 16, 17.
Double btdroomi, boudoir
. u "'"Ina-'ooro nbth . " " M, lid. III
Suftrt PrIolr, bedroom end bath . " " 10, tit, 13
Etch room with btth
133-137 West 47th St., New York Oity
JUST orr
Th rlaht kind of hotel In tho rlrht locality, in the heart of the the
attr dlatrlct and adjacent to the shopping centers. Positively flre-prpof.
Bxcellent culalna and an exceptional orchestra. A largo addition iuat com.
pleted, containing library, grill and blllUrd hall
Handsomely rurnished Rooms, Private Bath,
Prom Grand Central Station, cam marked "Broadway without tranefer.
PenneylTanla Statton. 7th Ave. cara without transfer.
Booklet upon request