Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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14f ins.? pnn Mutual. OetUa.
bttnf f uturB. Barresi.OTanden Co.
r'aeiity storage van Co, Doug-, ists
XT Xoot Print Xt Now Deacon rrtss.
XoUer Skating at Chamttrs' far?
natn street entrance. Ffcope Douglas 1171.
Cfcaiabexa Softool of Banclng- lor Open
Social, aesthetic and ttac dancing
taught Telephony Douelas 1S71.
Picture Play at the Hipp Henry K.
Dlxey will b! seen at the Hipp theater,
beginning today for three days, la
'Che sea 7760.' Tht l the third of a
Veripa of special picture pUtr beter
shoiftt at this (h.cater.
To" Stett at Chlcsg-o Most of Ue Bur
llngtqn official! havo Kone to Chicago,
where today will be held tho annual
family meeting for tho purpose of dis
cussing traffic matters peruUnlnic to the
8)'st,eni. Tho niete'nr will continue two
days and end with a banquet
O. W. X,anmann Speaxs Here George
N. LaUmann, professor of rural economics
of Cornell University, the greatest au
thority on rural credit, will bo tho prin
cipal speaker before tho Nebraska Farm
ers' congress which will be held In
Omaha, December 9 to 12.
Wag Not In. th Komanoc-rTtirough
misinformation Miss Katherlne Chester,
whQ la playing a piano at menl times in
a local cafe, was made a party to a ro
mance printed In riunday's lice. On the
contrary, Jllss Chester says, she did not
share In tho episodo related.
Pined on, Vagrancy Chartfe "Gits''
Wick, alias Andrew Wade; Chefles Wv'K
and" Lillian Brooks were each fined $."
nnd costs In court on a oUargc of
vagrancy. Cliar'es Wick formerly wan
part, partner In an establishment fit con
slderablo notoriety, conducted at Ninth
and' podge streets.
Mrs. rrancl la Recovering" Mrs. A. 1A
'rancl. i9H South Thirteenth street, wife
of "ollco Officer Viand, Is recovering
'from an operation for tumor, which sho
was forced to undergo last Tuesday at
St. Joseph hospital. ir. It U. Harris,
who, has charge of tho case, declares the
operation highly successful.
0ul)d to Take a Res'. J. M. Guild,
commissioner of tHo Commercial chiD,
will leave Wednesday for Excelijior
Springs, where he will remain for
days to rest prior to leaving fgr Dayton,
O., vfherA ho has accepted a slndlar po
sition, to the one ho holds here, at an ad
VEnc? In salary. He will leave for- Day
ton about November IB
8m aUstaks Is Wade WU1 Banlk of
Wllton, la., wag arrested by Officers. Holl
and Dovereesa on suspicion of having
passed a number of worthless checks for
BmaU amounts on, local, merchants, Ban
IcH afscrta tbe officers have made, a mis
take. Ho will bo held until several of
those who have been stung by the worth
less paper can pass on h' Identity.
Street Cars Heated Street railway
passengers' are enjoying heated car
The city ordinance requires that Novem
ber tho street railway company shall
commence heating Ub cars. However, In
stead of waiting until this date fires
have been kindled. In all. tho stoves and
tho heating will continue so long as the
weather remains cold.
Hnlj Burled Under Avalanche -O. A.
Places tor Teachers to Vist-r-Many
soggVetlona nrq, being received from mem
berk of , the Nebraska State Teachers' as
sociation by 1Q. V. Tarrlsh, manager of
the biireaiijof pnbllcUy of the Commercial
tlub, for", the trade excursions wh,loh-r '
held during Uiet conventions. The stock
yards has been named and also th,
O'Brien 'candy factory, Iten Biscuit
:ompany and he, newspaper plants of
the cty.
I'luH, 612 South Seventeenth street, em
ploy" by Charles. Thompson, contractor,
was burled beneath an avalanche of dirt
wh'le- excavating n the rear of 1811 Far
nam, street Fellow workmen extricated
Ihe man from tho, heap and summoned a
physician. His condition was such as to
necessitate his removal to St. Joseph's
hospital. He Is thought to have sustained,
Internal Injuries.
Tefrftstar Tnrqwn from Wason Will
iam. Smith.' a teamster, 1024 North Tweht
firsts street employed by the Nebraska,
Fue company, was thrown from his
wagon at Eighteenth and Howard streets,
directly beneath the wheels of the ve
hicle; Fortunately the affair wan empty
and a-sldo from severe bruises and cuts
the man. Is thought to have escaped
icrlqis injury. . He Was attended by Dr.
KiU'mmons am removed to his home In
:he police auto.
S7.' Thousands of southern folk gathered
In great cheering throngs today to wel.
come. President Wilson to Dixie land M
he sne4 througlt North and South Caro-.
Una" arid Goorgifc en' rtq to the Southern
Coroinerec contnl8,0' at 3,0"jUei where
he wjll speak.
"It's like coming home again," ssld the
.Mr, Wilson shook hands with rnany hut.
refrkjned from speeches.
President Wilaon 'was startled as h
was ehaklng hand with a crowd at tho
railroad staHon here by the loud, explot
sic-n of a photographer's overloaded
flUhllght. Th photographer waa ejected
from the trainshed. President Wilson
ceased shaking, hands and turning to the
photographer shook his finger and said
something that could not be heard.
The president rfused to comment on
tbe Mexican situation.
Secretary of the Navy Daniels, who also
wllj speak at Mohlle.'dlscussed the naval
program informally with the president
D. Clem Denver of Ue Burlington's.
I homeseeklna- department has gone to Chi
easo, Ijut will return. Wednesday and Im
mediately thereafter g to Hyannls to.
ustst; the lucior ones In locating their
. alalms'on the forest reserve.
Hyannls is the point named by the. gov
ernment where filings will be made for
the land drawn at North Platte, or at
least "all of that within tbe reserve- There
will, be 331 claims to be located. Hyaupls
. within three roljes of the reserve.
lloiu.e.ICerplnir AVoiubo rfeed Health
and Strenarth.
The work. of. a, hoBMtepwg WQroin,
malies a constant cal on her strength
and vitality ni alckjiesa. cocn,es. through
her kidneys and bladder oftener than
he knQws. But If she takes Foley Kid
ney Pils their . tonic-strengthening effect
will invigorate her, and pain and weak
ness m' back, nervousness, achjeng Joints
and irregular bladder ftctlou. will a,U dlsi
appear under the comforting Influence ot
th's good and honest medicine. Try hero.
For saje by all dealers everywlre-i
Dovaia ptres"
A few minutes after thf big steam .
Sihavel was securely established. I Hl8
northwest corner of the site of tho new
million-dollar Fantenelle hotel, the engi
neer threw over his bg leyer and thn
huge scoop slowly descended to gather
up several cubic fept of turf, slowly as
cended again and opened Its huga jaw
Deputy Sheriffs Stop Attempt at
Escape by Prisoners.
llnnicer a nil t'onplclinl IlouRhljr
llandled Ilrfore ThfK Uvpr
poiTcr Itlir .IieBfr" ot
, Gnug;.
A daring plot by twelve prisoners In
the "bound-over'" ana sentenced" tier
of the Douglas county Jail to escape by
overpowering the Jailers, and fitting the;
country in stolen automobiles wis frus-a
traced Sunday night only after Depu
ties Walter Hanger and John Pospjonal
were severely beaten. The ufflcepi, wield.
ing heavy Jail keys, beat the riuitlnous
prisoners. Into submission and theri finally
confined the ringleaders In "solitary."
Marvin De Lor, gun man and. bandit,
now under sentence for iwynwoy xpbbery;
George Carlson, held for grand larceny,
and AW rich Steer, held by tho federal
government o.n, a white slavery f-hargc,
were the ringleaders, according o con
fessions afterward obtained from '.others
connected with the plot. t
Lost. Friday tn f the fiftceij men
held In "bound-over and sentenced"
t(fr made tlie plan to escape. jll arc
held on serious, charges and severs were
already under sentence- from, courU Be-
Mi. ri Tr Mm,- nnl Cnmnn !w,r' i
side De Lor, Meer and Carson Jwere:
Tom Shelton, sentenced to three years
for burglary! William Warner, alia Wil
liams, three years; Tom 6ens, bi rglar;
Tom Houtchlns, white slavery; Johi Par
ker, grand larceny; Ray Smith, larceny
from person, and Jack Clark, grail lar
ceny. ' f
Take Turns, nt "CotUBK.
These men obtained a deck of j cards
and each took a turn at "cutting.1!' The
(wo men turning up the lowest carfii were
tOj start a fake fight, and the 'others
were to help tho scheme by yelliijg and
beating on the bs,rK Meer. and tjarlson
eaoh cut low cards. '
t' was planned that the escape hould
be made on the Posplchal-Jlahoney1 shift
last night because pf Mahoney's habit
of- going Into cells alone, and leaytntT the
door open behind hm. The first hlto
came when Mahonoy got off last night
8,nd had Hanger a wprk In his. phice.
Hanger Is very careful, and nevf?r fiolr
hardy In working about the Jail,' i
When the fake fjfht commenced Hangr
jmr iv Aimr
Old Golden CofS&e
The- Jsccond process, is in rpMir and selliig. Wc roast and itp . small amounts .daily
rathe than roast a yjsars tippy pt once. Tlj: third protection tHeair-tightE package.
The fourth pjotegtion is the iellt of the first flircethe enonriousjdejtnand for .Tone!s Coffee
does not let it stand long on yoir grocer's shell it's, always fresh for that; reason. alone.
In no oilier way can xeffee bje;at its best and, in no other way could vyek better Tones' Old
Golden. We could make mi re profit by jJiminating some of these processes, but 'the
enviable. repuUJxon of Tone's iCpiee -has , tx m , buil t byt them and we
Gt a package
'pure ni'W .
First Shovel of Dirt for fylie jttfew Hotel
13V MILliriON-flJOLLAn ,FONTr;NHl-il.K
ta drop the first !uvl full of dirt into
(he ltte red dunlp van. No ceie
monles attended tle digging of thn (first
Fftiovel full of dirt and passing pedestrians
did not eVen linger curiously tvhen they
heard, the big enKlnn snorting und snif
fing proudly as It .stuck Its nose into
tho spft earth.
The excavation, -is the first actual . work
ran uptrtairs and opened the cell ,door
and, without n salting to sea what the
qthcfg 'wefe doing, yanked the two .men
outside. Ho tiwn locked tbo door and
was leading the men to 'solitary" when
tiey both Jumrtcd upon hln- Carlspn got
a strangle ho'jd nnd Meor attemptod to
gain possesslcfn of tho keys to release
lic other prisoners.
Things were, growing black and Hanger
was all but unconscious when ha qwung
the' keys and 'luckily landed on Carlson's
face, causing lilm to Ioobo his hold.
I'rlioiupk-n CUioklr Subdued.
Ppsplcjiei came up .then, jiearlnp the
nosc, and. the refractory prisoners ..were
quickly subdled.
.Carlson is an automobile mechanic and
one of the other prisqners is a profes
sional ,chauteur. They Intended to
quietly overwowcr the deputy that came
,to Q.uell the fight in the cell and, -after
getting his keys, overpower the other
From this point on It would be clear
sailing, as plenty of .automobiles were
parked about In ,the stneets.
Hopefor a Church
of United States
KANSAS CITY, Oot C7i "The tjr.eam
of the Congregational church' is the
unity of tbe church of Jesus Chst."
pev. Oliver Huckol of 4Bal(Jmore -thus
AtirtA thn church's nmltlon In an .ad-'
dress today beforo fo national council
'of the church, "The wisest method ot1
church unity," ho aidfl, "Is consolidation,
with the preservation of the valuable
polntB In each commnnlpn, and allowing
all churches dlversltiy -In worship And
work. Such a consolidation would lead,
to a grrnt national church the tfnftod.
Church erf the United gt.ofiis.
Jev. C. E. Jefferson of ?ew York said
America had four dragons to meet .and
conquergreed, lust, woridllness and the
atheism of force;- He said the jotter
.doctrine aeciares naiioimi greatness , was
founueu on naval tonnnjie and holds tnat
to put an Ironclad in .the oriental's .eye
is a glorious achievement and that alj
Jiatlon's honor can ,lw safeguarded by
3-incn Guns,
A Life. PrftftWfn Jiolxed
by Jhat fereat hetli itnlc. Electric ,DIt
iers, Is the cnrjijhroeiit '.of poor, thin
blopd, and strengthening tho weak. ,&0c.
Fpr sale by your druggist Advertise
ment, r t
Taste aftd f Flavor
Four Timers rPotectejdl
Old Go(den G)ffee corarss io you fylllboflied
--fresh from the roaster, with the true coffee
goodness lintacL Fpur precautions insure this.
Tlhe first (is Iatures. She .cpvers he c.of(ei
bean with a minutely thin skin. :oon,afer
the bean tis cut it loses il5 pjjginal tjtaste. So
Old Gdlden Coffee js solid Hngr.QUpd.
ef'Tone'i Old aldtn Coffm
TONE BR.QS., De Moinef,
Millers of Tenths Spict
mrAtiA wucnw
on the part of the board of Ureqtprs, and
they prpmlsf that, as sopn s the excava
tion Is completed the remainder of the
work" will h started as sooil as possible,
and f no unlookcd for tnconvonlenqos or
delays present tlioipsclvos, tho n' liqel !
AV(U be formally opened sqmo flinp next
.year. The excavators ure given sixty
days In which to complete tlcr work.
City Treasurer jMartin Serves "Notice
on the Mayor and the Counoil,
L'roimses to I'lncc ltojnltr ,n"
.tcrrat IiHtnrt Instrnd qt Vatnir
It for Other Pur
pose,. City Treasurer Martin lias filed with
the city clerk a letter to tho mayor and f
council, explaining that 'he will obey tW j
mandates Ot inn cy .cnarior, iw "mini
what tho mayor and council resolve ary i
or.der. to tho contrarj'.
A week so the dty council rccelvid
about ,t00 from the -electrlo light W,ti.
panr as a royalty. -Forthwith Uie cran
ell ordered the money placed In .the 'tf ght
funl, after which the majority of ' the
council, iokbwki wmi i" iuov, f iiueii ,(
wltli tbe local hena ot no eiocirio, nght
domes now the city treasurer wlth a
notice to tho mayor and countll that ho
wjll -not place the money In lito light
fuq d, - because by so. doing ' would 1
br)ak the law, wlilch .states ithat ail ,
royalties. must -bo placed In liin Interest
ajifl'. slnkliig 'fuid. Tho .le'er of the (
.tretvsurer win oe' reau inuv eyemng at
tho .rdeetlnK of tho cqUndl (irtf lb Is ulto
projbablo that tbe .resolution will ho re
sell tded.
aeaking cT the stand tnkefi by Mm .(n
tha' matter City Trcajpircr jJfarln said
''If I toud , legally obey t,lio cqunqll
and place the money In the, lteht fuqd I
would do so , Gladly, so as o increase
to number of lights In the pity, but the
iffliartcr flays Just where jthn mnriey iinqst
fro nnd that Is not where the council and
nayor ordered It. -I must obey tho char
ter, wrschs. the .will pf theeople. My
bond makes, n3e,llftUJe,,for,. anything llko
nnsagpa-ortatuig city -money and If I i
were u place tho money in tho light
Ifund anfl It were spent by the council,
l vwpuiabo-.liable, onmyvbond-to- the city
lx"!ye. Therefore, ri-musuwlth great
- reluctarire. refuse, to.oboy. the mayor and
qouncji iin thlsmattor. It is. probably a
mere misunderstanding wd will he recti
fiodat, pnce,i.darft.say."
nvlwpvn, hi.. Oct. ;T.-Dr cB,mie u,
illurnH died today as. ttjresull ofo aUo-
iiiuuMiT ivtuiut-iH io iHk nigiii, '
by the iln.-Ilurns drove Into- a -dttcll and
his ,head was cruUSd , by he stwrlug
wl(i!l when the nutcanoblle, tur,ped oper.
0(TK)RR 2$, 1D13.
li, ',',. 1'.' . fly !. tLS-
W mmmmmmMfmknvem ' :;Hl!i
HtMis. quelbees expert; WmsHkW ' M Bil Mm
as he, bako tho 'th'iBpPra Mfflflfe hl
jl io
vuu l i. .ni lJEWdMPMrHHiHiMii rHtwTiK Ti TrM rrTtTneTfi
wm .iiiii ill, ,,k iii.-iii . wii ii nu Mn ammtmnL.jiuammmiutM launiBH . . . -
your advertising
xOC all aillUdt t5Vt?l y uuinei
in The Bee.