Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Price Reduction Sale of
Trimmed Hats
More than three
hundred beau
tiful hats trim
med within the
last two days'
have been 'added to
our. enormous stock.
All will be on sale.
Tuesday. You know
the genuine beauty
and character of
Thompson, Be Id en
Hats, and should
not fail to attend this
sale Tuesday.
Ohildren's Sweaters, Toques,
Leg-gins and Mittens in match
ed sets of brown, white, gray
and cardinal-2, 3, 4 and 5
years, all prices.
Children's Full Length Sweat
ers white, cardinal and Ox-
Prices $2.2, $3.00,
Children's Section Third Floor
Kaa Indicted for Attempt to Recover
from Car Company.
lews Vailed Males Marshal Will
Urine Him Back fram Idaho
to Answer for the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DE MOINES, J Oct. X7.-Speolal
fTeiegnun.) Deputy United States mar
ehal will leave tonight ijer Caldwell
Idaho, to bring back: Doctor Harold
Hamilton, to tried on an Indictment
fevKt three uurs ago for attempt to
mW the par.eeropany
on clal'iwW'MmiWrMf' to his wife. Ho
sej threaif-'th'a)alt throwgh-t-hertaalls.
lavesti ration Is salt to have shown
there was no merit Ih the clalrh and
further that Sampson had ''worked a,
similar scheme In Chicago and got money,
He'JIs said to be station agent ior a rail
roaaj at Caldwell.
ALAMOOOItDO, N. M Oct. 57.
II. P. Major, an attorney, was arrested
here last night oh a charge of murder,
the chars crowing out of the duath of
hi daughter, Hu'dora. II. r death fol
lowed" the sudden death of her mother
and tho'paymeht of the mother's Insur
ance .money. Tho insurance company de
clined io pay the. Insurance on tho daugh
ter and her body was disinterred' and the
stomach analysed In EfTsso, Tex. The
arrest of Major followed.
Meantime Major had married again, his
til-Id having been Miss Itabelle dlbson.
$. jMtc 4 Ovreta for
W are able to effw tfceae special Inducements because we clre
ytrtocal twice to r plros, thereby anting salesmen's salaries.
You'll like ouf hidee suits aad overcoats you'll Ilka our splendid
vsJa amd yoa'll like sBr ysneasl attention.
Wilcox & Allen
"Make Our Store Tour Store."
sLHIB HbsflflfSSjAMjMejsMQk jSbbsbsssssssssh
T IseWs yea as a psfalsr mk jm ssset pmwl Sh Capu Ukt tiii m.
I ted to be the gret0t collection and biggest bargain in
'Pttrrn ever offered, The 110 patterns have a retail
vaJtie Qf 10 cents each, or more than $10.00 in all. Bring
JSEX Coupons and 98 cents to this office and you will be
f reseated with One Complete Outfit, including Book of
netructiofw and oneAH Metal Hoop. The 68) cents is to
aver duty, express, handling and the numerous over
head expenses of getting the package from factory to you.
N. M.Omt of Ttnn Ramdtra will odd 7 centt xtrm for
pitg and mxpwifc of mailing.
ford, with or without bolts
2, 3, 4 years-Price $3.
Ohildren's and Misses' all wool
Sweaters white, cardinal or
Oxford, with collars, or rough
neck, sizes 6 to 1G years.
$3.25, $3.50, $4.00
an El Paso school teacher, formerly of
Ban Antonio, Tex. Bhe Is at present se
riously ill snd under observation. Dis
barment proceedings are now pending be
fore tho attorney general of New Mexico
against Major on charges of having'
Illegally disposed of funds of clients,
Krupp Bribery
Scandal May Break
During Celebration
llKItLIN. Oct. Wi-The scandal con
nected wt(h the activities of Maximilian
Drandt In bribing officers of the German
army to disclose, detail of pending arma
ment contracts,, to him as the agent for
Krupp's armament work's, threatened to
come. 'to light at "the1 time of the great
national SeleWrajipn of -'Xrupp's centenary
In. Augult, 1M2, aocordlng trt the .chair
iian of , the KrwpK directorate, whs; trail
fled at the resumption otMo trial today,
He said Drandt thejt, expressed anxiety
as to, tHi csfrrctness1 pf this method of
CQ)lect(n8K,1afanatlon and the director
ate, rcollf It tjiat the exposure of
IlrandJ's Intercourse with military of
ficials, mlglvt' r.fM l. .a publlo scandal,
determined to transfer him. Before this
was clone, howeVer. the, firm has Hen
forced to dismiss Von Mejcen, Its chief
Berlin representative, who was aware of
the character of Brandt's work and pos
sessed copies of hi secret reports. This
preclpated the dreaded exposure,
45,000 Aurra Irrlvntrd Land, River.
Inn, Wyo., Nov. J, 10111. y
CommenclnB above date, rich Irrigated
farm land In the Hhoshone or 'Wind river
reservation will bo sold or leased. Very
liberal terms. Exceptional opportunity to
secure a home. Illustrated folders and
full particulars on application, to ticket
agents Chicago & Northwestern railway.
' -- JLJ-I - I"
fM.OO ftwlta and Overcoat tor
CongTegationalists Draw Up Appeal
to Wilton.
Proposition to Srpnrate White and
Nrsrre Kmplorra of fiorernnifnt
Departments la De-
KANSAS CITT, Oct r.-The National
Council of Congregational churobes today
appealcd to President Wilson to use his
Influence to prevent separation of negro
and white clerk In government office
throughout the country, when It adopted
unanimously- a resolution proposed Jointly
by Iter. A. a. Qrlnner of Washington,
I). C, and Iter. If. II, Proctor of Augusta,
G., negroes.
Dr. Qrlnner explained that the resolu
tion wan prompted by the recent separa
tion of negroes and white clerk In the
government office In Washington.
Endorsement of the Protestant Kplsco-
pal church's plan to send a commission
to Great Britain to create Interest In a
world conference of religion looking; to the
unity of all churches, was given by the
council when It adopted a favorable reso
lution. The council applied to the city of Ban
Francisco and tho board of directors of
the ranama exposition to adopt during
the exposition every means to prevent
the exploiting of the exposition by com
mercialized vice.
(Continued from rage One.)
roturns. General Felix Dlaa polled 900
and the remaining 200 yore scattered
among other candidates.
Ilnrrta Leads' nt Pledrna PTearras.
EAOI.E PAB6, Oct. H.-Offlclal returns
of the Mexican election In IVdras Kegras
showed Hucrta polled 3,765 votes, Felix
Dlax 123 and Frede'rlco Oamboa 3.
R,ev. John Hotvland Hays Mexico
Shoald Be Let Alonr. '
KANSAS CITT, Mo.., Oct. 27.-Defense
of Provisional President Huerta's admin
IslraUon In Mexico and denial that the
executive had a share In the murder of
former President Madera, and VJce Presi
dent Suarex)was made by Rev. John How.
land of Guadalajara, a missionary, In an
address before the annual metlng of the
American Doard of Commissioners for
foreign missions held In connection with
the national council of the Congregational
churches here today.
He also paid strong tribute to the rule
of Porforlo Dlaa as worthy of the great
epigram. "He made a nation and de
stroyed a people,"
Dr. Howland has lived for thirty-one
years In Mexico aa head of tho Collegto
Internactlonat at Guadalajara.
"Tho widespread Idea that General Hu
erta seised the presidency," said he, "or
that he cams In through the door of as
sasslnatlon (a entirely- Incorrect. Ills ac
ceptance of the presidency preluded his
being a candidate In the present election
and Jila, government was established and
both officially and popujerly aocepted
daya. 'nefpre the death, of President. Ma
drro, "Huerta had nothing to gain by tho
death of Madero. President Madero left
the treasury bankrupt and revenues were
Immensely reduced by the closing of most
of the ports of entry, the Interruption of
traffic and general disturbance. The hos
tile attitude of American authorities
against General Huerta caused the bank'
era who had arranged a large loan to de
lay the promised payments, and IhU has
greatly Impeded th,e pacification of tho
country. Mexico should bo left alone. It
Is well able to take care of Itself."
The American board of commissioners
for foreign missions carries on the foreign
missionary work of the" Congregational
denomination. It Is the oldest missionary
board In America, having been founded
101 years ago. Today's sessions were
given over to men from the foreign fields,
who told of their work abroad.
Mr, Howland said that If there was no
election In Mexico-tho people would be
perfectly safe" under Huerta's continued
government. "Huerta was cnosen as leg
ally president of Mexico as Vr'oodrow
Wilson legally was elected 'president ot
the United States,"
Mr- Howland declared there Is no dan
ger for'Amerlcnns to go to Mexico. Urg
ing that the United States 'had not In
tervened and declared there was ho rea
son .for such Intervention, Mr. Howland
said that the "United States has mads
Mexico an enemy by Its dictatorial atti
tude." . ,
(Continued from Page One.)
merely wished to have him , examined.
He was under the Influence of diugs at
the time.
Tooth Decay Ovr -NlarM.
She told of a tooth that decayed over
night and she was sure that tho admiral
tampered with It while she slept. At the
request of tho prosecutor, she showed
her tooth .that Mr. Darker might detect
the effects of the poison, , , '
Asked how sh knew her husband was
Lslng .drug,, Mr.Katon said:, "J had
LL the New
Styles in
Suitings and
Overco atings
Hade to rc now on dis-
Measure play.
$25.00 Our selection is
un-usual 1v larcfp.
t0 'Wr . .
We five pains-
$45.00 taking attention
to every order.
HafisU'tlivWiLtaUs: Txularlavv fia
isnrsrsrsn in w n itsvwn s snrsri tv w w .
nci-9 Soma ISta Street.
Gigantic Purchase
and Sale of
Threegreat lots priced like
LOT 1 -Printed linoleum,
6 feet wide, 65c value, square
LOT 2--Printed linoleum,
12 feet wide, 75c value, square
LOT 3--Inlaid linoleum,
6 feet wide, $1.50 value, square
See letn street Window and Tuesday evening papers for particulars.
luncheon one day In Chicago and I was
looking out of the window when I 'saw
a peculiar white smoke, like steam from
a locomotive. I said to myself, 'Oood
nexs! can it be possible that Joe Is In
Chicago? Then I found that the smoko
come from the pipe of a Chinaman, who
vi as smoking opium. I knew by that thu
admiral smoked opium." ,
(Continued from Page One.)
to serve In that wise," but mentioned no
specific Instances. a
Friendship nnd Cqaallty.
"In tho future," ho continued, "the na
tions to the south of us will draw closer
and closer to us because of those cir
cumstances of which I am speaking. Wo
must prove ourselves their friends nnVi
champions on terms of equality and
honor. Wo can't bo fast friends op any
other terms than those of equality. And
wo must show ourselves friends bv com.
prehendlng their Interests whether they
square with our Interests or not. It Is a
very perilous thlntr to determine o. for.
elgn policy In terms of material Inter
ests. It If Indoed a degrading thing.
inn ueveiopment or constitutional lib
erty and WDrld hllmnn rlirhta ih mnlli.
tenance of national Interrltv as airainst
material Interests that Is our creed. I
want to tako this occasion to say,
too,, that the United States will
not again seek to necurn our aildl.
tlonal foot of territory by conquest. It
wm aevoie ttseir to showing an honest
and fruitful uso of the territory It has
and It must regard as one of thn dutl.a
of friendship to see that from no quarter
are material Iriterosts made superior to
human liberty and national comity.
"I ssy this, merely to fix what our
real relationship should be. It Is a rela-
uonsnip or a family of mankind devoted
to the relations from which human lib-
OrtV serine.. lt ll.VA mTt tnatorirtl In.
terests threaten constitutional liberty In
America, so we know how to sympathlio.
I would rather belonir to a poor nation
that Is froo than a rich nation which hit.
ceased to lovo freedom. Morality and not
expediency Is the thins; that must guide
us. and we must never condone Iniquity."
The President's sDeeh was constantly
Interrupted by applaUse. He rode through
crowded streets bowing and nodding, to
cheering throngs.
Hbbson Elected Life
Member of W.C.T. TJ.
NKW TOnK, Oct. S7. Congressman
Richard Pearson Hobson of Alabama,
who Introduced a resolution In congress
to 'prohibit throughout the United States
the sale of alcohollo liquors was today
elected n. life member of the World's
Woman Christian Temperance union at
Its convention here. The action was
taken on motion of Mrs. Annie K. Wtehel,
head of the Alabama delegation, who an
nounced that the Woman's Christian
Temperance union of that shate would
contrlb'i'ft his 1100 membership fee. Thn
convention thereupon voted to send 1100
to Hobson to be used in his temperance
campaign In Atabama and the delegates
from Main. Pennsylvania and Kentucky
contributed t30o more the same purppse.
Announcement that the Organisation
would work for state laws requiring a
three to five mile sorie of prohibition
around all government reservaUons was
made by Mrs. Ella Hoover Thacher of
Washington, D. C, head of-temperance
work among soldiers and sailors.
The XTnlted States has had a do
canteen for many years snd we are going
to keep It dry." she said, "VP" have a
temperanc administration now and Sec
retary Oarrlson stands firm on the ques
tion, so that now Is the auspicious time
to work for these state laws."
Mrs. Sarah U Berholtser of Phila
delphia. In charge of the department or
school savings and thrift, announced that
mors than tS,43,0U had been saved by
school children In the United States tn
the last twenty years in the school sav
ings banks organised by the Woman's
Christian Temperance union.
"This saving system has proved to be
a great damper to the cigarette habit."
she said.
Rosalind, countess of Carlisle, was today
re-elected president of the organisation,
and Mrs. Ulltain M. N. Btevena of Port
land, Me vice president. ' Miss Anna
Gordon of Rvanston. III., was re-elected
secretary and Ml Msry E. Sanderson
of Canada, treasurer.
The convention will close tonight
To Car a Told tn One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableta
Druggist refund money if It falls to cure.
K W. a rove's signature on each box. Sc.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Alleged Slayer of
Mrs, Dillon Says He
Lives at Geneva, Neb.
PAT, X. D., Oct. r..-(Bpecfol.)-D. T.
Dillon, a victim of the murder tragedy
hero In which Mrs. D. T, Dillon, formerly
of Omaha, Neb., and her daughter, Lela
aiareh. j2 years old, were killed, Is still
sllvo and shows some Improvement, al
though It Is thought that he will succumb
to the four bullet wounds which he sus
Cleve Culbertson of Geneva, Neb., held
for the crime, still maintains hl.i in
nocence. He has been closely questioned
by Assistant County Attorney Murphy
and Sheriff Erlckson and endeavors to
account for his movements Previous to
th time of the crlnie, claiming that he
was in Willlston, N. D., ten miles distant
at the hour of the shooting.
Culbertson was positively Identified by
the neighbors when he appeared nt the
hearing Baturday before Judge A. J.
Field of Willlston and was bound over
(o the district court, being lodged in the
Williams county Jail to await trial. He
acknowledged the ownership of a suit
case, found at the Pay depot which Is an
Important link, (
Ida C, Culbertson of Dorchester, Neb.,
claims to have be?n married to Cleve
for the last six years In o. telegram re
ceived here giving the; tllscrlptton, of hr
iiu.Donu wiucn tames with the man held
for the crime. In the telegram Mrs. Cul
bertson claims that Cleve was not pre
vlously married, although there Is very
strong evidence that he was the former
husband of Mrs. Dillon, who It Is be
lieved he murdered for revenge, and that
Lela Marsh, whom ho also murdered, Is
his daughter, and that he 'formerly went
by the name of Marsh at Omaha, Mrs.
Dillon's htfme, where relatives now reside
A wedding picture found In the Dillon
home at Pay shows that the man in the
photo with Mrs. Dillon bears a striklns
resemblance to Culbertson. Advices from
Dorchester state that legal aid will be
given Culbertson, who, It Is said, has been
absent several months seeking his fortune
In tho west.
When Culbertson was brought ' before
Mr. Dillon, the dying man. he declared
that he had never been at the Dillon
home and liad never seen Dillon before.
Neighbors state, however, that he stopped
along the route the afternoon of the
murder Inquiring the. road to .Dillons,
Mr. Dillon, when the accused, was
brought before him, said: "You are the
man who shot me, you know you are;
you shot me In the back and you killed
my wife nnd the girl. Why did you. do
It?'.' To which Culbertson replied that he
knew nothing about It
The prisoner at Willlston appears to be
much rattled and frightened.. Uelsoj-s
his name is Cleve Culbertson and his
home at Geneva, Neb. An Identification
card, taken from him. Issued by the
Cuticura Soap, warm water
and soft sponge are the es
sentials of skin comfort and
skin health, supplemented
when necessary by applica
tions of Cuticura Ointment.
CuUc vs Botp sad OlatBU&t said tftrsaibout the
wwkl. LIUcslMmt(s(McisuUtnn.lthS-B.
book AddrtM "C.VUcuf." Dpt, Z20. BMu.
HMa vbo shsve sad s&tmpao fetth CuOcur
8ta wis 0.4 It twiUor ilia snd seals.
Is It Good Business Upon Your Part
T. Stay Away Frm This Store While I Am
Closing Out Every
Man'sSuit or Over
coat at First COST
Fall Clothing! Winter Clothing! Natty
wearables that one can pile into right now!
Stunning in style. Stunning in fabric. Stun
ning in make-up. Stunning in everything ex
cept tho price and that's only COST.
fl "7C Buys any $15.C0 to $18.00 Suit or Ovcr-
?9. ft!
Just as true
of George
I Am Going Out tf Business
My Lease Expires Soon!
American Accident Insurance company of
Lincoln, bears him out In. this. The rec
ord number of the card Is $.231,
Culbertson Mid he had a wife in Ne
braska, but did' not want to give her ad
dress. He denied ever having ..been mar
ried to or acquainted with Mrs. Dillon,
the murdered woman. Ills story is that
ho was working in Canada and was mak
ing toward home. Ho had a little over
$30 In his possession and expressed a de
sire to send it to his wife. He claims to
belong to the Modern Woodmen ot Amer
ica and the Ancient Order of United
Mrs. Pankhurst is
Refused Permit to
Take Up Collection
INDIANAPOLIS. Oct. 27 -Mrs. Em
mellne Fankhurst, the English suffra
gette, will not address the Women's
Franchise League ot Indiana In this city,
as had been planned. The engagement
was cancelled today by the league of
ficials. The reason given was that Mrs. Fank
hurst asked . that she be permitted to
take up a collection at the meeting, In
addition to the stipulated sum which she
had first agreed' to accept for address
ing the league. Mrs, O. M: Henderson,
secretary of the' league, said the Eng
lish militant would not be allowed to
take up a collection .and the engagement
therefore was declared off.
Vanderlip Defends
His Scheme for Banjc
NEW YOKK, Oct. 27.-Fra.nk A. Van
derllp, president of the National City
bank. Issued a statement this afternoon
In reply to one IssUed In Washington yes
terday by Carter Glass, chairman of the
house banking and currency committee,
"I regret," says the statement, "that the
chairman of the house committee on
banking and currency feels that I have
drawn a red herring across the path ot
currency legislation. If a plan for a
government controlled central bank Is
a confusing factor in the political situa
tion, the men who are responsible for It
are members, of jthe senate committee on
banking and currency. I have been
merely acting at their request to draft
a plan which would embody principles
which they firmly held.
"The proposition of a government con
trolled bonk, giving to all borrowers the
same rate, originated with members ot
the senate committee, not with me. Noth
ing can be further from my purpose than
to confuse the legislative situation, Sly
while aim Is to be co-operative and to
do what I can to help work out a. plan
that will be both sound economically and
meet every political tenet that the domi
nant party holds."
MASON CITY, Is., Oct 17. Special
Telegram.) Excitement prevails at Ken
sett over the assault on Miss Viva
Amundson, teacher in grammar grade
here, who was1 attacked by an unknown
Person last Tuesday evening at the rear
of her boarding house and brutally
beaten. Metal hainilns were drivm
through her skull and her face and
shoulders battered. Officers have been
keeping the attack secret hoplnsr to land
the assailant Miss Amundson is in a
serious condition, but may recover
coat In the house beennso Brooks Is going out et
Buys any $20.00 to $22.50 Suit or Over
coat in Uio houso becnuso Brooks is going ottt of
Buys any $25.00 to $30.00 Suit or Over
coat in tho house becnuso Brooks Is going out of
Buys any $30.00 to $35.00 Suit or Over
coat In the houso becnuso Brooks is going out ot
Buys any $35.00 to $40.00 Suit or Over
coat in tho house because Brooks is going .out 6f
as the words
City National Bank Bldg.
Cor. 16th and Harney
Bachelor Farmer
vis 'Crashed, to freath '
LOQAN, la., Oct. 27.-(Speclal.)-Jamr '
T. Youell, a bachelor farmer, who' lived '
alone on a' farm two miles north of Mis
souri Valley, was crushed to death somo
time last week in a cave cellar which
he was digging. Tho body, which was,
burled under several feet of earth, was
found late Sunday night by neighbors,
who were led to the moat hv Vmiii'
(The body was brought to this city by
coroner W. H. Case and relatives at
-... . . i . ..
nunc, ,eu., nounea. louu was (3 yean
ST. LOUIS, Oct. 27. Walter H. Pan
born. United States circuit Judge, today
filed In, tho federal court here an order
permitting the receivers of the Bt. Louis
fc San Francisco railway to Issue- receiv
ers' certificates to the extept of 110.000,0m)
for the payment of preferential claims.
The certificates are to be secured by a
first deed ot trust on the .properties of
the railroad. '
An Vsrly fiasU
should be covered with cleah bandages',
saturated with Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Heals burns, wounds, sores, plies. 2Jc.
For sale by your druggist. Advertise
ment. Big Eaters Get -Kidney
Take Salts at First Sign, of'
Bladder Irritation ;
or Backache. ,
The American men and women must
guard constantly against Kidney trouble,
because we eat too much and alt our
food is rich. Our blood is filUd with urio
acid and the kidneys strive to filter out,
they weaken from overwork, become
sluggish; the sllmlnatlve tissues olog and
the result Is kidney trouble, bladder
weakness and a general dtcllne In health.
When your kidney, feel like lumys of
lead; your back hurts or the urine Is
cloudy, full of sediment or you are
obliged to seelc relief two or three times
during the night; if you suffer with stok
headache br dlsxy. nervous spells, acid
stomach, or you hare rheumatism when
the weather is bad. get from from your
Pharmacist about four ounces of Jad
?.ta V.e Poonful In a glass of
at.r before breakfast for a f'w day.
?our "r will then act fine.
Thl, famous salt. . mad. from th. acid
of grape, and lemon juice, combined with
nthla, .nd ha. b used f.r generations
to flush and stimulate cloggsd
to neutrallx. the add, n the urine w U
If ,OUrc" of 'nation, thus
ending biaddr disorders.
Jad Bait. U Inexpensive; cannot in
jure, makes a delightful
Tom. Md
very home, because nobody can roake
,- Wixiuw" Soorumo Btbop hs beea
i. .k?JLif "i1.1 t CORES WIND COUC snl
wlrtJik.S?' IAKRHOIA. It U s
w n . w ?'.v?- e ,ure "k fer "Mrx
sjsjj. TwcaUBT. ccsls a botj.c.
Pattern I Owns, Xob.