Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1913, PART ONE, Page 11-A, Image 11

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Will Consider Protests Against
Bowling in Too Many Leagues.
Cltr IloTrUnic Toarnnmcnt W1U no
Planned nnd Dates Set Tennis
Ready to Go to 9. Louts
Secretary John .Hoffman of the Greater
Omaha Rowling association has called a
meeting of, that organization for S:S0
io'clock this afternoon In room 1U
Lnoard of Trade building. The meotlng
)vlll be an open one.
Much business will come up at this
meeting and the presidents of tho various
league which are members of tho Greater
Omaha Bowling association are instructed
to tell the representative from their re
spective leagues that only representatives
will nave a voice In the proceedings.
The, chief matter of business to come
before the meeting Is the question of
bowlers rolling In moro than two leagues.
Some of the best bowlers In tho city at
present are members of more than two
leagues, and the weaker teams of these
leagues are up In arms complaining that
the leagues aro overbalanced on this ac
count. It is expected that there will be
quite a discussion over this question.
Other matters of business to come be
fore the meeting are tho plans for the
city bowling tournament. Dates for this
tournament probably will bo set at this
meetmg, and committees appointed to
work on a schedulo and entertainment.
Teams which will attend the Mid-West
bowling tournament at St. Louis, begin
ning Thanksgiving day, will make their
plans at this meotlng also.
Assistant City Attorney Louts J. Te
Pool is drafting an ordinance at tho re
quest -of Police Commissioner J. J. Uyder
to put Into effect locally a state law pro
viding for the pensioning of public library
This ordinance. In compliance with the
state law, will provide for a public li
brary, employes' retirement fund and will
further provide a. pension of SSS a month
for library employes who have been In
the service forty. years.
To be eligible ,to. this pension employes
must have served twenty consecutive
years In the city twhere the pension Is
paid. After thirty-five years of service
they may retire on pension; after forty
years of service retirement on pension
Is compulsory.
None of the present employes of the
Omaha public library will within a year
be affeoted by thin ordinance.
OleVei Pianist. Writes - Verse
jets in Praise 6f iDresher
. BroavOieanjng.
KeepsHis 8tjvlQ,ftce a Jewel
Willi urejmetr-ujBfuieu
Floor OoVeriiigs
Elgmund Landsberg, the well known
piano. Instructor, evidently believe In
spick and span surrounding, 'else he
wouldn't be so steady & customer of
Dresher BrosXRug Cleaning Department.
The -first thing that Mr. Londaberg
upon returning from a recent extended
Kuropean trip, -was ,to send every rug In
hl studio to Dresher Brothers 57,000
Dry Cleaning and Dyeing plant at 2211
2213 Farnam Btreet, and upon getting
back hi rugs again looking like new
was bo tickled that he jotted down the
following clever effusion:
Nothing neater, nothing fresher
Nothing cleaner have I Been'
Than the rug that came from Dresher
Since away I've been.
What looked worn, dilapidated
Now looks neat and bright and new
Oleoma In colors, variegated
And here's a check for "Two."
Now Landsberg haa tho right Idea;
his piano studio at 20th and Farnam
Street Is a perfect little gem of a place;
scholars like It because It U odd, yet re
freshingly .crisp and clean; and the clean
floor coverings may have a great deal
to do with it.
Whatever Dresher have done for elg
mund Landsberg they can do for you
also; If y.ifve a. lot of time stained.
faded out floor covering have Dresher
work their magic over them.
Dresher will do a really marvelous
Job of cleaning on a rug; they'll bring
back the, . original, Juat-aa-you-bought-lt
appearance, and what' more, they size
the rug Just a the mill sized it originally
so thOjt, It will lay flat upon your floors.
Just phone Tyler 33 for a Dresher rug
man and you'll have a real surprise com
ing to you.
Two Glean Papers
Be Youths Companion
The Evening Bee
liik for 55 Cts.'a Month
'See Pagel6
BIG AD . 1
Lace Curtains j
Brandeis Stores
It You Believe in Dreams
You Can Believe in This One
Mental telepathy 1 Mnybo and maybe
not, but whllo Miss Ann Rowley was
dreaming that burglars were In the homo
of her frUr.d, Miss loo Bellman, many
blocks away, Miss Bellman was actually
engaged trying to entrap a burglar aV
her home, Twenty'-nlnth street and
Dewey avenue. Miss Rowley nnd Miss
Bellman work side by side In tho Com
mercial club offices and are wry close
associates In that way. Many times In
the last month they have noticed peculiar
Coincidence In which there was evidence
that their minds aro attuned to ono an
other in such a way as to make impres
sions possible without actual communica
tion. Miss Bellman, with her stater nnd sev
oral friends, went to the moving picture
how at Twenty-ninth nnd Leavenworth
streets Friday night. As Miss Bellman's
mother was out also for the evening, the
hi mo was left vacant. When the group
of girls returned near 11 o'clock, one. of
tho girls cried out to Miss Bellman.
"Oh, Lee, look there!"
Turning about Miss Bellman Baw a
ladder Btandlng against the sldo of the
Board of Eduoation Will Not Pro
test the Praotice.
Would Bn Mlffhtr Olad to GIv
nt th
Antl n Chnnce to Dlaoou
Value of the Precaution
nry Mrnsnre.
No movo to prevent vaccination of pub-
llo school children will be mado by the,
Board of Education or any committee
thereof and Member A. J, Burdln, who
demanded that the practice stop, will bo
compelled to carry hi fight before the
board Itself.
When Burdln protested against vaccina
tion of children the protest wo referred
to a committee. This committed made
no report at the last meeting of the
Dr. H. Holovtchlner, president ot the
school board, sold: ,
"I hardly think the matter will be dis
cussed again. ".We do n6t, as far a I
know, Intend to do anything In regard to
the matter'
Health Commissioner R. Wi Connell
warned, tho Board of Education that tho
question 'of vaccination rested .with, him
solely and that, tho board was without
power to interfere with hi work.
. Junes n . Challenge.
"Dr. William Osier's challenge to tho
antl-vacclnatlolnlsl Is charged with all
the; certainty - of hi", knowledge and
sparkling 1 with all the vivacity of hi
brilliant wit. It leave nothing more to
be ald, and may be repeatod by every
health' officer In the United 'Kingdom,
Canada and the United State without
muci chance of .the gauntlet being
picked' up. Dr, Osier says; 'I do not sea
how -anyone? whda'Ed'ne through ep'l-
demlciuaii JLhave, or: who jq familiar with
the .aubiect. -and- who has any capacity
.left 'for , drAr'. Judgthent', con doubt It
.value. Some month ago I was twitted
by the editor of the Journal of tho nntl
vaccination league for a "curious si
lence" on this subject. I would like to
issue a Mount Carmel-llke challenge to
any ten Unvacclnatcd priests of Baal. I
will go Into the next severe epldemla with
tho ten selected, vaccinated person and
ten solected unvaccinated persons I
should prefer to choose the latter three
membors of parliament, three anti-vac-clnatlon
doctors, if they could be found,
and four antl-vacctnatlon propagandist.
And I make this promise neither to Jeer
nor Jibe when they catch the disease,
but to look after the ma brothers, and
for the four or five who are certain to
die I will' tr yto arrange the funeral
with' all the-pomp-and ceremony" of an
anti-vaccination demonstration.' "
Old Woman is Joint ,
Heir to Dublin Estate
Mrs, Margarette Green, Ell North Sev
enteenth, haa received word from her
nephew, Michael Brophey of Dublin, Ire
land, that her brother, William Downing,
died and left a big estate, bequeathing it
to her and another sister.
The Downing property I estimated to
be worth between 140,000 and $S0,00 besides
a large sum of money in the bank at
Mrs. Green, who will leave soon for
Dublin, ha not heard from her sister
for a number of years.
Pond Lilies to Be
Planted at-Seymour
The Seymour Lake club is to plant C00
pond lilies in Seymour lake directly in
front of the club house. State Fish
Commissioner Will O'Brien haa been com
missioned to plant the bijlba this fall,
which will give them ample time to bloom
by next spring when the club Is reopened
again. The lilies will add greatly to the
beauty ot the club.
Postmaster John C. Wharton says he
has been made the object of scandal. He
received a letter from Klchard Metcalfe,
governor of tho Panama canal zone and
addressed a follows;
"John C. Wharton (Omaha Greatest
Ten years ago Air. Wharton, while in
Superior, Neb., on business, attended a
democratlo convention, out of curiosity
iucnara Metcoiie was mere ana sent a
story to the paper he was working for
at the time, announcing that Mr. Whar
ton had renounced the republican party
and gone over to th democratic. Mr.
Wharton had quite a time squaring him
self with the grand old party and ha
since been the object of much Joking on
the Ptrt of Mr. Metcalfe.
Committee to confer with the city
councils of Omaha and South Omaha
were appointed at a meeting fit the
Deer Park Improvement club Friday
night on the subject of the opening of
A. street from Thirteenth to Twenty
third streets and of opening Twenty-second
street and making It a boulevard to
connect the boulevard system of Omaha
and South Omaha
house leading to the bath room window.
With some presence of mind Miss Bell
man hesitated a moment to determine
whether to have the girl shoo the man
out and then Jerk the ladder from under
him when he got half way down, thus
dropping him to nn aviator's doom, or
whether to take the ladder away at once
and leave the man shut In thf house.
Tho latter Idea prevailed, and with one
jerk she hurled the ladder to the ground.
In five minutes a motorcycle officer was
on the ground. He went through tho
house and found no one, although he
found an upstairs window open where
It is thought the thief dipped out and
descended on the heavy branches of a
big shade tree. Apparently nothing had
been stolen.
While this was going on Miss Rowley,
living at Thirty-second street and Ed
jvard Crelghton avenue, was dreaming ot
Miss Bellman and burglar. She was
seeing a burglar legs coming out ot a
window, and they took forever to come.
The auspenso was something frightful,
and tho activities of Ml Bellman In
an effort to entrap the man according
to tho dream were truly heroic.
Klopp, Redfield and Milliken Eaoh
Had Way to Run Print Shop.
Hare Taken Their Trouble to the
Court, Where They Will Go Into
the Detail of Their Mis
understanding;. A story of an alleged attempt by Aaron
- Klopp, president of tho Klopp & Bart
lett Printing company, to organize the
small stockholders of the company in
opposition to Joslah B. Redfield and liar
voy E. Milliken, whom ho has restrained
from running tho business without con
suiting him, was given to the district
court In affidavits filed In opposition to
his injunction suit. The other stockhold
ers refused to support Mr. Klopp, they
cay, becauso they desired Mr. Bcdfleld
to conduct, tho business
Mr. Itedfleld and Mr. Milliken also re
lated in affidavits their sldo of tho busi
ness controversy. Mr. Redfield asserts
that he has been connected with tho
business since 1902; that ho negotiated a
loan of 112,000 when tho business was not
prospering, and that it has grown largely
through his efforts. Ho say that before
new articles of Incorporation were filed
he announced that he expected to be
manager, and that ho ha no desire to
exclude Mr. Klopp from all authority,
but admits that he thinks he should be
the directing head when tho board ot
directors Is not In session.
He explains that ho had the lock on
the offlco door changed because the old
one was defective, but says that Mr.
Klopp asl(ed him for a key when he was
busy, and that slnco Mr. Klopp told the
district court of being locked oUt a key
ha been furnished him.
Jlcri field Slated as llrnd.
Mr. Milliken Bays that ho nurchased
stock In tho company on the understand
ing that Mr. Redfield was to be Its head.
and that he was to be the tatter's as
sistant. Ho shows that under tho rear
rangement of the company's affairs Mr.
Klopp holds Jit, W0 of common stock, Mr.
Redfield ha $57,800 worth and he has
$17,000 worth. The total amount ot stock
Is J 150.000.
Ho asserts that tho new by-laws were
approved by Mr. Klopp. Tho meeting of
which the other stockholders tell is al
leged to have been held October 6 In an
attorney's office In the Omaha National .
bank building and to have been called
by Mr. Klopp. Mr. Redfield and Mr.
Milliken were not invited.
It la related that Mr. Klopp said he
no longer had a majority ot the stock
of the company by reason of the man
ner In which the preferred stock was
turned In and common stock Issued, and
that he wanted those present to Join
with him to take control and throw out
Redfield and Milliken. The affidavits
say tho other stockholders refused, after,
discussing the proposal In tho absence
of Mr. Klopp, and that Mr. Klopp then
bocame angry and said ho would see
that the value of their stock was de
T. C. Clement, vice president and gen
eral manager of the Woods Motor Vehi
cle company of Chicago, was In Omaha
last week looking over the local agency,
which I controlled by the Drummond
company. W A. Blmonson, district man
ager from Chicago, wa also In Omaha
for a few days.
Mr. Munger, local manager for the
Woods, has placed four new cars In
Omaha during the last four weeks.
A branch office la to be opened at
Omaha eventually for the Interstate
Commerce commission for the, taking of
valuations of the railroads. The Com
mercial club made an effort to get Omaha
on the list as one of the headquarters for
this work, and it has recently secured
tha assurance ot C. A. Prouty, in charge
of this work, that Omaha would be
eventually made a branch a the work
neuom ana wmenius mgm scnoois
are breaking the record for attendance.
Thus far S3S students have enrolled at
Kellom and 900 at Comenlua. Super
intendent 2. U, Graft believes the at
tendance will substantially increase
within the next two week.
The present freight rates on building
stone from Minnesota points to Omaha
and Missouri river points will remain In
effect since the Interstate Commerce com
mission has found the proposed Increase
In the rate to be unreasonable.
Far Down the Line.
aeorge Mullln, the former star of the
Detroit Tiger, hns algned to play with
a semi-professional team in Bryan, O. It
was only a few years ago that Mullln
wa one of the best pitcher in the
American leagJe.
Nimrods Getting Out Their Shooting
Irons for Fall Sports.
However, the- 11 1 r Fllaltta "Will Not
lie On Until Another flood Told
Snap HrliiRK Bird Uoirn
from the North.
The Inheritance ot the born hunter and
tho Instincts ot the hunter, who acquires
hi love ot the field and forest, am be
coming paramount In the souls ot Omnhd
gunners these days. Nearly every man
In this fair city, who possesses any kind
of a rusty firearm. Is busily at work In odd
moments falling It up In preparation for n
hunt. Some of the more Irrepressible
ones have already made tlttlo trips de
spite the warm weather and some have
come home with tho limit ot ducks, but
tho majority are resting on their oars, ,
content to dream ana tniK, waiting ror
colder wrather.
The Interest this year Is ot course in
ducks ond quail while somo are begin
ning to, feel the call ot the big game
IL 12. Fredrlckson Is tramping the
streets ot Omaha and tearing his hair
because he is unable to pack his duds and
leave for his Wyoming ranch, where ho
knows there arc -some bear that ara pa
tiently waiting for hint to como out and
shoot them. He knows they are there
because he received positive proof from 1
tho cowboys on his ranch nnd the cow
boys assuted Mr. Fredrlckson that they
would stay there. But Fredrlckson is
unable to leave his present haunts be
cause ho took unto himself to see that
Nebraska made good with regard to tho
Lincoln Nilghway and at present ho Is
working about twenty-four hours a day
in order that he may ciean up his busi
ness and catch the first rattler for tho
Krrplnir Them In n Hole.
But soon the Lincoln highway celebra
tion will experience a lull and then Fred
rlckson will make tracks ,for tho tall
timber. And when ho arrives the big
Jublleo will start because the bears will
be right on tho Job for Mr. Fredrlckson
to shoot. Why will they be on the JobT
Oh! cause Fredrlckson fixed thnt all
right. A whllo back Fredrlckson got n
letter from the foreman ot his ranch that
soveral bear were wandering around pro
miscuously, which was such an Inspira
tion to Fredrlckson that he Instantly
wired back to save 'em for him. The
foreman did. He got out hi cowpunch
ers and they ran four big Juicy bears
into a hole, which the bears use for an
abiding place, and then they stopped up
tho hole In a very ncientlflo and solid
manner. The bears are tightly locked In
their own hole and they can't get out
until Fredrlckson arrives.
Also Get the nag;,
Billy Townscnd got tho bug last Friday
and he and Bob Graceman, George Red
lck and Ktngsley clambered Into a ben
zine buggy to invcstlgato tho neighbor-
lng country's standing with tho Duck ,
National bank. The rating Is very punk
nt present, but Is expected to pick up
with cold weather. Redlck had a new
twenty bote gun so he had a lot of fun
out ot the thing even If the bunch did
only nab one duck. He burned up
enough powder to kill the legal limit of
ducks automatically and he hnd oodles
of fun out of It. They rambled all Over
the country between Horseshoe lake, Cal
houn and Illolr, but only one duck was
at home when they called. He consented
to return to Omaha with them after they
presented several arguments that Via
Parish has posted on tho billboards as
advertising Omaha.
Lenn Toward Qnalla.
But Billy Townsend Is far from dis
couraged. He said Friday was a dandy
day and ho had somo automobllo rldo
and anyhow he didn't have any use for
ducks, but when the quail season opens
November 1 thero wltl be no Billy Town
send in Omaha. He will bn playing hide
and seek with the dainty little quail up
In the Niobrara valley.
The Metis ranch Is proving popular
these day. None ot the Metz brother
aro crack hunters, but they are admir
able host and they do furnish plenty of
hunting. Charlie Wllhnell escaped the
city council for a couplo of days last
week and, with Sheriff .McHhane, who
wa also playing hooky from a school,
and Judge Vlnaonhaler, ho spent a couple
of day burning up tobacco and powder.
Every one ot the mighty sportsmen
brought, back the limit and would have
brought back more only they all are
sticklers for tho law and would do
nothing that might be called a violation.
Has a Duolf Ranch.
Harry Itodt has departed for Cody,
where he has a nice little ranch In tho
middle of which la a nicer little lake
where tha duck Just dote on taking
their dally plunge. But Root don't like
for the duck to moke his lake a publlo
bath house so he has to chaatlao several
each day with the aid of his trusty shot
gun. And he 1 some little ehuitlscr.
Dad Weaver, who has finally quit talk
ing about tho Ak-8ar-Ren carnival,
and Ralph Hayward hpppefl on a
Burlington train yesterday for Custer
county. While there they registered for
a plot ot land at Broken Bow and then
hiked to the marshes in the north part
ot the county, where the ducks are re
ported to be Just waiting for tome one
to shoot them. Dad and Hayward will
investigate the reports and If they aro
true they will linger awhile, otherwise.
they will return "Instanter" even It they
do draw No. 1 nnd No. 2 In the land
Have Exclusive Island.
Jay Merriam and J, K. Merriam went
up to Bouyler and managed to bring back
the limit in two days shooting, which Is
pretty good shooting for anybody let
alone the Merriam team, Another team,
iKlmer and George Redlck, made a
cleaning at their new Island near Valley.
The Redlcks bought the Island merely to
accommodate any ducks that might wont
to rest while flying over tho Platte. And
they assert that they will make the visit
pleasant and profitable with the aid ot
George's new twenty-bore gun.
George Welborn went out to Horseshoe
lake and, when nobody was looking, cap
tured thirty-five mallards nnd forty-two
Jack snipes. He evidently cleaned out
the place because other hunters, encour
aged by his success, made the trip to
tha lake, but returned with nothing but
their gup and shells.
Kxprdltlou to Florence.
Bill Schlpke out up with some of his
Arkansas love talk the other day and
persuaded Floyd Grovey to make an ex
pedition to Florence after some duck.
Grovey had Just purchased a newmaohlne
and the Skipper was bent on a rida
They spent half a day looking for ducks,
but the ducks weren't there and all they
got wa a good promise c f typhoid fever.
Urovey said It was exceedingly wet.
SAVE $135.00
Tho nuccenii of tho flmiVf'ck of
fnn flint 1inrl7nlnn ntttrfril lint
chance to fnvo nt Irnst $128 on
brnskn's Greatest lMnno House.
Lot 1 100 NEW Hints
Vour choice of MnhOKany, Onk
or Wnlnut Cnscn. l'Yco Ktool
nnl Scarf.
Rtgular Price . . . $300
Sample Sale Price . $172
Y0I SAVE....$128
Thirty Days' Free Trial
$1.00 a Week Buys Any Piano!
Hiihiag to Wait for! No Useless Red Tape! Ho Club to Join!
Some More Bargains In High
TitmtAR r. oiak.
Chairman Booster Committee for United
commercial Traveler.
Schlpke said It wo lovely and comforU
Just nm soon as a chilly wind sweeps
over It -will be possible to count the duck
hunter who are (till In Omaha on the
finger of one hand. The railroad are
Kettlng ready for a rush to the and hills
tlat will inako tho land rush look lllie
the toro on the right hand side of the
period. Chorry county and Custer county
nave reported that Uie duck made a
quick start during the early part of last
ieek, but quit flying when the warm
weather predominated, If the cold should
tart In once moro ducks hunters in the
above-mentioned counties will be thicker
than flea on a dog's back and it I a
safe bet that Omaha will leud the field.
fireka Longer Draft I'erlod.
The I. 1. 1, league mny lead a crusade of
Clas 11 organization to obtain a five
day extension of the draft period. Dis
cussion of the question took place in
formally at the league annual meeting,
And later it wa said a resolution sug
Besting uch a change to the National
Association of the Minor League might
b passed. Al Tearney overrode opposi
tion and wa re-elected president.
To Ilevl Oie IMayliiir Ilule.
Three magnate from each major
league, three umpire and three port
writer will meet this winter to rewrite
the base ball rules, doing away with a
number of absurd contradictions exist
ing In them. When thl body end Its
work baao ball on every diamond In the
country will be played under the same
' Hud In Ilffrttt,
Kddle Plank felt so badly over losing
the second Kama of the series that tne
player could - not console him and he
Scarcely apoke for several hour after the
game. Eddie had hi heart set on win
nlng that battle, which he figured would
be hi last game of baje ball, a he 1
determined to retire after thl eaon.
f IllOTTinw Up lu Final Game.
That habit of blowing Up In tho final
came 0 a world' erle 1 one that seem
to be eradicably Implanted in the intern
of the Olant. They did It In Mil at
Hhlbe Park; they did It, per Mr. Snod
grass and TAt. Merkle in 112 This year
Larry Doyle, captain of the Ham, united
willi Mr Merkle In going up Into the air
and losing the game
Key to the Bituatlon-Uee Advertising.
High Grade
thl Mite hns demon 8 1 rat cm to im thnt tho publlo la quisle to tnllze tho
Arn ntwiiva iMiiiitiiv nils hie snlo of Mtituilo pianos offer everybody n
hcnutlful, brnntl new Upright PJuno
Come tomorrow niul pnrtnko of thcno
Lot 2110 NEW Pianos
Vour choice of Mnliognnr, Onk
or Wnlnut Cnse. Kito Stool
nml Kcnrf.
Regular Price . . . $325
Sample Sale Price . $1H
YOU SAWE....$135
Thirty Days' Froo Trial
9.150 Cabinet Pianola, now.. 50
SfWO 8H-noto Player Plono, now 825)0
$0(10 HnrrlnKton Autotone Player l'lnno,. . .3345
$22.1 Hcrllch Plnno for. . .
$uno Pcaao Plnno for. . . .
10 Decker & Hon Piano
SIWO Mueller Piano for.
PJIOO Norwood Piano for. .
541:5 Emcrwm Piano for, ,
$nno Kimball Piano for,.
$27n Hrmlfonl Piano for.
An IroR-Clid GiiriRtee Goes With Every Pine
Our record of 54 year In tho Plauo buU 131 1.1 3 FARNAM ST.
iichh BtnnilH back of every unto mado, '
lf last V. an icatnat. aoaia.
lighting riator. Marr'e-eraada Oo.
PidsUty Storage fc Van Co. Doug. 1MI,
Kar Boot Print It Npw Deacon Pre,
Boiler Bkatlag at Chamber lrar
nam street entrance. Phone Dougta 1871.
Chambers School of Bandog JTow Opsn
Social, Aeathttlc and stag dancing
taught Telephone Douglas 1871.
Ilppert Bound Oyer The cane of Kd
IJpport, accused of forgery, came up tils
morning In pollen court and ho wa bound
over to the district court. Uppert Is
charged with attempting to pass a worth
leas check at llayden Drothtrs. Tha
check called for $100.
Want Avphalt' Vavlng A restraining
order wa signed by Judge English of
th district court forbidding the street
railway company to rcpave Twenty-fourth
street between T and O streets In Bouth
Omaha with cobblestones until a hearing
Is had In court, Application wa made
by John W. Koutaky, whose object 1 to
compel the company to pavo with asphalt,
BaJoon Xpr 1 Sued Alleging that
he purchased liquor at the saloon of Ed
Maloney, 713 North Sixteenth atreet, be.
tween 9 and 10 o'clock the night ot March
15 of this year, and while Intoxicated was
beaten by three men, Wesley Manser ha
brought suit in district court against tha
proprietor of the saloon and a bonding
company for 115,000 damage.
Haw Oommsrclal Club Member Sx
new member were taken Into the Com
least one-third of its heat
ing capacity. We claim also that the Royal Acorn is moro
easily controlled than any other base burner, and we have
moro than three thousand written testimonials from
Omaha users to prove it. Will you call and investigate!
John Hussie Hardware Co.
5407-09 Cuming St. "If you buy it of Hussie it's right."
with n Rtinrnntco Imrkeil up by No-
wonucrrui nings
Lot 355 NEW Pianos
Vour choice of Mnhojrnny, Onk
or Wnlnut. Cnse. Vrvo Stool
tuul Scnrf.
Regular Price . . . $351
Sample Sale Prioe $220
Y0I SAVE....$130
Tliirty Days' Free Trial
Grade Pianos
$300 Hcliniollcr & Mueller Piano
for 8175
$117(1 BtcKcr & Hons Piano. .8105
(UIOO Kurtxnmn Plnno for.. 8175
91,100 CliickcrliiR & Bonn Grand
Piano for 820O
$800 (IcorKo Stock Grant! Piano
for 8325
mercial club at tha last meeting of th
executive committee. They aro V, N,
High,, with the State bank ot Omaha:
K. K.'Tppe, druggist; Ifarry Q, Tracer,
with A, 11, Currla company; John M.
Tanner, odltor, South Omaha; J. V. Tray
nor. automobile dealer IV. H. Wilkin',
assistant auditor Union Pnclflo railroad.
A mahwidth muafcat entertainment 1
to bn given at- one -vf Omaha' leading
theater III th near futuro by tho Omaha
United Commercial Travelers' association.
The revue I to be entitled, "Tha Dirk
town Drummer" and from .all part of
'.Nebraska- tha knlghls of tho sample cat
will gather- to make It a success, No stone
I being left unturned by the local or
ganization to (riake thl, their tint his
toric attempt, a performance that wilt
come Up to professional standards.
There Will be black-face comedy', amus
ing aktta and dancing. The songs and
musical hit wlllbo up to the minute. The
first part , will consist of, a . blackface
extravaganza.- The entire cast of char
actera will be, recruited front Omaha cqun.
dl, No. 118.
Member of the executive committee
are: F. If. Hansen, chairman; JI. K.
Q reeling, I'. C. McDonald, T. D. Olln and
Thomas J, Ilrunor. Show headquarter
have been opned at 611 McCague building.
Key to the Situation nee Advertising.
The Royal Acorn
The hard coal stovo "VvitU
a reputation. Tho stovq
built on scientific princi
ples. While other dealers
aro bemoaning tho falling
off of tho stovo trade, wo
are still enjoying a good
trade on tho Royal Acorn.
Tho reason for this ia
plain. Thirty years of uso
in Omaha has demonstrat
ed its superiority.
Atom System Air
used in this stovo adds at