Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1913, Page 12, Image 14

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Jeff is Certainly An Optimistic Little Boob
Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher
, . i
( vouj tmt iveiu; home '' r- ' i
. WAn-weftoD? r nf urn TEe -hbg ' iSSSSh
t AWY 60T S CENT NND HEtJ-HEp! Jbe IvHt TN6V fu,sBt TMG I Co(e (N? .
JEt AtCVT kV 0 T500GH MOlHo! VHi. ffcYH? J!s&-r 'NC0Me TA D,LU V - f WBLV. C NT I v, I PR.OYoPLr,rV.-
s S J r -T 4m
... .i . i ...., ' ,' 1 : : , (VywraVr xgst PjhK Co
foterest Centers in Contest Between
Princeton and Dartmouth.
Gross Will Have
Another Ohanoe
to Win Laurels
Struggle) ntwfi Quaker and In
dlns Apt fo, Be on Kve Saal
Met- WiuklnKf
and Jaffersoa.
NEW XOIiK, Oct S4.-Some, of tho
larger eastern, colleges, hava big foot ball
games In prospect tor tomorrow for tho
first time this season., although. YaJa mid
Harvard will be still engaged. In. the no
called tuning up ijrocs. of secondary
n-ntests. One ot the cloest fought bat
tle of tho day may bet capeoteJ at
Princeton. Twenty-sovcs, of the, Part
mouth squad arrived Iti. Now York from
New Hampshire early today on, their
tray to meet the Users., planning; to put
In the late afternoon, here, In final prac
tice on Ohio Meld at New Tork uni
versity Five hundred undergraduates,
w ho followed tho Dartmouth, squad dawn
from Hanover, soomcd more enthusiast!:
than on previous Journeys to Princeton,
confident that tho. green stands a better
rhance this year than. In. the. past of
defeating- Princeton.
Coach Cavanaugh, sold today that with
the exception of Ambrose and Snow hi a
team was la the- frtak of cond-tlte and:
well fit for a (treat- battle. Ho admitted
his, team lacked weteftt, but-he wOd It.
could. tnfc alt kM at puntatunent and,
had tho sustaining- power1 of a much,
heavier squad. (
At PrlncotoH the problem of dealing
wkh the- forward pom plays of tho Han
over team encaged 'Coach' Andrews In a.
l!th drill yesterday afternoon. The
team showed Improvement; particularly
In the work or Oe, ;V may bo aeera
tomorrow at either hh 'NrH or (a dale.
Laroberton and some of he other regu
lars were given e. rest, taking no rIK of
Injuries, before. Saturday's- game, for- the
Tigers admit they are none too sure of
their strength. Trainer Keen Iflu
patrlck think, hi men fine condi
tion an ready to give a good account of
Penniyssl Carlisle
The University of Pennsylvania against
the Carlisle Indiana, Is also expected to
prove- as, even struggle tomorrow The
PennsTlvanlans lined up against a. tec
ond eleven, trained. In the. new kink ef
the Indian- formation, yeeterday after
noon, and broke them up with the utmost
ease. Mnwhll at the CarUsla school
Coach Warner, with the use, of an In
genloua atrategesvt forced his mea Into
a strenuous afternoon's practice. Ills
new I (tea. was a mannlkln drill, which
proved Interesting to the few onlookers.
Tho Ides, was to flit out a team nppolte
th varsity, Instructing It not to resist
th onslaught ot the regulars. The men
went through tb general defensive
formation, but refrained from coming
forcibly Into contact with tha varsity
players. Tbla exercise, which Warner
thought very beneficial, was used to save
the much bruised Indiana from further
. . .
At New Haven some slight apprehen
sion l said to b felt over tomorrow'
game wltii Washington and Jefferson.
after the- tatter 17 .to .victory over
Penn SUte. Qenexally. however, this U
not taken seriously, and those who saw
the varsity playing at top speed against
the scrub yesterday were confident that
the team was In form to deal with the
visitors, however hard opponent they
TlZht prove to be. One of the latest
sourcca or enthusiasm In the Tale camp Is
ue wor or uenjamin Avery at left end.
In yesterday's practice he handled Wll
mn'a torw&rd passes from the rtftn.
yard'ltac for, tha only score of tha after
noon. X
On the ',M of the Washington and
Jefferson acdr against Penn State col
lege. Harvard. In meeting the latter to
morrow, should h&re less to fear than
xJe engaged with ve former.
The crimson players worked with
vengeance In final practice for the game
yesterday afternoon. ' The scrimmage
lastea forty minutes with mixed llneuDi
and with honors even between the op
posing squaa. vaptain utorer played hi
first game at end and made such a good
bow tea: that It seemed Jfkelr he nl.u
be kept at that posltlott. Olltman. who
iook nut piactt at tackle, showed m
strongly and will probfbly be kept In
Btorers old place.
A source of gloom Bn the Harvard
camp la the announcement that John
Mllholland will gtva ui foot bait at the
request of his father Mllholland has
proved a good end anH a good kicker and
IjU loss U likely to 14 felt
At West Point tAere has been no let
up all week In development of the army
eleven, with the Army-Navy contest In
distant View, and the cadeta expect to
defeat Tuft's squad tomorrow, although
they havo suffered a considerable set
back from Injuries and weakness was
hown la last Saturday's contest with
At Ithaca the Cornell team Is said to
have emerged from a long slump, as
shown last Saturday In the game against
Hucknell. and In brand new uniforms
they will descend upon Pittsburgh to
morrow looking lor a victory. William
son, n of the bigggest men In the lino,
however, 1 still suffering from a kick In
IOWA CITY, la., Oct. ' 24.-(SpeoIal.)-8nmmy
Gross, the little quarterback' who
had dodged himself to famo within a
minute after ho entered tho Chicago-
Iowa game last Bat u play, will get his
chance tomorrow when tho HaWkeyes
line, up against Northwestern on JBhen-
paril field &t KvanstQQ. Qroas will start
the game at quarter. If his genemlshlp
la aa good n hi dodging ability Gross'
position Is secure.
The Iowa lineup, with the weights of
the men. will be.' Houghton, 1T7, center;
Dreuckner, ITS, right guard: "Wilson. .
left guard." Kirk, 1S5, right tackle; I?ar
ron. 1, left tackle; Carberry, 1U, right
end; Qundorson. 1T0, left cqd; Qrofi, Iti,
quart orback; Pennlngroth, US, right haif;
Dick, 157, left half; McOtnnls (captain),
173, fulback. The Iowa squad of twonty
two men, with coachera and "trainers, lart
this morning at 10:17 for fevanston.
Occupying a special oar, eighteen mem-
tnersi pt the University of Denver toot
ball team passed through Omaha Friday
enroute. to Vermillion, "whoro Saturday
afternoon thoy will jpUy tho team ot tho
University of South Dakota,
"the Dciiverf team came In over the
nu'rllngton, out over the Northwestern to
Sioux Cky and fron thero. to Vermillion
over tno MHwauke. It had been sup
posed that tho game waa off owing to a
stu4eet ttrNf At VermOHon, due to the
sUfrpeaete of ' a numbr of students for
haxtfHf u4 tatat three - bt the member
of the Sesfrfct Dakota team were among
thoto supJd.
tnurBuay iiytt mmit wen soi nura uim
truce had been established between
faculty and; students at 'Vermillion and
that the game would be played. Tho
Denver men. Immediately sot together
and completed tjlietr plan tor' the, journey,
Geld. Kvrarda.
Itoxr Mlddleton will recelvn a mid hat
from aa. Omaha Jewelor for leading the
western league In batting. Hagerman
will recetvo a gold ball, being; the leading
Waata "Boston efee.
Joe wooarnanr manager or earn Lang
ford, want a Boston man for referee In
case tAngford should, meet "Gunboat"
Smith In Itoston.
Coin-ship; at Wymore Shows Some
onderjful Eacing,
Vltirrn Hundred -rersona 'Witness
Third Dny'a Rrcnta In "li
futurity and A1l-As;e
Slakel ' '
WVMOrtH, Neb., Oet. J4-(8peclal Tel
(VframOToiIay' rarrs were resiorkable
for tho staying qualities of both dog
and hares, relief dogs being turned In
In nbpuf K third of th( events. Btavrns
and Pago, Friend, had three dogs, May
Batloy, The Colonel and The Conqueror,
boateu In tho second round of tho eJl-ags
stake. Their Ifrank Oolch's Fortune was
boaten by Miss Can Slip, Brine and
Iortus, Chicago, In the third round. Fif
teen hundred saw today's events. , .
There Is Intense local Interest In the
futurity, three of (ho winning dogs, Th'o
Cream, Gift of Fortuno and Missing Link,
being. Wymore qwned. The result In tho
third round of tho futurity was as follows:
Ilrlght Jswoll. 5; Wedge Neversettle, 3;
The Nightengale. S; Secret Servlco, 7;
Yellow Htr, 6 Mutt. ; Sweeping Flame,
pi Fire Uug, 7; Sunflower, B; Kittle
Neversettls, 7: Ilounclng llettie. 1; Wedge
wood, 6; Dally Uunlon, 0; llockwood, 7;
Irish Linen, 1; White Carnation. 1: btripe,
3: Wild mil, Jr., 11; Olft of Fortune. ;
Mr. Qetcholl, 6; Pay Here. 1; Alfred M.,
V, Electrto Spark. 6 Mr. Cannon, 6;
Monilng of the Vale, 2; Mister Never
settle, 7: Flyjng Footsteps. i Winning
Lassie, 0; The Cream, ; Oplette Never
settle. 7; Missing Link, E; Cupld'a Star, 0;
Idaho, a bye.
All-Age fllabe.
In the all age slakes there are nlnety
elx. dogs entered. Borne pf the. gqo ones
wore put out In the first round. Score,
first round, all all ejre stake.
Quality. ; Fairy OreenlaW. j Poison
Ivy, 11; The Model. Slredward, 7; Bow
ery Hoy. 3; llrunlng Conqueror, E; Sir
Ilobert Bruce, 71 Burning Flame, TTLord
Scamper, 4! Galtea Chieftain. 0; Tlpera,
4; Nellie Boss, I: Carter Harrison, 7;
Questor. ; Doctor Purton, 0; Nettle C,
6; Air Castle, 6 White Hock, 7: Frank
Ootch' Fortune, lfl; llurrycnne. 7; Tribly
Barton, S; Lady Vanll. 4; Miss Caq
Trip, l Dan Jtadlum, 3; Teasronu Ned,
e; Mrs. Bastus Brown, R, Field Marshal,
0; Wild Weather, 8; Ituby Allen, 3; Jack
Atklna, 4; The unconquerable. 6; Flying
Pearl, Hi Orlrsly Bear, 0; Golden Sur
prise, 4: Joe's Bacon, ; Fly, 9; Herbert
Bruce, ; Devil Dodger, 4; Miss Corelll, 6;
Lord Fight, 8; Circus Clown. 0; Jack
Hipper. 0: Minnie Surprise, 6; Belle Boss,
7. Butch Colllson. C; Scarlet Wolf. 6; Lime
Light, 4; May Bailey, I; Ashland Olrl, t;
The Colonel. 1: Miss Lcrat, 11; Bun
away v Margin. Er To Conqueror. ;
Lonely Btar. 1; Big Jock. 6; Checker
Hoard. 8; Hasel CTlalre, 3: Ie Whit
Hatf 3; EJttlft Midget, ; Ollle II., T 0; Bob
ble Parton, E; Lord Beacon. 1; Bashful
Lilly, 6; ForeM Flower, 8; Gorn Tower
Boy. 7; Old Folks, 6; Harry Ksen, 4;
Bllile ,Van, C; Fine Uffort, 3; Belle ot
Hebron, ; Lucy Glitters, 2; Freckles, 0;
Qulokstsp, E; Ilowdy Joe, ; Thistle
Down, 8; Lady Duffcrln. E; Boad Agent.
0: The Hermit. C: I.BBt Itsanrt. fl: I?lvlnir
'Duttfhman, ; Sure IHIxot, 75 Topsy Allen,
0; Sea Cllllop, 0; Peerless Lady, V; Rex,
7; Ijidy -Jean, 11; Fairest Flower, Si
.luiMuiiMK ji)on, i-noio Bam, e; jiot
Cinders, 6; Colonial Boy, 0; Just One 8..
1; Crnsy Chief Shake, ; Belva Parton
11; Flora, 11 '
All age stake, second round- Quality.
9; Poison Ivy, 0; Blr Edwards, 6; Rir Ilob
ert Bruce. 3; Burning Flamo, 6; Tlpera. 8!
Carter Harrison, 7: Questor, 2; Air Cas
tle, 3; Frank Ootch' Fortuno, 6; Hurri
cane, 3; Miss Can Trip, ; Tearnrm Ned,
4; Mrs. Ilaatus Brown. 2; Wild Weather,
I; Tho rnoouqucrable, 2; Flying Poarl,
14: Joe's Bacon, S: Fly, 24; Miss Corelll, 6;
l,ord Flight, 7t Minnie Surprise, t Belle
Boss, D; Scarlet Wolf. 7 May Bailey. 7;
Big Jack, 11; The Colonel. 9; Checker
Board, 14; The Conqueror, 8; Uttle Mid
get 10; Bobbio Parton, 2; Bashful Lilly,
3: Forest Flower, 17; Old Folks, 4; Bllile
Van, 0: Hello of Hebron, 10; Quickstep,
17 Thlstlo Down, 12. , Idy Duffln, 7;
The Hermit, 6; Sure. Flight, 7. Sen, Billon.
v; I'eeriess Miay, o; Miay
e?am. 7; Hot Cinders, 4;
Ames High Evades
Protect Against Fast
Nonresident Player
AAlES. In.. Oct. 24. IflncclsJ Tflwrrim l
IndlgnanC at the protest of Coach Mer
lole of Marshalltown HJtrh school ajcalnat
the playing of Halfback Davis In' the
Marshalltown a"are today on the ground
of nonresldenco In Iowa, tho older brother
of the brilliant player yesterday signed
guardianship papers, which were filed
0; Lady Jean, fi) Unole
ders. 4; Chief Craiv
Snako, 0; ISlorn, 3. ,
All ago stake, third round: Quality, 0;
Sir Kdwurd, 7; Burning Flaws 1; Carter
Harrison, fi; Frank Gotch's Fortune, S;
Miss Can Trip, 6; Toararm Ned, 14; The
Unconquerable, 21 1 Flying Pearl, 8j Fly,
21; Lord Flight, B; Belle Boss. 17: Big
Jock, C; Checker Board, 9; Little Midget,
6; Bashful Lilly, 7; Forest Flower, 1;
Belle of Hebron, 12; Quickstep. 0; Lady
T)ufferln. 4; Sen Sllllan, 6; Lady Jean, 8;
Uncle Sam, 6; Elora, 5.
Futurity, fourth round! Brlghls
Jewell, S; Secret Service, 6) Yellow Star,
4; Bweeping Flame, 6; Kitty Neversettle.
S; Wedgewood, 7: llockwood. 3; Irish
l.lnn. Hi Wild B1IL Jr.. 9f Gift of For
tune. 2: Alfred M.. 3: Mr. Cannon, 0; Bis
ter Neversettle, 3; Flying Footsteps. 8
Tho Cream, 1; Idaho, 6; Missing IJpk, a
bye. .
mitnrilv. fifth round: Secret Service.
3: Flying Flame. 61 "WkdRewood," 7; Irish
Linen, 91 Wlld-.BIIW ir.r Ql Alfred W sj
Idaho, 7; Mlssjng Link, B; riyirur Foot
steps, a bye, '
Chess and Checker Clnh.
WAUSA, Neb.,' Oct. 21.-(8pQlal.)-Th
Wnusa Chess and Checker club was or
ganised at a "meeting held- Wednesday
evening. Officers were elected aa fol
lows: President, G. II, Llddell; secretary,
F. E. Anderson', treasurer, Dick Kool.
Booms will bo securd and flttd up for
the use ot the club. The dub will start
out with a membership of about twenty
five. Chess or checker clubs In this sec
tion are Invited to communicate with the
secretary as to arranging of Inter-clty
Clothes? Yes, indeed! We
have thtm ready-tailored smart, stylish suits and
overcoats that you will enjoy slipping into and wearing
Clothes for town or country for outing,
business or dress wear. We are prepared to serve you
and satisfy you as you have never been serv
ed or satisfied in Omaha before.
Especially strong values in our Kensington
suits and overcoats at $20, $25 and $30.00,
Others ranging in price from $1450 to $65
Not clothes alone, however, but dis
tinctive hats and furnishings as well. We lay i
great emphasis upon the correctness and ex- i
clusiveness of our smart apparel accessories
for men and young men.
now Autumn designs, so rich
thnt they ought to pay nn in
come tax $1.50 to 6.00.
here last warning to discard your
B. V. D.b. But don't do It till you
have bad us send two or three ot
our Cooper's closed-crotch knit
union suits. Heal comfort and
plenty of warmth and wear. Cot
ton, mercerized, lisle or wool
at 81.00 to S4.0O
HE AD WEAR Beavers and
Velours are crowding- to the front
among soft hats. We have thorn In
smart shades and shapes, from
Stetson and also Imported from
Austria and Belgium, $5 to 810
Derbies are also In greater demand
SQuarer crowns and curlier brlma
are good bow behind It you like
$3.00 to $5.00
GLOVES No good dresser
leaves his hands uncovered now.
Stop and take a peek at our glovo
section. Silks, chamotsettes, kids,
capes, suedes, mochas and bucks
at SI .Oft to &5t.ftfi
NECKWEAR Don't dim tho lustre of your now Buit or over
coat with a wrinkled old cravat. Our neckwear showing is both compre-
nensne ana distinctive things you don't see elsewhere. Broad silks with
KsfJ I I
with the elerk -of the couhty cvourt at
Nevada. Davis" parents live In Detroit.
Davis was 1912 all-Michigan high school
halfback. He Is the' scoring offense ot
jths fast Ames High team and tho entire
high school I aroused at1 attempts to
take him 'out of the game.
Slashed Tilth n Rnior;
wounded with a gun, or- pierced by a
rusty nail, Bucklcn'a Arnica BaWe soon
heals the Injured part Guaranteed. 25c.
For sale by your druggist. Advertisement.
Key to tho Situation Bee Advertising.
Ames is Ready for
Game With Missouri
AME8, la., Oct. 21. (Special Telegram.)
Ames let up on scrimmage yesterday for
the Missouri game tomorrow. The lineup
will bo about the same aa that used
against the Washington line. It has de
veloped Infinitely greater strength than
that at Minnesota. Tha back field torn
the scrubs to pieces In scrimmage yes
terday, scoring In three minutes.
ends, silk knits with cross or bias strlpeH scores of tasteful effects. .50t to S3.00
4l3 South Sixteenth
One Paper
in the Home is Worth one
Thousand on the Street
to the Advertiser
F A former great Merchant Prince of
Chicago once made a similar statement and the
thought is worthy of your attention, Mr. Merchant.
F On whom do you depend for your
patronage? Certainly not upon the unfortunates who
barely eke out an existence.
Profitable and permanent patronage
can be gotten only from the shrewd housewives of
good homes, large and small women who are ever
on the putlook not only to save a dollar, but to make
home and family more comfortable and happy
women who read a paper's advertisements' as regular
ly and attentively as its news items.
F THE OMAHA BEE, with its great
home circulation in the city and its prosperous sub
urbs, presents you an opportunity to put such a policy
to the test. THE OMAHA BEE is distinctively a
home paper. It's clean in spirit and appearance it's
edited and published so as to appeal to women. It
logically meets and finds a hearty welcome and a
careful reading at their hands.
q Yes, Mr. Merchant, THE OMAHA
BEE with its undisputed home circulation at the ad
vertising rate is the best buy in Omaha today.
T If you have not already found it so, a
little experimenting on your part will prove the claim.
The Oftiaha Bee
the arm and probably will not be able
'jo play tomorrow-