Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1913, Page 10, Image 12

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A Purchase of 700 Zm Dresses at About 35 Cents on the Dollar
Wool and Silk Dresses for Street Wear (
Stunning New Silk Afternoon Dresses
m m in niTi
Clever Afternoon Frocks of Wool
Silk, Lace
and draped
Chiffon Dancing Frocks
Lace Dancing Frocks
Entire overstock of one of New York's Leading Designers and Makers of Dresses
New Silk and Wool Dresses
n. Scores and aeores of kooA wool
serffes, wool cropcoi hitc
worsteds, etc. as well aa well
mede and very practical, silk
frocks of messallneii. poplin,
rharmeuxi and crepes In all
desirable color.
Worth "S $1250
New Silk and Wool Dresses
A wide ranae of new styles,
new fabrics and new color. In
cluding; a acore of novelf
style features rarely Men ex
cept In expensive dresses. N
More ever offered bette
dresses at this price.
Worths $15
Party, Frocks and Gowns Stunning Evening Gowns
In this Immonso pur
chase are gowns and
dresses that arc suit
able for any social
domand, no ' matter "
how exacting. Quito a number are actual copies
of Imported gowns. 'Each one Is strictly up-to-tho-hour
in every essential stylo feature.
In pretty lace, nets, chiffons,
charmeuso and mossallnos;
also protty plaids and two
toned wool cropes, serges,
etc.; all colors; clover as
can be.
Worths $20
Dancing; frocks, afternoon
dresses and street dresses.
Made In elaborate and tasty ef
fects for evening and semi
dress wear; also effective silk
and wool dresses for the af
ternoon and street wear.
Worth rop$40
Another Special Purchase
Women's Clever Coats
Chinchilla, Silk Plush, Boucle,
Caracul, Broadcloth, Persians, Etc.
Your winter coats will doubtless bo subjected to tho
critical inspection of your friends. You can bo as
sured that tho coats In this group will stand any test
and triumph In any comparison. Quality and gen
uine stylo nro combined hero and each coat measures
up to Branded high utandard.
Two Lots at Special Prices
The range of styles Is so great
and the range of sixes ho com
plete that every woman In
Omaha who needs a new dress
can bo properly gowned and
thoroughly pleased at Oils sale.
All New Arrivals of
Women's Practical Coats
Heavy Winter Novelties, Plush,
Caraculs, Boucles, New Mixtures, Etc.
This is strictly a quality offer. The styles and the
workmanship speak for themselves convincingly. Not
only are theso coatB of the style character that the
best dressed women wear, but the texture and tailor
ing are typical of coats that sell at a much higher
price. A coat from these lota la a garment to be
proud of.
Two Lots at Special Prices
Pretty Trimmed Hats L5 t,
Every Well Informed Woman Knows "Perm Quality"
This Is the First Sale of
PerrinY Real Kid Gloves
At to Less Than Regular Prices
Forbears we have been official agents for the matchless Perrln Gloves
In Omaha, outfitting thousands of well dressed women In this city. In
all this time we bare nevor been permitted to offer them for less than
the standard Perrln prices. This year, after a great amount of effort,
we convinced the Perrln glove-makors that we could still further popu
larize these gloves It we could offer lots of them for ono day only at
reduced prices. The maker sent us 2C0 dozen standard quality, per
fect kid gloves, most of them bearing the Perrln Imprint, and Satur
day wo will Inaugurate what Is certainly Omaha's most remarkable
sale of fine kid gloves.
Perrin's Real Kid Overseam and Real Kid Pique Gloves
Come to the Sttre With the Biggest Stocks of
Winter Underwear
Woman's fine eetton sales
alts, tlMKjtaH, ie
'o yriw, at,
Woman's wart wool rests
ana ankle peats to mates )
npur aaa exir
sixes; 76o quality,
at, gurmnii
The newest, most up-to-dato and most practical hats for girls in ages
4 to 15 years are offered In this sale. AH silk velvets trimmed In
pink, light bluo, red nnd white satin ribbons, some with shirred ro
settes. (3 of tho styles shown here.)
$1.50 Hats
$1.75 Hats
$2.00 Hats
$2.25 Hats
$2.50 Hats
$3.00 Hats
These gloves are whites, with plenty
of blacks, tans and grey. They are all
new styles and the skins aro seloctod qual
ity. Every slro Is here. You' have never
bought Perrin's gloves of this grado for
less than $1.50. Many of them are worth
$1.75 and oven $2 a pair. Saturday, main
floor, at, pair. . .
Women's Munstnr union
suits. II Klit, medium and
heavy weight cotton. In
low neck, sleeveless, Dutch
neck and elbow sleoves or
hlgrt necK and long
aleovea, ankle
length, at. autt
l'S. Kisses' and
Xrs'. i.vtim, pasts and
drawees, -in part wool and
all aoMea; natural and
aveaaai worth rt r
5Eua.. ; loc
Wear's long sleevea
vasts, ankle pants to match,
asilaai welrht, fleecy
lined oottont regular and.
extra sixes; nn
m..0.."?'. 39c
Dr. Denton's sleeping gar
ments for children. In nat
ural gray; size 1 nn
and 2; 0c qual- J5f
lty, at
Children's and Boys' Fleecy Liaed Ottoa Union Suits; some
sizes Include Munslng; worth to 68c, at, suit
Women's Stunning New Dress Hats
For your choice of immense lota of TAN OAPB
OUTSBAM GIOVE8 excellent grade, perfect In
every way., .SELL REGULARLY AT f 1.28 PAIR.
Women's, Mei's, Blisses', Boys' and Children's
25c Cashmere Hosiery at 15c Pair
Another lot from the big Chicago purclinsc brought
forward Saturday. This includes somo of tho most
Stunning batu of tho entire Bale. Trimmings aro
Fitch fur, Martin effects, white fur trim- .
mlBRS on velvet and plush sailors and tur- X W SI)
i . in 11 1 w in i v ii u. i n HMni'vc. m m
The hat Mrtttally worth as high as 915 f s
HtloScup effects, aigrette ef
fects, wlncr, breasts, fanclea
and ornaments; almost endless
varieties, at each
Tkree Great Ostrich Plume Specials
Kreneh Ostrich I'lumea. 18 Inches long, worth IS, at 3.7
French Plumes. 19 Ins, long. tj-ln. head, worth SI. at S
Sih-ln. French I'lumes. HH-ln head, worth smoTat
Triaaed Milliiery in tke BaseneMt. $1. and Si. 58
300 1 samples from Folgeman Bros. & Hlrsh. Broadway. New York in
eluding velvot, plush and silk hats worth up to MO. ' ,n"
I V . t
Perrin's 16-Button Length White Kid Gloves
Beautiful elbow length gloves of genuine kid, perfectly made,
pair bears the Ferrtn mark. Tney nave always sold
regularly at the standard price of 13.50 a pair. Sat
urday at, pair
$1 "Cleanup" Sale of Art Goods
We nover allow odds and ends to accumulate. Saturday In our Pic-
twt,a?'lAri l0'0.. DePartmentB. on hrd floor, we have as
cabled hundred of articles, only a few of each kind, which w win
SPECIAL TABLES m Tlurd Flotr in Front of Elevators
21 Imported French En
graving, unframed, reg
ular price 16.00; Satur
day at
it Hand-Colored American
I'nfranud Photogravures;
worth ,41.60; i:xtl; at...
I Framed Pastels, all dlf
different: cood subjects;
worth SS.00 to SS.O0. at...
21 ICinpty Frames, Inlaid
maliocany and walnut
"Art Craft Guild"; teu.
ran sold; worth 11.00 to
SI.OO, at ...
3 Original Oil Plntlnc:
frames dainaceU from
mating, rftlues up to
S10.M. at.,...,
$ Framed Copies of Classic
gubJecU Jo "Art Craft
ulW, frames worth
At .......
ii Fumed Bamboo Bas
kets, all styles and
shapes; worth up to
41 Pieces Iland.Rmbrold
ered Sofa Pillows and
Centerpieces; values up
to Sl-t0.
SI Imported French Tap
estry Glove and Handker
chief toxea. satin lined.
1 Importd French Tap
entry Trays, made to sell
recularly at :.0U.
10 Chinese Embroidered
Art Squares, values from
12.00 to S4-00.
All these tables on third
floor directly in front of
Our Great Sale of Sample Dolls
At About Va the Regular Selling Prices
Tkere Are Hutlreiis ef Tbese Large Size Staple Kiel Bedy asd Jebtetl DelU ia Tkl Sale
There Is only one sale of Its kind in the course of a year and this one-day sale Is held at Brandels
Stores. The largest importer of dolls In America sells to us exclusively all the sample lines from tho
leading makes of dolls in Europe. At no other time and naturally
at no other place can you buy dolls like these at tho prices we offer.
Bay Your Christmas Dolls Now and Save Money
Sample Doll Worth Up to $9, at $3.98 Tho finest
largo Eomplo kid body nud pointed body Dolls im-
portod from Europe to retail up to $9.00
will bo sold at
Sample dolls
worth up to $2,
at Bo Tho fin
cat sample kid
body and Jointed
body dolls im
ported from Ku.
rope to retail up
to 2, will be
old at
$5 and $6 Large Dolls at $2.98
Sample Dolls, worth up to $0 at
$2.9 The finest sample kid body
and Jointed dolls Imported from Eu
rope, that retail up to jl O Q Q
96, will be sold at e70
$3.50 and $4 Large Dolls, $1.98
Sample DoUs worth up to $4 at The finest sample kid body
dolls and jointed body dolls, Im
ported from Kurope to retail up to
94, will be sold
$2.50 and $3 Large Dolls, $1.50
Sample Dolls worth up to 93 at
91.50 The finest sample kid body
and Jointed body dolls imported from
Kurope to retail up to 1 C(
98, vriU be sold a't. . . . 1 DJ
Worth trp
o: M
All the
sample kid
body and
Dolls. Im
ported from
Kurope to
retail up
to tl will
be sold at
"oC In Our Great Special Doll Section Basement 49c
Excellent hosiery for fall and win
ter wear; also tine cotton and silk
lisle, some fleecy lined; wide hem
tops, double soles, high spliced
heels and toes; black, tan and
white; regular
25c quality; spe
cial feature for
Saturday, at,
pair ,
Women's and Uen's fine cotton and
mercerized finished, also fleecy lined
hosiery ana children's school n.
black, tan and
hose, at, pair.
Wotnea's Pure Silk Soot Hosiery, wide lisle garter tops, full fashioned,
regular made; also silk to the tops seamless hpslery, double Oa
soles, reinforced heels and toes; black, tan, white and fancy JTlf
colors, worth up to 60c, at, pair V
$1 Chiffon Auto Veils and Scarfs at 59c Each
Fancy- and hemstitched borders, 1 to 2 yards long; black, p r
white and colors; also fancy lace drape veils, 1 yards -f
long, worth 1. at
Beautiful fancy net, shadow lace fjjxQ Knit Toques and Shawls
up to 6 Inches; worth 36c to 50o
ya.r:.. 15cand25c
in all colors; exceptionally
big bargain; regular 76o QQ
values, at, each OiC
German silver mesh bags, kid lined and unlined, worth to $6, at 92-98
German silver mesh bags, silk and kid lined, worth to $3, at. ... .91.00
Solid gold rings In variety of designs, set with colored stones, worth
to J3.50, at 91.50
Ivory mirrors, made with stand, special at 10c
Solid gold front la vallleres, sold-
ered link chain gl
German silver vanity cases, in
gray and gold finish; special
at S1.08
Silk santoirs, gold slides and
snaps; very new, worth 50c,
at 296
Imported la vallleres In artlstlo
designs, worth to $1.25, at..f3Q
A complete assortment of Mme. Tale's
preparations at cut prices.
Woodbury's Fa
cial Soap, J5c
l" f 2o
rake ....
Java nice Fe
all sUa. u
Wool Hoan.
fSorCak7 lQ
Dr Graves'
Tooth Powder.
Blse . .. 'U
Lustrlte Nail
Poiui, rsc , 5(J
Caldwell's Syrup
of Pepsin. (Q.
1 site..
Large quantity of Boa
ton and AVbittmanil
ferns, worth up to 75c,
Saturday at, each,. .
Big Sale of Bulbs ami
rreh Cut Flowers