Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1913, NEW SECTION, Image 1

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Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. SUIT-NO. 111.
Two Men Caught Under Falling
Bocks and Companions Nearly
Die Trying to Aid Them.
Little Hope is Expressed of Getting
Them Out Alive.
Latest Estimate Places Number of
Dead at 263.
5t la Believed that Corpus of Moat
of the Vlctlma Are Jaat Beyond
the Room Where Bes
cuers Met Dlaaater.
DAWSON, N. M., Oct 24.-The first
KovrrnVrient rescue car reached here
shortly after 8 o'clock this morning. The
crews were hurriedly equipped with hel
mets and sent Into Stag Canon mine No.
S In search' of helmet men James Lurdt
And William Polsa, believed to have been
killed by poisonous gases. After an ac
cident that caused them to remove their
The government rescuers started for
the eighteenth chamber, east, two and a
half miles under ground from the portal.
'It was at this point that Lurdt and
Polsa, with two companions, were search
ing for the body of General Superintend
ent William McDermott and perhaps' at
least 100 more miners, who were believed
1o have been In that part of the mine
.when Wednesday's explosion occurred.
The accident to the helmet men caused
a feeling of terror among others to the
poim wnere oniy volunteers were sent
Into the mine. Confidence was somewhat
restored by the arrival of the 'government
crew, which Immediately entered the
After h considerable time under ground
the crew had been unable to reach tho
eighteenth chamber.
because of the Increasing presence of
carbon' dioxide gas In the mine, which
had permeated chambers where the air
was comparatively pure, late lost night,
the government rescuers, confident that
no more men are alive, have changed
their method of attack and devoted their
entire energies to directing air currents
to drive out the poisonous gases.
The probable death list, with the fatal
accident to tho two helmet men, was
Increased' to 63 today and at noon the
injmber of men rescued alive remained
CaUfcbt'br Fnl! of .Rook,
The. four mon were of a crew of ten
d'Bntrtfl in mine at ,4 o'clock" this
morning, Af th' .'sixteenth room the
crew divided and four of them pushed
on Into the eighteenth room at the face
of the mine. Two of these, James Lurdl
nnd William Polsa, were walking ahead
when rocks began to fall. They were
burled In the debris and their fellows
struggled to rescue them.
Upon being pulled out of the mass of
rocks and dirt Lurdland Poise .are-said
to have become frightened and removed
their helmets. This action confused their
rescuers, who, frightened by tho con
tinued fall of debris and hampered by
their thlrtytelght pound equipment, also
Jerked off their helmets and ran Into the
entry off the eighteenth room. There they
were overcoino by ioisonous gases, but
members of tho other divisions of tho
crew finally brought them to the surface
alive. Walter Kerr, one of the rescued
jnqn, nan not recoverea consciousness
several hours later, but Hoy Slmploman,
his companion, told of the harrowing ex
periences which, In the opinion of rescue
leaders, probably caused tho death of
Lurdl and Polsa.
This probable fatality and the terrors
of the face of the mine, which is so
thlokly Infested with poisonous gases so
nffeeted the helpiet men that J. C. Bob
erts, ' directing the government rescue
work, experienced difficulty securing men
to re-enter the mine to search for Lurdl
and Polsa. Volunteers were called for and
vhen the first entered the mine Lurdl
and Polsa had been In the workings, un
helmeted, for. an hour and a half.
This crow consisted of five men with
four . emergency men following closely
carrying helmets and oxygen tanks. Di
rector Roberts, who has been unceasingly
active in rescue work since his arrival
yesterday, appeared greatly affected by
this loss of helmet men and unhesitat
ingly referred to It as "the greatest
tragdy of the mine disaster," which al
ready had claimed probably m lives, i
Xtoberts has been in continuous charge
of the rescue work without a moment's
relief since noon yesterday, and it was 1
only by physical force that he was kept ;
from donning a helmet and leading the
search for Lurdl and Polsa, All other
rescue activities were practically aban-,
doned pending the finding of the lost j
lelmet men. I
Three More Bodies Fomd, i
Between 5 and 4 o'clock this morning J
three adltlonal bodies were recovered
and brought to tho surface. No trace
had been found of General Superintend
ent William. McDermott nor Henry P.
McShane, the wealthy young New Torker.
It was believed McDermott's body Is
with a group of men who were caught
af the face of the mine beyond t eight-
(Continued on Page Two.)
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. ra. Saturday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
k-Falr, not much change la temperature.
Tempcnton t OpMh Yesterday.
Hours. Dec
6 a. m 41
5 a, ni 41
7 a. m 4?
8 a. in It
9 a. m 60
10 a. m 54
11 a. ni SI
II m.,... ft!
1 p. m 65
2 p. m 58
3 p. m m
4 p. in..., &i
6 p. m CT
t p. in S
7 p. m 63
3 n. Btniniiiiiii, Q
Auto Traffic Gets
Boost Near Close
of Registration
NORTH PL.ATTE. Neb., Oct. -(Special
Telegram.) With weather as nice as
the bsst days of June, automobile traffic
to this city Increased greatly, while rail
road traffic has fallen off. A different
sentiment seems to prevail among; those
registering for lands now as compared
with those who registered at the begin
ning of the registration. At the begin
ning all scemod to be earnest and con
fident of winning a good homestead, but
now the expression Is, "I'll take a shot
at It."
ggd totals rL'Sr't" of the Organization Show. Up
night at midnight registration ends and
the notarial association has modo ar I
mngements to double the forco at tho
registration booths If necessary, to take
care of those desiring to register oh the
last day. The association la determined
that the doors shall not bo closed at
midnight tomorrow against any one de
siring to register. Much larger crowds
are expected tomorrow, bocause It Is the
last day and the drawing occurs here
for all lands next Tuesday, no many are
expected to como tomorrow who will stay
over until the drawing.
The Chamber of Commerce has mad a
special arrangements for a Jubilee Mon
day and Tuesday in honor of Its guosts
and laud drawing. This event has
brought more people to North Platte than
any happening In Its history and thou
sands will be here to help celebrate,
Monday night a special meeting will be
held In the opera house at which Judgo
Wltten, who Is superintendent of regis
tration, will explain the method adopted
for drawing. Tho North Platte band will
furnish music at this meeting and also
Monday and Tuesday and fireworks .will
be displayed at night. The Union Paclfio
will run a special train from Omaha for
tho drawing,
Alleged Defamers
of OlarenceS, Funk
Placed on Trial
CHICAGO, Oct. 24. Opening statements
of counsel were begun today in the trial
of Attorney Daniel Donahoe and Detec
tive Isaac Stelfel on charges of conspir
acy to defame' Clarence S. Funk, former
general manager of the International
Harvester company. Tho conspiracy
charge Is an offshoot of the Lorlmcr In
vestigation. Funk contends that he was
made the defendant In on alienation of
affection suit because he had given testi
mony inimical to former Senator Lorl
mer. Mrs. Josephine Hcnnlng, whose hus
band figured as a plaintiff in the damage
suit against Funk, Is ope of tho wlf
nesses on whom the state relies to prove
thtfiUti'gea- conspiracy. -
Hennlng himself Is said to have sought
immunity and. Is expected to be called
is a stats witness.
Donahoe Is alleged to Havo Instigated
the Hcnnlng case against Funk. The
state contends that ho furnished Mr.
and Mrs, Hennlng with money to travel
pending the hearing of the case nnd that
later he was Instrumental In keeping
Hennlng, for whom a writ charging per
jury had been issued, outsldo tho Juris
diction of the courts
.Stelfel Is accused of havng aided Dona
hoe. Ilennlng's wanderings are said to
havo Included a trip to Los Angeles or
tenslbly as an assistant to a mason con
tractor. More Registering
as Windup Nears
BROKEN BOW. Neb., Oct. Sl.-(Sne-clal
Telegram.) Today's registration ex
ceeds that of yesterday, the number of
people passing through the booth in the
last twenty-four hours ending at
o clock this afternoon being 3.0C3. This
makes a grand total of 27,490.
The number of passengers brought In
by the Burlington over night and early
this morning was 1,695. Many of the out
of-town people have come In during the
day by automobile to register. This num
ber Is pliced In the neighborhood of 9oJ,
The present weather condition that pre
vails here has induced many of the vis
itors to spend the night here The desire'
to register Is still keen and one farmer
who lives near Arcadia walked all the
way from his home to Broken Bow
In the Burlington yards this morning
there were thirty-three passenger
coaches which are added to through."1
trains and specials so that paseengers
may not be unduly crowded.
A woman from Kansas City said at the
information bureau that she had always
been under the Impression Broken Bow
was an Indian agency and there was no
civilisation her. Manager Gaston told
,ur t,mt ,no " Depn misinformed and
tliat he was personally acquainted with
Rt forty people In the city who
knew how to eat pie with a fork,
A large rest room for women with mod
crn conveniences Is located In the base-
mfint o fthe court house and here women
visitors are regaled with coffee and spend
much of their leisure time between
A Undseeker from Bellevue, Kan., had
the misfortune to lose his pocketbook
between the booth and the depot con
taining all the money he had with Mm.
A purse was made up for him and he
was given free transportation to his
j home.
Train No. 39 arrived at 6 o'clock carry
ing eieven ocaches, approximating 900
Bride Confesses
Robbing Rockefeller
NEW YORK. Oct 24. Mrs. fivelyn P.
Rutherford, a bride of a month, was ar
rested today on an Indictment charging
her with cashing 100 $ coupons on
Southern Pacific 4 per cent bonds be
longing to John D. Rockefeller. Ths
young woman before hor marriage was
employed In the coupon department of
the Southern Pacific railway. She Is said
to have confessed to having spent 1400
of the proceeds on her trousseau and to
have returned tho balance to tho South
ern fociuq company.
ire -
Methods Used by Schoolmasters' Club
in Election of State Superintend
dent Like Tammany's.
Overlook No Opportunity to Get Job
Safe One Way or Another,
A Familiar Names.
The Very
Men Connected frith the
Itrfinlatton of Text Hooka fur
Schoola Arc Beprescnt
Inar Pnbllahera,
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. II. (Spoclal,)
The connection of the Schoolmasters'
club with present and past politics has
long been known, or at least there has
been a strong suspicion that It had
great deal to say In the election of
state superintendent and also In the ap
polntmsnt of places under the educational
board. Its methods savor a great deal o
those used by Tammany Hall In New
Snfe Doth Ways.
They take no chance of losing out on
the state superintendent's office, which
Is the milk In the cocoanut Whenever
it Is possible the lines are pulled so that
tho candidate of both the republican and
democratic parties Is a member of ths
club. In that way It Is always a heads
I win tails you loss proposition and tha
Schoolmasters' club gets the-pot.
In tho last election J. 13. Delzell was
nominated by the republicans and K. V.
Clark by the democrats. Both men were
ana are now roemDers or me Bcnooimas
tcrs' club. Delzell won out and in the
appointment of his offloe force appointed
H. I. Elliott as deputy, Q. A. Gregory as
Inspector of normal schools and R. C.
King Inspector of rural schools, the only
men In the office and all members of
the select 100 which compose the. School
masters' club. Ho also appointed C. M
Penney, who died later, to a position In
the office now held by Prof. King. He,
too, was a member of the Schoolmasters'
In the election before that E3. C, Bishop
was tho republican candidate and N. C,
Abbott represented the democrats, both
members of tho club. Mr. Bishop was
elected and appointed a member of the
olub as his deputy, the present supcrln
Crabtree and Jnaksoa.
In the election before that J. W. .Crab
trco. was the republican candidate .and
W. TL Jackson tht AsmocrafloTcahdlAfctli.
Both were members of the Schoolmaster',
club, and Mr. Crabtree appointed Mr.
Bishop, also a member of the club, as
his deputy, Mr. Crabtree had been de
posed as superintendent of the Poru
normal school by the board after an in
vcstlgatton and open hearing and tho
Schoolpiasters' club picked him up and
posing, him as a martyr, gained the sym
pathy of tho people and he was elected,
nosier of the Club.
The . present, roster of the cub shows
many names familiar to the people and
aro as follows:
University of Nebraska Samuel Avery.
K. 11. Barbour, C. E. BCssey. H. B. Brad
ford, Herbert Brownell, E. A. Burnett,
l, W. Caldwell. George B. Chatnurii,
Irving 8. Cutter, Charles Foredyce, Law
rence Fossler, O. W. A. Luckey, C. W.
Pugslcy, L. A. Sherman, Charles W. Tay
lor. H. IC. Wolfe, A. A. Reed.
Public Institutions N. C. Abbott, school
for blindr Nebraska Cltyj C. F. Beck,
state normal school, Peru; R. V. Clark,
Industrial school, Kearney; U. S. Conn,
state normal school, Waynes W, N. Del
zell, state normal school, Peru; D. W,
Hayes, state normal sohool, Peru; R. I).
Overholt, state normal school, Peru;
F. 1. Rouse, stats normal school, Poru?
M. R. Snodgrats, state normal school.
Kearney: W. T. Htockdale, state normal
school. Chadron: E, A. Whltenack, state
normal school, Peru; II. II. Haun, state
normal school, Wayne.
State Department of Education J. E.
Delzell, R. I. Elliott. G. A. Gregory, R.
C. IClng.
Wesleyan University W. G, Bishop, C.
A. Fulmer. B. li McProud.
Cotner Unlvers!ty-W. P, Alesworth,
William Oeschger.
Public Schools Charles Arnot, Schuy
ler: C. M. Barr. Hastings: IL J. Ilurr
Grand Island; Frank R. Beers. David
City: E. J. Bodwell. Beatrice TL M
Campbell, Columbus) A. R. Congdon, Fre
mont;. A. L. Caveness, Falrbury; 15. Cllp
lilnger, Sutton; M. J3. Crozler, Norfolk:
W. T. Davia. Mcnooic n. v. nm wii-
bur; A. H. Dixon, Tecumseh: J. A. Dore-
mua. AuburiU A. E. Fisher. Aurora? In.
seph Fulk, Seward; W. II. Oardner, Lin
coln; E. U, Graff. Omaha.; N. M. Gra-
jmiii, ovum umansi jr. .ju, nunter, Lin
coln; J. H. Kemp. Wayne; George E.
Martin, Nebraska City; S. H. Martin.
Broken Bow: J. F. Mtiha rimA j.l
land; X. M. Matzen, Fremont; E. G.
Ma?f; ynS?nJ J: h: McB1en, Harvard ;
a w. McMlchael. Holdrege; E. E, McJ
Mlllan. Omaha: W. II. Mnrtnn ai,i..
W. H. Myers. Blair; W. R. Pate. Al
liance: John Bpeedle, Benson; A. H. Bta-
lojr, ouperior; v, a. Ktech. Dav d City;
W. W. Htoner. Yorkr V I, h.ii.'
Tecumseh: Charles E. Teach. University I
Place: A. V. Teed. Tnno- n xr ur.u r I
if t l wterhouie. Fremont; J.
nUyK st,a,ntopJ 8. H. Wood, Falls
City: J. A. Wnnrfarri. Iln.1..k. t n
Woolery, Omaha; W. A. Yoder, Omaha. '
Enirairctd In Other Linea.
Following aro engaged In other Mu.'
uonai work: J, Jv. Bennett. Doane colleirs.
Crete; W. H, Clemmons. Fremont Nor
mal; It. A. Garrison, Grand Island cni.
lee; A. G. Hehoe, Doane college.Cretej
Martin Remp, Hastings college; William
E. Schell, York college.
The following are not engaged In ac
tive teaching, but still hold their mem
bershlp In the Sohoolmasters' club: J. A.
Beattle, Lincoln; W. K. Fowler. Nebraska
Teacher. Lincoln; George H. Thomas,
Harvard; George L. Towne. Nebraska
Teacher, Lincoln,
The following ar given as former mem.
bers of this club, but havo gone to other
R 5.l8hopj. Iow Agricultural college;
W. A. Clark State Normal. KlrVvltl. t
W. Crabtree. State Normal, wiimnln'
"W. J Davidson, Q arret t Biblical school.
Chicago; W. M. Davidson, public schools,
Washington. D. C; .1. V. ninsmore.
Uerea college; C. II. Gordon. Unlveraltv
of New Mexico; W. R Hart, Ainhert col
lege; W. S. lleltzman, Topeka, Kan.: Rosa
A. Hill. University of Missouri: T. M.
Hodgman. McAllister colleee. W. M
Krn, Walla Walla, Wash.; D. R. Kerr.
Westminster college; D. It. Maior. I'n..
verslty of Ohio. J. II Stiller, Kansas City 1
Agricultural college: I G. Peaxce. Mil-
ivoouaues pp. jg TUieM
TVom The Chicago News. ' ' '
Steel Magnate Blames Politicians for
Halt in Business.
Wnat of Confidence Canaed by Un-
TOirraated Attacks, He Sara,
Kerpa Enropenn Capital
from Investing: Here.
CHICAGO, Oct St-Judka' Elbert II.
Gary, chairman of the United States Steel
corporation, In an address today af the
semi-annual maatlnr n ih
J few .aH te M 1 'ttsfl luw, feclarea- that
the; st.brt(tiY5( ' busln&i ka4 been Inter-
'M with and the cwifldeace of 'capital
shaken by "unreasonable and uncalled
for agitation and attack." in spite of
the country's wealth and resources, for
eign capitalists wonder why we aro not
more continuously prosperous, he said.
There are exceptional cases." declared
Judge Qary, "In which mismanagement
na caused distrust or dlssatisfuctlon on
the part of foreign and domestlo canltnj.
lts; but this .is. not the principal reason
for hesitancy at th .present time oh the
part of these capitalists In making In
vestments In our securities. They won
der why It is that with our grsat and
growing wealth and resources and our
superior advantages, we are not more
continuously prosperous; why we are
not more stable In prices and values and
In general conditions; why there Is ever
any disposition on the part of any one to
interfere with the normal and natural
progress In the development of our coun
try ana us industries.
Every one who travels extensively
abroad la confronted with these inaulries
by foreigners friendly to and Interested
In our commercial and financial condl
Hons, and wo assembled In this room are
asking ourselves the same question.
Too Mneh Demagog--.
I venture the assertion that It U
largely because of much agitation and Ill
considered criticism by those who have
not ths nation's bust Interests at heart.
There Is too much dsmagogy, too much
mua-sunging. The man out of office
criticises the one In office, and the one
in of rice in turn seeks to advance his
own Interests, regardless of the effect on
"In many publlo speeches and in inarm.
zlne articles the author is Influenced by
motives of selfishness or cupidity. Ap
peals are made for the, purpose of creat
ing a feeling of dissatisfaction and un
rest when this Is unnecessary and un.
Justified. Finally this Is partially offset
by the conservative attitude of some of
the leading Journals; and tha number Is
It Is not uncommon in publlo discus.
sion to treat success as an offense; to
consider the possession of wealth, how
ever honestly acquired, ss wrong. Loala.
latlon calculated to create classes Is
urged persistently; also laws to Imposa
unnecessary and unreasonable burdens; to
forcibly take from ons something which
he has and Is entitled to have, turn It
over to another: to prevent or to lessen
ths success of legitimate enterprise and
Capital Ilecomlnv Frightened.
"Capital, always timid, has been ser
iously affected by this unreasonable and
uncalled for agitation and attack. In
deed It Is becoming frightened. Confl-
(Continued on Page Two.)
Tomorrow the Best
Tlte Sunday Bee
He Must Hand it to Her
Hundred Eighty-Nine
Copper Miners Are
Arrested by Militia
' CALUMET, Mich., Oct 24,-Ono hun
dred nnd cighty-ntno arrests of striking
copper miners were made this morning by,
tho militia In the copper city, Allouei and
Mohawk districts. The prisoners, who
are charged with violation of the Injunc
tion against picketing, were taken to
Houghton and will be given a hearing to
day before Judge O'Brleu, One hundred
and twenty-five qf the arrests wore mpds
at Copper City and Alloues and sixty-tour
fttiho.Moha.wk mine,. -
The arrests followed the Issuance' by
Jildge, .O'Brien 6f an order to Sheriff
Cruse and his deputies to enforce the
injunction and employ what power ami
asststanco might 'be necessary to bring
nerore the court any persons found vlolat
ing the injunction's prortsldns, Tim
court's order was prompted by the gen
eral lawlessness of yesterday's riots.
There are .now So prisoners, arrested
for strike offenses In the custody of the
sheriff of Houston county.
House Members Will
Buy Wedding Gift
for Miss Wilson
WASHINGTON, Oct. W.-Congressmen
In an Informal meeting called today by
Republican Leader Mann, selected
Speaker Champ Clark chairman of a com
raltteo to select a wedding gift for Miss
Jessie Wilson.
"How much shall we chip In 7" asked
Mr. Mann. "Will 15 a. member be too
"No, no," chorused democrats, repub
Means and progressives, as they handed
In their money.
The membership of the house Is 432.
All contributing, the wedding gift fund
would total 13,180. What the gift will be
has not been detrnnlned.
Chicago Police Women
Must Be. Over Thirty
and Not Too Heavy
CHICAGO. Oct. 24. Women under 30
years of age need not apply for positions
on the Chicago police force.
Applicants ' must be between 30 and 40
ytars of age, five feet to five feet nine
Inches In height and must weigh between
IIS and 180 'pounds.
These specifications were laid down
yesterday by the civil service commls
son In announcing u coming cxamlnat
tlon for policewomen. More than 100
women- have applied for the ten posi
tions, which pay 1000 a year.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 24.-Voluntary
arbitration pn all questions between em
pioyers. and . employes was urged as a
remedy for labor misunderstandings by
William II. Wilson, secretary of the De
partment of Labor, In an address here
j today before the American Mining con
Mr. Wilson said there are three phases
of arbitration the moral, the business
and the political. Capital and labor, he
said, are partners In production, and the
old attitude of the employer that "this
Is my business and I have ths right to
run It as It suits me and lae alone," Is
, a narrow one.
, "Qelng partners, each Is entitled to a
voice In determining what the partner
ship should be." said Mr. Wilson.
The National Capital
I Friday, October lit, 101,1.
I , The Henate,
I Not In session; meets Monday
1 Hanking committee continued hearings.
The House,
i Transacted no business and atnum
iA U:tl p, m. t'U noon HuUft
President Wioo.Does Not Like tho
Bankers' Onrrenoy Bill.
Tbrro Democrats and Fire Uepute
llcana, n Majority of tha 5 en
ate, Committee, Ara aalrt
to Favor It.
WASHINGTON, Oct ll.T-Presldent Wll
son Is unoomprqmlslngly opposed to the
currency bill submitted by Frank A, Van
derllp. president of the National citv
bank fiKew fork as a. sUWiUtuta tor
jne, aanynietration plan.
The president let It be kae-wn that h
was earnestly nnd unqualifiedly In favor
of the wajn, features of the administra
tion Din,. He declared that he believed
mat the plan provided In the houso bill
was In every way suited to existing con
dltlons of business and was calculated to
render ths business men of the country a
rrai service.
The Vanderllp plan, which contemplates
a ceiurai panK under government con
trol, was reported today to have. th un.
dorssment of three democmtlo senators
ann nve republicans, a msjdrlty of the
senate committee.
Henator need, one of the democrats
reported In favor of the Vanderllp plan,
sought a conference with President Wil
son on the subject.
The president's position Is that the Van
derllp plan Is a radical departure from
the regional reserve system of banks
Proposed in the house bill and ha ex
pressed his Intention o oppose any sucn
Committer Itrsumra Work.
With the government central bank
plan proposed by Frank A. Vanderiln.
available as an amendment to tha admin
istration bill, the senate banking com
mittee hurried along It hearings today,
expecting to formally end examination
of witnesses tomorrow.
The committee will begin the considera
tion of tha bill In executive, seaalon
H. Parker Willis of New York, who
acted as export for the house committee
In the preparation of tho administration
bill, was the principal wltnesj today." He
defended tho measure generally.
Ths committee will consider In execu
tive session' hundreds of changes pro
pocd, many of a material nature. Pres
ident, Wilson has already said that the
administration bill would not be Injured I
If tha number of federal reserve banks j
fixed at twelve was cut down materially, i
or If the secretary of agriculture and ;
mo comptroller or the currency were
not on tho federal reserve board.
Idea JVot Nrirr to Committee.
U became known today that the com-
lnitte has Wen considering such a plan
as Mr. Vanderlip'a for weeks. In addi
tion to his proposals, members of the com
mlttee havo asked two other currency ex
perts to formulate central bank plans.
One devised by Charles A. Conant of New
Tork has already been received today. It
s similar In many respects to the Van
derllp plan. Prof. Jeremiah W. Jenks
also has been requested to frame one.
Henator Bristow said today it was prob
able the committee would embrace the
central bank plan In Its report.
"If tho bill as reported does not pro
vide for such a plan the fight will be
carried to the floor of tho senate," said
Frank I. Kent, vice president of the
Hunkers' Trust company of New York,
testified today.
Underwood Goes
Home to Build Fenoe
WASHINGTON. Oct. U. Majority
leader Underwood today la speeding to
ward his hpme in Alabama, not going
home to rest, however, for he announced
his intention of plunging Into the fight
for tho nomination to the United States
senate, which would be made in the pri
maries In April.
Ho Is opposed by Representative Itlch-
mond P. Hobson, aMong others, and a
strenuous campaign 1 expected. Jlr.
Underwood will be .ono at least a, month.
President Wilson, Secretary Iryi
and Counsellor Moore Preparing
Statement of Situation.
Warships at Vera Cduz Preparing to
United States Preparing to Stand B
hind Monroe Doctrine.
Mlnlatrr Mnhrno Kays Candidate) Ir
Frrc to Come to Capital ITnltcA
fltntra Will 01 re Htm
Asylum, If AskedU
WASHINGTON. Oct. U. DwelopmVnU
of a few hours today In tho relations be
tween the United States and Mexico em
phasised a gravity of affairs morn omi
nous than at any time sinco President
Wilson's administration began. Absolute
silence was the order In official quarters.
The release of the Ward liner Morro
Castlo after peremptory demands by the
United States terminated a delicate sit
uation. Orders wore In preparation to
the commanders of the American war
ships lying off Vera Cms to Insist on Its
A statement was In preparation today
by Secretary Bryan and Counsellor John
Bassott Moore, which Secretary Bryan
brought to the White House for the pres
ident's approval. No Intimation as to
its contents was revealed, but there was
every reason to bolleva that before many
hours had elapsed there would be a no
tice by the United States that It will
not brook Kuropean Interference In Mex
ico by the warships dispatched to
can wators by the various foretgrr
It la understood also that the TV
States by that samo statement rll
erate the American poUoy that onlyil
ernments founded on constitutional j
and order will be recognized on tha ij
trn hemisphere. '
Wilson May Abandon Trip.
The situation has assumed such asp
that It was considered poaslbla U
President Wilson might eaael at til
lAf ninm.nt lila Hn to Mr.hUl' ' kit l
has planned to leave early toiaatgt w yfl.
oe gone until -.ruesaay nigrvu .Tim ws
doubt In the president's rolniteday
whether ha could afford WaV
Ington at this time.
..Chalrw an. Bacon of l&e eUUe fsrytrn
relations committee eenrerred at tiio stata
department arid Whlto Haute. Ha !
dared that while the United Btatee would
always Hko to have the approval of for
eign governments in Its policy toward
Mexico, and would always listen to sug
gestions, nevertheless the government
would never yield Its views' because It
had broader and more important moral
considerations at hand In dealing with
the Mexican problem than merely mater
ial Interests.
The gravity of the situation It was ap
parent, would be Increased by Felix Bias
taking refuge In tha American consulate
at Vera Crux. The possibility that ths
Huerta authorities might demand his re
lease and provoke another emergency was
fully realised.
'At tho State department It was said
that while no Instructions had been given
to American Consul Canada at Vera Crux
to afford an asylum to Diaz, Canada's
general Instructions were suoh that he
could take In tha returned leader If It
seemed necessary.
Although In International law, the
American consulate has not sxtra ter
ritorial rights, It was pointed out hsra
that morally the Mexican authorities
would have no right to Invade the Ameri
can precincts to arrest Dlaa.
Nina Battleships Handy.
Nine battleships of tha AUantlo fleet
sail tomorrow from Hampton Roads for
their Mediterranean cruise, according to
original plans. They will be In constant
commupnlcatlon with the wireless station
here at least until next Thursday. It
was stated officially, however, that they
sail without any orders except to proceed
to their Mediterranean destinations
Predictions as to the course tha united
(Continued on Page Six.)
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