THE BEE; OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1013. WOMEN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR THE "STRETTON" MAKE FINE RIBBED VESTS High neck, long sleeves, Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, pnnts to match. '. 50c WOOL UNION Dutch Nock, Elbow Sleeves, UNDERWEAR SECTION-THIRD FLOOR SHOES Fit oomfortably, wear economically, retain their shape. Sold exclusively at this store in Oinnha. FOR THURSDAY ONLY Special Sale $10 and $12 TRIMMED HATS for $5 Millinery Second Floor mmemWiMo sixteenth trekt WILL FREE JWTISH LAPS Cabiaet Propose! Dratd Xtantre Directed at Lai4ljii. . wnx ovutTuwr wttlekijits a. w Ministry of Land WlllXllave roiTer to Override Tradition that Are Harrterfte Im- ' prevemeais. , SfVIWKm, Kngland, Oet. X.- Chan setter at the Exchequer Lteyd.Cleorge tMs sJterasefi further details et feeet back en It," awl added! ' i "T)m twe purposes wfckh tho Hbrl vBt has set fw Itself are to attract and 'retain the rural population en tha land and to devise mean to de velop both Hie nuanity ft mi quality p( the total asjticultueal afeeuctton -?f ihi Brt lata lata. everything will bo s))bordlnato to the attainment of tfia twj objects. "A tha first step It is purposed to ca tafelUh a, ministry of lands, with control and supervision of all questions dealing with tha users of land, both In town and country, The functions of tha present GOMPJETENT cutting expert de signing, carojful tmiWrinf std pr will b given your , Our Priosf t?.g aa orUr if you place it with u. We to carry a complete tafK liae of fine wors , $45,00 ajktivio& ani afjvtt taxony suitiafs; Bhsmn and all tkat it new in overcoating. Mt III .'ft 104. BHrMt. OLP THIS Ta iaaVaas a see a faaaW mfcr yea IMtt seeoeat $k Casaeai lake &U aaa. THE IMPERIAL EMBROIDERY OUTFIT is guarari bttd tgbete greatest collection and biggest bargain in pattern: ever offered. The 1G0 patterns have a retail value of 10 eenta each, or more than $10.00 in all. Bring SIX Coiipi and 66 cents to thie office and you will be weeented with One Complete Outfit, including Book of Instruction and one All Metal Hoop. The 68 cento to to eever duty, express, handling and the numerous over keei expenses of getting the package from factory to you. N. M.Ottt Tmwn JteWcr will add 7 nt xtrm f&r avriM of mailing. AMs aaa TKUC OMAHA M. COTTON UNION SUITS Low neck, no sleeves, low or Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, nil ankle m f fr length tpl.UU SUITS, $1.50 Ankle Length, $1.50 a suit. McCALL'S BOOK OF FASHIONS We have just recoived iMcCnll's Book of winter fnshipiis for 15)13-1914, n large illustrated copy of which may bo had at our a pattern counter 5c a Copy board of agriculture will be transferred tu tho new ministry. a - i Tina ui una wi a iuwmii nnunii u PTae government Intends to take, thelmada known to us. Wa hold It to b laW' out of mn?ery.,,mf?a7terif ' athition .of 'Che church of Christ to landlord Xindsj.matorafl .alllyaeUlaaientJ hampers his . scheme for improving; tits lead, he can apply tsj tha ministry of lands, whi ch 'will enable him td Override the bttrrfer. " ' ' "The new ministry will operate ihrouah commissioners, who will act In a Judl- ciai capacity and have the same power to reduce rents on small farms as the cattlh aejjrts now poaaass. JUarre Xarm- er ana w(u naviui ngnt to appeal to tha commissioner for a reduction of rent If tha action of the state causes a rise In the wages of tha farm laborer. In such an event the landlord wilt have to come In as a contributor, and In times "The new ministry of lands Is to be given full power to acquire at a rcasona l price All waste, derelict and neglected tracts ot land and to plant tktm with forest, attd reclaim and drain Uia spring on such lands with a view to their culti vation to the full limit of their poselblll- ties. The ministry Is tp be 'trot only em powered, but Instructed, to act, and the resources of the state will be place) at Its disposal for this purpose. Will Hevlso Qtttnu Uwii "It men want sport It must bo at their own expense, ana tho game laws will be revised In this direction, "The establishment ot a fair minimum wage for laborers, with reasonable hours of work, decent housing and the prospect of the laborer obtaining noma Uutd for himself will all be within, tha scope of the powers ot tha enmmlaalimars, who wll have authority to tlx tha cwiM of land In tha case of competition. The government proposes to ramady tli grave deficiency ot eettage hi the country by building aome themselves wKh Uto f unds-and we, have got a nlea little funa at hand tfio Insurance reserve fuaa." . Tne announcement ot the lan4 Broseaak ay CheUr Uoyd-Oeorge was m4 by unammoua decision ot the cabinet. Three Cavalrymen Killed by Lightning HOUSTON, Tex., Oct aLightning struck a column ot the sixth United States cavalry rnorchlnVf betwean Texas City and Galveston today, killing Pri vates Monroe Morris, -John Ztmmer and Geonra Morris. The regiment was en route to Oafveston for target practice. The uo'-t struck tha wagon train, with which the three men were detailed. Many soldiers "were severely shocked and scores ot horses and mules knocked flat COUPOH I'attwrs Dpt-, Oaaaha, Kefe. NEW WMJTRINAL STATEMENT, Congregational Council Will Con ( tider Proposed Creed. MANY THINK IT IS TOO BROAD Conference Which Begins nt Ken ans City Will Last Nine Dnya Six Hundred Delegate Are- Present. KANSAS CITT, Oct 22.-The most Im portant conference ot Congrcgatlonallsts in a decade bcenn here today when Mod erator Nehemlah Uoynton ot Brooklyn, N. Y., called to order the fifteenth tri ennial session ot the National Council of Congregational churches In the United States. llefore It has completed Its sessions, "which will occupy nine days, the council ! will have elected a new moderator. adopted a new constitution containing a new statement of doctrlrje, chosen a na tional secretary to act . In an advisory capacity to the churches and societies of the country and hoard men high In the eervlce ot the church report and suggest methods for spreading the doctrine of Congregationalism to all corners of the world. Six hundred delegates and 2.000 visitors ere In attendance. The election of a moderator was to take place this after noon. There are four candidates! Rev. William Horace Day of Ixs Angeles, llov. Samuel H. Wood row of St, Louis, Kev. Charles It Brown, dean of Yale divinity school, New Haven, Conn., and i Itov. Charles 8. Milts of Montcjair, Dr. I Doynton will deliver his address as re tiring moderator tonight. In connection with the national council the eight national societies of the church, Including the missionary bodies will hold meetings and practically all the promi nent workers will attend, New Doctrinal Statement. Tho reports ot the commissions and committees occupied meet, of; today's ses sion. The repoti of "the, committee on polity, contalnlnr the new doctrinal state ment, was considered the most Important Tills commission aso raised the curtail ment of the- number of church societies and ttie appointment of a nation- ?;cti tary. The statement on drictrine, which Is objected to by aome members because uf Its broadness follows: We believe In Clod, the Father, Infinite In wisdom, goodness and love; and In Jesus Christ, Ills ffon, our Lord and Savior, who, for us and our salvation lived and died and llveth evermore: and In the Holy Spirit, who takoth of tho things of Christ and revealeth them to us, renewing, comforting and Inspiring the. souls of men. we are united In striving to know tha will of Ood as taught In the holy scrip-, Hires ana n our purpose to waiK in the ways ot the. Lord mode known or to be e the Pro claim tha gospel to all mankind, exalting the worship- ot the one true God and laboring ror, me progress or Knowledge, the promotion of Justice, the triumph of pe4ce and tha realisation of human brotrW erhood. Depending, as did our fathers,' on tha continued guldanco of the Holy Rplrlt to lead us Into all truth, we work and pray for the transformation of tha world Into the kingdom et Clod; and we look with faith for the triumph ot right eousness and for life and glory everlast ing. Amen. An extensive movement, concurred In by churches of many denominations In America to bring about an amendment to the constitution ot the United Htatea prohibiting tha manufacture and sate, the Importation and exportation of Intoxicat ing Isevaeagea: throughout -tha. United Matt wlaW l4Vremiaendedt$y the. Vnc. ;' Member til t ta Inereaalnir The report of tha aaeretary showed an Increase In ehuroh meatbersalp since 1910 of 7,iSl. There ware thirty-one more churches. Benevolences last year amounted to H.'Xl.m. There are churchM n the United States with a membership ot 7,0S. Tlio Brotherhood of the church Is now engaged In -a movement to draw labor and capital closer together, according to the report of tha, Brotherhood commit tee, which incidentally declares that men aro taking a greater Interest In church affairs. The committee on church unity, which has been holding conference with tha rroteatant Episcopal church since the t . . . i , . . . . . 1 wubui piseiing, enaersea a worm conference looking toward the consolida tion ?f all Christian churches. "We havo agreed," ' says tha report, "that any efforts to formulate definite overtures between the Episcopal church and tha CongregattonaUsts might well be deferred -until this larger project ot the world conference shall have been brought to fruition." SCHOOLMASTERS' CLUB IAHDS OMTHOMAS HARD (ContlBvad. from Paga One.) srU Pt Tammany hall politics in this deal to suet mt" At the time Crab tree was removed It .Wtji s. rmeNftr4 that he was at one oreiwut em kr supposed members at the Schoolmaetar'a club for the office of state uperiatndeot and having rep re. tentative tn moat every section of tha state ware, successful in woellng- thtlr sob son so muctj, that a feeling was Crbt,rne, was jk rnartyr and he was elected. A peculiar condition exists in the whole matter In that Dr. Thomas has no rto dress. At least that is. the 'opinion ot 6tae Superintendent Dtliell, when asked today f Dr. Thomas could not appeal to tha governor. In the, opinion ot the state superintendent the Incident Is closed as fkr aa redress is 'concerned, and he can not even appeal to tha governor, who . points tha normal board. It Is also said that should tha gavemor be satisfied that the board acted unwisely, and they re fused to reinstate Dr. Thomas, the execu tive could not remove them and appoint others tn their places. Tfcamaa Makes Goes Impression. Tha action of Dr. Thomas In urging the people of. Ifearsoy and the students of the- Ksarney school not to take any action In Uie matter when they were Insisting on passing resolutions of con demnation of tha board action ad also urgig the students not to do anythir which would hurt tha school or . their standing In it Is an Indication to many that tha doctor cannot be such a vin dictive sort Of a fellow after all or that he "talks too much." Tha above and many other opinions can be heard on every hand, not only from these in the state house, but from Visitors out in the stata who appear dumtounded when told of the dismissal of Superintendent Thomas whom tha aaa always coosisertd one ot tha most successful educators the stata possessed. Cl4a Cause Merfela and Grip. Laxative Brorao Quinine tablets remove cause. There Is only one Bromo Quinine. Jtaa signature of E. w. drove pn box. Xo. Persistent Aavertuung u tba Kotd W Big Returns. Former Police Chief Fails to Connect Beilis With Crime KIEV. IIumIb, Oct ,-Further evi dence Implicating Vera rtck and her companions in the murder of Andrew Yushlnsky was given by Kraesoveky to dar, former chief of police testifying Jn the trial of Beilis for the murder of Yushlnsky. Kraaeovsky said that In the course Of his Investigation of the murder he hod not found anything to show Beilis' con nection with the crime, 'find his origlruU suspicions of tho Prldhtkoa had been soon allayed. He had speedily concluded that the theory of a "ritual murder" was un founded, ho said. Krassovsky recounted a story told him by Bvatchka, a fellow prisoner of Kufl- xlnsky, one 6f Vera Tcheberlak's asso olatea. . One night In Jail Svatchka over heard a, prisoner say to Rudslnsky: "Why aiu yon aecorate mm UKe tnntr- Itudrlnaky replied: "To prevent him from becoming a traitor, tha dog." Iludzinsky also totd his Jail companion a plan he and others had drawn up for pillaging the cathedral of Bt. Sophia, the most Interesting religious edifice of Klov. He sold tha door ot tha cathedral -could not be forced, and It was therefore de cided to pass young Yushlnsky through a grating for the purpose of drawing the bolts. Under tha guise of a Moscow reporter Krassovsky made tho acquaintance pf Catherine Dlakonoff, a friend of Vera Teheberlak, and from her learned that tha Tcheberlalc flat was a den ot thieves, and In IMS, during tha outrages against the Jews, served as a depository for pil laged goods. Resolution In Senate, WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.-Senator Lewis of Illinois Introduced a resolution today requiring the United States to uso its good offices With the Russian govemmeft tn end the alleged persecution connected with the trial of Mendel Beilis, charged with having Jtllted a Christian boy to ust his blood for religious purposes. Tho res olution 'proposes that the senate direct federal officers to take the subject up with Russia "to the end that tho unjust ritual charge against tho Jewish people at large and Mendel Beilis In particular be withdrawn and the Jewish people re ceive the vindication Justice requires." Striking Copper timers Appeal to Governor Ferry CALUMET, Mich.. Oct 22,-The West ern Federation ot Miners has appealed to tho peoplo of the strike district to co operate with it tn helping to bring tho conflict to an end. It points qut that weeks ago It offered to arbltrato and let Secretary of Labor Wilson or President Wilson appoint the chairman, but that the operators have not reapbnded. Now It asks the publics to demand that the mining companies show a like' disposition to bring about industrial peace and recognize tha right it the (strikers to organize, as the oper ators are' said to haYe done to tight the ktrlke. LANSING, Mich., Oct 24. Five repre sentatives of tha copper miners' unions appeared before Qoyernor Ferry this afternoon fpr an informal, conference rc'latjvo, to tho strike, situation (n the tipper peninsula. They protested against tho actions ot strike breakers and claimed tho MUamen have been Interfering with their parades and peaceful gatherings. The representatives are Patrick Dunlgan, William F. Goggtn. John Williams, Charles TaJtfcmea and W. F. Hannan Williams declared that reports that ttrikers are .returning to work are with out foundation; TRINIDAD, Colo., Oct 13. Strikers to day fired on HasUnss, a camp of tho Victor-American Fuel company, accord ing 'to mine officials here. The tire was returned by guards, No damage waa dona In tho camp and, so far aa known, none of the strikers was wounded. Negro Admits Crime and is Sentenced to , Death by Court ABKRDBEN, 8. D., Oct S.-(SpeJal Tegram.)-Ju4so II. L. Dtllman at Ul son today sentenced Joe Xlckman, a quarter-bjood negro, to be hanged on De cember 9, for them ured on September S of Mrs. Ellen Fox, a woman homesteader near Blxby in Perkins county and her 14-year-eld daughter. Tha bodies ot tha two were found In the ruins of their shack, which had been burned. Hickman, who lived nearby and who was Infatuated with the girl and wanted to marry her, was arrested on suspicion. Ha made a written confession of tha crime yesterday and was sentenced this afternoon, lie ta about 40 years of age. Key to the. Situation Dee Advertising. How I "-Darkened My Gray Hair lAf Girt Stenple Hone Recipe That Btie Uses! to Darkea Her 'Cry Hair, For years X tried to restore my gray hair to Its natural color with the pre pared dyes and stains, but none of them gave satisfaction and they were all ex pensive. I finally ran onto a simple re Ipe which t mixed at home that gWos "S" I gave the recipe, which la as follows, to a number of my friends, and they are all delighted, wjtb it To 7 os. of .water add a small box of Barbo Compound, 1 os. of bay rum and hi ?i 1 ,'crtD'- V very day un til the hair pecomei tha. required shade, then every twa weka It will not only darken the gray hair, but removes dan druff and scalp humors, and acts as a tonic to tha Jialr. It is not sticky or greasy, does not rub off and does not color the scalp. You can prepare It at borne at very Utile expense. Lm) twills. Ig tHr uktsMl. f taftMC ttiatoh-tM attfcMiftfefl1 with skMC ad Net ! tub paterae aaa jtMm. artpraiit. Iiil.itly aa l-j-Jf tfaiaytf tm abbm t- -I1 pssj wm mm i o ffl ejajfBjj Vfp. fjfin arm abitfty aae ic rfaakaea Is aaattra aafea h, eta.'( past aanriiBM aa arJL aaJsaAatast I Wlwi Pwwf AV4f etatttflf MaieMU i FRIENDS OP INDIANS "MEET Divergent Views Mark 'Opening of lake Mohonk Conference. CHOCTAWS DEMAND DIVISION Attoraer tor Tribe Snya Distribu tion of Ta Millions la Delayed by Attorney of Wonld-Be Claimants. MOHONK LAXfi, N. Y.. Oct. SX-Dlver-gent vlewa of the capabilities ot tho American Indian started a debate today that In, one form or another will reach the national congress. It marked the opening ot the annual conference of the Friends of the Indians "and other de pendent peoples. Borne of the delegates believed the- In dian was still a child and that the federal government .had grossly neglected him, Others, apparently a minority, declared that some or the Indian tribes should bo released altogether from government su pervision, left to take the responsibility of their owrr welfare and pay the prloa If they failed. - There was expressed also an urgent de mand for taking Indian affairs out of politics and putting them In the care ot a nonpartisan commission. The five so-called civilized tribes of Ok lahoma were the Indians mainly discussed today. Ianlel Kelsey, superintendent of the Union Indian agency at Muskogee, described how these Indiana were de frauded of their valuable lands. He Urged that preparations be started in tho Indian settlements to check the sprekd of con tagious diseases. P. J. Hurley, national attorney for the Choctaw nation, one ot the five tribes, denounced the land interests that were defeating efforts to have congress dis Special feo.00 Salts and Overcoats fori $16.50 'oats fori Wo are able to offer these special Inducements because wre give personal service to our patrons, thereby saving salesmen's B&lariea. You'll like onr handsome suits and overcoats you'll Jlke our splendid values and you'll like our personal attention, Wilcox ? Allen "Make Our Storo Year Store." see south ism sr. omasa, neb. No Discontented Servants Wiien This Motor Washir Helps! "Servant troubles" are abolish sd by the 1900 Motor Washer. It does both washing and wringing. with a speed and success almost startling. He moves, at one sweep, all objeetloas of "help" to doing the heaviest wasnings. And, In large eatabllshemnts. saves the hire of one or more laundry maids. WAinrjM A TUBCTTCi IK JTJBT A W MgjrnTWI aBBBBBBBBBBBsHL j trastea, right In your laundry, with mistress and servants looking on, will prove that we have solved the perplexing' problem of -washday. The test places you under no obligation to buy. May we send you on outfit to try? WSXOS BOOK BKftT.T. WB SEITBT Tell us which atyle of. machine you are most Interested in and we will send you the book that gives full and com plete Information in regard to It We suggest that you write at once, while our aoaress is oerore you. OUX JUWIOX WAKstXS This wondrful washer operates ex actly as does the electrlo washer execept that it works by hand. Like the exAVTTV Washer, it AX.MOSX XVKS ITSKLr. A mere child can run It as It rests on ball bearings. Larce springs beneath the tub aid in operating. 1900 WASHER CO., E. S. Williams, Next Saturday, a Sale of Sample Kid Body Dolls Bought From the Largest Importer of Dolls in the United States, Represent ing the foremost Doll Makers in Europe Flnq Kid Dody Dolls, worth Hp to gfl.OO, at 83.98 Fine Kid Itody Dolls, worth up to ge, at. 82.96 Flag Kid Body Polls, worth up to 8, at 81.06 Fine Kid Body Dolls, worth up to S3, at 81.50 Fine Kid Body Dolls, worth up to $2, at Qgt Morion9 $ Tools Like Stanley's Rulest Known All Over 4 JAS. MOHTOJf SON CO., 4 1511-13 Dodge St tribute 110,000.000 belonging to the Choc taws and Chlckasaws, derived from the sale ot their lands. The failure to dis tribute these moners, he asserted, was due to attorneys hired by persons who hoped to benefit by proving citizenship in the Choctaw and Chickasaw nations if the government should reopen the tribal role. Such citizenship was worth from 15,000 to 18,000, ha said, and it the rolls were reopened some attorneys would make thousands of dollars because they have taken claimants' cases on contingent fees of frorh 25 to GO per cent Sylvia Pankhurst Released from Jail LONDON, Oct 22.-SyMa Pankhurst. was released under license today from Hoiloway Jail. ,Bhe is much enfeebled and emaciated in consequence of r. hun ger strike of a week's duratlsn. She was arrested 'October It aa she was about to address a meeting ot militant suffragettes. The previous night Miss Pankhurst was the central figure in a fierce struggle between the police and a crowd of suffragists after she had ad dressed a gathering at Bow Baths, In the eost end ot London, Lawrence Duke Will Plead Wednesday SEATTLE, Wash., Oct 21 Laurence Duke, son of Brodle Duke, the tobacco manufacturer, was arraigned for man slaughter today in the superior court and was given until next Wednesday to plead. iuke while driving an automo bile ran down And killed two men. The information filed against Duke alleges that he waa Intoxicated at tha time of the accident. Values 180.00 Baits aad Overcoats for $25.00 Isao.oo t 1 WXXMHB CTZ.OTKB8 "UST Sas BecTBU-QeTZOXI'' '"We have harnessed the' world's, best .Washer and Wringer' to a powerful, durable SCOTO. it handles whatever comas, from heavy blankets and rugs to finest laces and lingerie Works on scientific prin ciples. Takes out all the dirt without Injuring fab ric A or loosening buttons. 'When tha washing; la doner the xMck ot a lever starts the "wringer. 1900 Motor Washef - (BXXOTKXO OX WATXBf VOTefe) The outfit constats ot the famous 1100 Washer and Wringer, equipped with either electrlo motor or water motor as desired. Simple, compact, com pleteready for immediate use. a tzairrs wiax vatc res nwh, The Klectrio outfit la supplied, with a rine Motor, and flexible card attachment to an ordinary electric Hgnt socxet. Tne water power outiu is supplied with a powerful Water Motor, for attachment to an ordinary water faucet The Washer can also be oper ater by gasoline engine. HiT WJJ BXXB XOXJ A MOTOX WASXXX OUt Zn TXIAiT Wo let our Washers spaak for hm salvea by doing tho family washing and wringing for fifteen days at our axoenaaL An aetaal flaaton. otjx axxTmr wAgawx This style ot 1000 washer a In est Itself The only washer of Its kind In existence. Gravity aids the hand and does the hardest part of the work. It does beautiful work aa per' feet as our motor washers Sold on Hiue payments ir aesirea. "Oravity" I book free. Mgr., 308 S, 18th Street. Tyler 1011 OTEL a PUCMNE L "MOSTON" Visit Boston and stay at the Hotel Touraine. Every comfort of serv ice and appointment is provided to make your stay delightful. Overlooking Boston Common. Dairy and food products from our model farm. Rooms f ram $250, with bath fresa $3.00. Every room outside. Parker House aad YewBf'a Hotel under the sasae man- ' ag enseal. Rooms freua $1.50 J. R. WHIPPLE CO. The IHTLE POLLY BROOM Suet Carpmt anti Rag J The soft tipped broom cora carpets sweeps the dirt from osd rags without Injury, tble. Saves Li(bt aad iex time and la bor. Smooth beadle. Every Little Polly suaraateed. I Your irueer, has It. Iamb ft Stewart Mff. Co. k04 MtlisMSe) Kyactatif' Oroeas DKoalu Z.UUes, Stc, Catalogue 'on ' BTBWAKTS - I SEED BXOBS I,. 119 V. 10th St. 1 wJ9ougIas" 977. j AMUSEMENTS. Tonight, rrtday aad Saturday Fopalar' ST.00 Xatlaea Saturday -SapporUd- y scarry Ooaor la tka Kaa, Olad, QUUsa Musical Comedy "When Claudia SmilesM Nights. 250 to S2.00, ITaxt Ban., TMS QIUXi AJTP TBAJCP. AMERICAN THEATER Last Four Times E V A LANG in MRS. SLACK IS BACK xty arags ig-a5-ei-78o a BEN WELCH 8 VaadsvUIa's Oraatast Sntertaiosr. Company Includes Little Jimmy JloSen (formerly with "Buster Brown" & "The Newlyweds"). Florence Itother, Pat Kearney, Emma O'Neill. 20 Imperial (8uffragette) Zouaves & Beauty Chorus. ZasIss Slate Katlnee Weak Says. BOYD THEATER Tonight, Vats. Tsars, and Sat. BTD TXSATES STOCK OOXPAZTY With 7ZiOSEHCE stone la Mrs. wiggs ef tha Cabbage Patch X.ast Week at Boyd's Wext Wask at Americas Thsatai vtnm uovrxxxjx skxes e5aW! PHONE SOUO. 494. AJsVAJrcxs vaudevtxjLe Tbii Wk. CaUtin, Countlw. Will R.,,,, tu rou4. xrtr k awnuit rimS PtUm: MU. Oil I tr. 10c; but mU (r, ' " w BO n I ji i1 , . . i Griitest Attraction of the Season At Souglas Auditorium, i7ta Bnd SougUs. Otren by tns PistlM Pleasure and Dancing Club Thursday Xyenlng, October zsa Introducing the Xylophone Vxvm, Uesscrs Heyn and 00.11101 tesor Rohan, director. uuia7 t-rof.