THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1D13. mm THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ROSEWATKR VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. BEE fiUlbDlXQ, FARNAM AND 17TII. Entered at Omaha postofflca a second rlas matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Brnday Bee, one year ... Saturday Bee, one year - Dally Bee, without Sunday, one year.. 4.00 Halty Bee. and Sunday, ona year S.W DELIVERED BT CARRIBRt Kvcnlne and Sunday, pet month..... we EvcnlnK. without Sunday, per month..25 Dally Bee, Including Sunday, wr mo.. Dally Bee, without Sunday, per month.1 Addreaa all eomplalnta of Irregularities In dellverle to City Circulation Dept. REMITTANCE. . , . Remit by draft rxpre or poatal order, payable to The Bee Publishing company. Only S-eent stamps received In payment of small nccounta Perional check, ex cept on Omaha and eaatern exchange, not accepted. OFFICES: Omaha-The Bee building. Fouth Omaha-lS N 8treet Council Btuffs-H North Main Street Llncoln-M Little building Chlcago-801 Hearat building. New Tork-Rooro HOC. ZSS Fifth Ave. f?t. Louls-SCS Now Bank or Commerce. Waahlnaton-'K Fourteenth Bt.. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to news and editorial matter ahould be addressed Omaha Bee, Editorial department. SEPTEMBER CIRCULATION. 50,085 Btate of Nebraska. County of Douglas, aa. Dwlght William, circulation manager of The Bee Publishing company, being duly sworn, aaya that the average dally circulation for the month of September, MIX, was 60.0SS. DWIQHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me thU 1st day of Ootober, la ROBERT HUNTER, Notary Public. Sabecrifeera leaving (ho ctty temporarily sfcovM hnve The Be matle3 ii them. Addreaa Trtll fca atutair aa often aa rcqaesta. One show flurry does not make a tv Inter. General Stieraaa doubtless would so classify Mexico also. But If Mm. Faakhurst were Mr. Paukkunt, would her plight llU any sympathy? Jullaa Hawthorae joins T. Mi Os feorno's anvil chorus on the condltloas of penitentiaries. Missouri has not asked for tho extradition of the fugitive St. Louis leper lecat-ed at Juares, Mexico. Better than all the experimental plans for reform of city government ht the right kind of men la the of flees. These JwwlgraUes off leers wke barred Mrs. Paakhurst evidently wish to protect us fro bemb-astlc speeches, . A Mtweurl h1 orchard is new In full Moom. 8t IouIb Retmbllo of October IS. , Show us, even though we are not from Missouri, .... , A Chicago teamster testifies under oath that he get drunk drinking grape julee, A word te the wise is sufficient, Mr. Bryan. If a ereeked lawyer tu ever dis barred for unBrofeeeioaal practice la this Jurisdiction, the meaery f an runneth not back that far." A lot of eatlle have akeady come ta free under the new tariff aeree our tMM-thera and eeutkern herders. Notloe the slump in the price of beef? An exchange says eat ean climb a fifty-foot tree In four seconds. That 14 twelve and one-naif feet te the see- Md. Well, that Is some climbing, but w don't snhi tt. Lady Cook propaess tt) Brand all tk soiled men as weH as the soiled women an a solvent fer the seetal evil. Anil she mad that preposition in PHtohwrgk. toe. Here i a man suing his nether-ln. w for fCtMaa fer alienating his wtfo'a affections. Chouse are he la sjovo hssanee so sooaratod him freia tvsirofffct efeaoee at that 699,8G. Hew fortunate that tho Dutch line steamer that wont down had no nan aclng director aboard te loso his stood and ntok a fool of himself like tho noinine Ismay en the Titanic. Every once in a while the poltco record looks like one of those old fashioned Saturday nights Just to re mind us -hew different tt now Is in Omaha from what It Used to be In frontier times. jemporer William sold It la God's will that Germany be strong and bear courageously, on hearing the newa ot tho airship fatalities. And that is asking little of a race-as strong and courageous as the Germans. The law that forbids autoists to dash by corners while street cars are taking on and letting off passengers may have to be revised to fit the rubber-neck if Dacne Fashion does not loosen up on her dress patterns. The Commercial Club Journal an nounce the loss of an Industry which Omaha might have hod by furnishing a little capital. Sosao cities hare a revolving fund ouhoerf'bod by It pub lic spirited poopM for this very pur pose. Anotkof'MU k Juotgea tnreogh the senMOjo dry up another channel of esssnpsalsja. funds. This A one of tho olaossi, however, where ohoerv tm ol oshwsnsT Uws llmtting cja yalcn expeadftutw. would make more law ua&ocMiary. Tammany's Impeachment. No one doubts Sulzer when ho says: Murphy controlled the assembly and ordered tho Impeachment. Ho controlled most of the members of the court and dictated the procedure and wrote the Judgment He waa tho Judge and Jury, the prosecutor and tho bailiff. Will the people of tho Empire state, having1 tho opportunity to re move the Tammany boss from power, exorciso it and thus complete a work of political renovation, tho latter part of which Is Incomparably more Important than tho former? Or will they contlnuo to let this oldest and most arrogant of political trusts dominato thorn? Suiter may bo right also In pro nouncing his Impeachment trial a farce, whether he la or not in call ing it "a political lynching," at which he received less considera tion than accorded a horso thief in tho frontier days. Ho certainly is correct, though, in saying that his conviction is "tho consummation of a deep-laid political conspiracy to oust mo from office." His paraphrase of Wolsoloy, "Had I but served tho boss with half the seal I did the state, William Sulzer would never have boon impeached," 1b only a dra matic effort at making a martyr of himself, but It all eorves to impress tho fact that ho is out bocauso he refused longer to servo tho man and tho powors that aro in. Thoro In, as ho Bays, a higher court than Tam many, tho court of public opinion. and it is to bo hoped that that court will ovlct Tammany from tho cltadol along with Sulzer. Another Ideal Shattered. Who would have believed it? But it must be so, for the camera man would have no object In falsifying. Here is a photographic likeness of our old friend, "Dick" Metcalfe. feraerly of Nebraska, now governor of the Panama zone, with his "good wife at his Bide, taken in his new habitat, as big as life and twice as natural, with the notable exception that he is wearing a silk hat, popu larly known ays a stovepipe, where the familiar felt slouch used to be. Wo observe that tho tllo is tilted almost at the angto that the soft hat used to bit, and that "Dick" looks by no means comfortable trying to balance it on his hetd. But there he stands long enough at any rate for the snap shot to efttch him, and mora than likely he posed for it for borne con sumption. Alas and alack! How democratic ideals and common-people custom. vanish Into thin air with promotion to exalted position! Ths fenate and Hetch Hetcfcy. The senate postponement of ac tion on the Hetefc Hetchy bill passed by the house until Decem ber indicates n desire for a more gen oral oxpreesion of publlo opinion than has been had en this measure, ubtracting one of the moat Bcenlc portions of Yoseatte from the publlo domain and giving it over to the city ef Bon Francisco for water supply purposes. Whether Hetch Hetchy should be taken, from the federal government for a nominal sum, so provided in the hill, or net, It Is important that the people to whem this precious heri tage belongs should have time in which to acquaint themselves with the proceedings and Interpose objec tions if desirable. Such persistent opposition to the proposal has arisen . m HI . ... Al i rem suisa lamiur wiia taa situ ation as to assume the ferra of a vlg ere us campaign of education. This, ef Itself, challenges attention. San Fraaoiseo's claims may be sound, but they should net be aeeeded te by con gross without the utmost delibera tion. The bill was pushed through he house with' energy -and dispatch, to Bay the least, and. it to to the eredlt of the senate's amenability to popular Interests that tt has scotched the proceedings. More than merely one, city's water supply ts here at stake. Congress must not dispose of so valuable a part of the people'n scenic playground without fullest consultation with the peoplo. That howl against increase ot parcel pOBt weights seems to have completely died out, Obviously, it was started by the express companies not with any idea ot having the new order then made revoked, but head off whatever else may coming. Prise Paakasea. Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Ntw Tork woman !ulng for dlvorcu because she thinks her husband is too "old-faihloned." An old-fashioned hus band may be somewhat of a bore no wit. days, but how many husbands would be pleased to have their wives a Uttle rnotq old-fashlonedt Raffllnft I.lngja. Philadelphia Xdser. The dullest person cao understand the Declaration of Independence or Lincoln's Gettysburg- address, but the keenest minds are baffled by the phraseology of the rules governing; base ball and foot ball. What Taay Av Tat For. Indianapolis Newa Let the members of the houa ho Kn bectnolng to kick about working over time remember that they are paid for f day' service every year ercept laap ycr w&ea iney are paid for 393 day. Koaae Eeoaomlca. Washington Poat. Th Department of Agriculture say pop corn popped at home will save tUbi out of tXt but why not drink heartily from the bathroom spigot and save the. other Jl-WT opkin3 JJacWa , 'JhkDgy in Omaha OCTOBER 29. Thirty Yours Ago- Both republican and democratic prim aries were held for county conventions scheduled the first of the week. Tho remain of the late iohn O. Jacobs who died In Riverside, Cal.. ar rived accompanied by Mrs. Jacob and Mrs. M. O, MoKoon, and are stopping temporarily at the residence of Mr. Ed win Davie, tt has been decided to have the body taken to East Berlin, Penn., by Mr. Will Baker of the7 Jacob es tablishment accompanied by It. C. Jor dan as the representative of tho Maaonlo fraternity. Tho Bay Btate Cattle company havo bought the Crelghton herd tor, 1700,000. A publlo night school Is to be opened In the Woodworth block, on Douglas be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth, with Mr. Fisher In charge assisted by Mr. Bcott. In the Second ward the nomine 'for Juatlco of tho peace Is Mr. Louis Berka, who la a Bohemian, and a practicing lawyer. All speak highly of his ability, and his election will, no doubt, be pleas ing to the peoplo of that locality. The Union Pacific boys are talking aomo of converting their ball ground Into a skating rink this winter. Those who Will assist In the coming benefit concert for Miss Lizxio Calder wood are: Miss Llzzlo Pennell, contralto; Mr. Edward Rath, baritone; Mr. Jay Northrop, tenor; Mr. n. France, basso; Mr. Felix Blankenfeld, pianist; the Phll omathian society string quartette and tho Omaha dice club quartette com posed of F. fl. Smith. W. B. Wllklna. C. U Deuel, II. D. Estabronk. atvl M- Franklln S. Bmlth, director. Twenty Year Ago The 'weekly discussions of the Current Topics club, which aroused such Intense inter si a year before, were relnaugu rated with a review of the principal oventa of the week by Major Hal ford at the Young Men's Christian association. Oth'am who participated werei Rev. r. J, T. Duryca, Rev. A. W. Clark, Judge aerxa ana u. B, Loblnsier. J. W. Smith, a prominent politician of Cuater courtly, stopped at the Delone ho- let en route to Washington. Milton Doollttle of Holt county, demo- cratlo candidate for regent of the Uni versity of Nebraska, was at the Paxton enroute to the World's fair. There waa a new garbage ordinance be fore the city council conforming to the McDonald contract, which was to go Into effect January I. Jm it provided ex. elusive rights to the contractors. Colonel and Mrs. Al Falrbrother. who had been visiting old friend here, re turned to their homo in Durham, N. C, wnere the colonel was the editor of an aggressive little newspaper. As to the discussion of the powers of tho Union PaclXlo receivers over the con-' tract existing between that and other ' road. nnrrl Mininr rlrtrlnann iii t the ground that some of the roads, tho Milwaukee and Hock Island In particu lar, had certain vested rights in the Union Paelfte whteh could hot be super ceded by any power of a receiver. Ten Years Ago Frank A. cook, captain of commissary In tha United States army, who was ap pointed commandant of the high school cadets, was graduated from West Point in 188S, and once took part in a fight with eld Oeronlmo, the fierce Indian chief. . The city council passed the ordinance vacattnr parts of four streets find making other valuable concessions to the Great Western railroad for terminal facilities. The Nebraska Daughters of tho Ameri can Revolution were honored In their convention by the presence of the president-general, Mrs, Charles W. Fairbanks, wire or tne vice president of tha United State, and the vice president-general, Mrs. J. II. Crewman of New York. William A. Rourke, president of tha Omaha base ball team, loft for St Lout to attend a meeting of the officials and delegates composing the National Asso ciation of !) Ball Clubs, the minor leagues. The first annual meeting of the alumnae of Sacred Heart convent was held and these officers elected! President. Mr Clara Crelghton Daugherty; vice presi dent, rs. aauie nash Car tan; secretary, mm ay wcjxamara; recorder, Mix Bertha Saunter; treasurer, Mies Anna Mullen. Bishop Scannell waa to fcnv. been present to uddress the association, but went to Ht Louis to attend the funeral of Archbishop Kaln, and Pre!, dent M. p. Dowllng of Crelfkton univer sity maae the addrei Instead. Around the Cities Los Angeles now has ten Publlo markata In operation. New York talks of puttlnx up a sky. scraper 800 feet, overlooking by fifty feet the highest In the city. Waynesborov Pa., uses a street car to pull a plow which rips up macadam In preparation for new pavement Cleveland la much surprised to find that the average school piano, after a year's use. Is fit only for the Junk pile. By a mysUrtous process of compres sion known only to tax assessors, the personal property of Phlladelphlans this yaar shrunk W6, 090,000. The piggeries of South Philadelphia contain about 56.000 animals. Sanitary re former are trying to force their removal beyond tha nose range of the Inhabitants. Davenport, la,, broke Into tha front page last week with the promoUou story of the Western Implement And Motor company, which raked in Saw, 080 from stock sales and was thrown Into tha 1 tands of a receiver without enough money to pay offloo rent Hundreds of duped Investors or boletnx the sack. Eight alternative plana for flood control submitted by engineers to Dayton, O., In volve an outlay ranging- from r,OM,000 to jlx,oeu,oro. The basis of all plans contemplato storage reservoirs and ohan nets to oenvey flood waters converg ing in the city. Burvaylng. Is still pro ceeding. The city expects state aid In carrying out the plan yst to be adopted FerHaal Liberty, Plttaburgh Dispatch. Peraonat liberty is making some advance In England. A mare man who went on a hunger atrlke In one of the priaona was not Interfered with and starved to death. If they gave the militant women the same fr adorn they would steer clear of exercising it Twice Told Tales Roosevelt Waa Shoekrd. This la tho verbatim report of a recent conversation between Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and one of his warmest ad mirers. The admirer Is a newspaper man who has reported some hundreds of the colonel's speeches. They were in mild and harmless talk the other day, when the newspaper man felt an Impulse for candor burning within him. "Do you know, colonel," said he, "I i have often found a great similarity be tween you and Colonel Bryant" The .Roosevelt teeth snapped within an inch of his Jugular. "In what way?" the colonel demanded, angrily. "What do you mean7" The newspaper man became panicky. He felt around for words. "Ah," he said, Tn the way you er manage your audiences, you know, Sort of light and shade, you know humor and or alncerlty and er-alt that sort of thing." Colonel Roosevelt's teeth clicked Again. "You are a miserable Judge of men," said He. Then tha conversation came to a com plete and hopeless end. Case' for the Conrt. The conversation In tho lobby of a Washington hotel turned to the great game of litigation and the bank roll re quired to properly play It, when Con gressman Dan V. fltevens of Nebraska recalled an Incident that occurred In the office of a western lawyer. One day a man entered the office of the lawyer, said 'that ho had had a dis pute with a neighbor over tho shooting ot a dog and wanted the matter headed for court. The lawyer listened to the details of the case, which did not look very promis ing, and then thoughtfully pondered. "Look here,' Mr. Smith," he finally re marked to the would-bo client. "I don't think It would pay either you or me to carry this case to any length. Don't you think that It could be settled out of eourtr , "Oh, yes," was the prompt rejoinder of Mr. Bmlth. "As a matter of fact, I suggested It" "I see," musingly responded the law yer. "The objection comes from the other side." "Yes," said the client, Just a little regretfully, "the bloomin' yap won't fight." Washington Post. On the Call. Jim was a new porter In the hotel, and he was putting in his first night at his new and responsible position. It was five in the morning, and sofar Jim had dona all he was told, and "was get ting on splendidly. "Call 17 and 4," commanded the ntsht clerk as he looked over his call aht. ,Jlm obeyed. After he had been gone for a considerable time the clerk went up to see If he had called the rooms designated. "Well." sighed the new porter, whom he found on the third floor. "I've ant " of up' but 1 haven't started on , otb,r 'our yet." Nations! Food Mag- cme. I'rearresatve Taste. Cass Gilbert, tho well known architect. said In New York the other day; some or our skyscrapers in New York and Chicago are things of brautv. fMh. or, asain, are m uoh atrocious, .taste that they remind mo of tho Oil City tanner. "An Oil City farmer struok oil on hi. farm and came straight to town and bought his wife a WV) piano. "A week or so later he turned up again to buy a stock of cotleg songs. 'How do you Uke tho piano by nowr the salesman asked htm. "By crlnua,' chuckled tha farmer. ye'd oughtor see It now, young feller. My old woman's painted It yaller to match tha chest of drawers.' "New York Globe. Signs of Progress Cattails that cover the swamps are being used not only for chair bottoms, but for tho calking of barrels and for tho manufacture of paper, A crematory equipment coetina- tt.sM has been ordered from Boston by tho istnmian canal commission to be In Installed In a crematory to be built at Anoen. Panama. A OHaraoterlsUo Industry of Portugal Is tho magufaeture or axulejos or porce lain tile. This was Inherited from thu Moors, and tiles are used extensively for interior ana exterior decoration of churoaes, convents, houses, hotels and publlo building. For several years experiments In grape culture have been conducted on a small scale In tha Laguna baaln to the east of the city of Torreon, Mexico. Theao expert. menu have demonstrated that the sec tion Is the equal of tha best grape- producing- landa in Europe and the United States, both In soli and climate. In the southern part, of Lower Call- forna ore valuable onyx beds. These are owned and exploited by an American company, which disposes of Its entire product n the United States. The value of the onyx shipments from thl district to the United. States during 1$U was An official census of the output of genuine maple ayrup in Vermont shows that last sprinK6,et.oa pounds of maple sugar and 40.403 gallons ot maple syrup wera produced in the at ate. To obtain this amount 8.0T4.J75 trees wera tapped, which number Is a little over one-halt the trees available tor tapping. Hammer Taps He always knows that she will make an economical wife because she always turns tee iignts low when he calls to see her. When a woman looks as though she had a Oret Sorrow and sigha In a dejected manner, you can bet that her corset Is too tight It always moke an old-fashioned housekeeper feel good when she remem bers that she doesn't have to fill the electric lights. Some men cpena so much time braggbut about tha Immensity of the Fknxma cans! that they haven't time to dig up enough coin to pay the grocery man. Cincinnati Enquirer. Woman's Work. Indianapolis News. Th London mala prisoner who went on hunger strike Is now In the hands ot the undertaker, and tt I understood that hunger striking: wlU hereafter be re. j garded as woman's work J r J Contributors are ag-ain razalndsa of our role ra.astlnr roabl brevity and tie rlgbt we ressrva to cot down letters exceeding- 3O0 word. No "esfrejrntlon Bat Then "Whatt OMAHA, October 19. To the Editor of The Bee: Referring to a criticism of Dr. Howard A. Kelly's assertion that cities which wipe out their segregation districts should be able to check the spread through the resident districts, should tt not be borne In mind that Dr. Kelly predicates the statement on the efficiency and faithfulness of the city's executive and police officials? He is but expressing the growing belief that such a thing can b done In any city that really makes an earnest, efficient effort. It surely will not be argUed by those" con versant with tho facts that such an effort has ever been made In Omaha. Wo may as well be candid about that. Bpasmodlo "raids" and "cleanups" are not to be so classed, especially when favored offend ers are "tipped off beforehand. But the point which I wish Dr. Kelly had cleared up for us Is thlsl What is to be dono after the "district" Is closed and the rest oH the city emptied of the undesirables? Aro they to be dumped over Into the next city, as one might toes his sarbago into his neighbor's lotT The answer probably would be that each city in turn must adopt the some cleanup method, but that still leaves something to be said for the ultimate solution. Truth Is, wo all seem to be In the kindergarten of this treat coure of study. QIUEAII. Bank and Cnrrensnr BROKEN BOW, Neb., Oct. 18.-TO the Editor of The Bee: I am sorry to see the position token by national banks in the threat to retire their circulation. If they carry this threat into action it means to retire 170,000,000. There is only ono way out. Let Mr. Wilson ask con gresa to repeal the law of 10 per cent tax on state bank circulation and oblige every bank that asks for the deposits of the people to invest one-half or per cent of their capital in United States state and county bonds. This CO per cent of bonda to be deposited with the government and full face In circulation bo Issued to them. No tax to bo laid on circulation, they to be mado to keep It out Tho national bank system was a war measure and those who put it out never dreamed It would ask new life at such an expense to the nation. They have been spoiled, as It were, and no doubt think they can not be molested. It Is a good system. It has made big money for those who Invested in bonds at cents to 73 cents on the tt, bearing 10 per cent and then getting circulation and loaning it at from W to Z per cent a month. I refer to the first twenty years of its existence. The time has como for u change. The danger Is the present bill goes very near wild-cat banking. CHAS. S. HAMMOND. People Talked About Cincinnati Is trying to chasten unruly girls by cutting off their tresses. The capacity of Mrs. Pankhurst or militant martydom is a chesty asset at tha box office. Publicity Mnaj, free and abundant the free list Is suspended.. , Since Timothy I Woodruff passed oft the political stage, Senator J. Hamilton Lewi of Illinois has no competitor as an exponent ot sartorial grandeur in publlo life. Ignoring telegrams and letters from her family, Mrs. Ne.ttle Bauer of Baton Rouge, La., who Is now visiting In Scan ton, Pa., refuses to return home Until she has seen snow, Marion Bray, an English woman, for thirty years a trusted nurse in prominent families In Chicago, died a fortnight ago'. Her will was admitted to probate re cently. In it she left hr entire estate to J tho weathy young men and women who naa been her oharges years ago. The Italian, supreme court has refused to allow Blgnorlna Teresa Labrlola to practice law In that country on the grounds that a woman cannot do any thing In publlo life without the consent ot her husband, and If she were allowed to practice law her husband might with draw his content. Bomblta, the most famous toreador in Spain, has announced his retirement from the bull ring. He will kill his last bull October 1 for the benefit of the Bull Fighters' Pawnshop, an Institution ot which he ts the founder. Bomblta made his own fortune, estimated at faoooOo, entirely from 'the ring and has besides given away great sums In benevolence. The estate of the late Benjamin Altman, New York dry goods prince, estimated around K0,000,000, goes almott entirely to publlo philanthropies. His art collection valued at $15,000,000, s willed to the New York Metropolitan Museum. Sums rang ing frpm tl.000 to J6.000 were willed to old employe, the amounts being based on length of service. The balance of the estate goes to tha Altman Foundation, the Income to be devoted to the support of various phllanthroplo and charitable Institutions. Mr, Altman was a bachelor. Heroism on the Sea 6t. Louis Globe-Democrat; What's In a name? The herolo captain of the Volturno Is not named Miles, nor Fur long, nor yet Tard or Foote. He Is only an inch, but a good one. New York Bun; The best reassurance of th safety of ocean travel 1 In the fact that ships are officered by men of the type ot the captains who played their part In the rescue of the Volturno. Philadelphia Record: The enormous alue ot oil In smoothing the sea so that people could bo taken from the Volturno In a gale Is one of the Inventions or dlst coveriea which the world has made and then forgotten and redlsoovered. Benja min Franklin was keenly Interested In the narrative given him by a seafaring man regarding the use of oil to prevent breakers. He found that PUny or some other ot tha old Roman writers knew ot Instances of the sort One might have expected seafaring men and marine un derwriter to sea at once the Importance ot this fact hut they did nothing of th sort: and a century and mora went by without any further attention to It Thirty-five or forty year ago a sea cap tain used oil with excellent results, told hi tory, and It was noticed by our hydrographlc bureau, which circulated the information. Invited reports from ship mastera and mad some experiments. Since then oil has been uaed a good many timea. And yet It is far from being- In ao general use as ona might expect THESE GIRLS OF OURS. Betty I shall not wed until I ran mnrrv t her. Alicewell, my dear, lust ahnw unv man who proposes to you a schedule of your yearly expenses and If he doesn't back, out he's ono. Boston Transcript He I waa nnlv at a. frianifa. mtr rioar. Playing some gamea. Hue What kin of games. He Oh. harmlesin nnptb-piiMtlnv anrl holding hands- She Tea. Doker hflnilfL llnltlm-i American. 'A heroine." ha aald. "mav rnntt tha menls for her husband." Tea," she sadly replied, "but I've never met a man who waa wiilini? tn nrimii that a hero might wipe the dishes for hid wife." Chicago Record-Herald. "Your hardwood ftonra exquisitely polished." said Mrs. Jones. now uo you manage it?" "Oh, I Just put chamois rompers on the children and let them play in the- houae." responded Mrs, Brown. Ldpplncott'a Mag azine. Youns Mother The question ' Is, Mr. Bache. what aro we going to mako out of baby? Mr. H ache I can't see a cent in him. If he only had two heads or thro lcars. now, he would naV dividend Kuu. --ny Times. 'Have you put by some monev tor1 n ralnv davT" "Oh. yes, doar aunt" "What did you put It In?' "A gold-handled, twenty-five-dollar slllc umbrella." Baltimore American. Miss Summit I tmust answer his letter. and I want to write something that doesn't moan anything. Alias raiisade wny don t you tell him you love him? Puck. Roctor I have missed you from tha church senvlccs since you received your Best for cooking and eating You like plenty of butter on bread, hot cakes, muffins, vegetables and; well on everything that goes with it, and things don't taste right when you have to skimp. You can have all you want when you use Armour's Glendale Butterine. Il is guaranteed absolutely pure. It costs much less anjd tastes much better than -most butter. ARMOUR COMPANY WESTE I I flat Ah 1 yCm TELEORAM THI0. rl. VAIt, FRKWMNT 46. a.l .aMa-.l THE WESTERN UNION Fourteen tween Omaha Chicago and Nortk Western Ry. Thm ftmoum Aaosifv rcjk kaMatfd. devil tmckaj. BfoMirtio laftty tfttai at Hhht and Cmcostss Dining car service unequakd. 7W Btt of Everything :ckrt ui full Information at TOUT uncle's legacy You surely cannot moan' to desert our fold? Mr. 8hlps Inne Why. I'm simply, obliged to, Mr. Surpllst I love th church, out now mat 1 nave my gowns rrom, Paris. I can't set down on my knees to save my soul! Judfre. "Am I tha first man you have loved this season?" asked the hotel clerk. "Almost" answered the summer girt. "Who got ahead of me? You have only, been hero an hour," "I had a slight flirtation with tha driver of the 'bus as we came from the station." --Louisville Courier-Journal. THE THUMBED COLLAR. E. A. Guest In Detroit Frca Press. "Go up and chango your collar," mother! often says to me. , . "For you can't go out In that one, it's as dirty as can be. There are splotches on the surface wherd they very plainly show." 'That is very queer,'1 I answer, "It was Clean an hour mm." But I guess Just what lias happened and. In this It's clearly summed. . Ho who lets a baby love him often getsl his collar thumbed. I have gone downtown o' mornings thtnk-1 lnjr I was clean and neat And have had some kind friend stop me ae I walked along the street ! With the startling Information that ij wore a collar soiled. As he saw the prints and traces where those little' thumbs had toiled: . And I've mode this explanation It's aj song I long have hummed He who loves a little baby often grstd his collar thumbed. And I'm rather proud I reckon to havd people here alludo To the prints upon my collars; they're! my badzo of servitude,. They're the proudest murks I carry, andl 1 really dread the day When there'll be no sticky fingers, wheni I start to ko away, To reach up and soil my neckwear, and! my heart sometimes Is numbed When I think tha day Is coming when my collars won't ba thumbed. UMION " V (Aor TELEGRAPH COMPANY and the East v srOendid trains daflv be and Chicago over the btwn tha MHMsri m SSBBEaB jSsaCBBsssl sbIsssbIsssbIBBBsI HUH Bis.. J