Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 19, 1913, PART ONE, Page 6-A, Image 6

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GrMkst Hirii
VMzif Known
CUT race
mBMMt OtMSTtT. TleKsft
. tlrt KerveatresftiieaerlTer JoxaA
VkfBciM. SOoTrUIPftckftseM
Fm t Any X&a Worn,
to ror Ite lMxk
! JUwU.
-. Thte ! the worW newest, safest,
Most reuaoie, una "
Vratnr. ravltallxcr. brain awakener,
body strenu-thensr; without equal in'
the world's IlUlory or mcnicine. . ii ,
Klpra a
Government Will Make Loans With
out Requiring- Bonds as Before.
Declare He Wn Dcnonnefd Jflne
teen Tnra Aaro for Advocating
Lera Drastic One Than Now
In Force.
auIL wea
tsw to brlgl
ntt wou.
WATERLOO. Ia., Oct. 18.-"For gen
erations tha national banks have held
ttk) fforernmwit'a money In return for
contributions to campaign and support
of the republican party."
Secretary of State William Jennings
emmm mw sonnns cam
ana couraaro Tjuieu to president vnisonsr- aaminisvrauvc
ould obuln front ft tWOtWMW? measttres.
FORBES, Colo, Oct Jl One striking
miner was killed, two reported fatally
wounded, and one mine guard was per
haps mortally wounded and another lew
seriously hurt as a result of a battlj
between strikers at the tent colony here
late this afternoon, and mine guards,
during which a machine gune was fired
Into the strikers' camp. I
Deputy Sheriff Bradley was the mint
guard who was so seriously wounded
and when he was shot the other dtpu
ties began firing from the machlm gun,
which heretofore had been used for
how of fore cntv.
VLc!"f.,?..V,.n 572.1 I Erysoi so declared tonight at the Iowa j
rlgbtness. atroturth, clear-head, state' dalr
tecatlo en a farm.
tXesaSgsa sltao WWe Xabe 1.
Xha rtoe au the sism.
Secretary Bryan waa spooking of tha
pending currency bill.
The currency bill is the most remark
ablo currency measure that w ever havs
had," ho said. "It gives to the bonkers
enough to make them happy and doesn't
enable them to take enough to make the
people miserable. There la one feature
about this bill that should win the sup
port of every banker doing a legitimate
banking business. Heretofore it his been
neciesssry to put up bonds to secure gov
ernment money, but by the provisions
of the new bill, the government loans
without requiring bonds. It lets the
regional bank toko collateral from tho
banks within the tone and ths cone
banks put their guarantor on the col
latoraL This enablos the government to
put Into a community more money than
it takes out.
Whnf norernmnnt AW.
"Tha government asks in return some-
, V - Mnlr., .hmiTl tut will-
U&Jy, to concede; namely, that the govern-
enataJnlnr no Injurious Ingredients menl should Issue the money itself. Why
tsfeatrver. Afcsolateiy ftiffer from let the banks issue the money in times
Mridda tte ever feersr iB na of pe,acft- whea tIle roytrnmtnt mUst
A MrtmU?.tl authority says: "In u 11 ' Um ot trouble? 1 believe tha
tM forms- of neorsethenla It deserves banks can very well conooda this point
unique pdMtfon of Being the osiy wnsn they conridor the benefits they re-
i!u Vim J?, CJF?Z? u1wVl& c!v. through not having to purchase
rton 'of nA J!? v ,Tahlot bonds as security. And they will have to
mechanfc." concede this point whether they want to
very rn al w wiuf wfferiBgJrtm or Kot Ther , ona poInt on whloh
.."ne'rvous the hankers are divided. It Is whether
jttsemnls. neural!, low vitaMty, gen- the board that controls the Issue shall
antl weariness, toes of strength and consist of bankers or government offl-
weight or any deneMtien which lirtsea ei-I)L,.
frem pew. weak serves, may now gst u
HerveA of steel." lear head, courage. On tho Income tax he saMl
jsewer, quick wit, a?, fer tking this "Decause I favored a 3 per cent Uut
sMkt dlacovery, Kellogg" Saaltone wllh exemption of M.000 and no grad-
vrwers. aJ uatlon, they called me a demogogu and
Vreve Mm e j eC 4M rrt Mrv a disturber of the peace and accused
wfirMrri,ralK It sleeks for rt- mf) Cf trying to stir up the poor against
JSLSr 3mi2r !itfVia ("a rich. That is what the did nine-
mimUi nnr. tar refers. jaalL to evsry n rra ago, but this country Is
mm ee weasM who utwM Ms or her I bhamrod.
- r!--J?rV!l "When this bill passed the hoUss It
Zlr " l9t provided for an income ta running1
MStsV Mftrvs force gone! You from 1 per cent to 4, and When it got
asw wHMirou' nerve ae, nothing cUm. l0 the senate, tho senate said that It
If yeu feel all run-down from overwork , . t ,,. .
f'Xher cause, if you Buffer from In- WM not , enouK"- now v" havo a
MM la, "eve4tnN feeling, brain fa, democratic senate, a senate that comes
tupifeme n e r v a u n e e, Beevisnness. f rom the people and hereafter the sen
wetehe and Mgtlon. constipation, people. When that bill cants' to be passed
njfoanhea, neuralgia, or -thn debilitating there were men in this country who had
X&t0! V, Mrlsir,. tdvocaled an lacort Ux wh were will-
frj tHal package of Ketiegg-g tSaniUm. (0 k w cmt G W(K)l6n j,
iMi W-WMW tr ye suffer from a the oM l"synvA14flch Ml rather
ntMl-fltT' "oT1 weigh 1
cwjfmaliofc, Ai4 fteT;sUt evtof-Tt, Wferre WIImh S(aniU
r - - -siialfcsssi i Wsal.smsrf Mill sjUsYft I iLl a-4.
Jr t'X I "f M. . tlenale rU.
tk fr4e trial saekag-e. i oi a mcne- itnu, an miwi uinoii,
wore need of Msiifit, diversion, oodrow Wlteort, right by Wall Street
awrai., "tr;'' -iiilii I d the Manuraettirerg, c n lot, with
rtsT-f Hogg's flanltone Wafem do 0ie h llaln Pel d ve them a loW
wr for each ami all, give you nerve-1 rate on the neces'sltlet Of life.
?-4,,.Jk, ov,!.t.,,L.llv- "Why did he do It? Because his heart
in ,1. wnrb iis on tne peoples siae.
TWjr are guaranteedevery" wafer. ni "Tou hava been sMrkln ytmr dttfes
yiMSf.nsme and adores today for. ths and making the poor people bear the
AE& ii1 lifJ burdens you ought to beat. Now wo will
JWi'.IfWfnWtST ,oeK, sUWle crreeh! help them to reduce taxation and you.
jnenwan. in uie city ot peace, nappineas i mutt take some oi tnat ioaa upon your
Mr. Bryan said former 8natot At
it loh's eppesltlon to the curtenay Mil was
necessary to secure its passage. "Mr,
Atdrloh has done nldra than any other
man In pubHa life to make the repub-
I lloan party a third party In this ooun
I try." ! the seeaAer;
I "We htut a meeting Iri Boston tho ftther
dv and the MMra said that when the
I auestiOfi waa asked sis to whether banks
I eftou-ld b centreHed by wr of mak
I era. they alt shouted!
Moderator Stone Urges Ministers to
Proclaim God's Mysteries.
I'reibricrlan Chnroh Moderator
(J I res Address Before Synod of
Nebraska Kilocntlonnl liead
ers rralra Work In State.
a, )Malth.
T.' 3, KBJSUts OA
ae4 hm v return mH, free of!
tarsia, a Sea trial nackaa-e of thai
wnltfVt' Hawry for nerve. Kd-I
lasre'e Hanltone Wafefti. I enclose
esiita1 Iff Ma! M help fi etae
SIlSsilS !r , r 4 V. I 1
si.,. II Sankers Wantea Central.
" " We fhfnk the banks ought la be
L .wmMir ti u nf Kiiorv I controlled by bankers.'
kiKntflvfers are for sale fn OMMka I "D ye knew of any ether' class of
sit Merniaa. KaOean ell. Prug Oa. I mui. that wants to control ItselfT
1.'e2L "SlW What wouw yon thk si raiito,i
u ntmur, im js. lstn sm nmt -r? i wkmvi '''
t Co., isis Jm4i ih. 1 state Commerce commission mat control
zree boxes xrs rngist.
A WMidsWiil
Two Glean Papers
TIN Ymtkt Gimptnion
The Evening Bee
fr il (Mt. Mutk
Appointments, Resignations, Trans
fers of Prelates Considered.
Depatles Deliberate rtes-nrdlns; Tro
poned Canon Crentlns; Courts to
nevlew as Intermediary Tri
bunals In Heresy Trials.
us in tha rail rend buslnessr Bid y6u
ever hear railroad men claim that they
stivuld control one-half of the commerce
' commission or one member of th boerdf
Tfou never heard It.
"What do you regulate the banks fort
For the benefit of ths people who do
business with them. Whole money do
they get from th government Ths
people's) Then who says that the bank
shall control therts'eives whlis tnsy han
dls ths people's mortayT
"It Is presumptueus. impertinent, ku
dactdus And the bankers themselve
ought to bf ashamed of it.
Do they tell you that this board
to be pOlltloai and that it is dangetOusT
Do you know ot anything In this country
that Is not being done by political boards;
any part of the government that Is not
conducted by political bodies It a gov
smment which is made up ot political
heads and officers seleoted by ths peo
ple can make your laws, protect your
property, regulate matrass and divorce,
fig the deuth penalty and take a human
Ufa; who then says that a political body
cannot control the banks for tha peo
plsT What Hilt Means.
"The way some banksrs talk, you would
Imagine that business communltt cxlit
for the benefit of the banks. It would
be just about as absurd to say that peo
ple eat in order to furnish a demand
for farm products. This bill means that
the bahks are 10 fulfill the principles of
their existence and are to live for the
aoooraodatlon of business and not tor Its
"We are to have twelve or more
n clonal banks and no central banks. Mr.
Xldrlch complained the other day that
he did not like this bill. That la the
reason It was written this way so he
wouldn't like it. It ths bill suited him. It
wouldn't bo fit to print. It he was
pleased with It. it would be bad. lie
prepared a bill and after he had taken
a look through the country hs resigned
from public life."
A large aumence heard Mr. Bryan and
applauded his remarks A banquet was
held In his honor tonight. lis returned
to Washington tonight
An audlsnoe that completely filled the
auditorium and gatlery of the Korth
Presbyterian church Friday greeted
ths moderator of the Presbyterian
churon, John- Timothy Stone, D. D., of
Chicago, who addressed the synod of
In a sermon of great uuww hs im
plored ths church to proclaim fearlessly
the great mysteries of Cod.
"The Chrlstlnn Is hot to aek to under
stand his beliefs so much as to believe
until he understands," was one 'of the
ringing statements of tha divine. He
drew from the world of aolenoe and
butlnssa Illustrations to prove that man
are first believing seemingly Impossible
things can be dona and, aoUne on that
principle, they finally understand
through the endeavor to achieve.
Beliglon," ha added, "offers no greater
mysteries than other realms. Men movs
out along ths tins of their beliefs to
clearer knowledge."
Preach the Gospel.
"Men of tha churches are asking that
preachers handle the great rellgloas
themes. A little preacher dealing with
great (homes means mors to the world
than a great preacher handling little
themes," was another sententious phras
ing of ths speaker.
Ths impression, left by this great
church leader was that he loved men
Intensely and grfoped them by his firm:
belief that they sought in him a way Into
the great realities of life.
Tho battouet preceding th evening
service was partaken ot by 1$4 Freaby
terlans of ths various churches of the
city and suburbs. Moderator Jstons
spoke briefly to this gathering.
Home Mission Advance.
Neferasfca Presbyterians havo made the
greatest advance in home mission gifts
in firs years of any synod tn the 4s-
nomlnaUon was a point brought out In
the report of the home mission commit
tee, That Nebraska, synod should gtrs
larger per cent ot contributions to
Sunday school work per member thart
any synod ot ths country was applauded
as evidence 'Of the place this cause holds
In tMs hearts of the church Th f-
port bf Rev. R. If. Houseman as educa
tional, suptrlntondent for tha. state de
veloped that Nebraska was advancing
atonst tha Hais of a balanced and edu
cational Sunday school policy the most
thorough and practical of any similar
body of the church.
KebrasfeM WOrk Comnteneled.
Bev. Alexander Henry, D. D.. of Fhlla-
detphta, representing' the Board ot Pub
lication and tfunday Bohooi Work, told
the synod that the board's Jl.lSO.OOO
building in Philadelphia had now Haul-
dated every debt and would henceforth
yield revenues for tha worK ot ths
church. He commended Nebraska's wise
emphasis" of educational Sunday sctiooi
work, saying that tha church that gives
adequate attention to the religious train
ing ot Hi youth will solvs largely all Its
Other problems for ths future.
State universities ars sarprislnity
Christian." spoke Rev, Richard C.
Hughes, college secretary of the Board
ot Education. Investigations mads at
(he state universities of ths country re
vealed them to l permsated with re
ligious feeling as never before.
University Pastors.
The. work ot Dr. Hughes Is the foster
ing ot religious Interests as they ran bo
prosecuted by denominational university
pastors. He remarked that Presbyter
ians led tha churches In the numbef et
university psstors. Ills ehurch counted
36,09 ot Its own young1 people ot the
15C.0Q0 In ths state universities ot the
coanlry. Being state schools nothing
could be dons directly tor these young
people religiously except as churches
placed men among them for that spe
cies object
NEW YORK, Oct. iS. Appointment,
resignations and transfers ot prelates
were considered by ths bishops, the
higher governing body of the Protestant
Episcopal church, at the triennial general
convention today. Bishop Edward Will
lam OslHme of the dloceso of Spring
field, III., resigned because of age and
Infirmity. Bishop Joseph M. Francis of
tho diocese of Indianapolis asked to be
transferred to a climate more favorable
to his family and probably will be as
signed either to the vacant see In Cuba
or the missionary district of Porto Rico.
Bishop Cameron Mann was transferred
from the missionary district of South Da
kota to tha missionary district of
Vacancies in one diocese and five mis
sionary districts, eauml by deaths or
resignations, are to be filled ot an elec
tion on Monday. The election will be
held at an executive meeting of tho house
Ot bishops, after which the house of
deputies will bs called upon to confirm
the nominees. Only the names of sue
otasJyl candidates will be announced.
The house ot bishops took Into full
communion with the church today ths
island ot Haytl, which with San Dotnlngo
will be mods a part ot the missionary
district of Porto Rico.
Names of Districts Changed.
The nnmo of tho missionary district of
Cape Falmas was changed to fbsrla
and that of Wu Hu In China to Nanking,
with no changes in the territorial limits
of either.
Tho bishops favorably reported the
resolution sent up by the deputies for
concurrence to allow the practice of In
unction administering of tho wine in tho
holy communion by dipping the wafer
Into it The health authorities of Don.
ver protetod against tho custom of pass
ing tho chalice from Up o Up, fearing
disease might be communicated. Ths
bishops ordered that lnstlnctlen should
be adopted at the Judgment ot ths
clergymen, when conditions might seem
to mako the precaution necessary. ,
Ths hotse of deputies today deliberated
regarding proposed canon creating!
courts to review as intermediary tribunals
la proceedings In trials for heresy. Tho
court of review would take Its place
botween tho trial court, where ecclesias
tical trials were held, and the court of
appeals to which, Under tho present pro
cedure, appeal ia taken from the trial
court The Intermediary tribunal would
bo composed only of bishops, and appeal
from It decision could b taken to the
court of appeala Discussion of this
matter will be renewed tomorrow.
Four clergymen representing the Pres
byterian, CongregutioiMi!. Mothodlst and
Disciples churches wsre appointed at a
oonierenoe oi ministers nere loe&y to go
abroad in January to enlist the support of
Nbn-eonfermlst churchss of Great' Bri
tain In, the proposed movement for a
world on church unity. Theyt
will make the trip at the roquest of tho.
conference on faith and order of. the
Protestant Episcopal churches.
Tho men who will go are Rev. Dr. Wilt
lam Henry Roberts "of Philadelphia, slated
olerk ot the" Presbyterian Church; RovJ
rt W.tfn.M Dravft, nf XT.-., 11..,.. n..
tor emeritus of the First Congregational
chitroh of that dtyi Bishop ''John W.
Hamilton, resident Mothodlst bishop la
Boston, and Rr. Dr. rotor Ainslle of
Baltimore, chairman Of the church unity
committee of ths Disciples church. The
four will travel together through Eng
land, Scotland, Wales and probably Ire
tllfetf Workers' Close Cwlt.
AMES, la,, Oct 18. (Special Telegram.)
W, 11. Rosenorans. ditching contractor.
and Bartlsl Louden and II. C. Neibte, two
of his employes, tamo near death by x
phyxtat!6n this afternoon When a ditch
Ine machine broke a gas main. The two
were unconscious in thd trench and a
third fell senseless a she dragged the
others from the ditch. Pul motors were
applied and it Is believed all will re
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to
He Drinks Harmless
Fluid, Thinking it
Poison, Nearly Dies
Imagination nearly killed RX LAngbehn
today. Utngbehn applied to a druggist
for a vial ot poison and his actions
aroused tho suspicion that ho intended
to take his life. The drurgist Instead
ot selling him the pomon, gave him a
harmless fluid.
XAngbehn wrote a farewell note to his
wits and drank the liquid. In a tew
minutes lis wis suffering all the agonies
of poisoning.'
He was rushed, to the county hospital,
where It was said tonight 11 would taks
a week for him to recover from the
shock. Hospital physicians said the tllus
slon that he was suffering from the ef
fects, of poisoning had aotually brought
the man to the brink ot death.
14ngbhn IS a fruit grower who cams
to (his vicinity from Detroit
(From a Staff Correspondsnt)
LINCOLN. Oct ll-(8pec!J. Officer
of twthty-two societies which hold tho
midwinter meetings ot Organised Seri
culture are now outlining ths programs
for the coming sessions,
Secretary j. H. Duncan of tha stats
horticultural society left today on a, trip
to Nebraska, City, where he will consult
with the managers ot the Eastern Ne
braska Fruit Growers' association con
cerning the details ot the winter apple
show. 11. Hague of Crete and Prof. T.
A. Klesselbach of the state farm have
already tgun operations for an attrac
tive display for the Corn Improvers' as
The Msetlngs trill b held In Lincoln
A hard stubborn Cold that
hangs on, ia bfokan up by
Humphreys' "Soventy-sevsri"
Cold houses, colli offices, cold
ehufchca or Place of amusement,
before tho artificial heat la turrted
on, are tho moat prolific causes of
catching cold.
A tlal of "Soventy-sevea" ia tha
pocket Is tho nearest thing to a stlf
heater, bocause a doso taken at the
tirst chill of ftrver will either pre
vent or break up tha Cold at once.
If you watt until your bones bs
gin to ache; till you begin to Cough
and snecte, it may take longer,
"Seventy-seven" Is a small vial of
pleasant pellets, flta the Test pocket,
26 cents and si. 00. All Drug Stores
or mailed.
Xntntihreys' HOmeo, Medicine Co.. IS
William mreet, new xoric AQvoriisa-
A Blanket Sale
Otto you can't afford to miss
At Orkin Brothers Monday,
The savings are about onebalf
regular price
LIibbbsRIIL 1!Ib1 mM Tsl
bBBiImI 1 1 iljlirrMTsiisal
that are easier rand more helpful
We are endeavoring to make this store a genuine help
to wage-earners. We want to serve them the best we
know how to assist them in every possible manner.
That desire is plainly shown in, the easier credit terms
that we are makiilg .easier terms than those of any
other store in the city. We require smaller payments
at the time of making purchases and smaller monthly
payments as well, and we extend favors and accommo
dations that prove a decided help to our customers. We
would like to explain more about this helpful credit ser
vice to you in person.
lee seevtmmetK or
oven oTrtca haucs.
tbrftee lath
but" fffr I law
Okd UKutefien.
w'frm flr nstf
alt I, w
.1" . -i:.r ,t t
DD A QC D'PFI Complete
m m mm It's a handsome bed,
1 il 1 3 fu,t standard weight
1 v brasa, heavy and nub
I mm etantlal, large 2-inch poatt,
I I a at I a finish, guaranteed
lacquer, any size desired.
The gprliigs are dur
able and comfort
able made ot ateel
throughout and will
not aag. The matr
treaa la our special
"A" grade, with
heary ticking. Tha
entire outfit Is now
priced at only
1475 i
Diaiig Chair
Mado of solid
osk. with-,, rtt;
genuine al n
feather rtw
seat, spe- m
rial, at...
asaWtlffiTOWMf an, HT
Uf ifcST f UORrltATtR ON fcjMtfrtY
Can ti 4tm
cHusnut cost
AI."TIH? '
l fvUTuc&el
Trial fluti
4ea o.jncao(
SSW l4tjj twfKt
MOrswn Irs4 mm
of ikM, hfWi Snl
this csnftlmiin elvss
see seuinusseiuin
radiating suffl
Th . Cut CoI BUI, 25 Pur Cent
twn't think of selecting a Bass Bcd-ner anywhere
without first learnlnr of the better features ot tne
Penmsalar Heater.. Thee improved heaters have
I,S0O square inches more of radfatlns: sutfaca than
any other make, T&ey., gira vb to aei per osat aore
,hsat wit tho sass cl cat foe I 'bails at least H
for cent. They more than osiltnary heaters.
Come and let ua decnonstrato them to you.
$21to 65
your old Stove
Mads of solid oak, In fumed or Early Ens
llah finish, brass movements, brass pendu
lums, weights, hands and numerals tins
tlmo keepers; extra special,
at ......,...,......,...,.....,
A well da dresser; Fnsach
tv mirror snlea-af A IR
dldlv finished: ex- lllslu
tra special, tats 11
1513-1515 Howard St.
Mads of solid oak, heavy sub-
stantiai tables, futoed or rspld-
en, -won riniotiod, mm far
extends to 0 feet: "Tu8D
extra special now, g
CoatsUte vtlth
raiitf, kev and srx
tra atrlaa-a at S.o,
Siaes, at.e,
Beta on Casy Pay.'
Writa for Fresr fiMtsc at MMsltal
MMB 8ttKt t- Okakka. Ktfc.
"oBXSr 3tk. m s iiTra.
f3 1 j 'am, .if 'mm
ntib w4m, BAf dytibt tjt. tan ih
l Hmttn mm MmC MM, i mi. ciMm
Ntte, Lmt&. Modtm, TrinScnia SUamtn
Cassaraak. Cajfsrek, CsltJaala. Cshatsk
TUAWA, 1,oaa toes, (Buliain)
IuMUImJ Sft-A If Sl Mil ,fc. J I k. -
vMrtwm ww wnf iMf ramwifw am
nceews passass s says, is hours
MMJaieTta Smke kim KewYark
Flat feUa fa '-- AS mA
f wu otbh rMwaw iw npni www Ml na
ThW (Hssa at Vary Lssr Istes.
Aiwtittr Uh rM rayabl Tn ot Chart
fw Hk l iWa. sim. ., tetir t
38 W. luaSaluk ML. 8. K. Oar. itirWnktMtajk
Or Loaal Aaaat Kvarywtiar
llfeLjgj TOcHom&i Parlor1
TYLER 1000.
Audrey: In these ears of short sleores
sad low necks It t vastly Important what
kind of whttener you use. ordinary iaoe,
powders or talcum will not successfully
hido ths summer's tan an4 they won't
stay on. The best way out of the dilem
ma is to get 4 ounces of spurmax and
mix in H pint ot hot water; add two
teaspoontuts glycerins. This is a splen
did lotion for maktrvs the skin look fresh
for a lone Urns, It will not rub off lltco
loose powder, and has A protecting affect
on tho SKI.1 of lasting- benefit. It IS viy
economical, too. For a 1 !. wrtnkls re
mover aeo answer to Miss Hate I.
Miss Helen Us Weak eyes ars not only
a draw-bacSc to looks but n si otitis
them often lda to serious sys troubles.
Dissolve ail ounce ot crystal In a pint
of water. A few drops of this in each
ye every day will strengthen your eyes
and make them sparkling and brilliant.
You do not say whether or not you wear
gUetes, but In any Case this simple, In
expensive tonlo will prove soothing and
helpful as wll as beautifying.
lira Meadowss Your unhealthy hair
seems to indicate that tha hiir follicles
secrete too stuoh oil and this will lead
to dandruff and other hair troubles. You
are wise to take It In time, and 1 strong
ly advise tho us of th tnvaluablo cantlv.
rox for a shampoo, det a package at
the druggist's, and mix a teaspoontul In
a cup of hot water. This is plenty for a
good washing, aitf will give you the ef
fects of fins treatment at a professional
Beauty rarlor at small cost Notice tho
flufftneas and stlkiness Of your hair
afterwards. This is caused by the fact
that canthrox gets rid immediately of ths
xdess oil and ail dirt and dandruff.
Phyllis Lee. Yes, thr Is always the
danger of Increasing flesh too flat when
you onoe bsgln to take it on. Perhaps
It would bo wel) to begin reducing now
tar ore you feel ths fat a burdon. Try
this simple remedy it will require no
dieting- or special axsreUs bsysnd sen
sible living'. Get 4 ounces parnolls and
diasotv It in 1 pints water. Taks a
tablespoonful before meals. It is not
disagreeable, and you wilt experience no
bad offsets.
Miss Ifoxelt The person who guseseel
yoa to be older than you are was doubt
less influenced by those crow's-feet;
which you say ars creeping about yous
yes. tt me rpat the formula that t
havs often given In this column. Mix an
ounce of alrooxoin In half a pint of cold
watsr; add two tcaspoontuls glyceric.
Let stand over night At tha first ap
plication of this greaseless beauty cream
you will feel the skin contract and it
wlU STAY firm because this tins prepar
ation puts health and strength into tha
tissues as well as gives firmntss and
clearness to ths skin. Don't delay get
ting this bansflt.
Donna Bella: You are right! "Rats'
must go. and It is a good thing. It is not
only unnecessary but unhealthy to clut
ter up the head with false hair, nsts,
veils etc Better than all of these is a
good healthy head of hair, which you,
yourself, can easily obtain at small ex
pensc Twice a week rub Into the hair
tms tonic made by dissolving one ounce
of auinxoin in a half pint of alcohol and
adding a half pint of cold water. Hair
specialists agree that a good quinine hair
tonlo destroys dandruff germs and pre
vents tho stringy, matted condition of
ths hair. For a floe shampoo see answer
to Mrs. Meadows.
Alice U.x I have often given tha for
mula for a greaseless ore am icily. It
appears again today in answer ,to Miss
lial. V
Pocahontas; That dark, muddy look to
your complexion may have nothing to do
with any skin trouble. From what you
say I fancy you are only run down and
would adrtso this tonic for the next few
weeks; Dissolve an ounce of hardens In
half a pint of alcohol; and one-half cup
Of sugsr'and enough hot water to mako
a full quart. Take a tablespoonful be
fore each foal. The expense ot this is
slight and there is no remedy known so
energizing as this Old fashioned regular
tor. After all, you know, health Is
IWtty Dean's Beauty Book, f-Adver
ROOMS The Best Variety. The Bee classified pages .
carry advertisements of tho test rooms and apartments for "
rent in the city. Phorie your ad to Tyler 1000.
Big Returns.