The Omaha Sunday Bee PART TWO EDITORIAL PAGES ONE TO TWELVE PART TWO SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO TWELVE VOL. XL1H NO. 18. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER in, 11)13. SINGLE i COPY FIVE CENTS. A A O OMEH S ESONTH OLFiLU' IIINKS flPl8gKlnibafl. BThe memberso'the' club Includo;' I uVlfllli ll I ' k. ZLSf 1 1 ULk. X. 1 I T HE Omaha Woman's Golf club has started auspiciously with fifty actlvo members, all of whom are golf en thusiasts, and who represent thq dif ferent country clubs of the city, MrB. P. J. Despecher was elected the first president of this association and Mrs. Danlal Li. nniihfirfv iha treasurer, and both were active In starting this de sirable organlxation. i Some interesting local tournaments will be held and after some of the players have proved their metal they will represent the Omaha Woman's Golf club at Sioux City and other neighboring clubs. It la planned to have a tournament wjth, the Sioux City Woman's Golf club some time next spring, and It is probable that most of the local players will be needed, as the Sioux City association has 117 mem bers, but not all are active members, as In the case of the Omaha Golf club. The club was entertained at the Council Bluffs Rowing association Friday, when Mrs. P. J. Despecher was hostess. The next meeting will be triday at Happy Hollow, when many of the mem bers plan to spend the entire day playJng golt. while others will upend only part of the day. The following Friday the club will play the Field club course. A week ago the club met at the Country club, with Miss Kimball as hostess. Miss Kimball offered a trophy for a putting and approaching con test, which was won by Mrs. Bruco MoHatt, who has recently come to- Omaha from Kansas City to reside Among the players from this club who have played' Mesdames Joseph Darker 2d, J, W. Tillson, I. J. Dunn, , Karl A. LIninger, E. V. Arnold, F, J. Despecher, CU H. Aull. D. L. Dougherty, Latham Davis, Charles A. Coons, W. E. Shafer, J. B. Steves?, W. P. BuVns, Paul Wernher. Bruco F. Moffatt, Allan Parmer, Frank I. ElUck, James K. O'Nell, Richard Kitchun, Walter G.. Silver, E. A. Hlgglns, Adolpb Storz, Misses Arabella Kimball Naunette Murphy, Helena Blxby, Henrietta Rees, Edith Thomas, Martha Dale, Irene McKnlght, Mesdames Charles Weight, James A. Tancock, John J. Sullivan, W. A. Challls, W. D. Clark, P. M. Sherwood, P. A. Shotwell, George W. Shields, E. .H, Sprague, J. T. Stewart 2d, W. A. Redick. R. B. Tubbs of Council Bluffs, WUlldmCoppack of Council.' Bluffs, John Davis of Council Bluffs, E. A. WIckham of Council Bluffs, T. G. Turner of Council Bluffs. Misses Alice TrOxell. Myrne Gilchrist, Madeline TStorrs, Isabel Vinsonhaler, Alice H. Clark ot Council Bluffs. A PifficdUproach Urs.Zy.ATDold on Uft, J2rs.W.0.S72vcr a tight.- '" i