THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 191U. MEN PRIME NEED OF CHURCH MD? S5UAHi . j AOOtUDUiliX XU UJSAUO. So Asserts J. E. McAfee at the Prcs . byterian Synod. MODERATOR STONE'S ADDRESS Xnn Whoup Klectlnn nt Atlanta Wnn a Rebuke to nccleslnstlcnl I'ol . Klcs Staler the Key Adrift. Joieph Ernest McAfee of Jvew York, nrcrotAry of the home mission boanl of the Presbyterian church, told the synod of Nebraska at North church that there tren today 2,000 of the 10,O churches of t thta denomination In America without paitora and that I, SCO of them stand with closed doors on a glvrn Sunday. "Tho prime need Is for men." ho de clared. He said the lriilcnhln In th home mission churches was deficient as ' leadership, though ronal qualities werb high. He attributed this deflclcnoy larfiely I to the transitory character of the pas- ' torate. The avcrnso homo mission pas torate, he said, was less than two years, lis told of a home missionary who had been on his field seven years and was the senior pastor there, where tho per sonnel of pastoratcn had undergone four changes In his period. "tASt year." said Mr. McAfee, "we lost by death and other causes ST Presby terian preachers. We ordained 2K to take their places, and so It goes. I say the crying need Is for men to man the church of Christ and push forward under effi cient and large leadership this great en terprise of home missions." "ChUrch on Its Job," was a slogan Ml. MoAfee said had been ndopted by the forward homo mlrslon agencies. Unity of 'action, both as to spirit and execution, was the impelling force. And the need neit to that of men, he said, was organ isation. Mr. McAfee's address followed the re port of Rev. Nathaniel McCilffln, chair man of the committee of home missions and Sabbath school work In Nebraska, which both showed was n leader among the states. Tho New York man highly Commended tho report and work here. Iter. W. II. Kearns, synodlcal superln- Undent, and Ilev. It, H. Houseman, edu cational superintendent, also made Im portant reports that evoked flattering comments. Nebraska n Lender. Dr. Mcdlffln's report showed Nebraska gaining ground In .all its missionary agencies and that It devoted more money per child for Sunday echool work than any other state. It recommended u sweeping evqngelUtlc (campaign this autumn and winter throughout the etato Tha chief feature of thja .report was to recommend ft continuance of the home mlatlon pel I elm pursued In Nebraska un der the present regime and also the con tinuance of the field leadership of Ilev. IV. H. Kcarn. The synod now has that report, which, with the motter of synodlcal college, form tho crux of In terest In this session. Both are on tho docket for disposition this afternoon. It was freely predicted that tho opposition to tho home missions policy would not be vigorous, but that tho, college question would entail a nharp contest. Bellevue'a friends are extremely anxious for equal recognition with Hastings. Moderator Stone Talk. Or. John Timothy Stone, moderator of tha general assembly, addressed the synod t night. Ho is making tho rounds of several western synods. rp Stone Is paMor of tha large Fourth Presbyterian church of Chicago, a young, vlgoroun man of magnetic force, who goes by the title of "a man's man." His election as moderator at Atlanta Wet May, It Is recalled, was spontane ous, and after the pips were set for one of four other men. Wlthoui, Dr. Stone's knowledge a protest agalna'. "ecclesiasti cal politics" arose and culminated In ht nomination, lie protested, but was elected, If BackacJhy or Kidneys Bother Xt 1ms meat, also take glas3 of Salts before eating-breakfast. ll - H'ffi JOHN TIMOTHY STONB. ffl Sensational Clothing Purchase Bringing the Year's Biggest Clothing Values to You at the Very Beginning of the Season Entire Surplus Stock of Levi & Markowitz, Manufacturers, 720 Broadway, New York It would bo absolutely Impossible for any storo buyer to go Into regular mar ket and buy clothes of th!a quality to soli at tho prices wo offer tbem to you Saturday. We secured them at a bij concession because the maker was anx ious to sell at once. Tho dlfferonce in price Is all In YOUR favor. Many a man who feols that ho does not want to spend very much for a suit or overcoat, hesitates at buying when ho takes a look at the "cheap" gar ments. That Is whore this sale is dif ferent. There 1b nothing below stand ard about these clothes but the prices. They look well, "feel well and wear well! ; j i ' If You Are Interested In a Saving of From $2.50 to $10.00 On Your Overcoat or Suit Attend This Sale anyway, being told flatly that whlle tho general assembly owes you nothing, you owe it everything." Ho well con cealed was the purpose to name him that It was not known generally until the nominator dropped the hint , this way; "I now nominate a man with all the tenderness and love of John, the fidelity of Timothy and tho strength of Peter."' and Peter meaning "stone," the nssemblv burst forth In cheers, and later awept the "dark horse" Into the chair as Its protest against "ecclesiastical politics," a thing that has played Its part, it Is said, In the present Nebraska synod. Adams Succeeds McBride as Surveyor Iouls 12. Adams, deputy county sur veyor In the office of the late George McUrlde, has been selected to succeed Mr. McDrlde ns county surveyor by tho Hoard of County Commissioners. An Informal decision mods by the members of the board will be confirmed by the appotntmont of Mr. Adams Saturday. Tho new county surveyor will servo tho unexpired portion of Mr. McBrldo's term, which, . by tho elimination of an election this fall was lengthened ono year from the present date. Mr. Adams has borne a considerable, part of the work of tho office recently on account of the Illness of Mr. MoBrldc and It was Partly owing to a deslro to pay Mr. Mc Urlde the compliment of continuing his methods of administration of ths office that tho hoard promptly named Mr, Adams to succeod his chief, although claims of a number of other candidates wore urged by their friends, Mr. Adams is an, Omaha boy who has made good, having lived in this city nearly nil his life. His home Is at 2910 fteward street. No announcement ,ha been nmdo as to who will bo deputy sur veyor. HastingsPresident ahcl Alumni Meet President n. fl, Crone and twenty nlumnl of Hastings college, who ure at tending tho Presbyterian synod In Omaha, mot at a dinner at the Young Men's Christian association and laid plans for a big homecoming at the coltego next spring. "Wo are rapidly going forward at Has tlugs," said rrestdent Crone, "and are now turning our minds to tho Important matter of deepening the collnge spirit the alma mater feeling among our former students and nlumnl. Wo expect a good tlmo next spring and other good -time growing out of It." Dr. Crone said completion of a new $200,000 endowment fund and the net In crease of 40 per cent in student enroll ment were big Incentives to Interest among all friends of the college. -MMWMMnHPMsVssM Hundreds of Men's Overcoats and Suits Actually Worth $ 12.50, Grouped Here at Just $9.75 The newer styles in wlnitcr overcoats are here. Score wif tho j ti, htttt-c .- r . . . i - Fv.m.k- ni j . i x.. . i 1 1 1 umiipnr irrMfin 111 iin rr I II II . - O- " mm uniwn U1U ..... I fancy aovclty mixture coata with belted backs, the curving shawl collars, as well as the convertible storm collars to be fastened' snug about the neck in bad weathcrT" Tho Iengthgare48 to 50 inches. All sites for all men. Yon would certainly declare these to be extra good overcoat values at $12.0Q We offer them at $Q75 gray worsteds and cheviots, M well' as serges in strines and ml: tures. English form fitting and conservative models stoutaand slims m well as all the regular sizes. Every stilt is very well tailored and will hold its shape! " Abt man wonld consider himself very fortu nate to get a salt aa good aa these at 918.60 Overcoats and Suits $17.50, $11.75 Mil SI I.MS Mnny. of tho overcoats have tho lnrgo shawl collars, many have belted backs, somo havo convertible storm collars. Prominent among ho warm, heavy fabrics aro the rough Chin chillas now so popular in more expensive coats aJl sizes, stouts and slims. All "wdbl Serge Sulta Worsteds and 'cheviots, In 2 and 3-button models. These aro positively 910.00 and 917.50 values. Overcoats and Suits worth to $25, $13.75 THE OVERCOATS include all the styles shown In the best overcoats fine Chinchillas with shawl col lars many long black overcoats with small pieced Persian lamb collar some plush and somo satin lined. Also novelty coats, belted or plain. THE SUITS Everything in 2 or 8-button models that you could hope to 'find in a regular line of the best J22 and $25 suits. Bargains like theao havo not been offered you by any store this, season. . ' ' Men's Bllp-On Rain Coata In All Wool Panama fabric. They wore madia to sell up to 913.60, and they come in all sites, at. , $6.98 Men'a Good Quality SHp-On Rain Coats. Every man needs one thte. fall. The coats In this group are in all sizes and worth up to 10, at '. $4.98 The Store That Outfits Boys BOYS m O Properly Old Store 2d Floor BELLEVUEY.M. C. A. SELECTS SPEAKERS FOR ITS COURSE Urto acta In meat excttn the -kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish, SJ.I.JL .n.l fJl Hit liimn. . r r,r, A rpi. urin. wm.. rio,,,i, h m.aa.- .. On0 ot ' Important factors r student Ute4. and you may be obliged lo seek ro-l "lf " " . " ' ,?? Y?""1 lief two or three times during the night ! "tn? Lhrl,kt'a" soc atlon. U Is a loXI When th, kidney, clog you must help' c!u,r ,of, h "M n organisation, them flush oft th body', urinous wast.; " ' ' However, or you'll be a real sick person shortly. V" ,C'l by i".? tudw,t8' At first you feel a dull misery In the kid. ! rln1g,,!uf ,he J-hrlttar 'J ? vln more W region, you surfer from backache. I forclMr ho, would be possible a-lok headche. dltilncss. stomach gets M Bll' otl,tr woy- T,u "Ph chosen our. tongue coated and you feel rheu-, y, lhB cWnr fw the fall term aro as matlo twinges when the jveather Is bad. 1 September IS, Ituymortd Jones; East less meat, drink lots of waterj 8,,,,,mber a Coac, Thrqwj October 2, also get from any pharmacist four ounce. Jnton Cleveland! October 18 . OrrU of Jad Halts; take a tablespoonful In aPNcbb; 0,,obr IS. conference report; glass of water before breakfast for B!ctobr lr. Stookey; November 0, few days and your kMneya will then' 0110 Ur"u- November IS, Jlr. Orchard act fine. This famous salts Is made from of Cou, Dluffs Nonpareil-, Novem. the add of craDeji and lemon lulc. pom.t utr 1 u' Unman, btned with llthia, and has been used for genn-atlpna to clean clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity, also to neutralize the adds In urine, so It li no longer a source of Irritation, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad 8aU Is Inexpensive, cannot In SUITS at tpJ Every sulta M.50 to 5 val ue; many sulta have two paira fully lined pants; strictly al wool fabrics, In twoods, cheviots and casal niereu: gray, browns tans In plain or fancy .mixtures; not a suit in the lot worth leva than 14.50 to $B, at. ... i JUVENILE SUITS at- y nixturea; ,$3i5 $3- For smaller boys: strictly all wool serges, In blue, red and brown; also all wool twqc-dB and caealmeres In gray and brown; Russian and blouse styles; $4.50 to $6 values. $4H BOYS SUITS at Strictly all wool fabrics for winter wear; splendidly tai lored; pants fully lined; Beams aro reinforced. Home spuns, cassimeree and tweeds gray, brown, bluo and tan, in plain or fancy weaves not a suit worth Icbs man g.&o to ah $7.50 Some 0! A UO have 2 pairs... u'j ot panta BOYS' $5.00 OVERCOATS $3- LONG PANTS SUITS FOR BOYS $7- BELLEVUE GIRLS NOW ' HAVE SPINSTERS' CLUB A new organization has been started at llellevue college which has caused miirh pnmmAnl .iVw.tit lit. I. Ill . Ti7J.i T u i, V "c 'v"" roclety among ........ o.ciiuuu .liuum Vnntn.ll take now and then to keep the kidneys young ladles designated aa ot the clean and active. Druggists here sav IS"',::,' . ,or they Mll lou ot Jad Halt, lo folk, wno fdm,Ml" rf ,.b.t the PPMnt must bellev. 1 overcoming kidney trouble 0" na fid. JZ , , . " whtl. it l- only trouble WwtiWm.nL.h1 1' lr1?'8 1 j , i .t Tho membership has not been disclosed THAT BIG SALE of BLANKETS BRANDEIS STORES NEXT MONDAY WatcK Sunday Paprs as yet, nnd great curiosity Is shown by ine uninitiated, the boys especially. It lis supposed to be an outgrowth ot a j Rotation club started tome tlmo ago by the boyt. Fixing: the UUuie. "Aunt'c, Vii,tu Vuu ..1.0 a vount clrl es. my child, very pretty." Wero you popular?" I ..f" 9.h- yl 1eJy vPop.H!."r' 1 wa the belle ! of the tulghborhood." . I xan V un. un men ever come to '.V.h m" lota of them." "Then, auntl. whv t. tt ih.i imarrledr ' "" ,dear"bly eVer proP,wd t0 " niy 1 "Why not?" ; "I don't know. Hut I've often thought It must havi hiii th. m.i, . ...f"' Dlutiiuilntfirf the crow4 wm Intent. iSLreei c.r cm lu,1 cnt. ambulances clanged, fire engines ruinbled by. tu' I m' lent-remalned. Ti'mS ,d- .J100" hour, lunch hour. 1 Then' the sturdy holsters haull the dangling safe Into an open window Nothing had happened. The crowd, deeply regretful, cam. awar lweland Tlaln Pealr " awar' Strictly all wool fabrics, in serges, casslmeres and home spuns, In tan, browns and grays; Norfolk or regular coat models; ages 15 to 19; 10 and 112.50 values. Furnishings For Boys Strictly All Wool S.rr Xfelekexbockefg, ftOly UtttA. ai ,,..... ......... .9i,eo Tb. K.w Velvet Cord uxor raats, Talaea, at tlO Boys' 8o Bloasa Waist., at ao Oatlar.H'a QnClssp ZJatd Kid aiov.s, 80a 4Baltty, 39o Every new model for winter wear In strictly all wool fab rics; chinchillas, in blue .and gray, veloura in light gray, dark gray and brown mix tures; nobby models with shawl collars, velvet collars or convertible collars; belts all around or aa ac V4 belte: every FmJ.UO one a 5 val- J in. nt I Underwear Purchase We Secured the Surplus Stock From a Prommeat Uader wear Mills and Offer You Big Values Saturday Men's Lambs' Wool Undershlrta and Drawers in tan, gray and scarlet; worth 82 a garment; Saturday on rnan floor, old store, at, garment. Men'a Natural Gray and Camel's Flair Wool Undershlrta and Drawers; values to $1.28; Saturday in old store at, garment. $n5 89c Munslng Union Suits for men at SI to 8S.S0. Larg est distributors for this fa mous underwear In the west. Wright's ' Celebrated Union Sulta, mostly Bamples.$1.15 Lambs' Down Fleeced Union Suits at 08c 11 . Sample Sweaters . For Men and Boys Greatly Underpriced Wool and Worsted Sweater Coata, V neck style, also tho large rough neck and Byron collar mod els; tan, Oxford, maroon and plain color, fancy trimmed; values to 84, at SHIRTS Men's new Fall Shirts from big purchase ; all high grade; 90c, $1.15 SHIRTS Men's New Fall Shirts, big va rieties, worth to 11.00, at eoh B80 and 75o Men"a 811k Hose, worth to 80c. at aio aiena Lasie nose, worth 25c, at, pair .ISO wen a 11 xxecawear, open end styles and four-in-hands, special. .76o Men's 76c Neckwear,, fall styles and patterns, Saturday, special 6O0 Mens Winter and Fall Gloves, lined, unltnod, worth to 11.60, at.'.'seo Boys' Gauntlet Gloves very special values Saturday. ,aso, Boo 7So Men' Flannel Shirts brown, blue, tan and ray 12 values, at 98c Men'a Cuff. Turn Shirts, the newest Idea In shirts. . . ,1.50 and A0O 1 WW DIETZ REPDSESTO SELL OUT This May Force an Issue as to the Water Board's Power. HOWELL WOULD FORCE SALE Una Had Appraisers Fls Value., but Diets Has an Offer of T0O More nn Aerr Diets Snys He Will FUht In Court. By refusing to soil a section of the old Griffin farm at Forty-second and Grover street to the metropolitan water district for a reservoir site Gould Diets has chat lenved General Manager II. Beecher How ell to a teat of the Water board's power or eminent domain, a question which would ultimately Involve the constitu tionality of the metropolitan water dis trict law. General Manager Howell bad his ap praisers fix a value on the property at Forty-second and Grover streets. Basing his proposal on the report ot these ap praisers Howell road an offer to Diets. Ignoring the fact that C. N. Diets haq propoutd to purchase the property a price STO) an acre above Howell's fut ures Diets told tho general mananer he would not sell at any price. This reservoir would-be locatrd In the middle of the Diets land, and Diets says he not only does not desire a reservoir there, tut has no Inclination to sell his property Ho lold the Water board boss to try to force hint to sell and threat ened at the first move of the board to ward exerclslns Its alleged right of emi nent domain to go to court himself and "knock the metropolitan water district law sky high." John I Webster, attorney for the Water board, has advised delay, believ ing that It precedents are. established the courts would hesitate to hold that the Water board has no right of eminent domain under the metropolitan water district law. Delay in bringing this mat ter, as well as several others, to a test in the courts haa been on advice of At torney Webster. The Water board, Howell and Webster are ot the opinion that no matter how weak a vessel the metropolitan water district law Is the courts will contrive to make It good It the people permit the board to operate for a year or two under It without Interference. COAL DRIVER INJURED AND HORSE KILLED BY BOX CAR Joe Byrpes, coal driver for A. U Berg, qulst. ZSU Q street, was injured about the back Thursday afternoon at Twenty seventh and li streets aa the result ot a collision with a boxcar- Byrne ,tii bucking his team out of the coal yard when tha boxcar Is said to have come flying down the track, killing one of the horses and throwing the driver to the ground. Byrnes wa sent home. Key to ttje Situation Be Advertising. ACTED BEYOND AUTHORITY So Declares Judge Baker in Refer ence to Judge Foster. SHOULD ACT WITHIN THE LAW I'olUe Department pbjets to Man ner In Which Prisoners Are Treated While Waiting- a Chance to Appeal. City Corporation oounsel Ben S. Baker. In a written opinion submitted to Chief ot Police Henry W. Dunn today, holds that Police Judge Charles Foster acted without legal authority when he In structed a police sergeant to Incarcerate Kdward Bexton. a druggist. In the "bull pen" at the city Jail pending the prepara tion of an appeal bond. Chlot of Detectives 8teve Maloney asked Chief Dunn tor assurance of "decent treatment" for men arrested by detectives and police and fined In police court. Bexton was fined UOO. His brother, con nected with a national bank here, asked that the druggist be not confined V jail "with burns," but allowed to go free for an hour or so until an appeal bond could be prepared. Judge Foster Insisted on throwing the drvgglst Into the "bull per" Judge Baker told Chief Dunn, "It Is not within the power of the police judge to designate In which part ot the Jail such person shall be confined, The court ex hausts Its power when it orders and directs that such person be. confined in JalL" Informally the Judge declared that the appearance bond held good until committment was Issued. The appeal bond would have been prepared boforo such commitment was Issued, the latter usually being issued after court adjourns. Chief Dunn said: "This department does not want to get Into any row with the police Judge, but It Is time we had some assurance that respectable and established citizens would be given the privileges to which they aro entitled by law. Bexton was convicted of selling cocaine. Whether he sold it or not he was ready to give bond and there waa no Just reason why he should have tion of the bond. There is too much pc-r-aonal feeling shown In dealing with police court cases." Mlaht Have Been Worse. A young woman from the west wn making a visit to an old seaport tow" ho".? sZSl WWIe 'v.ngPw,tht0r "What Is the dltt of .all these people?" Whh,;n,MU30 r"Ponded the man. .hnn. ?poke tn5 westerner. "1 thought fish waa a brain food. These, n i,he most unintelligent look- :ng reonle 1 ever saw." "Welt." replied the host, "Just think of what they would look I: kc If the v didn't eat flh!"-Harpe-a Weekly, y Feel Fine! Liver Cleans Stomach Sweet, Bowels Active -"Cascarets" Dime a Box Cascareta make you feel bully; they Immediately cleanse and sweeten the stomach, remove the sour, und gested and fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from the liver and carry off tha constipated waste matter and poison from the bowels. A Cascaret to night atralghtena you oat by morning a 10-cent box from, any druggist keeps your Stomach regulated, Head clear and Liver and Bowels In tine condition fo. months. Don't forget the children. NJOWl PRICE 10 CENTS! S CARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP. 1