6 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1913. 4 This $45.00 Chase Leather UNI FOLD BED DAVENPORT $AJ50 Women's and Misses' Stylish Suits. Coats and Dresses On Sale Saturday at a Big Saving Suits at $17.50 Just 200 in the lot; 100 aro suits selected from our own regular stock; 100 are sam ples Just bought at a big discount, every wanted color and now styles In women's and misses' sizes aro to be found. Compare these suits with those shown olsewhero at $25 to $35 special for Saturday $17.50 Dresses at $14.75- Thcso dresses Just arrived aro the prettiest of tha season'B styles; materials are French sorgo, crepo do chine, poplin, oponge, eta; collar and cuffs aro neatly trlmmod with silk and laces; all the now draped styles. $20.00 and $22.50 values, A FECIAL AT $14.75 Coats at $15.00 A largo collection of smart now coats for women and misses Just recclvod in scores of clever new styles and materials, three quarter and full length stylos; somo are all lined. You must see these coats to ap preciate tholr actual value. Special for Saturday $15.00 Skirts at $5.00 One hundred samples and one hundred from our own regular stock, novelty checks, serge, etc. The styles nre too nu merous to describe. $7.50 to $10.00 values Sl'KCIAL AT $5.00 i XKW SPOHT COATS Just received, made of various materials, Including- all tho now popular shades, especially priced at $10.00 $12.50 815 and up to. . .$25.00 J , AFFAIRS ATJOUTH OMAHA Toliceman Dworak Given Suspension by Board Members. SALOON KAN HELD NOT GUILTY I.uckr roHnd Not to Ilnyc Hold Out of Hoars CnnnlnRtinin's Case Tnken Under Aavlsemrnt by Hoard. After nil tho Ions' waiting and the tre mendous effort to fire Pollteman John Dworak, tho Hoard of Fire and Police Commissioner ypnterdoy ' evenlliE savwt Its' face .by hsjisjnt a 'suspension on Dworak for hclrir off his beat without permission. As was also forecasted, 8a loonman t It- -I.ucke was 'found not guilty of soUIrm out of hours. Tjis estcwwjh'Vrd came to.'Wf wpif.nt dec!en eSr' fter a lorjf ngony. It appears Ofrftsr nwB'c was to hayo too much treubwybut when the ' s tried Dwornk hsds! , tH evWrice hls way on rar-prjfe-anu- tommis loi.fr Oohahun, wfya filed tho .chances.; was una.b( togft any cprroboratlon for his side of t)i 4 eass.' Tlien residents of Hrewn Park bean to take a most Un partlnent Interest In the affair and the board kept putting off the decision until yesterday. But anyway, Dworak was punished and; being; that he has a large family, It Is thought the suspension will Sirs much comfort to the board for Ha unswerving execution of the, law against Dworak. As Is usutd, the board took the cas of 8aloonman X Cunningham under advise ment The toard, according to Mayor Sfoctor, also approved a set ot rules for the firs department. He said n. set had been approved for the police department Ust' spring. It la doubtful, however, whether any printed copies havo been put Ints, the hands of ,the polios or firemen. Mayor Hoclor said that he had com municated, with Chief of Police llrlsss, who wouia' arrange for a night patrol man in the tHeirlct'.south of Q street from Thirtieth to Thirty-sixth street. The Mayor aatd he had been persuaded of Uie necessity for sych a. course. Resi dents of the section says that they are. nbflutl- without police protection and that Utterly they have been terrorised at night by drunken men brandishing re rolyera and discharging firearms. It Is understood that one member of the board has signified his unwlDlngnesa to give tho taxpayers petitioning for police protection any consideration. Msyor Hoctor stated yesterday evening that he had an awful time at the meet ing- of the police board, but he did not go Into detail on the matter. the cultivation of fruit tftroughout the ttate of Illinois. Sooth Omnhn BottIIbk. JHTTEH'S OLD AQE. 1st. 2d. Fitzgerald 173 IK Koch 1S6 14 Hrlgg 109 120 Peterson , , 169 IS Hall ,. 174 110 Totals 783 770 THE WHITE SOJt. 3d. 190 149 1K 1J9 Tot K3 4M 878 473 817 2,400 1,1 if ruse 4 ,20J IxKjpey,. ... ! Ilundcock 167 Straw .v.- IBS Claybourne J76 Totals KA Handicap 4 :d. 130 ir.t its m 789 , 4 S.l. 13S 1S4 IDS 165 147 Tot 4M 613 4C3 610 833 2.484 4 12 2d. 141 116 100 119 158 Jd. 'Tot. lM m 144 163 103 13 293 376 S&0 493 693 2,043 32 726 139 Tlal S55 783 837 2,498 CUWIN8 TAII.OItS. -...' lt. 2d. 3d. Tot I"ner 1W 168 168 433 f?I8 1 16 4S0 Culklns its m in; ij ohnon Aa IIS -.ill To.tal 740 80S 28 . UNCLE BAM'S VKTS. Olson i , ... isi yhipie ,r !..::. Il J,100" -t - IBS Handicap ......,,..,. 33 , 33 Tol'a 7S mK Magic City Oosslp.' hMerrWt a" raodcrni baIthf SXflZ06 Nor.th Jl,t-.6 roon and oath, modern except heat Inquire at sio. The wbmeh of the First fctethodUt lociuSn! TenouT.r27;ab,e- WeM knWn mL" S1,Jncp. Thursday noon. Octobe ?i..-.-Vnr,a A. Und ana Miss Dertha ..-..111,, umn 01 mis city. roclol.,Bia '" "'rt, lrle- wr" If..iint? r a "urprlso party Tuesday evening by u number of friends. n 1" hoi?h;r,,n,i'!!L ,nJPr?v Cassidy hallT Fortieth 1nU Q streets. " iffii.!?!11-?1.? Syhnelder. former KANSAS IMAGERY SCORES I.opomotlre Itendllfftit Brlchtena Toirn an Honr Defore Ileaoh Insr the Station. Apple Dr at Swift's. It was apple day yesterday at Swift i; Co.' plant In all part" of the United States. It Is arrangod that every em ploye ot Swift & Co. be supplied with fine eating apples. James, Handley was the originator ot cpple day, he having done more perhapa than any one other Individual to have such a day thoroughly established all over the country, originating In the state ot Illinois, and has been carried out at Hwjft Co.'s plant at South Omaha for the last six year At Chicago where the day Is com memorated apples are given away to school children. The Idea U to promote i?iSi .Lot Ua achool board, was op erated upon yesterday at St. Joseph" hospital -tor appendicitis. -"wepn hT.h n.!1."0!?.1 of aorgo Mcllrlde -will be 1..- ls afternoon at.t o'clock at hi mrnt Hill bo mado In Forest Lwn ceme- Marrled-Kolterman-Congdon. at tho rt?idn of th. bride's plre.jia. Sr. and Jlra. John Condniv 11m xj-.u niL. "... Si.k .-k,w,.I Ko'efnin of Tekamah, . rtgnea uontion. Dr. Wheeler pronouncing the marriage lluea! Julia lieprex. three and one-halt vears ?' w. dKhter of Mr. and Mn . Itenry SML?Jtr,:uy"te"i,,jy afternoon. The SMidrth, X'L diphtheria. The fu f.eral will la held Friday afternoon at 4 Si-llS at the liy residence t" Bt arya cemetery. Tftung Mau-We lia.ve been digging for Iff 'iAl evS' odd ut and broken L,lt JLn I5".!ljrnn5t0" I'Ut a farewell ? 1. iV ; . Q m""'r wlat your vni mpii it i i -r .Z "KIU1 particular jou Mill find clothes you want on our odd ;!.iJtt.?k!' nl.'0' "d. them priced i.uijr low. mere u a lot of young stuff. Bring the boys and rl; we'll vou"imon'y Jhlr clothe and glvo you good goods. W make ladles' suits and cojUb to order and guarantee fit and satisfaction and the prices are not more , 2,n?'ii. ha,vo t0 Py ff ready-made, IL'kiiPi iwJLQ hav "inn's figure your bill John Flynn & Co. Tyrone, a little town Just over the Kansas border In the northwestern pan handle ot Oklahoma, bids defiance to Hit Standard Oil company when John P. Rockefeller raises the price of kerosene to meet the cost of a court fine. Hort the women wash "and wipe the suppei dishes with electricity, though there lv not an electric light plant within forty miles of the village. From 7 to 9 o'clock each evening the dozen homes of Tyrone are lighted b the great headlight 6f a Itock island passenger train, and the story tit a trav eling man's discomfiture and the '32 It cost him for cigars for the men of the town explains the. distinction held by this 1 anhandle metropolis. J, P. Bancroft, representing a Kansas City house, had been sent down here 'to establish a new customer. .He had flHi (shed his wprk and Intended to take, a' night train back to Uperal..- With a hall dozta men Bancroft sat In the hotel I elcony plnylng cards. He .looked down the track and saw a great headlight looming up. He made a rush for his grips and yelled 'to the boy to take them over to the depot quick. Ilancroft rushed up to the ticket window and demanded a tllket to Liberal. "How's1 thlsT" he said to the agent. "1 thought this train wasn't due tor an 1'our, and here she la not a mile away?" "Mister," the agent replied, "you had better go back to the hotel nnd buy cigars for that bunch. I guess this U your first trip down hero. That head light Is just forty-nine miles atoy. you've got nearly an hour to finish that ame of pinochle. "This Is tho longost stretch of straight track In the United States-seventy miles clear across the psnhandle without a, curve. You see, that house over therel That's where 'I live. I don't have to light up until after 9 o'clock wlntet nights. About twilight tho Oolden State limited looms up about Texhoma nnd sht shines right Into my kitchen window foi an hour, finally getting so bright that my wife has to pull the curtain, and ten minutes behind her comes 34, and It talies her seventy minutes to got by with her light. "It's a great saving 'for me. and m wife now won't wash dishes by any. thing but electrlo light. I never have to call the 'dispatcher to get the time on trains. I climb to the root of the sta tlon. get a Una on the headlight and make up my board accordingly. "-Nen York Sun. IT'S DOUBLE USE When closed, to all appearances the Unlfold Is a handsome davenport, and when opened (It is a full sized comfortable bed, thereby giving-you two articles In one. THE HANDSOME FRAME Th frame Is bettor than tho Illustration In view of the fact that the euds are solid lnstaad of open. It Is finished la American quartered oak. SPECIAL TERMS: $2.50 Cash; $2.00 Monthly DURABLE UPHOLSTERING It Is upholstered in black chase leather of a fine grade that neither heat or moisture will af fects. In many respects it is superior to real leather. THE PRICE AND TERMS Our great buying ability makes it possible for us to offer you this wonderful value at this low price on the exceptional easy terms. (Does not includo mattress.) weavers are piece workers; that is, they aru paid so much for every "end"' (thread) in the cloth they weave. Why.' then. It may bo asked, haji tho Incrt-axed productivity of the mills due to "doubllnci Un" loom not lnrrVBJ)l Ihr, nrorli.r'.' I earning capacity? . Almost synchronously with the adop tlon of high producing looms a process was perfected by which llk cou d be weighted tr "dynamited," as It Is called, wun auuitcrants which hnve added to Its volume and gave it a heavy, smooth quality, pleasing to the touch, while shortening the life of the fabric This weighted silk ha come Into general use,! as It can bo sold much more cheaply than the puro material. It runs through tho1 looms faster than the unadulterated ar-' ttcte, but as It contains fower threads ot silk, and as tho' weavers' wajres depend, on the number of threads woven, it can bo seen why wages did not no un when with weighted silk. Gregory Mason In tha high speed looms came Into the Industry Outlook. Renewal" Oil, 1 Q Special, a bottle, leC sa stmniH mm tiin rnniwi'TW"' M.r;.iv" 1 i sss WHAT TflE FIGHT IS ABOUT Machinery . Dynamite Fabric, and CheMfi Labor In American ' Silk Mills. Quick Help to Dnrkache and Rhea, mntlntn. The msn or woman who wants quick help from backache and rheumatism will find 'It In Foley Kidney Pills. They act So quickly and with such trood effect that weak, Inactive kidneys that do not keep the blood clean and free of the im purities that cause these symptoms, are toned up and strengthened to healthy. vigorous action. You cannot take Foley Kidney Pills Into your system without having good results. Contain no habit forming drugs. For salo by all dealers everywhere. Advertisement Persistent Advertising is tho Jlosd to Big Returns. Gold Coin . Base Burners Cut yonr fuel bills this win tor by buyl'jg a Gold Coin Dasoburner Remember, they give you one-third more heat on ono-third less fuel. They are within tho roach of all. Priced as low For a Splendid Vf! 1 3 Splei v $8.58 Soft Goal Heater 7Qn for This $1.50 1 3" Cedar Oil Mop These mops have very long fillers with enough oil on them to last several months; come with long handles. $24.50 SIS STEEL RANGE as $29.50 Completo with upper warm- i n.g c 1 o so t, durable nickel trimmings and,' guaran tood,! baking ,oven.f Special Dis play of Modern and Howard Over-Draft Heaters Wife TO RELIEVE RHEUMATISM the body-watte producing uric acid mat fee gradually arrt$ted and the blood purified. Correct diet is eeritiaL Abstain from Its and anythlns containing mlrnVml. Bt only once a day and take SCOTT S EMULSION for avary meal. " K0TTS EMULSION makes new Wood free , from die ioionoua Droducta which irritat tUm joints and Muscles; its medicinal force relieves the enlarged, sURened joints; sw mwm. SC0TTS EMULSiON stimulate the forces to aqm tisc potsoAeus adds by its con :eitrUd nouristuAg properties. PkvicUuu etMrvwAare Draierl $cott'$ Emulate fmr rummatum EVatRY DftUGGMT HAS IT. km UW 41 To understand the tTlevnnco ot the em ployes ot the broad silk nnd ribbon fso tortes, which constitute 90 i?r cent ot tho silk r4ahts In Patereon, N. J It Is' necessary to go back nearly twenty years. In the middle '90s a hlsh juveed loom ' was perfected which could b run by' women. Immediately fcr-alghted capital ists, banklnr on the fact that women would work tor lower wages than men, opened factories In Scranton, Dethlehem, AUentown. Easton and; other Tennsyl-' van! a cities and towns where the men were employed in mines, steer- plants, railways and farms, and where there was a large available supply of feminine labor. Silk manufacturing boomed In Pennsyl vania, and to keep In the race for profits,' Paterson manufacturers were obliged to adopt the tactics of their rivals. Women came into the. mills of the Jersey town and wages dropped. Tho men faced the alternative ot working tor women's wages or losing their' Jobs. Tha Ingenuity of msn Is boundless when profits are concerned. Halt a century i ago each weaver operated a single loom. I Later It - was found that a man could manage two looms, and more recently the three and four loom systems were adopted In many ml'.ls. Successively as thesa steps were taken people were thrown out ot work and the competition of labor be came greater. Anotlier drop In wages followed. While this waa taking plaos, looms were wjdtn4d and lengthened, and the double-deck loom was devised. 1 In factories tn which the four-loom ys-' tern ts employed a worker today controls! four looms of thirty-six Inches wide; that Is. he does the work that eight men with' elghteen-lnch single looms would have ac-' compllshed fifty year ago. Mills that' are still on tlw twp-lopin ytem have been forced by (he Jaw nf economic to cut prices to the standard ot thlr cotn ; peUtors. It should bo understood that t. ' V If you haven't that prosperous appearance, you are losing out and it is your own fault make a change at once now come down to the Union and get those stylish, well made, up-to-the minute clothes for you and your family. ONE DOLLAR ft WEEK COVERS THE WHOLE BILL HERE'S GOOD NEWS FOR THE MEN FOLKS Saturday we offer a special lot of men's suits in fancy striped worsteds. and serges. ninC-4 A7C nfninn -Vi m rvf rrrrA Tfalnoo o 4-S I W Mir oil luu iigviut cva;u vaiuio u (. $l8.uu ana w u.uu, out lor Sat urday only . ... ... . 12 HERE'S BETTER HEWS FOR THE WOMEN FOLKS Special sale of Ladies' High Grade Suits stylishly made in the latest fashion come in diagonal, serge and cheviot materials; all lined with Skin- tier a stum, nicy mjm mm "f JP are wonderful val- IT fl ues, worm irom o.uu to $30.00; Saturday, your cnoico ior , . TO PAYMENTS ASKED WHEN ILL OR OUT OF WORK, AND YOUR ACCOUNT CLOSED IF THE BREAD WINNER DIES. Mil's Shots aniHats Sold ou easy payments at cash storo prices. Lat est styles and patterns. r SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK ABSOLUTELY. Special Reduction in Ladies' Millinery This includes many spe cial pattern hats and all our regular stock. sk Everybody reads The Bee. Aavertisers can cover umana wun one paper