Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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    llll's WMAUA, SAlUKUAl', (KTOBKK 18, 1913.
Jo Cowards Among Officers or Crew,
' Says Volturno's Matter,
Before Cnptnln Climbs Dorrn Itn
Com Orer Ship to See If Any
Left Allre, but rind
Onlr III Dor.
jNEW YORK, Oct. 17.-Krancla Inch,
the boyish-looking Briton, who com
rnindel the burned steamer Voltumo
came to port tonight bringing- with him
eighty-seven survivors, passengers and
crew, of his Ill-fated vessel. Ills storr
of the disaster. In which 135 Uvea were
lost, had preceded htm by wireless, but
In a cabin of the Kroonland which
bi ought him here. Inch told his tale in
simply phrased and modestly spoken de
tail that described mora vividly then the
wireless could picture the panorama of
the Volturno's loss and the rescue of
moro than SCO of those It had on board.
Cowardice there was none, on the Vol
tumo, either among officers or crew.
Inch said. There was no rush of seamen
which made It necessary for him to warn
hero back with his revolver. His
volver was in a drawer in his cabin and
it burned with tha ship. And no one on
board drew a revolver. These statements
he intended should refute the stories told
by steerage .passengers who arrived yes
terday on the . Grosser KurfuersL
1'rnUr for All.
The Volturno's master besides defend
ing his own officers and men said he had
no criticism to make of tho tactic of any
of the boats that stood by. . "Tho Car
mania did Its best, tho samo as the
others," ho suld. "Thero Is nothing but
praise for everyone. I did not expeot a
boat could live in those seas when the
Carmanla and the other first, few ships
I'ame 'up."
Tho Carman! did drop a boat. Inch de
clared, but it could not get near for the
Volturno drifted faster than the crw
could row. Tater the Carmanla sent off
a life raft, but it drifted across the Vol
turno's bow and disappeared. More than
that, the Carmnnla could not do, said
Eighteen cabin and' two Bteerage pas
sengers entered the first lifeboat that
ventured to leave tho Volturno. Only
enough, of the crew stepped In to man It,
said Inch; they did not rush to it and it
was not crowded, Entangling Itself in its
after tackle. It capsized. All In it were
drowned except Chief Officer Miller and
a steward, who climbed into It a(ter "
had righted and were rescued. Into the
next boat went thirty passengers and
ten sailors. This boat got away fell right
but lias not been heard from. The third
boat took, off forty, ten of them Bailors.
As It settled Into tho water ten more
Jumped aboard from the Volturno's deck.
A, wave swept It under the Volturno's
stern. "It Just sat on it and crushed
It 'out of sight," said Inch. "The bos'n
lived and woo tho only one to escape."
Three Explosions.
Inch denied reports of. rotting tackle
arid fire hose and ot unsafe Hfoboots,
saying all- of. these articles were In good
condition, He counted .oqly three ex.
plosions, 'the last one wrecking wheel and
co'mpass so that a hondgeor had to be
rigged up.
Inch denied stories ot steerage ,pasen
gers thai people were swepl overboard
and babies were trampled on while being
rescued by the Grosser Kurfuerst's first
boat that came in response to Lloyd's
trrand. Officers urged men and women
to Jump overboard, for the lifeboat could
not get near enough for them to be low
ered into it None dared to Jump. "Show
them how to Jump," Inch told his crew.
Two at a Umo they leaped over the rail.
When passengers saw them reach the
lifeboat they followed them into the. sea.
With boat hooks and oars some were
rescued. Others went to their deaths.
No women were removed in this way.
''Before I climbed down I went over
the ship to see it any one remained,"
Inch said. "The fire had eaten Its way
beyond amidships under the decks. I
found no one alive, though there were
bodied in the forecastle, men who had
been cut off and burned to death; I went
to the r&jl with my dog, wrapping it in
a blanket. I leaned over, 'here,' I said,
'catch my baby,' I dropped the dog into
the arms of a Kroonland officer in the
lifeboat. He opened the blanket tenderly.
'Why, It's a dog,' he said. "I thought it
was your kid. "
Smoked All the Time.
Inch's three "kids" and their mother
are in London. One of his first acts
upon arriving here was to send them a
cablegram. Their father went thirty-six
hours without eating or drinking, refus
ing to leave the work of fire-fighting. "I
smoked, smoked about all the time,
cigars, pipes, cigarettes, anything I could
get." Inch said, A blast of heat blinded
his eyes with pain, and the skin peeled
from his face when he received his first
medical attention after being rescued.
Theyv had to drop 'cocaine, into his eyes
oeiore ne couia-see again.
Among' tho survivods on the Kroonland
were three children, the whereabouts of
heir parents unknown.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. .
Cleanses Your Hair
Makes It Beautiful
t becomes thick, wavy, lustrous and
all dandruff disa ppoara XIal r
top coming out-
Surely try a "Danderine Hair Cleanse"
if you wish to Immediately double tha
beauty of your hair. Just moisten a
eloth' with Danderine and draw it care
fully, through your hair, taking one
tmalt strand at a time; this wil cleanse
the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive
elf in a few mlnutea you will be amazed.
Tour hair will be wary, fluffy and
tbundant and possesses an Incomparable
loftntsai luster and luxuriance.
Besides beautifying the hair, one ap
plication' of Danderine dissolves every
particle of dandruff; Invigorates the
icalp, stopping itching and falling hair.
Danierlne Is to the hair what fresh
Ibowers of rain and sunshine are to
vegetation. It goes 'right to the roots,
tnvtgpratss and strengthens them. Its
sxhilarating, stimulating and life-producing
properties cause the hair to grow
long, strong and beautiful.
Tou can surely have pretty, soft.
Vistrlous hair, and lots of it, if you wTO
Just get a X cent bottle of Knowlton's
Danderine from any drug store or toilet
Counter and try It as directed.
Women Who Know the Value
of Good Clothes Will Find Here
Just Whit They Are Looking For
And will find Saturday two special lots ot suits undorprlcod for
that day alone. They consist ot strictly tailored, demt-tallored and
fancy suits. In the now style kinds of slashed skirts, draped skirts,
elephant sleeves, elongated shoul
ders, sash effect and Russian
typos, in broadcloth, gorges,
cponges, brocades, diagonals, two
tones and cheviots, In black, nary,
French bluo, mahogany, Russian
green and seal brown,
$232 ,1( $3P
Berg Suits Me
Women's Dresses In scores ot new
models, reduced in price greatly
for Saturday's selling afternoon
and street dresses, also a nice as
sortment ot party frocks. Styles
in long and short sleevos, modicl
collars, high and low collars. The
new UIoubo typos and mandarin
sleeves, In all the newest colors
and fabrics; Saturday only
Coat Special for Saturday Ship-,
ments have arrived on every ex
press tho past weok and it's a
splendid assortment we have for
Saturday's Bale. Plushee, boucles,
two tones, matelosso. diagonals
nnad Balkan lamb. In i cutaway length and stylos: solid colors
and two-tone effocts; trimmed with buttons, frogs and pipings of
self material or velvet; some aro featured with the new elephant
sleeves; two prices $14.75 and 32250
For a Better Acquaintance and
Further Introduction to Our
New Millinery Department
We aro going to sell Saturday two grades of t high
quality Triminod Hats at unmatchablo prices. Thoso hats,
from every point of viow, are well worth double tho prico
we ask. Thoy aro all popular stylos of hand mado hats,
boautifully trimmed in volvot and volour in all tho now
colors, and if your thoughts aro inclined toward a styl
ish appearance at a very niodorato cost we would con
sider it a favor for a visit to our now department.
$9.50 values,
Saturday. . . ,
$12.00 values,
Step Into This live Store Any Day
and lot us show you clothes
that will interest you.
They aro tailored by mon
who uso thoir heads as well
ns thoir hands, and they aro
fnshiouod from woolens of
storling purity.
"We will help you with
your seloction and when you
see yoursolf m the suit of
your choico you will ox-
olaun: "Just what 1 wanted
and never found until now!"
And, no matter tho prico vou
euro to pay whether it's
$18, S20 or $25
it's bound to bo a suit that
dresses you in splendid
tnsto and adds a dash of
ginger to your appearanco
that ovory man can stand.
We haven't time to toll
you about our overcoats.
Wo can only say that wo
have about throo models to
anyone else's one
$15.00 to $48,00
Saturday Sals of Drsssy New Waists
Crepo do chino, chiffon, shadow lace and
mossaline, in colors' to match th( fto DC
fall suits; sizes 34 to 44,
values to $6.50. Saturday
Spicial Waist Sale
Waists of lingerie, lawn, mulle, voile,
trimmed with laco embroidery and inser
tion, in high and low neok stylos; also
sateen and soisotto tailored waists in black
only, with dainty white collar and QE
cuffs, $L50 values, your choice OwC
Special prices arc tho order of the day in
our new ready-to-war Woman's Dept.
Smart New Models in Boys' Fall Suits
Snappy designs in double-breasted1 and Norfolk styles. Somo havo extra trousors,
and all aro boautifully tailored garments of long wear and stylish matorial, $2.50,
$3.50 $4.00 $5.00 $6.50 and up.
Sweater Ooats, $1.00 and up. Heavy Union TFnderwoar, 45c up. Caps, cto.
Correct Dress for Men and Wemen
Men's Furnishings
This dopartmont has a wonderful showing
bn... $1.00 to $5.oo
$1.00 to $3.50
Qlovos from. . . .$1.15 on special, and up
Min's Hits
Thero aro so many good Hats in this
store that you will havo no trouble in find
ing ono to suit you from' $200 to $5.00,
or up to $12.00 for the boat Stetson,
Mas. WimsloWs itooraiMO Bracr hu beca
UtSe beet rcastsy for DlARJtHOU- It U b-
WluWi SMthis Syrup." o4 t so
Is'ii f TwlrlTtTH'T-W)i
(Continued from Pua One.)
wrt, vnurt today's disaster cave rise to
a feeling" of consternation in Berlin,
whose public had within a weeK Deen
saddened by the loss of many Oerman
passengers on board "the burned Volturno
and by accounts of the terrible mining1
catastrophe In Wales.
Thn dlrlelhla before It left the balloon
hall at Johanlsthal took on board Its
riiir -naval crew and a number of
offlpers. It headed for Berlin, a short
distance away, In a light wind. About
a dozen aviators were circling the aero
drome at the -time In aeroplanos.
Center Motor axplodes First.
Everything was apparently tn rood or
der on the airship. It was gradually
getting up speed when suddenly an ex
plosion waa heard by those on the eround.
evidenUy In one ot the motors In the
center gondola, X flash shot out and
the next Instant the whole ship was afire
and plunging downward. Every Inch ot
the canvas covering and the balloonets
disappeared In a moment.
A second and more violent explosion
was then heard, fire having reached the
gasoline tanks filled with about a ton ot
liquid fuel. Before the reports of the ex
plosion had died down the wreck ot the
most modern of Germany's dirigibles lay
a flaming mass on tho ground.
The fire departments of all the neigh
boring suburbs, with detachments of the
balloon corps, the Pioneer and other
troops were soon on the spot, but there
was nothing left to save.
The balloon lay In a great curve like a
letter B, a mass ot glowing wires and
tangled girders. The cylinders of the
motors in the center gondola and one of
the after propellers could be distinguished.
ptherwlae there was nothing to Indicate
tho debris waa that of Germany's proud-
est airship.
Pioneers armed with axe hacked at the
wreckage for two hours before they ex.
trlcated the last ot the bodies. The dead
were borne on stretchers to the balloon
hall and a company of soldiers roped off
the place to keep back the crowd.
Six Ilodlea Blown from Gondola.
The six Inmates ot the center gondola
had been blown through the sides of tho
car by the first explosion and their
bodies fell a quarter of a mile away from
the wreck of the balloon, which was
traveling at forty miles an hour when
the accident happened.
All the others except two were appar
ency killed by the exposlon ot gaao.
Itn tank and were dead before the wreck-
age reached the earth.
The commander and members of the ad
mlralty trial board were seated In the
officers gondola. After the fire broke
out they wero caged Inside a network
ot redhot girders.
Two of the crew were still alive when
rescuers reached the wreckage. One of
them, however, died before he was ex
tricated. The other. Lieutenant Baron
von BleuL was desperately Injured. Both
tils' eyes were burned out. lie urged the
rescuers to kill him.
Besides the officers already mentioned
Lieutenant Trenk, who was second In
command; Chief Engineer Haussmann
and three engineer secretaries from the
admiralty board were killed.
Tho pilot. Captain Glund, was the only
civilian on board the airship. lie waa
the commander of the "Zeppelin balloon
which landed in France In April this
year The rest of those on board, were
officers of the Oerman navy
The engineers of the Zeppelin company
had expressed their confidence when the
LI I waa completed It would be able to
cross the Atlantic
The Zeppelin airships have been singu
larly unfortunate over since their In
vention by the aged soldier-count. Several
of the-m havo been destroyed by fire, ex
plosion or wreck. Zeppelin's I, III and
VI, Deutschlond I and II, and now LI
and LII, tho first big airships attached to
the German navy have met with disaster
in this way.
Many minor accidents have happened
to other air vesaols of he samo type.
Involving a large list ot killed or Injured.
On the occasion, of the last accident.
on September 9, the German emperor
was said to have wept on hearing the
news. He had been In command of the
naval maneuvers daring the day and the
dirigible LI, pride of the German navy,
had been engaged In reconnaissance work.
In the evening it was blown away to sea
by a violent gale. When It struck the
water It broke In half and sank.
Accidents Also Happen to German
Military Aeroplanes.
BERLIN, Oct lT.-Not only the Ger
man navy, but the army as well suf
fered from aviation accidents. Threo
army officers belonging to the flying
corps were killed this morning in an
aeroplane accident. ,
Captain Ilaeseler, Lieutenant Koch and
Sergeant Manre, all of the German army
aviation corps, were the victims of the
fatal aeroplane accidents, which occurred
early this morning.
Captain Haeecler, accompanied by
Lieutenant Von Freyberg. and Lieutenant,
Koch, accompanied' by Sergeant Manre,
left Berlin last nlsht.wlth instructions to
fly to polnta In Slsclla and Bavaria, re
spectively, to deliver military messages.
The motor of Captain Haeseler'a aero
plane broke down when the aviators wero
tit the vicinity of Breslau. Captain
Ilaeseler endeavored to make an emer
Kency landing In the darkness. The aero
plane settled in a tree top and Captain
Ilaeseler was pinned In beneath the motor
with an arm and both legs broken. His
companion, Lieutenant Frwrberg, wss not
Injured. He climbed down and secured
help, but after endeavoring for several
hours, with assistance, to extricate his
companion, the gasoline tank of the aero
plane exploded and Captain Ilaeseler waa
burned to death.
Lieutenant Koch and Sergeant "Manre
fell with their aeroplane near Wuera
burg. Both were Instantly killed.
gram of currency and other legislative reforms-
Those who know President Wilson's at
titude best say ho realises the value ot
a show of force In the situation, but Is
unwilling to glv his consent to any
demonstration except with the intention
ot backing It up with actual use of force
if events call for It. Means for dealing
with the tangle through peaceful meas
ures, however, have by no means been
exhausted and the likelihood Is that be
fore any military or naval demonstrations
aro considered seriously, support may bo
thrown toward the constitutionalists
with tha view ot sweeping the Huerta
regime from power.
The Washington government would wel
come the elimination of Huerta, and If
this can be accomplished by lifting the
embargo on arms, or giving the constti
nationalists, the moral support of this
country, many officials favor such
Ellis, but they have been unable to leant
to whom the message was sent.
Two Americans Are
Killed in Mexico
GUADALAJARA, Mex., Oct. 17. Two
American cltlsens and one Mexican were
killed on Tuesday as the result ot a feud
at Hostotlpaqulllo, a mining camp In tha
state of Jalisco, about eighty miles to
the northwest of thla city. Twenty-five
foreigners there were threatened'wlth ex
The dead American are Thomas Barrett,
a mine manager, and. William Kendall, a
mine employe. News ot the killing
reached the city early today,
Barrett Was murdarcd with an. axe by
the Mexican, who was captured by Ken
dall and turned over to the rural guards.
While the guards wero escorting tho mur
derer to Magdalene, they shot him.
A story reached the mining camp that
the murderer had been killed by Kendall,
whereupon a number of Mexicans sot
upon Kendall and killed him.
The same night about 100 Mexicans at
tacked all the foreigners In camp. Tho
foreigners took refuge In a mine after
telephoning to Magdalena for troops. A
detachment of fifty rural guards re
sponded nnd escorted the foreigners to
Magdelena, where they took the train
for this city.
Key to the situation Bee Advertising.
(Continued from Page One.)
for the constitutionalists t was not at all
Bucb action might not be formal rec
ognition, which would present a curious
tangle In technicalities ot international
law, but it is pointed out by those who
are urging informal dealings with tho
constitutionalists that in reality Governor
Carranxa waa legally elected chief execu
tive ot the state ot Coahulla and that he
and Governor Maytorena of Sonora
justify their armed resistance of Huerta
as a measure ot defense against those
who took possession of the federal gov
ernment machinery In the Mexican capi
tal by arbitrarily overthrowing Madero.
Doniratlo Program In Way,
That President Wilson believes the
Mexico City administration is incapable
of restoring constitutional authority is
evident and there is a well founded under
standing that the Washington govern
mept would adopt a very drastic policy
immediately, but for the fear that It
would Interfere with the domeaUo prn.
CHICAOO, Oct. 17,-WUtam C. Ellis,
wealthy leather manufacturer of Cincin
nati, who was found with three bullet
wounds and his throat cut In a room at
a down-town hotel with the body ot his
slain wife. Is recovering and, according
to' the police, may be booked on a charge
of murder. The Inquest over Mrs. Ellis'
body probably will be continued to per
mit further Investigation.
Ellis, who Is at the Bridewell hospital,
was able to leave his bed today and, In
reply to Inquiries regarding his condi
tion, replied:
"Oh, I am all right I will tell the
whole story ot this terrible affair at the
Inquest. I have nothing else to say at
The police have three letters which
, Ellis Is said to have written at the hotel
Wednesday evening, apparently Indicat
ing that the killing might, have been
planned In advance.
They read in substance as follows:
My dear sister: Take care of the kids.
Eleanor does not lovo me any more. I
cannot live without her, so I am going to
take her with me. My suspicions are
true. Make my act appear as If financial
troubles were the cause. WILL,
Dear Philip: Make it appear as If my
act was the result ot business reverses.
I want Mr. appointed administrator
of my estate without bonds. You will
find my wife's Jewelry, consisting of a
'hrnnrh. hr rlniri nnrl nfh., tuiL-.l
along with K5 In money. In a chamois !
Dog wwen is pinned in her corset. Ail
my Jewelry can be found on ray body.
Dear Morris: Look after the children.
We will all meet In heaven.
An unsigned note, considered Important
by the police, is In a woman's hand-
j writing. It reads:
Am here tor a week. What shall I do?
When you come address Auditorium,
Monday, t
The police believe the note was the
first draft of a telegram sent by Mrs.
Prices for Apollinaris Water
1 are forthwith reduced
Fifty Cents per Case.
How Any Woman Can
Remove Fuzzy Growths
(The Modern Beauty,)
Many beauty shops use a delatone
paste for removing hair from the face,
neck or arms, as it Is more satisfactory
in event way than the electric needle.
Enough of the powdered delatone and I
water Is mixed Into a paste, and spread.
on the hatry surface for 2 mlnutos, then
removed and with It comes every bit of I
hair. After the skin Is washed It will be
firm and free from blemish. To Insure
best results, buy the delatone from your
druggist In an original package. Ad vex-j
tlsement i
o 1
Obey that urge! Do it now!
Get a Ford! It's the one
"hunch" on which you can't
go wrong. More than 325,000
owners will vouch for Ford
merit Ford simplicity
Ford serviceability and Ford
economy. Obey that urge!
Do it now!
Vive hundred dollars Is the new prico ot
the Ford runabout; the touring car U Ut
fifty; the town car seren fifty all t o, b.
Detroit, complete with equipment Get cat
alog and particulars from Ford Motor Co.,
1916 Harney BU Omaha.
Watch Sunday Paprt
Two Clean Papers
The Youths Companion
The Evening Bee
filth for 55 Cfs. a MiRtk
Aycis Sarsaparilia
Oldest, Safest, Strongest, Best
Standard family medicine.
No akohol. Sold for 6Q years.
Asfc Yaur Doctor. fJLt"&.
Oftnlur, AUUn Newest a
(jargcaf MaaaM Tra
"Adriatic" "Uwcatle"
"Celtic" "Mcga-Ulc"
I frivEMBEK 2 I i smm t I
JAXUaSt l. mm. it r as
Walta Star ZJns. S
or liooal