2 THE BEE.: OMAIIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1913. OUTER APPAREL . FOR , WOMEN REASONABLY PWCEEr You buy here with assurance. Our styles are authentic and defined. Hundreds of Seasonable Suits Suit values Vou cannot afford to overlook. Every suit is hand tailored by men to styles per sonally selected by our buy ing corps. Only the best of fabrics and workmanship and styles of recog nized superiority are allowed in our showing. An extra value in suits is offered for . . . $29.50 Other suits , . $19.50, $35.00, $45.00 No Charge for Alterations. COATS COATS COATS Every Desirable Style. Every Seasonable Fabric Coats for dress wear, street wear, storm wear -every occasion. Special Coat values. . . . .' . $2450 Other Coats , $15.00 to $75.00 Sorosis Shoes Set Footwear Fashions Of Interest to the Men Men's high grade Superior Union Suits in Fall or . Winter weight. . . .$1 to $4 Men's Outing Flannel Night Eohes, cut extra full, best grade of flannel 50c to $1.50 Men's Outing Flannel , Pajamas ....$1.00 to $1.50 Men's high grade Coat Sweaters, with shawl or Byron collar, $1.50 to $8.50 Men's $1.00 Coat Shirts, all good patterns; Saturday, special 85c FURS Dependable In evory respect; 27 yearn of honest merchandising stands behind every fur piece wo offer. Sot for Children, 8145 to 11.50 Sets for Mlaaos and Women. S7.50 to S350.00 Separate Skirts Petticoats Annual Basket Sale $1.00 Fancy Waste Baskets Saturday . . . 49c 8:00 a, m. Table Center Aisle 4 Toilet Goods Specials Saturday Jergon's Almond Lotion, a large bottle 20c Vanity Boxes, containing powder puff and mirror .....10c Bibcock's Corylopsls, Talcum Powder 12 Ho Hand and Nail Brashes, a sample line .. 15c "Elite" Fitwell GLOVES $1.35 a Pair 1 Clasp Cape Gloves in Black. White, Tan and tfray, with Imperial Stitching. Shown in our 16th St. window; on sale now, $1.35 a pair As expression denotes the nature of the individual, so shoes form the basis of correct attire. SOROSIS Shoes are care fully and thoughtfully de signed to answer the shoe requirement of women or Keen judgment and dis cerning: tastes. We have all leathers in stock. mm ALL GOOD COMFORTABLE KINDS t HOSIERY g UNDERWEAR ARE HERE MODERATELY PRICED HOSIERY fllllc Wale, black, white, tan, gray aad nary 80c Heavy Cottoa, white, black and tan , "iBOC Split Sole Hose, llslo or cotton, light or medium weight, another quality .......;,, 500 Cotton Iloso, como In black and tan; 3 pairs. , . . . , ', , . . . i 00 Silk Lialo Moso, 25c and 86c; 3 pafrs'. ; ;$l!oo UNDERWEAR Womna'a Vests, ribbed wool, all Btylos f nan Panta to match, Merodo make. ; Ribbed Corset Covers , t BOo nSiS? Yni 81U,U-cfrriod n BtyloB. . ..;. '.Vl.00 The Globo Taylor Union Suite for boys and girls; on0 of the nicest 7t l1menU ORd0 for chlldren; Blzes, 2. to 16; boys',. ages Underwear 3d Floor A Basement Bargain Sale of MILLINERY , For This Sale Only Black Silk Velvet Hats, Price 79c Only Oae to Cestomcr Beautiful Line of FANCY FEATHERS Sale Price 19c 25c 39c Tango V7c U-f SALE ndl PRICE Oaly Oae to a Customer Trimmed Hats Less than Half Price Hats -worth $3.50, sale prlco , $1.49 flats worth $0.75, sale prlco $2.49 I Hats -worth $8.76, Bain I price $3.97 Untrimmed Hats for Misses and Women Immod Silk $0.00 genuine Black Bea- $3.75 Velour shapes, all :$1.69sB.$1.89jsr....i$1.72 $2.75 Untrimmed' 811k Velrot litis; rr sale M price JJ $3.75 Untrlmmod Silk velvet Dress, Shape, salo prlco Great Bargains in Children's Trimmed Hats $3.00 Children's Hats, sale price ....... 97c $3.75 Children's Hats, 1 Bale price . , $1.15 $5.00 Children's Hats, salo price $1.49 HOWARD W AND SIXTEENTH STREETS sis it , SWJSET GRASS BASKETS -i "t-mlUajr grasses into all shapes and Uses for every cHLSglnabls ttSO Our fa shipment hu Jost arrived compute, ma t&at sew u the best time to ilct for Christmas and othar gift ocoaslwis. HORD AND SIXTEENTH STREETS UMC TUsUUTO UinC IIAvXn'A. Oct Tf. rtor imrpertlng to Ve signed, by vartew MteM resid ing HbWsb who threaten to relt the landteg Otntrti FetLr Dl and to aeeJJp4t ktm If be afeeuM com ashore vera posted throughout the city today, A wireless! MPte1i from th ttnaatr trorcovaAo, on board of rrtiictx Qtntral T)m U comlA1: hre, tyi that th tewl !wttl arrtv at 'S o'clock toroorroir morn. Thoiecrel jFeltc hav bMi orijorM "to prohibit all cbmmvml cation bttwken tha khlp and tha eh or sct by person fully authorlred. Should general Dial Hmt. tha hetol at urbJob h ttayt is to be prtc44 by pollc and a atretic detach, mcnt et rural tutrda. PerMtBt ut 9umhm 17m et Niraf)r AdTrtlala la tha Roat to Uuriaeaa Buocaaa, DENOUNCE RJPV.S; PR GitiseHa in Xass Meeting: Prott Agaiait froalRre ia Seilii Case. JEW AKD GENTILE ROUSED Reaelatloaa Cnll on UbKcA Stntea to rretaat in Kama at Liberty aad Pre Tkaaarht Atcalaat Kaarat Ity of Trial at Kiev, HOniT-rOIIR YEARS OLD AND RTED'.ITTEVElfYEARS SATURDAY Skirt Special "Wo liavG purchased thb emtird samplo lino and surplus stook of skirts from F. Kahn of 1000 Washington Ato., St. liouls, Mo. Hiis Shiptaent will bo. placed on salo Satnrdaj at the most exceptional values ever offered in Omaka. This assortment consists of Scotch plaids, ratines, raatoha, oponge, poplin and honey comb. Thero ia not a garment in tho lot that sold at not less than $5.00 and as high as $12.00. Wo will sell them in two lots,, for Saturday only, at $r and S4! We aro showing a comploto lino of Ladies' and Misses' Suita and Dresses. J. Friedman Cloak Shop Tormwly The Skirt Storo. 322 North 16th Street. Opposite Midland Hotel. CLIP THIS COUPON T UXttU ftetn ifW vuJUt 7M nut fnttmi SU Ciwfmt Hkc tU m. THE IMPERIAL EMBROIDERY OUTFIT ia guaran teed to be the greatest collection and biggest bargain in patterns ever offered. The 160 patterns have a retail jaiae of 10 t each, or more than $10.00 in alL Bring NX Ceupon aad 68 cents to this office and you will be presented with 0e Complete Outfit, including Book of Instructions and oee All Metal Hoop. The 68 cents is to eover duty, express, handling and the numerous over hmd xptnvm of getting the package from factory to you. N, B.Ottt TTw0n Rmmthra will mtU 7 cttttmxtrm fer A rUM OMAHA BKK, ChanLCtnritlnr th allul ntiiMl blot" and ''blood rltUHl" which h Tn.. alan trorarnmant haa affeotad to flsrht lh the trial of Mendel Belli at Klay, IU). la. aa a haAAlfrita mlunmv AhA a It nabbl Froderiok Cohn latt night bald icnaa a iara audlenoa of Jewi and Con nie at tho aynarostia In South Omaha: Vfhlle ha laid bare tha raaaona for Kua. alan hatred toward the Jew. Harrr Laptdui waa president of ttie meeUns and tntroduood a number of aealcora, among bem vara: Judffa A., X. Sutton, Her. Hobert I 'Wheeler of tho Preebyterlan church, lUv. J. W. HaaUa of tha Chris tlnn church. Mayor Thomaa Hoctor, Harrr Fleharty and Edward Simon. Mora than 590 people were preient In tha church edlfloo where the meeting of protest. was held. A commlttM oamnaiiul tit JiMvn A. T. Sutton, Henry Moniky, Dr. "UHieeler, nev. Mr. llKKtU and TtAhhl W.WIrlr rnhn drafted reaolutlona of protest and offered uiem for approbation by tho meUnr. Tho resolution were adopted unan imously, following ia tha teitl "Whereas, Tha aver racurrlng "blood acouaaUon' or so-called "ritual murder plot against tba Jaw la bow being urged In tha Mendel Bellis trial in Kiev, Rus sia! and, ' "Whereas. Tha aald accusation anA nlat haa no foundaUon In fact, either histori cal or biblical, but finds its uum In blind passion and prejudice against tha. occusea ana nis co-religionists; and, "Whereas, Tha trial of thla oharga must of necessity wield a great evil Influence upon tha already widespread and deplora ble antl-Samltlo aentlment and feeling against tna Jews In Russia, and must in cite rlota, ravages and massacres such as have been experienced in recent years; and, "Whereas, Such massacres, riot and unjust treatment of human beings are outrageously offensive and repulsive to civilisation and demand tha attention, disapproval and protest ot every liberty, loving man, woman and child; and. "Whereas, our Americans institution are built Upon the undying, principle of freedom and our government was con ceived in tha Idea of religious tolerance and freedom ot Million! and "Whereas, Every American clUien or oltiten ot any other civilised nxio t. la loyal to tha principles "and precepta menuonea. owe, tna auty to himself and to society, to proUet vigorously and con stantly against any action which t... Us purpose or end tha interference with or tna deprivation of tha God-given privi leges ot freedom of though and freedom In religion; be it therefore, I'ttcra Word, ot Protect. "Resolved, By tha residents and clU. tans, Jewish and gentile, of Bnnfh Omaha and vicinity in mass meeting as sembled at South Omaha, Neb., at which meeting are representatives from various creeds and nationalities, that said assem bly enter a vigorous and unqualified pro test to all the world in tba name or ium. tloo, of brotherhood, and in the spirit ot religious tolerance, against, the outrag. sous conduct of tha official and authori Ues ot Russia in the prosecution of the Mendel Bella case, and against the Tim. s!an government tor its action in this ESBSsjiiiiiiiVlks SBBBBBBBB J. W. VAN NOSTRA ND, matter, which tends only to encourage, indorso and foster tha belief in the truth af the ritual murder plot "Be it Further Resolved, That it is the expreased sense ot this assembly that such conduct on the part of the Russian government and its relation to this pro ceeding, should be condemned as bar barous and unfit on the part ot a gov ernment numbered among the civilised nations ot the world, since the entire proceeding is repulsive to the Idea of civilisation and offensive to the moral standard of thla advanced ere. "Be it Further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions, be sent to the secre tary ot state' with a, request that his de partment take ruoh acUon as It can, con sistently under the regulations governing that departrnehtsxouTse lh matters ot thla kind, said actldii being designed to pre vent the possibility of massacres and riots. "Be It Further Resolved, That a copy ot these resolutions be sent to each of the dally papers published in Omaha and j South Omaha with a request that they be published, .so that those, who read them may become Informed of the truth regarding these unjust persecutions and so that Justice, liberty and- equality shall, by reason ot the Influence brought to bear, be measured out to those people from whom it haa so long been denied." tos.MsonBackin the White House WASHINGTON, Oct 17,-PresIdent Wil son was on his way to the Unlpn station before 7 o'clock this morning to welcome Mrs. Wilson and his daughters, the Misses Margaret and Eleanor, who returned from the Wilson summer home In Cornish, N. XI. Mrs. Wilson and the daughters, ploture of health, tripped off the train Into the arms of the president Tho party Was taken quickly through the private wait ing rooms set aside for the chief execu tive ot the nation and to the White House automobile. Arriving at the White House President Wilson and his reunited family sat down to breakfast Miss Jessie Wilson was the only one absent from the circle. It waa said she had remained in the east to visit friends for a- few days. Proof that the summer Whtto House was a thing of the past so far as the year 1913 was concerned, was contained todny In n pile ot trunks and boxes that were stacked in the., hall of the White House awaiting the attention of Mrs. Wilson and her daughters. The freight arrived yesterday and filled two big trucks which hauled It to the home ot the chief executive. In the pile of material that tho brawny truckman unloaded were thirteen trunks, forty boxes, an Ice cream freeser. a bar rel of "eatln " apples and the president's battered bloyele. The latter looked as though it had seen severe service over the Hampshire- roads. CONTRACTOR MAKES NEW DEFINITION OF COLLEGE MAN SAN FRANCISCO. Oct lf.-F. Fagan. a ahlp contractor, was testifying in a will contest yesterday concerning the estate ot the late Captain Michael Mar tin. "Did you consider Captain Martin a secretive man?" baked an attorney. "I don't get VoU'.', parried" Fagan. "Come again. I ain't a college man." "What, In your opinion, constitutes a college man?" the court asked. "Why, Judge, ycur honor," said Fagan, "I figure that a college man is one who can add figures, talk politics and read the newspapers." "Then I guess we all level up to the re quirements." said the court. "Oo on with the evidence." DUKE WILL BE CHARGED WITH MANSLAUGHTER Seattle, Wash., Oct. w.-Aitred a Hogtund, who was Injured Tuesday night when an automobile driven by Laurence Duke, son of Brodle Duke, the tobacco manufacturer, ran into a group of men gathered about a disabled automobile in the road, is improving,, but not yet out 'of. dan r sr. The.fioroner's inquest Into, tha death of Henry O. Fart and Thomas a. Simmons. rh .-.r. lrttt- V... U . ....,.t.ll ' ... - be held late today. Simmons died last night from his Injuries wl.thout having recovered, consciousness. Duke Is free on J5.000 balL A charge of. manslaughter will bo placed against him', according to the prosecuting attorney. WINDOWS IN PARIS ARE SMASHED BY SUFFRAGETTE PARIS, Oct l.-Two bricks recently wore Ihrown through a beautiful stained glass window of the American. Protestant episcopal church, and stones also were thrown through a dining room wjndow. of the rectory of ltav. Dr. Watson, adjoining the church. Miss Minnie Vail, a woman of formerly residing in New York, but for a long tlmo a resident of Paris, was arrested and admitted today before Ute examining magistrate that she had broken the windows, sue said she was a suffragette, but added, that 'she had private .motives for her conduct. wmcn sne refused to disclose. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. WEBSTER CITY MAN PATENTS TELEPHONE METER WEBSTER, CITY, Ia., Oct 17.-Bpe. cial.) B. IL Martin, president of the Martin Telephone company of this city, has received the papers authorising the formation ot the International Telephone Meter company with an authorised capital ot li.O0Q.CO0i, This company will menu faoture and market the telephone meter Invented and patented by Mr, Martin. The Martin telephone meter I s basic patent and consequently has absolutely no competition. It measures accurately the exact time consumed In using a tele phone. With the meter attachment tele phone rates will be basea on the number of minutes used up on individual instru ments. Mr, Martin has been years perfecting hts patent. There are 9,000,000 telephones In use in this country today and they are increasing at the rata ot 1.060,000 a year. A Call for Ttme. The tittle group at the ride ot the road waited until Stealthy -tltlsxlna returned from the nearby farmhouse. "foor pickings, be muttered as he threw down a scrawny beet' bone and a bair loaf of bread. "Where'a dat improvement In hand. outs youse promised?" demanded Muggsy Jones. Happy HlxElns shook his head re. pruachfully. "You gotter wait" be said, "'till do publlo adjusts itself to de new tariff. Then ther fell to and aoraned the ban and demolished the loaf. Cleveland Plain ueaier Persistent Advert! slug is the Road to Bl Returns. Only One "Hromo Quinine." That is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Look for the signature ot B W. Grove. Cures a cold la one days- Cures grip In two (lay, ate. CHINESE BRIGANDS BURN . TWO MISSION CHURCHES PEKINO, Oct 17.-A. force of Chinese brigands commanded by Oeneral Hwang Liang has murdered sOO people in the province ot Fo-Klen and also burned two mission churches, the property ot Amer ican missionary societies. Tha American mlssonaries from the dis turbed district are still in Fu-Csow, where' they took refuge during the recent troubles. The Chinese government troops sent against brigands barve not shows much activity. The Chinese war office today promised the American charge d'affaires, ISdwarel T WBilaaaa, that it would Insti tute effective measures tor tba stwws sloci ef tke brigands. You Can't Afford to Delay your purchasd of a Suit or Overcoat for fall BECAUSE Your personal appearances has much to do with your bus iness success. Bonjatala clothes will ' giro you that' well groomed look so Bought after by mdst men. They are gjable, aubstantlal clothes which add lhat look of prosperity to any man, and they look the part as lon as you care to wear them. Their service Is not measur ed by days nor their appear ance by hours. They are the sort of clothes that win your confidence and hold It BerUamln Suits and Orer coats $18.00 to $30.00 I ft. "FOR MEn" 4 rSO& SlO So.l6thV ALEXANDER CORKEY the famous lecturer and author deliver an address on LITERATURE Smturday afternoon at 3:30 p. m., tut sid of Y. M. C. A. building Hoar this gromt ormtor FREE ViXVHt Dept., Omalia, Nsfc. f "