Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 12, Image 12

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Oh, No! Mr. Jack Never Trots.
Drawn for The Bee bv X Swinnerton
Game at Lafayette Considered Moit
Important in Central States.
Yonfm Men, Ilehtnd Their Vfnml
Shape This Time uf Year, Tackle
Lansing; Aitales, Whom De
fense 1 Reported Good.
' '
CIUCAOO, Oct 17. Wisconsin' foot
ball team wfXJ ipet Purdue tomorrow; in
a gama conslotored a crucial combat fqr
tho Dadger qVid the aqost Important
scheduled for gridiron in the central
statq. Report' from Lafayette,' the
scene of the Barrxr, indicate tonight that
the bollennakera rudimentary foot ball
he reached Sj. hijdi State, of development,
while the manner, Vn which they swamped
Northwestern last Saturday teatlflea, to.
theln, scoring ability.
Coach Juneau's tenm, though composed
off vejterans, It li. rumored, si been, a hit
backjvaxjd' In development Energetlo
H'oricbytthe'coach this week, tui remedied
som of tho fault he and other critics
founl'ini the Badger machine, apd a team,
preMbiy a,, good deal better 'than that
irhlofL atrugcltjl with .Mcj-auqtta. last Bat
tfrday villi aca Punlue.
A M. C.' EsepliaataeeV
After the, manner of many, asfcxn
coaches. ' "Hawsjr" Smith feaa, amihiuod
atj Lafayette, tho need of thorough no
qalnta&oo with the A( J1, "6's of foot
ball, and' to, a tram wejL groHnjeA, ha
Ii4iarted thf tactics that have kept
t4knp ylvanla 1a Uia va abfesa. the Alle
n(es. betermlnad to put up a terrlfWj fight
MNUtt Hlmneaeta. Nebraska's eleven
weuwl up- a, week; of grueUlng rrctlc
tanbjtik Coach Sttehqs, helped by a
tM of "swU" numerous that.fiearly,
mry player oa the Cwnhuaker' qu4
Ma Indlvjetatt-kw,. has planned, the
battle against. xm Oosfcef down'ta. tha
Mnalt detail. .l? the loir seam
saae by Minaesoif H two previous
(amea, supporters " of tke Oopliers. take
semfort in Coach Williams statement
,hat he "believed Ihey wmiM
Ota?, W. llnt jiqw toff enouV
to Ura.iT, wedgjOf, ooeaTdaae turn Caaaa
Stag. Quarter bat It ItuateU, it was ru
mored, on thawiluagj
a factor In tomorrow's game with lown
with a recent enveloped' capacity for drop
kicking. Optimism ovsr the putcomo of
the game. was. irovsioflt; Chicago,
roeters. tonight, but. ljopa for a "gooA
, thowing" i alt aaproasod by tho Hawk
rya people, despite, their ecfldjenco that
stcOHnnU la Jllf!' o, pwvo, an. effective.
fiuad. SUfir
i pretty severe test Is in store for
Michigan's team tomorrow. Yost's men.
Mtjlnd their usual shape at XhU Uraa
st year, Uckle the Aggies tram Lansing,
TtM lter ha9, VfJu somowhat. of
daappeWtraenC K their early games,
tWugh tht; Jwye lackea streagth to
vaace the hall as rapidly as taelr )e4r
wauld like, tWr drfenso Is reported god.
Yost, himself, is reported hnsy
the makeup of hi backfleld.
Iltial Coaches Trifle Afrnld.
Combatting a feeling of overconfldence
among their tnn, Illinois coaches look
upon tomorrow's game, with Northwest
ern with Just a trace of (ear, say late
reports from Urban a. The same his
torical faot that Inspires dread among
the down-state generals tends to create
optimism among the Evanston cohorfi,
for lust year, after a drubbing by Purdue,
Northwestern, in .p. reversal of form,
tiamidf) all oYep the, IIHnh
Among tomorrow's games are;
Wisconsin: end Purdue at JUafayft(e;
ui years score, u 10 u.
Iowa and Chicago at Chicago;
Jr, n m .
So Declare! Coach Williams While
Enroate to Lincola.
ays ITet Una the Advantage Over
nebraakn Trro Ilnnilred from
Minneapolis to Witness
flint at f.aaoa.
Northwestern and Tlllnnls at TTrhnnm
last year, s o 0. ,
Michigan Agta anfl Mlbhlgan Rt Ann
Arbor)' lasl year, T to W. 1
yKianoma anu Missouri at Columbia.
Here's a Cure
For jtdatica
tyiaful Form of Rbeuaulif
Quickly Overcome
Those sharp darting palna that char
acterlis acUtio rheumatism shoulq be
treated in the blood. And by using
. 8. a you not only get rUf but a cure.
' B. B. 8. has the peculiar action of suik
tag through the Intestines directly iota
04 blood. In fire minutes Its Influence Is
at work in every artery, tln, and tiny
capillary. Every membrane, every organ
of the body, every emunctory becomes in
effect a filter to strain th bkjod of Im
purities. The stimulating properties o(
a. a. 8 comrxd the skin, liver, bowels.
kidneys and blalder to all work to the
$a end of casting out every irritating,
every paln-lnfilcttnr atom ef poison; t
dislodges by irrigation all accumulations
m the Joints, causea acid accretions to
dissolve, renders them neutral and peat
icra thm nocullar format iaaa la thtf
Horre centers that cause such mystifying
bA nften haMlnr rheumatlo Tiaina,
' Aaa, pas at aX, Ms rwirVl renjedy
weteessa to tea wee en etomacn. it
an ka ma XtuMaJ inlisssi smst -bjbJ U i.a
Maaatlosi Iwt swe 4bM t wrt. TY
Mauaiua a uskUbA IDHUHsi.
Pp p Jjr ppVPy infwP'Ble
tc taken trally lata yeiir Me Juet as
a ay w mum aatwany into your
fwa a
Tea can cat I. B. 8. at any drug store.
X. f. . U standard remedy, recognia4
Darywbera as the greatest bloc4 antl
VsU ever atecovr. M yours U a p.
emitr cm an4 you aesire apeclal ia
Jarwatteev wrt ta Taa ,rtft Biesa
V, m Wmm, Atlaata, Oa.
Ooaoh Williams and twentyrflva mem-
bore of the University of Minnesota foot
last , bull squad passed through Omaha Friday
fi " i. . . morning on tholr Journey o Lincoln,
t ta4a.Nbta,l n"' ' they will mix on m gridiron witH
me nebrasKa warriors ttils alter
noo.ii. Tho Minnesota boys are heavier
an4 faster this year than las'and Ne
braska will receive a warm reception'
When the battle opens.
The entire (cam Is At fine shape, every
player bejng able to get Into the frame.
( necessary. Koch member Is in tbe
best pf physical condition end trained
to the minute, according to Wl)ms. Np
sensational stars have been developed,
but th'e team work s better than ever
It that were possible, under Poach Wil
liams, and his famous stafi of assistants.
Coach Williams Is tlie same bid coach.
He still says he never expects to be
be&tenf althpngh he, axpecta to hat? a
hard fight tp wn. lie minus the eye
glasses that have always been so con
unlougua feefprov Ills pyes have Imprcived
so in the laa( year that he up longer
Is compelled to wear glasses oonstany.
Tan l't and, Hlg.
Dr, Williams salq h!4 team was fast and
hud the beef to put up a stoaity defensive
gains, "lie h?y" ftro feeling fine,"
said the famous coach, "and they are
ready to mV up the game of their Uvea.
We, are heavy and fast.Tlo welghfwJU
prove 8lVantagequ pa thp dofenslva and
the apefliwllf gve ,u an, alvaittaga ni
offenelve. Of oqurse this gome wll
not be easy. It Is one of the hardest on
ho fCheJJ and wo cafpectlto Ilgnf-pt.
minute, yuut we never Mpoct to b
beaten. No team pf m.lna cycr dl.
mienin nas a last aggregation and I
Villi l)!m oil the luck In the wor'df but
i peueve I nayo puo that s lasur and
I have better assistant coaches. If we
lose it wj) b a, great credit tp fitlehm
and hli Oomhuakora and. ,f wl i
will be lust as great a credit to our
Jtobertion, (he big center rush who has
proved q l) iv. tower of strength In the
jlne, is ppnndent that (h Coruhuakera
W"i V tiamplw on according tp custom.
It U ow duty to lick Nebraska," said
nobertson, f we fail to tip it puj
eooson w be unsupcessful, flut, believe
TTS'H j9 t for the honor of tie
school is at staka We will be just as
good at Lincoln as at Minneapolis, so (hat
th change of fields w nqt bother us,"
Approximately a students from the
University of Minnesota will pass
through Omaha on their way to Lint
coin (o see the big contest. Very few
oama down with tho team because schof)
was, spil in session, but the faithful ones
set my lr the. Korripon and wtH W
naiu4 ui cneer tne uupuera
4SK aSdd Mtt?r
urana ano, Kansait at X,awrnnco
Ohio Bwte and Oberlln at Oberlln.
Joth DaHyti and Nqtr parae.
T OijloNorUifrn, and Kentucky Statq at
tynch a,nd MoGraw
Oppose Abolishing
the World's Series
NEW TOItK, Oct 17.-Presldent Thomas
J; Lynch- of the National Issgue has
lined up with President Dan Johnson of
the, American league, In the stand, the
latter reca?tly took (n opposition tp the
suggested abolition of the world Cham
ponahlp series In boas ball. It, has been
quoted aa Aucuit Herrmann's scheme
to. 'do' away wllh the wqrM'a series am
substitute an toterleagua series In which
tfc Uiajaf league.cluba might- Pr
tjcipate., but, Prealdent tjfnch Co n.9
agree wtttn'tMi chalnnanibt theJ4aUanal
Man' Ball'C&invtaeton. In ths &&,'
Mr. Lynch said: '!Tha world's series
latebiggqst event n Aertji;
ppons ana arotiaes cou,nirywido inter
est. An Interclub affair would he so long
drawn out that -interest would Jag and.
the games would become merely local
contests, Instead of national Importance.
Manager Mod raw of the New York
vHonala, defeated, contender for h
lr"s title, was even more strongly
toted today In opposition to the llerr
mann. schawe, Ia declared that the
twenty-two games played between clubs
were sufficient q decide the respective
league championships, but the loners al
ways hated to. sea' the' viator get the
spoils "and. want to. declare themselves. n.
on the post series harvest."
Ho added; "There is not a chance pf
tha world's aeries being dropped."
Lexington Races
Are PQi?tponed
LEXINGTON, JCy , Oct, H.-Owlng to
heavy rain during the morning, the
trotting; races which were to hav taken
plaoe here today were potpol4 and. the
four event wiU . be run off tomorrow.
Thlav was, to. have, been, the final day of
the meeting Of the Kentucky Trotting
Jtoraa ireetH aaeoclftyqn,
An enthiLtUitlo meetlnif of tha Om&hi
- t - 1 .
City luooer VVot 1JU team waa held
Tltursday njght at Jacplis hall, when
iHttuexa were eieciwa to run uiq team, tor
tba wlMWt season, Jteurestntatiyta from
the Can, (Jordan, team were present and
jtiaaa for tha formation, or a city league
were dujeuued. to consist of six teatna
A prominent business, man lias offered
tq put up a stiver cup for competition
among tha clubs. Another meeting will
be arranged In the Immediate future, and
a committee frpw the Clan qordon, By
Athletlo f nl Mall Carriers' teams will be
gsked ta meet a similar cqmmlttee from
the city team, to form the league and
arrange a achedule of games for the sea
The follqwlng were elected officers of
the Omaha City team! Qeorge Peacock,
sccretary-treausurer; JL F, Tyrrell. a.
Iletant to the secntaryi Jolja poet;k,
team captain; if. Ptckart, vice captain,
Oorge Peacock, Mr. Trevaekle and J.
ilostock were elected, tq fopn a COhtwU-
te to chooso the team tQ play the $vea
amietiq ctun Hunoay,
The tam: goal, Mandervon. nacks.
!yall and Cockayn. halfbackss P. Ilrlggs,
Uostock (captain) &n4 Manderspn, for
wards; Lawrence, ttaliwlo. I'lpkard,Mo-
uulra and Qrlggs.
CINCINNATI, a, Oct. IT It. was an,
nounced here today that Johnny Kilbane
of Cleveland, the champion featherweight
of the world, and Uaookout Mars of this
city had been, matched to meet in a ten
round boxing contest here on October JO.
Brawsi Make- Lttttle Money.
Tbe Bt. Loula Cards and Drowns re
ceived l?Q for working In four games and
were ao elated with their suoceaa that
they labored in an equal number of
games without pay The latest rigur
from the Mound city show that each
team made 11,'UO for the eight contests.
One player in the world's series received
rnorp uiiui uit eoure urown train.
perslieent Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
Ohadron Normal is
Developing a Fa,st
FootJBall Team
CHAD1VON, Neb.. Oot H.-tapeclal.)-
The Northwest Norma) school will PUt
a trorf foot ball tW 0 tUe field this
aeaeon. Tie first gm ta with the auth
Dakota, pohool of Mines at Vapid City 911
October Thl yew's team will average
m pounua. in weight aw la fast. Coach
Jieejer Is working the men hard every
day and the results arc. beginning tq
shew in a smoothly working offense and,
a powerful defense, Captain Coffee is
playing- his usual good game at left half.
Ills forward paaaju- is a good as aver
and his kicking th year la even better
than last season. Weymouth, "the big
right half, who was such a star last sea
son, is back in the harness and looks
better than over. Seidell, last year's star
tackle, has returned and the two Bice
brother, former Iowa high school stars,
have Just entered school. Among the new
men Hvorull is showing up wH at
tackle apd is, trMy sure of a Una. Job,
while tho tine work pf Wank and Jack
Ulce at right and. left ends, respectively,
Is Moellrnt The Northwest team has
a few open datea and la desirous of meet
tng any good team In the state.
Drake Expects to
Pile Up Big Score
PES MOINES, la., Oct. 17.-The Drake
foot ball team, and coaches It ft here' to
day for Kansas City, enroute to Law
rencc, Kan., where the annual gridiron
struggle with Kansas university will take
place tomorrow afternoon. The gama 1
among th first pf tna acason In the ha
aourt Valley conference. The Bulldogs
left with, great confidence In tbelr ability
to pile VP a score on the Kaneana
Eastern Foot Ball
Teams Have Score
on Hospital List
NSW YOFIK, Oe. IT Injuries have
figured so much in foot ball practice on
eastern gridirons during tho week that
enough cripples might be picked from
the so-called hospital squads to make
two elevens. None of the accidents has
been reported as 'serious, but sufficient
to upset the lineups of tomorrow's
The longest Pa,ty 'L't comes from
xaie, wmcn nas more man a aozen 01
the varsity squad laid off with various
sorts of injuries. Yale will prpbably feel
the loss In tomorrow's game with Le
high, for the team will Vs made up
Jargely of substitutes. On account of
cpntusjons on th head, Martin had to
retire from oenter yesterday and Quar
terback Thompson sustained a bad sprain
to his ankle. The epachen will probably
return Captain Katcham to center, play
Substitute Way at guard and' take Cor-
nlnti from the crippled squad to usp at
The West Point cadets hevp. had sev
eral disabled men this week, but It Is
expected that Larabee and Huston, who
have been put ofthe practice all week,
will he able to get back Into the game
with Colgate on Saturday. Cornell' is
worso crippled. Darrett, the varsity
quarter, will probably be unable to pjay
against Bucknell tomorrow, and Wtl-
Ijamson, Jeft tackle, Is n such bad shape
that the coaches may also have to keep
him out or fho fame.
Harvard s also having- some trouble.
Brlckley; although - suffering only a
trivial injury, has been "kept out of the
acrlmmagp riqst "Jbf the week, but may
be seen Jn the lineup tomorrow against
Holy Cross if tho contest becomes close
enough to jeed him for a try at 111
field 'goals. Qradleey another of' the
haqks. slightly hurt and probably wiU
not starf the jpama. :
Foot ball at Fofdham received a big
setbac.WtVday,; Wi1? 'it as u
nouncea mat uaptaln Mulvey, whu
played, crnier, was out for the season.
After hn X-ray .examination Jt was found
that he had water on the knoe and would
be unable to -play again- this fall.
Ward Leads Qutncy to Victory,
Vlnny YUrd. who for a time was In tha
Oakland outfield, has returned from
Qulnoy, III., to San Francisco, Tom
Hackett went to manage Qutncy, but on
account of rheumatism had to relinquish
his berth. Qulney won the I, I. I. league
pennant, and Ward headed the batting
list with a percentage of .110.
Miss Hollins and
Miss Ravenscroffc
Will Meet in Finals
WILMINGTON, Del.. Miss Marlon
Hollins of New York, Metropolitan cham
Plon. and Miss Qladva
Pnglapd, former British title holder, won
their matches bpday in the semi-finals
rpund for the -women's national golf
championship at the Wilmlnrton
club and will meet tomoirow In the final
i or mq American utle.
MISS HolUUS . WOn from Ml TTnrrl
Curtis oj Boston, former American cham-
nlnn In II. JIW . . . . .
v,w.M ... ,i)aii;u 01 twenty noioa
It Was Ml" irl tUCk. linle fnr t.nln nrt
almost IM)ke foi stroke until tha final.
Miss DoJd. Holder of the British and
CaPH'Mau .championships, played a dl
apiwinunH Kmt against Miss Havens
croft, loelnc up and T to play, MIs
uoqq pei vrftx a single hole.
Coyotes Start for
Game at Notre Dame
VERMILLION. S. D.. Oct. 19.-f8nctal
rTlia Coyote foot bfjl team left this
M V A n ...
(unrrtwn or riqn ama university, to
tha tuna of "Dakota and. the ned,"
extcuted by the university cadet band.
Those alive to the situation are not uv.
twt much, other than that .the men, with
vb r iv ectpuons, are in epienaia
condition and will do their best. Notre
Dams, university ha a reputation, ex
tending through a long period of years, of
producing a foot ball team, a peer of
the bast In the west. It Is pretty big gams
for South Dakota to tackle, but the
dauntless Coyote kpirlt is behind the men.
It Is no worse a proposition than a year
ago when the tram virtually tied Michigan
university, and the optimist says thai
the roiult wilt be as satisfactory. Ar
rangements have been made for a leased
wire, whereby reports of the game, play
by play. wU be received, by the student
body, which wll cheer and sing as though
it was on the field Iteelf. A week from
Saturday occurs the big game with Den
ver university at Sioux Fails.
Greatest Eleven
to Hold Reunion
NEW HAVKN. Conn.. Oct lT.-"Pat"
Corbln. the captain of the famous eleven
that twenty-five years ago rolled up f$S
point against It opponents nothing, has
arranged for a dinner here next week
of all the members of the team still Hy
ing. It Is expected that most of the fa
mous lineup will be reassembled. The
team then lined up as follows!
Left -end, Alonao Btagg; left tackle. W,
CL Rhodes; left guard, Qeorge Wood
ruff; center, "Pa" Corbln; right guard,
"Pudge" Heffelflnger; right tackle,
Charley 0111; right end. "KM" Wallace;
quarterback, W, C, Wurternburg, halt
backs, Lee McClung and BUly Bull; full
back. W P- Oraves.
Byrne of the old-timers assert that
Corbln' aleyen was Jhe greatest that
ever represented Tale.
Only One Bowling Match is Played
in Omaha League.
Pine Pall Ifnrd and Highest Amrre-
Baie for the Hyenlnff Was
Made by IC. Slple, rrlth
GS4 Score.
Only one match was played In the
.QPiaha Jeaguo Thursday night, jpn ac
count of a misunderstanding as to the
night on which the games were to be
roiled. Tre Qld Style Lagers and Wroth'
tare team rolled some close scores on
the Association alleys, the Old Styles
winning all three. Tptaia wore somewhat
low on account ol the pins falling hard.
K. Sclplo waa high Individual for the
evening, w)th 6St. The jDld Style Lager
rolled, a nice total, with 729. wth a PJS
single game, with 22L The scores were a
single game, with 22h The cores were a
Perkins AssprlaUon Alleys,
MoDermott Leads
Western Golfers
MPMTHIB, Term., Oct 17.-J. J. Mc
Permott of Atlantic City, is leading con
testants for the champipnshlp of the
Western Golf association with a total
of 220 for 64 holes played. M. J. Brady of
Boston with 24 and McDonald Smith of
New KAChelLe, the Utle holders, with JV.
follow In order. Tho three leaders made
th morning round pf W hojea Ja 1t TJ
and 77, respectively.
Key to the Situation Bee Advertising.
Hawkeyes Sure
of Making Showing
Against Chicago
IOWA CITY, la., Oct- 17.-Confident of
a good showing in tomorrow gamo -with
the University of Chicago, Coach Hawley
and his University of Iowa squad of foot
ball player left here today for Chicago,
Consistent practice throughout the week
rap convinced Hawley that the Hawkeyes
will pyt up a vigorous flght, thpugh
neither h nor any jof the Pther coqehea'
would predict victory.
Powell ,....m
WJrothrJch 17
Weeks ,.231
Toman 162
ybueem 177
Total &3S
1st, Sd.
Kdple ,,.....,.....184 m
Martin ...1M m
Upple , 17d 130
Waltchow ., US
FAnton , ,..163
874 2.7M
Total ,.,,.....',.817 m ii9 ?76
Gate City Leaarae.
Tho pate City league were on deck
again last night with soino exciting con
tests. The two leading teams, the. Store
Triumpha and the Mickey Oihaon',
started an fxcltingf match -with lota of
note. The brewers took the Ion otd of
the argument by winning the last two
games. Bill Learn wa tho ?lay ohooter
pf fhq evening with a Kl total and a 393
.single game Schmlt rolled the exhibi
tion gamo of the evening with l&l single
and a ?53 total game. The Frank' Colt
had JltU difficulty Jn wjnnlpjf twp ir9Fi
jne v u. . no. . The scores were;
Jst 2d. Sd. TpUl
Lee , 1SS 115 151 1 4
Dahmke .,.!') Ill 1M 460
Doherty ,,,,,,,,,,.178 lfi 149 4
Anderson 131 152 its 43S
Johnson. C 174 173 181 623
Totals 8(9 728 785
1st 2d. Sd.
Learn , ISO 173 SOS
Shaw ,.,. ..,,,,168 189 178
Doner 175 199 166
Bclolo ....168 187 178
Fit 161 IV 172
Totals 8?1
F. K. O. No. IS.
in. za.
812 2,(28
Weber ....179
Schmltx ,.132
Thlet 162
Herapel 1ST
RJs ....., 189
Total ,
llapdtcap 43
Totals 863 740 785
1st. 2d.
Abbott 178 119
purshouse 1M 180
Corasn 185 160
Hhader 183 104
Moore ,..,.JW ffi
.2, 9
Total ..T3 s 777 848 1.343
Howling Notes.
Barney Bhaw went to tbe bad last nlsht,
Piling up a dinky total of 455. A 168 single
game was his beet effort.
The Omaha league bowlers are planning
on tearing up alley Nos 9 and 10 ana
floating them down the river.
Take a squint at the two style of
bowling along connlstent line. J. Week',
with three games of 221. US and 180, total
104; K. Bclple. with three game of. 4,
195 and 1H, total 6Si
All Omaha league team will roll under
their regular schedules next week- The
league this year is organised with a new
ana young set of officer, supplanting
tbe old school who held eway for o many
years. There Is no doubt hut tbat the
spoils will be divided at the end of the
Season. In fact, the prise list is already
posted in all the alley for the Inspaqtlon
of all.
The Store, Triumphs took another firm
grip oq first placo by taking two from
the Mickey Ulbsons, their closest rivals.
The "Micks" were noticeably off form,
only rolling a 2,363 total, with but one
roan over 600.
President Lane announces that the
meeting of the Greater Omaha lioaitng
association soheduled for next Suqday
will be postponed one week, owing to his
being unable to be In tho city to attend,
Tbe next meeting will be Sunday after
noon at o'clock.
There seems to be a tendency on the
part of two or three bowlers to place a
stumbling block in the way of the Omaha
league, but tbeir effort will fall. Presi
dent Weeks has a firm trip on the rvins
and has the hearty co-operation of the
rt of tbe Uague-
Omaha league bowlers will feel right
at home at the Metropolitan alleys Judg
ing from the way pins are falling at the
association alleys. Several are having
trouble reaching W) and City Champion
Martin barely reached 100 In a league
game Thursday night.
Fanton Is looking for tha man who
stole ht shoea. Frank says that they
are il three and that it would be im
possible tor any other Omaha league
bowler to wear them. It might be a good
Idea for him to look up the bowlers who
have small children at home. Joe Dober.
for Instance.
That was an exciting contest tbe Btor
Triumphs and Mickey Gibsons pulled off
Thursday night Both teams are rolling
for first place In tha Gate City league,
and rooting and goat getting is quite
common. Of course, the quietest one In
the crowd was Carl Johnson, who Is deaf
and dumb and seemingly blind. !
. t
i v
A great tandem Kensing
ton and Fruhauf Clothes.
Their function is Jo attract
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If ypu derive added satis''
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woolens as can' be. 'bought
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can looms v
If you -recognize $ie vialue
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Then, with our Kensington '
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fore been possible in ready-to-put-on
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These are not mere words, but an ex
pression of honest conviction.
For the man who prefers to
pay less say $14,50, $17 or
$20 wp have our own Cui
mors. Many worse but none
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II ell0tTs0rj(xi years ia charred cask, in n
I ? Northern Rye always selected by a rcetnber of the firm. I
Pnrcetwater from well unk hundred of feet into solid IE
That's why the man who knows always Insists on
karHNANBy E STHg IMER A SONS. Diatlllera
1 1