10 THE BEE:. OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1913. - A $14,000 Stock of Millinery Bought for $7,600 "JS&SSaSSrtU. D. B. FISKE CO., 225 N. WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO We place onsale Saturday thousands of untrimmed hats, trimmed hats, ostrich feathers and fancy fcatlicin at prices that will result ln-thosavTng of thousands of dollars to thewonrciTof Omahn". Vr f.pniiinp Pa f tern q Haf M From Our Great Millinery Purchase Just 150 of those hats, exquisitely trimmed with garnitures of hand some ostrich plumes, nigrettcs. goura, imported ribbons, embossed plushes, etc.; lints that are selling regularly in Now York as the most elegant early winter and lato fall models. They are all individual and exclusive in style. Fall Pattern Hats of Such Exquisite Character Should Readily Command $35 to $40 Pattern HaU 11 Q50 ns -50 Werth$20to$30Jpl5 9 $ 10 50 doo50 fFor Patters HaU Wertk$30 to $40 $225 Untrimmed Hats of Velvet SILK PLUSH and HATTERS' PLUSH from the PURCHASE Untrimmed lllack 811k Velvet flat, Just flflO of these shapes, S l'Jt popular blocks, some with French edges; all are excel I lent quality; not one In tlie entire lot Is worth less thun $nj"0. and many are actually worth up to $3 J Untrimmed Hats of Silk Hatters' Plush, solid black and now colors, made with velvet underbrlms, mora than 20 styles to select from; would bo cheap at $4,60, Saturday UHfrimmed Silk Plush Hats, flno eroct pllo silk plugh; two pi era shapes, In medium" and small effects; black, brown, nary, taupe and combination of colors; some are worth as high a S4 . , . . . ... ' t , , . . . $1.79 $1.95 $1.79 Thousands of Ostrich Plumes From the Big Purchase at the Most Amazing Bargains incso piumcs aro ursi quality stock; these values positively can not bo duplicated. French Ostrich Plumes worth up to C, at $3.75. 18-lnch long plumos, 6 Inches wldo, In solid black, solid white, new blues, brown, shaded purplp, taupo, cerise, Amer ican beauty etc.; flno selected stock; actual ly worth aa 1-5 r up to $6; Sa.a main floor. . v 92.50 Ostrich Plumes nt $1.00 lG-inch plumes, 6 Inches wldo, ' in ton of the season's best colors, In plain col ors or shaded effects; regular $2.50 val., at. . no-lnch Ostrich Hands at $1.20 With ostrich stick-up; colors aro black to whlto, solid leather, Alice bluo, black to empire Q4 (t green, taupo to royal Jk I M blue, etc.; $2 values at. Vf $1.69 -3 K You will be unable to find such remarkable values If you wait un til later to buy. 19-lnch French head Ostrich Plumes, 0 inch head, very heavy prime stock, black or white; positively worth $8.00, it 22 -inch French Head Ostrich Plumes, 11 inch head, extra heavy prime stock, black and whlto, worth ( n p 5o.5u 24-Inch French hcad ostrich plumes, with 13-inch head, 3-ply extra heavy- prime etock, black or white; positively an $18 value; Sat urday at 24-inch French head Ostrich Plumes, with 14-Inch head,.4-ply head and 3-ply body, made of heavy prime stock; worth $20; Sat urday special, at , $10 'lumes, d 3-ply $12.50 6,000 Fancy Feathers, Wings 1 Trimmings Wings, 8tickups, burnt aigrotto effects, breasts, feather bands, pheasant talis, quills, etc. worth up to 76o eaoh on -main floor and basement mlllihory department, at, each 15c Imported trimmings of wings, stick-ups, cassawny effects, goura effects, burnt chic ostrich novelties; In this lot are many expensive trimmings, values up jo 92.00 each; second floor, at. ...... . 79c f ur edgings of fitch, mole, etc. Large, medium and small hats, plenty of solid blacks. Most wonderful bar gains we ever offered at the price. Borne Worth $15 Some Worth $18 Stunning Dress Hats 400 Handsome Late Fall and Early Winter Designs Secured in Our Immense Millinery Purchase These graceful new dress hats of plush and velvet will appeal to the womon who wish to be correctly dressed without incurring the ex pense of French models.. Hats of plush and velvet in popular novelty ostrich effects, aigrette effects and Sohie Worth $20 Some Worth (22 $5 and $10 r Beaver and Velour Shapes FROM THE BIG MILLINERY PURCHASE $5 to $7.50 Austrian Velour Shapes, 100 in the lot, at, $2.50 eajh Genuine Fur Beaver Untrimmed Hats; an ideal mldseason hat, in ten new shapes, medium and largo; the colors aro principally block, brown, navy and taupe; former' selling price $4, Saturday. $1.95 TRIMMED HATS, IS BASEMENT. Ready to wear and .tailored; plenty of small turbans, small sailors, etc. worth up to E? O and $2.50, at. .. 59c aDd 79c SILK PLUSH VELVET SHAPES. Mirrored Silk.VelvetF medium and small,, all good' colorr., worth up tcx ?2.6U, uasemt 7Q & q On and main floor C j) 1 Women's Stunning Winter Coats at $10, $15 and Scores Stunning CKinchilla, Silk Plush, Caracul 1 Novelty Cloth Winter Coats, Made to Sell, $21 $15 C Thin in ntin nf thniin ram ulna that .n.vi. more right at tha boginnlng of tho season on Just the kind 1 of coat you want most.. Now style features usually confined to coats of more oxpenslvo character aro shown In this great' assortment and all sites tor women and misses aro included. Suits & Women $ Are Always 25 Recogniied wherever styift is heeded as the aristocrats of fall tailored apparel. The nower styles for late fall and early winter aro extremely effective You can not nope to find equal, stylo or equal deslrablljty In any suit you can buy else where for less than $35 or $40. A scoro of new models shown Saturday for tie first time. You'll ever reallre how much real style can go In a medium priced suit unyi you wear a "Fashion seal." nanni oexxu xix-' Mm, OklHflUu, CarMftli, wtater kTistt as.4 beaeles W Bt7lM &B4 KiUUltl 3 to 14 TiliH, at.. $098 3 CXXX.BRBX'S OOATS, wld VMltty of styles aaa col on, in plain aaa trlmm4 fftets; all th nttr fabrlMi aotaaUy wocta up to S7.50. . $5 Special Lots of ClUldrea'a Drosses Gingham, galatea cloth, serge, fancy worsteds, plain colors, stripes and plaids 81.50. 81.08 and up to 812.50 r New style in Children's 0o&t3 Chinchilla, bouclo ' caracul, plash, cheviot, Uhural lamb, etc, 0.03. 87.50 and up to 817.50 Women's Sweaters, madp with roll collars, uhlte and colors, at .$1. SO WoHiw'a, Sweaters, high or roll collar, several styles, at $2.50 Women's Sweaters, blue, gray and red, high roll collar, at .$1 WomeM'a'and Misses Sweaters, all colors, and sites. . . .$2.98, $3.9H up to $10 Omaha cPite Shoe Store Tke Pupilar "Baby Doll" Boots for Women A style that is very fashionable In the cast. It Is a typical Juvenile shoe In appearance; made with broad, plain or tipped toes, extremely low heels, In patent and dull leathers, very comfortable shaped last all sires and widths JAw 8Utr Top InoM (or Wotau Clever atylea, with patent leather vrat and Ilk cravenette top. In over Kalter effect, medium, narrow, plain toee, new kidney fcel black, KTr. brown and purple top, with bird a eye buttons to match all alxea annl wduu Q OR at. pair Oi0 Kan's Khota at $338 Soft, serviceable cunmetal leather. In button and blucher atylea, hi nil toea, all ffl nr eltes and widths at ftioS "Hatropola" Shoes for SSen Combine tniart atyle with comfort and durability, button and lace atylea, in tan and cunmetal leather all aiita and widths mm at. Plr W Boya' Soaool SAoes With the new "Indeetructlble tlpa" with beat oak tanned leather aolea all IR sixes up to t at wifO Nhi 1m titan 1 at. fa.48 Chi Main Floor Tables WeaM'l Bm miffKM, l Fair Saturday mornlnr at ( a. tn. w offer about 200 pairs In suede and patent leathers, yatins. alto Imported Chlneae kimono jllppers ' odd aad enda only a few pairs or a style. I worth t IS a pair, at, pair 1 Wa' Warm SUroers, o Kur and ribbon trimmed felt and crochet slippers with flexible leather OS aolea, worth J110 and II. at. pair OD Tatoas ta Woswa'a Shoes. tlJf Tan raif in ii BMSk-v" vnais. ftv. at& ,rj- aR'fMuri usspm rw . ira ' I FoY These Fine Boucle, Chinchilla Plush, Caracul, Novelty Mixture, Broadcloth and Persiana Coats, That Were Matte to Sell at $25 1 $27.59 No coats that sell regularly at $25 can glvo you better service than these. Each .smart cloak is extremely well tailored and has that air "of clever style that tho best drowsed women de mand. Many three-quarter coats draped gracefully at the bottom. They are just as practical as th&y are stylish. ($19 High Class Winter Coats for Women and Misses Tho new three-quarter and full length plain and fancy Coats, plenty of plush, caracul and Ural lamb, Persiana, boucle, chin chilla and broadcloths at... . ,$22.50, 25, 29 and up to $50 Women's and Misses' Silk and Wool Dresses, $8.98 Clever and desirable new models in mescaline, sorgo, poplin, ra tine, etc., and in plain and fanoy trimmed, worth regularly $12.50 and $15. A Saturday special, on our second floor, at $8.98 69 Silk Plush Coat New Chinchilla Coats All sixes for women and misses; blacks and all colors and mix tures that are in demand for this fall and winter wear. Will look well in any company. Boucle Novelties Heavy Winter Coats Coats of both extra heavy and medium weight; they are very welL lined and the tailoring can only be equaled In coats of much higher price. WOMZirS WAISTS White 1 lawns and vollei, trimmed with I lace and embroidery also white tailored waists for fall; 81.60 I ralne, at J SIX.X and CHXrrOK WAISTS, plain tailored ana fancy trim' mad, long- iIhtii, high collar, or low neck, .to., 90 value.. r SILK PETTICOATS Uesia- 1 lines with deep pleated or tucked flounce 1 all new shades -and aU lenrthas worth to S3.EO, I t J WAiienra sbts .serres, waits, onecxs, novelties tailored and draped affeots values, at I Serres, ) 0 mg sj new 98 Women's Outing Flannel Night Oovms, made extra full J i ... .50c AVonlen'sOuting Flannel XlghtGowns, collar or low neck, at SI Women's Outing Tlannel Night Gowns, plain or stripe. . .$lgr$r.56r1.08 Women's OuUng Flannel Pajamas all sizes, at L.ft.SO, $1.08, 82.50 biacK. brown and (ray auedea, etc odds and I AS e4 in up-to-date styles, II raluei, at. pair. I tVO Remarkable Sale of WINTER UNDERWEAR SSL SAMPLES and SURPLUS STOCK from A. W. Porter & Co., 40 to 45 White Street, New York one of the biggest purchases we ever made. This famous manuracturer soia us immenae iota ai jar less than regular wholesale price. These underwear bargains win De rememoereu lor years Samples of Women's Knit Union Suits. medium weight, in silk and wool, wool and cotton, also some in fine lisle high neck, long sleeves, or Dutch neck and elbow sleeves, ankle length $2 value, at, tho suit Women's Vets, in part wool and cotton or nil cotton, of medium weight, high neck and long sleeves With ankle length pants to n ft match; worth to 75c, ThP at, a gar ment UUU Samples of Women's Cotton Union Suits, in light, medium and heavy weights, high neck with loner sleeves or Dutch neck with elbow sleeves, ankle length worth $1 a suit, at Misses'. Children's and Hoys' Fleeced Cotton Union Sulfa, high neck, long sleeves and ankle length, medium and heavy weight, worth to 09c, at, suit SI tea ucck 59c 39b Misses' and Children's Vests, with high neck and long sleeves. nnkle pants to match, medium 5 and Heavy weights; worth to OOc, at a garment 25c GREAT HOSIERY PURCHASE This purchase Is from the Chlcago-Kenosha Hosiery Co., the largest hosiery mills In the west, and maker of me xamouB uiacK Jat" hosiery, note tnese great values for Saturday: Women's pure silk boot with wide llsl gar ter tops, full -fashioned, regular made; also heavy silk to the top seamless hosiery; lisle double soles; worth up to 50c, at, pair.... Women's and men's fine cotton and mercerized llsl hosiery; also fleecy lined and cashmere wool, Plain and ribbed to the top; regu lar ana out sites; worth 2 Be, at, pair , , I5c Misses', hosiery, 29' Women's mercerised silk lisle hosiery, me? dlum or heavy weight, full fashioned, wide hem tops, double soles. 6-thread spliced heels and toes; worth to 50c, at, pair girls' and boys' school ribbed cotton and fleecy lined, including black cat leather stockings, double knees, double soles, heels and toes; fast colors; 25c and S5c hose, pair. , , spliced IGc Women's and men's fine cotton and fleecy lined hosiery, double heels and toes; also misses' and children's school hosiery, double heels and tc-ea, fait col ors, black and tan; all Blzes, pair , 10c Jsi WOMEN'S 2-CLASP IMPORTED KID GLOVES, 59c Every pair made from peclally selected skins, In medium and light weight, overseam sewn; black, white, brown and gray in all sizes, 5i to 8; thould be sold at one- r-r third more than this special price, pair.. 37C WOMEN'S 16 - BUTTON LENGTH WHITE KID GLOVES, $1.65-A re markable bargain in women's long white gloves that reach several inches above the elbow, with 2-clasp fasteners at wrist; every pair perfect and will fit and wear splendidly; worth ati n r 12.25, all elzes. at, pair J I ,00 "PERRIN'S" SUPERIOR QUALITY KID GLOVES,. $1.50 Pair Made of real kid, overseam or p. k. sewn, In white, black and col ors; every pair has our guaurantee and the maker's guarantee of absolute satisfaction. "P.rrln" stamped In every pair; all sizes at, 1 C Pa $1.50 WOMEN'S 16-BUTTON REAL FRENCH KH) GLOVES, $2.65 Best quality skins, LIJ.wh,te ,0D,y.; w,u m Pertly and wear splen didly, sold all over the country at n 13.50; Saturday only at, pair P.Uw. Basement Corset Dept. OOIUSKT FOIt IKD!UMJIX1 HTOUT FIGURES Rustproof double wire filling, medium bust and long over hips, some with graduated front -i steel, skirt hook attached and draw tape Sia in bust; all sizes 19 to 30; f 1 corsets at. . . Broken line of sizes in Nemo Corsets; regular S1.50 torsem at half price. , . Vsja MUHUN UNDERWAI8TS FOR IRL8-SpecUl for Saturday, a 2 So value for ..t.l9 ( i