Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 17, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursday, October 16, 1913.
-HE University club of Omaha has Issued cards to the members an
I nounclng the first dinner dance of the season at the club room
I Tuesday evening. Dinner will be at 7 o'clock and dancing will
start at 9 o'clock.
Tho club Ib planning a series of Interesting entertainments for tho
winter; there will bo the annual "Foot Ball dinner" In November, tho "Col
lege dinner" In January and the "Lincoln dinner" February 12, as usual.
It Is thought that President Vincent of tho Unlrorslty of Minnesota will
iellrer tho address on Lincoln's birthday.
The announcement of tho dances brings beforo the entertainment com
mittee tho question of tho modern dances. It is tho general opinion of tho
members of this committee, of which John R. Wobstor Is chairman, that all
the new dances will be allowed, under certain regulations. Tho committee
tecs more objections to the positions assumed than to the dances.
Tho four Saturday nights In November will probably bo set apart for
tournament nights at the club. There will bo entries In a billiard tourna
ment, a pool tournament and a bridge tournament, for which a small fo
will be charged, this money to go for tho purchaso of prizes and for re
freshments. Arrangement have been mado with tho University club of Kansas City
whereby tho members of tho Omaha University club may exchange
nqvelly that produced much fun. Mr
D. J. Morris, as Msdanjo Knowltall, save
a fine exhibition of palmistry. Musical
selections, by Miss 8ae, the Misses
Hhook and the Endeavor quartet were
Breatly appreciated. Beventy-flv friends
contributed to the pleasure' and good fel
lowship of the evening;.
Sorprise Party.
Mrs. ti. T. If minor frav a mirnrls nnrtv
! In honor of her father, 4tr John Yager
of Grand Island, Neb., nt her home, sifil
Fowler avenue, ftaturd.ay evening. Cards
furnished the amusement The friends
presented Mr. Yager with a hand-painted
Magowan-Joslyn Wedding.
The wedding of Miss Violet Joslyn.
daughter of Mr. and 4tr. George Alfred
Joslyn to Mr. David Walter Magowan.
vm celebrated Thursday evening at Lyn
hurst, the attractive homo of Mr. and
Jlr. Joslyn. Itev. Thomas J. Mackay,
rector of AH Saints' church, officiated.
This home Is considered one of the
Kaiilirnl anri ortlttlr linmi In the
city and mado a wonderful setting for
the wedding, .An auracuve una appro
priate feature whs the Hpo organ In the
music room. Mr. Hen Stanley presided at
. K .mil ami nlavrd tho Ixhencrln
... 7 ' .i .1. ..-,i-t 1. w,i. ! presented Mr. Yager with
1 ste n. Trlres. were won by Mr. John
nine m-rcn u unn ,no Y.wr. Mrs. T. Freeman. Mrs. J. Tal
the echo pipes or the uppr floor, -which "a
whllo the marriage lines were read In the
xnuslo room.
The bridal party walked down thW
broad circular stairway through the
library to the music room, which, was
artistically decorated with whlto chrysan
themums, roses and Polyplum ferns and
an Improvised altar was banked with
trajden hair fern.
1ti l.rido mi rhartnlnr In her M.
Olng gown of Ivory satin chameuso with
draped skirt and long square train. The Dinner f Or Usher.
bodice and sleeves were embroidered Ira
mage and Mr. James Johnson, Mrs. -Car-
:r and Mr. Cnrter. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. w. Gar.' I
Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson.
Air, and Mrs, T. O. freeman.
Mr. and Mm. 11. K Carter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Talmage.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Hopkins.
Mr. and Mrs. John Falconer.
Mr. and Mrs. B, M. Horns n.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Ifouser.
Mrs. Carmony,
Mrs. Carolina Davis of 'Ottumwa, la.
MUi Junle Davis of Ottumwa. la.
Mia Alma Homer.
Mr. John Yager of Grand Island.
wxiice ana sieevts were emoromerea ira mt. uavia itingowan enieriameu ai a
pearls and brilliants In roso design with bachelors' dinner Wednesday evening at
over drapo of Itonlton lace embroidered the JTcnshaw In honor of his best man,
. -.1. . .... T.v..r tTmlm Tm mA 1.1. nat,..-.
Mr, Lake Deuel, Mr. John Caldwell and
on mallne. Tho long veil was of silk
m aline held In place with orange blos
som, which came from Mr. and Mfs.
Waltl-s' winter home In Hollywood, Cal. "
Hhc carried a shower bouquet, of whirs Th"rsday evening. Those present were:
nwhida mt,A mi.. e h. v.n.u rt,-1 . Messrs. . Mfssr.-.
' - - .w ..w. -I I J.W. 1 1.111
Mr. Carl L. Wettlg,
Miss Violet Joslyn.
. . .. , . 1 bBHQ ijeuei,
groom's gift was a tavallcr eetvlth sap- Carl I Wettlg
nfclrea and diamond.
TM first of the bridesmaids to enter
was Bertha. Dickey, who was gowned In
pale are. charmeose draped and mods
with bodice of shadow lace.
Mlaa AH co Carter, the second brides.
mW, camo next wearing pale green
charmeiMe with bodice and tunlo of
ChantUlv lace and white tulle.
MIm Margaret McPheraon followed and
were pale green charmeuso draped and
the bodice and angel sleovss and tunlo
were of Chantlily lace. Tho gowns, al
though In different designs, were all
made round length and of tho same
material. The bride presented each with
a gold filigree bracelet set with sapphires.
Miss Helen Magowan of Kane, r-a.,
sister of the groom, was maid of hnnot
and was gpwned in pale green charmeuse
with bodice and sleeves of shadow 'lace,
mbrpldered In pearls and rhtnestones.
6ho received a bracelet set wth diamonds
and sapphires. Each of the bride's at
tmdaaU wore bandeaux of pink tulle
In their hair, from which were drops of
yrtnch rosebuds. Kach carried a muff o'
Klllarney roses.
Mr. Thomas G. Iiyta of k'ann. t
Mrved aa best man fnr u, m...
and tho Ushers were Mr. Carl U Wettlg
ei m. iouis, Mr. Lake Deuel and Mr. John
araweti. 'lDo groom tireAntMi
with stick pins. Assisting In stretching
n ieson were Mr. Taylor Delcher and
Mr. Wallace Lyman. .
After the ceremony thero was a recep-
wen ne gueu were recehtd In
the reception lialL
Mrs. Joslvn waa rmrnM In tnx, nn.
velvet brocade trimmed with t
of chiffon ove flesh-colored char
meuoe. The skirt was drapd and the
coee waa or gold metal lace and gold
embroidery with deep girdle of jade
green iuiie.
5r. Magowan cf Kani Pn . mnth- r
thegrom, wore white satin with over-
aresa or clack ChanUlly lace.
-a. weoaing supper was served to the
bridal party In the conservatory, where
President 'Taft roiea wen u..i fnr k.
centerpleoa for the Uble. In the dining
room wra. warn rosea formed the cen
terpiece for the table. Punch
on the screened porch, where there was
a decoration or oak leave and cat tails.
Mr. and trm f a mn.. n 1 ... .
. "w " ct. ivr a
wedding trip to New York and other
eastern cities and will be at home at S504
Wool worth avenue af ti- ivmk i
Aaalattng at the reception wero mea-
nf RL TjiuIi.
John Stewart,
Italph Ralney,
James Van Burgh,
Roger MeKentle,
i. iaiiey,
J. J. Dickey
C. K. Coutant
C N. Diets
Herbert Klsh
J. W. Orlfflth
C. C. Allison
A. J. Lova
John McDonald
W. A. Itedick
T. U Uingwalt
Wla iiqulrra
O. M. Wllhelm
"W, M. Rogera
Charles Offutt
C r. McGrew
O forge Squire
J. H. gcobia
Clement Chase
C. W. Martin
David A, Bauni
J. A. McShane
Milton Barlow
I. A. Nash
Mildred Butler
J- J. Sulltoan
I". N. Conner
C L. Km rn worth
M. A. Hall
Mabel Osden
Harold Iritohett
Wilson Auitln
John Uraln
Jesale Millard
CarmeliU Chase
Dorothy RJngwalt
Mary Itlngwalt
Gretchen McConnell
Mildred Rogers
Leeta Holdrege
uapnne Peters
wnn sclera I f i.
Katherine Thumroell A."J fvellstrom,
cnei iioimquist
Mary Burkley
Margaret Uaum
Katherine Beeson
"As. Attttm YreKi."
. .. . . .. nun L-roier.
"-v.v. 1 A. i- iteynoiaa, . i. Haywood
yirK Chritlan church presented s, most I Dr. C. W. Patton, T. F. Andreeaen.
ttrtsinin autumn evening program to If - .Mw' S.icr!.a.uirm.
their members and friends Tuesday even
iC. The room was nDDroclately deco
rated wjth beautiful leaves and vines,
w we program was entirely In keep
lag wjth the occasion. Among the. In
terasttec features was a "husking bee
atMt aa apple peeling contest, ribbons
HfHT td, the winners In these, coa-
ss. -Awxing me jmmpltin' was
... . . .w. w ta v . v (
Mr. David Magowan entertained at a
for his wedding to
which takes place
Thomas G, Lyte
of Kane. Pa.:
Taylor Belcher,
W. M. Wood.
Albert Patterson.
Charles McLaughlin.
merlon-Leigh Wedding.
Carda haVA h.n rM.1.. imiAMHiiinff
the marriage October i nt Ml.. Rvi
Leslie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
ii. Leslie, sow Marcy street, to Dr.
Charles Jamea Emm-inn. Th xrrAAinm
was private and took place October i, and
auer a oner inp ur. ana Mrs. Kmerson
have returned to Omaha where they are
at home at 4706 Twenty-ninth street.
Mrs. J.merson is a ilster of Judgo
Charles Leslie and Frank and Leigh
Leslie of thla city. Dr. Hm.n .A...
ated from Crelghton Dental college sev
eral 'years ogo and Is practicing in
ieloer-Ellifon Wedding.
The wedding, of Miss Ethel Ellison,
daughter of Mr. John A. Ellison, and
Itev, A. E. Selcer took nl . ty.
Church of the Good Shepherd Wednesday
owning ai i ociock. tho ceremony was
performed by Rev. Noble of Tails City.
Rev. and Mrs. flelcer will'-make their
heme In Omaha.
Perse jutl Mention.
Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Naurhtin hv.
At the Field OluhT
An enjoyable aubacrlellnn t.n.n n.riv
was given Wednesday evening by tho
younger members of the blub. The affair
was much, enjoyad and well attended.
Among those present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Manley.
Mr. arid Mra, Paul Wernher
Mr. and Mra. William II. Wood.
Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Baum. Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mllllken.
Mr, and Mrs. E. M. Slater.
Mr. and Mra. A. I. Ropt
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Roaewater.
Mr. and Mrs Leiter Drtshaus.
r an2 J:nr, Ashton.
xJr "5 $In - "ruenlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Krug.
Mr. and Mrs. Auatln Collett
Mr. and Mra. Ouy Smith.
Mr. and Mra. Rlghter Wood.
Mr. and Mra. Alex llcke.
Mr. ana Mrs. Jerome Magee.
Mr. ami Mr. f. I f niTZ.
Mrs. Cannon, Ball Lak, city
Plluv Willi. m.
Dorothy Dale.
Anne Dennis.
Pradaric!: Cos.
King Denman.
Donald Neely,
James Allan,
Harley Conant,
rnuia liaie.
William Chambers.
Betty Penny.
Martha Dale,
Irene Farrell,
Charlea Rlakley,
Arthur- Smith,
Fred Hamilton.
Albert Cahn.
Blaine Young,
Jack Hughe.
The Et-A-Yira Club. -
The Et-A-Vlrp club gave the first of
a series of atag mokers, Monday, Oc
tober II On Thursday. October a, at
Chambers', the dancing season will b
lormally opened. The followlnr
preaeni ai the stag
Otto Nielsen.
Percy Gwynne.
J J. McMahon,
J. C. Cheney,
J. T. Btxler.
lr. F. C. Lage,
v. v. JHann.
Earl Elienhsrt.
A. U Uerk,
William Huliltjr,
a. r. pir.
Dr. II. 11. Attwood.Jsmaa
Lew Devlne, C. N. Moulin.
O. L. Greenfield. Dr. H. Osanter.
Ed H. Hawley. L. w. v.irhi '
Bam Croser, C. L. 8wancutt.
Ia Diifh,r.
Carl Haarroaan.
Harry Reschke,
W. R, Pratt,
a. H. Batty.
William Dana.
Don Bulllv.n
Julius 8ogasrd.
C, J. Asraan,
J. W. Doyle.
Stuart Oould.
Karl Haney.
K. 0. 1. OUh.
Miss Blanche Katur entertained the K
C B, club at her boms on Tuesday eve
ning, The members present were MJimi
Rose Bechmeister, Catherine KalBer, Nell
Kaiser, Elisabeth. Htldlnger, Mary Bech
meister, Grace Kaiser,' Blancho -JCaJser,,
Ema Boehl. "
For the Future.
Mrs. Wltl Colling ana Miss Margaret
McShane have Issued cards for an After
noon tea Monday from 4 to 6 o'clook. at
117 South Thirty-seventh street. In honor
of Mrs. Tom McShane, a recent frlde.
Miss M, Lillian Davidson will give a
talk on dramatla art and physical culture
Friday evening at the Metropolitan build
ing. Muslo and readings are also on tho
Pleasure! Faat
Mrs. a F. Stmanek entertained at a
kenslngton at her, homo Wednesday af
ternoon. The decorations were In yellow
and white and eight guests were present.
In and Out of the See Hive.
Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Bcott 'and small
son, William Waldo, of .Lodge pole. Neb.,
arrived Tuesday to visit Dr. Scott's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. O. A, Scott for two
Mlas Frieda Lowenberg of St. Joseph,
guest of Miss Erna Hadra, leaves Friday
for her home.
Miss May Sullivan and Miss Lora
(Power have returned from a two month's
stay In Estes, Park, Coto.
Mra. K. C Barton and daughter, Kath-
ertne, leave this evening for New York
City, where they will meet Mrs. John
Bourke and her two daughters, Misses
Anns, and Pauline Bourke. From New
York Mrs. Bourke, her daughters and
Miss Katherine Barton will sail for Rot
terdam preparatory to an EUroptan trip,
while Mra. Barton will return to Omaha.
At Orkln Bros. Store) tram 10 to 12
A. M. nnd from 2iau to S V. M.
Come and see corsets fitted on living
models, and how ladles should bo prop
erly corseted. They are taught and ahown
how to 'adjust, their models. The new
style corsets will, be shown on living
models. Advertisement.
Indigestion, Gas or
Sick, Sour Stomach
time Iti rmse'a Diapepaia" wisVssi
row Bpect, Mote4 stomach feel
riae la rive
"Really does" put bad stoeaaoha ta
order "really doesf oreroaaas tadicesyHon,
dyspepsia, gas. hssxtfenrn and HsnsM
In five mlnuta that Jast that make
Papa's Dtapecjetn the large lUaT sloes,
ach regulator la Iks wort. If wfeat yea
eat ferments Into stuooeni !sbm, ytm
baleh gas and eructsU sear, aaHg4ta
food and add: ka4 la sissy aad acaos;
breath foul; toocuo coated; row IbsMos
filled with btla sad tadlg OMs wast, ro
namber tho ruoweat "Pis' Dtaaawta"
com In esataet wKk th sfomanw all
such dUtreoo ralaes. It's trvcy aatoa-lahlng-almoat
marvel ww, aad tks iaf la
Its harmleasn .
A large fiity-t . of PafV Dts
yepstn wfU gtvs you a kuaJr4 attursf
worth of satUfaotlon or year anuglst
haoas you your asoeey back.
It's worth Ho weight In goU to mm '
and woeaen who eaa't cot tlr stsiaseli
rea-ulated. It bet a hi yossr kaes
should always to kef kaaoV ta oaao ot a
atck, sour, upset otaiuatsj dnrlac tao aay
' or at nlsht It's tho tu4ckC srst an4
, moat harmlros stosBack 4actr l th
world. g ,
Balkan Coat
Here is an idea from the Balkans a
blouse, a dash of daring color, a little style
that Paris added, all carried out in yarn to
make the most striking "sweater" of the
season. It is crocheted in a very easy
stitch, and the,cost is just about one-quarter
of what you would have to pay if you could
buy the coat ready-made. Send the coupon
below for complete directions. The yarn
used is Fleiiher'i Germantown Zephyr
4-fold, one of the sixteen
Four-fifths of the yarn users of America have been
using the Fleisher Yarns for years. Their experience
should convince you that you also should use only the
Fleisher Yarns. You will find that garments made of
these yarns look best and wear longest. Whatever kind
of yarn you need, always insist on Fleisher's look for
the trade-mark on every skein,
sMtoAd nj
AhcUaad ZestCr
HsnrI annua
CUm Ohsm aa TWs Umm
E Mail sltl Coaaoa to S. B. oc B. W. FLEIttCK, rtiHiJilahia 77
CBtrtt ,
A $14,000 STOCK
Bought for $7,600
Including the Overstock of theTambus Jobber,
D. B. FISKE CO., 225 N. aba$h Ave.
Ever' voman in Omnhn should attend this sale.
There are genuine bargains here that no one can
afford to let slip by.
150 Genuine Pattern. Hats at-$13.50-$16.50-$18-$22.50
400 New Dregs Hats, worth up to $22, at $6 and $10
Black Silk Velvet Untrimmed Hats, worth $4, $1.79
$4.60 Silk Hatters' Plush Untrimmed Hats, $1,95
Erect Pile Silk Plush Shapes, worth $4, at $1.79
Genuine Fur Beaver Shapes, worth $4, at $1.95
Austrian Velour Untrimmed Hats, worth $6, at $2.50
Ready-to-Wear Velvet Hats, worth $2.53, 59c and 79c
New Fall Fancy Feathers, worth up to 75c, at 15c
Thousands of French Ostrich Plumes Underpriced:
$6 Plumes at $3.75 $2 Bands at $1.29
$8 Plumes at $5.00 $13.50 Plumes at $8.50
$18 Plumes at $10 $20 Plumes at $12.50
Second Floor Main Floor Basement.
V ' SfeaWffsPSlBsPCiB?1 -P'lssssBSSsSsaBsssssw'
f It tji.r
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In New York j
and Boston
they have to get Police pro-
techon when they buy Furs
Here in the Northwest,
where the furs corhe from
Everybody is protected
by the
Pure Fur Law
More about it and the
New Gordon Furs for this
In this paper.
Send, too, for Gordon's
Fur Book. . , .
St. Paul, Minn.
Makers of Gordon Pure Fur Lata Furs since 1871
Soften the hardest water on wash
day with
Use it wherever there's dirt or grease
because it cleans and purifiM everything.
5c and larger package.
"it utm mim buct rwms
ata yafs wmrk' .