Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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mm is Tn m mmwm surveyor dies from
Oorernmeni Proposes to Make Six
Instead of Pour Standards.
Local Grain Sim Among T3io Who
Arc Nott Thrrshlnar Out thr I.
nr Dovtb In thr Sonth
rrn Slelrnpolls.
Ths proponed restarting of corn by the
federal government Is attracting a great
deal of attention amonr the grain men nt
Omaha, as well aa the grain men of most
every section of the country. Five prom
inent train men of Omaha have gone
to New Orleans to help thresh out the
problem at the meeting of the National
Association of Grain Men there October
:t to 17.
Those mho went from Omaha are J.
TV. Holmqulst, president of the ex
change; George B. Powell, chief In
spector. K. A. Beardsley, E. P. Peck and
Frank Cowglll.
The rules governing the grading of corn
with regard to percentage of moisture
now provide four grades, while the ten
tative grades for corn as formulated by
the United States Department of Agri
culture, through Its office of grain stand
ardisation, provides for six standards.
They provide that the percentage of
moisture permissible In all grades shall
be tens than the present grades.
Thus while the present first grade corn
may have up to IS per cent moisture, the
proposed rules would cut It to 14 per
cent The second grade they would cut
from 16 per cent to lilt The third grade
would be cut from 19 per cent to 17VS per
cent The fourth would be cut from 22
per cent to 18V4 per cent. The next two
grades It Is proposed to establish would
be allowed 214 and 21 per cent of mois
ture, respectively.
Will Address Meeting;.
Chief Inspector George B. Powell of
the Omaha ;Graln exchange has prepared
comprehensive address, wlUch ho Is to
deliver at New Orleans Wednesday. He
hold)) that in order to do Justice to Ihe
consumer It Is not necessary that radical
changes In the grading of corn be
adopted. If the six tentative grades were
Adopted, hs asserts. It would be 'neces
sary fot, the average .country-' buyer to
build additional cribs and. have bins suf
ficient to allot each of tho grades to a
fiaraU bin.
JIa further says: "The narrowing up of
olctur per cent and tho additional extra
grades, and the taking from the present
Trades aa well as the tentative grades all
of the impurities would forco the first
"buyer down to a 'sample' proposition In
buying corn during the first movement
of a crop, and always during the germi
nation period. It would be tho only thing
the first buyer could do to be safe."
He calls attention to the fact that the
grain men of the country have contracts
for mttllona worth of corn to bo deliv
ered for December and January, and
ears It might "mean serious losses if the
proposed grades go Into effect now.
Prince Shoots Big
Game, as Does Also
tlie Gates Party
The Mince of Monaco and his hunting
party, who have been after big game
west of Cody, left Cody yesterday, going
direct through to Chicago, arriving there
on Burlington train No. 18 Thursday
afternoon. The prince has an engage
ment to address the students of Chicago
university Friday. The prince has been
hunting In different territory from the
Oates party, has made quite a killing and
la .having some of his big gamo mounted
at Cody for shipment to Europe. The
dates party Is along the north fork of
the Shoshone river and Is having splen
did luck getting elk and deer.
To Cure at Cold tm Our Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tahiti
Druggists refund money If It falls to
cure. E. w, Grove's signature .on each
box. ate.
The strictly, modern and
up-to-date hotel, located in
the very heart of the city of
(Where life i worth living)
Most popular hotel in
tho city. Finest Cafe west
of New York.
250 rooms nt $1.50 per
day and up. Nothing bet
ter at our rates.
When you want a hotel
where you get what you
pay for, and then some,
come and see us,
Write for set of postal
cda in colors showing
the different denarlmontK
I of tite hotel, they are free.
fW 0TAL, Frt.
(MAM. L. POftTAL, lecy.
Get Will Now
End Constipation
Dodge's. Littlo laxa Caps Will Eelleve
You In a Newer and Better Way.
JJsnd for FBEE Trial Package Todar.
George McBride is
Dead from Apoplexy
George McIJrlde. county surveyor, died
at, his home, 3003 Dodge, yetterday after
noon, as a result of a stroke of paralysis.
Mr. Mcllrlde had served a little over
three terms ns county surveyor. He lived
In South Omaha for eighteen years and
was always Interested In city and County
politics. He was S3 years of age.
Surviving him besides his wlfo are three
sons, George, Wesley and Melbert, all
of whom are living at homo.
Dr. William 11. Walker, who has
brought suit In district court against A.
Thomas Klopp, president of a printing
company, for $4,000 damages as the result
of a collision of automobile which oc
curred west of Dundee eptomber 0, al
leges that Mr. Klopp's son, Lester, aged
IS years, was driving his father's big car
north at n. speed of forty miles an hour.
Dr. Walker asserts that as a result of
his injuries he contracted neuritis and.
that 'his car was destroyed,
, A Night of Terror.
Few night are more terrible than that
of a monther looklnrc on her child choking
ond gasping for breath .during An attuck
of croup, and nothing tn the house to
relieve' It Many mothers, have passed
nights of terror In this situation. A little
forethought will enable you to avoid
all this. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Is a certain cure for croup and has never
been known to fall, Keep It at hand
For sale by all druggists. Advertise-
Tou know you're sick know constipa
tion la what alls you; why remain an
other day In that torpid cohdlt'on?
Dodge's Little Lata Caps are something
new unlike any of the old-t'me medi
cines. They make you feet like another
perron In just a few hour, No griping
no weakening no upsetting of your
stomach. Dodgo'a Little liixa Caps are
safe, sure and effective, They are pure-
ly vegetable and rrce rrotn mercury.
In relieving constipation you prevent
a host of diseases, such as rheumatism,
kidney trouble, crip, colds and Indiges
tion. Insure against these and end con
stipation by getting a box of Dodge's
I.I t tie Laxa Cap. Drugg'sts have them,
price Sc. Wo will supply you by mall,
on receipt of price, If your dealer can
not or will not.
Free Trial Coupon
Walter Xiutfeer Bodge ft Cd
1093 so. Wabash Are., Ohjeago, Hi.
Qentlemon: Ploaao send mo free
trial package of Dodge's Little Laxa
Caps. I will give them a fair test.
Name ,,
Town - State.
Vnr- anlit Am! ftrvimmntlfw1 hv Oia fal
lowing drug stores In Omaha: 1) oat on
urug mo., uen mug to., Aierrm s
Pharmacy. Sherman & McConnell Drue
(Jrttds for ronltry Raisers.
Full Quart Only 80 Cents Expres Paid
THIS ia a special Introductory offer we are making to NEW
customers only and if YOU have-never tried Hayncr
Whiskey, we want you totry It NOW. Cut out this ad
mall it with your order and 80 cents in stamps or coin and
the full quart bottle of Hayntr Private Stock Bottkd-in-Bond
Whiskey will be sent In sealed case express charges paid. It's
great a ItettlidiH-BoHdyhlskcyot the finest kind sealed with
the U.S. Government's Green Stamp over the cork your assur
ance It Is fully aged, full 100ft proof, full measure as good and
pure aa can be produced. It a guars n ted to please you or money
back. Youknowweareresponslbte beenlnbuslneae46years
Capital $500,000.00 fully paid. Don't put this off enfrr
right mom? and goods wW go forward by first express.
VflTC. Onlrfromarta.WT.,Oolo.,KnBt,aakllUtsWrt
IlU 1 b. tfctrtol uutt nil for M.0 (or ona quart oipreM Md.
Tf 18
(AM future onion mutt be far FOUR rt e saere)
tot mm. feiiiiM tn
- m -"
tutu. e.
Komu CM?, M.
St rial
1 .V '.jH
m !
Always Hare a
Package or Two
of these dalicioua corn crisps
on hand. Good
for any meal and
Washington CRISPS
iyCeT"s Corn rUlcwlWC.
3aMFl, EAST at BRKAB.,rJEw jDRK.
"An hotel of distinctkm
with moderate charge"
Within five minutes of principal railwsy terminals.
Bituauon lasau
T ARirFi
Slngls roemt - - - -Doubts
rooms - -
DduMs bedroom, boudoir ;
drtulaoroem and bath "
Suite Harlolr, bedroom and bath .
Etch room with btth
" " la. sto. sit
Free Homes for Thousands
Government Liand Opening
at the Former
Fort Niobrara Military Resenration
C furry Coanty, Nmhrmilm
North Platte Forest Resenre
(Grant and MtPhtrton CoanlUi, Ntbratkm)
Take advantage of the chance to make a
Double Registration
October 13 to 25, 1913
I Out of the total amount of 379,480 acres
In both reservations to be given away,
about 15,040 acres or about 94
tracts of 160 acres each is farm land
which is located immediately adja
cent to the town limits of Valentine,
Neb., where It can be easily inspected.
I By purchasing your ticket to Valen
tine, Neb., you can not only register
for both reservations, but you can also
look over and examine the land suitable
for farming.
For full particulars call at or address
Tttket Officii
Chicago and
North Western Railway
1201 Farnam St., Omaha, Ntb.
Jacksonville, Ela 50.50
Tampa, Fla. S62.10
Miami Ela. ,$72.60
St. Augustine, Fla. $52.80
Palm Beach, Fla. . .$69.00
Penaacola, Fla. $41.00
Haines City, Fla. $60.70
Havana, Cuba $87.00
Also Many Other Destinations
Tickets going via one route, returning
via another at slightly higher fares.
Homeseekers' TicKBts on sale the first
and third' Tuesdays of each month.
For full information and de
scriptive literature call at City
Ticket Office or write S. NORTH,
District Passenger Agent, 407
South 16th St. Telephone Doug
las 264.
Bang-Up Style
No he iter hoe$ are made for
men tkmn what we have to
offer yw perfect
Jeather, perfect vterk-
manthip ana perfect
Our fitters are exDorts tasr are carefal and fit your feet with
shoos that are right fos you. Men who havs had difficulty in find
ing shoes they want and aaght to have, should come to this stors.
Priced st
$3.00 and Up
133-137 West 47th St., New York City
just orr BxoiswaT,
Ths ristit kind of hotel In the right locality In the heart of ths the
ater district and adjacent to the shopping centers. Positively flre-proqr.
Excellent cuisine and an exceptional orchestra. A large addition Just com
pleted, containing library, grill and billiard hall,
Handsomely Furnished Rooms, Private Bath,
ProM a rand Central Station, cam marked "Droadway" without transfer;
Pennsylvania t) tat Ion. Tth Ave. cars without transfer.
Booklet upon request
The Bee "Want Ads"
Reach out and
find the very
thing you want.
Rooms, houses and flats for
rent, real estate, help, business
chances, etc. Try them in any
of the many -classifications.
2c per word for one time or 3c
per word for two consecutive
Phone Tyler 1000
Don't Miss the Splendid Rug Values
Unusually Inter
esting Bargains
In Children's
Shoes, Coats and
IWomen's Sample
at n Saving of
Almost Half.
Best Bargain Opportunity
Offtf&Hs in Years in
Boys' Suits
Over 600 Suits, in choicest new
patterns and all wool fabrics;
secured at a big discount. We're go
ing to give our customers the bene
fit of tho saving.
Suits Worth
$4.50 at. . . .
$4.50 to $0.00
Suits at
At A.t ru ave clc"ce f nearly 300 suits in very
nl f daftf newest patterns and styles, absolutely all
wool fabrics, No rf oiks and gingle breasted styles, that
were made to sell at $4.50 to $6.00.
Mf Iffl splendid line of over 325 Handsome Suits
fll if fcsiMVeach having an extra pair of trousers. They
are $3.50 to $4.50 values and are splendidly made; the
greatest snaps ever offered in Omaha.
Boys' Knee Pants All sizeB, made to sell up to $1.75 a
pair; Wednesday, pair - .75c
- . .
Wtdnisdiy Spcoials in Domestic Room
Dress Ginghams, neat patterns, 12 values. 0
80-inch Bllkollnes, good patterns, 16c values f,o
Amoskcag Outing Flannels, 12 values iKJi
Prints, light and dark colors, 6c values 51
80-lncli Curtain Scrim, fancy borders, 18c value
Fancy Striped or rialn Poplins, 26c values .IK?
Remnants 30-Inch Unbleached Muslin, 8c values .fa
Made Sheets, 72x00, 60c values .tni
WamsutU Sheets, 81x90, seamless, $1.00 values . .85
Percales, neat patterns, light and dark colors, 12 He values io
Flannelttes, good patterns, 10c values 75
Striped Shirting, Cheviots, 12 He values jq
11 sjMa-sssBsssasa-ii .
Linn Spfciaic Widnssday
Imported mercerized satin
damask, full bleach, G9c val
'ues, yard 50t
Imported German pattern ta
ble cloths, 8x10, $6.00 values,
Imported dinner napkins, full
size, pure flax, worth $6.00
dozen; six for 81.50
Imported htlck towels, pure
flax, 60o values, each... 30
Cotton Dress Goods
Eight Lines of FaU Ratines
yard, tfrom. . . .25t to $1.50
Twenty different lines of silk
and cotton dress goodB, yard,
fDrom-, -25J to $1.00
Percales, poplins, silk striped
serges and other popular fall
lines, at, per yard, 25c, 18c
and 12
Blanket Comforters, etc.
Blankets, per pair. ..39J up
Comforters, each. 40 and up
Read Hayden's Big Grocery Bargains
21 lbs. Best Granulated s I ft ft
Sucar for I iUU
48-lb sack best High Qroda Diamond
11 Flour, made from the best selected
wheat nothing; finer for bread, plea
or cakes per sack 91.10
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Cornmea!
for ,190
10 bars Beat-'Bm-AU or Diamond C
Soap for BSo
Qalldn can Golden Table Bjrup.MOo
6 lbs. best bulk Laundry B larch.. aso
16-oz. cans Pet. Carnation, Columbia
or Every Day Milk '.tUo
3- lb. can fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 7 Ho
4 - lbs. fancy Japan Rice, lOo quality,
for ...Ma
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb. 19Ho
K, C orn Flakeo. pier. .So
Grape-Wits, pkir. lOo
New California Cooking FIjts, lb., lOo
Choice Mulr Peaches, lb ..ISO
Fancy Cleaned Currants llo
Fancy 3-crown Muscatel Raisins, per
pound , SVio
A Carload pf Bxtra Tanoy Xelffer
rears, for easalar We advise our
customers to put them up this week.
Per bushel - ...S1.40
Per market basket . .4Eo
Tea and Ooffes Dept. Specials
Golden Santos Coffe (special) aOo
Kqual to coffee sold for much
hisrher prices.
The best Tea Slf tings, 15 loo
English Breakfast, Sun Dried, Itai
ket Fired Japan or Gunpowder To.
per lb. 35o
Best cartoon Creamery Butter. . . ,35o
Beat bulk Creamery Butter, lb.. . .S3p
Best Country Creamery Butter, ,31c
Best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb. Mo
Neufchatel Cheese, each 3c
Full Cream Wisconsin Cream Cheese,
per ,1b. ... , , l8o
Imported Swiss or Roquefort Cheese.
per lb 350
2 Iba. Good Butterlne a6o
Good Table Butterlne. lb 17J4o
Taney Table Butterlne, equal to
Creamery Butter, per lb OSo
Red River Early Ohio Potatoes, best
quality, 16 lbs. to peck ..25c
ancy Hollard Seed Cabbage, lb. 7Wo
Fresh Beets, Carrota, Parsnips or
Turnlpe. per lb aic
Red or Yellow Onions, per lb BUo
S heads fresh Leaf Lettuce so
Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, qt.. 7ito
J large Soup Bunches for So
2 large bunches Salsify for So
Try Hayden's First
Changes in Time
Rock Island Lines
Effective fcu&d&y, October 12th.
CHICAGO DAY EXPRESS No. 26 will leave Omabu
daily at 6:30 A. Minstead of 6:45 A. M.
IOWA LOCAL PASSENGER No. 302 will leave
Omaha daily, except Sunday, at 10:00 A. M. instead of
10:35 A. AT.; will arrive at Qmaha at 10:50 P. M. instead
of 10:19 P. M.
bound ;'No. 14, eastbound, will be discontinued between
Omaha and Lincoln and will continue to arrive from
Chicago at 8:00 A. M. and to leave for Chicago at 6:08
P. M. No. 14 will carry a sleeper cutting out at Rock
Island, 111., and which may be occupied until 7:00 A. M.
VT. 8. McNALLY, D. P. A.;
14th and Farnam Sts.,
Omaha, Neb.
K ROOMS Th Beet Variety-. The TW onRar,A
carry advertisements of the best rooms and apartments for
rent in the city. Phone your ad to Tyler 1000.