14 Polly and Her k: yrxfn ojmtFO pin. JUT SAY HC wWD Mii Wttr BKC40AL H. BBC TWO WV M' , .. T0 WKSfOS W ins WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to lasure proper classification must be presented before 12 o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7:39 p. ra. for Uie morning and Sun day editions. Want ads recelred after such hoars will hare their first Insertion under the bending, "Too lte to Classify." DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES BREVOORT-Mrs. Marcarst U, at lotiK . Beach. Cl.. Heptember 71, 11V Wted years, mother of Mrs. V- A. ureen oi Lng Beach. Cal.. formerly ot umanai Dr. II. a Brevoort of fit Joseph, Mo., uneral services at Z p. m. Wednesday, October IS. 1913, at Burket ft Leslie s chapel. Twenty-ninth and Ieavenworth a-treeta. Interment at Forest Lawn. Friends of family Invited. COATS-Qllbert M., October II, IKi, aged U years. . . . . Funeral services wilt be held from trailer tt Dorrance'a chapel, Nineteenth and Cuming streets, Wednesday, October 35, at I o'clock p. m. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. KEISEIt-aeorge A. aged years. Hun day. October U, 11J, at St. Joseph's hospital. Funeral from his home, 1703 North Twentyjseventh street, Wednesday at 2 p m. interment Forest Uwn. Friends invited. CARDS OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sym pathy extended to us In our sad bereave ment, the loss of our husband, son and brother. Walter i. Johnson also for the beautiful floral offerings. MltH. I.KONA JOHNSON. Mil AND MRS. J. JOHNSON, MRS. J. C. KLAUCK. Dealers In Omaha are: Leo A. Hoffman. 24th and Dodge. k. L. Dodder, ltd and Cuming. N. P. Swansea, 17th and Cuming. O. 1L Brewsr, m North 34th St., South Dinaha. Tou can order SARCOPIIAQI frost the following CKMETKR1EH: Forest Lawn. I'hone Flerenca lit. Prospect Hill. Phono Webster 104. West Lawo. Phone Douglas Mount Hope. I'hone Benson Itl-W. , Oraoflaad Park. Phone Douglas 11X4. Moy Bspulcher, 813 Bar'ter Bldg. Or. order direct from the JUiEKlCAN SARCOPHAGUS COMPANY. Douglas tut, Office. 3TFIrt Nataaa BltW. MAHKIAUB LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were issued; Name and Residence. Age. Thomas J. Fenton. Denver J a race Ryan, Omaha Matt Vlvoda, South Omaha M Maggie Walss, South Omalia II Malcolm Tulstan, Churdan, la 31 ."Viola Haines, Churdan, la ...II John L. McCocue, Jr, Omaha., K Marls Holllnger, Omalia 13 William M. Brewer, Omaha 10 Edna. M. Preble, Omaha 2S Francesco Nlgro, Omaha., M Conoetta Do ware, Omaha...,,., II UK Li' WANTKL KIKMALK, Aceatta sat Salesrromsa. WOMAN of good appearance for per. manent, attractive local position; expo rienco uandcessary; remuneration will appeal to high class salesladies; gtvo age and telephone number. Address A 4U7, care Vmelurr t 'rru&va. fWANTJeX) Flv-p4oe U4Uea' oreaeatra Ut Boyd theater. Apply to Geo. W, .ttarMer. . Maaaekeeyersi .! Lomeatia. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED Ths Bee will rue a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the 4esire4 results. This applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler XOM. WANTED Corapnttnt slrl for general housework, to go to Sheridan, Wyo.; mall family, good wages. Apply ilZi Dewey Ave. PhoneIIarney 8W. WATED Oood"cooK and second girl; references required. 4M No. Stth St. GIRL for Camden Ave. general V. l7L housework. 2634 WANTED High school girl or middle aged woman who wants a good home to assist with housework. Rod (272. Walk. Ing distance. WANTED girl to do light housework in exchange for room, board and small wages. Call evenings. Harney KS0. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. J. W. Robblns, 12$ N. Mth Ave. Phone Harney 1151 WANTED Experienced girl tor gen. ral housework. Mrs. W. C. Lyle, 634 Park Ave. COMPETENT cook and housemaid. J1F vavenport Harney 4l. WANTED Girl for general housework. Must have references. Harney 2612. 407 N otn Bt WANTED Girl for general houseworK? iso. zsa ih , oo. omaaa. h. Jin. GOOD girl for general housework; 3 In lamuy. jnsrnam. rnone it. 490. COMPETCNT girt for general house work. New Small flat I In family. Good wages ana gooa name. Apply lw s. aa St. or phone H. 46U. WANTED Good girl for ceneral house work. References; girl to go home nights. narnav i.is. WANTED An experienced cook. Mrs. uuioti, Ql b. 4 1st Harney 363. WANTED Young girl to huip with housework. No washing or cooking. Har ney 6174, WANTED Maid for general house work, middle-aged woman who wants BOM home; In family of two. Call morn ), ui No. list Ave. a Oreenblatt WANTED Nurso gtrL Apply 373 Jones it tiarny tea. WANTED Olrl for general housework. t-'mall family" Good wages. Harney 2104. xeo bo. ath Ave. MuMvltaaicuw. WANTED At a small country hota!. a chambermaid and waitress at once. J. 1L Richards. Wpaldlng. Neb. l i acr-C4R- 1 it- I 1 Pals And Pa a " . . - puny WiGH SPIRIT1. jjWT TIM . LX4DtO MiTH - HELP WANTED FEMALE. Iloua? krrplnn nnd Domcitlca. YOUNO womm comlnp to Omsha at transers are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian uaiioelatlon bulldlnir at St Mary's Ave and 17th 8t, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise nkilited. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. WOMl!N-aet government lobs. Big pay. Write for free Hit ot poiltlona available. Franklin lnstitutt. Dept 65 J O. Ilochester N. Y. KOn day, woman. Call Doug. 84. mill, fnr rfnfr.l hnuiRwork! iimitll I family: wages 18 oer week. Inaulre 2523 1 uapnoi Ave. WANTED Qlrl for general housework: three In family: waies K. 121 U. lth Bt Tl. D. 1C3. Mniu.ir, iiiviu IB wife tuguc til iuaiiiii and selling papor flowers; Information miu aaniiiics iree. vooipa jiauer, ui Broadwsy, Buffalo, N. Y. HKIil WANTED MALE. Asrents, Balpsnirn nml Solicitor. WANTKD 4 neat appearing young men to travel. Apply "M llrandeis The. Illrtg. SALESMEN can connect themselves) with large real estate company If they possets experience, selling ability and a Kood personal appearance. Men who can expect rapid advancement Hend refer ence first letter. Address D 410. SALESMAN Wanted an A-l good spe cialty salesman, only men In the $100 week otass apply. Good opportunity for high class salesman with a proven sell ing record. Apply age, experience, last work, etc Address I' 404. care Bee. EXPERIENCED special sain managers for Iowa and South Dakota. Men capable earning 135 to $75 weekly. Give references, state when can report. Address U 408, care Bee. WANTED Financial agent to sell first mortgages on Improved wheat lands In the state of Washington. Banking refer ences will be required and given. Ad dress K. M. Jernlgan. Davenport. Wash. AGENTS With some experience In the portrait line. Apply G. Boughton, Savoy Hotel. WANTED A good first class collector: must give best of reference: man who I now employed preferred. 0. F. Adams, 621 8. lth St. HUSTLING man of wide acquaintance to sell valuable patent rights, Randolph & Co.,- potent attorneys, Washing ton. D. U. WANTED Halesman wishing to cover territory west of Hasting. Neb,. In my automobile, one who. will divide ex- Dense. W III start for Hastings uctouer io. Address SJ3 TUrley Ave., Council Bluff, la. . WANTED First class salesmen ex perienced In selling lac curtains ami drapery good. Apply superintendents office, llrandeis stores.. factory asd Trades. Drug store snaps; jobs. Kntlst. Bse Hide. 11 ELI Call Omaha Employment Bureau. GET Into the most profitable business of today, the automobile business, ana become Independent. Our large, well equipped shops offer the opportunities ot learning the business by actum experi ence on different makes of cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call. Na tlonal Auto Training association. 2lt N. 30th St. Omalia. Nob. Tel. W. 6W. WE TEACH you how to clean and block hats. Address Lincoln Hat Works, Lin coln, Neb, . xr. L. Tv An -Tn.ri,nr.H RUttltllT Slid punching machine operator, non-union preferred, Le Febure Ledger company, Cedar Rapids. la. WANTED Tailors to make pants and vests: steady job. Fred M. Kuwltsky, Nebraska City. Neb. CORN HUHKEH8 wanted. Omaha Em ployment Bureau, 121 N. 15th St. MEN. learn the barber trade. We teach you quickly, cheaply, thoroughly. Tools furnished. Wages while learning. Always sure ot work, Hundreds ot grad uates running shops send for our bar. bers. Csll at once or writ tor cata logue. Moler Barber College, 110 Bo. I4tn hi. WANTED A first-class experienced sign writer: must have experience In writing window cards. Apply at once. llrandeis Stores. -f- Mlscellaneons YOUNO MEN to learn automobile buil neas without 'losing lime from reRUia' employment. Business pays IIIQ HAI ARY to start and rapid advancement Is SURE. e have nau so many applica tions for night course of late, that we have decided to start a night class. Monday, October 13. Young working man. tnls Is YOUR chance. Come In or writ for special offer, Nebraska Autoinobilo School, 1415-17 Dodge Bt. WANTED-A high class reliable state sales manager for a store fixture, with out competition. Commissions $300 to $500 per month. Address the Buckley Bpeclalty Co., urns. u. WANTED Names of men. 18 to 43. wishing to be Omaha mall carriers. $67 month. "Pull" unnecessary. Address Y 3S1, Bee. WANTED Sales manager. Permanent. lucrative position. Bank reference re quired. Victor Mfg. Co.. Spring Hill. Kan. LOCOMOTIVE firemen. brakemen. wages about $100;. positions assured com petent experienced men. ttena age and stamp. Address Y 299. Bee. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKB WANTKC Commence $75 month. Write for par ticulars. Franklin institute, Dept. Ill a Rochester. N. Y WANTED SITUATIONS, WHO WANTS MET Partially decided to hibernate In Omaha this winter, though with proper Induce ments might consider mlgrstlng. Am hustler, good conscientious worker, married, good appearance, good talker. Will consider anything except lightning rod and blue sky. Not musically inclined, but have sold phonographs and pianos. Salary, commission or both. Address N 402. care Bee. COLORED girl wishes position where she can do housework and go to school, i rt 1 . I t J . I van fiKmvy wii. HIGH grade salesman above avenr. ability, clean record dealred, desires fac- Uory connection as salusman or sales-man- day and night course: special lnduce fager. Address Box UU Merlden. Conn. ment to students enrolling during month .n. uiuns ,.ri.Ki .i,,. ... - frr J Utb free. Otnahu Employment Uuieau, IU N. tit. Tel. Douglas uu, THE BEE: City Man, Too - f BKOKE, nv WANTED SITUATIONS. Wanted pottt. as practical nurse. W. i YOUNO man attending Boyles college want work for board. D. 1645. INSIDE! work of some kind, by young man. References best Address O 403, Bee. FIItBT-CUASS Job and adv. compositor deilres position at once; 7 years' experi ence, clean proofs and quality work. V'. J, Staats.. Address C 40D. nee. NEAT colored boy wants position In hotel or barber shop. Call Doug. 63(3. EXPKR.1 15NCED nurse girl will take care of children any Monday, Tuesday . - . . I . rt CI 1. 9ii4 oiler o p. m. at leant two u uo.uu Mnim 1 1 -., . ,M ata. will. BI.I1UUI Kill YVBIlia l aaw housework and enre of two children In -at Urn fr,v vnnm and Imanl with mS.11 wages. Tel. Doug. (HC4. WANTED By young Gsrman, who has been In this country six months, posi tion as barber In the city; competent man. Address E 411, care Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS. RAf If. motorcyle messenger service. D. B. Griffith, wig mfr. 13 Frentcr Blk Wedding announcements. Doug Ptg. Co QHT a lucky WEDDING niNO from BllODEGAARD'B AT the SION of the CnOWN, up the GOLDEN STAIRS, ldtti ana uougias. EXPERIENCED Spanish teacher de sires to organlx? a small evening class. Address S 43. care Bee, HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Best remedy for Itching, blcedlnc or protruding pnea; duo postpaia; samples rree. oner- man &. McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Gibson's Buffet 323 South 15th St ATTRACTIONS. Omaha film exch.. 14th and Doug. Mo. tlon picture machine and film bargains, AUTOMOUILKf. AVANTED to buy 6-pasaenger touring car, lata model. 1'reter liuscn, cnaimers. Hudson. Marlon or Cod) II sc. or car ot equal grade. Electric light, self starter not necessary. Cooper, 010 N. 23d Bt, South Omaha, Neb. DRUMMONDS' lilg bw garage at 26th and Farnaia, FORE DOORS SEAT COVERS. $100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re. pair. Coll repairing, llaysdorfer. 210 N 18. Motorcycles. BARGAINS in all makes or used motor cycles. Victor H. Roos. "The Motorcycle Miui." 2708 Loavcnworth Bt WRITE FOR LIST 1 OK SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKBL8' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16TH AND HARNEY. , SECOND-UAND AUTOMOBILES, IF YOU want anything In the way of a second-hand cur, we've got It Scales Motor Car Co.. 1415 Dodgo Bt 11U81NES8 CHANCES. DRUG STORE OPPORTUNITY Opening for a live pharmacist to estab lish himself In one of the most flourish. Ing towns in eastern Nebraska. Building 22xM already built and awaiting occu pancy. Call on or write Langdon Bros., Gretna, Neb. , NERRAB1CA corporation has promising position for right party who can Invest $1.000 or more. Address L 3C7. Omaha Bee. FOR BALE One of the best paying restaurants and short order houses In the north end; good business; strictly a paying proposition. Reason for selling, cannot handle two places at once. New Home Restaurant. 1514 Capitol Ave. AM Iron fnundrv and machine shOD tor the right man with some capital. .Ad dress A. L. Tldd. Plattsmouth. Neb. I HOTEL and lunchroom; best location in city and doing best business both day and nliht. Slxtean-room house on lot 60x150 feet; no Incumbrance and taxes paid for 1913. Am a years oia ana wa.ni io reure from business. Price $5,000. Address M. M. Maurer, 1507 North Second Bt, Perry. Ia. "MANUFACTURERS supplied with val uable patents. Write us your needs. Randolph & Co., patent attorneys, Wash ington, D. c. TO get In or out ot business, rail on O ANG EaT A D. 404 Ilee Hldg. Tel . J477. 8peclal plana for selling your business or real estate. ivenneDecx vo., umana. t ' -n - BUSINESS PERSONALS. Hrasa Foundries. 21th and Martha Sta China Patntlusi. CHINA calntlnc: outside flrlnr done. Mrs, F. C. Haynea. 1523 u.'th St D. 4K4. Chiropodists, DR. ROY. 1503 Farnam. Douglas $497. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence, D. C 2323 Howard, D. SMI. Mrs. Rosa Boesen. 1821 Lake. Web. 4714, C'oatnmera. FULL dress tults: party dresses for sale or rent, fi.w per nignt Open evenlncs. John Feldman. 206 No. 17th. Doug. 3123. HISTORICAL and masquerade costumes to hire at Theo. ueoen eons, jut ttow ard 8t D. 4115. Creameries, Dairies and Satpllei. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Danclnir Academics, DON'T you dance T Go to Mackle's, lilt Harney, wnere aii tuners learn, u. &. Detectives. Omaha Sec Bar. A gey., its Paxton. D. ltU, JAMES ALLAN. 311 Neville Blk, Evl dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1134. Urraamnklnar. ' . II uw , . , Terry uresm. cuc. ,?a jmmm. i JIB- your own dressmaker; easy method; of octooer bkibm nau,iu vu- 'Hi I'atter&on lilocx. Uniaha. Neb. IviRST-CLASS drsnaklng. Tel. liar. V y 1 e OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1913. r"" n as ' r t i i A. B. C. of Omaha A RKIN'S KOSHER CAFE stands for Quality. Quantity A econ omy. 311 8. 15th, middle of block, 2d floor. BELL DRUG CO. New location 1116 Farnam. Everything new. Old phone Douglas 2K3. Come, call o nrlte. Rubber goods. KERR Abstract Co., 3 8. 17th St. Better be safe than sorry. Have Vn An vntl, .Ill w M-U NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. "Mlckel's." 16th and Harney. Douglas 1662. Wo rent, renalr. sell needles. Parts of all sawing machines. VACUUM cleaners, sweepers, hydraul ic, electric and hand power sold on ma-Ant; lnw.it nHrM machlnr rented. Sanitary Service Co. Doug. '2304. BUSINESS PERSONALS. DrrasmnUlnsT. Baughman'a dressmaking school. Flo. 171. Urnu. DRUGS at cut D rices: freight nald on 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Everything; for 31en. HOTEL HARNEY lJZ; rooms with or without bath. ' Everything; for Wanes. OLD plumes made new. California Os- men i'ium uo., sw wevllle Bldg. D. ROiq Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruegr, 4-A, Paxton Blk. D. 8334. lilt TTRH nlAAtlnr. lilltfnna .ni'.rul Ati sixes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT INO CO., 220 Douglas Blk. Douglas 113. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Berthu Kruger, 429-A, Paxton Blk. D. 8334. Florists. A. Donsghue, 1607 Farnam. D. 1001. HESS & BWODODA. 1415 Farnam. St. L. HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. Furnace, Stoves, Repairs. REPAIRS In stock for all makes of stoves and heaters, furnaces, steam and hot water boilers, new furnaces, wrought Iron and cast. Empress and Sultan water and steam boilers, thermostats and tank heaters. Omaha Stove Repair "Works 1206-8 Douglas St. Tyler 20. Furnace rep. and cleaning expert 7771. Insurance. TORNADO INSURANCE. Call Tyler 1024. O'Neill's. 1505 Farnam St Nurseries nnd Seeds. STEWART 8 SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Osteopathy. Alice Johnson. 80S-9 Branded The. Bldg. Patents. IT. A. Sturges. 630 Brandels Thea. Bldg. D. O. Darnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, PlnmblnaT, Plumbing and heating. Fischer & Con. nell. 1311 William St. Doug. 6737. Prlntlaar. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. RABER PRINTINGCO. Doug. 1011. T arV A, CtnOUAIWl a lAit A A t VUV 4 lty printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. Uth. rr a miitu ii a ovru a irn ii rM Sheet Metal Works, Carter Rheet Metal Works. 110 S. 10th. Store nnd Office Klxtnres, nwnve . 1 -Y. i .. Ing, etc We buy, wo sell. Omaha Fixture ana supply jo.. tit-is-is . utn. u. iit Storm Doors and WladoTT. Welrich. dorm door, sashes. 1117 N. 24. Trnaka nnd Suitcases FRELING & STEINLE. 103 Farnam St Wines and Liquor. - WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, eanawicses. Alex jete. zui-s s. inn ni. KDUCATIONAZm Y. M. O. A. Night School Now Classes Opening Carpenters' Arlth., $3.75: Commercial law, no: Electrical Testing. $15: Elec Engineering, $15; Freehand Drawing, 17; Gas Engineering, $7.60; German, (ask); Plan Reading and Est., 17; Public Speak ing. $7, Salesmanship, 125, Showcard writing, $7; Steam Engineering. $15; Speed Shorthand. $1$; First Aid (ask). Enroll now. Extra fee of $3 charged nonmembera. 16 CLASSES OPENED SEPT 15. Now Is a good time to enter. Inquiries cheerfully answered. Call Tyler 1600. EDUCATIONAL DEPT., 17th & Harney. MOSHER-LAMPMAN Unsurpassed classe. Finest quarters. uraauates aro auarameea gooa positions. Work for board. For free cataiorue ad 4res Moaner-La mpm an College, 1815 Far- Mm Bt.. umana. rtao. UOYI.ES COLLEGE. DAY ANp NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete course In Business. Book keeping, Stenography. Telegraphy. Civil Service and Halesmsnshlp. The catalogue is reaay, waii. wrue or pnone tor iu Boyles College, Uth and Ramey Sta, umana, iNau. LIVE STOCK FtHC SALS Marsea nnd Vehicles. TEN HEAD of horses and mares, 900 to 1.300 lbs., all right from hard work, in good condition; 123 to $125 per head; go ing out ot ousine&w, no otter re me a. 180S uavenport at., rear. Heavy teaming gears and wagcut; beat manes ana isrccsi twwjt ia me city lohnsou-Dsnforth Co.. 10th and Jones Sts FOR SALE 100 farm Wagon boxes with sideboards ana spring seats. sis.M. itroud Co.. 20th and Ainu. Tl Web. Z3U. IiOSTANlt1 VVV VT LOST At Empress theater, pocketbook, reward. Call Dovaa &SU. Drawn ME I BEEfJ Poutf WMfr-l "THE HOT ArPiWLT ro -TNiy, Mil -tr www I ' of Potatoes J LOST AND FOUND. OMAHA Sc COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug, las 43. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. K. R. Terry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on .rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Dr. Baker Medical Offices. DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South 14th Street Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY FURNISHED 8ALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. Nor ton & Co., 33S Board of Trade Building. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartment nnd Flats. GordonVanCo. gg 219 N. 11th St. or 210 a 17th St. Tel. D. 334. 1807 FARNAM rooms completely mod ern, suitable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst Co., 433 Ramge. J. 7406. FOR RENT Four-room modern apart ment 665 S. 28th Bt H. 414L 6-r.. modern apartment 1112 Bo. 11th. Reasonable. FREE TO NOVEMBER L Call D. 4512. 1DO 8-room flat, 1202 N. 24th St Beautifully papered throughout MODERN 1-room flat 2363 Cass St SWELL apartment of 5 rooms and bath In the New Harlan Apartments at 2301 Bherman Ave. Gas mantle and lotr In living room; oak finish; mirror door In coat Closet; walls very prettily decorated; Janitor service and heat also gas range, refrigerator, window shades and curtain rods, laundry facilities and locker space furnished. See It today. The onlv one available. Vacant Nov. 1. Winter rate, 147.50: summer. 142.50. (Douglas 1009. SCOTT St HILL. Furntahcd Apnrttucnts. E-ROOM aDartment furnished! rnnd location. 2 blocks from Farnam car, facing boulevard. Phona II 1241. Furnished Hooiua. BACHELOR ao&riments for two. beau tifully furnlahed. private entrance, mod ern conveniences, price reasonable, block and half So. from Leavenworth car, 901 boutn stn Bt PIlIIlSJIRHPn rnnm fnr pan, I,. nro, family, walking distance. 2310 Howard. NICELY furnished front room, new house, private family. Close to Hanscom park, block to car. Harney SOT. FURNISHED front ronin fnr runt. 3113 Park Ave. FRONT room. 2222 Famam. Doug. 6844. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE roms and bath: private fam ily; newly decorated; upstairs. 2S11 Corby BU FRONT room, 2223 Farnam. Doug. 6844. THREE unfurnished rooms; private bath; modern except heat 2617 N. 18th St NICELY furnished room In ortvata home; board If desired. 663 a 26th Ave. Phone Red 3CS9. Furnished 3lwMa FOR RENT 0-room furnished house for winter: no children: referencis. West Farnam district Add. L 461. Bte. 1 STRICTLY modern rooma: ortvata .umr. naiiviiif uiai,nvv, wait tiu tvuo. 719 N. 25th Ave. Hotels nnd Apartment. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Houses nnd Cottages, FE)ELIT Y co?"3Sd.B .forr -'-' -- moved. nuked. shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516 MAOGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. Dack- mnVaa. llArrU mnA mMnm l,n,,..I..U wua iuiu piajiua. Douglas 1496. J OJteed -'-"I1, Co" furniture moving. Two men. $1 hour. D. eiis. HoUHftS m "Ji parts of the city. FOR RENT Two.storv fram riwolilnir on Cass, near 3th; modern. Crelghton university. Douglas 2320. FOR RENT. Modem ten-room house, eaat front full lot, largo barn. Wll put In thorough re pair tor a desirable tenant No. 113$ So. 32d street $40.00 Desirable six-room cottage, eaat front paved street almost new. No. 136 No, 37th street $27. 60 Eight-room modern house, within walk ing distance. No. 2621 Capitol avenue., $30.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 203 First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 723. 9-ROOM house for rent. Furnished or unfurnished. 1W2 Wirt Web. 63. ALL modern home, racing Central boulevard: 4 nice bed rooms and bath unstalrs. X rooms and larca reception hall downstairs; ail cement basement; near at Jons o enure n, su, Appiy ti. a. Boyles. D. 15K. NEW t-room, moderf, without beat 1711 Parker. Phone Harney 74. A COMPLETE list ot vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This Is a list compiled dally and can be seen tree ot charge at SCO South 17th St OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 64 a 15th Ave., close In ,...$11.0 2710 Parker, modsrn except heat 17.60 1530 S. 14th, all modern X..00 1224 Capitol Ave., mod. except heat.. 25.00 4401 Farnam, all modern.. 30.0 2311 N. 22d, all modern , 40.03 334 N. 41st, modern 40.00 3167 Farnam, all mod., good condition 35.00 U2G R Std. all modern 45.00 1427 N 17th. all nioJern SS.C0 Sill Harney, all modern, has sleep ing porch 55.00 THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 a 17th. Phone Doug. 2S7. for The Bee by I GoMMl 6iU BOARD, 7 OFFERED FOR. RENT. Hoaxes and Cotm a. 1515 HALL AVE. 7 rooms completely modern, $30. Hall, 423 Rarogo Bldg. D. 7406. 172 SO. 28TH BT. 8 rooms completly mod., $22.00. Hall, 433 Ramge Bid. D. 7408. 6103 UNDERWOOD AVE., Dundee, 8 rooms, new; hot water heat; $65. Thos. F. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. NOTHING like It; central; steam heat: 7-room house; halls, bath, basement 220 N. 23d. OUTSIDE pressed brick flat, four large rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, electrio light, gas, gas water heater, rear entrance to Farnam car, Just papered, elegant and cozy; $18; 2744 8. 8th St Keys at 274S or 2750. NINE-ROOM modern house; good loca tion. 7X a 37th; $35.00. Webster 2590. $25.00. 7-room strictly modern house; nice lot: 3401 Center St Douglas 1009. SCOTT St HILL. 410 So. 24th. S-r., all mod. flat 130. 2319 No. 37th Ave.. 7-r., mod. ex, ht, $90. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO.. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. SIX-ROOM house, 624 So. Uth. 2433 So. 16th St., 6-r., modern, $25. 1440 Westerfield. E-r city water, $9. 8810 So. 16th St., 4-r., cistern, $3. 2514 Rees, 4-r., city water, $9. 1717 So. 10th St, 6-r., part mod., $17. CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY. Douglas 200. 506 Bee Bldg. Stores ana Offivva. NEW store oulldlng. 24x10. Steam heat 108 Jackson. . FOR RENT 1811 FARNAM STREET 3,000 SQUARE FEET Two and one-half blocks from 16th aad Farnam. Ready for occupancy Novel ber 1st THOS. F. HALL, 433 Ramge BldgT D. 7441 FOR RENT The office on ground floor of The Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frontage on Farnam Sti and occupying about 1.509 square feet, with extra entrance on the court of the building. Large vault Fine office fixtures tor sale. Apply N. P. Fell, Bee office. DESIRABLE two-room office suite In the Continental blook, convenient loca tion, good service, $30. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 732. mils. FOR RENT Modern hall. Now in con struction', wilt finish to suit tenant. Bom mer Bros., 28th and Farnam. OFF EH ED FOR SALE. Musical lBi(ruMHiik ELECTRIC piano. '$135. 119 N. 15th. FOR SALE Instruments, paraphefi lla and muslo for orchestra. Apply P ea. est Exchange, Fort umana. NtD. rrtswrltara. I RENT Remingtons, Monarch and Smith Premiers ot their makers. The Rem ington Typewriter Co., telephone Douglas 1284. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out Hates, x mos. tor saw for understroka machines or $3.00 per month tor latest model visible writers. ALL makes typewriters rented and sold. easy terms. Butts' Typewriter Exchange, 1805 Farnam St Douglts 6031. TYPEWRITERS for rent: I months. 80. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. REBUILT and slightly used typewriters rented and sold on easy terms. Omaha Typewriter Exchange, 411 8. 15th St. TYPEWRITERS sold and rented every where. L. C. Smith tt Bros. Typewriter Company, 1819 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. RENT an Oliver typewriter, I months, 14. Th Oliver Typewriter Co. Doug. 3819. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures ot all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke Collender Co., 407-469 a 10th St $5 ry Buys Best Coal for the money; w trv tt Wh. SIS. lltrmnn K, M'ulh. WE ARB selling out a $10,000 stock of unredeemed overcoats and Jowelry; also apectal price on suitcases, handbags and trunks; mutt be sold within 20 days. Whtte Jewelry and Clothing Store, 1203 Douglas. FOR SALE 15-foot good oak counter, formerly used In The Bee business office; cheap. Apply at Bee office. Be Bldg. EMPTY ink barrels for sale. Apply He Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sts. SAFES Overstocked, aecond-hsnd; all makes. J. J. Derlg.t Safe Co.. 1H2 Farnam FOR SALE One Ice box, and meat counters; also grocery shelving, counters, show cases, etc Sommer Bros., Uth and Farnam. t'KT STOCR. BOSTON terrier pupa cheap. Doug. ssM SCOTCH COLLIE pup. S5tl. Call Florence PERSONAL. YOUNG women coming to Omaba as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Uth and Bt. Mary's Ave., where they will be dtrscUd to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union Station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, ms. axlne. W collect. We distribute. Pbon Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect the new home. IU 0-1112- uit uooge si. OUrblU LJJ WV ... " ... . KUU IUUICI permanently removed by electricity, con sultation free and confidential; all work . . m , r I . 1 ! . tt - - ,nu nT.TiT.nnT TTrtT TO k.l. .. I SuaranLVtsu. Mira aucuubi, bi iu;. Miss Fisher, mil., bath, else treat. D. IO. f ASSAfJ-V. Swedish movement ill Ji.iSC.CrJli Bet Bldjt Douglas 6377 63-DAY BLCOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy, 12th nd Dodge. Marguerite Halloran. massage. D. 77(1. r A SSJ A (TR-Corn and bunions treated. MANICURING, masziige. Miss Debar, 1711 Dodge. lil ec t r. o m ai sag bath, m Balrd Bldg. "PROF. LYKE. magnetic treatment. HIT Cass. Massage, 1st ft r , 1723 Dodge, Mrs. Steele lUM UK snsnsnsnsM Ssfl fa-, amH. IBMtaaB Ian! rtK lxXWWW isn. n, '"V .nnnnnnL.nn nH HV""" HBI Cliff Sterrett &0D SALE OR EXCTHANGE R. E, FOR SALE OR TRADE For horses, cat tle or clear town property: Twenty acrta and a town lot In the onion belt of Texas; twenty acres and two town lots, between two Brood towns on ault coast ot Texas two nice residence lots In one of the best towns of Wyoming; a half section of gooa farm land six miles from KimDaiu -NeD : first-class properties; clear, but slight encumbrance. Address Box 64. Albion, Neb. THREE unlmcumbered Iowa farms. 800 acres In a body. 0 miles from Des Moines; 3 sets of buildings; 400 acres cultivation. Daiance meadow and roiling Drue grsss pasture, fenced hog tight Want smaller farm or clear Income; plenty of time on balance. Give me full description and price first letter. Address owner, box 318, Council Bluffs, la. WILL trade 1G0 acres nice, level, fertile prairie land for Omaha residence or other Income property; land Is near railroad station In Colorado, just over Nebraska line. Address F 412, Bee. REAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 200 Brandels Theater. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALK. Five Beautiful Homes One block west of Hanscom park on B3d Bt we havo just completed five ot the best built and best arranged dwellings to be found In the city. We couldn't build them better If we tried. Your closo Inspection Is invited. There are no two alike. Some of the attractive features are: Pressed brick fireplace with built-in bookcases, large rooms, oak finish, din ing room Is burlapped and has paneled walls and plate rail; each dwelling has three fine, large bedrooms, beside a very complete sleeping porch and fine bathroom with tile floor and best of plumbing fixtures; one bedroom Is fin ished in white enamel with mahogany doors and glass door knobs; basement to each house Is full slxe and has coal and fruit bins, floor drain, hot and cold water faucets and John Hussle Hardware Co.'s guaranteed furnace, also pat ented coal chute: foundation Is pressed brick; one dwelling has a stairway to attic; another has a built-in buffet; an other bookcase pedestals; each house hav ing distinctive features of Its own.- The location Is one of the best In the city, being only a block west ot Hanscom parli and the west side car line and two blocks from Windsor school. Fine sycamore trees line 33d St In front of the houses, making the location .doubly attractive; paved -tret, paving paid. What more, can we say? Nothing, except to suggest that it you want a genuine home in every sense of the word, that you give us the opportunity to show you these. Reason able terms offered. SCOTT & HILL, Douglas 1009. 307 McCague Bldg. First Class Dundee Residence Located at one of the highest points in Dundee, only two blocks from the car line, fronting south on paved street. This 7-room house was built for a home and would not be for sale today except that the owner wants some money at once. The living room, extending across the entire front of the house, Is finished in selected oak and has a large fireplace with built-in bookcases. The dining room has oak panelled walls and built-in buf fet. Investigate this up-to-date, well built house at once. The price is right George & Company Phone P. 756. 002 City Nat Bk. Bldg. HANSCOM PARK "WEST SIDE $3,300 An 8-room house, all modem, not new but a bargain. The owner Is leaving the city and has fixed the price for quick sale. This house Is on a fine corner lot, both streets paved and paving all paid. Near car and school. Easy terms. AMERICAN BECUR1TY CO.. 17th and Douglas Sts. Douglas toll. $200 Cash $25 per. month buys you a brand new bungalow, oak finish, modern 6-rc"m. large attic full cemented basement fur wiC i00 Ue, located at 41th and W!& 8H-Pn block east of C8J" "no- Price $2,600. Why nat stop paying rent and own your own home. CREIGH BONS & CO TJouglaa 200. 608 Bee Bid-. Stop Paying Rent t30I ratih ,nH t?K n.iriT. i - - . nun i i.i j uuu you a nearly new 5-rooni bungalow near Hans com park, alt modern, oak finish, fur nace, large attic, full basement; east front lot; on paved street, two blocks to La lo,",V00.,ch001- I,r,ce J3-600- Address 2346 S. S5th St. CREIGH 80NS CO. Douglss 200. 308 Beo Bldg. NEAR FIELD CLUB 6 rooms, strictly all modern, rec. hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, downstairs; 3 large bed rooms and batii upstairs. This bouse Is practically new Has a nice lot with shrubbry and trees Paved street paving all paid. Price $4,10o' BEMTS-CAftLBERG CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. JtAlsot'UM PARK, west aid. Beven rooms, nearly new; hardwood Inside; hot lit elrV,.tr,oUtt f": "ceptl.onal location aocessibU; all Improvement. Douglas BARaAIN-3575. 8. W. cor, 23 & Jack-' ann Rnnth rimah. 1,-1 -o ,"L"'a'-a- m, ta Third lit: Mllwtuk"", A,U man. 855 $1 FOR HALE Soveral tin building lota near tne car line. o ty water, sood c-ntlon: tmrmm I HI' VI l I lUTTT.!; without interest; you can start to build it i.nfARPuERr"ar- UU-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. JUllEias 1136. "TO BUY, SELL OR RENT FIRST SF? JOHN W. BOBBINS, llstt FARNAM BTV Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Rtturna 1