1Z rUK BKE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER, 15, 1913. Society ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED TO PITTSBUIIQ MAN. ?4 w n. By MELLIPIOIA. Tuesday, October 14, 1913. AN ANNOUNCEMENT luncheon wns given today by Mrs. It. B. Bucch at their attractive home on North Thirty-eighth street, when the engagement was announced of MUs Marguerlto Dusch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Busch, to Mr. Thomas It. Hoyward of PIIU- hiirh. fnrmnrlv nf nharlextnn. B C. Corsage bouquets of Mrs. Ward roses marked the places for the guests ana uio announcement was in me iorni 01 a souvenir cam on wmcn wore kodak pictures of the bride ond groom to be. Twelve guests were present at the luncheon. The announcement docs not come as a great surprise, as Mr. Heyward uaa Tisiieu in uiuaua IIUUICIUUO UUMIOIUUOi y The wedding will take place in the cany winter ana tne many rricnu-, of Miss Busch regret that she will move to another cUy. Miss Busch Is a graduate of Brownell Hall. , Tor Bride and Vuitors. Miss Elisabeth Condon And MIm Caro lyn Congdon entertained delightfully thl afternoon at a tea. at their homn for their tiouse guests. Miss Kllcn narker ot Chi tago and Miss Clara Dull ot Pasadena. Cat., and for Mies Esther Byrne, a brldi of the week. A pretty color scheme of yellow was used in the decorations, Mr, Ward roses formed the centerpiece for tho table and yellow marigolds wero used In the other rooms. About 123 cards were (Issued, and assisting were: , Mesdames Mesdames I Barton Millard. Denlfe ITarkalow, Walter P.oberlr. Joseph Uyrno Misses i Hladys Pelr. Elisabeth rickm. Kllzabeth Davis. I Arthur B. Itogers, W. B. MeCormlck, (George rtcdlck. Morgan, 1.ouIm Dinning, Dorothy Btevens. IlMaser it Lymkimt. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Joslyn will en tertain at dinner Tuesday evening at their home, Lynhurst, In honor of Mis Violet Joslyn and Mr. David W. Magowarr, who wedding will take V-laCe Thursday ' evening. Cover will be placed for: Mlstea Mine i Violet Joslyn. Margaret McPherson Helen Magowan, Alice Carter, of Kane. Pa.; tDertha Dickey. Messrs. Messrs. David W. Magowan, Thomas O. light Charles nintz of at Kane. Pa.; Halt lJUte City, John Caldwell. Xlce Deuel, Mrs. Magowan of Kane, 'Pa. Mr. and Mr. George A. Joslyn. At the Omaha Club. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Holllnger. will en tertain at dinner this evening1 at the Omaha club for Miss Marte Holllnger and Mr, John McCague, whose wedding wilt jtake place Wednesday evening, Follow ing the dinner there wilt be a wedding rehearsal at the home of the bride's par ents. Those present at the dinner will be: Misses Misses .Marie Holllnger, Carolyn Hording, Mary McCague, Urrtchen McConnotL 1 Messrs. Messrs. John McCarue. I-to Holllnger, (William BabcocR. Carrol Ileldcn. !of Rochester, N. Y.: Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Holllnger. llwuares Past. Mlsa Retna Wllrodt entertained , at (uncheon Monday for Mrs. W. Hulk and Mr. Km Hulk,- guesla .of .Mr; "and Mr. II. A. HulWf. CovKB-tro placed for eight. Mr. WtJH Todd wa hostess at an .Orpheum party At. the matinee Monday. 'Eight gueat were present Mr. and Mr. John A. Schall enter tained at card Monday evening. Twenty , guests were present. Per the Tatar. Mrs. Andrew Gallagher and Mis Mary Oalhvghtr will entertain nt luncheon "Wednesday afternoon. Mr. II. J. Melfenna will give an after noon reception Saturday In honor ot Miss Mary Kelly. Mrs. Otis M. Smith ha Issued Invita tion for a bridge luncheon October ti. Mr. and Mr. T. C Byrne will enter tain at dinner at the Omaha club Thurs day evening for Mis Bather Byrne and Mr. 'William Fitzgerald and the member of their wedding party. Afters Bridge. Om t the large soclaT' affairs today was a brldce party given by Mr. II. O, Frederick at her home In Dundee In hatter of Mrs. D. T. Robey and Mrs. I W. Merrlem, cousin of Mrs, Frederick, who are visiting here. Ten tables wero placed for the bridge game. Complimentary to lit. Frederick' saeat, Mr. May Auld will give a lunch 'an Thursday, and Monday Mrs. U D. Carrier w'( eatertain at luncheon. A Tkirteea Party. A surprise party wa given In honor of IMm Ooldle Pred on her thirteenth birth day, October U. MIS. The house wa I decorated In red, white and blua for Co .ItMnfeu day. THhe children were enter tained with games, piano solo and reel- Itatlons. Prize were won by Mlsa Jen iwrtte Goldsmith and Master Michael 'Goldsmith. Te out-of-town guests were Miss Har- rUt Fleishman of North Platte and Miss Lah Krasne of Oakland. Those assisting wero Mr, If. G. Flelsh iman, of North Platte. Mlsa Blanche Mon- insit ana the Misses Hattle and Nora jrred. Those present were: MImc Misses Helen Levy. Bernlce Adler. Charlotte Abrahms, Pearl Bernstein, Lucille Hoel, Jeanetto Goldsmith, Mtrimm niinewi, -uenua Aicurann. months' visit In the. Ma k trills, P D. jura. u. r. Hooej: ana sit. I w. sier rlm have arrlvrd from Kenton to visit their cousin, Mrs. It. O. Frederick, In Dundee. Mn tlnrrv nf Clnrlnnnll whn I visiting Mr. ami Mr. J. T. Yates and Mr. and Mrs. John Undtey, returns home tho latter part of the week. Mlsa I.ydla Cook of Portland, Me , li expected thl weeH from the east to spend several weeks with Miss Alice Cur- or. who wilt return home with her to I spend some time In Portland. Personal Mention. Miss Kllzabeth Stearns Is expected homo Wednesday from Michigan, whern he nccomnanled the remains of her mother, the late Mr. Elizabeth Stearns. ! sUsHsKSfjr - m ik- at . is?? Commercial Club OUI A U D T fl I Members Will See dWAmrtlJ! the Hotinds Course i An Invitation to attend the annual coursing meet at Wymore, October 21 to , ha been accepted by the Omaha Com-mc-rlal club. The action wa taken by the executive committee at the meet ing Tuecday afternoon. At ttte suggestion of Frank B. Hlb- ' bard of Irvtngton, It was decided that steps should be taken to send to Gover nor n. I Metcalfe of the canal zone, a collection of exhibit of Omaha and Ne braska made goods to fit up his "Ne braska room" In his apartment. The committee ordered that ft letter jof commendation be prepared for Com missioner C. H. Wlthnell for the progress i ho has reported In the abatement of the smoko nuisance In the city. Tho rommissionrr reponea a ionK nsi oi manufacturers Who have Installed smoke abat'ng appliance ot one kind and another. A comprehensive program of entertain ment for the winter was approved. A good fellowship dinner Is tp. be given for club members November 4. Dur'ng the holiday week this year the annual . dinner for the sorn of member Is to bo I given. This time was chosen In order that the sons who are away to college rrlght bo here to participate. The annual dinner of the club Is to be given February 2, which Is also thi anniversary of the Incorporation of the city of Omaha. The club will also Join tho Woman's club in a retrptlon for the teachers of tho state one afternoon -during the first week in November, REV. C. W. SAVIDGE HAS BEEN HERE THIRTY-ONE YEARS Thirty-one year ago today Rev. C, W. Bavldge came to TJmaha, where he hai resided since, In a reminiscent mood Mr. Savldgo recalled his entrance to Omaha. I came In on a freight train and brought my old bUck mnro along" said Mr. Haviage. I led her up the titipaved street and put her up for the night In n livery stable which stood where now Is located tha big store of Hayden Bros." UPHAM IS NEW AGENT FOR TITLE GUARANTEE The Title Guaranty & Hurety company of Scrnnton, Pa., ha appointed Lynno D. I'pham, 1317-18 City National bank building, a general agent for Nebraska and Iowa. Associated with Mr. Unham will bo George IS. Crulckabank of De troit, Mich., as bond mannger, nnd It I Little as special agent. Mr. Upham Is taking tho "Title" in addition to the stato agency of the Preferred Accident Insur- lMariorle Guild. 'Mae BeUa North. (Kathrlne North. Master Michael Goldsmith. imben Mandelson, jrea Jioro. Lynn ItaohaeL C T. Holllster, Manuel urren, I Louis Green, iMelvIn Mnnhflt. ) Sol Rosenblatt, Warrine McCrann, Annette, Raphael, Ivy Cohn, Masters Joe Harding, Lro Krasne, Norton Alprtn, Michael Richards, Harold Rrodkey, Victor Davis, Hrshl Cohn, Max Fleishman. (Far Claclnnatl Onet. Mrs. Claud Matthal wa hostess at itridg luncheon today at her horn' honor of Mr. Harry Well of Cincinnati. tPUlK and lavender aster were used decoration and sixteen guest were pre Unt, In In Aunt Sally's Advice to Beauty-Seekers Our opting day Brought so many Ladies to our Store we wen unacli To givt everyone The prompt attention we so carefully desired, Wednesday we will be Able to wait on ali -Promptly. We thank You for so hearty a response, The National's Prices on ance company of New York. Mr. Crulck hank. who has been with the "Title" for the last flvo years, wilt take up his new duties about October 20. riiri iMrvrnM way operate i WESTERN ENGINES WITH OIL There la talk now of opetattng all the Burlington engines on lines west of tho Missouri with oil Instead of coal. The Northwestern line has found this a suc cess, and the Burlington Is ald to bo anxious to get In line, especially since the Burlington has secured control of some valuable oil fields In Wyoming. Coats, Suits and Dresses Speak for Themselves. THE NATIONAL Sample Goat & Suit Go. 319 South 16th St. NIGHT LETTER THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY INCOSrORSTSD 26.000 OFFICE IN AMERIOA fHEO. N. VAIL, PRESIDENT OABLE SERVICE TO ALL THE WORLD BCLVIDERE BROOKS, GENERAL MANAGE RECEIVER'S N. TIME riLIB CHECK SiCND th Miowinf NIGHT LETTER fiWtett ) tha term en baek hret which r heraky cfratd t '. . ) "V. C. D. aays! "Mv fnr,. la fpcrklni tile year roundi nathlnar I iru mii, m help much. 1 there anything that will really take off these horrid spotsT" Have you tried the treatment recommended to Minnie IT I've known thl to remova rnrv ouRiinate rreckies. i Kllen B. ask: "What aliouM I dn 1 for deep lines under my eye and acroJia my forehead?" aUch line, and all wrinkles, are best obliterated by bath ing affected portion in a good astrlng- and draw In the relaxed tissue. llere'H a reliable formula: t o. powdered ax- onte. h nt. witch hnceli mix and tiso dally until entirely relieved. Minnie I: The undue rodnes o well ua the pimples, may easily be removed by usln ordinary mercollsed wax. Ap ply nightly like cold cream and erase mornings with warm water. Soon you'll have a beautifully white, clear, soft and Velvety complexion, Mercollsed wax, iinld by all druggists, la better than cosmetics for any complexion trouble. One ounce sufficed for most conditions. Woman' Ileal rn. Advertisement, CHICAGO , ILL. ; ; OCTOBER 10-1913. , . . .. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS- i JUST BOUGHT FROM D. B. PISKE CO., 225 N. WABASH AVE. IMMENSE LOT OP HIGH GRADE MILLINERY AT THE BIGGEST BARGAINS I EVER SECURED. INVOICES BY NEXT MAIL- AM SENDING LOTS COMPRISING 2000 PINE DRESS HATS., 3000. BEAVER, VELVET , PLUSH AND VEL0UR. SHAPES "AND TEN LARGE CRATES FRENCH OSTRICH, OSTRICH BVNDS, PLUMES , ETC . AM'SENDING BY EXPRESS. CHARGES WILL NECESSARILY BE LARGE BUT BOUGHT THEM SO CHEAP I FEEL JUSTIFIED. MUST HOLD SALE NEXT SATURDAY WITHOUT FAIL. . DON B. AMSDEN. Watch the daily papers for announcement of the most remarkable millinery sale that was ever held in the entire west. Dolly Castle with Tik-Tok Man of Oz The following telegram, received by Mr. Monoglian of the Brnndeir Theater, explains itself: Des Moines, la., Oct. 11, 1913. v Edward Monaghan, Manager Brandeis Theater, 1 Omaha, Neb. Please have Fisher Piano placed in my room at Loyal Hotel sure. Will arrive at rioon Sunday. . DOLLY CASTLE. There's no question but. the Fisher is a universal fav orite. This is only one instance of many which we could mention. All the musical numbers from the "Tik-Tok Man"on sale in our Sheet Music Department. Hear them played. Hayden Bros. Commercial Honestyy 'vs. The TRUTH BRANDEIS STORES lift Mi Ont nf the Hfo Mia Clara Hull of Pasadena. Cal., ho ,arrive4 to visit Miss Carolyn Congdon. Mayor and Mr. Jatnea Dahlman have irauntad from a tenilay sojourn at Ex cesnor BJtnngS, HO. Dr. a. N. Butchart of Mlbblng. Minn.. It tho gutst of Mrs. Olrnnon and family ?r, and Mr. James F. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. H. J MeKenna had at htr sWsta for the wesk-end Mr. and IMr. D. W. Mulvane of Topeka. Kan. Mr and Mr. Charles T. Taylor ra rntd been lost evening from a two AORCATNOVBLWT'8 GREAT WORK Tha Woman' Home Companion an nounces the new story by Margaret Deland "Tho Hand ot Esau." which begins In the November number. This Is the nrst story that Mrs. De land na written since "The Iron Woman." which mad even a greater impression than "John Ward, Preach er." the most discussed novel of it day In the opinion ot authoritative crit ic, these novels, together with "The Awakening of Helena Richie" and ' Dr Iavendar's People," establish Mrs. De lanA u tho foremost Amsrlcan uovtllst. NOW ON THE NEWS STANDS Margaret Deland's Latest tftory ?Hands of Esau Begins in the November woman' s HOME COMPANION The voice is Jacob's voice . but the hands are the hands of EZsau. rjGtnuh27: Vtnc 22 j s&Et lEltlA lrST , lr Makers For sordid Commercial reasons , plucked arid dyed Musk rat is often called Hud son Seal. The Com mercial rea son is really a dishonest reason " Only the HON EST TRUTH about GORDON FURS and so, this scarf and muff sell together for $i 12, the muff separately $42., the scarf, $75. Made by Gordon and sold under the GORDON PURE FUR LAW are plainly marked on the Gordon label for what they are. Ever know the truth about furs? No? then send for Gordon's Fur Book today. GORDON & FERGUSON St. Paul, Minn. 0 Gordon Pure Fur Law Furs since 1871 THE PROBLEM OF HEREDITY Nina Morgan, the beautiful heroine ot Margaret Deland new story, ts con fronted by the tremendous .problem of heredity In the man she lores, when she "learn that the tratta and tenden cies of the father are visited upon the on Had you been In her jUce would you have accepted hlmT Had you been In his place would you have told? Mra. Deland's great, atory. "The Hands of Esau." begin in the Novem ber Woman's Home Companion. WHEN you burn THIS Coal you won't begrudge the coal deal er his money. Precious Vigorous Fine A New Coal A New Mine A New Kind of Goal Value, at, per ton, only $g50 ROOMS The Best Variety. The tfoe ulasbified pages, carry advertisements of the best rooms and apartments tor rent iu the city. Phone your ud to Tyler KiOu. 111