10 Polly and Her A WOfJDER BB5.IER Bat OOLDMT A'FkTI MP A TRACK Description of HOy HA DEUCE AM I (aoWJJA PICK IM OUT GoUkiA Pick OF I CROWD LIKE. THI WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must be presented before 12 o'clock noon for the evening edition and before 7:80 p. m. for Uie rnornlnR and Sun tUjr editions. Want ads received alter such hours will have their first Insertion under tho heading, "Too late to Classify." CASH RATE FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION: One Insertion 12 cents per line. Two or nioro consccHtlro inser tions 0 cents per line. One line per month, $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patron fearing bccohhU are measured by tha , line, ant by the word. I . I CIIAROr RATES. ci, nni. i, linn l ma wortis to me line, uwwrauuH x- wrou sr I xwo or more consecuuYe mser liens 9 cents per line. One line per month, 91.80. Twenty cent a minimum charge. NOTE Tho Hce will not be re sponsible for more than one wrong, insertion duo to typographical error. Claims for error cannot bo allowed after tho lOtii of the following month. Au advertisement Inserted to bo run until forbidden must be a topped by written order". Verbal or telephone cancellations cannot be accepted. Dealer In OmaUa are: Leo A. Hoffman. 21th and Dodge. K. L. Dodder, 23d and Cuming. N. P, Hwansoa, 17th and Cuming, Q. 1L Brewer, Mi North 34th tit. South Vou can order SARCOPHAGI from IfiUoWln CKMKTliHIKa: Forest Lawn. Phono Florence 134. Prospect 11 lit Phone Webster 3401 West Lwa. Phone Douglas 83. Mount flop. Phone Benson 141-w. OraceltnU Park, Phone Douglas 1094. Holy Bepulcher, 313 Darker ldg. , . , Or, ordr direct from the AMERICAN KAJtCOPHAQ US COMPANY. Douglas Met. Office, 304 First Nat Baa's: Bleg. DEATHS AND KUNKRAIi NOTICES "WOH13EH, August, October It, 1. bjthI ST vun. ' Funeral services will b hold from 3!rllrv Dorranea chatel. lVth and Oumlnc streets. Tuesday. Octi II, at a o'clock p. m. Interment West Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. The funeral of Bamuel E. Hunter wtl De Held from UTOsBys poriors lueaaay afternoon at S p. m. Interment Forest Iwn cemetery. HIHTHS AND DEATHS. Births-It. 8. and Nell Leary. 'X11 Clark, boy; Frank and Anna Androcek, 2bt$outn TW ,8KV.D.aTMy 2U8 Houth Fifteen falmonsen. ls3S North Twenty-second, boy Deaths It H. Lane, 10 months, 313 Pop pleton avenue; Ester Mead, (4 vears, Twenty-fourth and Pratt; James Jlnlas, S years, hospital; J. O'Connor, 67 yenrs, liensonj John Droesmah, tx) years, Ben son; J. Ktetsman, 39 years, hospital. - ' UKLP WANTKD KKMALK Aaeata Rt Saleswomen. WOMAN ot good appearance for Per in aAn t attractive local position ; expc riance nncesary: remuneration will appeal to feign cbuta salesladies; give ago M telephone number. Address A 4v;( care C3rlel muA office. YOUNO. ldy atteaa eftlce. do light work. 631 Urandels Theater, between 7 ana . evening. Waciidrr amn 'rraarav "WANT 4FSve-rl tee ladles' orchestrs far Boyd taeatsr. Apply to Qto, W. Warbler. WANTED drls to work In cracker factory. Apply 7:11a. m. Tuesday. Loose-1 wiles Biscuit wa. Moaixkeevcra Mud Itomaatle- THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM EOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents cf Omaha. South Omaha and Council liluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler iuw. WANTED-Hlsh school girl to work vsilng nfter school. 36tS California Bt Harney 1157. WANTED Good girl for general house' work. Apply 2104 Burt Bt WANTED Competent Klrl for sreneral housework; Pleasant room; no washing; good wages. 316 No, 31st Bt H. 1313. GIRL for general housework; no wash log. Mrs. E. T. Smith. 1113 8. 34th ft CAPABLE girl who is a good cook; no warning. is bo. uiii at. namey zouo. WAN TED Laundress two days Week, Mrs. J. U Kennedy, H. 625. In UIRL for general housework, small Fowler Ave. Phone Web. faoitly 30IS iter 4231. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. Diets Park district H. 466. COMPETENT girl tor general house- work in small modem apartment; must DC gOQO COOH. U. KWtt. GOOD, reliable girl, to assist with Siouseworku, not necessarily experienced. Mrs. James Corr. aB3 Beward Bt H. 4920. WANTED Compeltnt girl for general avail family, good wages. Apply 3732 ixrwsy jvvs. ynons Htsr.ty aw. WANTED girl to do iixbt housework In exchange for room, board and small wages, can svcnings, iiarney c&so. WATED Good cook and second atri: Tic. cv c ivMwuni. .1 , D I. GIRL for Csmdrn Ave. general W, 1HL iiousewnrk 224 WANTBD-Kiperlenctd girl ral housework. Mrs. W, C. Park Ave. for gen- ric mi WANTED Experienced maid, lioueekecper Hotel Rome, PalsA Good Likeness, at That the. Boy, im out HELP WANTED FKMA LE. Houaekeeplns; nnd Domeatlca. GOOD 'girt for general housework In family of two. Mrs. J. J. Dickey, 3626 Harney 8t. Harney 3010. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mm. J. W. Robblns, 125 N, 38th Ave. Phono Harney 1452. WANTKD Olrl for general homework. Must have references. Harney 2012. 407 N. 40th 8t. WANTED Olrl for general lio;jwork. 1616 No. 221 Bt., Bo. Omaha. 8. 2114. WANTED High school girl or middle aged woman who wants a good home to assist with housework. Iled 1272, Walk ing distance. COMPETENT girl for general house work. New Bmall flat 3 in family. Good wages and good home. Apply 109 8. 42d St., or phone II. 465$. Mlaeellaueofaa. -ottKG women comln to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building "t fit. Mary's Ave and 17th Bt.. where bey will ba directed to suitable boaldlng pieces or otherwise assisted. Look for our trweicrs guido at the union station. WClinw Oct covernmeht lobs. Big ! pay. Write for free list ot positions available. Franklin Institute. Dept 651 O. Rochester N. Y. WANTED At a small country hotel, a chambermaid nnd waitress at once. J. 1L Richards. Bpalding. Neb. FOR day, woman. Call Doug. Ml. GIRL for general housework; small family; wages (6 per week. Inquire 2523 Capitol Ave. WAN TK D Q I rl for general housework: three In family; wages $3. 124 B. 19th Bt, Tel. D, 163. HELP WANTED MALE. Asrenta, Bnlcsmeu ana Bollottors. WANTED 4 neat appearing young ea to travel. Apply 70S iirandla The. Rids. SALESMAN Wanted an A-l good spe cialty salesman, only men In the 3100 week class apply. Good opportunity for high class salesman with a proven sell- I work, etc. Address P 404, care nee. EXPERIENCED special salo managers for Iowa and Routh Dakota. Men capable earning 335 to 375 weekly, utvo rererences, state when can report Address n 40, care Dee. WANTED Financial agent to sell first mortgages on Improved wheat lands in the state of Washington. Banking refer ences will bo required and given. Ad dress K. M. Jernlgan. Davenport. Wash, AGENTS With some experience in tho portrait line. Apply O. Boughton, Bavoy Hotel. WANTED Four young men of neat ap pearance to Introduce u new artlclo on the road, expense advanced, Apply M. Wlnfleld, Plaxa Hotel, between 7 and 8 p. in. Boys. BOY over 10 .attend office; learn busi ness. 631 Urandels Theater; 7 and 8, evunlng. Factory nnd 'trades. Wo Hnvo a Position Waiting for You as a B. It. Tolograpbor rinr Mrhnn! la the Official Training ..hnni rnr t.l.criinhfra for the Union Pa- irin n II. and Illinois Central It It Both tneso rauroaa comvamea abso lutely guarantee to give permanent nn.ltlnn- r all llllr KradUStOS. Every railroad centering in Omaha em ploys our graduates. of salaries of railway telegraphers and station agents all over the west. We will secure you a piace a wot tor your board while anenuing ana tree transportation to your post when your course Is completed. Tuition fee very low. Send tor catalogue at once, mentioning this paper. ,, lioylcs uouogo, Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. GET Into the mosv pro.ltable business I of today, the automobile business, and become independent uur large, wen quipped shops offer the opportunities ot learning the burlness by actuisl experi ence on different makes of cars. Our terms are moderate. Write or call. Na tional Auto Training association. 2314 N. 20th St., Omaha. Neb. Tel. W. 6M3. WE TEACH you how to clean and block hats. Address Lincoln Hat Works, Lin coln Neb. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knclst U Bldg. HEM Call Omaha Employment lluraau. WANTED An experienced cutting and punching machine operator, non-union nreterred. l.e Febure Ledger company. Cedar Rapids, la. WANTED Tailors to make pants and vests; steady Job. Fred M. KuwlUky. Nebraska City, Neb. MEN. learn the barber trade. We teach you aulckly. cheaply, thoroughly. Tools furnished. Wages while learning. Always fcure ot work. Hundreds ot grad- II o t ah mnnlnff slinna ftn,t fn, liap. livr. r.n nn hogue. Moler Barber College, 110 Bo, lith Bt. APPLE PICKERS wanted. Omaha Em ployment Bureau, 121 IS. Uth Bt CORN HUSKER8 wanted. Omaha Em- pioyment uureau, 1:1 n. uth Bt Mlaoeltaneuua. YOUNG MEN to learn automobile bust. nets Without losing time from retmlar employment Business pays Bia SAL ARY to start and rapid advancement Is HUHl. wa nave had so many annllm. tlona for night course ot late, that we nave acetate to start a night class. Monday, October 13. Young Working man, this is YOUR chance. Corns in or write tor special otter. Nebraska Automobile School 1113-U Dfidxe Bt WANTED A hiTh class rellahla ataia sales manager for a store fixture, with out competition. Comralsnions $300 to 1509 per month. Address tha Bw-kiey Specitlty uo., uma, u. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Commence 175 month. Writs for par ticulars. Franklin Institute, Dept 313 G-, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Names of men. U to . wishing to be Omaha mail carriers. HI ( montlw "Puir unncesary, Addres Y i , t VANTED-Salcs tnsnseer " p.m.n.nt 1 III I Apply, lucrative potltlon. Bank reference re- jquired, Victor Mfg, Co.. Spring Hill, Kan. t THE BEEi BILL MEVER DID Hi ole, Hide! WANTED filTTJATIONS. WHO WANTS ME? Partially decided to hibernate In Oraaha this winter, though with proper Induce ments might consider migrating. Am hustler, good conscientious worker, married, good appearance, good talker. Will consider anything except lightning rods and blue sky. Not musically Inclined, but have sold phonographs and pianos. Salary, commission or both. Address N 402. cam Dee. COLORED girl wishes position where she can do housework and go to school. Call Harney C474. EXPERIENCED German druggist, aged 24, not speaking English, desires liosltlon of any kind, wholesale drug concern preferred. Has complete knowl edge, of Latin and all chemicals. Ad dress Felix JCobseh, 1224 Bo 17th. COLORED man with 8years' experi ence wants situation with private fam ily as chauffeur. Will do own repair work if desired. City references. Phone Tyler 1183. Wanted posit as practical nurse. W. FARM HANDS furnished, short notice, free. Omaha Employment Bureau, 121 N. 1Mb Bt Tel. Douglas 1U1 CREIGHTON college student wishes to ln,l f 1 1 . n (i O n unit ftilnira t.mt. house In exchange for board and room. Address L 400. Dee. YOUNO man attending Doyles college want work for board. D. 1S65. NEAT colored girl wants position as second girl. 2811 Cuming Bt. INSIDiS work ot some kind, by young man. itererenres best Audrcss o 403, see, desires position at once; 7 yenrs' oxperl enco; clean proofs and quality work, W. J Stoats., Address C 409. Be. NEAT colorvil boy wants position In noiei or onroer snop uiiu uoug, ujk. ANNOUNCEMENTS. RM TTJ motorcycle messenger service, D. B. Orlfflth. wig rofr. 12 Frenser Blk, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. GET a lucky WEDDING RING from nitODEGAARD'B AT the BIGN of the UllOWN, UP the UOLDISN STAIRS, 16th nu uougias. EXPERIENCED Bnanl.h teacher de. slrt'H to organise a small evening class. Address 8 422, care Bee. Gibson's Buffet 323 South Uth St. ATTRACTIONS. Oraaha film exch., 14th and Doug. Mo tion picture machine and film bargains. AUTOMODILKS. XHF. Downtown garage. Have your automobile washed and polished hiir. HIS Howard Bt. Tel. D. 4430. THE Downtown garage. Have your automobiles washed and polished here. 1413 Howard Bt Tel. D.-4435. DRUMMONDS' Big m suras atJGth and Farnata. FOBE DOOBS SEAT COVERS. 1100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repairing. Bayadorfer. 210 N 13. Mwioroyeies. BARGAINS in 'all maxM or used motor cycles, victor Jl. lloos, "Tne Motorcycle Man." 3703 Leavenworth Bt. WK1TK Foil .181. OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICIiELH' NEBRASKA CYCLE Co., lf.Tlt AND HARNET. 1 - SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. IF YOU want anything in the way or a second-hand car, we've got It Bcates Motor Car Co., 1116 Dodge Bt. HUSIMES3 CUAKCE& TO Sal in or out of biutaaas, call on CAlNQlOiTAL 404 Be Didg. Tel. D. 3477. MnccJal iilaRa for aaihlii! vour business or real esutia. Kannnback Co.. Ot U aa. DRUG BT01U5 OPPORTUNITY ODantuu for a live pharmacist to estab- Hah hlmaelf In one of the most flourish ing towns In eastern Nebraska. Building ZUS4 already built and awaiting occu pancy. Call on or write Langdon Bros., Gretna, Neb. . NEBRASKA corporation baa promising position for right party who can invest 31 Con or trnre. Address L 367, Omaha B. ruit bjLE One of the beat paying restaurants and short order houses in the north end, good business; strictly a paying proposition. Reason tor selling. cannot handle two places at once. New Home Restaurant, 1614 uapltot Ave. AN Iron foundry and machine shoD for tne risni man witn some capital. Ad dress A. 1a Tldd, Plattsmouth, Neb. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Urn Jfnundrtes. Paxton-Mltchsll Co., rtta .&d Martha Sts. CblDH Paint! BiT. CHINA D&lntlna-: outside flrinr itnn. Mrs. F. C. Haynes, U S. Zith Bt D. 4300. Chiropodists, DIt ROY, 1503 Farnam. Douglas 447. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence, D. C 232S Howard. D. SMI. Mrs. Rosa. Boessn. 133 Lake. Web. 473S. Cos turners. FULL dress suits; party treass for sale r rent. tl.U tier nlcht (loan avrnlna-a. John Feldman. 3$ No. ITti. i;vug. Hat. HISlOillCAL and masiutrade rostumes to hire at Theo. Lleben Sens, M14 How ard St D. 411i - Creameries, Dairies aud fla;silles. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Daaeloir Acadaiulvu, nflW'T vsil dal-.cat Cln to UafkU'a. 1S14 ! Harney Bt. where all the others learn. Douglas 5444 I . . Detectives. "Omaha Sec. Ecr. Agcy.. 43 Paxton. D. lil . JAMES ALLAN. 31?. Neville Dlk. Evl jdencc secured In ail cases. Tyler 1134. OMAHA, TtTEffDAf, 'OCTOBER 14, 1913. " ' " " ' ' -II. . VUNK'.J f , . A. B. C. of Omaha A RKIN'S KOSHEK OWE stands for auallty. uuantlty & econ- amy. 316 S. Uth. middle of block. 2d floor. B' ELL. DRUG CO. New location 1318 Farnam. icverytmng new. urn nhone. D. itO. Cornu. call or write. Rubber goods. KERR Abstract Co., 305 A. 17th Bt. Better be safe than sorry. Have XCmrr An vnnr till VflrlC. NEBRASKA CYCIJ: CO., "MlftUeVs," 16th and Harney. Douglss !62. We rent, repair, sell ntedles, put's Of all sewing machines. VACUUM cleaners and swappers hy draulic, electric and hand power chines rented. Sanitary Strvice Co. Tel. Doug. 2904. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Dressmaking-. Terry Preasmkg. college 20th & Farnam. BE your own dressmaker: easy method; day and night courte: special induce ment to students enrolling during month of October. National Dressmaking Col lege, 304 Patterson Block, Omaha. Neb. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. Tel. Har. 253. Dreaauankins;, Baughman's dressmaking school. Flo. 17. ISverytbliiK for Bleu. HOTEL HABNEY ,-f conllo- rooms with or without bath. KrerythlnK for Women. OLD plumes made new. California Os trich Plume Co.. 206 Neville Bldg. D. 0010. Plumes made" over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Krurgr, 429-A, Paxton Blk. D. 8394. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all sizes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT INQ CO.. 220 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1333. Plumes mado over, cleaned, dyd, curled. Berthu Kruger, 429-A, Paxton Blk. D. 8394. Florists. A. Donaghue. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001. HESS & BWOBODA. HIS Farnam. St L. HENDERBON. 1619 Farnnm. D. I2iS. BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater nidg. Furnace, Siovra, llepalra. REPAIRS In stock for all makes of stoves and heaters, furnaces, steam and hot water boilers, new furnaces, wrought Iron and cast. Empress and Sultan water nnd steam boilers, thermostats and tank heaters. Omaha Stovo Bepair Works 1203-8 Douglas St. Tyler 20. Furnace rep. and cleaning expert W. 7773. Intern ..ce,. TORNADO 1NBURANCE. Call Tyler 1024. O'Neills. 1505 Farnam St Nurseries nnd Seeds. STEWART'S BEKDMAN. 119 N. 16th Osteopathy. Alice Johnson, 308-9 Brandels The. Bldg, Patents. H. A Bturgee, 630 Brandels Thea. Bldg. D. O. Bamell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. PlnniMng. Plumbing and heating. Fischer & Cou ncil. 1318 William Bt. Doug. 6737. Printing;. DOUGLAS Printing Co. ToL Doug. 641 RARER PRINTING CO. Doug. 1013. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg, Co.. Qual ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190 621 S. 13th. Sheet Metal Works Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 8. 10th. Store ana fHflee FlxtHira. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc We tiuy. we sell. Omaha .Fixture and supply CO.. 4H-16.lt s. izth. V. 3734. Stersa Beers and Wladorra. Welrich. storm doors, sashes. 1317 N. 2t Tvnaks ana Suitcase. FRELINQ & STEINLE. 1803 Farnam Bt Wises and. Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sanawtcc. Alex jetes. zoi-3 ts. uth bt EDUCATIONAL. Y. M. 0. A. Night School Now Classes Opening Carpenters' Arlth.. 33.75; Commercial Law, 310; Electrical Testing. 315: Klec Engineering, 316; Freehand Drawing.. II; Gas Engineering 87.50; German, (f.sk); Plan Reading and Est. 37; Public Speak Ing, 7; Salesmanship, 323; Show card writing, 3? Steam Engineering. 315. Speed Shorthand, jii; first Aid (ask), jsnrou now. Extra fee of 33 charged nonmembers. 16 CLASSES OPENED SEPT. 15. Now It a good time to enter. Inquiries cheerfully answered. Call Tyler 1600, EDUCATIONAL DEPT.. 17th & Harney. MOSHER.LAMPMAN COLLEGE. Unsurpuutd classes. Finest quarters. Graduateii ire guaranteed guod positions. Wsrk tor bonrd. For tree catalogue ad dresr Moshtr-Lampman College, 13U Far nam St., Omaha. Neb BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. Complete coiusos In Business, Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil Siirvlcti and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is read. Call, write or phone for It Boyles College, 13th and Harney Sts., Omaha. Neb. MY- STOCK FOK SALS Harm au Vt;cisa. TEN HEAD of horses and mares, 900 to 1,300 lbs-, all right from hard work, in good condition, 3ti to 3135 per head; go ing out of business, no offer refused. 1M Davenport Bt, rear. Drawn EASV wtfr ,6n HE, is A Lo&.'lUMK Pop Haw Vou (polo Pick ME out NEVER H4VM6- i THE NATURAL HlSTORy PER ME SAxtl ME IN T 'ME. vER LIFE BEFORE- C4WT CtO LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. lloraea nml Vvlilclea. Heavy teaming gears and wagons; best makes and largest variety In the city Tohnson-Danforth Co.. 10th and Jones Fts FOR SALE 100 'arm wation boxes with sideboards and spring seats, 31E.S0. Btroud Co.. 20th and Ames. Tel. Web. 338. LOST AND KOUl OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluffs StriMt Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In th? street cars Many Rrtlcles each day are turned In and tho company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las 43. LOST Pearl brooch, Sunday afternoon. Return to 2310 California. Reward. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Terry cures piles, 'fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed nnd no money paid until cured. Write for book nn rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. IS. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South 14th Htreet Omaha. Neb. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY FfRNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. Nor ton & Co., 333 Board of Trade Building. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apnrtmcnta nml Flats. GorodnVanCo. s 119 N. 11th St. or 210 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 33t 1807 FARNAM 5 rooms completely mod ern, suitable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc, for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall Dlst Co.. 433 Ramge. D, 7406. 3-ROOM mod. flat. No. zith St, South Ramge Bldg. Doug. Scarso Bldg., E16H Omaha. Hull, 43J 740C. VOl. RENT Four-room modern unart- i men:, a. zsm at. ii. 4iit 6-r., modern apartment 1112 So. 11th. Reasonable, FREE TO NOVEMBER t Call D. 4512. 320-6-room flat, 1202 N. 24th St Beautifully papered throughout MODERN 9-room flat 2303 Cass Bt. 561 S. 27th Bt: 6-r. flat. Douglas 6451. S ROOMS heated: sitting room, two bed rooms, dining room and kitchen, closets. large nam room and store room; recently renovated; (25. Gentleman and wife pre ferred. 2222 Miami St. Frnlhed Rooms. 1401 8. RTir Nlplv fnrnlahnl. mnriern furnace heat. BACHELOR aDartmenta for two. beau. tUully furnished, private entrance, mod ern conveniences, price reasonable, block and half Bo. from Leavenworth car, 90u ciouin ztn si. FURNISHED roam for rent In nrlirair family, walking distance. 2310 Howard NICELY furnished front room, nen house, private family. Close to Hanscom Fork, block to car. Harney 6S09. Ii'lIHN'lSHlCf ) fmnt rnntni fnr rant 31? Park Ave. Furnished Apartments. fi.TinOMPn nnnrfmnnt fitn(t,.1. location. 2 blocks from Farnam car. facing boulevard. Phone H. 1244. Untarnished Rooms. llv! newlv flAnnmlMl. ifnntnl ti riv... g -.-". UU VUIUJ FRONT rroom. 223 Farnam. Doug. CS44. THREE unfurnished rooms; private bath; modern except heat 2617 N. 18tSt Fnralahed Uw-ia.a. FOR RENT 9-room furnish) winter; no children: reference 'a. West Farnam district. Add. L 45L Be. 3 STRICTLY modern rooma; private family: walking distance: man mli wit. m N. ISSth Avo7 - Hotels ana AimrtMtcnts. DODGE HOTKLModem. reasonabl. llonaea and Coiihkci. FIDELITY raMn ... moved, puckod aalpped. nth and Jaekaon Sts. Doug lils.' w , FOR RENT! Modem ten-room house, east front, full lot large barn. Will put In thorough re pair for a deslrablu tenant No. 1123 Ho. 32d street ."..110.00 Desirable six-room cottage, east front paved street almost new. No. 1S No, S7th street 327.50 cignt-room modern House, within walk Ing distance. No. 2621 Capitol rvenue 350.00 ALMIEII u. KKKKEUV, 20) First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 733. ALL modern heme, fneintr fVntrnl bouJeyard; 4 nice hed rooms and bath upstairs. 3 rooms and large reception hall downstairs; all cement basement: near St John's church, 332 50 Apply H. R. Boyles. D. I3tt MAGGARD VJ AND STORAOU CO packs, muvas, stores and ships housebote goods and planut. Douglas ! Jfi Rpprl Exp. Co., furniture motng. HniiKfx all parts or the city. CiUUbtS crelgh Son t r,k H. H.. MIL S-ROOM house for rent Furnished or unfurnished. 1903 Wirt. Web. CCS. FOR nENTTwo-story frame Uw.il Li 3 cu Cass, near Xth, modern Crcigaoa university. Douglas 2320. NEW 5-room, inortert without hvat. 3711 rarker. Phone Harney A COMPLETE list of Vbcunt houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This la a list compiled dally und can ba seen free ot charge at 30t South 17th St OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. t-r.. mod. house. 1304 S 24th 1. 4173. 372 SO. 2STH ST. 8 rooms combletlv moJ.. $320. Hall. 433 Ramie BJd.D 74ftJ. "iils'lIALL AVE.-7 rooms completely modern. $50. Hall, 423 Ramse Bldg. D. 7406. . v for The Bee by AS RoLuH'oTT . HE AYS HE iTW. VfeUl WRONG- f HE SAVSi OFFERED FOR REX. lluuaea a ml ( uttauea. E109 UNDERWOOD AVE.. Dundee. 3 rooms, new; hot wnter heat; SfiS. Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7406! NOTHING like It; cential; steam heat; "-room house; halls, bath, basement. 220 N. 23d. . . 320 8lx-rooni cottage, all rooms on one floori". mod. ex hent. east front paved street ISIS N. 35th St 121 Nice 6-room cottage, newly papered throughout, mod. ex. heat, nice yard. 2S15 Wirt St Bcott & Hill. 307 McCagUe. Doug. 1009 OUTSIDE pressed brick flat, four large rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, electric light, gas, gas water heater, rear entrance to Farnam car. Just papered, elegant and coiy; 318; 2744 S. 9th St Keys at 574S or 2760. SEVEN-ROOM house, modern except heat. 318. 3042 Cottage Grovo Ave. 317.00 New five-room cottage, mod. ex. heat. 3S21 North 19th. Wm. Arndt. Tel. We'bster 2039. 6-room, modern cottage, 3212 Hamilton., G rooms, modern except heat, 3107 Cum ing St 11 rooms, modern except heat 3214 Hamilton St. All newly painted and decorated. Apply 319 Ramge Bldg. DUNDEE Modern home, I22,10t. Harney CC9i. . 30C Hamilton, 4-r., new. $14. t 23KI Leavenworth. 6-r. flat 339. 1515 N. 20th, 6-r., 320. f 3927 N. 21st. mod., 7-r 125. 1417 Cass St. 9-r.. 327.60. 2565 Douglas. 8-r., 3M.V JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 554. RUNT without money to man and wife who will look after adjoining house and help sell. 3 rooms, well, good neighbor hood, city school, etc. 607 Paxton Block. 1664 N. 20TH, 6 rooms, mod. ex. fur., 320. 2224 Clark, 6 rooms, JIG. 4101 Farnam, 7 rooms, modem, 330. 401 N. 31st, 10 rooms, modern, 33J. 712 N. 22d, 7 rooms, 335. RINGWALT, Brandels Theater Bldg. -R. modern house. "08 S. 31st St. 325. FELL & P1NKERTON CO., 213 Board of Trade Bids. NINE-ROOM modern house; good loca tion. 725 8. 37th; 333.00. Webster 2395. FOR .RENT 6-room, modern house and garage, on car line; close to 21th and Larlmore Ave, 323. Gallagher & Nelson, 483 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. . 30 MODERN, 7-room Bemls park house. 3620 Hawthorne. Phone Harney 1011 . gtorea ami Otfiv. I NEW store uulldir.7, 26x60. Steam heat 170 Jackson. FOB BENT 1811 PABNAM STBEET 3,000 SQUABE FEET Two and one-half blocks from Uth and Farnam. Readv for occunanc Novem ber 1st THOS. F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7403. FOR RENT The office on ground floor of The Bee building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frontage nn Farnam St and occupying about 1,500 square feet, with extra entrance on the court ot the building. Large vault. Fine office fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. Fell, Bee office. DESIRABLE two-room office suite In the Continental block, convenient loca tion, good service, 330. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. . 200 First National Bank Building. Telephone Douglas 722. TWO stores, Howard street between Twelfth and Thirteenth, low rent G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago 1U S. Uth, steam heat. $100. n R Uth Ht lirlrlt. X23. JOHN'n. FRENZER. Douglas E54. SIXTEENTH STREET. STORE near postofflce, 360 per month. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. OFFERED FOR SALE. Jbtualuut luiruiuui. ELECTRIC planosTtltS. 119 N. 15th. FOR SALE Instruments, parapherna lia and music for orchestra. Apply Post Exchange. Fort Omaha, Neb. l-rswrtter. RENT Remingtons. Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Rem ington Typewriter Co.. telephone Douglas 1234. Rental credited It you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out Rates, 3 mos. for 35.00 for understroko machines or 33.00 per month for latest model visible writers. ALL makes typewriters rented and sold, easy terms. Butts' Typewriter Exchange. IMS Farnam Bt Dougita 0031. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months. S. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. REBUILT and slightly used typewriters rented and sold on easy terms. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. 411 8. 15th St " TYPEWRITERS sold and rented every where. L. C. Smttrt & Bros, Typewriter Company, 1819 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. RENT an Oliver typewriter, 3 months. $1. The Oliver Typewriter Co. Doug. 2919. ailacelianeoua. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Bulke Collender Co.. 407-409 a 10th St n nn Buys Best Coal tor the money; :$O.Utf try lL Web. StS. Harmon & Weeth. WE ARE selling out a $10,000 stock of unredeemed overcoats and jewelry; also special price on suitcases, handbags aud trunks; must be sold within 30 days. White Jewelry and Clothing Store. 1303 Douglas. EMPTY In- barrels for sale. Apply lUa PuoitshlnK Co. 17th and Farnam Sts. FOR BALE 15-foot good oak counter, formerly used In The Bee business office; cheap. Apply at Bee office. Bea Bldg. Kli.dllng. $3 load. Gross Wreaking Co SAFEb Overstocks, aecosd-nand; all makes. J. J. Derlstt Sate Co.. 1212 Farnam I'KT BYOCR. BOSTON tarrter pupa cn-ru UoUi. I PEDIGREED Alrdale and Boston Ter- I rier puppies. Apply James Fo.-uead. 220. i L---J,.. "tl' . " ,,,- I SCOTCH COLLIE pup. Call Florence SMI- Cliff Sterrett TWb. PERSONA. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association bulldUg at 17th and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union Station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect We distribute. Phone Dnuclaa 413S and our wacon will call. Call and Inspect tho new home. 1110-1112- 1114 Uorlge at SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. MAfrNTCTlCJ treatment E. Brott. UXAU-XVlXXVy ig29 vinton. D. 0026. Miss Fisher, mas., bath, elec. treat D. 863. MASKAftlT, Swedish movement 4L( JYlAOO-AUJll Bee B,d. Douglas C377. 63-DAY BLCOD REMEDY. Berten Pharmacy, Uth and Dodge. Marguerite Halloran, massage. D. 7761. TIT A A m?Corn and bunions treated. MANICURING, massage. 1711 Dodge. Miss Debar, Electric massage, bath, 214 Balrd Bldg. Massage. 1st fl. r 6, 1723 Dodge. Mrs. Steele. PROF. LYKE. 1917 Cass. magnetic treatment, SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. FOR.HALE OR TRADE For horses, cat tle or clear town property: Twenty acres and a town lot In tho onion belt of Texas; twenty acres and two town lots, between two good towns on gulf coast ot Texas; two nice residence lots In one of the beat towns ot Wyoming; a half section ot good farm land six miles from Kimball, Neb.; flrst-cluss properties; ciear. but slight encumbrance. Address Bos 64, Albion. Neb. WILL exchange my equity in five-room house for automobile. Thla property Is 14 blocks from car and nearly modern. Phone W 367C ONE or two Iota for sale or trade for horses and farm Implements. Web. :S89. THREE unlmcumbered Iowa farms. 800 acres In a body, 60 miles from Des Moines; 3 rets of buildings; 400 acres cultivation, uaiance meadow and rolling blue grass pasture, fenced hog tight Want smaller farm or clear Income; plenty of time on balance. Give me full description and price first letter. Address owner, box SIS, Council Bluffs, In, REAL ESTATE. ABSTRACT UK Tl'IXB. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska- 308 Brandm Theater. CITY PROPERTY irOR SALE. WALIONOlSlSTANCE 6-room house, modern except heat hav ing hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry down stairs, two large, bedrooms, storeroom and bath up stairs; rooms re cently decorated, screens and storm win dows, dandy east front lot large trees, paved street handy to two car lines, lo cated on south side. Nonresident owner says sell quick. Easyterms. Price, $1,800. Positively a bargain. BEMISyCABLBEBGr CO. 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. HANSCOM PARK, west side. Seven rooms, nearly new; hardwood inside: hot air, electricity, gas; exceptional location; accessible; all Improvements.. Douglas 6232. LOTS $1 DOWN. In Hanscom Park Add., on the hill six blocks from car, at 32d and Wright; lots 50 feet .front.; all fine, aud from $300 up wards. Sale on Saturday and Sunday. Call on W. J. PETERSEN, AGENT, 3S18 Gold St 2 brick houses, $810 rental, 37.O0O. 3 brick houses, $1,800 rental. $16,000. Uth and Webster. 109x14 feet, $1,600. 4031 Lafayette, easy payments, $3,000. JOHN N. FRENZER. Douglas 654. $1 FOR 8ALB Beveral fine building lots near the car line city water, good cation: terms LOWN. $1 A WEEK EK I without Interest; you can start to build as soon as you pay your dollar, . H. II, HARPER. 1013-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 2696. TO BUY, SiCLL Olt ItKNT. FIRST hMM OHN W. BOBBINS, lffl! FARNAU T. REAL ESTATE. FA RSI .t RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Missouri. SO ACRES well improved. 2 miles from Licking, Mo.; about 65 acres valley land In cultivation, rest In timber pasture, neariy all under American hog wire fence Prices $2,000. Will give seven years time n n mtt tt nliiwh... nM. - . -. jiuvo m i jer cent. Address owner. C. F. Peak. Houston, Mo. Nebraska. NORTH PLATTE FOREST RESERVE, 133,000 acres of land, and Ft Niobrara mil itary reserve, 4I.4&0 acres, open for regis tration by lottery at North Platte, Neb., beginning October 13, ending October 25, 1913. Drawings at North Platte, Neb., at 10 o'clock a, m., October 28, 1913, and continuing as long as necessary. You can register tor 640 acres. President's proc lamation signed September 30. Write lor lull information, R. A. SMITH, Colonlration and Industrial Agent Union Pacific Railroad, Omaha, Neb. FOUND ANOTHER HOMESTEAD 32J acred, 24 miles out; In settled neighbor hood; fine farm land, not sand hills. Price HT5. filing fees and alL In cor ner ot Colorado. J. A. Tracy, KlmbalL Neb. Texas. FOR good, th'iap, agricultural land, any slxcd tract; wr.te Joe Lyons, Desk 5. Marlln. Tex. - Waaltintfiun. FREE government land in northern Stevens county, Washington, where a failure of ciou is unknown. Good nr.ii . irood climate, no drouth. For tum.. Ii.ia.is address Floyd C. Smith, Northport Wash.