Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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    HIE BEE: 0MA1IA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1913.
Lighten University Shows Gain in
Many Departments.
Grc-n(er Cretgtiton" to Be IU.Nnme
nnl Meetlnir'io Shape Ita tmmr-
dlnte Fntnrr Will Tin IlVia '
MonUay Evening.
The enrollment of Crelghton unlvertlti'
las now reached a total of 1,0, which Is
larger than that of a year ago. The total
nroliment of the entire school last June,
erore tne summer session began, whs
063, and this year's total Is expected to
o far larger.
The dental department, coaatlncr an en
rollment of 117, Is one of the larjregt.trt
the country. It shows a Bain of approxi
mately 10 per cent over last year.
The student body Is mote cosmopolitan
tnan over before, recruiting Its students
rom practically every state In the Union,
pith Nebraska. Iowa, Minnesota, South
Dakota, Kansas, Texas, Wisconsin, Mon
ana and Ohio furnishing the bulk.
he university authorities are noW at
(jjork on an alumnus dlrect6ry,"wWch w.Ol
ana dc issued in tno near future, .it Will con
tain Information concerning .-some 2,000
former Crelghton men, of whom 1,200 are
now definitely .itraccd.
Of the students at Crelchton this year.
455 are new to the Institution, the largest
number of new ntudents ever entering the
university In one year. Borne 00 diplomas
"era i'rceenieu 10 siuaems last year.
A ''Greater Crelghton" club will be
formed at a smoker to - bo hold at the
arts department of Crelghton university
Monday overling. Moved - by- the rapid
growth of Crelghton university, which
now has five departments and an enroll
merit exceeding 1,000 Btudents, and by the
growing, student spirit of the Institution
as a whole, those representative In unl
verslty affairs plan the organization of
a coricreto organization of students and
friends which shall work, for the interests
of Crelghton.
AtMpnday'ji meeting .wlllbe.prescnt.the
deans of tho five departments, a large
delegation from each of the flvo depart
mental faculties, the president of each
class in each deportment, many atumnl
and friends.
(This meeting Is regarded as one of the
most Important stops ever taken by
Cfelgh,ton, men as a body toward building
tip ther. alma mater, and an enthusiastic
attendance Is assured. The. organization
jT has tho sanction of the president of
Crelghton university.
j? Thq organization, once formed and offi
cers elected, will take decided steps to
ward the enlargement of all university
activities,, and will give a strong backing
tp any- iventuro undertaken by Crelghton
university authorities oi students as rep
resentatives of their school. Those who
are closely In. touch with affairs at the
university fool that Crelghton has reached
a crisis in Its growth and that the grow'
Jing Crelghtoru spirit should be crystallized
a representative organization. The
altering of the various departments has
in the past Acted as a damper on con
entratlon of student activity, and It Is
bought the ."Greater Crelghton." club
III overcome this handicap
Tho-. alumnus organlzatlpn, which Is be
ing advocated by representative, alumni
ti Crelghton, is .expected to assume .con
crete, form In the near future... and a
strong organization recruited from all de
partments will -work ihand in hand with
ho "Greater Crelghton" pltib. The article
y Ir. 1, J. Scott, medicine '03, which
.-as to have outlined a p an or organiza
tion In. Vie, October Issue bf the Crelghton
Chronicle, will. not appear as planned
in that Issue, but will be in tho November
The first public movement by the
jJGreater Crelghton" club will bo record
turnout to. tha CreJghlon-Marquette game
on Croighton field next Saturday.
It was definitely determined last night
t Miss Florence Stone, Who has been
Ing wo'man at tha Boyd theater since
stock season opened there in A.U-
gftt, will leave tho' company at the end
;qfja fortnight.'. Miss Spne has not yet.
!Mermlned on' her future course, but will
y wait for the coming of hor husband, Dick
jferris, tirom i-oa Angeies, as . no is ex.
Peoted shortly.
It la Obo .of NatHrex's First Slims of
Kidney Troubles, If Neglected,
Serious Disease May Follow
(When the kidneys are clogged up and
giactlve, nature has a way of warning
BE?:..:- .. : ...
nacKacne is one oi me urn djiiii""-
flTou may also be troubled with dla-
greeable, annoying bladder dlsordtrs;
ave uiiacits oi lumDago or rncuoiauaiu.
Ikecome nervous, tired and feel all worn
jut; puffy swellings show- under the
yes or In the feet - and ankles; and
any other symptoms are noticed. If
tfcey are . neglected, dropsy, diabetes, or
Irlght's disease, which so often prove
fatal, may result.
It Is not only dangerous, but needless
or you to suffer and endure the tortures
Of these troubles, when a little Croxona
ow will quickly and surely end all
uch misery.
There Is no more effective remedy
nown for all such troubles than Croxone.
Jbecause It reaches the cause. It soaks
Ight into the kidney, through the walls
nd linings; cleans out the clogged up
res, neutralizes and diskolves the pol-
nou ur(c acid and waste matter that
odge In the Joints and muscles and cause
hose terrible rheumatic pains, and makes
u the kidneys filter and rut the poison
ut of the blood and drive it from the
Yon will find Croxone different from
11 othe'r remedies. It is practically Im
pose! ble to take It without results.
An original package costs but a trifle.
nd all druggists are authorized to re
turn the purchase price if Croxone should
11 In a single case. Three doses a day
or a few days Is often fill that is ever
needed to end' the Worst backache, relieve
Irheitmitlc 'paint, or overcome urinary
Isorders. Advertisement.
Strenuous Life After Hours
Not So Strenuous as It Was
"Xes, but does U do ah-goodr' (
"Is It any.barder to get a drink after
hours now 'than. 'It. -used to ube before
Tour round-upt" " ! '
Well, If ,ypudqn't think so,. Just try
it for yourself, aa two Bee reporters did
again Friday night to see how far tho
lid waa tilted, and you will discover that
tbere is a difference. Instead of being
Invited In and forced to order something
to drink, you will get the icy stare and
the cold turn-down unless you know
how. Of course, there Is some snitching,
but It is a great deal more discrete and
The big hotels are apparently tighter
than for a long time, and the tea cups
and milk-white glasses are not in notice
able evidence, We visited the Millard,
the Paxton, the Her Grand, the -Rome
and the Hensh'aw and were, politely re
fused, although In one of them a waiter
Insinuatingly asked, "were we stopping
In the house?"
At tho Schlltx two young fellows
brushed past the desk to the bar on
the first floor.
"Nothing stirring, kld," smiling re
marked the attendant.
"Oh, yep," remembered one of the pair,
"s'up stairs."
The Loyal was dry, as It' always Is,
and so waa the Carlton that night and
the Merchants, too.
At the Calumet restaurant on Doug
las street, for some reason the back room
was closed down. The word was passed
to the visitors by one of the employes
that "something had gone wrong," and
sorrow expressed that they would hava
to seek relief elsewhere.
Upstairs over the Chesapeake restau
rant on Howard street the drinkables
were plainly visible, but apparently, no
rush to get them.
'Lowd boss, we-'s done close' after do
fust Intermission," vociferously ex-
claimed a negro porter of Charles Lewis
"Orpheum bar," at Fifteenth and Har
ney streets, when he was approached by
a pair of thirsty mortals.
"Well, yoU can fix Us up with a little
Jolt, uhyway, cant your' Inquired tile
dry ones.
"N-no-o-o elr-eee!" piously dented the
other. "We closes prompt coon's de
Gkyety curtain goes up."
The tntx..&. Williams bar, 141 Far-
nam street, was selling brer at 10
cents a glass In the billiard room "back
of, the bar as long as customers re
mained In the pool halt.
Over at the Horseman on Dodge street
the downstairs bar was kept closed, but
the laughter and musto upstairs seemed
to Indicate that at, least some of the
guests bad been forehanded enough to
order a supply before- S o'clock. . ,
Not till the two thirsts made Gui
Wick's "Wheel" at Twelfth and Dodg.
streets, a block away from the pollct
station, was the real thing found. Iteer,
tor 15 cents a bottle, was htr
the popular drink. Qua Wick' cam.
around and complained that business was
poor, though at the time the placo wau
Well filled up with a crowd of nice ap
pearing folk.
Gus caters to several "classes." Down
In the basement he lond.i the thirsty
"bums" and "stags." On the first floor
behind a door that serves as a shield
Is room for other "stags" and on the
second floor Is a nicely decorated place
where only couples are allowed. A
really clever young man at the piano
grinds out ragtime for the noisy guests,
and a ' little black-haired damsel with
Cabaret proclivities, stngs as loud as
Wick wll let her, '
At the California hotel on North Six
teenth street tho bar was doing a tidy
business. Men and women uso'ths back
door here after 8 o'clock and 1 a- bar
tender Is kept quite busy.
Mayor Dahlman Gets
Invitation to Come to'
Meeting in London
A letter has been received by Mayor
"James C.' Dahlman, who Is a member
of the Anglo-American exposition, which
will take place In London next year to
celebrate one hundred years of peace arid
progress between Great Britain and the
United States, from Albert E. Klralty,
commissioner general, Inviting the mayor
on behalf of the executive committee of
the' exposition to come to London for
tho purpose of attending an International
convention of mayors, which ' will be
held at the exposition under the presi
dency of the lord mayor of London.
Great Interest has been shown In this
unique convention, which will be 'tho
first opportunity afforded to tho mayors
of different Important cities to meet in
conference .and to be able to' discuss
municipal and civic affairs and methods
of government In vogue in the different
parts of the world.
A new feature of the Toung Men's
Christian association, and one that prom
ises to be far-reaching In Its results, has
been Inaugurated, For the first time In
Its history women are admitted to Its
educational work. The association has
secured Oscar Autritt, a teacher of Ger
man, to Instruct classes for men, women,
boys and girls. Several of both sexes
attonded an open meeting Friday ntght
and learned fifty German words in less
than an hour.
One very noticeable feature of the class
Is that only German Is spoken during the
entire recitation. Another opportunity to
see how the work is conducted will be
given .next Friday at 5 o'clock. This les
son Is free and will be open to both men
and women. Classes for women only will
be. conducted on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday of each week at 10 and S o'clock.
A mixed class at 5, and men only at S.
A special class for boys and girls will
be held on Saturday
o'clock. All these classes will begin next
week, School teachers, business and
professional' men - are Indicating an in
terest In -learning to speak German.
There are seventy-five lessons In ".the
The college classes of Crelghton Arts
collego will begin work In their new
physics laboratory Monday under the dl-'j
reoUon of Itev. William" F.' Ttigge, 8. 'J.?
'dean of the departments of physics and
astronomy. Tho new roomo assigned the
college 1 students ore on the top floor of
the arts college and offer every advantage
In the mrfttor of machines for demon
strating tho principles of physics.
During 'tho last summer 1600 blis been
spent In the purchase or new Instruments
for use by the college classes and many
new Instruments have been Installed 'in
tho physics laboratory. Father Itlggo
states that the students will be able to
do much more thorough work with the
aid of tho new apparatus.
'Among tho Instruments purchased are
two micrometer ' microscopes capable of
measuring distances as smalt as 1-50, 000th
of an Inch. Some' of the other apparatus
which has been added' Is a torsion ma
chine, a device to. shov tho principle pf
a hoisting crane, a level tester, several
different typos of pendulum.i and an' ac
celerator machine.
Effort to Hake Show Clean Reduces
the Usual Profits.
Gave the People What They Wanted
nnd Arc Not DUcotiraaril Kven'
"In Facr of the Leaarned
The. Ak-Sor-Den carnival was a losing
"Dad" Weaver, secretary, outlines the
causs In this" manner: "The carnival and
the shows, on account or the pressure
brought to bear from the various sources
to give the cleaner and better shows,
were all clean and worthy o( .the patron
age given by the better people. In order
to get these clean shows here a much
larger percentage" had to be given them"
to get 'them here, which naturally re-
duced the proceeds on the carnival
grounds. This year, with the threaten
ing weather and the rain, together with
the small attendance, made the Income
much less than! In' previous years.
"Another thing was the fitting; up . of.
the new grounds, which Increased the exi
7i jti v uu, nun uii
the governors believe they would ,' have
broken even had the- weather -been more
favorable. ' x '
"The entertainment, as a whole. In
cluding tho Initiation, floral, electrical
and the German day parades, together
with the magnificent ball, which was
put fin a grander scale than ever before,
made It more expensive; but It was giv
ing an entertainment that tho board of
governors were fully satisfied pleased
all who attended. The favorable com
ment which the board has received from
every one shows plainly that Its efforts
were highly appreciated.
"Offers of stronger support being made
now by tome of the best oltirens are
stronger and better still. These colno'
voluntarily, urging the governors to
form the organlxalon still stronger and
to follow out tlie same principles which
they have followed this year, nnd that
next year to'maka it blggor and better."
The board of governors will meet Mon
day night to audit the bills and to ar
range for the payment of them: Plans
for .tho ensuing year probably wilt be
dtscussod. '
"Ak-Sar-ften Is too old an organisation
to go backw ard," Weaver said. "Just be
cause there was a deficiency this year
the governors aro not 'chicken hearted'
enough to say 'we will quit.' AVe are
more determined t)ian ever to roll up
our sleeves and Jump In and maka It
better than ever next year."
Chrouln Drspeiiala.
The following, unsolicited .testimonial
should certainly be sufficient to give hope
and "courage to persons afflicted with
chronlo dyspepsia: "I have been a
chronic dyspeptla for years, and of all
the medicine I haye taken, Chambtfc
Iain's" Tablets have done tne more good
than anything else,' snys W. O. Mattlson,'
No. 7 Sherman 8l. Horncllsvllle, N. Y.
For sale by all druggists. Advertisement.
Chtpp Knocks Out KInns,
l'lTTSUUHOH. Oct. ll.-Oeorge Chip
of Madison tonight knocked out Frank
Klaus of Pittsburgh, who Is rooognlzed
as the middleweight champion, In the
sixth round of a scheduled six-round
interested in Economical Housekeep
ing should know wiiat butterine is. It
is not an imitation of butter, but it
does contain the same jfood . elements
as butter. ' t
Glendale Butterine ;
acknowledged to be the best, contains:
Animnl Fnt
Crcnmcfy Butter .
These ingredients are churned until
thoroughly blended, formed into bricks,
rapped in parchment paper and, in
hygienic cartons.
Omaha Motor Car Company
Wednesday. October 15th, nt 3 o'clock, nt Its placo of business,
Stroud & Co. building, on 19th Street Ilottlovard and Amea Avonuo.
Stock. consists of finished plonsuro cars ns well ns bodies, Chaoili
In course of construction, touring bodies, fenders, radiators, wheels,
axles, frames, springs, lamps, all kinds of fine machinery and offlc0 fix
tures. Plant has modern machinery, sultablo for any kind of repair
This is an exceptional opportunity for tho right man to got pi to
a money making buslnoss.
For further Information, phone or call
L. W. SCHEIBEL,Tru8tee
"J' tZ.c m ' - : srjr s V Ji J
. ma - sw'. . v- sv -i- .m si n ar v s v
, run down ? AVer's SctrsaparUla
, U strong nerve tonic. No. alcoheL
Sold for 4Q years.
Embrolderr Don'ts (or the Beginner.
inoso wno wauia emoroiaer snouia
have several corks of various sizes in
their workbags; they are utfful for
many purposes.
A pretty' idea Is to crochet with silk
over several corks, attach them to baby
rlpDon or ainerent lengtns; suck tne
hook, "the scissors, tlie piercer and the
needles In them.
following are a few "Don't's" which
the would-be fancy worker In general
may find helpfut:"
First Don't forget to sit up straight:
hold the work up; never bend down to
It; and
' Don't 'forget the necessity of a good
light, which must fall, over the left
Don't allow light to shine Jn the eyes
when sewing, reading or embroidering.
Don't worlt for hours' at a time on fine
embroidery; it Is norve-trylng as well
as nerve-tlrlng.
Don't work roughly or try to hurry.
Don't be Impatient ovr-mbroldery,
It never pays; be like our faithful friend.
the tortoise "Slow, but sure,"
Don't use sewing needles for em
broidery, but buy the proper kind, which
come In all sizes' for the purpose.
Don't, knot the cotton or silk; that
causes lumps and makes poor, ama
tuerlsh work; start and finish' with a
buttonhole stitch or two.
Don't work unless your hands are per
fectly dry and clean l soiled work of any
kind is an abomination, even If it wilt
The beginner will find a storehouse of
Information contained In the . lesson
sheets given 'with the Imperial Embroid
ery Outfit ' This Is the new embroidery
transfer pattern outfit which Is being
advertised In these columns and dis
tributed to our readers practically free.
Kvery one who idoes-e mbroldery should
pvall themselves of hls great offer. Ad
A Pierce Attack
of malaria, liver derangement and kid
ney trouble. Is easily cured by Electric
Bitters, the guaranteed remedy. - W cts.
For sale by your druggist Advertisement.
When You Buy a Nemo
Be Sure You Get a Nemo!
ONCE more we are compelled jio sound a note of WARN
ING. Unscrupulous manufacturers still persist in
trying to palm off, upon the tinwary, VASTLY INFERIOR
IMITATIONS of Nemo features and fabrics spurious "sup
porting" and ''reducing" corsets," elastics that rip
in the hope that you won't know the dfferencc.
Original Nemo inventions and trade-marks even
our "ads" and illustrations are copied, with the
obvious intent to deceive you.
BE A VISE WOMAN! Don't fall into
the trap! If you seek genuine Nemo style and
comfort, REFUSE all corsets that do not bear
the trademarks "NEMO" and "LASTIKOPS."
You should strongly RESENT all attempts to sell
you imitations of the Nemo, for such an attempt is
nothing less than an attack upon your health, your, figure
.and your purse.
Here's a Good Example
of the Nemo features which are being .imitated at the
expense of-your comfort and style:
No, 512 The newest LASTIKOPS Cortet, for extreme
. and comfortable reduction below the waist Very low
bust, with Nemo "bridge" front tcls won't "dig
in" above the waist-line. 8klrt extra-long; seml
ejastJc bands of LaiUkops Webbing reduce hips and
.' thighs; LastJcurve-Back, of semi-elastic LasUkops
Cloth. The triple rtduetxim when you stand, gives
triple expantion when you sit And the elastics tlay
elastic. Finest white coutil; sizes 20 to 80
ThU eortet will OUTWEAR any three corsets mud with the tame eld
- unreliahU elastics that are'tuti w all imitatitM f the Ntm.
Preserve your figure; guard your health and your purse.
Ask for the Nemo and GET it. For all figures $3.00 up.
I B! HIT)! n
'5 W
Bulletin No. 35
A toadstool loofta
like a mushroom; but
it is very different
yon die!
Ordinary elastics
ti 41.-
may ;uurv iub wig
uine LASTIKOPS fabrics;
but they're very different
their elasticity dies."
What's that?
You "didn't know there
waa any difference
Well, that's not our fault
We've spent thousands of
dollars trying to make you
understand that the patent
ed Nemo semi-elastic fab
rics, Lastikops Webbing and
Cloth, are the only elastics
in existence that don't "give
The Next Time
you buy a corset made
with elastic gores or bands,
look for the trade-mark
LASTIKOPS. If you don't
find it, don't buy the corset.
That trade-mark is your
only safeguard against the
ordinary old-style elastics
that are being used in imi
tation of the genuine Nemo.
Be A Wite Woman!
Avoid toadstools. See
that your dealer shows you
a real Nemo when you ask
for it.
The Bargains
Will Be
Watch the
Also Thousands
of Yards
Will Go On Sale
And You Will
Surely Attend the
Sale Next
Office For Rent
The largo room on ground
floor of Bee Building, oc
cupied by the Havens
White Coal Co,
Nice Farnam street front
age. About 1,500 square
feet of floor space with
large vault. Extra en
trance from court of the
Fine office fixtures art of
fered for sale. Apply
u. if. reu, Bee omce.
Ask Ywh- Doctor.