Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE; 0A1IA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1913.
"State Mutual Life"
and Boat Companies on
General Agent
6C2 Be Bide. OMAHA.
J. H. Mithen Co.
Surety Bonds, Employers' Lia
bility, Antomobllo IdablUty,
Burglary, Plate Glass.
Jay D. Foster
Foster-Backer Company
Successors to
H. . Palmer Son & Co.
Accident Health Insurance
Losses adjusted hy us right here
' ' -. in Omaha. !
Brandeis Bldg.
How About It?
You are 35 or 40. You expect to live 20 years or more.
You are earning, say, $2,000 a year. That's 340,000. You are
worth yhat much to your family. Are you going to let them lose
It? ' At a small outlay annually you can Indemnify them, from
loss by buying one of the matchless policies of
Bnscom H. Roblson, Pres. R. C. Wagner, Sec'y.
R. L. Roblson, VIco-Pres. W. O. Preston, Trcas.
Ckaracteristic Western Service
This Is what you get when the "Lion" writes your bond. No
delay, no red tape.
No better service In th WORLD on SURETY BONDS than
you can get at our HOME OFFICE here In OMAHA.
Lion Bonding
9th Floor W. O. W. Bldg.
We don't want much.
Canaed lossss of thousands of dollars to
protsotsd la XCT.TAal.a oompasica.
B. 3SBS W.
Agencies organizing In Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota now
SDlendld opportunities for both agents and managers in every county
nor further Information, address
The GERMANIA LIFE 'ggujra:
" mm City National Bank, Building, Omaha, Neb. W
Equitable Life Assurance Society t?e U. S
Assets over $500,000,000. Paid Policy holders over $815,000,000.
H. D. NEELY & Op., Managers
220 Omaha National Bank Bldg.
Let the Buyer Beware
gru us Bsro-n sutikq akoteek pomct xk jurr buxox
daceral Agent Illinois Surety Co.
Accident Policies
Tho 'largest measure of pro
tection for tho smallest cost
Patronize a home company
thnt merits your support.
National Fidelity fc
Casualty Company
Accident, Fidelity and Surety
Bonds, Plate Glass, Burg
lnry, Liability
Joseph Barker
Phone Doug. 29
& Surety Co,
Phone Douglas 678.
Just the "Lion's Share."
0. IT. BLB.
several Omaha fines, .t thty wars
Elghty.flve MllUoas 'Assets.
"Tkf iMHTSMt MM."
News from
Proclamation Iisued by Governors of
Twenty States.
Oeaeral and ftrttTrlnir Tendency tor
a Proper Ohserranre
- enrd Throarthont the
The forty-second anniversary of ths
greet Chicago fire, which occurred Oc
tober' 8, 1871, haa been brought forcibly
to the attention of the citizen or twenty
states of thin country through the gov
mora who have Issued proclamatl6ns
designating thli aa fire prevention day,
and In each of these states fitting cere,
monies are being carried out and a gen
eral cleanup Is taking place. There haa
been a growing tendency for the observ
ance of October ( aa tire prevention day
during the last three years, mainly
through the efforts ot the various fire
prevention associations and fire under
writers' organizations which have car
ried on a publicity campaign throughout
the entire country tor the observance ot
such a day. rith a view of reducing the
tiro risks In the United States.
Observed In Nebraska.
The Insurance departments ot all the
states have been communicated with by
The Spectator relatlvu to fire prevention
day, and the answers received from those
where It will not be observed Indicate
that thajnajorlty are showing an Interest
In the movernent. a,nd while some an
nounce that there probably will be a
celebration In U14, It appears to be only
a question of time before a day will bo
set aside annually throughout the enUre.
country. The day Is being celebrated
mostly in the west and some sections' of
the south. In several states no proc
lamation was Issued, but the mayors ot
a nilmber ot cities have taken steps for
ceremonies to be held. Among these
states are California and Tennessee. In
Nebraska there Is a law setting aaldo
October 10 as fire prevention day. This
brings the list of states to twenty-one.
Following Is a list of the states where
the day will be observed, Including those
where no plans haye been made, as an
nounced by the various Insurance depart
ments of The. Spectator:
Pate of Fire Prevention liar.
Alabama Oct. B
Arkansas None
Arlsona ..No return
California None
Colorado Oct. 9
Connecticut None
Delaware None
District of Columbia None
Florida i None
Qeprgla ,. ,t None
Idaho Oct. 9
Illinois ...... Oct. 8
Indiana .- .' Oct. 9
Iowa ..t . . - Oct. 9
Kansas Oct. 9
Kentucky Oct. 9
Louisiana . Oct. 9
Maine None
Maryland None
Massachusetts None
Minnesota Oct 9
Michigan .., Oct. 9
Mississippi None
Missouri Oct. 9
Montana Oct. 9
Nebraska Oct. 10
Nevada.. None
New Hampshire None
New Jersey , - None
New Mexico 'None
New Tork Oct. 9
North Carolina . Oct. 9
North Dakota Oct. 9
Ohio Oct. 9
Oklahoma rw a
Oregon , No return
Pennsylvania None
Rhode Island None
South Carolina None
poutn Dakota Oct. 9
Tennesseo Non,
ToxAs Oct. 9
Htfth Oct. 9
Vermont .-
Virginia ; None
Washington Knn
West Virginia None
Wisconsin None
Wyoming ,.., None
A novel machine has just been In
stalled In the office of the Bankers'
Reserve Life company for photograph
ing' documents, such ilb applications,
medical examinations and other papers
of which duplicate copies are required.
Such papers are laid upon a flat sur
face, the lens trained upon them, a
crank turned, and lo, and bohold, the
print comes out ot the hypo wash a
perfect Image of the original, only tile
white appears black on the print. The
process is simple, yet the work the
machine does Is little short of marv
elous. Key to the Bltuatlon Ber Advertising.
Reads and Discusses Editorial that
Appears in The Bee.
Three to Make Inquiry aa to Iden
tity of Members of Profession
Who Oag-ht to Be Prevented
from Practicing.
The attitude .of the Omaha Bar asso.
elation with regard to members who
may not measure up fully to a hlsh
standard in the profession, was frankly
described last night at a meeting Which
was marked by sympathy displayed by
attorneys, each for the other, because
a statement had been published In the
editorial columns ot The Omaha Bee to
the effect that the local bar needed a
Charles S. Elgutter, chairman of the
association's committee ot Inquiry, whose
remarks so far as any Indication was
gWen, were approved by the other mem
bers, explained that It was not the busi
ness of the committee to look forwrong
doing, but that If anyone brought evi
dence against any lawyer, the committee
would act.
"We are In much the same position as
a fire company," he said. "A trained
team Is hitched and all Is ready for ac
tion. We aro awaiting the sound ot the
gong which will tell us where the trouble
Is and the name of the person Involved."
Itrfrrrrd to Committer.
The association finally disposed of the
question, which, as .President Blackburn
! said, "Involved charges against the en
tire local bar too serious to be entirely
Itnored,' bv referring It to the commit
ter of Inquiry, wnlch Is composed ot Mr
Elgutter. M A Half and K. M. Martin,
with Instruction, to call upon Victor
Ilusawatr editor of The Bee and ask
him to '11 tlx m Who was to l.i
the Insurance Field
Joe Barker Attends
Episcopal Convention
Joe Barker left for New York City last
week, where he attended the National
Episcopal convention, to which he la a
delegate. On his return he will stop
oft at Cincinnati and attend the Na
tional Local Agents' convention, to be
held In that city, October 14 and IS.
Allan II. Chambers, for six years with
the Northwestern National of Minnesota,
at Waterloo, la., succeeds A. B. Orund
as state agent for the National Life In
surance Company of Amtrtca, with of
fices In the City National bank building.
Mr. druml has been transferred to Wyom
ing. Insurance Notes.
Charles Hall Johnston of the German I a
Life Is back from a month spent In. the
Last month was the best (September In
the history of the Columbia Klre Under
writers. E. Q. Bonahan. general agent of Uie
Columbia Fire Underwriters, was In town
several days last week from Lincoln.
Joseph Barker of the lister-Barker
agency and Theodore Hlngwalt are In
Ilttsburgh attending an ISplscopal church
Secretary Shaffer of the Lion Bonding
company Is In Kansas City completing
the details for taklntc over the Kills
agency of Uiat city.
The Nebraska Life Underwriters' asso
ciation met Saturday night, the first time
sine before hot weather set In. Only
routine business waa transacted.
Special Agent Beal of the Boya! Ex
change Assurance company Is In the city
from New "fork for the purpose of'ee
tablishliig an agency hero. This company
Insures automobiles against fire, ex
plosions and theft.
Tho dermonlu Llfo Is out with a new
policy that Is one ot the most liberal Is
sued. It carries the assured ninety days
before It Is permitted to lapse for non
payment of premium. Tho old policies
allowed but thirty days.
C. O. Talmage. D, B. Wolpton and
James Marshall were Omaha representa
tive at the Chicago meeting of insurance
men of th.e northwest, held In Chicago
last week. There waa an attendance of
160 mangers and agents.
O .J. Q rah am of Dea Moines, formerly
with the Dea Moines Klre and later with
tho Central National, haa boe n appointed
special agent of the Concordia Fire ot
Milwaukee to assist A. E. Clark, state
agent In Iowa and Nebraska.
The birthday of Huburt Clllla, vice
president of the Gormanla Life Insurance
company, occurs this month and agents
the country over are hustling for busl
neaa They Intend .to make this a record
month as a compliment to tho official.
Insurance Superintendent Bevelle of
Missouri rule that fire Insurance com
panies licensed In Missouri have no legal
right to Insure automobllo owners against
damages occasioned by Injuries to per
sons or property resulting: from the
operation ot these vehicles.
The Los Angeles Fire of California has
reinsured Its outstanding liabilities In the
Home of New York, and will retire from
the field, owing to tho dubious outlook
for the future. The Los Angeles Fire be
gan business ,ln 1910. Its stock having,
been sold on the promotion basis at a
high cost.
During the last year Milwaukee's firs
department answered 817 alarms, traveled
2.&3I miles, made 4,855 Inspections ot risks
and 773 rclnBpectlona. Of tnef .fires. ICS
were from unknown causes, 137 were
caused by carelessness with matches and
Ihlrty-flve by automobiles.
It haa taken Wisconsin a year to put
Its state fire Insurance system Into opera
tion, because the law provides that no
pcllcfea are to be written till applications
for I100.COO of Insurance are on file. Ap
parently the plan does not meet a long-1
lelt want.
Columbia. Fire, tho race horse owned
by 13. O. Botiahan of Lincoln, general
agent of the Columbia Fire Underwriters,
has closed Uie sason, having won sen
ot the eight meets- In which he waa en
tered. He broke track records at Lin
coln and Des Moines, winning five of the
fastest miles ever puced In Iowa and the
three fastest ever paced In Nebraska..
The appointment of a Missouri commis
sion to recommend an Improved code of
fire Insurance laws for that state Is'
expected on the return to the statvof In
surance Commissioner Bevelle, It Is re
garded as certain thai Edward F. Goi
tre, who waa largely .Instrumental In
procuring the compromise settlement of
the Missouri suspension, will be chair
man. Walter -O. Preston, treasurer of the
Bankers Ileserve Life company, made a
motoring tour through northeast Ne
braska last woek, Inspecting some of the
high grade farm loans made by his
company. He spent Saturday In Boux
City visiting the agents of the company
there and expects to be at his desk
Tho Fidelity-Casualty company of New
York probably will establish a branch In.
Omaha before the first of the year. It.
Xi. Dutton of the home office was here
last week looking lato the advisability
of the move. For some years the com-'
pany has been represented In Omaha by
the Foster-Barker agency. This agency
cancels Its contract with the company
November 1 and Mr. Dutton regards It
a hotter proposition to maintain a branch
Instead ot on agency here.
the. Bar association house-cleaning edi
torial. The real reason for. the diffidence of
the members of the association in start
ing a house-cleaning was later explained
confidentially by a lawyer,
"We all know of attorneys who we
think should not be practicing law," he
said, "but nbbody Wants to take the In
itiative In proceeding against them. You
can't rub against mud without getting
solledand what Is the use of taking
chances? The crooked lawyers -don't
trouble the honest ones. If anything In I
this line Is evw accomplished It will bs i
by the Judges, but I understand that j
their committee appointed some time ago
has accomplished do more than ours."
Lectured by a Layman,
Before the house-cleaning topic came
before the association the members lis
tened to some good advice on the subject
from C. F. McOrew, president of the
Live Stock National bank of Houth
Omaha, who spoke on "A Layman's View
ot the Legal Profession." He promised
to hold a mirror so that lawyers and
Judges might see themselves as the ordi
nary man sees them, and though he per
formed his task courageously the attor
neys gave htm hearty applause.
"I am not saying that you need a house
cleaning," he said, "for I do not know,
but If you do have one, make It thor
ough and complete. Do not stir up a
mess only to leave the situation as bad
as before."
Mr. McOrew said earnestly, that he op
posed the recall of Judges, and made
some pointed criticisms of the Judiciary
concerning faults which, he thought, hod
been responsible for agitation for the re
call and for the lessening of respect
given Judges by the average man. Par
tial responsibility for Jaw's delay, laxity
In Interpretation of the divorce laws and
too much regard for Political considera
tion were his chief Indictments against
Kufnrrlnir Heaped for Larr.
He asserted that the calling of grarl
juries at only Infrequent Intervals re
Change Comes Over Those Seeking
Insurance and Its Protection.
Secretary Shaffer does In Detail
m to. Cnnses that Hare Brought
Abont the Nerr Condi
tions. Tho following statements made by Sec
retary Shaffer ot the Lion Bonding and
Surety company, will be read with In
terest by every Insurance man, who Is
Interested lh tho welfare and develop
ment of western Insurance Institutions.
Coming aa they do from one of the beat
known surely men In the middle west
and a man who haa traveled very ex
tensively the country over In the Inter
eft of this Important branch ot Insur
ance, give added weight to the remarks
quoted herewith. Mr. Shaffer says In
"The western companies are at last
coming Into their own. Even to the
most casual observer of Insurance con
ditions, the greatly changed attitude ot
the public at large toward western In
surance companies, cannot help but be
most decisively notice!. Perhaps the beat
evidence of thla change and tho most
pronounced. Is manifested In the dispo
sition shown In the larger and more Im
portant Insuranco agencies throughout the
west, who are now seeking connections
with tho leading western companies. Just
tho reverse waa true only a few years
ago not over three or tour years In
fact 1 can recollect In several Instances
whero an Important agency would
scarcely consider an agency connection
with a western aurety company, and to-J
day many ot these same agencies are
representing Uie -Lion exclusively In our
various departments. This not only ap
plies to surety companies, but to Ufa
and accident companies aa well. There
are several very good reasons for this
change, among thorn b'elng Instant serv
ice, more modern methods In handling
tho business and the abte management
of the companies.
"The best western companies have
chosen wisely and well-they have com
bined the best features of the old with
modern, up-to-date methods of the new
and tho combination has been a perfect
success, the result haa been the acqui
sition of the confidence of the Insuring
publlcv which they shall continue to
"Consolidations, compelled re-lnsur-ance
agreements and compulsory retire
ment from business of several largo east
ern companies within the last .two or
three years, has awakened the Interest
of the publle and they now realize that
a capable, well managed and compara
tively Bmall western company Is su
perior, after all, to its larger but less
stable eastern competitor."
fruitful Compliment
to . the Kiok of a.
Famous Cow
The Impulse of the kick of the left hind
leg of Mrs. O'Leary'a cow In Chicago has
survived the knocks of thirty-two years
and Increases In usefulness aa time
moves on; Chicago didn't have much In
the early '70s, but as tholaahea of the
conflagration of October v, 1871, disap
peared and a new and better Chicago
phenlxed from tho ruins, the O'Lcary bo
vine roso In public esteem and thankful
ness. It was a great k'ck, a mighty kick
for a little one, and Its power as an
example tat how- gqgd results may be
aqhleved Influences the fire activities of
today. Partly 'us a tribute to Mrs.
O'licary's famous cow and Chicago red
letter day, twenty states designated
October D aa fire prevention day and ob
served It by edu-atlonol and cleanup ex
ercises. Factory ovrrera and business
men were urged to sprucu up their plants,
householders to set their homes In order
and school children . were taught that
carelessness, negligence, Ignorance and
mAtches cause over DO per cent of the
fire losses.
The BaJdrldge-Madden company has
taken-on the Standard Fire Insurance of
Hartford, making a total of six fire
companies -which that company repre
sents, besides having the state agency
for the Maryland Casualty company.
sulted In the pluclng- of too much power
In the hands ot the county attorney, who
alone may say whether an offender shall
be prosecuted.
"If we are to have respect for the Jaw,"
he said, "we must prosecute the rich as
well as the poor when wrongs are com
J. A. C. Kennedy and Arthur C, Wake
ley, who attended the recent convention
of the American Bar astoclatlon In Mont
real, talked Interestingly about the noted
men who attended that meeting:, Mr,
Kennedy said;
"It seems to me that the men In the
east have not bigger brains than western
men, but that they are fortunate In being
altuatrd where big Issues abound."
Auto Man Frustrates
Footpads' Operations
Harry Wallace, of the, flteTrart-Toorer
Motor Bale company, Is a little polios
force all by himself. I .ait nlsht aa he
was passing Nineteenth and Capitol
avenue In hl machine, he heard a yell
for help. Three men were struggling In
a shadow and Wallace turned his ma
chine's light Upon them. Two Immedi
ately ran, and when the third told Wal
lace that It waa a case of highway rob
bery, the latter followed the fleeing men
In his machine. They ran toward the
business district and separated, but Wal
lace followed one of them until he saw
Officers Chapman and Vlmer, who made
the arrest. The man crave hi nm
jaa Fred Williams of Peoria, III., and
said that It was only a little drunken
i quarrel. The man who declared he waa
being held up went away, without noti
fying the police and he Is being sought
by detectives as the complaining witness.
They Slnkr Von l'.el flood.
The pleasant purgatK effect produced
by Chamberlain's Tablets and the heulthy
condition ot body and mind which they
create make one feel Joyful. For sale by
all druggists Advertisement.
Union Gmtral Lift Ins, Go.
am41L A9BHT
Jll-31SamgeBiag. PhonsB. 013
Before deciding
on your insur
ance 'phone V.
11TB, and ask
about the new
low cost, all
guaranteed pol
icies, all plans.
Lite Limited
Payments, Bn
do w menta.
Joint or rart
nsrahln. Cor-
poratlon and Monthly Income or Ten
sion Policies.
The rrudentlal las. Co, of America,
Inc. aa a Stock Co., by New Jersey
For Nebraska and South Dakota.
Bl. City KafL Bask Bldr Otnaha.
December 31, 1901,. 9 M9.000
December SI, 1908 1,463,218
December SI, 1910 8,641,04
December 11, 1911 4,803,508
Beptembsr 30, 1813.. 8,548,000
H. St. SXB&&, rreste'sat. A Xstrasxa Company Rom Off least rtrst KaUoaM
Bank Bnllaiar, Xdaoola. RM88I esoOKXH and V. A. riWXBT, Seneral
Ag-sata. Booms 1313-1314 City national Bank Ballalar, Omaha. KsBraslta.
XstabUshed 1B1
608-10 First B-etlonal SXXKBAX. XKBUBAJTOB Tle?Bon Boogtaa 871.
Phono Douglas 200.
S00 First National Itahlc Building
boost res okaxa.
Th Columbia Fir Underwriters
Xoms ' Of fics Bnttrs Third Jrioor Msrehauta National Bank Hnlldlsir,
VkoBo Bonglss 481.
O. O. Talmags, Manager. Sc. X. Ksass, Assistant ICaserer,
$5,000 Accidentlnsurance f orS5 a Yr.
Wheeler & Welpton Co.
Dodds Finds Baby
Girl Dumped m
His Automobile
When 3. 8. Dodds, architect, living at
3903 North Nineteenth street, left his
home and stepped Into an automobile
which was standing at.Jlio curb a faint
wall coming from the tnnneau attracted
his. attention. lie Investigated and found
a 4-day-old white baby girl. He carried
It back Into tho house and showed It to
ilrs. Dodds- and later took It to 'police
headquarters, where the Child Having' In
stitute afterwards claimed 1L
The Infant la a healthy Vhlld. The babe
was dressed In a three-cornered garment
which was unmarked and over which' waa
a nowly-laundored dress. A thlok piece
of clean white cloth was wrapped, about
tne areas to Keep out me com wind.
None ot the garments bore' a algn that
could serve to' Identify the parentsvof the
When Dodds brought the babe Into
headquarters It began to cry. Captain
Hettfeld waa holding It aj. the time and
he fooked uncomfortable. A heavyweight
policeman began to croak "Everybody's
Doing It" and executed & little jig that
shook the bplldlng In an attempt to
pacify the tiny mite. It looked like a
hopeless case when suddenly, of her own
accord, the little girl quit crying and be
gan to coo In a satisfied sort of way,
"That automobllo Is getting' me Into
all sorts of adventures," declared Mr.
Dodds. "A month ago It was stolen and
I had an awful time getting It back. It
was finally recovered In St. Joseph, Mo."
Police Sergeant Tony Vanous, leading
his "flying squadron" of raiders
pounced upon the second floor resort at
IMS Howard street last night and took
nearly thirty men and women to jail
for being in a disorderly place. liquor
was being sold there the officers dis
covered. Only a few had the necessary
110 for their release on bond, and the
Breethe jrrsslyl clears ratfea-up, Xn
flamsd Xose and Xead aad SHops
Catarrhal Bis charge. Cures Ball
Try V Ely's Cream Balm."
Get a small bottle, anyway, just to try
It Apply a little In the nostrils and In
stantly your clogged nose and stopped
up air passages ot the head will open;
you will breathe freely; dullness and
headache disappear. By morning, the
catarrh, oold-ln-head or catarrhal sore
throat will be gone.
End such misery now! Cist the small
bottle of "IJly's fream Balm"- at any
drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm
Savings link Life Ptfity
Have Yin Seen It?
Qentral Agent
OKABX.BS x.. xorm,
p total Agent.
3. ,0. XXTOXHAK, Special Agent.
C)&-43 Br&assls Bldg. Omaha.
Unlnal I Met B
nuiuiflCdiini muiun liio
Insurance Company
General Agents
538-544 nratulels DttUdlBjt.
In every county In the state. Connect
yourself with the company which has
made a fight for clean, sound, honest
methods In Insurance since the day of
Ita Incorporation; the company which
anticipated the requirements of the
new Insurance code by voluntarily giv
ing what the law now requires; a com
pany whose policies contain the best
there Is In modern life Insurance.
w. saner wnoox
Dee UulldtBg.
rhone Douglas 7X3.
7XQXS SOUS. 184.
"The other. Insurance nun"
Will be pleased to meet KELLY
and all the other live wires In
friendly competition for your life
Insurance business. Incidentally,
if you know of a real Salesman
who Is dissatisfied with hie pres
ent earning, send him around to
the NATIONAL, of U. 8. A, of
fice, 1216-1218. City National
Rank tlullding. and I'll put, him
next to somothlng good. Former
life Insurance experience not
necessary If he Is a hustler.
others were forced to stay In jail all
night, aa tho proprietors of the plaoe
would do nothing to get them out
Switchman Crushed;
Very 13adly Injured
While milking a coupline in the Mis
souri Pacific yards last nleht, Gilbert
M. Coats. a switchman, living at 1503
North Seventeenth street, was sp badly
crushed that It Is feared he will lose
his .life. He was taken to St. Joseph's
hospital In a private conveyance, and
r. Holllster gave him attention.
There were no witnesses to the acci
dent, but the men who found him de
clare that It was while In between the
cars, attending to the coupling that he
was hurt.
Two big shipments from Omaha manu
facturers to South America and to Aus
tralia last week give some Idea of the ex
tent to which Omaha Is finding Ita way
Into the markets of the world. The dor-don-Lawleta
company has shipped 4,999
vacuum ce cream freescra to Buenos
Ayrea, Argentina, during the wk. The
Standard Chemical company lias 'just
shipped 90) packages of assorted goo6 to
Drlsbene, Australia.
dissolves by the heat of the aoetrtla;
penetrates and heals the Inflamed, swol
len membrane which lines the nose, heaA
and throat; clears the air passages; stos
nasty discharges and a feeling of, claaaa
tng, soothJng relief comes Inunedlatety,
Don't lay awake tonight atruggtln
for breath, with head stuffed;! noatrlla
closed, hawking and blowlnr. Catarrh
or a cold, with Its running: nose, feu
mucous dropping Into the throat, and
raw dryness la distressing, but truly
Put your faith just once Jnx 'Klya!
Cream Balm" and your cold or ataxrkt
will surely dieappedr. AdvertUeaisat.