Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 9

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    7 A
Announcing for Next Wednesday
Important Sale of Linens
Watch for Announcement In Papers Later
Free Lpssons in ART EMBKOIDERY
JOIN tho Fllfitt class in Art Kmtirol J ory, Monday, In our art neqdlework jioo
tlon. m8. 8011WAHTZ will rIvo f roo lessons In art embrold, 17 of all kinds,
Includlnc crochet, oyolet, French and punch work. Tho only roqutrofflDnt 1b that
you buy your materials horo. Lessons dnlly 2 to C p. rri.
An Irresistible: Sale SILK
& ' usssss , jsssssss. - tv- r-s cil &
IRRESISTIBLE bocauso it ombrnces every now and desirablo
weave, coloring and pattern of the season.
IRRESISTIBLE because it affords you an opportunity to snvo
from ys to Vfe the regular selling price.
IRRESISTIBLE bocauso it comes at tho very height of tho season
whon you need and want silks nioat.
38c for 75c Fancy Silks
Pretty plain shades of poplins,
figured cropes, mescalines and
over ono hundred stylos of
fancy Loulsines and mossalinbs
;ln neat stripes and patterns
exceptionally protty.
and tocceljent values at 76c; In
this sale Monday, yard 08c
$2.50 Orepe Meteor for $1.95
All silk crepe meteor, 42 ins. wide and in
every shade of tho season.,
Tho regular $2.50 quality;'
sale price, per yard
68c for $1 to $1.25 New
In this lot are Included plain
mescalines In a wido range of
shades, figured foulards in now
colorings, corduroys, 27 inches
wide, in now shades, atrlpod and
checked Loulslriea," fancy strlpod
meaaaTTncB and" taffetas." RcbutE?
jl to 11.25 qualities, at. yd., 08o
$1.25 to 31.50 Fancy Silks 88c
Boautltul new silk poplins, 3G
In. wide, corduroys, black mos-
sallnos, paone volvota, boulo
yard VelvatB, brocadod velvets,
and wash silks, 24 to SC in. wide
in all the Tory newest shades of
IhoTsoaabn. RBular 125 to
,1.60 qualities, Mon., yd., H8o
$l.SO to $2 Silks at $1.19
Including silk and wool meteor,
all shades, silk poplins,, silk
brocadod poplins, silk crepe
chiffons, silk mamulsottes and
black satin duchess, 30 to 44 In.
wldo. All tho nowest shades aro
represented. Regular $1.50 to $3
qualities at tho yard $1.10
$1 .19
SI. 9 5
$2.00 to $3.00 FANCY SILKS Monday at $1.49
.PF fl AT ? Brocadod charmouso, all shades, all silk cropo do chino, brocaded crepo meteors, moiro pop
Ol faVlrlLi Kns7 brocaded poplins, canton cropos, plain ohannouso, printod cropo do'cliino, floworod
chiffons, and satin duohess, 36 to 44 inchos wido, $2.00 to $3.00 qualitios, por yard
$2,50 Black Oharmouso for $1.79
Black charmouso, full 42 ins. wido, a splen
did valuo at tho regular price, ,
$2.50. Monday vory special,
at, 4 por yard
CORSET Demonstration
For Women Only
ON . ' , ,
Hygiene and Corsets
Monday and Every Day
This Week
10 A. M. to 12 M. and 2:30 to 5 P. M.
Mice Tnnoe who has made the subject of
mibb joneb, perfect corseting a life study,
has been sent here by the Benjamin &
Johnes Corset Co., and will tell you how to
have the" ultra stylish figure, without sacri
ficing one bit of comfort and health.
Advice on this important subject from
a-special corset expert is of untold value to
every woman. She . will . f
1 i
Demonstrate on, living Models
how to select, put on, arid, wear the corset
for your figure, explaining the evil effects
tif imperfect corseting, and how to avoid
them; how to fit, adjust and lace corsets
(shown, on living models); how to secure
hygiene support and figure reduction with
out discomfort or injury; how to meet the
evil effects of having worn unhygienic cor
sets. Come, it's worth while, it's free.
You've Never Shared in Greater
Values Than This Sale of
Tailored SUITS
Offers Here for Monday
IT'S the biggest sale of the kind we evor offered so oarly in tho
season. Just to think, an opportunity to buy your now fall and
winter suit, vory latest model, exolusivo and diBtinotivo in stylo at
a wondorful saving. It's the result of a fortunate piok-up, including
The sample lines and stocks of 3 of New York's
foremost designers and makers: Kirschman
Bros 36 West 25th Stteet; Alper and Schulz,
140 West 22d St; Singer Bros., 11 East 26th
Every suit is right up to tho minute in point of stylo and of su
perior worianaiiship. Every new feature of tho season in coat and
skirt is represented. Many of them, aro copies of tho most favored
imported models. Suits that aro tho very richest of tho season's col
orings, that havo tho most effective . trimmings and aro tho moat
aought forjstyles.
. Women's Suits
Intended to retail for .
$25.00, $27.50 and $30
Women's Suits
lhten4ed to retail for
$35.00, $37.50 and $40
finest pop
lins, chllton teroaidottiB, plain and diag
onal chorions, whipcords, bedford cards,
two-toned rough weaves, etc.
Till? PAI ffcRQ aro tho mo. de
ft lUu VAJjVFIVu slrabla including
P1t:th. tanpa, brown, tan, navy, Copen
hagen, wistaria, green, mahogany, etc
also black.
Only Tore Sara Xtt ? Tlnul Clsattup. ,
TLOVJCTCAS ADVAITCXD. Tuko advantage of those Maes whU yovi con,
FIjOUK,, Orkin's Prldo, per sack,
$1.30 rogu- t1 AC
, V A V-
lar ..
V I N K Q A n,
per, gal- onn
Ion ....... WU
lloutt n'a, SOo
Kou ten's, 250
cy Call f o r n 1 a
ntoiii ciing
Nlcellon. SOo bat-
quart oan.
KVenuh. V4
DffiR, Royal op
Or. Price's, 1 5o
con. I In
for ... I U
lOLOVIt, Excelsior Patent, $1.7.5
quality, rf1 -fi
ay 4.
0.0 F E
Capitol brtthd,
per OJ.p
pound j.
O O P Pri H't
Free with each
Ibt of Our Meat
4Bo Coffee, wa
xlve one 15o
c, ARn
I, HI. " w
for ...
of any
DEVI. Imported)
34o bot- I Cn
Ue, for... IBM
HERBS, asBort
d. Imparted, 34a" t
B"Vy,DK T I N O,
Oompound, . I Q n ,
por can . . I 3 U
Sale of Room Size RUGS
That'll Interest You Monday
IT'S not always the loudo3t hark that means tho sovqr
oit bite, nor tho largest spaco In an ad that tolls the story of tho
blKeest savlnR. Com p aro theso values with those quotod elsowhcro
in this papor, thon come and soo for youraolf. That's fair enough,
is it not?
$40.00 AXMINSTER RUGS S17.50
Axmlnstor Rugs, 11.3x12 toot, an exquisite assort
ment of new patterns; regular price $40.00; salo
prlco Monday. .4 t . v ,
910.00 nmseielfti "Ruga 99.75
Beamleiia UrusU Itnffs, 8x13 feet,
In a splendid line ot the newest pat
tome: repular price ft "fr
U.O0. safe prtoe 9.IS
Monday w
912.00 Braasols Rwrs 9T.7B
Brussels Ilus,. 9xl,6 feef. protty
assortment of patterns from which
(o seleot; reruUr aJ "jr
prtoe fIS.90, sale S f 3
price Monday
$28.00 Axrulnater Kuffs 91R.75
Axmlnstac Rurs, xll fMt, all new
rail patterns, in a wide ranca of
prtoe Its and 128, tjlD.S
aalo price Mondny......
910.00 HALTi RUNNERS, 9020,
Axmlnster Hall Runnerai 3.1x18
feet, pretty oolora, and patterns;
410.09 ToJues;
sale price
9s.od fnAihi mrjriacRa' tii.vs
Axmlilater Ifall R'uhnero; 3.8x13
feet, large selection cf aaj jp
patterns) $8.00 valuas, -f 3
sale price Monday
912.00 nAUTi RTTNNERfl 9r.CO
Axmlnster Hall Runners, ' Sxl5 feet.'
all new rtealsnfe and ff EtfV
colors: 113.00 ral- B3II
uea, aala price...... s
Made of carpet samples, 57 Inches wldo and bound at oach end.
Largo lot for nolootlon.
Best grade Vol rota and Az
mlnsters, each
29c to 98c
Brussels In the newest pat
terns, oach
19c to 75c
A FFORDING what we have every reason to believe are
the greatest values offered any where in town.
' "Weinlanaer'ii Baa&xupt Stock of
Long or short, best makes of kid,
cape, mocha, chamois and slllc, In
cludlnc Kayser's, white, "yr"
black and colors; Wain- Kp
landeT's price to 2.50 I UU
Welslaadsx'a Bankrupt Stock of
Children's Sweaters, white, red
and Oxford, high and rough neck
collars; pockets and pearl button
trimmed; Welnlander'a (I IQ
price J2.B0 and $3.00... $1,40
$2.50 to $3.00 Sweaters, $1.29
Women's and Misses' Sweaters;
tvhlte, red and tray; hi eh and. V-neck
styles; Welnlander'a stl if
prioes I2.C6 and 3.00; h I
sale price..... V -
WelalaaAar's Baakmpt Stock ot
INCLUDING many of tho weil
known ralnes, such as "WAR
Welnlander'a prlco, 11,50 to SIS;
tola prias
89c to $8.00
KLBO to 9tM OOBHTTS.... B9e
S3.00 to WO O9BSBT0 fl.49
a4.oo to ss.oo coRanrs ajs
ft&OO to 4.00 OOBSSTS .K3.49
SfcOO to tlO.OO OOBS0BTS SC. 00
G1S.00 OOSBSX8 SS.00
BBJJHTtBBXS Several -Well-known
makes, all styles and materials.
9U0O and UO BBJLawauBBS.,..Te
Weaala&daz's Xaakrupt Etook of
Union Suits
Women's fine white cotton union
suits, high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length;
Welnlander's price,
31.00; each.. ......
$5jC0 Union Soils, $1.89
High grade garments, high neck
and long sloeYo; Welnlander's
price to f5.00; QQ
sale price : . P JL eOeV1
$3.00 Silk Hose, 98c
High grade silk hose, plain black
silk hoBe, beautiful hand embroid
ered Insteps; wo in land
er's price to S3. 00; sale
prlco Mondays pair. , . . . .
WalaUadez's Bankrapt Stock ot
Infants' Dresses
DRESSES Fin lawn and nain
sook, round and square yoke, laco
ebbroldery and dainty designs of
hand embroidery. Bklrts finished
-with lace or embroid
ery; Welnlander's
prioes $3 and 8S.50;
Bale prlco
Infanta' $100 Drosses, 45c
Infanta' long and abort dresses,
made of nainsook, lace' and em
broidery' trimmed; others of all-
over embroidery; Weln
lander'fl prices, 81.00;
sale plco
SMALL lots in most every instance, some too small to ad
vertise, but all are wonderful values. Come atid benefit.
ffetnlander'a Baakrnpt Stock of
Muslin Gowns
WelnlaaOax'fl Bankrupt Stock of
Including lace collars, lace sets,
Jabots, stock collars,
uldo frills, fichus;
Welnlander's price to
76o; choice ,
$1.25 Neckwear at SOo
Ooat sots, lace collars, fichus, em
broidered colored jabots; Weln
lander's prices to PA
S1.26; salo price :..OUC
Embroidery Cotton, lo
Embroidery cotton in all colors,
both heavy and fine.
Fast colors.
Per skein
ridTBrothersOth ' and Hamey'stree
9U wrucin
WetalailTs Bankrupt Steak of
Wpmen's all linen handkerchiefs,
Bonio with embroidered corners
and hand embroidery.
Welulander's price
2Ep; sale price,
20o Handkerchiefs, 10c
Wbmon's all linen handkerchiefs,
with hand embroidered Initials;
Welnlander's prlco 20c; "I fi
oach IvC
lOo Handkerchiefs, 5o
Women's handkerchiefs, ono cor
ner oinbroldered and ombroidorod
all around, ewlss, omlawn; c
value to 10c, each ,':,QC
Also' combination garmonts ' of
nainsook, daintily trimmed vrti
lace emuroiaory ana
ribbon beading; Weln
lander'a pricer to
$1.25; sale prlco. ....
$2, $2.50 Combinations;, 89c
Combination icarnients.-allirhtly' rputtr
ed, nainsook.1 batiste, anil ailqyer em
broidery; otliers with lace, embroloV
ery and ribbon trimmed; flftn
AVelnlander's Drlc IJ.00 HHG"
and $2.69; sale pricev UU
$1.75 Kimonos at98c
Xnr Flannelette Klnlonos, cmplr
Btylos, floral designs, finished with
pipings of satin; otaeru blsh neck
gtylett. Wutrilaudor's price' QOn
1,76; sale price...., OU
Orkin Brothers lOth and Harney Btreets.
YTill Hold Sessions in Omaha Two
Days This Week.
iiIterestinq SPEAKEES HEEE
One of the MeeUna;s WU1 Be Held
'in the Court House, So the Pub
lic May Msten to th
Tho Nebraska library association will
hold Its nineteenth annual meetln? at
the Omaha public library October IS. PJ
and 17.
MUs Oeorgene Faulkner of the Chi
cago Kindergarten aobool of that .name,
will be -one ot the principal speakers at
the evening: meeting- of October 16, which
will be the only one held away from the
library. Win Faulkner will speak on the
aubject. "Story TelUnr for Children,"
and will tell of the reading which should
be done by children, This is a eubject
which la most Interesting to Intellectual
petjlft. The leclbre "room of the public
library La not. large .enough to seat -.Uta
number who wish to avail themselves ot
the opportunity of hearlnir Mini Faulkner,
and Tor this reason the criminal court
room on the fourth floor of the new
court house will be used for the meeting
of the Utb.
The first meeting of the association
will be held Wednesday afternoon at 3
o'clock In the lecture room of the publlo
library. Reports will be read from the
different libraries and officers for the
coming year will be elected.
Mlsa Mary Hutchlngs of Falls City will
read e. paper on "Personal Halations with
the PubJIc." Mr. A. E. Sheldon, librarian
of the legislature at Lincoln, -will speak
on the legislative reference bureau.
Following the afternoon meeting n
dinner will be served for the vlsltim;
librarians by the Commercial club at the
club rooms at :) o'clock.
- Talk on Reference 'Work.
Among those on the program for the
meeting Thursday morntnir are Malcolm
Wyer ot Omaha, who will speak on
'ColUge and Reference Work;" Mrs.
Elixabeth Smith, 'The Children's De.
partmentr" Miss Blanche Hammond,
"Cataloguing?' MUs Kate Bwartslander,
"Circulation Department;" Miss lftorence
llaye cl Lincoln. "Exhibit Of Book
Mending." This program ' will be In tha
form of ,a round table discussion.
The ilfternoon program' will be given
at 2 o'clock In the lecture room Prof.
P M. Buck of the University of Ne
braska will tell of the reading ot college
students, Miss Jessie Towns will tell ot
the reading of the high school students
and Mlsa Btfle Reed the reading ot
J. J. Ryder, city commissioner In
charge of the publlq library, will pre
side at the evening meetlnir, which will
be held at tho court house.
Miss Oeorgene Faulkner of Chicago
will be the speaker Of the evening and
will tell of the proper reading and story
telling for children. Tho public Is cor
dially Invited to this meeting.
A business meeting- will be 'held Friday
morning in the library. Matthew A. Hall
will speak of the library from the
patron's standpoint; Mies Pauline Old.
bam of Murray will tell what the publlo
library can do for the rural communities,
Mlsa Joanna Hagey of Codar Rapids will
tell how the publlo may be Interested In
the library.
Twp plain clothes men may go from
the .Omaha' police force to the land, open.
Ink .at North Platte this month, the
mayor of North' Platte haying asked Po
lice Commissioner J, J. Ryder for the
loan of the services of two detectives
while the crowds are there for the land
State Association at Bridgeport last
Days of This Month.
Governor, Senators, kfeinbera of Con
grreea una All Btute Officers
Invited to Be In Xt
" ' 'tendance.
H At Bridgeport, October tt-K, the
fourth annual convention of the Nebraska
State Irrigation association will be held.
Bridgeport Is in the heart of the Irrigated
section ot western Nebraska. An elabo
rate program dealing with Irrigation sub
jtcts baa been prepared. The topic to
be discussed are;
"Determination of the priority of the
water for the interstate streams."
"Tha importance of the Care of the main
ditches and lotorala,'
"Drainage." t '
"Pump Irrigation." '
"Practical lrrigaUon-Arhen to Irrigate
certain crops."
"Alfalfa culture."
"The lrrigaton laws of Nebraska, com.
pared with other states."
"Qood Roads."
"Under-flow ot tha Platta river and
pump Irrigation."
"Construction of wells In the Platte
valley for Irrigation purposes."
These subjects will be discussed by
men of state and national reputation. Au
Irrigation means bo much to tho west
ern county a large attendance la. ex
pected. Among the permanent delegates are
tho governor, the state engineer and his
assistants, the United Btates senators
from Nebraska, members of congress
from Nebraska, members of the stale
senate and house of representatives, all
ol active state officers, all elootlvs county
and city officials within the Irrigated dis
trict, officers of the state conservation
commission, all reclamation officials sta
tioned In Nebraska and all officers In
charge of experimental stations In the
Irrigated district.
Kacb of tha officials named may ap
frvlnt, under propor prcvlulons, dalegates.
More tlmo' than heretofor will be allowed
for the discussion of the papers read; as
lese subjects will be brought up fpr
discussion. More time will be allowed
for the reports of committees.
Persistant Advertising Is the Road to
Big Returns.
Hummel Building
Artificial Lake
, Joe B. Hummel, dty commissioner of
parks, Is completing the construction
ot an artificial lake at the west side of
Carter lake. A suction dredge and a
clamshell dredge have been working for
ten days to dig the lake, remove the dirt
and erect an embankment around It. The
lake will be two blocks long- and one
block wide, with an island In the center.
It will bo used as a sort ot harbor.
Seventy yards of earth Is' being removnd
from the artificial lake each hour by
tha suction dredge.
A severe storm of tornado character
blew down three new walls of the K. 'J",
Cornish Ice house at Carter's lake Thurs
day night. The damage done to the build
ing, which Is in the coure ot construc
tion, will amount, according to tha build
ing contractors, between 300 and 11,090.
The entire side ot the west wall, 400 feet
In length, was blown down, together
with two other tldts, each 1M feet la
Lnillri Who Delight, in Dreea and
Home Decoration should
Read lhta.
Today anything which looks like real
embroidery I snapped up quickly. If a
dealer with the purpose to sell again. If
a wearer, to triumph over her less alert
sisters, Aa a matter of fact, embroidery
has played a most important part in the
history of the social world, from king
to peasant, and the belles of the fash
ionable element of society from Nero'a
time to the present day, have invoked
embroidery in all Its phases to enhance
their personal charms
At all times embroidery has been classed
In the luxurious and expensive class, but
The Bo has IdenUJied Itself with a
proposition that will bring- it f) tha
humblest door a well as to tbe m,an
at a cost representing about one-sixteenth
it hat has been the regular rate. In addi
tion to this a free booklet or instructions
and also, a-hoop on which to operate will
be supplied, by which assistance any
school girl can produce results that will
defy the best work of a life-long expert
Watch The Bee for future announce
ments and particulars concerning this
great special offer.