2 A fllE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE'. OCTOBER 12, 1913. In the Flannel Section Choice Nw; Styles Vayolla Flannels... 75o Outing Flannel, 10c, 12M:c and ....V. 15c Duckling Fleeco Flannel ettes ...v...'. 15o Shirting Flannels, 40c, 00c and 60o Scotch Flannels, 30c, 35c and 40c Robe Land Fleece, yard. .25c Fleeco - lined Flannelettes, 12M-0 and 15c Silk Embroiderod "White Flannels, $)c, 75c, 90c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 a yard. Basement Lace Curtains and Drapery Materials Tlio time to decorate is now here and in view of this fact our stock is now com plete, comprising the latest ideas of both foreign and domestic manufacturers. Say wo have tho pleasuro of L showing you tho now things? Guaranteed Sunfast Silks and Madras from 50o to $1.25 a yard. Bungalow Nets, with plain and finished edges, from 20c to $1.50 a yard. Laco Curtains, every stylo desirablo; also now showing of Scrim Curtains, from 95c to $21.00 a pair. Wo Make and Hang Curtains to Special Ordor. HUEETA'S AEMT IN 00NTK0L OF THEASSEMBLY (Continued rrom Faa One.) tvafllnif bin jurisdiction even to a point of Questioning his Selection of a. min uter, of atath. Br 1U dsnarotio tendencies General Jluerta, ald. It had attacked the bula e: the oxVtenceoth'i' h6U6n"rjd had taken on Itaelf all branched ot the rov- ernment. lie declared ala patience with h Vodjr"Jiad Veeh 'taaed to limit, fc The prcaldent' referred' to ' Ihi recent refusal of the Chamber to .grant leave to Deputy Kduardo Tarnaris to occupy the public lnatructlon portfolio on the grounds of hl nrrHlaUort with the Catho Mo party. He also referred to the In veatlgatlon luatleatcd by the deputies of certain net of Jote Limantour, when he waa minister of finance under General Portflrlo DIa. General Hurrta charged (hat the Invea. tlsatlon which the deputlea pmpoted to make was aolely within the province of Judicial power. lie called on them to withdraw the resolution warning him of thelf Intention to hold sessions else where. The deputies, who had listened sullenly to the reading by Manuel Qarza. Aldape, the minister of the interior of General Hnerta's rcvly, moved at Its conclusion to refer the president's demand lo-committee and a motion was put to adjourn. Mlarfa'ter OaJla Police.' ' Minister Aldapo Interposed an obo, tlon, tsylng that the president required tmmedlat action. At this the deputes demurred and persisted on putting 'the motion to adjourn. Thereupon the min uter of the Interior signalled to Chief of Police Chavls, who was stationed on the talcony. The chief of police came down to the floor of the Chamber wlth S00 police,1! Benor Aldape then read the names of the algnera of the resolution, and as the names were called 4he "deputies were taken Intc custody. v ' Jissszg the deputies placed Under arrest fcro llodolfo Tteyes, n.jion of the late General Bernardo ReyeS and ex-provisional minister1 of' lustlce. :ond Jerea Vera Estanol, fdrtnfcr provisional minis ter of public instruction. Nearly ail the men Imprisoned are members of the Mberal party. canon for neaoltttiona. The unezplalnod absence from his seat Jn the Bcnat and the disappearance from Mr residence at a local hotel of Senator Bellzaro Domlnguez, representing the State of Chtapaa. was what precipitated -OME FOLKS seem to right for tho men's linens, but all wrong for other things. If that woro true, wo would nil be out of. business. We're here just because we can do all Borta ef laundry work ia a way that Is profurablo to home washing, or that other alternative "send l&B It out" Don't mnko your laundry work a problem to worry. over. L$t us have It all of It. Wo aro equipped with appliances that will handle every thing you send 'uo moro gently and really better than It can be done elsewhere. Wo want your -work all of It It you will trgr 'us it will prove a" lot moro to you than argu ment that would fill thia page. Have our wagon stop for your bundle. Better 'phone tho order now. BLUE WAGONS DISTINCTIVE STYLES OF- REFINED APPAREL have just been received by ex pressapparel you will be proud to wear, and at prices you can afford. Our buying office searches through the styles centers of the world. We offer you the newest and the best of all fashions. FOR TOMORROW (Monday) We offer exceptional values in suit styles at $29.50 Other Suits at $25 to $125. No Charge for Alterations. COATS SKIRTS DRESSES FURS WAISTS Our Service is the best. Our Prices reasonable. -Now is the time to buy and get the use of a garment through the entire season. OKfiSLS SHOES Superior in Style A Shoe that Fits Perfectly. We Are Exclusive Agents. HOWARD !Ai AND SIXTEENTH the heated debate at the Chamber -of Deputies' secret nesslon. The debate re sulted in n warning bolng conveyed to Provisional President Huorta by unani mous Vote of the body that unless the deputies were glvon assuranoes of their personal safoty they would hold sessions elsewhere than in the capltoi. A resolution was adopted informing the executive that the deputies placed their lives under his speclflo protection and holding him responsible for the violation of itnmunlty from arrest which the Mexi can constitution glyee (to senators and Senator Domtngues dropped from sight yesterday following hls speech made in I the(enateohariiber early this month aU taoKing uto policies or rrovisionai rresi dent Uuerta. Pollaerann Arrests Uomtnaaei. The only information obtained by the committee appointed by the Chamber of Deputies to investigate his disappearance! was from Senator Domlnguex's little son, who said that a 'policeman had token his father away from tho hotel. Supporting the resolution offered by the Chlapias state delegation In the chamber Deputy Eduardo Nori declared that with the recent elimination of Dr. Auretlano Urrutla as minister of tho In terior ho had bolleved there would be on end to such disappearances. "Wo have seen," Sonor Nori continued, "that Deputies Gurrion and Jlendon died, the latter in such a manner that tils body cannot bo found. Wb must take enor- 'getlo action. The executive has raised tho ,black flag of infamy. We must raise Uto red flag of saorlflco and faith." Deputy Armando Ostoa delivered the appeal for the appointment of an investi gating .committee "even at tho risk of Its life." which, if It finds Senator Do mtnguea; has lost his life shall present an accusation against tho persons re sponslble, "even If Utey Include the presi dent of the republic." A. committee waa appointed to Interro gate tho governor of tho federal district and the interior minister, Manuel Qarsa Aldape. It reported back to the deputies that neither official was able to throw any light on the disappearance of Sen ator Domlngues. DEATH RECORD. George It. Ord. TAULB ROCK, Neb., Oct lt-(Bpeclal.) 0 oo mo It. Qrd, who settled in Pawnee county more than half a century ago with his parents, settling on a farm be tween hero and Fawnee City, died at his homo in Pawnee City, where he moved soma years ago, in his fifty-seventh year. The funeral services wero In charge of the . local Modem Woodmen camp, of which he hod long been a member. lie think that a laundry is all PHONE DOUG. 919 msm mm Fashion Says "Embroider It" Wraps, Gowns, "Waists, Lingerie, all things feminine. i Woman has tho skill and tho dosiro,'and wo havo the soft, exquisite cottons 100 shades. Practically tho entire lino of D. M.. O. Cottons is hero, rang ing from pure whito through tho softer tints and the most brilliant colors. Everything a neodleworkor can reasonably ask for. Art Needlowork Section Third Moor. 1 leaves a wife, two brothers, four sisters and seven children. Mrs. Martha Greorr FAUUSURY, Neb., Oct U.-(Bpedol After on extended lllneas, Mrs. Martha Gregory died at the homo of her daugh ter, Mrs. Maggie Groathouae, near Reyn olds, in this county. Mrs. .Gregory was ovor 75 years of age. Mrs. Qregory and children came to Nebraska in. 1833 and located on a form near, iioynoids. Winlin Garfield Tears Down Homes v i nUIVWELXs Neb., Oct It (Special.) A. very aevere wind and hall storm passed over Bunrell last evening, but the wind did but llttlo damage in town, but was severe in the country. The storm came from tho southwest and passed over the city, but struck about a mile north of town and tore up tho farm homo of C. XX GUUam and also Mrs. Anna Per son and C Ls Walker and John Dianel an dthon It rose again and did no more damage until it struck again Just east of Deverre. where It wrecked a couple of farm homes and again roae and then did the most damage when It struck again in the vicinity of Ertne, where it completely wrecked tho ranch of Charles McCarthy and demolished his barns and his new house, doing about 112,000 damage. In Burwell- there waa but little dam age done except by hall. The windows on the west of the school house were all broken and the front of the post office was broken and nearly every west front more or less damaged by hail. Sov eral hold atones were picked up ottor the storm that was larger than gooee eggs, The storm struck, about 8 o'clock. WONDERFUL SHOTS IN BATTLE Two WotaM Instances, One at An ttotam, the Other at Tork torra. The battle of Antletom, called by the confederates the battle of "Sharps burg," because It was fought In tho Im mediate vicinity of that town, waa so full of remarkable Incidents and so mo mentous In Its results that Its chronicle (WTltten by soldiers in both armlea) now cover thousands of pages. It was during this battle that lons street and Xe, having received a report of a federal movement, atarted up a ridge to make a reconnoissance. Long street thus describes a wonderful shot: "General Leo and I dismounted, but Hill (General D. II. It.) declined to do so. I said to Hill: 'It you Insist on riding up there and drawing the ftra, give ua a little Interval, so that we may not be In the line of tho tire when they open up on you.' Oenera Lee and I atood on the top of the crest with our glasses, looking at the movements of the federals on the rear left. After a moment I turned my glasa to the right the federal left. A I did so I notloed a puff of white smoke from the mouth of a cannon. There ls a shot for you,' I said to General Hill. The gunner was a mile away and the cannot shot came whisking through the air for three or four seconds and took oft the fiont lags of the horse that Hill U on, and let the antmal down upon Its stumps. The horse's head was so low and his croup so high that Hill was In a most ludlcroua position. With one foot in the stirrup he made several efforts to get the other leg over the croup, but failed. Finally we prevailed on him to try the other end of the horse, and he got down. He had a third horse shot under htm before the close of the battle. "That shot at HIM waa the second best shot I ever taw. The best waa at York, town. There a federal officer cams out In front of our line, and, sitting down to his Utile, plotting table, began to make a map. Una or our officer carefully Sighted a gun, touched it off and dropped a shell Into the hands of the man at the llttlo- table." The union officer, struck by this mar velous ihot has been Identified by sev. erai eye-wltnesaes as First lieutenant Orlando O. Wagner, topographical engi .H.V ITi'?.-aaaBBBaWirj, STREETS neer, in front of Torktown. Burgeon Woodhull, United State a army, writing In "Battles and Loaders," says: "Early on tho. morning of September IT, 863, I was standing near the guns of Captain Stephon H, Weed, Fifth ar tillery, when a small group camo In sight, directly In our front, about a mile away. There was no firing at that time pf any Importance on our left, and Cap tain Weod. who was a superb artillerist himself, aimed and fired at tho slnglo mounted man and atruck tho horse, I witnessed the shot and havo no doubt It was tfie one General Longstreot com memorates as the 'second-best.' Goneral Longstreetr kindly writes me thatrho cannot now recall ,lhe. hour,, but ,that there was UUle firing at the time and that the place was about twenty feet from the Boonsboro- pike, north-" Phila delphia Itecord. HELEN TREYNOR DIES AFTER SHORT ILLNESS Helen Treynor, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. V. I Treynor, died yesterday after noon at the Edmundflon hospital of thombosls of the mossenteria artery. The little girl had undergone an operation as tho last resort to save her life. She had been 111 only a week. She was one of the brightest pupils of the Bloomer school and a favorite among her comrades. Tho body was removed from the hospital to the residence of her parents, 811 Third avenue. Arrangements for the fu neral have not been completed. HYMENEAL , Stafford-Thomaa. STELLA, Neb., Oct. It (Special.) Thomaa Stafford and Miss Delia Thomas surprised their friends by being married this week when attending the annual pto nio at Hock port. Mo. The wedding ls the culmination of a romance begun when tho bride waa on operator at tho central telephone office In Bhubert. Mr. Stafford haa been forming for the lost three years and has his residence nicely furnished for his bride. Mrs. Stafford Is tho oldest daujrhter of Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Thomas. Dodda-IIunarerford. CARHOLL, la., Oct, 11 (Special Tele gram.) On tho evening of October 9 at the homo of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hungerford, their only daugh ter, Josephine, was married to John 8. (Dodds. They will make their home at Ames, where Mr, Dodds is assistant en gineer and a practical road builder for the state highway commission. A Shooting Scraps with both parties wounded, demands Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores, burns, bolls, cuts or piles. Only a. For sale by your druggist Advertise ment i Nerves Control Body i I i I The action and vitality of every muscle and organ are directly re sponsible to the nerves. Thoy are the llfo of the body and must be kept up to the mark. If you're listless, sleepless, have neuralgia and headaches. It ls a algn of some nervous ailment which can be corrected by taking the genu ine nerve feeder, Warner's Safe Nervine It acts directly on the nerve cen ters, allays Irritability, and pro duces reatful. healthful sleep. It's a natural nerve atrongthener and tonic of approved efficiency when over the powers of the nervous system are debilitated. i "I was troubled with nervous dyspepsia and dlsxy spells, used one bottle of Warner's Safe Nerv ine and received relief at once." Mrs. W. Weston. Sioux City, la. mm Bach 1 Mdnsy and Idver for a &medy purpose B Bheamatto Bemtdy 3--Diabetes SUniedy Bold 1 write ror rree wimple giving the number of remedy desired to warnsra sals Bemeaiea Do.. Sept. 3 S3. Boehester, jr. Council Bluffs SEYERE ELECTRICAL STORM In Country Around Council Bluffs Damage is Considerable. HOUSES AND BARNS DESTROYED Erncat Stelfen, Ten Mllea Xorthenst of Tottii, One of Henvleat Loaera by Fire; Itcnvr Ilnln Dar in Night. A severe electrical storm passed over this dty and vicinity Thursday night. The storm began about 10 o'clock and lasted, at Intervals, until after midnight Lightning struck In many places, but the most serious damage was done in Hazel Dell township, where a new house was struck and destroyed by fire. In the vicinity of Treynor. a barn and nine head of horses were burned. Tho residence of Harry Scott, located about six miles northeast of Council Bluffs, Just completed, but not occupied, was struck by lightning and destroyed. Scott and his family were staying at the home of his father about half a mile distant, and knew nothing of their misfortune until they were awakened by a neighbor. A small barn and some sheds nearby were likewise destroyed. The loss Is fully covered by insurance. Tho barn destroyed near Treynor was on the Ernest Steffen farm ten miles northeast of Council Bluffs. It waa com pletely destroyed by the fire that followed the lightning stroke. The fire spread so rapidly that there was no chance to save any of the nine horses. All of tlio other contents of tho barn, Includ ing about $200 worth of harness, several hundred bushels of grain and a largo quanUty of hay burned. The loos will approximate between 3,000 and 14,000, partly protected by Insurance. Tho storm was very severe in all other parts of tho county and numerous Instances of lightning striking were re ported. Some stock was reported kUled by the lightning running along .wire fences. Nearly an inch o rain fell. I Somebody Steals the Auto Tires Mrs. Cue, 2113 Eleventh avenue, re ported to tho police yesterday that two junK cuyers, wnom she described ac curately, drove Into the alley In the rear of her residence, entered the born and stolo on extra tiro from an automobile and four Inner tubes. She was alone and was afraid to oppose them. Upon the description given the police they thought they recognised Dave Etherton, and when they went to his home they found there Harry Meyers, J. Sullivan and Ossa Petty of Omaha and Harry Mbranvllle of Red Cloud. Nob. All of tho men were taken into custody and held without any charges placed against them for further investigation. The poUce did not disclose' any evidence connecting Etherton or either of the other men, but one of whom fitted the description given by Mrs. Cue. All of the mer wero in Jail under J500 bonds by drde of Police JUdgo Snyder for hearing toda?. NO DAMAGES ALLOWED TO THE MISSES BIXEY A Jury in Judge Woodruff's division of the district court returned a verdict after a short deliberation in the case of Misses Helens and Josle Blxby against John Olson. They sued for $10,000 damages for alleged wrongful detention ot their per tonal property, when Olson attached the household goods' ot Frank Blxby to se cure payment of a grocery bill. The Jury returned a verdict for Olson. The trial had occupied several days and caused a good deal of bitterness be tween the attorneys. On Thursday aft ernoon Judge Woodruff was compelled to riso from his scat and pointedly rebuke one of the attorneys, threatening him with the immedlato dismissal of his suit If the line ot conduct being followed was persisted in. This altercation with the court followed the ruling of Judge Woodruff denying the right of the plain tiffs to maintain their claim for ex empiary damages to the amount of moro than $S,000. The second ebullition of tem per occurred yesterday during the final arguments, when tho short and ugly word was passed between the attorneys and the use of fists waa prevented only by the prompt Intervention of the court bailiff. The court's ruling that only actual damages could be secured, left tho claim still of large proportions. The Misses Blxby listed gowns valued at I36G, lingerie worth t3M, night dresses valued at 1200 and many other large items, claimed to be damaged, while held by Olson's at tachment and further depreciated by passing out ot style. The jury refused to concede any damage. Real Estate Transfers. The following real estate transfers filed Friday were reported to The Bee by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company George W. West and wife, Edna, to J. G. Bone, wii of lot 6. block 28 Everett's addition to Council Bluffs, w. d ; 1 M. A. B. Bool, single, to Ida Earl, lot a. block 6, Webster'a First addition to Council Bluffs, w. d... 109 Lewis 8. Howe and wife, Margaret to Clarence E. Howe, lots 6 and 6. Illddle'a subdivision to Council Bluffs, w. d 1 E. H. Bull and wife. Jennie, to Owen J. McManuo, port of neU. l9-76-, w. d 7,(00 Bebecca J. Wells, single: Polk county, Iowa, et at to Mary A. Haines and Lew Q. Halnos, un divided Interest In the sl00 acres of the nwVi. 27-75-41. w. d li.500 James Mcllobert and wife, Mary, to E. M. Estes, lots 21 and 30, block 14. and lot 8. block 21. Control sub division to Council Bluffs, w. d.... MO A. B. Sweeting and wife, Mary O., to Christopher Jensen and J. Chris Jensen, lots and 7. except the s45 feet of lot 7. block t Glendalo addition to Council Bluffs, w. d.... 4,700 Elsie Augusta Petersen and T. N. Petersen etal. to Henry Meyer, lot s, subdivision of original plat, lot 3, Council Bluffs, w. d 4,000 Loutsa Grahl, guardian, to Henry Meyer, lot I. subdivision of original plat, lot 43. Council Bluffs, w. d.... 400 Nine transfers, total.... W03 Marriage Llcenaea. Marriage licenses were yesterday Issued to the following named persons; Nome and Address. Age. Henry Fellows. ' Omaha, H Zlta Canney, Omaha, :23 Clifton Green, Oncoln. Neb. tl Lettle Brown, Fremont Neb., IS Majestto Ranges need no store blacking. See the new models at P, C. De Vol Hardware Co.. 604 Broadway. Windsor School Scholars Reveal Modern Trailing Patrons of Wlndsoh ichool last night made use of the open school house idea when they attended an exhibition by tho pupils of the seventh grade given partly to reveal the methods employed In teaching and partly for puro entertaln- mont. Tho young students under the direction of Miss Cordelia Johnson gavo in an elaborated from what ls ordinarily a part of their school duties. With the aid ot a radloptlcon, views of tho Panama canal were shown and as each one was presented some pupil gave a brief description. The history of the canal was set forth together with views of ?thcr great canals and views Illustrating ho saving to shipping both In dangers The Correct for Gentlemen, Suits and Overcoats, genuine Schlosssmade stores everywhere. Far better than ordinary custom-made Clothes, and much lower priced. Schloss Raltimore Clothes are designed by a famous style-maker, and hand tailored "bench-made" by experts, working under a faultless system of supervision and inspection in clean, light, airy workrooms. The Schloss label is known the world over as the sure sign of a per fect garment Look for it in the Clothes you buy. For Sal In Omaha by The Berg Clothing Co. 15th and Douglas Streets Julius !5!Q DOUGLAS SX xr c i var ? a i ji v uuicii AjxviuBivc New Goods STEINWAY forte exports, the recog nized Standard Piano of tho world. Visit our Steinway parlors and inspect these superb instruments. TJPBIGirT$-$550. GRNDS-$750. Monthly terms can bo arranged if desired. "Write for Free Catalogue. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. Only Store In Kebraaka or "Western Iowa whrro you can bur Vr Steinway Pianoa. 7 (nri Tnlloot'n that tho ncrlnenrlnc work will accomplish. All these were seloctcd from magazines and books by the children themselves and arranged by the teacher in charge Tho work forms a part of tho school cur rioulum,' making study a pleasure In stead of a bora. Tho evening was deVotcd almost en tirely to illustrated talks savo for a few words from tho principal. Miss Harriet Eddy, who oxplalned the aim of modern graded school work. Nearly every grarlo In the school make use of the radlop tlcon, the Instrument itself having been bought with pennies that they would otherwise have used less wisely for per sonal expenditures. Accepts Nomination. LONDON, Oct. 11. Prince 'William Frederick of Wled decided today to ac cept the nomination to the throne of tho independent state of Albania, according to a dispatch from Bucharest. He Is tho head of tho princely houso of TV'led, G?N many. Fall Fashions in elegantly-styled are ready for you in garments at the .best. Orion wearing apparel Arriving Daily. V Individuality is the dis tinctive feature of tho Steinway Piano. Its rare sweetness, purity and pow er of tone aro possible only because of the inher ent musical instincts of its makers and their years of specialized training. It is the master production of four generations of piano I 4 V v