Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 12, 1913, EDITORIAL, Page 2-B, Image 18

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Many Parties to Watch Nebraska
Minnesota Combat,
Thm Ilrlllnnt CerrmenUs Will Bo
Celebrated and NraBi Pre
nnpllnl Affair Will Be Glvan
for Ilriclnl PnrlUi.
Social Cnlendnr.
MONDAY MIM flretchen McConnell,
theater party for Mtra Marls Holllnger
and' Mr. McCairue nt the Brandela thea
ter. Ml pa Ilertha Dlrkey. theater party
for Mine Violet Joslyn and Mr. Mago
wan at the nrandels.
T1KsrY Mrn. J. M. Metcalfe, musl
ftlc for the IMughtcra of the American
Involution; Mr. nnrt Mm. OeorRe A.
Joslvn, dinner for the Magowan-Joslyn
wrdd'ng party; Mr. and Mrs. V. C.
Holllnger, dinner for the McCagiie-Hol-linger
wedding party; Mlaa Caro.yn
rvmffdon, tea for Miss Usther mrne;
Mm Claud Matthal, brldgo luncheon
for Mm. Harry Well; meeting of the
Prairie Park Necdlecraft club.
tVEDNKSDAY Wedding of Mlaa Mario
HolUngei, daughter of Mr. and Mm. P.
f Holllnger. to Mr John 1.. MVague
at Die home of tb,e brlde'a parenta;
Mr David Magowan, dinner for the
ushem of the Magowan-Joslyn wedding
TM"IIHDAY Wedding of Mlaa Violet
Joslyn. daughter of Mr. and Mra.
Oeorge A. Joalyn, to Mr. David Mago
wan at the home of the brlde'a parenta,
"Lynhurat:" Mrs. C. T. Kountze, auf
frage tea. for the -Kqunl Kranchlse ao
e'ety, Hoaalba club dance nt Chambers.
Fill PAY-Women'e Oolf association
meeting t the Council Dluffa Bowing
Aasotlatlon club.
SATlTtDAY-Weddlnn of Mlaa Esther
Byrne, daughter of Mr. and Mra.
Thomae Byrne, to Mr. William Fitz
gerald of Troy at St. John's Colfeglato
church, wedding breaktnat at-the home
of the brldo'a parenta. ,
Keen Interest la being shown In th'a Ne-liaaska-Mlnnesota
foot baK tame, "to
be played next Saturday at Lincoln. Mr.
Amos Thomas, T. ' It. Matters, Jr.,
formerly of the Nebraska eleven, and Mr.
Harry TUkey are mombem of the Ne
braska Alumni who havo been 'organizing
parties to attend and managing' the lo
cal ticket ealo. Thla will bo Alumni day
at tha university and a feature of the en
tertainment wll) be the "Home-coming"
banquet following the foot ball rams.
Weddings of the Week.
Three largo autumn weddings will be
celebrated thla week Wednesday even
ln Mlaa Maria Holllnger will becomo tho
bride of Mr. John Livingston McCaguo.
Mlaa Oretchen McCannell will be maid
of honor. Mlaa Mary McCsgue und Mlaa
Carolyn Harding will be brldeamolda and
the ribbons will be atretched by Miss
Allco Carter, Mlaa Htlon Clarke, Mlta
Mary Sheets and Miss Helen Murphy.
Lynhurat, the apacloua home of Mr.
and Mr. George Alfred Joslyn will form
an attractive setting for the wedding of
Mlaa Violet Joalyn to Mr. David Walter
Magowan, which wilt be colebrated
Thursday evening at 8: JO. Miss Helen
Magowan of Kane, Pa., alstar of tho
groom, will be maid of honor and the
brldeamalds will be Mlaa Margaret Mo
Pherson, Mlaa Bertha Dickey and Miss
Alice Carter. The groom's attendants will
be Mr, Charles C. Btnst of 6 alt Lake
City, Mr. Thomas O. Light of Kane, Pa.,
Mr. Lake Deuel and Mr, John Caldwell,
The jweddlnr of Mica Esther Byrne),
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C
m, e. Mr.. William , Fnsera or
Trey, N. T will i celebrated Saturday
-at It o'clock at fit. John's Collegiate
church, followed - by a, wedding break
fast at the home of Mr. and Mra. Byrne.
Mra. Joseph Byrne will be matron ' of
honor and MttSe Mtaa Betty Pautton.
flower slrj, Mr. Itobert McCarthy ot Troy
will be best man and among tho out-of-town
areata will be Mlsaea Kathleen and
Helen Flugerald, Mr. and Mm. Edmund
Fitzgerald and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Fltigerald, all of Troy.
Sfajor and Mrs. Hartmann to leave.
Major and Mre. Carl F, Hartmann o
Fort Omaha expect to leave this week tn
their automobile for . Chicago, where
Major Hartmann has been made chief
signal officer of the Central division.
r Their many friends regret that they are
to leave and they take, with them many
token of appreciation from, the citizens
Of Omaha, Including a parchment In a
special leather case alined and pre
sented by all of the city officials In
recognition of the work done by Major
Hartmann at the time ot the tornado.
Another much appreciated gift la the
' automobile, given to them by the citizens
ot thtc city and In which they expect to
inotor to their new home.
' As commanding officer of Fort Omaha,
Major Hartmann and Mra. Hartmann
have been moat hospitable and have en-
, tertalned many guests of note during
their stay here. Uttlo Mlaa.. Phyllla
Hartmann will remain here for a time
' wd nag entered Brownetl Hall.
QPreleat XusIoUn Here.
Mr. Homer Barauels of Minneapolis.
Tho bis been treading the last four
years In Berlin, Oermany, Is spending a
few days In Omaha visiting mnaloal
frtenda. He is being entertained by Mr,
and Mrs. Charles Badllek and Miss Helen
Sadllek, and expect to meet Mis Alio
Nellson In Omaha either Bunday or Mon
day, with whom he wtll go on a ten
weeks' concert tour la the west Miss
ik'ellaon was expected hero yesterday, but
was delayed on her return trip from EU
Te hiUci's yea are a refsJar reaW. r
teed to be the greatest collection and biggest bargain in
patterns ever offered. The 160 patterns have a retail
alne of 10 cents each, or more than $10.00 in all. Bring
SIX Coupons and 68 cents to this office and you will be
winted with One Complete Outfit, including Book of
Ins tractions and one All Metal Hoop. The 68 cents is to
cover duty, express, handling ana the numerous over
head expenses of getting the package from factory to you.
N, Bo Oat of Twfl Rudrz mill add 7 ctntf extra for
pottage and expense of mailing.
t J
Members of the McCague -
:ffxr spsbsw w jgiBsBsBsVF' , -iimm& gaBsBsm vvwi
i mrmwmwm immmmwm - x&tmmam 'sb...bbbbbbbH l
rope by for. After touring with Miss
Neitson aa accompanist Mr, Samuela will
Join Mr.. Cart Flesch, the noted Hungar
ian violinist, who will arrive In America
shortly for a-ooncert1oul and Mr. Sam
uels , will, play his ucompanltnents. Mr.
BamUets la a pupil of Joeof Lhevlnne, ' tho
great pianist of Berlin.
With the Tisitors.
Mrs. Lillian Jacobs Is expected October
13 to spend some time as the guest ot
Mies May Hamilton, ' Mra, Jacobs has
Often visited Mlaa Curtis and haa many
friends here. For the last few years she
has made her home In Littleton, near
Denver, where she and her father have
a bungalow.
Mrs, IH V. Lewis, with Mm. Sherman
Cantleld and two children, aro expected
In Omaha thla week from ahortdan, Wyo.,
to spend some time here.
MUs Qertrude McCarthy, the sueat ot
Miss ICuhn, left Friday for Chicago,
Mrs. Perry Allen of New Tork, who
pent last winter In Paris, and Who has
been visiting her mother, Mra. Sloan, at
the Colonial, expects to return east
shortly. During her visit here Mra. Al
len has been much entertained.
Womas Golf Olub.
The Woman'ji Golf club met Friday at
the Country club, when Mies Arabella
Kimball was hostess. The morning woe
spent playing; golf, and after luncheon
there was a pleasant surprise for the
players. Miss Kimball offered a trophy
a coin purae in the arts and craft work
for the beat score on an "approaching"
and putting' contest on nine holea There
were four "scratch" players Mrs. Bruce
Moffath, who won the trophy with a net
score of Sis Mra. Carl Ltnlnger, tit Mrs.
F. J. Deapecher, 87, and Mrs. Arnold, S3.
Other members of the club were given a
handicap of three, and made the follow
lug sooreat
Mra. W. Sttrer... S3
Mlas IS. Thotnaa. S3
Mra J. W. Tlllson M
Mra Dougherty. S7
Miss M. Dale..... 37
Mra Shields 11
Miss N. Murphy, M
Mrs. Hnerwooa .i n
Mra 6'Nslll S3
Mrs, Challta , U
The ioumem'snt woe enjoyed so much
Friday that the club decided to offer a
elub pin for a putting and approaching
eonteet to be played for each Friday
afternoon, and It the pin Is won by a
au pretest Six Ceaaaau & tils eae.
Pattern Dpi-, Omaha, Neb,
player three times In succession she be
comes the owner.
Next Friday the club will meet at4he
Council duffs ItowInK association. Thoso
who Intend to play tn tho morning- will
leave Fourteenth and Farnam streets at
9:15 o'clock. Mrs. F. J. Despecher will
be the hostess. The following- Friday tha
club will play at Happy Hollow,
With the Army.
Fort Omaha will be deserted until the
return of troops from Texas. The present
plan la to make It an Infantry post with
two companies quartered there, but the
return of troops from Texas la etlll In
definite and the probabilities are that It
will be lato winter or sprlnc before Fort
Omaha Is again Karrlaoned. Major and.
Mrs. Hartmann expect to leave for Chi
cago the first part of the week In their
automobile and Lioutenant and. Mrs.
Mayo will bo gone before that to Fort
Leavenworth. Lieutenant Alfonte comes
to headquarters, as his duties as quarter
master will keep him here. He and Mra
Alfonte will take a houaa In town. Colonel
and Mrs. Baxter will continue to occupy
quarters at the post for the present.
Owing- to change of army orders at
the last moment. Br. John Trinder was
compelled to postpone his wedding trip
to Panama until later, and returned with
his bride to Fort Omaha Friday tit last
week, and will remain then until hi
successor, who was delayed In arriving.
reaohea here, probably axut the ltth.
Dr. Trinder will then report at Texas
City before eeillns; for Paaama on a
two-months' leave.
Lieutenant Marr O'Connor, who has
been under treatment at Fort Bayard,
N. M., has been ordered to Fort Hau-
huaobuca, Arl.. for duty with hU troop,
Captain Fred B. Buchan has been
transferred from the sixth cavalry at
Texas City to the eighth cavalry, which
Is permanently stationed in the Philip
pines, the officers being relieved from
duty with the regiment when their tour
of foreign service la completed. Cap
tain Buchan will sail on the January
Mrs. Clarence Farnam ot Fort Crook
left Wedneaday with her mother and sla
ter, Mrs. aiendennlng, and Mra, ToUng
lot, for New Tork, where she will re
main until December and then Join lieu,
tenant Fai-nata at aahreeton.
Omah&ai turning.
Mrs. T. tt. MoPittnon, Mlaa McPherson
and Miss Margaret MoPhereon arrived
home Friday from the east, the latter
having? landed In New Tork from Europe
two weeks ago.
Miss May Hamilton and Mrc. Fred
2(amllton are expected home front New
Tork today.
European Traveler!.
ur. and Mra. Philip Leonhardt have de
cided to prolong their etay abroad until
January Instead ot returning thla month.
Mra, D. JL Wheeler, Jr, and Mrs. Ar
thur Betmtngton have engaged passage
for their return home on the Princess
Irene from Oanoa on October 23.
Omaham Attend Ball Games.
Mr. Howard Batdrige ha been east
this week and was one of the Omaha at
tendant at the world aeries baae hall
games. Mr T C Uyrne and hia eob,
Hollinger Wedding Party
Mr, Jack Byrne, n In New York In HHlWw'f'4.' 'ZWmR I
time for the gamefl, saBsBBsBBsaV.v'c(gaBsBBsBBsi I
Mr, and Mra D. C. Bradford, Mr. and P1 !
Mm. J. B. Rahm and Mr. and Mra. A JsaBsaBsaBHgaslVsaW - ' W ' III
V. Klneler left Sunday for New York. VgVHHH; 2 ' I
timing their trip to enable them to take Ha' J? ' I
In the famous baso ball games. 1 ' "''fT ) n
Prairie Park Club.
Monday evening at the Prairie Park
olub house, 100$ Ames avenue, there' will
be a general reunion of all the whist
players of the city, for the purpose of
arraigning a series of traraea during the
coming season. A general Invitation has
been extended to all the whist players to
attend this meeting.
Announce Engagement.
Mr. and Mrs. Knute Llljenstolpe of
Bensop announce the engagement bf their
daughter, Lisa, to Mr. Harry F, Heed.
The bride to be Is well known In musical
circles. Mr. Keed attended the Univer
sity ot Nebraaka, where he. was a mem
ber of the Phi Kappa Pal fraternity.
Wolfe-Oooke Wedding.
On Wedneaday evening, last, at the
home of the bride's parents, Mr, and
Mra. Charles L. Cooke, occurred the wed
ding ot Miss Marguerite Cocks to Mr.
John T. Wolfe of Belgrade, Neb,
At 8 o'clock, to the strains of the Lo
hvngrtn wedding march, the bridal couple
desoended the stairs and were met un
der a bower cf asparagus fern and white
Mix Perry Allen- cM
12, 191w,
roses by the Bev. Grant B. Fisher, who
read the marriage lines. The house was
prettily decorated with a color eoheine of
Pink and white.
The immediate relatives only were pres.
ent. .
Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe left tho same eve.
nlng for Kansas City end will be at home
after November X at Belgrade, ,Neb.
Tho out-of-town guests wero: Mra John
8. Wolfo of Belgrade, mother of the
groom; Mra John J. Boulter of Kansas
City and Miss Maude Marsh of Archer,
Kunty-Tolstrup. Wedding.
iura. aiamie i. Toistrup announces the
marriage of her daughter, Minnie Kathr
erlne. to A. IL Kunty of Denver, Colo.
Tho wedding took place In Denver, Mon
day, October 6, 1M3. .
Mr. and Mrs. Kunty will be at home to
their friends after October So at 3110 Cali
fornia atreet, Denver, Colo.
At the Orphenm.
Mra, Virginia Franknra entertained at
a theater nnrtv kT7VM. v .. . . ,
Orpheum in honor of Katharine Fluor.
I . V. . . . ...
""u lu " ovnDr prsoa, in the
party wero:
MUm nflmi
tAnaund,r"' Ana Frankcm.
farina FiSr.
Clip Olub.
The Clio club was entertained at a
Kensington by Mrs, T. I Travis on
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. W. IL Ind
orson and Mrs. J, Cathers assisted and
The WeUingtopt Cafe
. 1017 rarnam Streat.
DirmxK eoo.
. uuer, rxopnetox;
itaaisnea weori queen Olives
Oyater Soup
Sweet Pickles
Boaat Prime Bibs of Beat
Baked Spring Chicken. Oyster Dressing
Roast Toung Pig. stuffed with Baked
Spring1 Lamb, Homo Made Jelly
Mash Potatoes New Spinach with Bgg
Baked Sweet Potatoea Sliced Tomatoes
Waldorf Salad
Hot Rolla
Homo Mado Mtnce Plo with Cheese
Blue Plum Pie
Brown' Betty, Whipped Cream
Almond Ice Cream wtth. Cake
Coffee Tea. Milk Buttermilk Cocoa
October IS, ISIS
j prizes were won by Mm. t. A. Bcott,
r, m. a. mgDee ana Airs. A. .. mton.
Pleasures Fast.
illee Agnes -llultgreh entertained the
K. O. W. club at her Jtome Mffi North
Twenty-aecond street Wedneaday even
ing, Those present were-
Mlases Misses
Iroen fitagga. Clara Borensen,
Ituth Gustafaon. Lily Harmon.
Mary Deanr, l'auilne Sowerwlne,
Helen Ilolfson. Agnea Hultgren.
Pagalco Club,
The Pagalco club gave' a dancing party
Thursday evening at Armbrust hall.
Those present wen:
Marie Norgord,
Bonnlo Jones,
Hose Dixon.
Qenevelve Cal
lahan. Edna Hume,
Pearl Patton,
Naomi Byrns,
Lucllo Thornton,
Emma Johannszen,
Nellie Burton,
Hazel Lehr,
Irene Houghs
Corrirtno Banders,
Amelia Flack,
Kathryn Blmonsen,
Flora Burgele,
Ann Llljesren,
Julia O'Brien.
3us Erlckson,
Kmll C. Sclmck,
J. M. Wallace,
J. P. Jaake,
It. J. LaChappello,
C. A. Elasser,
T. M. Carlyslo.
O. T. Kauftman,
Fred B. Butts,
John M. Blgler,
IH. F. Terrell.
J. J. Martin,
E. E. Anderson.
Kay Eorcnson,
JB. Patton,
J. H. Curd,
T. P. Fallon. '
n. Martin,
Fred Hannlgan,
F, W. Solera e,
I 8. Shlnrock.
Esther Bwanoon,
Jane Penner.
Ethel Mulholland,
Lola Marsh.
Frances Mul
Holland. Clare McKenna,
ueasie Antony,
Nora Has:rtv.
Irene Stoltenberg,
Florence- Wlttlg,
Mildred Gross.
Lottie Berger,
Irene Callahan,
O. C. Slaughter,
11. Jaske.
E V. Keller,
M. L. Jackson,
D. D. Callahan,
K. May,
J. J. White,
J. 8. Buna,
u. b. arobeck.
U. P. Qrobeclc.
Leo McKenna,
Charles Harden.
James Norgord,
Lowell H uregg,
William NltUer,
Ernest Scherer.
Al Lutz, '
unesier Hansen,
Ray -Sorloy,
JL IL Hoffman,
jienry iianserj,
Deer Park Card Club.
Mrs. H. J. Petersen entertained the
Deer park Card club Thursday evening;
Prizes wero won by Mra. Baysdorfer, Mrs,
Tool, Mr. Tool and Mr. Stoltenberg. The
next meeting of tho club will bo- at the
home of Mrs. VL Tool. Those present
Mr. and Mm. C. Boegaard.
Mr. and Mra. H. Tool.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Klamm.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Stcltenbera-.
Mr. and Mrs. O. A, Baysdorfer.
Mr. and Mrs. IL J Petersen.
Club Entertains,
The ladles of the South Side Progressive
club will give an entertainment Tuesday
School Teachers of Omaha
As th$re seems to be some
, question . jas to whether "zmm
there is sufficient funds
: V, 01
the treasury to . pay the
! tr- : rrr
teachers, please take No
tice we vrjll cash your
warrants at par, as we
a . c
have been doing for many years.. ;
Thos. Kilpatrick & Co.
Not How Cheap,
But How Good
Can We Do the Work
that's the question.
No mattor what you pay for tho lob well bwo you the beat
work of which we are capable.
For olxtoon yean we've been bulldln a, reputation for doing
First Claes Cleaning and Dyeing at reasonable prices, and we think
too much of that reputation to turn out any work that could have
been done better.
RIGHT NOW is the time to have your heavy clothes fixed up
for winter. Lot us got your suits, overcoats, jackets, waists, dresses,
gloves, feathers, furs, etc., and clean them thoroughly; make any
repairs or alterations desired and return them looking fresh and new.
Remember we put in new sleeve or body .linings, put new col
lars on overcoats or Jackets, or do any other repairing or alterlnpr
for much lees than you would have to pay a tailor.
Call Douglas 003 and one of our delivery" autos will be at your
door promptly.
The Pantorium
"Good Cleaner and Dyers"
15 IS -17 Jones Street
N. B. We pay charges on' out-of-town business amounting to 1 9 or
more. Write for Price List
Mr. ind Mrs. THOMAS J. KELLY
Rssldiiicfi Studio 209 South 35th Avenue :
Phone Hatrnoy 2027
evening at their hall at Fourteenth ,Ln1
Castellar street at S o'clock.
Gnild to Meet
The Needlework Rvilld will hold Its pre
liminary meeting Wednesday at the home
of Mrs, Edward Roeewater, ' COS South
Thirty-sixth ntreet
Matine Party for Quest.
Mlas Amy Qllmoro gave a matinee,
(Continued en Page Three.)
I. ,
Beautiful New
Solid Silver
Suitable for Fall
During tho past ten days vro
have received and placed" on
our shelves over $4,000,3vprth
of exquisite Sterling Sthof, In
the very latest patterns.
This is by far tho handsom
est stock we havo ever carried.
Your inspection la invited, with,
tho assurance that you will bo
highly pleased with tho selec
tions offered.
An Elegant Xdno of 8pe"
clal. Gifts In Silver , at'
$S and $10 la Included."
Don't fail to seo this beautiful
C. B. Brown Co.
Sixteenth and Fomam Streets.