Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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    .IbiB&E: OMAHA, SATUBDA, OCTOBEli 11, 1918
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Council Bluffs Offlc of
Th ! 11 At 14 NORTH
Main Gt. Tlphon 43.
Davli, drut.
VJctrolo, 15. A. Hop Co.
t .Corilgans, undertaker.- Phone 1H.
"Woodi-lnc UnderUklnr Co. Tt. S30.
Blank book work. Morehouse ft Co.
Gardner press, printing Phone .
Iewli Cutler, funeral director. Phone 97.
Dro feleVhtor company, the place to
buy your coal.
Bradler Electrlo Co., wiring- and fix
thVea Thdnrf .
The hlsheit grad optical work In the
city Is done at IffertT.
cation, 340 Middle Broadway.
...Bee Borwlck for .wall paper and paint
int. 20S and 211 8. Main street.
'Scientific1 watch repair work, tbi kind
' that Is appreciated, at Leffert c-
Mutual Bids-, and Loan Aas'n, 123 PcarL
BUDWfcjSEIt" on' drhuglit. The Grand.
BudweUet, rn bottles at at rirat-class bar.
Having" added new machinery we ar
able to tsko care of your clothe quicker
and better than ever. Cook's- olsanlg
works. telephone 17S. .,
ilow about U1at fall, suit and overcoat?
rir-'a 1, MaaA ttfAntna an I 'nreilfllufT - Wb
dotho Work right at reasonable prices.!
Bluff City Laundry Dry uieaners nu
Dyers, Pjione 28J4.
'LOST Gay canvas , suitcase, on
Beebetown road. Reward. Leave at Bco
nf(Thit; TMpTiknni'l Pmmril Bluffs. la.
s County Jailer Heller left last evening
plvthe ufcwrmatqry. .at AiampSttSwhoroK
Si' will cotamlt ChArlea Ross,1 Who waa
.recently sentenced to an Indeterminate
term of not to exceed ten years for
ftjyeaklngiand entering,
.ftohe work of paving: Bouth Twenty,
'(first Btret was commenced yesterday,
Ifrom Ninth avenue to tho Union Paclflo
(transfer station. Contractor Wlckham
illbs a ' la'rrn force on the Job and ex
pcts to complete before November 1.
'jMJeputy Bherlff Unthank and Special
.Deputy Sheriff E. A. Heller will this
tfrjornlng take Peter Olson, who was re
jointly found Insane by the Insanity
WommUslon, to Clarlnda, where ho has
Ween committed for treatment,
irfThe Council Bluffs Medical society haa
-lected the following officers for the en-
t . n . I . . T" , f T 1 TImim.
ng year; i-reiaen, ui. y, . iwn-
cn; vice president, ur. ja u. ueimui-
r; secretary, ur, jonn aicAieef ircim-
nr. nr. w. v. Dn Dourn or control.
rs. Hennesey, Treynor and... Col
fvora was received oy wire vtioraay
the death of Wlllard TL Lincoln at
elps, N. Y. Mr. Lincoln was an ojd
time resident of. this city., having
iKfought tho first engine for the Mil
'foauke Council Bluffs yards from Cht
rfcago in 1SS2. Interment .will, be In For.
vjil Home cemetory. .Milwaukee.
XtTho revival servictis Sat the; Island. Park
school house arejyarawlng go9d audiences
&hd there b gopd Interest. un Sunday
rfJie services wifU'.domprisa' Sunday school
,pl 2:30 p. m. Sermon by the pastor, J.
e Cunninghorri? at7:S0 p. m. V. R.
'Orchard wilt ' give an address nxt week,
reachlng,;wm( Rey, C, S. Marsoy
it Logans ,
KfThe First.. Bafotrst church will hold Its
(r8,lly day-' sar vices ' next fonday. The
JBornlrig; Service at 10:3(1. : will be In
.ftfiargof the Bible school, . which Has a
tliiost excellent program prepared, ttf b
jvunouncett 'later. This will 1 be followed
fbV tha.'-regular Bible nctlDQl- work, at
ifiijon. Tn;venlng serylce at 7:30 will
In chargoof the "orgaiTiiirt'd classes-and
'the Baptist Voung Peoplt's union, with
of, short tallc' from. clM represenftatlve,
knd a prograjh-- 6t music." . '
'.S'.The Progressive Siifrltviallst chtlrcit of
jSounclll Bluffs --was -..legally. 4o'rganlzed.
T?estcrday at a .meeting heldat-.thc VesN
nca of Mrs; Jbhn-'Rudd, 2002T AjrertUO BV ,1
vrho church was orgtfn:e&' hy K.: A, J
trhoms, deputAC-state' miesionary for :th
imato opiniuaistrfievctauant uvr'Aawa.
!ithrs Afflcerii wcrft-TBlScted: for'ffin.-n
Oounoil Bluffs
City Council Lets Contr&ot for West
End System.
Conncllmen Decide to Day WeWi
Aito Trnck and Ilefttse. Itencrral
of JLrasa to V. A. Smith
for Scale- Bite.
Tho city council at the adjourned meet
ing .yesterday .afternoon "awarded tha
contract for the west end sewer system
to E. A. Wlskham. who was tho lowest
bidder on every Horn in the specifica
tions, with an aggregate bid of'more than
J6.000 lower than his nearest competitor,
tho L&na Construction company of Coun
cil Bluffs, and nearly (9,000 lower than
the H. J. Cathroo firm of Omaha.
The low bid of the Wlckham estimate,
as compared with tho others, was on th
uso of concrete for th9 section of nearly
a mllo from the sewage pumping station
to the river. For this section the Wlck
ham bid Included estimate for the use
of vitrified tllo or vitrified brick. Both
of tha latter estimates ware tha same
and approximated ;2,391.75 mora than the
concrete. The question of the desirability
of 'concrete ""was brought up and It was
shown . that' the percentage of sulphuric
acid contained In all sowaga matter had
a deloterlous eftoct upon tha concrete.
A- Bampla of this destructive powar was
shown by,, a 20 per cent solution of sul-
phurlo acid on seasoned concrete, 'ftMrult-
tng in complete disintegration In a few
days. Tills fact, coupled with tho addi
tional fact that cohcfcto cbuld-rtot be
used In freeslng weathcj,ondxyjld thus
ma.tnrla.llv rfnlnv thlC tfttrti. led the' COUnJ
ell to decide upon, Tth'a uso' bt tlla .and
ordered tho mayor -to sign tha contract
with the thlrty-alx-lnch 'tllo specified. '
Bays Fire Traclr. '
The council also acted quickly when, it
came to buying ah' additional automobile
fire truck for No. 2 flra station. The
choice lay between tho Webb, a duplicate
of the car In use at the central flra sta
tion, and the American La Franca car,
Both bids wera tha same, 15,600, but tha
La Franco company presented an addi
tional offer of 3 per cent discount for
cash. Alderman Stono spoke In favor of
tho La France machine, pointing out that
It had soma superior feature and had
bean standardized for years and that It
was a six-cylinder car and consequently
(io,n; secremry, f. ciorrison;. ircosr,
tarer, Aljen' Ogj-eri,- wltH full" bonra T0t
.trustees-' and C. iO.'"Kempter. sr., pastot
meeting" .will bf held Sunday lght ai
io Danish Sirotherhood .hall.
Worth Main street- Was closed early In
he day yesterday and the -work, of tedjMi
out,-the old tel brldga to- mako
'way for the' new concrete viaduct was
At will take feverol'days to remove the
-h6avy ste"el -trusses,' It Is llkelyi that tho
totted uyrll be closed- ,tp all kinds of
traffic for' some .time, although 'a foot
thtit'ge mar be built at a, later stage of
the work;,'- Suclj a structure will cost
fnore thap-.?100 , and will be Just that
tnuch iporo of an eiicroachmont upon tho
ineagert.proflt that Contractor Wlskham
Will find In the larger Jpb. '
LA suit! was filed In district court yes
terday In which Anna. Jlutchlntpn seeks j
to recover W.000 damages from the.1
Northwestern Railroad company for per- '
;dnul Injuries. Tho plaintiff alleges that
-sii Septerriber 4' of tho present year she
Was drtVtng 4 TantU -street nnd Avenue
Mi at a point wneret Tenth street paral-'
.lfcls the,.tracka of thjecoaipany. when an.
engine came along, emitting unusually
.dfrnso clouds of smoke' and cinders. On,a .
tt the clnderst struck (ler In tho eye, and
she believes the slgtyt Is -permanently in-
(t'red. She- alleges carelessnoss en the
iart of employes. 1 ' , . I
;l)udge WheelcV yesterday announced -inis
decision In the-' matter of the all
.mony to be allowed- Mrs. .Katheryn
Dennett Mllroy, who was given t
,u decree of divorce a week or
tfcioro ago. Mrs Jkjilrqy was given n
ifarm In Horton county. Kansas, com-.
prising 210 acres a'nd valued at $3,030.
sTho property, however. Is to ba used foi
;tVe exclusive benefit of their child.' The
Husband has to pay the costs of the suit
'!Pavld C. Hull. 13-year-old son of Mr.
ihd Mrs. W. H. Hull, died at 2 a. m,
this morning at the family residence,
10 South First street, of diphtheria He
is, survived by fivo sisters and four
brothers, besides his parents. They are
Mrs. OJive "Doenway In Colorado, Mary,
Ida, Myrtle and Alda at home and Frank
in Utah. William, Ralph and Jesse at
liome. The' funeral, which will bo pri
vate, will be held Friday morning at
10 o'clock at the residency, Rev. Edgat
P.rlce conducting tlie services. Burial
Mil ba t Falrview cemotery.
Tle Council Bluffs police .department
was yesterday advised by letter from
,tlie Chicago .department that the big
.oopper-colored negro who murdered Miss
ilda Leegson, tha Mason City art stu
.dent, may' b In this city. The Chicago
Police are now positive that the negro
Wfts under arrest at Den Moines on
.Tuesday and released through a serlqa
of' blunders.' The man fully filled the
fliscrlption of the "copper-colored negro
'with a slight limp," who pawnad the
Ttturdered woman's watch, Des Moluet
negroes are alleged to have laken a
great interest in the man after his ur
Test and('assls.ted In securing his releaie.
He was In company with another negro
and , both., bought tickets to Council
III . ainrrlacre Licenses.
fflftfurrlago licenses were yesterday issued
lq the following named .persons:
leKsmt and Address Am
Charles HH Caldwell, Omaha is
Mrs. Amelia Aoernamson, umalia...
J. Cook, Council Bluffs J9
;-B,rnlce Hammin, cnanuie, it an ,u
'fhrls Johnson. Omaha 43
Agnes -Reekes, Omaha , ...20
Faul J. llartsoueh, Lincoln, Neb 21
."Ethel P. Olson, Broken Bow,-Neb,,; 20
;Qplck--Help to Daessec nnd nben-
,;?The roan 'or--woman who wants quick
.help from backache and rhiumatlsm'' will
jtftid It In Foley Kidney Pills. They act
c quickly and with such good effect
that weak. Inactive kidneys that do not
lfgep tfio blood clean and free of the im
"purities that cause- these symptoms are
tsmd up and strengthened to healthy,
Vigorous action. ' Tou cannot take Foley
Kidney Pills Into your system without
having good results. Contain no habit
forming drugs. For sale iy all dealer
verywhere. Advertisement.
,1 1 :
irPeralstent Advertising Is tha Road to
tMg Returns, - -
This Will Soon Banish
All Objectionable Hairs
CModea of Todav)
, Reauty specIallaU haVe dlsooverad a
new and sdmplo mothod for ridding tha
akin of obnoxious hair or fuzz and In
variably but -one application la required
to obtain the. desired results. A caste Is
made "with po'wdcred dolatono and water
nn4 applied for 2 minutes to the hair
surface, then rubbed off andi the skin
wasUd, .and -dried. This treatment re
move's every trace of hair and leaves the
skin1 ilrm and smooth. Disappointment
Wlfa-averted, if you buy, tha.delotona
in-' an, origin jl'-packoge.r AdVarllsemont;
Chadwick Klump,
'I ned to log my feet
round with tno against
their will," said Chad,
"but theso Croietts make.
me feel like beating all
the speed records old
Seven League Boots ever'
made' '
Crossetts will make your
feet wlsti they could stnllo ,
too. Hero Is model 1. t
ft JO to tiM mrywktrt
Xrirli A. Crowctt, Inc., MaUrt
North Ablsgton, Uiu.
There's a special Crossett last
for peoplo with arch troubles.
Ask our agents about It
Council Bluffs
more powerful. Aldermen Harding and
Hube-r coincided with his views and Mayor
Moloney added tha weight of his Influ
ence, declaring that If ha had a vote It
would be cast for the standard car. Tha
equally strong argument was presented
that the Webb car had made a record
In Council Bluffs that waa not equalled
anywhere In tha United States. When a
vote waa reached Aldermen Beeba, Boyer,
Evans and Flood voted for tha Wabb,
giving them a majority of one.
It n A to Pave Street.
Tha request of W. A. Smith for a
renewal and extension of his lease for
tho site of tha city scales at tha Junction
of Pearl and South Main stteats was
rejected, and thus the sale of tha scales
nnd the nw brick building to Page. K.
Morrison was defeated. The decision
leaves Mr. Smith In a rather Unfortunate
position. He Is pretty nearly a helpless
cripple, having lost both legs tn a rail
road accident and the long hours and
hard work at tha scales has become too
great for his strength. The pretense for
turning down the request was that a
nuxnbar of citizens desired to have tha
property vacated and tha small flatlrbn
strip converted Into a park. Buoh an
action would causa Smith to lose, prac
tically alt he haa Invested, 13,000. It Is
said that tha park schema haa bean
.started by a fow people who have rival
business Interests In the vicinity.
Lease Not Allowed.
The agreement between tha city and
tha Union Paclflo Railroad company by
which tha city waives Its right to any
supervision over South Twenty-first
street, from Ninth avenue to the Trans
fer' depot, ' waa 'presented and .approyed.
Tha street is located at tho point men
tioned entirely upon Union Paclflo prop
erty nnd is-now belnjt.paved at tha cost
of. the company. The, agreement Estates
that If at anx, time In 'the future tha
Council Bluffs
Company finds It desirable to close tha
street and use the property for railroad
requirements that the company will con
struct and pava a new street leading
from some point on Ninth avenue to the
depot. t
The council spent several hours assess- ,
Ing paVemnt and sewer -work' completed
by 13. A. Wlckham. I
Council Bluffs
Woman Attaoked and
Saved by Father
Pursued by her father, F. W. Whitney,
armed with an ax, a man who seised
nnd attempted to assault Mrs. Bessie
Schmidt, escaped by out-tooting hla pur
suer. Tha near tragedy occurred about -10
o'clock Wednesday night, but was not I
reported to the police, or at least not
given out, until yesterday morning. Mrs.
Schmidt and her husband have been liv
ing In California slnco their marrlnge
hero a little moro than a year ago, and
have decided to return to Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Schmidt arrived several days ago,
In advance of her husband and Is living
nt the homa of her parents, S23 North
Seventh street. With her Infant in tho
baby buggy Mrs. Schmidt Wednesday
evening waa calling upon soma of her
friends In tha vicinity, nnd shortly be
fore 10 o'clock was returning.
When sha reached the corner of Mill
and Bavcnth streets and was three doors
away from the Whitney homo, a man
sprang1 from behind two trees and seized
her, Mr;.- Schmidt shrieked - and broke
away ' from ' him And rah toward' the
house. At that moment her mother
opened the front door and saw her daugh
ter running screaming, toward her with
the man following. Mrs. Whitney's cries
aroused her husband and ho cubic to tha
door but partly dressed. The assailant
of Mrs. Whitney stopped when ha saw
the front door open, and returning to
the baby buggy started running with It.
Whltnoy took In tho situation, and seis
ing the only weapon handy, nn ax, fol
lowed. Tho fellow abandoned tha baby
and escaped.
Mrs. Schmidt was suffering severely
yesterday from the nervous shock but
was otherwise unharmed,
Mr, Whitney Is a railroad machinist
nnd for many years has been employed
by tha Northwestern, but Is now con
nected with an automobile garnge on
(North Main street. The street is fairly
well lighted where tha attempted assault
took place and Mrs. Sohmldt was nble
to give a good description of her aa
sallant. He was short and thickset with
a two weeks' growth of beard and ap
peared to be a young man.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hammer have been
made tha victims of a cruel hoax that
has caused much annoyance and cost.
Mr. Hammer was called up on tha phone
at his residence by a person claiming to
ba In charge of tha business at one of
the local telegraph offlcea and wsa told
that a message had been received from
Chicago announcing tha dangerous ill
ness of fhelr daughter, Haxel. It pur
ported to come from the daughter's hus
band and urged that Mrs. Hammer atart
at nca for Chicago.
Mrs.' Hammer Is at Oordon, CotO(
where she has spent the summer on a
ranch, and It required several messages
to locate her. Tha purport of tha alleged
Chicago message was given her nnd the
took tha first trAln for th east. Aflef
communicating with his wife Mr. Ham
mer then wired to Chicago nnd received
a quick response, asking for an explana
tion, and stating that tha daughter wus
In the best of health.
Mxplanatory telegrams dUclosed the
hoax. Inquiry nt the telegraph offices
showed that no telegram had been re
ceived from Chicago and rio one nt tbo
telegraph offices hnd Phoned to Mr. Ham
mer. Mrs. Hammer's anxiety was not
relieved until she had reached western
Nebraska yesterday on her wav home.
STANTON, NehUOet. 10. Special Tele
Kfnm.) Floyd Ayrefi, whlln climbing an
apple tree hear" hen dlttocatm) his nedk
Inst night In a fall. The bonea Were put
back In Pine nnd the young tnan will
probably recover.
Persistent Advertising' la tne'Road to
Dig Returns.
Big Special Sale of
Next19 PIOND-AiT
Entire stock of S. Kraus of Waterloo,
Iowa, purchased by us at less than V its
actual value.
We have never before offered Bargains
in Wall Paper to compare with these
Omaha Agents Croaett Bhoej.
Commences 12 Noon Today
Grasp this Opportunity ta t
Buy a Lot in the Path of Omaha's Growth
This Company Will Finance and Build Ypu
a Home in Wearne Park
Tako a ."Benson" car and rido to 48th street and
Military avenue get off near big "Wearno Park"
Bign. 70 lota in "Wearne Park" are within 1 block
of the car lino and no lot iB more than 2 blocks from
tho car. ' -
"Wearne Park" is only. 23 minutes' ride from the
Omaha business district.
There are no city taxes to pay.
Building restrictions -will insure uniformity of homes
hero.theroby making this ono of tho most desirable,
homo building places in. Omaha,
Tho tract is in. the direct path of Omaha's growth,
thereby making lots- hero a first olaas investment
Improvements when finished "will consist of -storm,
sewer, perraanont siaewaiKB, gas ana waier.
Every lot a, good one. j
Prices $500 to $980 Per Lot
This Price Includes Permanent Sidewalk
i Easy Terms of ' Payment Monthly 4
i ,
Salesmen On Ground This Afternoon And All Day Tomorrow
rs Realty Investment Company
Telephone Doug. 8318
Ground Floor Bee Building
Cor. 17th and Farnam ISts.
Omaha. Neb.
This Company Offers a Great Opportunity
To hundreda of Omaha and Nebraska people of tnoderato means to give their money the same buying power and earning capacity as the large capitalist'
has behind his capital. - .
It requires large working capital to make large proflta In the development of city real estate because of the high cost of such development work.
Large capitalists have grown wealthy In this line of Tjuslnesa for generations past by buying clty.rpal state and Improving it, and many companies consist
Ing of thousands of small capitalists hava earned enormous dividends for their stockholders and have accumulated millions of dollara worth of nign graao
Income producing properties besides during the past few years. j ,u , ,
This company, with over J400JO0O of-assets. Is the strongest building and development company of Its kind In the Middle West and ofrera the greatest op
portunity: for money making by reason. of its -wide business scope of any company of Its class In Nebraska. '
We'll send full particulars concerning this company as an investment opportunity to any person who wants to enjoy the full earning power of his money.
Write us. today or call.
Rich Hair
Lotvg. thick, htxvy hilr. Want this kind?
AVer's, Hair Vigor promotes growth.
Does not color lac tmi.
Ask Yopr Doctor.
This Company Guarantees 7 and a Share of the Profit Besides We Have Never
Paid Less Than 8 Our Last Semi-Annual Dividend Was at the Annual Rate of,
&cot Price of Stock Now $1.15, Will Advance to $1.20 Per Share Oct. 20th, Buy Now, Save the Advance