THE BEE: OMAHA, SATIUDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1013. FUND FOR LINCOLN MEMORIAL Transcontinental Highway to Marked by Monument. Be SUBSCRIPTIONS ALREADY START TltiRlnrm Mm Jrtrrt In Commercial rinb to start nail noiiitiK Enthnslnam n( HlRh rileh. Acting Mayor Asks I YOM KIPPUR IS ON SATURDAY Firms to Close for Thirty-five certificates of (5 each were bought last nlht as a start In raising funds In Omaha for building- the Lincoln Memorial Transcontinental highway. The meeting was held In the Commercial i lab rooms, where A. It. Partington, vice president of the association, spoke to a gathering of about seventy-five business men. Many did not take certificates as Individuals, but raid the firms they rep resented would corns to the front In due tlm with subscriptions. Harry Lawrle was put In charge of the sale of cer tificates for Omaha and Douglas county. The money collected for these will bo left in the Omaha banks until such time as the association shall call fur It for use on the great highway. Loss from Mad Tax, D. lloeford was chairman of the meeting. He said there had been a loss of MO,00O,00O in what he called a "mud tax," or the useless expense occasioned by bad roads, He also said that all the money raised in Nebraska for the Ne braska section of the road would bo spent light here In Nebraska Vice Tresldent 1'ardlnitton went over a big map with the audience, explaining the reasons 'for choosing the route In rletall. He pointed out how the roods over the mountains were chosen at cer tain points because there was the leust snow to encounter. At other points he gave the reasons for the choice of the route, such ns passing through Gettys burg, Pa., on account of the historic In terest of the spot, and also because It trade a shorter route by some sixty five miles than the other routes consid ered. "I tell you these things," lie said, "be cause I want you to be posted, so you can answer questions, flomeone is going to get back at you when you begin to collect monsy, and they are going to say there was undue influence used In some places. Well, every Inch of the xoad was gone over In detail, and we purposely avoided some of the larger towns, because we 'did not want to en counter these troubles." Choice of lloute. Mr. Partington said the governor ot Ohio had told the association merely to state what It wanted In his state and they should have It. Mr. Partington said it hod been aptly remarked that Clod Almighty selected the 'Lincoln high way and the association had merely named it Resides the thirty-five certificates bought last night to start the local fund, a number of pledges were telephoned to Mr. Liawrie In the afternoon by men who said they would be unable to attend the meeting, but wanted to be Identified with the starting of the fund hero. jMr. Lawrlc himself said that hi certificate' would be framed. He said It was to become one of the heirlooms In his family, for future generations to look upon, when the great highway should have long been a fixed Institution. - , 1 . the Italian Parade Dan 11. llutlor, acting mayor, has is sued a proclamation calling upon the business, men of the city to olose their ptaces of business Monday afternoon when the Italians of the state wilt cele brate Columbus day. The proclamation follows: Whereas, The legislature of the state of Nebraska, has denominated the twelfth day of October as Columbus day and de clared It a legal holiday, and Whereas, A large number of Italian Americans, who are now residents and loyal cltliens of our beautiful city, have arranged to entertain the people of Omaha with a monster pnrade upon Mon day, October 1J, commencing at 2 p. m.. appropriately to celebrate the four hun dred and twenty-first anniversary of the dlscdvery ot America by their fellow countryman, Christopher Columbus, I would therefore request that the busi ness men of Omaha close their respective places of business on said Monday af ternoon, between ths hours of 2 and 4 p. in., so as to give their employes an opportunity to view the parade and thus show their appreciation of the efforts of our Italian fellow citizens In commemor ating this Important event, and I would further request that all employers of Italian labor allow their employes a halt holiday on October 1J, so that they may participate in the parade. CLASSES AT UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA ELECTS OFFICERS With the exception ot the' seniors atl the classes of, the University of Omaha have organised and chosen their clasi representatives. The sophomore class was the first to organize, electing Miss draco Huntley as president; illss Bertie Hoflff, vice president; Miss Delia Nel son, secretary, and Edwin Relit, treas. urer. For the Juniors Andy Dow was elected pretdent; Mlsi Mildred Foster, vice president ; Oldliojn Pauley, secretary. and Paul Selby, treasurer, Vor nr-h gcatits-at-arms, Charlus Frtindscn and Miss Dorothy Scott, For the freshmen class the following were elected: Stanley High, president! Miss Olga. Anderson, vice president; Mies Mae Carney, secretary; Itoy Orcflfntr, treasurer; sergeants-at-arms ttlmer Xlhoden and Mnrlpn Pearson. Representatives to the student council were elected ns follows; Kreshmen, Qeorga McClafferty; Juniors, Charles Frandsen and Miss Dorothy Hcott; soph omores, Flnley Fenklns and Mlis EffU Clcland. The olssi teachers ware chosen as fol low: .Miss Pansy Williams fop the freshmen. Miss Bel ma. Anderson tor the sophomores and Mils Kdna Sneeley toi the Juniors. The sophomore class will give a. Hal lowe'en party to the rest of the. school In a short time. The various classes plan meeting each week and give a short program. Holiest Bay of the Jewish Calendar Will Then Be Celebrated. SPECIAL SERVICES AT TEMPLE Will Jltnrt Thin Krrnlns; end Con Untie All Dar Tomorrow, wltli Appropriate Mnstn nnd Srrtnnns. n The Day of Atonement Is the holiest day In the Jewish calendar. This year falls on Saturday. Its nibllcat dcslc- atlon Is Yom ha-Klppurlm. later short- ned to Yom Klppur. According to Illbllcal trndltlon it Is one of the cycle f holidays Instituted by Moses; for we find it mentioned In Leviticus xxlll:M-3:! In the list of holidays. Its ceremonial Is described In Leviticus xvl. Its sacrifices Numbers xxlx:7-ll. However, tho Day of Atonement Is not dependent on the sacrificial service pre scribed In tho Iltble. Thus, after the de- tructlon of tho temple In the year 70. when sacrifices were abolished, the Dv f Atonement waa able to survive, and f all tho holidays of the Jewish calendar has most completely held Its own in the hearts and observance of the Jewish eople. Emphasis was laid upon confes- Ion, penitence, prayer and eooii deit. became the day of "afflicting one's soul" (Isaiah lvlll:3-5), which was In terpreted as meaning fasting from the eve of Atonement until tho following evening. As In the Biblical ceremonial confession- continues to be anMmportant feature of the service: Music A piano recital was given Thursday even Ing at the Young women s Christian asso ciation by Edith L,tWagoner, under the auspices ot the Butfrago Association ot Omaha, that wa a treat of it kind. The program consisted at a group from the. classics, opening with tho piano arrange ment by I.av'gnno or Bach's "My Heart, Ever Faithful, Blngs Praise" from the fifth cantata, a most Inspiring compost tlon. Daquln'a "Qoucou" was given with much taat and 'delicacy after this and the froup closed Vlth the charming Dtetboven Hondo, opus 61, No. 2, which evoked hearty applause. The second group was taken from the works of modern composers, Caprlccto, by Tleger was a. charming, brilliant num ber, and the Schutt "Prlntemps Oubllo," which followed, waa a lyrto of much melody. "Harp-Chords" by rlranl, was another unusual but none the less at tractive composition, succeeded by two 'Jnureatlng MacDowell sketches, from Ihe. "Fireside Tales." "Of Salamanders" and A Haunted House." The group closed with the Klrschner arrangement of the, waltzes from the opera "lSugen Onegtn" by Tschalkowskl, which, while perhaps not quite as brltttant as the Pabst arrangement, loses nothing ot th beauties of the melodious waltzes. The third group was unusual and wa made -up of several iharacterlstto national numbers. A delightful short dance, ii'Undtd upon a popular melody of Fin land, by Palmgren. came first and found much favor. Two Norweklan Volk songs, transcribed by Hasert. were much out of the ordinary. "Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveler" American negro melody, tran acrtbftd by Coleridge Taylor, waa full of repose and tender sentiment, and the plaintive melancholy of the real old negro melodies was evident throughout "Marche Fantastlgue." on two Omaha Indian themes, furnished a distinct con trast, and contains many ot the odd pro , grefsions which abound in Mr. Cad man's Indian, music. The last group gave Mrs. Wagoner con siderable use for - her ample technique. The Chopin Polonaise, optis 40, No. and the second movement of Schumann's Fantasle, opus 17, were the numbers lira. Wagoner plays maturely and with keen musical insight and her work at all times la so clear and finished that It is a pleasure to be present. The program was a model one In every respect. It was not too long, being through before 10 o'clock, the groups we're chosen con sistently, the many novelties were worth while and Best ot all there was jiot a hackneyed composition In the entire program. , . Mr Wagoner waa very generous with encorec giving three: "Tempo dl Mlnu etto," by Zsnella: "From the Land of he Sky lilue Water." Cad man, and a aost attractive, zephyr, "In the Woods," by Staub. Although the hall was only moderately filled ths audience was very appreciative and, lira. Wagoner waa the telplent ot many beautiful flowers. if. m, n. BELLEVUE IS CRIPPLED, NEVERTHELESS HOPEFUL The lost scrimmage, of the Bellevue quad, which Coach Throw will take to Kearney, vaa held Thursday evening. In spite ot the fact that many of tho men are almost incapacitated by Injuries, It Is almost certain to be a successful trip. Several new play were taken on and new system ot defense worked put Quarterback (Hookey, whose Injured knee bothered him considerably, has recovered and is bock with his usual form. Jones, the captain. Is .having trouble again with his knee, but will bo able to play Bat urtlay. This game Is the hardest in the Bellovue schedule, as the Kearneyltes showed their superiority to the Cr eight on team last Saturday. The schedule, which has Just been completed, has been an nounced by the athletic board. 'Taking Toll of Mantes. Each season ot the year takes Its toll of the 'babies, and to watch and cafe guard them from common colds and coughs Is a matter ot Importance to their parents. To keep Foley' Honey and Tar Compound in the houoo and use it promptly Is to save the little ones from the serious effects of these colds, to ward off croup, bronchial coughs, hoarse ness, -stuffy, wheezy breathing and vlo lent coughing spells. It is absolutely free ot opiates and may be given to the little ones with no fear of harmful re sults. Refuso substitutes. For sale by all dealers everywhere, Advertisement. fesslon brings forgiveness of sins be tween man and his Maker, sins between man and man are not forgiven until redress Is made for the Injury. The eve of Atonement Day, therefore, becomes the occasion for the cessation of feuds and III will. And the Day of Atonement Is known as the Sabbath of Sabbaths. The service of the Day of Atonement, beginning with Kol Nldre service on the eve of Atonement, Is a continuous one throughout the entire day. The prayers In the synagogue pre Intoned In plaintive penitential tones. The spirit of the mas terly sermon of 'salalt (Isaiah lvllM-9), which Is the prophetical portion of the morning's reading, Is manifested through out. Services will be held this evening at 3 o'clock, when Rabbi Frederick Colin will speak, taking ns his topic, "On the Heights." Miss Helen Kommtrs will play a violin solo, the traditional melody ot "Kol Nldre," and H. 8. Dlsbrow, baritone, will assist the choir. Tomorrow morning the service will begin at 9:30 o'clock and will continue all day. The morning topic by Itabbl Colin will be, "Spiritual Dcmoc lacy," and at 3:30 o'clock In the after noon, "With Our Dead." At Beth Hamrodth Hagodol, Nine teenth and Burt streets, services will be held from 6 o'clock this evening until 6 o'clock Saturday evening, with Babbl A. Monsky In charge. Tho topic of the snr mon will be, "The Day of Atonement." Rabbi Fleishman will be in charge of the services this evening for Congrega tion It'Nal Israel, at Eighteenth and Chi cago streets. Congregation B'Nal Jacob Antha Sho lorn at Twenty. fourtb and Indiana ave nue will also hold services nt the same time, tinder the direction of Rabbi Bosh, from Denver. Literary Critics Assigned to High School Societies The literary societies of the High school are becoming active since their reorgan ization and the following teachers have been assigned as critics and supervisors of societies. Demosthenlan NathHn Sernsteln, Mrs. Ada A. Atkinson, Isadora Rees. Webster Dr. H. A. Senter. E. E. Mc Millan, Mies Laura Bridge and Miss Eva O'Sulllvan. Athenian Miss B. Von Mansfelde, E. H. Orchard. Margaret Fuller Miss Eugenie Mackln, Miss Nelle Randall. Miss Sara Vor Taylor, Miss Franklsh. Hawthorne Miss Lvdla McCague. Miss Katherlnc Morse. Miss Dumont, Miss- Mary Herbert Prtscllla Alden Miss Sackett, Miss Rosenberg, Miss Newton. Latin Miss Bessie J. Snyder, Mies Ellen Rooney, Miss Susan A. Paxson, Miss Petersen. Frances Wlllard Miss Jessie McDonald, Miss Hultman. Miss Anna A. Adam's, Miss Nora Bridge. Elaine Miss Mary J. Sullivan, Miss Penelope Smith, Miss Janet Smith, Miss May Copeland. Browning Miss Zora Shields, Miss Hll Uard, Miss Tlmms. Miss Macintosh. Art Miss Hantlng, Miss Autumn Davles, Miss Fulton. Lowell Miss Daisy Bonnell, Miss Phelps, Miss Thomas, Miss Helen Bran dels. German Miss Landls, Miss Pearl Rock- follow J.Ime. Barbara Chatelaln, Mss .Margaret Bomers, Miss Jessie M. Towne. LInlnger Travel Miss Jo Von Mans felde, Miss Eunice Stebblns, Miss Ure. Dates for regular society meetings have been assigned as follows today; October SI, November 11, cembcr 6 and 19 and January lfi. The German, Latin and Art societies will, In addition, meet October 32, November 12 and 26, December 10 and January 11 December 19 has been fixed as the date for a social meeting ot the societies and December 12 as the date for the first union program, which will be held In the school auditorium. .Drnth on the Gntlnvra Is sharp, short agony. Tho lame back of kidney trouble Is dally misery Take Electric Bitters for quick relief. 60c. For sale by your druggist Advertisement. CREIGHT0N UNDERCLASSMEN PREPARING FOR BATTLE The annual battle between ths Junior and senior classes of the college depart ment of Crelghton university Is being talked of among the students and chal lenges are being flung back nnd forth between the members of the two classes. This battle Is regarded as ono of tho big events of the year by those who par ticipate. Persistent Advertising ts the Road to Big Returns. "Cascarets" If Constipated, Headachy, Stomach Sour or Bilious Dime a Box Turn tho rascals out the headache, biliousness, constipation, the sick, sour stomach and foul gases turn them out tonight with Caacarets. Don't put in another day of distress. Let Cascarets sweeten and regulate your stomach; rem ore the sour, undigested and fermenting food and that misery-making gas; take the excels" bile from your liver and carry off the decomposed waste mat ter and constipation poison from the bowels. Then you feel great. A Cascaret tonight will straighten you out by morning a 10-cent box from any drug store will keep your head clear, stomach sweet, liver and bowels regular and make you feel bully and cheerful for months. Don't forget the children. 4 xNjo lBW1 PRICE 10 ceHtsi AS CARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP. In Our Store for Mon We Feature Men 's Raincoats, Slipons. ana laoarames A complete showing of these serviceable CoaU that every man needs, All the new style fea tures that rrnike a stormy weather qoat clansy In appearance. Unusually well made and proof agalfTst rain and dust. Rubberized mate rials cut to properly shield IJ up to I r the neck special group at.. 9Q i O Society Brand Suits for Men There is an Atmosphere of metropolitan stylo nnd splendid tailoring about these famous clothes for men that you will seek for In vain. In less worthy apparel. The beet triors In the land design and oxecuto 'these garments. No gar ment r.iado to your measure can surpass a "Society Brand" article in style or in quality, no matter how much you pay. Society Brand Suits and Overcoats tfj-fl tj ipn to dor are featured hero at . . . J) 1 ,OU P3D Famous Hirsh- Wickwlre Clothes These Suits and Overcoats are regarded everywhere by men who are authorities on tailoring, as the best American made clothos for men. For years wo have been official selling agents In Omaha for the Hlrsh-Wlckwlre clothes, and hun dreds of tho best dressed mon In Omaha are outfitted each, season at this store. The new season's styles are unusually attractive. The patterns were JJ1 7 Cfs t0 (tQC never before so varied. Prices are J JL Ov ijOO We Feature the Best Men's Overcoats and Suits Ever Sold in Omaha at $15 AT reUNTAI NSi HOTCLVt OR KLSEWrlCRH Get lfe Original u Genuine HORLIGK'S MALTED MILK "MeUuJnuiatiml The Food Drink for All Ages UCU KltX, HUT CSJUN E2TKACT, til rOWDl Not in any Milk Trust f0T Insist on "HORLICK'S! Take packsfe bona Two Clean Papers FOR THE HOME The Youths Companion AND The Evening Bee INCLBDIMfi S8NDAY lit!, for 55 Cts. a Month PERSONS PARAGRAPHS. Jttdg Afungir Is reported tu be Improv ing fast and expects to bo able to be out soon. x T iP- Jtedmond of the Brandels stores t much Improved In health that h niptetL to raum his many duties the Utter jrt' i-f the week PAYABLE MONTHLY AT THE BEE OFFICE tll.HIJ DIM. J.IAsr.llTr Special Opening Feature Men's Shirts Through our New York buyer we secured an lmmenso lot of men's high-grade shirts, In all new fall styles .and patterns; plain negligee, laundered and soft French cuffs. Many are samples, and Men's tl and rail & llg Shirts New. patterns, at 7Sa Men's Glove Sale Always remember that this Is a complete modern store for men and boys. No matter what price you have decided to pay this season for your new clothes, bo assured that you will find supreme satisfaction here Saturday or any other-day you may elect to come. Samples from. 2 of h best ir!ovo makers in Amd 'a k Billi-llhed Cllovee, wooU l.nad irl unitned aiores t'.i Mgcext v-.ilun in Men's move v have .tver offered you Cape aiores, SCoon aiores, anuUt Hock aiorsa, Walts Kid aidrea, ana Oanstlst aiores. These gloree of superior grade are actually worth aa high as 1X.S0 a pair, Saturday at, a "pair 98c Special Sale Men 's Flannel Shirts About 640 flannel shirts for men; medium and winter weight, -plain gray, navy, brown, tan aid stripe patterns, values up to $2,50, An at yoc sacra OXXX SOSXBXT PUin colors hnd fancy silk stripe effect, raluta up to 50c a 9 1ft pair at. a palf.. I U KHITS jrxCKWXAX Large open end Ilea uewest shades, regulsr 75c and 11.00 values; IRn opening sale upeolal tOl SEE 1TB SXnTI Negligee and gol( styles. In us ntaUit patterns values reguinrly E Ur, , , I no at '. 000 A Sale of Boys' Suits $ Oesm THAT ARE ACTUALLY $5 to $6 VALUES, at & spsolal purchase of mora than 600 Bora' Suits enables ns to offer these Vlendld values as an opening special In oar new department In old store, cono uoor. avj- juuoiiiDosiir boiis in isit modsl or donbls-breasUd styles, ages O to 17 years more than half of them hare two pair pants strictly all-wool fabrics socis all-wool strrw, all-wool twesds, etc JnrenUe Bolts, are a to 7. Is Bosslan or blouse styles, all wool bins ssrges, casstmeres and tweeds, eto. Xegnlarly sell at $5 and $d special at &3 7 a ir Boys $10 to $12.50 LongPants Suits at $7. 75 These are all-wool blue sergo Suits, splendid wear ing casslmeres, tweeds and homespuns In graya and browns all .axes, IS to IS years every Suit is splen didly tailored and not one is worth lei than tl$ while a many In the lot ir easily worth as high aa tll.CS, at $7.75 Boys Chinchilla Overcoats These warm, practical overcoats for your boy are made of excellent wool chinchilla, In light or dark gray or blue, aces 2 to 9 rears, and made In the most attractive model for little chaps; a regular S6 value, special at $3 B5 Boys 'Furnishing Goods os ami sxcoitd tloob ox.s btosz Special values offered here for the opening Wool Knickerbocker Pant All linen Boys' "Wool Knickerbocker Pants All "TRn linen lined S1.2S value at. Dalr vv Boys' 7 Bo riannel Wight Gowns, ages 4 to 18. at Boys' 76o Flannel Sleepers, AQ n ages 2 to 8, at U Boya BOo Madras and Percale Blonses at 8o 49o To Omaha's Armv of Well Dressed Men We Announce This Event of Superior Marchmndise and Superior Values Opening Sale In Our Newly Enlarged, Redecorated and Vastly Improved Store for Men and Boys at the Northwest Corner of Sixteenth and Dmuglas Streets To properly signnlizo tho completion of our new store front and the extensive alterations and inner Unpr,ovem6nt8 in our Men's store, we have prepared a display and sale of the 'most desirable merchan dise that is made for men's and boys' wear. Both in the. high character of tho merchandise shown and in ,tho superior values presented, this event Saturday will surely be one of the deepest personal interest to each man who regards his personal appoaranco as a matter worthy of serious consideration. Men's Overcoats and Suits From the Shops of the Foremost Wholesale -Tailors in America are Here, Ready for the Inspection of Men Who Know Style and Appreciate Genuine Worth Stetson Hats for Men Brandels Stores are Omaha agents for the celebrated John . Stetson Soft and Stiff Hats in all the very latest ran myies. luiown everywhere as the stan dard of excellence in men's headwear. The price here is $3.50 Men's $2 Hafk at . JnJ These lints were bought from a. New York com mission liouso at less than one-half their value. Stlfr Hats with bows In back or side. Chinchilla Hats, Kng llsh Cloth Hats and Felt Hats. They were made to sell for $2 and 12.50 each. Your choice Saturday, as long as they last for, each, 95c Men' ft. 25 Cap 6Se Samples of ' Men's and Young Men's Fall and Win ter Caps, silk-llned with fur, inside bands or leather sweat band"! 1.2S CC. values, at WOU Men's Oenulne Imported Austrian Veloor Bats In blue. brown, gray, green and black, at. S3 JO, t4 and S3 Brandels Special Somsstlo Telonr Sats at txoo Brandels Special Soft and Stiff Hats, late styles, at 9a Boys' 81.50 Hats, special Saturday for.. 9So Boys' and Children's $1 Bah-Bah Bats, special at,. EOo Boys' 35c and 45c Pall and Winter Caps, lined hands, a&o Odds and Snds of Boys' 60o Pall Hats at ,,...25o Men's Sample Underwear Big purchase of samples of Wright's Health Under wear, made of fine combed Egyptian yarns light weight wool, also all-wool in heavy weights a big opening special bargain aj i r worth 2.S0. at VlilO Ken's Camsls' Hair sod Hatoral Wool Under- Oft. shirts and Drawers, worth np to 81.29 UJQ lean's Wool and Silk and Wool Uadsrwear SI an shirts and1 drawers, worth to 83.50, garment I iJJ m