THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER U, 1913. 4 Oia 5N Tho mere nnnonncorncnt of this Great Annual Brent is of lUelf, wo bclteres sof- quick Interest, but the per usal of the price herein listed and an examination of the splendid quality1 of tho offerings will still fur ther add to' the popularity of this sale. Every day new offerings fully.' as attractive will bo added. Hand Bags A new lino, ot ,Hno all leather, leather lined Hand Bags with safety catch,; regular $3.00 value! in Saturday's Bain at 98 d Four other ' special lota of new Hand Bags at 49f , Sl.2. 11.40 nd st.98 Manufacturers' Sample Lines of Men's Furnish ings at a Price Saying of Almost Half Outing Flannel Pyjamas, values up to $1.50, in 2Qr all si2os on solo at vt Sample flannel Shirts with military collars, moBt . of them ooat-tylej tjomo in blues, 'grayB, tuns and brown's j regular valuoB to $3.00, at, ,$1.45 and 98c BanipIo-XJatlwRobes Elg assort ment of fine blanket bath robes, mado to sell up to $12.00 at $2.45, 93.08, $8.08 up to $7.50 Sample Sweater Coats Good colors, newest styles, big assortment of values up to $7.00 j on sale at 98c, $1.45, $198, $2.50, $2.98, $3.50 Fiao Dress Shirts, $2-and $2.50 values, In all. most wanted now styles and colorings, in two lots,' Saturday, choice. .$1.48 and 08c Five Rousing Winter Underwear Specials. $1.80 and $2.00 Union Suits, all sizes and styles, at. . .$1.48, 08c Heavy Wool Union Suits, made to sell to $3.00, all sizes. .$1.08 Sterling and Globe Union Suits, all styes, regular arid extra Bises; splendid .values, ( . $8.08, 51.00, $2.0B and $2.GO Heavy and laced or Jersey ribbed Shirts' or" Drawers", nil sizes, In ' this October sale at 85o FINE'WOOli UNDEEWEAR, Bhirts or drawers, $1.50 and $2.00 values $1.25 and 98c hSpecial Sale of Men's Suits A fortunate purchase of 345, High Class Fall Suits enables us to offer you in Saturday's sale Mens Suits forth $18.00 iniJiiitt'ls worth $20.00-. ; .'MettV Stif worth $22.50 tonSuits worth $25.00' $15 Values you'd find it impossible , to surpass even in tho cIobo ot tho season clearance. All are high class, splendidly tailored gar ments; snappy new styles in most deslrablo colors and fabrics. B sa" n'tTfcft ir f wort o -a-rBi If You Want to Save 25 on Your Fall Clothing BilL : Now's the Time. While you're in let us 'show you the best line of Over coat styles and values we believe was ever offered in Omaha. Save you seen your wife in a man's overcoat. Bo sol You'll like it. So will she they're stylish and solidly comfortable. If .Shoes on Special Sale Saturday Shoes for the entire family, from the big eastern pur- - chase, at a BIG SAVING to you." Men's Shoes. all styles, all leathers, values up to $5 a pair on sale. Saturday in three big lots: $3.50 ,$5 and $1.98 Women's Shoes in the different styles that are now being worn, In all leathers, values up to $5.00 a pair $3.5d, $3.00, $2.50 and S1.08 In the $3.00 lot you will find tho famous "Baby Doll" shoe that Is having such a largo sale. Ask to see these splendid values. "Women's or Men's warm lined Slippers, felt or leather soles, all sizes 50d and 396 Jockey Boots for children, with black or brown tops, patent cuffs, vaue $1.60, Saturday ; .gl.OO Child's 5 to' 8" Dongola Button, wprth and sold vfor a dollar Saturday ....... t . ; : ; -756 Stetson and Croaett Shoes for Men; Grover or Quoen Quality Shoes for Women. Special Sale and Demonstration Satur day and all Next Week of the NEW WRIGHT GAS IRON Barter tals special sal this $3.10 Oas Iron, the very best oaa nada, will t sold at. . , , Ua Wa art Omasa agents for tha won- atrial, Howard Ketr. Twice ta beat with half tfcs foal. W can show J on. Howard Heaters up from. ...f 13,00 Oak Heaters up from .S-1J5 Base Burner up from ...835.00 Perfection Oil Heaters ,...tXS0 Steal Sanges, Caet Bange and Cook Bto-rea wow on aala at low prioes. Be to baantifal Blaok Hick! frlnlsb fBenown" Hang-as, Thar reo.olr no stova blacking' anywhere. Cast Iron Ranges up from. ., .!. Steel Ranges up from.4 t,,$25J3t Cook Stoves up. from 910.SC A few mora seasonable hardwari bargains. 2to Store Polishing Brushes 19c 10c pkg. Stove Blacking, all make at J6o pkg. Btove Pip Knwnel, pruali free ,.,l Warranted Buck Saw,,... 49 Warranted Axea ,V e No. low frame Waffle Irura.,.M No. 8 hleh frame Waffle Iron 79o Caat iron Pancake Orlddlea. elte S 8 Cast iron Vry Pans, size i , 33c Big Special Purchase of Ladies' and Misses' Dresses and Tailored Suits on sale Saturday at aston ishing bargain prices. A line of values which we are delighted to show as they provide tho women of Omaha timely economies in dress without tho least sacrifice in style or quality and wo know we'll win many new friends for our busy Suit Dept. SEVERAL HUNDRED UEAUTIFUJj DRESSES. Regular $18 to $35 values, in 311k CharmeUse, Eolionnes, Chiffons, Nets and Shadow. Laces; designs suitable for any occasion. On sale, choice, $9.90 200 HANDSOME NEW TAILORED SUITS. Nearly all samples. Como in tlodfords, Ropo Hntlnes, fancy Cheviots, Diagonals, etc. Val ues up to $35,00. On salo Saturday $19.50 So varied are the styles that Individual description is an impossibility. You must boo these wonderful values to begin to appreciate their extraordinary bargain worth. NEW SPORT COATS. k ependld assortment ot nob by styles; special 812.75 NEW PURS. Tho most complete assort ment and pleasing value we have over shown. A DELIGHTFUL SHOWING OF WINTER COATS. Values and assortments you'll find it Impossible to duplicate elsewhere in Omaha at or near the-oxtromoly low prices tor Saturday $10.00 $14.00 $19.50 and $25.00 J Sashes and Girdles Sashes and Girdles are very popu lar this season and we're showing a line that could not well bo mora completo; choice valueB Saturday at from 49c, 98c. $1.50 to S5.00 35c Ribbons, 15c An elegant now lino of wide fancy PritiUHl "Wnrp Ribbons, "big as sortment of patterns and colors for selection; 2Go and 36c values; In Saturday's sale at, yard t . . . 15c Interesting Saturday Specials 20c Tooth Brushes .10c $1,00 Hair Brushes; 40a $1.00 Laco Caps 40c 50a fancy Veilings 2Ho $1.50 Auto Veils Nl)c $2.00 Hair Switches 08o $3.00 Hair Switches $1.40 75a Suodo Belts 40c AN IMPORTANT PURCHASE OF HIGH CLASS RUGS Entire surplus of one of New York's best known mills, bought for cash: at an onoroioNjs big discount, Goes on Sale Here Saturday and Monday at Prices Much Below Actual Worth. AJl Rugs Offered in This Sale Guaranteed jPer-': feet- $ t your choice Of a fine lor of " 3eamless Wilton Rugs, 9x12 size, splendid now patterns and col No seconds or mis matched Rugs in entire stock. , ' 15-75 .' . for "your choice of a splendid line of 9x12 high gilo AxminstTer Ruga; big line of beautiful pat terns for selection. 9x12 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Ruga Ex tra heavy quality, a fine lineof patterns for selection .' ... .' 9.75 8.3x10.6 Seamless Tapestry Brussels Rugs -Extra heavy quality, big variety of patterno for selection .$8.98 27x54 Velvet Rugs Extra heavy; f ino new patterns- and colorings; choice 9Bc 36x72 Axminster Rugs High pile; choice lino of patterns; on sale Saturday $2.98 Wool Fiber Rugs 6x9 size; all colors in this sulo. your choice $3.98 Comparison is the true test of worth. "We welcome the most careful and critical comparison of these values wij;h-any shown in any store in tho land at tho prices no one who has rugs to buy can afford to neglect, this splendid saving opportunity. On sale two days Saturday and Monday. MANY OTHER SPECIALS SHOWN. Plenty of Bugs for all-plenty of salespeople. , J OF QUALITY Hosiery At Most Pleasing Pricings your every hosiery wish can be certainly . gratified from the splendid showing here now. Wayne Silk IftW, both regular and out sizes, In all. colors; special values 91.B0, $1.25, 08o Wayne Knit Hosiery, admittedly the best black and colors, with fancy, tops, nt, pair, 85o 25c quality Llslo nose, plain qr ribbed tope, black, white or' tan, at, pair 12 Mc Children's - 50c , Wool Leggins, heavy knit garments, while they last at, pair .25c Children's Hose to 26c values on sale 15c and 12 He Pony Hoso flip Rest.. Ladies' Kid GLOVES At each price we offer you tho best qualities, the best styles that our money can buy. We know you can buy no better. Monarch and Derby French Kid Gloves, the best over,, at $1.50 aml $2 00 12x10 Button Lambskin Gloves up to $3.60 values, white only, on sale At $1.98 nnd $2 50 $1.00 quality Lambskin KQ Gloves; special Saturday... OaC $1 Silk Ruffs, 25c We're closing out Saturday a big lot of black chiffon Neck Ruffs that were made to sell at $1.00; all at one price, choice 25c $298 350 Nemo , Corsets New goods that are slightly Boiled. Extraordinary values in Saturday's sales. ' Cornet worth to $4.00 Odd lots and broken lines of high grudo standard makes, big assortment for selection, at, djl JiT choice ipl.O W, B. Loco Front Corsets good length, medium bust; no while thoy last aOC Women's Shirts, values up to $2,60, .all' colors and. sizes; big assortment QQ. Saturday JOC Sweater Conta Underprlced Chll dreu's Sweaters, made to sell to $2.60; (J1 r- Bpeclal P X .TJ Ladle' Sweaters, made to sell to at3"00' $1.98 New Neckwear A splendid lino of now Nockwoar ndvelttcB, including fancy Modlcl Huffs, Plealngs, Coat Sets, Lace Collars, Chemisettes, etc.; very special value at bur neckwoar countor Saturday, lOcS 25. 40d "i OSd The Greatest Meat Market in Omaha for the People Fresh dressed, beat quality 1913 spring Chickens, nothing finer 1 o per pound IOC The best quality No. 1 lamb hind quarters, pound 12i The best quality No. 1 lamb fore quarters, pound 0'4 The best quality pork shoulders, Pound 13d The best quality pork butts, lb... 15 The best quality picnic hams, lb. 13 4 The best quality No. 1 skinned hams, pound , . .18 2,000 pounds good lean breakfast bacon, special, pound 15 1913 Milchner Herring, keg ,05 1913 Milchner Herring, 3 for 10 The best Sealsbipt Oysters, quart. 45 21 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar for 5L00 48 -lb. Sacks Best High Grade Diamond H Flour, $l.iO 10 bars Deat-'Era-AH or Diamond C Soap, fqr ..03o 10 Jbs. best whlta or yullow Corn- meal, for , . , , ISo lb, beit bulk laundry Htarcli, aSo Tht beat hand picked Navy Beans, per lb Bo Uallon cam aolden Table Hyrup. 40o le-oz. cans J'et. Carnation, Colum ,b!i. or livery Pay milk, fur . .. ,8jo Tall cans Alaska Balmon., for,...10o 1-lb. cano amtorted Houpa. fyr . .7H Advo Jell, Jellyoon or Jull-O, per Pkff. 7Ho Grape Nuti, per pkjr, 10o 12. C. Com Flakes, per pk& ...... So Jsarge bottles Worcestershire fciuce, Pure Tomato Catsup, Jcklei, as sorted kinds, or Mustard, per bottlo BVio The beat Domestic Macaroni, Vermi celli or Spaghetti, per pke. . ...OVa S-lb. 3k. Diamond U lelf-rlslng Pan. cake Flour, for BVjo tmh buztjsh, gkbiisb axto BwrBmnrv iuuikzt of omjlka The best Carton Creamery liutter, per lb. . , . , , , ,. . . .35o The. best bulk Creamery nutter, per lb. 330 The best Country Creamory Butter, par lb, 3to The best No. 1 Dairy nutter, lb.. Oaa Neufchatel Cheese, each 3a Full Cream Wisconsin Cream Cheese, par lb Iso 2 lb Good Butterlne ...Sao Good Table Hutterlne SSo Fancy Table Butterlne, equal to creamery butter, lb .....SSo Souvenirs free with every pound of butterlne. XHS AVO TKUIT MAB3CET Or OUAUA rOB run Fnonn lied Itlver ISarty Ohio Potatoes, best quality, 16 lbs. to the peck . ...tso Fancy Holland Seed Cabbage, lb. 7tto Fresh Iteeta, Carrots, Parsnips or Tumlps, lb. tUo Red or Yellow Onions, lb, .auo t heads frash Leaf Lettuce Bo 4 bunches fresh Radishes Bo Fancy Cape Cod Cranberrla, per quart 7Vi 2 large Soup Bunches for Bo IT Try HAYDEN'S First IT PAYS A ton day's salo ovont of unusual eco nomical interest to every buyer in Omaha and vicinity. A sale which helps reduce tho high cost of living with out the least sacrifice of quality in your purchase J No Matter What Vnnr Chfrt W ifTom uie8o uctooor ssaio unaorweai and Furnishing Goods Specials you aro certain of quality much moro than commensurato with-tho salo pricings Ladies Union Suits All wool aud silU and wool, greatly undorpriced in this salo at. . . $2.98, $1.08 aud $1.45 $1.60 Union Suits Fine cotton or fleecod, white or gray, in all sizes and styles 98c Heavy Fleeced Union Suits White or cream; choico bargain at 69c, 49c and 39c Children's Union Suits $1,00 quality in all sizes for boyB and girls , . .49c Children's Underwear VeBts or pants in sizes up to 16 years, medium or heavy, at 25c Outing Flannel Gowns or Taja mas, values to $2.00, on Sale at 08c and $1.50 Other gowns at 76c and 40a 91.00 and 91. 50 Knit Shimls of Shetland floss, white nnd colors, all new, perfect goods, at 40c and 25c Ladles' Short Sklrtn, rtiado of good quality outing flannel, epo- clal 40c Ladles' Knit Skirts, white nnd colors, to $3,00 values, on sale . . ,D8c to 91.08 811k Bloomers, values to $3,50; Knyser make. . ; $2,50 Saturday is Children's Day In the Busy Cloak Department. Offering iuyors tho greatest monoy sav ing values of tho year in children's fall and winter weight coats and dresses. ji 1.000 Children's Coats &t Prioes Aotuallv I II t . IaWs thsLn Cost 'to Mike; $10.00 an4i $12.00 Saturday $6.95 Sizes 6 to liVbara; in all tho nobbiest now styles in, Astrakhan, Chinchillas, Plushes; Fancies, etc All colors; match less bargains, at, choico $6.95 $7.50' and $9.00 Coats, $4.95 All most .wanted colors and big assortment of Btylos, you'll find cannot bo duplicated for lees than $7.50, at $4.95 Children's Wool Dresses Regular values to $5.00; in pretty serges, plaids, chocks and plain colors; fine as$ortment of. stylos; all sizes . ,v .$2.95 Children's Wooi Dresses Regular 90,00 and $0.00 coata at 92.05 values to $3.60; pretty fall sfrlas BkeB 0 to 14 years, ln Irish friozo in n,nniM w.vo J. and rancy noveltlos; all new fall In wanted weaves and (f CA And winter styles; well worth $5 colorings, choice P A .UJ Q Other' choico values in Children's Drosses shown Saturday at) $4.95 $6.95 $7.95 to $15.00 First Gas Burner Sale of the Season Big Inverted Oaa Burner, complete, ready to put up, bla value 33o lOo Inverted and Uprlfht MantveH. i tor itto lCo Inverted and Uprlfht Mantlui. 3 for , 85o tic Inverted and UprJcht MhuI-'h, each , 19o Inverted Oas Globes, z for lOo Upright Qas Chimneys, 8 for too Stationary Department Specials Saturday 1,000 Boxes of Writing Paper, fine ugl ily paper, all clean, but boxes hliKh'.lv soiled) to TEq values wll be I g closed Saturday, choice for., " " Bo bottles Xnk for .10 J pint bottles Ink, regular 25c vuluu, Saturday ICo 1 quart bottle Ink, regular 90c quality, Saturday CSo NewFall Hats Including a broad assortment of the popular blttes, grays and browns, with- velour or ribbon bands, at S2.00 and $2.50 . But worth more. JOHN n. STETSON Hats, In full lino of tho ne,w fall shnpos shown here, at S3.50 Up MEN'S SAMPLE HATS Fifty dozen of them; new, snappy styles, mado to sell to $3.00, at S1.45 and 95ei Boys' and Children's Hat Salesmen's sumples, values up to $1.00 30, Letthe Boys run in These Suits They're built to withstand tho hard knocks Incident to tho life of a real live wire American boy, A SPECIAL CASH PURCHASE of 42 S Fancy Norfolk and Double Breasted Suits, made to sell at $5.00 and $6,00, the greatest lot of bar gains uhown In many months, at our sale price Satur- jg Bring the boy Saturday, fit him out ln one or more of the very best suit values you ever saw offered. While here, settle that OTercoat question, too. Completeness of our showing will be a surprise to moet visitors, (