Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Methods of Americans in Boosting;
Financial Aviation.
Donir nnd Ilrrnil, ntntnond nntl
Aulas, Tobacco nnd Soft
Drink Milken lh Cain
nail On.
If ever cxtruva Ranee ha been thk na
tional In of the United States, It l to
day And American waete Is Ita twin
Mr. Mlda-up-to-date makef merry M
the mere thought of It and latter-dy
l.ucullut lauclii".
Are people nowaday, they nslc you,
any more extravaKant tlian the nnolent
tabarltes of the daya of the Caewirs and
Nero? How about ttio money-reeklesa
profllcate of thfc wanton court of the
later Louie, who dusted their love ml
lve with powdered pcala to dry the Ink
from them? How about tin, other men
and other women of other tlmae? They
want to knowt
Very well, herr are some of the untax
ing flgurn. Not flsmcnta. these, of tho
overheated brain of the zealot; not gen
eralities that glitter and fade without
no much a a'flsure to bolster them up.
Noj here are the cold, calm, dispassion
ate rows of digits culled from the appar
ently dry-as-dust government report! Is
sued at th-rnd of the flucal year, July 1,
which tell their story without the lilt of
an accent or the drop of a tear.
Automobiles, cost us more than house
hold furniture every ytar. We pay our
cheauffeurs and garage mechanics -mot
than we do our public school eachers.
Our bills for diamonds during tho last,
decade hu been Juat about enough to;
buy and build the l'a'nama canal the'
most stupendous engineering work of all
ages. Wflpend rnoro for beer than for,
bread, Mere bartenders arc needed toi
terve drinks to American rnen than
workers on their clothing and shoes! We
pay more for Intoxicants than we do for
meat -the biggest single Item of all our
tost expenditures.
Nor Is this more than merely scratch
ins the surface. Our wantonness of
waste la right here to tee in the telltale
columns of figures.
Some SonalnB.
Ilegln with any Item beer, for Instance,
All right. For the twelve months Just
past the American man and woman has
consumde H.MO.COO barrels of beer, more
than $1,000,000 barrels' than ever before,
breaking all records. There are about COO
glasses of beer in a barrel. It costs flva
cents a glass, let us assume. Very well,
then the 32,000,000,000 glasses of beer we.
h&vo poured down our tStrsty throats In
tho past twelve months have cost us
11,812,(00,000! This would have paid the
national debt and left us nearly $600,000
on the right side of the ledger!
Whisky?" almost as bad. We drank
lli.300,000 gallons of spirits In the twelve
months, according to revenue statistics.
At ten cents a drink our liquor bill fig
ures JttO.MO.OOO for the year. And the
value of all the bread made In the bak
eries of the country was but $334,8(2,0001
Twice as much for whisky as for bread
and four times as milch for beert)
There Is today on storage In the United
States 8B.7K.C70 gallons of whisky, un
Increase pt nearly, to per cent In ten
years. There Is more 'whisky now utored
In Kentucky than thertf was In the w hoUv
CQuniry n utcaaq asp,
And tobaeboVv
Its value .last year wh(n turned Into
cigars, cigarettes, plugs and snuff was
$110,000,000. ' Tha", .of course, Is, perhaps,
half what It eventually coats the smoker.
Ililt on this basts aloho the value of our
tobacco manufactures "Is more than the
product of our car tfhops, $405,001,000; or
women's clothing, $2S4,7U,000; or sugar,, or butter, cheio and milk,
Jttl.KI.OCO. Us nearest competitor.
It costs us more to light our cigars and
cigarettes than It does to light our kero
0De lamps and our gas jets, for the lat
ter Items aro value at JS,MS,C00 and $160,
Just 7,707,000,000 cigars smoked in twelve
months and more than 14,000,000,000 cig
arettes! In three years the consumption
of cigarette alone has doubled.
we-tiofSEGeAboqSuBcmfwyp shrdlu d)u u
JTqr our cigars ive have paid $3SS,SSO,0Oi)
sjjd for our cigarettes $70,000,000. Soma,
217,000.000 moro cigars were smoked in
the latt year than for the year previous,
and nearly 4,008,000,000 cigarettes more.
Other forms of tobacco foot up to 403,
000,000 pounds and SXJOO.OOO pounds of
snuff. All. of this paid a tax to Uncta
Sam of more than $300,000,000, every
penny of which might have been saved
if We didn't smoVe oV'chew.' And It vcas
the. smoker and chewer who paid the tax.
not the grower of- the weed -or the manu
facturer of the cigars and cigarettes,
plugs and snuff. Our national debt is
$1,027,090,000. If we swore off tobacco fdr
one) year we'd have enough to pay HI
Today there ar 860,000 automobiles In
the United states, not counting commer
cial trucks. Last year we bought t5,
W0.OM worth of r.ew cars here and about
$1,000,000 from abroad. During the same
period we paid all the public school
teachers of the United States $23,915,170,
which is Jess than the 100,000 ohauffeurs
nd mechanics receive In wages.
And the furniture bill for - our homes
was but $S9,8S7,00O-homethlng like $10,.
(00,000 leij!
Home Contrasts.
The United States supports S21.4S3
chUrchrs. Likewise. 400,000 saloons, more
than all our churches, hospitals, colleges
and high schools combined 1
Our bumper corn crop of last harvest
was worth $!,&06, the most stu
pendous of all our items of revenue. An l
we spent It all for beer And for each
one of several of the peart necklaces we
bought abroad we had to send a cargo
of 'cotton to pay for itl
Drawing tho long bow? Nonsense!
Tho story is told that one gentleman
gate his wife a necklace that coat
UW.OOO. That's worth more than a
argo of cotton. And the- $760,0to dia
mond necklace stolen In Paris the other
cay was to have been shown to an
n)crcan. Three ships could not hav
carried the rotton to pay for the bauble
which you could hold In the hollow of
your hand
:f.ts at Luncheon today.
Jn ten years we have sent $300,000,000
abroad for our diamonds. This year we
have added Jtr.t.OOO more and $10,000,009
for pesrU. This wduH pay the lntere.t
on too national debt for two yers and
then leave enough, to buy a first-class
battleship or a couple of cruisers,
Hearlnir l'rices. .
Our American demaiid"for pearls Is
greater than the supply today and prices
are Krtrtng. There are more Jewels In
the city of New York alone than In any
other city of the world. A conservative
estimate put the total worth of them at
JVW Ufl IWi fill, mnr.. It..- . .1..
value of the buildings of all the unlver j
title, colleges' and technical schools In 1
diamonds In New Tork City alone than
In the buildings for higher education for
all the United States, which are worth
Only a tithe of our luxuries, classed by
the government as "articles of voluntary
use," come from abroad. Yet our bill
for the last- year has been more than
$kV.000,000, with Increases all along the
line. Desldrs the diamonds and pearls,
we bought $44,000,000 worth of laces from
abroad, about double wjjat we bought ten
years ago. Art works from Kurope have
ret us back some $00,000,000, a new high
Our soda water costs $320,000,000 a year,
as much as our leather Our candy bill
la $I34,00O,OOO-$lO.OCO,0Q more than our bill
for paint and varnish. One ostrich feather
worth $3 a year ago now costs $76. Some
foreign perfumer- brings $20 for a twelve
ounce bottle.
Where will It all cnd7 -New York
Why Senfnrlnir Men tin Things thnt
Serin Konllnli to Land
In libers.
Why does a seafaring man captain,
cook or cabin, boy consider It unlucky
to ship with a man who neglected to pay
his laundry bill?
Why does a sailor rearing port after s
lengthy voyage gather up old clothes
and shoes unfit for further use and cere
monlously commit them to the deep?
Why does he like to sail on a ship
which displays a shark's tall (Irmly
nailed to the bowsprit or Jlbboom7
Why does he like cots7
Why does he placo great faith In the
merits of a pig as a weather prophet?
The simplest answer to these questions
is because the average sailor is supersti
tious, lie may not be quite as supersti
tious, perhaps, ns the old-timer who
went long voyages In sailing vessels, but
even the advent of the four-day trans
Atlantic liner skyscraplng steamships
and floating hotels which travel from
port to port on schedule time In defiance
of storms, doldrums and other unfavor
( able weather conditions has not quite
, deprived the sailor of his reputation for
j supcrstlllousness. Some day he may be
I come as matter of fact as an under
ground railway guard, but there still lin
gers round him enough of the romance
I and mystery of tho sea to make .an In
I terestlng study of lilm and his odd be.
During very rough weather at sea It
would be hard to convince any old-time
sailor that there wasn't a Jonah aboard.
Many captains of the old school, who
ought to know better, are so supersti
tious In this respect that it In not uncom
mon for them to take Intense dislike to
officers who have happened apparently
to be tho harbingers of bad weather, and
especially fog. It Is quite usual on board
ship to find member of the crew nick
named "Foggy Jones," "Heavy Weather
IJIII" or "Equally Jack."
Cats on board ship are considered
lucky, and many- Oj stray one finds n
comfortable home and careful attention
with Jack for Its friend, although, on
the other hand, our domestic friend has
at times been hold responsible for the
continuance of very bad weather and
had to play the part of Jonah to the full
Perhaps the most anuialng superstition
of the sailor is In considering it a crime
for any member of the crew td leave port
with his . washing bill unpaid, as this
neglect Is generally, believed to be the
cause of bad weather being encountered
Just after leaving port.
One of the most curious superstitions
Is that dealing with the capture of a
shark. The natural dread and antipathy
with which these monsters of tho deep
are viewed causes a capture to be hailed
with much rejoicing. All hands, from
tho captain tovtlie cabin boy, take a
keen Interest In the operations, and hav
ing successfully landed the shark on
deck n proceeding that causes no lttne
excitement It Is killed and Its tail cut
off. This trophy Is then nailed cither on'
the end of the bowsprit or the Jlbboom
and Is considered a valuable charm, ca
pable of having the power to bring the
ship fair winds and" finest of weather It
is not uncommon to see sailing ships
lying In port with this peculiar sign of
the sailor's superstltlpn, but the cuitom
Is fast dying out with the advent of the
steamship, where the capture of a shark
at sea Is a very rare occurrence.
Another remarkable and wlcrd belief is
that connected with the albatross. These
huge birds, measuring fourteen to eigh
teen feet from tip to tip of their wings,
ore only to be seen In the stormy regions
of the Capes of flood Hope and Horn
And the surrounding latitudes. They fol.
low ships for weeks at a time. The pe
culiar -belief of old sailors credit these
birds with possessing the souls of ancient
mariners, who, for their misdeeds, have
been doomed' to scour these stormy
regions for eternity.
During calms these birds are easily
captured by a contrivance of the sailors'
own invention, which, being baited, at.
taches Itself to the hooked bill on the
albatross attempting to secure the bait,
and the bird Is then hauled on board.
Few captains of ships will allow these
birds to be killed by the crew, on ac
count of the belief that the killing would
be certain to bring disastrous results.
The killing of a pig at nea Is always
an occasion of much Importance, not
only for the reason that fresh meat la
to be enjoyed a great luxury on a sailing
ship after perhaps months of salt pro
visionsbut also because what Is termed
a "pig breeze" or favorable wind may
be Jooked-upon as a certainty. Pigs when
kept on sailing ships are often let out
of their pens, nnd their movements, which
are believed to foretell the state of the
wind to be expected, are watched with
keen Interest Should a pig show signs
of lazlcess and merely lie down or wan
der slowly About the decks, this Is con
sidered a sign of calm weather, with lit
tle or no wind In prospect, but any frlskl
ness end a great amount of squealing l
hailed as a sure sign of winds, a very
nceessary factor for the navigation of a
salting ship.
Balling on a Friday Is, as many know,
considered unlucky. Sunday la generally
considered a lucky day, although the su
perstition as regards the day ot sailing Is
almost forgotten, and seldom commented
on In these days of rapid traveling St
Louis Globe-Democrat.
Negro All Ready to
Be Hanged Informed
Execution Delayed
KANSAS C1T Y Mo. Oct lO.-No one
took the trouble to tell Wesley Robinson,
a negro under sentence of death for the
murder of his wife and stepdaughter,
that he was not to be hanged today, the
date originally set for his execution, so
he made all preparations for the ordeal
this morning.
The gaunt black, six feet two inchss
tall, unnerved, but determined to be
brave, dressed himself carefully, and til
ting on the edge ot his cot waited for the
death summons.
After an hour a deputy marshal ap
peared and the negro Jn a quaking voice
"Is you ' about ready, boss?"
"Itcady for what?".
"For the-; for the uh hanging."
The deputy marshal ' then explained
that an appeal to ' tho supreme court
acted as a reprieve. Robinson seemed a
little disappointed.
Robinson confessed that he killed his
wife and stepdaughter and burned their
bodies In his own bock yard.
Pointed PnraRrnpbs.
It's a short lane that Isn't tainted with
"Dead Game Sport" Is a most expensive
title. ,
Once In a while a man doesn't forget
his old friends after acquiring wealth nrd
fame. Chicago News.
A Big Bunch of Bona-Fide Specials
for Saturday Shoppers
fThis store never acquired the chronic Sale habit. It has always
pursued a dignified course. It does not condemn special Sales
when, they aro SPECIAL. It believes that a good and suffi
cient reason for a special sale pennitB the use of Xho term. It
bolioves that it is entirely legitimate to reduce prices at certain
times to attract crowds to a store. Several such "reasons are
back of this Big Saturday offer and here they are.
Wo've lately added considerable space to our Btoro and greatly improved
and remodeled It. You should know It better. Every person In this
' vicinity should bocorao Intimately acquainted with It the kind of mer
chandise It sella and the way It has of dealing with customers. Knowing
that tho surest and quickest way to compel a visit from you Is by way ot
your purso strings, we prepared a list of highly desirable wearables In all
departments, upon which very substantial reductions have been made. We - ,
expect yj)i to take advantage of, some of the pricings1 and. assure .you ot
most pleasant treatment the rdughand, tumble method.of retailing having :
always been In dlsfavpr here. v . ' ' " " J
Men Folks!
Read this Spe
cial Saturday
Our enlarged men's section has two
very special suit offerings for men'
and young mon. At each prlco tho
models aro all now and up to tho
ralnuto In style the fabrics of new
weaves, tho colors and color combi
nations unmistakably corroct. Same
qualities selling all over town right
bow for 20 to ?30.
. Saturday Only
14 19
Everybody Should Be In
terested in These Specially
Priced Items
From Our Enlarged
Knit Goods Section
Children's sweaters, suitable
for boys and girls, 4 to 8 yoars,'
all colors; special
Saturday . . . .
Ment Furnishing Special
Men's Union Suits, In celebrated Men-
tor make, tlosed crotch 1 A()
stles In" estra values. , . Vuv .
Boy's Furnishing Specials
Boys' Ceylon flannel blouses, Q.
regular 1.00 value V7U
Boys' Sweaters a Bpeclal value In
roll collar button front style. In navy,
Boys' School Mackinaw Special
Schoolboys' new . plaid Macklnaws
al1?.6.!0.1.6" $5.00
Specials from Our Much En
larged and Greatly Improved
Boys' Clothing Section.
Knlcke Suits, with two pairs ot
lined knickers Nor- te AA
folk atyle, at. , . POvU
An extra strong value la high
ctasn Sampeck Suits, frfj Ct(
7 to 10 ars J OXJ
Juvenile Suits, In Russian style
Berges and mixtures do yn
all colors PO O
Small-Boys' Chinchilla Overcoats,
In new little ulster models, in
navy, gray or dC ft ft
brown ipO.UU
Ladles' union suits In fine
white cotton; celebrated Men
tor make; spe-
" clal Saturday. ... P 1 I O
Boys' or Girls' union suits, In
part wool, gray or white; spe
cial values, Batur- o fl
day 5yC
BoyB or girls' fine cotton
union suits; first class, no sec
onds; nicely mado and corroct
fitting; a most un- Cft-,
usual value at OUC
Glove Special for Saturday
Washablo Chamois Gloves
the famous Mark Cross make
-natural color; regular prlco
$1.60; Saturday rQ
for I70C
Fro rntheBal cony Shoe Parlor
Small boys' patent leather or
dull leather shoes, real leather
throughout; regular $2.75 and
$2.00 values; but to got now
customers familiar with our
boy-proof shoes, these will bo
otfored Saturday
- Misses' and children's button
and lace boots, all leathers,
size range H to 2; regular
$2.50 to $3.50 JQ OC
values, Saturday. P00
Ladles' dress and street boots
i button or lace. This assort
ment Includes all the new lasts
and heel heights $3.50 to $5
values; Saturday rfjo QP ,
special J)Si0
Specials from the Girls' Coat
and Dress Section
Olrls' coats 7 to 14 years In
new Balkan low belt models,
In Zlbellne, Cheviots. Boucle
and Chinchilla apodal values
$5, $5.75, $6.50, $7.50
Girls' Dresses 7 to 14 years
In serges and cnallls new
styles and colors very special
$5, $5.75 and $6.50
Women Folks--
from Misses to
Size 45, Stouts.
Read about
these coats.
! . mm
Tho enlarged coat section has sev
eral very special pricings of ladles'
and misses' coats up to size 45 for
stout women. Very distinctive mod
.els and rare fabrics in a bewildering
ran go of colors. By all. odds Satur
day will bo your one. best oppor
tunity to procure a Benson & Thome
Quality Coat If prlco vcouhts with
With Some Finer Grades
Running Up to $35.00
Special -Waist Value for
Ladies' )neo waists cream color
the newest roll collar effect and
long sleeves 32 to
40, at
About Ladies' Suits
For Saturday we feature several
lines of new suits for ladies in new
f. $25 '-$29.50
fabrics and
models at
From Our New Head
wear Department
To popularize our new and Enlarged
headwear section, we offer these
very special values:
Women's and young women's fancy
shapes in velvets and plush artis
tic trimming ot wings and fancy
bow effects regular valuts to
$6.60 Saturday &a jr
special P. O
Girls' Plush Corduroy and Zlbellne
Hats values up to tf i tf
$2.50, at iI U
Boys' Caps In endle&s variety new
snapes new pat
IMPQRTANTi-Wear a Tailor
Made Suit or Overcoa
IT is necessary to MEASURE you in order to
TION. We take your exact chest measure, waigt
line, arm length, lieight and carriage and TAILOR
your SUIT or OVERCOAT in just 'the style that
jrou may desire.
All Wool Suits
and Overcoats
Made to Your
Measure for.
Union Mado. ,
N. W. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts.
After the harvest the wise man- -buys
a Ford. He provides-,
himself both pleasure and an.. i,
efficient and economical
servant for the seasons to .
come. Vjewed from any
angle, he knows the Ford is
his best "buy" of the year.
Five hundred dollars Is the new price of
the Ford runabout; the touring car Is five
fifty; tho town car aoven fifty all f. o. b.
Detroit, complete with equipment. Get cat
alog and particulars from Ford Motor Co.,
1916 Harney St. Omaha.
Tell tihe whole town
of that want of yours by a
classified ad in "The Bee."
Phone Tyler 1000
Hope You'll Get
Here Early
Quality Goods
Are the Kind
Listed Here.
Julius Orfcin
153.0 JTJOTj.&.S ST,
Women's Exclusive Wearing Apparel
At Moderate Prices
New Goods Arriving Daily.
"An hotel of distinction
with moderate charges"
Within five minutes of principal railway terminals.
Situation Ideal. TARIFF'
KSVESi ' - ' 2
Double bedroemt. koudolr ' ' M
arctunr-room ana bath .
Sult Parlott. bsdroem and bath "
Etch room with btth
ti, lo, tti
io, in. tu
the &Uro country-double the money In