Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1913, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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More Fashions, More Fabrics, More Furnishings The Fall Is Here With Its Busy-ness
Tomorrow (Saturday)
A never-ending variety of new styles received,
direct from the makers.
Our buyer is extending his stay in New York
so that we may show every new fashion as soon' as
it is produced.
There-Is a Continuous Autumn - Festival
Here Worth Seeing Whenever It Pleases
You to Enjoy It!
A sectionmade
beautiful by sets
and , garments of
known qualities,
reasonably priced.
(Continued from, ruga One.)
jan. Twenty-four rallM to tho north
'ttf mighty Ofctua Ami. wWcli ta th un.
swttlate appears to 1m nothing more
4u a low . maisM stretchy
mm- v.n.v. kmn th water of
Stua lak tn as:,. to tb t
nw two tumn, on wo
, nH dahv In history tks othac
low Tie of earth and rock, whloh
would ordinarily P unnoticed, hav
jicept In check tn rising watars of Oatun
). Today Vhc It only one. and th
waters of tho lake now sxtend from
Pedro Miguel look on the iouth to .Oatun
locks, on tho north, a distance of about
thlrtyfhm nilles, approximately two
lblrds' of the canal's Ungth.
Drills were at work on ths dike warty
the whole mbnth of September and It wu
mined with over boles charged with
dynamite. The barrier contained about
)0,ow cubic-yards of material, or th same
number of two-horse, wagon load.
n.l. .. It fautlt had It failed
In Its purpose, ThU was during the big
frshst In the Chagrs river 01 wow
1W4 nrS.rt 4h water UlTIlA 10 dole
to thtf top, thsnat aeventy-cn feet above
sea loYl,-.tbat It was deemed advisable
25 Celts' Worth
fir 6t
This is tho way wo out
prices on ono drug, as
shown in tho list bolow.
The" outs on every item in
tho lit ' are romarkable.
Buy hero and! save money.
B0o Pond's Extract, . . , , .Z96
60o Poxnpelan Musaso Cream
for 20d
Pierce's. Qoldon Modlcal Dis
covery, ......... -50
COc genujno Syrup of Figs 20 f
E'Qo'Papo'a Dlahopaln. . . 20d
COCilay's Hair Health. , .20d
25o'dastorl& ....... wlO
ita Lro'n'o Tooth Powder 14J
COc Pebeco Tooth Poto.20J
60b Soeleto UrglonlQUo Soap,
for 29t
2to 4711 White Rose Glycer
ine 26c Carter's Llttla Liver Pills.
tfbr 126
J5c LazatlTO Bromo Quinine,
for 12
KOc German Face Powder 27J
60,p Canthroz 206
SSo Pond's Vanishing Cream,
for .....156
$1.00 Protons 076
tLOO Delatono 076
35c Peroxide of Hydrogen. 06
2tc Meannn'a Talcum Powder, "
for 106
7Sc 2?e Mar's Massage Cream. ,
for 354
60o P Mar's Liquid Green Soap
for shampoo . v , .S06
SSo Liaterine ..156
66c Hind's Honey and Almond
Cream 206
BQc Zq Mar's Benzoin and Al-
mond Lotion 256
76o Tlyoll Faoe Powder. .456
60c and 76c Mirrors. . . .256
Follow tho Beaton Path' '
Beaton Drug Co.
T&raam and 15th St.
"Wo are offering to an extent
heretofore un equaled a constantly
changing ' variety of high-grado styles, both plain and
hand taUorod.
$19.50 to $95,00
No Exka Charge
Fashions and Fabrics for
ovory use Chinchilla,
broadcloth, serge, for tex
tilo, plush, velotir, velvet and
Scotch mixtures, lined and
$16.50 to $65
to open the aluiee Kate and fill the out
with water. In order to avoid danser or
heavy waahtng. This was dona and for
several day all work waa suspended and
only the tops of the steam shovels were
stloklns out of tho waterr BInoe that
time the overtopplns of the dike was
never seriously threatened.
When Oatun lake rose to a helfht of
fifty feet In the latter part of 1SU, the
dike was widened to an averace of fifty
feet by dhmptnc clay on ttvs aids toward
Uie cut aa4 islsed to 7t.l feet above ttta
a levtt
"Wonges- Xi -We
tland la ParMTrapIle.
Tim required to go through the canal,
from ten to twelve hours.
Frelsnt will be Chars ed $LJ0 a ton, pa.
senrers are free.
American coast-wtse ships may pass
through free oft all charges. '
Tha canal wlll save 8,000' miles between
Kew Tork and San Tranctsco,
New Tork Is -brought 5.C0O mile nearer
Valparaiso and the west coast of South'
America. '
The distance to the Philippine Islands
Is not reduoed materially.
Sulk products like wheat, lumber, mln
erals, wool, hides and wines will get
lower , freight rates through the canal
(from Paclflo ports.
Kastorn machinery, textiles, manufac
tures and finished produots will enjoy
cheaper rates' to Pacific ports. '
Iron, col, lumber and ship supplies will'
have similar advantages to tho -orient.
and Paclflo porta
Immigration will be deflected in large
numbers from New Tork to Paotflo ports.
The cost Of operating the eanal win tex
ceed KWe.GOO annually.
About I, Wo employes will be required.
To pay lnterett on the Investment and
operating expenses approximately tli.OOO,-
009 revenue per annum will b needed.
Trafno exptrti estlmato that for ths
first few yean the' average annual ton
nage will 60 10,600,(300 tons, not enough
at the tl.fO rate tq make the canal self
supporting. The rates charged vessels are
the same as those st Sues.
The government will monopolise the
business of supplying coal and provisions
and operating repair facilities.
Great dry dock, wharves, warehouses.
repair shops and other facilities to cost
120,000,000 ore under construction.
All permanent buildings will be of the
Italian Ilenalssance style of architecture.
The route of the canal will be beautified
with trees, etc.
Storage for 450,000 tons Of .coal, maxi
mum capacity. Is provided. Normal stor
age capacity, J7.00O tons. Oil. 180,000 bar
Monster 770-ton floating cranes will
handle wrecks or accidents in the canal
or locks.
warships I of all nations, may pass
through the canal, but cannot linger more
than twenty-tour hours at either end. 1n
time of war.
The Interstate Commerce commission
has jurisdiction over canal traffic. Les
lie's Weekly.
Kenron-Keaal las.
HARVARD, Neb., Oct. la-Bpeclal.-
A prettily arranged marriage servlca took
place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge
Keaallug In this city Wednesday evening,
when their daughter, Ida, was united In
marriage to Mr. Ray Knyon, the Rer.
Schults of tho Otrman Reform church.
speaking ths words of ubIoiw Mr. Ken'
yon has for some time been In the United
States mall service, with headquarters In
Lincoln, where he has a home arrangtd
for the reception of the bride and to
which place they will go In a tew days.
FRIEND. Neb, Oct. la 8pcial.-Dr,
O. 11. Toder and Mies Ines Harding, both
of this city, were married at the home
of thb bride's parents last night In the
presence ot about fifty guests, by the
Rer 11 C. 6eldeL These ara two promt
nent young people of Friend. They will
make this their future home.
for Alterations.
Afternoon and street
Dresses and Gowns for ovon
ing -wear, of silks and serges,
$15.00 to $125
.mm: hew styles.
Gas Plant at Iowa
Palls Wrecked by a
Eunaway, Engine
IOWA FALLS, la., Oct l.-Speclal.-Four
hundred patrons of tho, city gas
plant Aff without gaa service today and
probably will be for at least thirty days,
as the. wsulti.of , .tha demolition oof the
gas plant by a runaway switch engine in
the Rock Island yards her. A Dig loco
motive ii the -uppttv yard ..-suddenly
started down the track, gaining, head
way with wonderful rapidity. It dashed
onto a loading track and struck two
box cars, whloh were carried to tho end
of the traok, here the bumper was crushed
iiko an eggsnen ana we cars carnea-neN,
across ine street ana into tne gas piant.
The two outer walls of tha plant and an
Inner wall wars demolished and the
plant's machinery wrecked. The two
oars were badly Injured, but ths engine
escaped with HtUe damage, as lb did not
leave the tracks One ot the Box cars
was pushed nearly through the plant
and tumbled all about It was debris of
the walls and tho wreaked machinery.
The gas plant has been In litigation for
some time and la In the hands of a re
ceiver. It was purchased last fall by
E. IL Lundy ot Etdora, the attorney who
acquired the Park Dam company and
the Eldorado' Electrta Light plant ' At
the last term of court tho plant was. In
volved in a' case In which Oeorge Forest
ot Portland,' Ore.; Minneapolis bond hold
ers, B. II. Ltiridy and others wars repre
sented. The gas pUnt was located on
land belonging to th Rock Island road
and It Is stated that over a year ago the
gaa company was ordered to vacate the
property, but had failed to do so. Tho
Question 'was 'raised today as to whether
or not the railroad company Is liable
for damages for wrecking tho plant, in
view ot the order of long standing to
vacate the railroad company's property.
The gas company has acquired a site
cast ot the old Pock Island depot and
It la stated a new ptant will be' erected
thereon this fall.
Largest Flour Mill
m Kansas Destroyed
KANSAS CITY, Oct. 1 Firs that
spread almost like a flash through the
six-story main building of the South
western Milling company at Eighteenth
street and Kansas avenue, Kansas City,
Kan., early today destroyed that struc
ture and the mill s power plant a short
distance away.
It was thought several men working on
the upper floors ot the thill had been
trapped by the flames, but the officers
of the concern and ftreman were Inclined
to doubt that there had been loss of life
All the men had not been accounted tor a
short time after the big structure ool
lapsed, but the fire officials said only a
search of th ruins when the heat sub
sides would confirm rumors many of th
employes had not escaped. The loss was
estimated at J W0. 000.
The mill had a capacity of 8,000 barrels
of flour a day and was Kansas' largest
milling conoern. Four hundred men were
employed at th plant.
alalanthon Scott.
AUBURN, Neb., Oct 10-(BpclaL
Malanthon Scott postmaster at South
Auburn, died at his home last night
aged TO years, Mr, Boott was a veteran
of th war of the rebellion, and was one
ot tharty settlers of this county and
among the flnst residents of CUvert, now
Auburn, H was In the battles ot Chick,
amauga and Cliattanooga, and recently
attended th reunion there. He had suf
ferrcd for some years with kidney trouble
and while on the trip 'to Chattanooga
became critically 111 and ru taken to a
hospital. He got enough better to be
brought home, but did not get up again.
Archibald WrUht Kleolla.
, Archibald Wright Nlcolla ot Bellevue.
agel S3 years, died Thursday night Mr.
Gloves for
Present Use
1 Clasp, "Cavalier," tan
or white, a pair , . . $1.25
1 Clasp, " Davenport, '
black, white, tan or gray,
a pair
1 Button, "Elite, Wash
able Leather, " white
only, a pair . . . . ' $1.25
2 Clasp, "Kayser's,"
Double Silk Gloves,
black, brown, navy or
gray, a pair ....
2 Clasp, "Kayser's"
Chamoisette, light or
heavyweight, a pair . .
Toilet Soaps
Wildroot Shampoo Soap 15c cake
Buttermilk and Lano Oil Soap. .25c box
Oreme do Meridor (greaseless). .25c jar
Every Woman Will Like
This Charming Neckwear
Women who appreciate truly .beautiful
thingB -will find thia Neckwear to their
liking. Every piece is new and fresh,
really attractive.
Nlcotl'i was a native of Edinburgh,
Scotland, and at tho age of 12 years he
immigrated to America and resided In
Chicago for some time. In 1SS4 he came
to Bellevue and opened a general store
which he operated until tho time of tho
Bellevue cyclone In 1(07, when It was
blown away. Slnco that time ho lived
in retirement at ths home of his son, W
B. Nlcolle, professor of psychology and
pedagogy at Bellevue college. He Is sur
vived by a son and a daughter, both
" ' MlHon RhWo.
' irEBROft, '"Neb., Oct. 10.' (Special.)
MUton Rhodes, formerly comity' treas
urer ot Thayer County, died Thursday
afternoon. Walter II. Rhodes, a son, sur
vives. Mr. Rhodes and family moved to
Hebron and encased In th haraAoa hual.
jn March. 187t, and followed tho
same until 1305, when he was elected
county treasurer, serving two terms, when
he was sdcceedoQ' by bis son, Walter,
who is still In office.
Ha has been In falling health for sev
eral years, aha- llko the flower of the
field slowly' faded away Until the end
Service in Regiment
Por Physical Training
Capfain F..O. Stritxlngev, .commandant
of the cadet regiment at the high school,
met. yesterday with the majors and com
pany captains and outlined .plans'for dis
cipline his year. A number of sugges
tions for changes among ths cadets were
laid before the officers. . , ,'
, Chief among thesa will be an attempt
to Instill into the minds of the cadets and
the public at large the Idea that the regi
ment is uot an organization for the pur
pose of preparing the high school lads
for warfare, but nothing roor nor less
than a course of physical training In
addition to the pleasure derived from the
The commandant said all too many peo
ple are ot the opinion that th. drill at
the school Is 'for the purpose of trans
forming ths lads Into bristling, pugnacious
warriors, whereas 'th tru effort is to
build up the bodies, and resultlngly the
minds, of the students.
Captain StHtztager urged the company
officer to encourage the men ta partake'
of exercise apart from drill and to form
a habit of going through a regular series
of calisthenics every day, A .strict system
of noting the personal cleanliness of tne
men In th regiment was advocated and
will constitute, a- part of the, plan of rais
ing the physical standard ot the cadet
Regular officers' meetings will be held
during th year for the study of In
fantry drill regulations and for furthering
plans for the betterment ot th battalions,
recommendations for second llentenancles,
sergeantcles and corporalcles were called
for Thursday, and promotions to Oil these
offices will be made in the near future
The Cadet Officers club will met di
rectly after th promotions ars put for
the election of officers. Cadet suits and
full uniform must b worn after Novem
ber first on all drill days.
Younsr Man Attacked by Ball.
MASON CITY, la., Oct. 10. 8pedaJ.
George Frahm, a young man IT years ot
age. was nearly killed by a vicious at
tack trout a S-ysar-old bull. He went out
to the pasture to driv the cattle In,
when the bull mad for him, knocking
Eradicates scrofula and all
other humors, cured all their
effects, makes the blood rich
arid abundant, strengthens all
the vital organs. Take it.
Gat it today In Usual llauld form nr
Tfro$omiea islets caiiea sonatas.
him down and pummelling him with head
and feet. Frahm was picked up and
brought to the hospital In this city. He
will recover. The fact that the bull was
dehorned saved the young man's life.
Passes to Best
mi McOlaughlln, aged 83 years, grand
father of Mrs. S, B. Snyder, wit of
Judge Snyder, and Mrs. pi. JSUsar Sny
der, died at an early hour .yesterday
from the Infirmities of old age. Mr. Mc
OlaUghlln tor a number ot yearr had
been making his horrio with ' Judge and.
Mrs. Snyder. He enjoyed excellent
health until quite recently.
Mr. McQlaughlln lived in western
rennsyivania, wnere ne was mm, unw-
1SSS, when he removed with his family
to Hayes county, Nebraska, where Mrs.
McOIaughlln died In 1S97. In 1001 he
closed out his western Nebraska Inter
ests and cam to Council Bluffs to re.
side In the home of Judge Snyder. Mr.
McQlaughlln Is survived by .his two
daughters In this city and one son, It.
F. McOlaughUn, residing at Scott's
Bluff, Neb. Three sisters and two
brothers reside In Pennsylvania. The
funeral will be held on Friday afternoon
at 3:80 at the residence ot Judge Sny.
der, conducted by Rev. Dr, ,McClurc,
pastor of the First Presbyterian church,
of which deceased was long a member.
Ths burial in Falrvjew cemetery will be
'jur,ors Fin,d Wilson
Stole Team of Horses
After deliberating for more than thirty
hours the district court Jury which heard
the evidenc in the trial of George Wil
son, returned a verdict at an early hour
yesterday morning finding him guilty of
the theft of a team of horses from the
George W. Toung farm near Manawa,
and which were found In Omaha In his
If County Attorney Capell had failed to
secure a conviction yesuroay. wnson
would have been Immediately arrested
on another charge ot horse stealing. Only
one of the horses was, identified and the
man would have been tried for the theft
of the other;
Dr. J., T. Jones, pastor ot the First
Congregational church, yesterday after,
rioon gave a forty-tlve-mtnute address to
the members of the Daughters ot the
American Revolution, who were enter
tained at the home ot Mrs. Holmes 'in
the Shugart flats, His theme was "The
Power and Influence ot Ralph Waldo
Emerson on the Thought and Evolution
ot the World." He spoke ot the tre
mendous (Influence Emerson's writings
had upon his own lite. Dr. Jones said
that Emerson had shown htm that the
world was no longer a charnal house, but
a magnificent temple, a glorious sanct
While in New York secured from an Encyclopedia publisher 20
sets ot used encyclopedias taken in as part payment on new sets.
For the average home the used sets are what are so often looked
for. Saturday will move tbem all. Here are a few;
International 1 6
Americana 20
Brltannlca 30
Chambers ,'.16
Brltannlca 25
People's 3
New Standard 12
Twentieth Century . . . 6 '
Universal Knowledge.. .16
American Drltannlca.. ,10
Chambers ,.10
Americana 16
Y. M. C. A. BUIIiDINa.
You Noticed In the Car Was Shod In
Superior In Style
Perfect In Fit
Unequaled In Durability
Hats, worth
$1.75, for
gray ,red.
Opening New Addition
in the Hill District!
Day & Hess Co. will put on the market
twenty-Boven fine large lots adjoining
FaJrmount park and near car lino, at a
special sal 'starting Saturday, October
11, closing Monday, October 13. Prices
from 50 to 350; terms, J5 down, balance
tram to $2 to 15 per nwnth. There Is
nothing as clos- in -as cheap as this
proposition- now oni the market. The
nam, of this addition Is South Park
place and Is jusf east ot Falrmount ave
nue,- off Graham avenue. , - i
Call at our office for plat and prices.
Day & Hess Co., 123 Pearl street Council
Bluffs. la. .
Wnter-Loeed Sections of Nrr Jer
sey Swamp Unloaaea uere
and There.
The federal grand jury at St Louis has
indicted a number of land sharks on the
technical charge of using the' mails to
Tho gravamen of the offense consisted
In selling worthless town lots In New
Jersey by the mall order process. It
would seem to be no easy matter to con
duct a mall order real estate business,
but the sharks In question had no diffi
culty In disposing of swamp lands at re
munerative prices. In the beginning they
bought 1,400 lota for 13.60 apiece. They
sold these' at prices ranging from $29
to ti3. The contract of sale guaranteed
that the lota would ba resold tor the
purchasers by a certain date at prices
Snappy Styles
First-class workmanship
and goods of tho latest
weaves, patterns and col
ors aro our offering to
those good dressers who
are particular about their
Suits and Overcoats to
order, $25.00 to $45.00.
McCarthy -Wilson
304-306 South 16th Street.
Binding. Prico.
full lea. $10.00
H lea,
M lea. SO.oo
cloth 80.00
sheep..., s.OO
lea. 10.00
Vi lea 0.00
tt lea B.00
cloth...., 0.00
4 lea. 10.0O
lOQe -
it. 00
Children's Millinery
. Day Saturday
In Our Basement
Lots in all colors
Children's Children's Children's
Hats, worth tIats vorta K&tf, worth.
12.50, for 8'7B tor ff-00' for
$1.19 $1.35 $1.75
not less than $160.
Plenty, of purchasers were found and,
strange to say, they were persons who
might be presumed ordinarily to know
enough to steer clear of such transac
tions. Physicians and clergymen, ' it is
stated In a dispatch from St Louis, wore
the principal victims. It had been rep
resented that the lots were on the Penn
sylvania railroad, ten miles from New
Tork. When the purchasers began to In
vestigate they found the subdivision,
which- had been exploited under the Im
pressive naftie ot 1 "Bpottawood Manor,'
was thirty-five mile from New York
and wns. located in what was locally
known as Huckleberry swamp. Th5 lots
were under water for all, or nearly all.
tho year. '
The lots, of course, are practically
worthless and the purchasers are out- tho
money they paid for them. In this In
stance the losses are distributed among
a class of people better able to bear
them than la usually the caso when a
get-rich-qulck land scheme is put
through. The lesson convoyed Is that
no one should be induced to Invest In
real estate without a personal Inspec
tion of tho property. And t Is a lesson
that the American people are slow 'to
learn Louisville Courier-Journal.
Special for Satirday
Women's $4.00 Shoe
for $2.48
At Alexander's, 1512
Douglas St.
Our $3.00 gun metal and
patent leather men's shoes
that are sold in the- mosj;
stores for $4.00, and our
regular $3.00 shoe, we put
on sale Saturday only at.
$2.48 tho pair. These shoes
aro not to be compared
with tho junk found in
"bargain basements" but
are good up-to-the-minute
styles; "Goodyear welts,"
round cap toe and the new
heel Saturday only $2.48
$4.00 and $5.00 Men's
English Walking Shoes at
Children's department in
1512 Douglas St.
Open 10 O'clock Saturday
Xfarv Tail la BMtora Qna
Hair to If VraUiral CUcTI
rTTnu Mir tuunr.
Kc sal sua at fjissslita.
Key to the BltuaUonlftrAnverUstug.