t as Polly and Her PalsPa is Systematized $ wi i i . ks rjr ri WANT ADS Want atfs received at Any time, but to Insure proper classification must be presented before 18 o'clock noon fo- the (trotting edition and before 7:30 p. in. for the morning and Sun day editions Want ads recolvcd after such hours will have their first insertion tinder tho heading, "Too Into to Classify." CASH RATE FOR WANT ADS REGULAR CLASSIFICATION: Ono insertion IS cents nor line. Two or more consecutive Inser tions 0 cents per line. One lino per month, $1.80. Twenty cents a minimum charge. Advertisements charged to patrons baring accounts nro measured by tho Ike, not bj tho word. CUARGTRATES. SU words to the lino. One insertion 12 cents per line. Two or more consecutive Inser tions 0 cents per line. Ono lino per inonMi, '51.80. Twenty tents a minimum charge. NOTE Tho lleo "will not lie re sponsible for more t.imi one wrong Insertion duo to typographical error. Claims, for error cannot bo allowed after tlio 10th of tho following month. An advertisement Inserted to be run until forbidden must bo stopped by written order, Verbal or telephone, cancellations cannot bo accepted. S IIT.'"1-1 HI II 11 J lll'IIJ i.tu a. Uudmuii. i'liu and Dodge.' " r.. u. Umitiii, ua cumins. -V t; bwuiiwiii, I7tu and mining. v u. it. wreww, ioj xortu.:ttli South Vl4UUi . iju can order 8ARCOP1LVUI, from the lv.r.,uig Cfc.alETii.lUEb: voictt Lawn, i-itoiio lo-enco 131. J'rokiivvi titil. I'tiuiiw V-our 2404. ukii, I'Hu.im Ooumi tit., ' MoUiH uop. ruone iieiisim lilV. urmcrtsiia far, fiione uougia low. Holy bvfuiuiivr, 312 Uarkur bias. or. oruer ulreet lrpoi tu AMERICAN KAuCurnAUUej COMPAQ V. Uouglas IHi. Otflo. M Klrat a at. Uiiti. MIRTHS AND DX1AT1I1. Blrths-O. XI. and Emma Knott. Wil liam, gtrl; Russell and Anna Wlson. lOOi BOutK Thirty-eight avenue, girl; , awg and Sophlo Kohgtir, J91 Oold. sUli Oito and Voda Kugler, Mi Corby, boy; Vu -ttr and Hallle Klbbe. JUS Vinton, girl; V- and L. Atkins, hospital, girl. Deaths-Ethel Lohoop, J m,??"i?' l? South fourteenth; Jens P. ' ytars. near Morence; Melvln Andersen. I )esr, noapitai MAKRIAOK LIOBNSES. The following Couples have twn licensed wcd; Name and Residence. Agp. Hrrman Karstens, Omaha Iena Young, Omaha Blaine Leslie. Omaha. Mabel Carlisle. Omaha WUILDINU PEIIMITB. ' ' The following building prmlts have ben liul City Of Omaha. lS-3-:t Harney, fire engine house. ,H0,0M; O. T. Purdy, tia Harney, brick dwelling, I8.000. HkCLi WANTBL VKMALK. Agents and Salesvfomea. WANTED At once, ten experienced coat and sUu saiesmdtesi we pay Dt niary m tn city, caa Monday monuug V u ciock. Mational uoat na dull Lorn yaiiy. ii Bo. ith streeu , fanturjr ssd Tt. WANTED Flve-plrce ladles orchestra for Boyd theater. Apply to Ueu, W. Jiarblsr. WANTED Woman for alteration de partment, must be fully experienced and capable of doing hlgh-ctasa work; good wages to competent person. Apply Mon day morning o'clock. National Coat and Kult Company. 3111 Bo. lth street. ""WANTED t girls experienced In icing room work. Loose-WHee Biscuit Co., Utn and Davenport i iiooeUeleraiind Uomestlc THE 8EHVANT aiRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will .run a Sen-ant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents ef Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler loOo. 'oiRITfor general housework, three" In family ; good wages. Mrs. W. C Ross. MSI Lathrop. Web. 204. "WANTED Glrf for general housework, email family. 720 8o. nth at. NCR8E and girl for general house work. Apply &M Webster St. Thont H arney 42U. " WANTBDi-A good girl tor general housework; no washing. Mrs. J. W. Bobbins, 12s N. 33th Ave. Phone Har ney 1451. . NEAT white girt to assist with general housework. Phone Harney 2i31. WANTED Young lady attending school to assist In housework for room and board, a good place and a good room. yhone WcbsUr tOO, 34C8 N. 24th Bt. . AN fiU Young gtrl to' take care ot baby and assist wlthjlght housework, Webstr 66. COMPETENT girl for general house work; small family. 1320 Harney Bt i.W.At"rEt:,0 lrl 10 ' with Ught housework for small family; good Pay, good home for right party. 'XpL U The Majestic. Web. 3t. COMPETENT girt for general huu... work. Small fara rally; good wages. 3315 uurt KL WANTED llrl for general housework; washlnr. Mrs. J. h. Hussle, l&i Lai fayctte Ave. , WANTBD-OIrl to astt with " housed work. Mo washing or cwklnr. liaroTy famiw' J2.e''r Iiousewofk; small mu-i MUCH? J HELP WANTED FEMALE. Jlouackcrprra and Ilomentle. WANTKD-Ooo jrlrl for central house- worn. jjuz rarK Ave. Harney 3X5. WANTED-HlKh school jrtrl to work evonlngs Rfter school. 3645 California Ht. llarnry 1157. WANTED Good (rtrl for general house work. Apply 8104 Burt 8t U1I1I for general housework; no wash nc Jtr. E. T. Smith. 1211 8. 34th Ht. t'APAHMC girl who In) good cook; no washing. 416 So. Mth 8t. lUrney 20. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; pleasant room; no washing; rood wages, 318 No. 21st 8t. II. 1819. ailaceltaMCoua. 70UNO women coming to Omiha as strangers are Invited to visit tho Young Women's Christian association building at 8t Mary's Ave and 17th St. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guldo at tho Union Station. WOAlKN-det government Jobs. M pay. Write for free list ot positions available. Franklin Instltuu, bept Col O. llochester N. Y. FOll day, woman. Call Doug. 834. I1ELI WANTED MALE. AifcnU, Salesmen ana Solicitor. SPADESMAN WANTED Ono with ex perience In selling building and loan stock preferred. Clood position with chance for advancement, (live full particulars, with references and present employment, In first letter. Address Sf 335, care lite. WANTED ( neat appearing young men to. travel. Apply 70d llrandila The. Bids. TraVftllnif HhnA HnlHmlLn Vfk.tned. By western manufacturer with large gennral line. One with a successful road v.. aI III n h M n wk,ii tin H fled. Stat age, experience, reference, etc. WHI. fllllv rArM,ntirfnfi. rrt I iinnt tm 1 Address Y EPS, care Bee. i AOENTB Bend for our great premium otfer. $8 per day easily made, Make much money. Write for free sample. The II. P. Johnston Co., Chrlnnan Blk., Kugene, ure. Clerical sa) utile. OFFICE clerk who can operate type writer with some Implement experience. baiary wu. Aaaress a 4m, uee. -r faoorr ana 'l rates. Wo Havo a Position Waiting for You as a R. R. Telographor Our school Is the Official Training school for telegraphers for the Union Pa cific R. It and Illinois Central R. R. Both these railroad companies abso lutely guarantee to give permanent positions to all our graduates. Every railroad1 centering In Omaha em ploys our graduates. o:,W to tlWper month covers the range of salaries of railway telegraphers and station agents all over the west. We will seoure you a place to work for. your board while attending and free transportation to your post when your course Is completed. Tuition fee very low. Send for catalogue at once, mentioning this paper. Boyles College, Boyles Buqdlng, Omaha. Neb. GET Into the most profitable business of todsy, the automobile business, and become Independent. Our large, well equipped shops otter the opportunities of learning the taurines by actuiv experi ence on different makes ot cat a Our terms are moderate. Write or call. Na tional Auto Training association, tut N. 20th St.; Omaha, Neb. Tel. W. C9I3. WE TEACH you how to clean and block hats. Addresa Lincoln Hat Works, Lin coln, Neb. I i Drug store anoia; jobs. KneUt, Has Bldg. HKLP-fCall umal.a Employment Bureau. WANTED Horse collar cutters, thonv stitchers and bucklers: stiudv work for good men. Dodson. Fisher, Brockmann Co., Minneapolis, Minn WANTED An experienced cutting and punchlnc machine operator, non-union preferred. Le Febure Ledger company, i.nir jtapiuB, ia.- WANTED Tailors tn mak nanta ,H vests; steady Job. Fred M. Kuwttsky, MomiHa nmicu mi unco m x'erry, la.; lots of work; must be good work men. C. 8. Wright. 1 , L'TL'1) 1'u a . - . . . WANTED FOR U. 8, ARMY Able bodies unmarried men between agea ot 13 .and 55. cttlseus ot United 8tate, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the Eng lish language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer. Army Bldg.. Mth and Dodge Bts., Omaha, Neb.; 60S 4th St.. Sioux City, la., 130 N. 10th Bt, Lincoln, Neb. I Miscellaneous. YOUNG MEN to learn automobile bust, ness without losing time from regular employment. Business pays BIO SAL ARY to start and rapid advancement la SURE. We have had so many applica tions for night course of late, that we have decided to start a night class. Monday, October IS. Young working man, this Is YOUR chance. Come In or write for special otfer. Nobraska Automobilo School Hli-1T Dodxe St WANTED A high class reliable state sales manager for a store fixture, with out competition. Commissions 3300 to $500 per month. Address the Buckley Specialty Co.. Unit, O. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED Commence $75 month. Write for par ticulars. Franklin Institute, DepL 213 O.. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED-Nomes ot men. 11 to 19, wishing to be Omaha mall carriers. $67 month. "Pull" unnecessary. Address Y 231. Bee. . WANTED SITUATIONS. Wanted posit as practical nuree. W. SStt, VARU hna riimUI..4 -k'M - free, Omaha Employment Bureau, lit N. Utb St Tel. Douglas 1UX. YOUNG man attending Boyles college want work for board. D. 165. POSITIQN aa shoe talesman; eight years in game; two ytM.it' dty experience: best of references. Address D 39J. Bee. HOl'SEWORK of anv klml l rnr.nnnn Addresa O 892 Ilee ' "YOVNQ colored girl wishes position where she can do housework and go to school. Call Doug. 1S05. THE BEE: DC All WANTED SITUATIONS. WANTED By salesman, with road ex perience, commercial opening In a small town. Al reference, Addresa JSDS Bee. WANTED-By chef and pastry cook, position In hotel, restaurant or cafe, aa cook, etc. A. W. Patrick, 312 No. 23d. Dougla 307. WANTED By November IB, permanent position by young lady stenographer! 8 i" uierience; oesi or reiercnces ns io cnaracier ana ability; nave good per manent position now. but desire a change Address K 3D3. Bee. NEAT colored girl wants position second girl. 2811 Cuming St. ANNOUNCEJIBNT8., i M W, motorcycle messenger strrtct, xu,Xi' 213 a 13th. Doug. SfiOS or 320. P. 8. GrIHIth. wig mfr. UKrenscr 111k. Wedding announoemcnts. Doug. Ptg. Co. HAZEL LEAK PILE CONES Best remedy (or Itching, bWedlng or protruding plies; J0o tiostpaia; samples freo. Sher man it McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. GET a lucky WEDDINO IlINO from BRODEOAARD'S AT thft 8ION of th CROWN, up the GOLDEN STAIHU, 16th ATTRAOTION8. Omaha film exch., 14th and Doug. Uo tlon picture machine and film bargains. ACTOMOniLfcB. THE Downtowii garage. Have your automobiles washed and polished here. 141 Howard 8L Tel. D.-4430. DRUMMONDS' big nw garasu at Sith and Karnaia. FORE DOORS BEAT COVEK8. 3100 forfeit for any magneto wn can't ro- .niir. mil repainng. uaysuorrer, jio N 18. Xatorayalea. DAItQAINS In all make or used motor cycles. Victor H. rtoos, "Tne Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth St. WRITE Tvti LIST. OP SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKBL8' NEBRASKA OYCLtB CO., 1STH AND HARNEY. SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. IF YOU want anything In the war of a second-hand car, we've got It. Bcates Motor Car Co., HIS Dodge St, BUSINESS CIIANUES. TO get In or out of bualness, call on OANQEdTAD. 404 Uee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. Special plans for selling your business or real estate. Kennebeck Co.. Omaha. DRUG J5TORE OPPORTUNITY Opening tor a live pharmacist to estab lish himself in one of the most flourish ing towns tn eastern Nebraska; Building 22x64 already built and awaiting occu pancy. Call on or write Langdon Bros., a ret no. Neb. 10 On Your v Money t We are offering a limited amount ot 10 per cent stock for sale guaranteed. Divi dends payuble quarterly. Redeemable In 00 days upon demand. Why look for bet ter Investment. See us at once. J. A. Abbott & Co. Real Estate Advertising S04 City Nat. Bank Bldr. Omaha, Neb. WOTl HALE Grocery and aucenswarn. clean stock. In eastern Nebraska .county seat town. Stock and fixtures will ihvolco about 33.600. Yearly bus ness 32u.000l Rea son ror selling, sometning else tn sight Aaaress x sui, uee." NEBRABKA corporation has promising position for right party who can Invest II "on nr more. Address L 367. Omaha Bee. tUK SALE One of the best paying restaurants and uhort order houses In the north end: good business; strictly a paying proposition. Reason for selling, cannot handle two places at once. New Home Restaurant, 1614 Capitol Ave. . 1. - ... , . , S.. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Bras Foundrlvm. Paxton-Mitchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta miss 1'ainting, rillUl nalnllH.. ...l.l. .. . ;" uuiiiae iinng done. Mrs.tj;.HsLynes. 1620 U. 26th Bt D. 4sw! China orders. leMonandflrinr. x. liiU Chiropodists. DR. ROY, 160S Farnam. Douglaa 4137. Chiropractors. J. C. Lawrence, D. C. 133 Howard. D. sta Mrs. Rosq Poesen. 1S23 Lake. Web7l795.' CoatumrraT"" " FULL dress iult: mrtv rir.c... .... or rent. $1.60 per night OpVrT evenings" John Feldman. XX No. 17th. Doug. & -----"-T" "i"" una supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY Uanctnu AcaderaleaT JRttnT.T. eiunonu . ...... Hum. Monday evening. Webster 2491. DON'T you danceT Oo to Mockle'a. 131$ DrefsmaklnsT. Terry Dressmkg. college, 8oth & Farnam. BB your own dressmaker: easy method": day and night course: special Induce' ment to students enrolling during month of October. National Dws.makFnaTCol. uv,Miu uiw k. uinano, reb. DREBSMAKINn n.. n... ' D. U14. ' Pauf hinan's dressmaking school. Flo. nt," rl"ltaT"CLA"sa aresmaklng7Tel.TTair333 Detect Ires. Omaha Eec Ser. A gey., 428 Paxton. D. 1313 JAM E8 ALLAN 313 NevlUe Blk7EvlT dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1134. Drugs, DRUGS at rut nrlces: freleht nM $10 orders; catalogue free, bhennan & McConnell DrugCo., Omaha. Nth. f OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1913. GrmiGuusI GAL WUAODVEl'mNK I AM ? I A. B. C.of Omaha RKIN'S KOSHER CAPE "my. 316 8, l&th. mlddU o? block. Jd floor. BEDDEO For 3LO0 per week clothes the entire ramily. 1417 Douglas "Q EJ'L DRUU CO. New location 131S II amam. everything new. Old Phone. D. 1623. Como, call or write. Rubber goods. T?--,.r,,. EXCELLENT HlTlDr6SS VAUDEVILLE J-fXXAX U)J AND PICTURES. KERR Abstract Co.. 30J 8. 17th St. Better be safe , than sorry. Have Kerr do your title wont. LINDSAY, THE JEWELER a, ism su High grade Jewelry. AK-8AR-BEN Souvenirs to visitors. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. "Mlckel's," ISth and Harney. Douglas 1C62. . Wo .rent- lepalr, sell needles, parts or all ew.lng machines. VACUUM cleaners sold and rented. Vacuum cleaning done n the home, banltary Service Co. Tel. Doug. 2304. BUSINESS TERSONAL8. Everything for' Men. AK-SAR BEN VISITORS. For the best whlskv on tha market nt 33 per gal. and for port wine at $1.60 per gal, call at C. Schlank & Co., 1307 Dduglas. Gibson's Buffet 322 South 15th St. KING JOY CAFE L E- Omaha's most exclusive Chinese and American cafe, open to the publlo Sept. 20. bteaks. chop suey. Music evenlnira. HOTEL HARNEY .55 rooms with or without bath. ' HORSEMAN 11 An AVnnTS? " 1413 Dodge. Finest liquors. Excellent' cafe ... .viiimwimii. yiuora always welcome, .n . r . . - - - - .' . ' FOR THE PlMHrtT t.munna AT KLElN-n l.loiimi 1," rn 16TH ST. SOUVENIRS TO VISITORS! HENRY POLTArtr'n r Tnimn , ,-.riVT." Jrin.5 Av,e-, Ylst.?r always welcome. Finest mixed drinks; liquors. Fine lunches New manasement. n , v.A.i.. return. &. renovated; mod, conveniences! Everything- (or Women. OLD n)UmB mnrin nn. f.tl. I . . ..." iiv n . aiiLurnia urn trlch PlumCo.. 208 Neville Bldg. D. 6010. DRESH nlnttnv I...,, . -rr , wuiiuh, vuvercu. nil li5o r ylf,"- T."B IlAL, PLEAT INO CO., 220 Douglaa Blk. Douglas 1336. "it n ?? n PSXSii Prt workmanship. HT GUARANTEED. Prices $33 to 360 S. KENYON svn YT i,W' . - " . Ifc. . I , niI2l:.aJnad0 0Ver' icantd, dyed, curled. Perthu Kruger. 423-A. Paxton Blk! V. tSH. Sandberg & Eltner. photos. 107 8. Itith. L. A. Borshelm, Jeweler. 606 8. TcGT Florists. A. Donaghue. 1007 Farnam. D. lQQi. JIESgjt, SWOBQDaT 1416 Farnam. St" L.JIENDER8QN, ISirPTrnlrn.' D. 125sT BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater BldST" rnraaci ce, Stoves, Ilepnlra. hVwn..n.dKa'"I '"Tces, steam and ifi,r, ""'"l'' " 'urnaces, wrought i" . cast. Empress and Sultan i "aiXt t, 7 "-a" "uners, inermoststs and puinha Stovo Repair Works 1203-S Douglaa St. Tyler 20. Furnace rep, and cleaning expert. W. 7773. Insurance. THIS THE VERr BEST Inter-State Business Men's. Accidont & Health Assn. . Dos Moines, la, $5,000.00 PAID FOR DEATIL LOSS OF EYES. ARMS . OR LIMBS. C5 0 JTJSS WEEK INDEM- N1TY-SICKNESS, C08T $9.00 AND $10.00 PER YEAR. . "AUTOMATIC AUTOMO BILE ACCIDENT COVER INO EVERY KIND OF AN AUTO ACCIDENT. INDEMNITY $25.00 PER WEEK AT $5.00 PER YEAR , WRITE ME FOR FULL INFORMATION. FRED G. HASS, Agt. Agents Wanted. BOX 678. OMAHA. 1UIUHAUU INSURANCE. Call Tyler 1024. O'Nelll'a. 1606 FArnam 8t Mattresses and Plllorrs. Have your feather nuMm,,., t. covers made at Omaha Pillow Co. Feath- -- """1IU in. u. un Cuming. Naraerlea and Seeds. STEWART'S SEEDMAN. 119 N. 16th. Osteopathy!! " Alice Johnson, 308-3 Brandels The. Bldg. Patents. H. A Sturgea, 630 Brandela Thea. Bids D, O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red IU7. l'lamblng. Plumbing and heating. Fischer & Con. nell. 1313 William St. Doug. mi. uon Prlatlnar. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 641. RABER PR1NT1NQ ICO. Dour. 101 Ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 & 13th. Sheet Metal Works. Carter Sheet Metal Works. 110 a 10th. Store and Office Fix tares, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv. tng. etc. We buy, we sell. Omaha fixture and Supply r0. jlK-icis a ltth D. 27 "Key to the Sltuatlon-Bee AdvertlslngT" J Drawn TTf CMER OP R4. I WAS KIDDING LIKE VkVoT IT OMLV C7 $27.50 rami IDE4R 1 BUSINESS PERSONALS. Storm Doors and WtndoTrs. Welrlch; storm doors, sashes. 1217 N. 24. Tmnka.nnd Snttcasea. FRELINO & BTEINLE. 1803 Farnam St "Wines and Liquors. WILLOW Springs beer, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jetes. 201-3 S. 13th St. EDUCATIONAL. Y. M. C. A. Night School New Classes Opening Carpenters' Arlth., 33..7B; Commercial Law, 310; Electrical Testing, $15; Elec. Lnglneering, $15; Freehand Drawing, $7; Gas Engineering. $7,60; German, (ask); Plan Reading and Est.. $7; Public Speak ing, $7; Salesmanship, $25; Showcard Writing. $7: St cum rntrinpn-ln. IIS: RnwH Shorthand, $12; First Aid (ask). Enroll now. Extra feoof $3 charged nonmembers. W CLASSES OPENED SEPT, 15. Now Is a court tltnft tn entnr. Inniilrl cneenuny answered, call Tyler 1600. EDUCATIONAL DEPT., 17th & Horner. MOSHER-LA MPMAN COLLEGE. Unsurpassed classes. Finest quarters. Graduates are guaranteed good nosltlons. Work fnr mrl. Pnr fr.A rntalfiiA uress niosner-uampman college, 1S15 Far nam at., umana. jseo. BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAR. ComDlcte course's In Business. Book. kconlnc. Stenogranhv. Teleirranhv. Civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is read. Call, write or phone for It. Boyles CoIleKe. 18th and Harney His.. Omaha, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOU SALS Horse and Vfallea. Heavy teamtnc Rears and waeons: tiest makes and largest variety In the city. Tohnson-Danforth Co.. 10th and Jones Sta FOR SALE 100 farm Waaron boxes with sideboards and spring seats, (15.60. Stroud Co.. 20th and Ames. Tel. Web. 2WS. . . - '1 LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUBTS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office ot tho Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain wr.ether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to' restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug, las 4S. LOST On 24th, bet H and N. South Omaha, Thursday, heavy gold chain and pendant containing 2 green stones and 1 pearls. Return to 23U N St., South Omaha. Reward. LOST On N. 21th 8t car. pocketbook containing $5.65. W. 4004, Get reward. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It Terry cures piles, fistula and Other rectal dlseaa wlthnnt mirmi..! operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on reqiai diseases witn testimonials. mi. tu. 11. TAiiur, aa nee Bldg., Omaha, Dr. Baker Medical Offices DISEASES OF WOMEN. Consultation and examination free. 210 South 14th Street Omaha, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED l-'EUPLts and otnars upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. Nor ton St. Co.. 333 Board of Trade Building. OFFERED FOR RENT. Apartments sad Flats. GordonVanCo. S! 219 N. 11th St. or 210 S. 17th St TeL D. 334. 1807 FARNAM 6 rooms completely mod- rrn, auuaoie location tor olttces, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall juibu uo., 23 itamge. o. 7408. STRICTLY first-class apts. MARIUS tKJKiarnsfci.'y, 1Z city Nat. Bk. D. 6790. 3-ROOM mod. flat, Scaro BId'g.. 516K No. 24th 8t, 8outh Omaha. Hall, AU MODERN 9-room flat. 2303 Casat FOR RENT Four-room modern apart ment. 65 8. 28th St H. 414L Reasonable. FREE TO NOVEMBER L Call D. 4512. $20--room flat. 1202 N. 24th St Beautifully papered throughout t-r.. modern apartment 1112 So. llth. $30 PER MONTH. Four-room flat, with eoninla wn equal to five rooms; all finished In oak; bedroom mahoaanlzed blrrh. Jn.t nn. block from Farnam; walking distance. 1nAvt.11 uitus.. Phones Red 4721 or Webster 4333. sTnrBlahed Uouiui. BAfHRT-AR snirtm.nl. fnr ?wr. Ii,.n. tltully furnished, private entrance, mod ern conveniences, price reasonable, 'block and half So. from Leavenworth car. 906 South 26th St. 1401 a UTH-Nlcely furnished, modern, furnace heat NICELY furnished front room, new house, private family Close to Hanscom Park, block to car. Harney gioo. Varnished ii.t. FOR RENT 9-room furnlshei house for winter: no children; refereno- West Farnam district. Add. L JU Bu. THAT large new hou. it v., v ,v. Ave., having 6 bedrooms and 2 baths, for months or more. D. C. Patterson. TeL ea nw7. S KTilllTt.V n.n.l.. .. . nTNrh'lwe dl$Unc,; mn 'd wife! THREE unfurnished rooms; private bath; modern except heat. 2617 N. ISth St lietels sue AtwrfMeata. DO DOE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Ilouaee uxd CotiMBen. FIDELITY" cgov. shipped lth and Jackson Pta. Doug iuj' t-ROOMS. modern, reasonable, s&st Daveruxw 1 for The Bee by iTMATi' MORE. Oi 1 MM Vfocb HIT IT, BUT W4SYfcR C4RIAfr ME LET WW. OOWM rt jrii 3 Lid- nit i mill in 1111! Ml IH! 1(1 llll 1 1 OFFERED FOR RENT. Houses and Cottases. ' ALL modern home, racins Central boulevard; 4 nice bed rooms and bath UPStalrS. 3 ronmn nnH lnrcro rocanllon V. n 1 1 downstnlrs; all cement basement: near Boyles. D. 1565. 2325 S. Sth. 5-r., city water. $10. 6o3 S. 42d. 6-r., mod., new, $20. 2640 Seward, ti rooms, hardwood finish, strictly modern. $22.50. . W. H. RUSSELL. 432 Ramce Bldg. 602 N. 32D ST.. rooms; turuaco heat; all mod.; J22.CC Bemls-Carlberg Co.. 313 Brandels Thea. Bldg. MAQQAHD VAN AND STURAOE CO. racks, moves, storoi and ships household toods and pianos. Douglas 148?. NINE-ROOM modern house; good loca Uon. 735 a 37th; 335.00. Web. 2500. J. C. Reed J?xp- c"- furniture moving. ' -P" two men. 31 hour. D-041 Houses ,r?,IJ,.paJH-OI.t! C,"T. ... . sunn S-W., n,B IJ I j-iiuuin nouse 1 or rem. ff urnisned or unfurnished. 1902 Wirt. Web. 66G. A nn,. . . . . . FOR RENT Two-story frame dwelling en Cass, near 3th: modern. Creigaoa university. Douglaa 2320. NEW 6-room, moderr. without heat 2721 Parker. Phone Harney 74. FOR RENT Eight-room house. 2213 Dodge St Apply W. N. Chambers. 31 Braudels Theater Bldg.. Phone Douglas w. A COMPLETE list at- vacant houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This Is a list compiled dally and can be seen free of charge at 109 South 17th St OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. 8-r.. rood, house, 130, 8. 26th. D. 4472. 672 SO. 2STH ST. S rooma completly mod.. $32.60. Hall. 433 Ramgo Bid. D. 7406. 161S HALL AVE. 7 rooms completely modern. $30. HalL 423 linmin umi- r 7408. " 1 2561 JONES ST., C-room cottage; $13. Louis Rubin. 502 S. 10th St 5103 UNDERWOOD AVE., Dundee, 8 rooms, new; hot water heat; $65. Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. NOTHING like It: central: muni hn.t- 7-room house; halls, bath, basement. 220 CALL Harney 1692 and rent the clean est, warmest . and best located' 6-rooin apartment In the city. I also have a nuw 7-room modern house for $30 on Farnam St $20 Six-room cottage, all rooms on one floors, mod. ex heat eat front. navrt street 1618 N. 33th St zi-Nlc 6-room cottage, newly papered Witt 8tUt' ,nd' 6X heSt' n'Ce yard' 2615 bcott & Hill. 307 McCague. Doug. 1009. OUTSIDE pressed brick flat four largo rooms, hall, vestibule, bath, electric light Far'ni'm Z'l,."'' String to Farnam car. Just papered, elegant and cwy; $iaj 2744 S. Sth St Keys at 274S o? 2656 Spencer St., 6-r. cottage, modern except furnace: $22 per month. R. H. LANDERYOU. Doug 2151. 224 State Bank Bid. i,.,VJ'IiS?Ji hou,e' modern except heat. $18. 3042 Cottage Grove Ave. u,n.,007X.ew..f,veron cottage, mod. ex. heat 3821 North 19th. Wm. Arndt Tel. Webster 2039. jWS. St. 8-r., mod. flat $30. 2623 Bristol St.. 6-r.. mod. ex. ht. $22.60. N. 27th Ave. 7-r., mod. ex. ht. $20. 2306 Bahler 8t, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $20. Bemls-Corlberg Co.. 310-312 Brandela The, Stores and Ufttuwe. ,J5E.W .lorb tJUlWInr 26x60. Bteam heat 170S Jackson. FOR REM? 1811 FABNAM STREET 3,000 SQUARE FEET Two and one-half blocks from 16th and Farnam. Ready for occupancy Novem ber 1st THOS. F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 74CA. ' .FO,F K5NT-The office on ground floor ui jih i,ce Duuaing occupied by the "avens-Whlte Coal company. Frontage on rarnam St and oocnnvltic ihnni 1 nv square feet with extra entrance on the .21" "i "10 DU""ng. Large vault Fine 2."?.cenxtureB f0" a'e. Apply N. P, Fell, Bee office. . ' FOR RENT-Store building 25x60 feet, suitable for tailor, plumbing or harness shop with good openings for each: on' main street. Scott's Bluff, Neb. Best town in North Piatt, vsll.v rr,,,l..i.. 3.000. Address Box 44. Scott's Bluff, Neb. run HEM' lirff linn Kit c. If. I. St (Hotel Rome), $125. includes light and heat. Rome Miller. 24TH AND LEAVENWORTH New brick. 18x23. for tallnr i?rnopv np meata. $3a " O'KEEFE R. a CO.. 1016 Omaha Nat'l. iwi uAvt.iinJHT. Evenlnira Phnn. Harney. 6054. OFFERED FOR SALE. Moaleat Iniiruuuuii. t ELECTRIC pianos. $125. 119 N. 15th. FOll aAI.H-lr..trMrT.i,,. i l!a and music for orchestra. Apply Post Lxchange. Fort Omaha. Neb. l7Pevrlter, JlKIvr llenjlnetonn. SInnrn",i mwiA Smith Premiers ot their makers. The Rem ington Typewriter Co.. telephone Douglas I2S4. Rental credited It you purchase, and only very newest and hlgheot grade m. chtnes sent out Rates. I mos, for $503 w, w,mTit,Mv iiiaciunvs or per month for latest model visible writers. ALL makes typewriters rented and .nM "y erm. Butts' Typewriter Exchtvngel im Farnam St Douglas 6011. TYPEWRITERS for rent; S months. S3. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANOE REBUILT a.nd slightly used typewriters rented and aold on easy .terms. Omaha Typewriter Exchange. 4lr a uth St. " TYPEWRITERS sold and rented every; where. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Company. 1$1 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. ..RT.!' '!iLer typewriter, 3 months. $1. Tha Oliver Typewriter Co. Doug. 3913. Miscellaneous. FOR RALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bur fix tures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswirk-Balke Collender Co.. 407-403 a 10th St fcfi ()C Be,t Co' for the money; yo.W try iK Web ltl Harmon Weeth. Cliff Sterrett t $OMt ii i inn m nm 1111117 nmr.irmmi OFFERED FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. WE ARE selling out a $10,000 stock of unredeemed overcoats and Jewelry; also special price on suitcases, handbags and trunks; must be sold within 30 days. White Jewelry and Clothing Store, 1203 Douglas. EMPTY Ink baiTels for sale. Apply Bee Publishing Co.. 17th and Farnam Bts. . FOR SALE 15-foot good oak counter, formerly used In The Bee business office: cheap. Apply at Bee office. Bee Bid. Kindling. $3 load. Gross Wrecking Co. SAFES Overstocked, oecond-nandr all makes. J. J. Derlght Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam l'ET BTOCIL BOSTON terrier pupa cheap. Doug. PEDIGREED AlnlnJa nnA Dulnn TW- rier puppies. Apply Jamea Forhead, 2207 Casa 8t Doug. 277. " PERSONAL. 30 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO the L. H. Journal $1.60: tho R v. Pn. $1.60; the Country Gentleman, $1.50. by aeyi ju, carnn mai j,uw ror tne invalids Pension Ass'n. Your renewal contributes COc. Thone Douglas 7163, Omaha. GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. YOUNG- women coml.ig to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Youns Women's Christian association building at Mth and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asslstod. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union Station. THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglaa 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect the new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St MAGNETIC treatment E. Brott. 6026. Miss Fisher, mas., bqth. elec treat D. 861 MASSAGE wedlsh movement 41s C3-DAY BLCOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. Marguerite Hqlloran, massr.ge. D. 7761. MASSAGEP.orn and bunlona treated. imioiaa.ujjMw Haynes. 707 8. 16th. MANICURING, massage. 1711 Dodge. Miss Debar, Electrte massage, bath. 214 Balrd Bldg, AV ANTED To know the wherabouts of Louis and Fate Davison. When last heard ot at Omaha, Neb R. M. Davison, Stillwater, Okl. SALE OR EXCHANGE. IL E. WILL exchange my" equity In five-room house for automobile. This property Is 1U blocks from car and nearly modern. Phone W 3676. WILL exchange for farm a hand somely furnished 3S-room brick hotel in progressive Illlnols-town of 4.000 popula tion; rented for $1,800 per year; will pay cash difference or take mortgage back. Addresa Y 300. Bee. FOR BALE OR TRADE For horses. caU tie or clear town property; Twenty acres and a town lot in the onion belt of Texas twenty acres and two town lots, between two good towns on gulf coast of Texas two nice residence lots In one of the best towns of Wyoming;, a half section of good farm land six miles from KlmbalL Neb first-class properties: clear, but slight encumbrance. Address Box 64. Albion. Neb. REAL ESTATE. CITY PROPERTY iron SALB. $200 $200 'New Bungalow Corner Lot 4724 North 34th St., 5 dandy rooms; every room finished and floored In oak; atalrway out of dining room, so that two splendid rooms can bo finished upstairs; combination gas and electric lights, full basement with hot- air heat ing plant: paved street; east front: P f the highest points In the city. Beautiful east front view all over Omaha. Price $2,950; $200 cosh: balance mighty easy; go out and look this over right away. Take Ames Ave. cor to 34th. walk two bIockaiorth. This Is something better than you have ever seen Payne & Slater Co., 616 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. (Urff . LtpUU $200 f Wfet Davenport Lots Near 37th, paved walks, level grade houses building this and next yearT 3 JwkV? 1125 P- 'oot lots; only $40 pe? paid. r att t0 bulld whn lot ,s O'KEEPE TlVfAI. put iTu 1016 Omaha Nat. Doug!' 2715 J,veninga, 11, 33s or H. 6134. LOTS $1 DOWN. In Hanscom Pn.rk Aitrf . nn uA k,n .i blocka from rnr n $5 an a v.al... 60 reet front: all fine, and from $200 up wards. Sola. An dl.hihl... Z, . V Call on - m unaay. W. J. PETERSEN. AGENT. 2S1S Oold St $. FOR SAIiE-Several JL 1 ne building lots ft -f I near the car line, VL I olty water, good lo-. T I -s- cation; terms a AJ J DOWN, tl A U'l-pii without Interest: you can start h.itM as eoon as you pay your dollar. Jt. tt. HARPER. 1013-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. HANSCOM PARK, w.., -XZ S' ' - accessible: all TATn'l"?11 lotl0n.- 6231 - ' Douglas BRAND NEW Bl'NaALmvFORBAER 6 rooms, all modern, oak flnlshS fine sun room, full ...'.nIBn' 19th and -Br.M Bt. owrlooWrw?:S! Telethon, during day. DYtSSS . "1 t