14 lntu Hiuvj; tsAlAllA, oalLliiiAi, U .p jljU 11, iyid. Society By MELLIFIOIA. Friday, October 10, 1913. n. HOMER CONANT of Now York, formerly of this city, 1b spond- Mlng a few days hero visiting bis mother, Mrs. M. H. Conant. Mr. Conant has Just returned from a stay of several months In Paris, where he has been continuing his work as fashion artist His description of an apartment In Paris designed by Paul Polret, who Is at present the rage In Paris and New York, is both unique and lntir' ting. "This apartment," Bays Mr. Conant, "is ;nost weird; is like many of the costumes designed this season by Monsclur Polrat, for ho gets his ln splratlon from the Porslans. Tho carpet of the living room Is black, and oa this are green tubs. In one corner of the room Is a Turkish couch covered with gold cloth, and tho couch pillows are of the samo. The walls aro hung with wonderful tapestries, and tho furnituro whlto enamel, with olabornto Persian designs done in oriental shades of red, blue and yellow. Tho stairway is also unusual Vermillion red, with a Persian design. Tho bath room Is Mack and whlto tiling, wth the Roman bath synk Into tho floor, and the light coming from tho celling." Paul Polret designed tho costumes for some of the rccon4 operas In Paris. . They are said to bo most original and attractive. Whilo some of tho models are quite startling, others aro of a stylo dorauro and modest. Among the Polret models worn in pmaba recently were: A simple whlto evening gown worn by Miss Frances Nash; this has a tunic of while and the bodice is mostly dainty whlto tulle. Miss Helen Cudahy wore a dainty pale green model of charmouse, with tho aneel sleeves and bodice of tulle. Mrs. Olive "Watson of Lincoln has a more elaborat model of bro caded crepo and velvet in shades of apricot and cream, with trimmings of black and white tullo. November Wedding. One of tha prominent wedding tho autumn !lt be that of Miss Dorothy Etaven. daughter of Mr. and Mn. T. B. SUvens. to Mr. Ben B. Wood. Tho wed din will bo celebrated at Trinity cathe dral Saturday evenln'r. November 8. Fol lowing the ceremony there, wllj be a re cepllon at the "home of Mr and Mr. Btevena. At the Omaha Club. Miss Helen Clarke entertained delight fully at luncheon today at the Omaha club In honor of Miss ilarle Uollln;er, an October bride. Those present were: Wines Daphne Peters, Lucy Hawk or Oat- tlo Creek. Mich., Mary nurkley, Mary Mcwacue, Misses Marie llolllnser. Carolyn Herdlnp. Orrtchen Me- Connell. Katherlne Beeaon, Slelea Murphy, Mildred Butler, Alice Carter, Elisabeth Davis. Menle Davie, Mrv Bheatz. LAiclle Bacon. Katherlne Thum- me.lt. . , Helen Clarke. Pleasures Fait. Mrs. Horace J- Holme entertained Thursday afternoon fir Mr. Ida Eaton of Grand Island. There waa muslcand a yelnc contest. Prliea 'we're won by Mrs, Oscar Allen arid Mrs. Ida Eaton. Those, present were; 1 Kssdame- Mesdamt- J, i, iNiCKengn, Jltnt-y Itoblnton. K. AV, Hanborn of Council Bluffs, gL 11. Lulkhurt, Jamea Bone. C. H. Marshall, Oecar Ullen, M. T. BenUen, Iafermal Xuackaa. 1 9 JCr. John T. Tatea waa hostess at an InformaMunchwmSMiy. tr;.ist. ment at the .West ?arnan Jn honor of tan. Jiarry wen " uuicinnu. ugui were present. rueata Xatcrtaiamenti. Miss Greta Lane save a luncheon Thursday at her home, followed by a matinee party at the Boyd theater for MUs Gertrude McCarthy of Chicago. Those present were. ' Misses Misses Gertrude McCarthy, Marlon Xuhn. Frances Iloch- Kugenla Patterson, sutler, Oreta Lane. Ann Clifford. Mrs. W. 8. Poppleton cave a small luncheon today for Mrs. Perry Allen of New Tork. Informal Dancing Party. Mlsa Alice Swiuler -wilt entertain at a ancln; party this nvenln at her horn In honor e Mis Luctle Schraubstadttr of 6t- Louis, attest of Mrs. W. T. Robinson. The rooms will be decorated With autumn leaves. Amenf the out-of-town gueata -will be Mr. John Market and Mr. Martin Stelcthardt of Nebraska City. About twenty truest will be preseut 1'or the Future. Mrs. O. W. Wlckersham will entertain at a luncheon at the Loyal Saturday In honor of Miss Marie Holltnger, ; . Miss Amy Qllmoro will Rive a matinee party Saturday at the American for Miss Luclla Schraubstadter of St. Iyouls. Mrs. Claude Matthal will entertain at a bridge luncheon Tuesday for Mrs. Harry Well of Cincinnati Dr. and Mrs. IL B. 1emere returned this morning after spending; several weeks In Europe. They spent most of tho time In Vienna and sailed from Ham- burs'. Mrs. a. W. Megeath, Miss Mary Me- geath ai)d Mrs. .Freeman returned yes terday from an eastern trip. Mlsa Eva Malioney,has returned from Colorado, where she spent the summer on a ranch. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Miss Clara Thomas, secretary of the Visiting Nurse assdctatlon. has returned front an extended visit with friends near Moorcroft, Wyo., having visited on the return Journey at Newcastle, North Piatt and Oaring. RUMPUS OVBRJACCIHATION Burdin, Board of Education Mem ber, Demands Practice Stop. AyS 'CHILDREN ABE POISONED 1 1 . i Confer vrHh Graff and Holortchl ner, Who'AVIII lmr (mention lie for Judiciary Commute for Immediate Action. i. J. Burdin, member of the school board from the Fifth ward, ha called halt on vacclnattoi. achools, following the wholesale Inocula- lion of Monmouth Park school children with antl-smallpoz serum, nurrfin hM conference pn the subject for two hours Ith Superintendent E. t7. Oraff anrl rr E. Holovtchlner. Dreldn nf tv. The whole matter wlllli. nut n tv. Judiciary committee of the board," e&id sir. Burdin. "It Is time to .ton thi sort of thing. We hav gone on the pre sumption that children must submit to accinatlon when In fact there- la no twr.t reason why they should and there la. from the standpoint of hraiene. no ren- son whatever for such a practice. have always ODDosed vaccination nrt It Is opposed by reDUtabla nhv.trinn. iu admit it is almply a method of over- coming one poison with a more powerful poison. I have seen children crinnUd. losing the use of arms: I have seen thm suffer from the effects of vaccination and I am at a loss to understand why the people permit it to go on." Superintendent Oraff and I Dr. miovi. chlner would not discuss the ultimatum Issued by Mr. Burdin. Thav nfuni m admit that the question of vaccination was discussed. We are holding a little conference to see how far wo could so In the matter of open sohooU." said Dr. Holovtchlner- Mr. Bnrdln oald coniDulsorv taccinn. tlon was an abridgement of the freedom of tho people guaranteed by th consti tution of the United States. He saldt 'A free people should be allowed to select their own physicians, their own medicine and their own manner of treat ment with as little restriction as they should be allowed to select their food. We are vaccinating hundreds and thou sands of children In this country every year without Just cause. It ought to be stopped." Mr. Burdin is not a member of tho In. dietary committee, but he probably will go before the committee and fight out his case there, and, losing with the com mittee, says he will carry It before the board. IF BACK HURTS BEGIN ON SALTS luih your Kidneys occasion ally if you eat meat regularly. No man or woman who eata meat reg ularly can make a mistake, by flushing the kidney occasionally, ays a well- known authority. Meat forma uric acid which clogs tha kidney pore so they slujtglshly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood, then you get sick. Nearly all rheuma tism, headaches, liver trouble, norvoua constipation, dUslness, sleepless nee, bladder disorders come from slug gish kidney. v The moment you feel a dull aohe In tho kidneys or your back hurts, or If the urine Is cloudy, offensive, full of sedt went. Irregular of passage or attended by a sensation of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salta from any reli able pharmacy and taVe a tablespoon ful In a glaas or water before breakfast for a few day and your kidney will then act fine. This, famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with JIUila and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys atxd stimulate them to activity, also to nstitralixe t!i acids In urine so It no longer causisa irritation, thus ending Udder disorder. Jad Baits 1 Inexpensive, and cannot Mure; makes "a delightful effervescent Uthla-water drink -which all regular tneat eaters should take now and then to ktp the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avolfllnt serious htdney complication Advertisement New Store Plans Big Opening for Tuesday Morning A new store for Omaha will be opened Tuesday at 319 South Sixteenth street, by the National Sample ploak and Suit com pahy,' managed by Louie Cotian of New. York ' City. This Is one of a string of" such stores, which have opened .through out the country and will make a specialty of handling samplo good, suits and coat which have been made up as samples and Lwhlch will represent the very latest of style. This firm buys samples from the leading manufacturers of the country and thus 1 always supplcdwlth all that Is the very latest of the season's fashions. The opening will ba Tuesday at 9 a. m., when a souvenir will bo presented to each woman who attends the opening. Tha new store Is on Sixteenth, between Farnam and Harney, streets, and has the motto of tho l,one price store." AdOlub Mai Hire Lawyer, to yVatoh Fake Advertising The Omaha Ad club Is to have an ati tomey, It the executive committee teei tit, whose business It will be. to prose cute violations of the city ordinance and the state law against fake advertising either newspaper advertising or bill board advertising. The vigilance com mittee of the Ad club ha recommended to the executive, committee the appoint ment of such an attorney. The club has set aside a fund for the prosecution of such canes. The attorney 1 likely to be appointed at the next meeting of th executive committee. The club already has th co-operation of sonte of the larger business houses in th city In this movement and Is expect ing to co-operate with the As&ocHted ItetBllern of Omaha, which organisation also has a committee to look Into such offenses. KST AD HEALTH TO IMTHOt JUW MILD. MavViwatow Rootuimo aracr ka bcea VSS$$H!i L.WT CHUJ&RBN WUILU TEETIUHO, rlth VKKFECT bCCCXSa. It fcOOTHXa til CH(Lt). mStswb theCUUa! Omaha Boy Glass Prophet at Amherst SPBlNayiELD, Mass.. Ovt. la-Tha senior class of Amherst oollege has elected officers for the year as follows: Presi dent, F. D. Chamberlain of 8pringfleld; treasurer. J. H. Kimball of Orange; prophet, P. TV. Payne of Omaha; secre tary, 3. K. Hough or Brie, Pa.; hockey director, it. C. Seymour of Hartford, Conn. Mr. Payne la th eon of Q. H. Payne of tha Payne Investment company. MARSHAL WARNER IS PRESENTED WITH CHAIR For the flcst time In years all the United States deputy marshals were In Omaha at one time Thursday night, and to celebrate the occasion all seven of them went out to Marshal Warner's home In Dundee. They took a chair aa a prts ent for the marshal, and then flew In t having a good time. Th grand Jury. now convened, I given a on reason why all the deputy marshal happened to be lit Omaha at one time. JOHN GAARD GETTING WELL; BOY ASSAULTERS LET GO Edward Mlnlkun. flarnta .Tnhn A. Dore, Fred Corftpton and Edward Car- vni, the nve lads who on the evening of September 20 assaulted John Oaard, ah expressman, at Twenty-fourth and Leav enworth street and Seriously Injured the; tnan by striking him on the head with a brick, were discharged In nation The discharge came aa tho result of Oiard's failure to proseoute. Mr. Oaard haa about recovered from his Injury and owing to the fact that thi mimvi.. v l a relative of his he decided hot to push mo case against the boy. A Mrrnlr tn- T I .!- frOm atOmiLcll. IIvhf and V,Mn. I. mad when a ISo box of Dr. Kins' New Ufa Pills I bouehL Vhv nf.r? w w " - e 1 i aaie vy your druggist-Advertisement Fashion Hint Dog Brings Letter from Himself to the Acting Mayor A proud-stepplng Bott6n hull terrier walked Into Acting Mayor Dan B. But ler's office with a scaled packet In his mouth, wagged his head and delivered the message. The packet was a photo graph of the dog, the property of C. N. Dletz, and tho message was the follow ing letter from "Punch," the dog him self; "After seral thousand years" devo tion to mankind we arc glad to recog nize a true friend. May you live to rule over many men and never forget the rights of your best friend, the dog." Butler recently declared he was op posed to muzzling dogs and Punch, rep resenting several thousand canines, called to thank him for the kind expression, SHOPLIFTERS DISMISSED BY POLICE JUDGE FOSTER Thomas Burns, South. Omaha, accused of stealing a pair of gloves .from the Branded stores Thursday sftrrnoon, and Jessie Short, Auburn, Neb., charged with the theft of a hat -from the same estab lishment, wero arraigned before Judge Foster, who sentenced Burns to thirty days and Miss Short a fine of $30 and costs. Both penalties were suspended during good behavior. Special Officer Finn of the Brandels stores made the arresti. GERMAN CLUB AT BELLEVUE HOLDS ITS FIRST MEETING The German club of Bellevue college held It first meeting Wednesday In Lowrle parlors. The affair was to or ganize the students, more than a formal meeting, and Miss Carter, head of the German department, assisted by Prof Peters, entertained. An animated Ger man conversation was preliminary to a musical program which was, of course, from the German masters. Miss Hamblln sung a German version of the otd lullaby, "Rock Me to Bleep," which was well re ceived. Following this solo all the guests Joined In a general saengerfest, after which refreshments were eerved. Everyone had a splendid time and It all the meetings are like the first, the society will be an Immense success. GRAIN MEN GO TO THE CONVENTION ATNEW ORLEANS Walter Holmqulst E. Beardsley, E. P. Peck, George Powell and F. B. Cowgtll have gone to New Orleans, where they will attend the national convention of the grain dealer of the United States. Some of the Omaha men are accompanied by their wive, hnd they expect to visit the Panama canal aone before their return. Br IjA IUCONTEU8E. Afternoon dress In apricot charmeuse. The kimono bodlco Is in apricot silk brocaded In white. It. is cut in. front In two points. one over the other and fastened with a round button covered with apricot charmeuse, tho neck and the top edge of the point are trimmed with a turn-over apricot charmeuse silk collar finishing to nothing at each end of each point The large three-quarter sleeve are trimmed with a -turn-up cuff In charmeUse material cut open at the under part and fixed to the sleeves with two charmeuse round buttons at the corner. The curved, pointed shape of the bodice shows off tho neck. Below the waist a pleated white chiffon blouse trimmed round the ifbck with a bias and an empire bow of dark green liberty and on the point with three buttons. The material of the bodice make a tiny gathered basque oyer the skirt, round the back to each side front. Tho waist Is tightened In a high draped belt In dark green liberty. .Two straight squar sashes fall from the top of the belt in ttia front one, longer than th.other. the straight 'skirt gathered In the Waist make a pointed train at the back and Is closed hnd curved across the front to show tho foot i unnyBrook Whiskey I B0TTU0..60N0 i l 'uwiiwmoin ITiuswnrrtjruisfca SSnaflaUSSSE HBAMiL.IIHgHgMgB MMg 'Show me your friends saying; old and true. No beverage ever had such a large circle of Loyal friends as Sunny Brook The Fure rood Whiskey. Its popularity is not limited to any particular section Sunny Brook is a universal favorite everywhere. It is a safe, sane, satisfying stimu lant, and this, combined with its exquisite flavor, rich mellowness, and high tonic properties, have earned for Sunny Brook its world-wide supremacy. Sunny Brook is bottled under the Green Government Stamp unmistakable proof that it is straight, natural whiskey 100 U. S. Standard besides Sunny Brook carries the guarantee of the Largest Distill ers of Fine Old Whiskey in the World, that it js scientifically distilled,, and aged, in the good old, honest, Sunny Brook way. SUNNY BROOK is now bottled with our own patented "Tieisler" stoppers. Ons twist un-corks or ri-cotks the bottle tight. No Need for Cork Screws. iwi :i ;g;nwi;iai rw.v w ! i j .. j ?j GROTTE BROS. CO., Wholesale Distributors For Omaha, Neb. SURPRISE SALES SATURDAY First Millinery-a Little Early to do Radical wuiimg inus cany but mere's a Reason There is something In the air at this time of th year that has a vry drying, Irritating effect on th nostrils and air passages of the trad j,d throat A cough and cold fejuntly follow theae jymptoms, and Foley's Honey and Tar Compound Is a utronr demulcent remedy that gives prompt relief. Us It for coughs, colds. Uckllng throat, hoarseness and branchial coughs; beat for children and grown persons. Keep Jt at horn and quick relief wtll follow U use. Con tains no opiate. For sale by all dealer evrywher.-Advrtlsmcnt $5.98 We have on hand a number of models exclusive with us-they have served their mimr, in glying us hints, ideas, and suggestions ahd now we want to sell ttnSdS haps to state Hats are In good oondition-a few extreme in style-Simc medium ,Z?urd SU,V dresey-others small in size and quite clever-ostrich trim med hats priced as high as $25 each, Saturday $16.50 each c,ever ostncn tnm- uress and tailored hats, former selling price $15.00, only $10.00 each on Saturdav c""AV VVA" Ur vpcu wiui a spiencua assortment or trimmed hats nrippr! yesterday at $7.50, $8,00, $8.50 and $9.00, on Saturday one price P We told you previously about a very ex tensive kid glove purchase the Residue of one lot we hope to close out tomor row. Nearly all colors and every size usual ly sold at $1.00, Saturday 68 cents pair. Like the rest of our merchandise, these are guaranteed. Everything you buy at Kil patrick's must give you satisfaction or it is replaced with merchandise or money. The very name in deed stands for all that is best in merchandising worth something that, in these days of fake and falsehood. Now we would write a few sweot and honeyed words ''Cobb's Pn coanut Caramels, Chocolates, Cnndies, etc." How it lends itLf tri a hteration whose artful aid is hardly necessary now, for ''otfJd bis good wife" aro already famous. Pure Candy, cleanly kent oS? Old Faihlonad Molasaes Taffy tho vrv nam i . 15 K older. y ine Vflry nRm6 18 tempting, especially to ire U.Dx? ,,f ,U,Cy p,noaPPle wh a soft delicious coatlnc afteyottuXVnnen611" comb,nat,on and m.rahmallow.. DegMful Bt&Zp P of our oVn dipping. Your ITnpln Romilol I. i,.i.i.. n . to him, will reach the recipient In god condition""61 Pat Cobb, Candjr' th,ink fc"y CA j 1 r Saturday-antidp We offer a lot of Dress Goods on Saturday at 98c-worth $1.25 Jan"ary 1st, 1914. THOS. KILPATRICK & CO. . .