10 THE BEE: OMAHA, RATTRDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1913. 1 7 Greater Values in Fall Apparel of Superior Quality and Children From the Great Purchase of the Surplus Stock of D. Hartman & Co., Green St., New York The firm of D. Hartman A Co., wtll-knmcn job bers and manufacturers of JVetB York, sacrificed EXTRA SPECIAL SILK Saturday on our second Jltoorwill o6 W AICTO Prea Jrth for your teltction hun WA1STS tir ds of the daintiest and prettiest new dres and evening waists of chiffon, crepe de diint. messaline in the newest shade and the very newest models for fail MadetofcgQQ ti?ptf tell actual y as hih ms $11.50$ ancP . and $15. Two great groups at J J to us nearly their entire stock of women' and children's Coat, Dretstt, built, Waists and Un derwear. They tire all ot excellent quali u and at; are made in this Mason' latest tylc It in one of ths greatest bits of good fortune that enable us to tell them to you Saturday at JUST ABOUT, ONE-HALF OF THEIR ACTUAL VALUE. An Actual Saving to You of $25? to $75? on One of These Fine New Coats! 4 $10 and $12.50 CLOAKS at$ 7. 50 Scores of new cloth conta, now plash roots find new caracul coat, In all sizes; all excellent stylos and splendid wearing material. Nowhere elo In Omaha could you hoiw to buy such coatH tor less than $10 to 912.50 Saturday c?jiuviai nit immhmmm itmxnn coma syso CLOAKS w ffcr you 8atur- d 1 fr day tne cholco of a at $10.00 great, fully com plete lot of new coata for fall and mid winter wear In the newer styles and1 better grades; clever new 1913 features; made o Hell regu larly up to $15 each Satur day, Bpcclal . JI0 CLOAKS Choose from scores t . 9 A. at SI 2.50 quarter length coats of good, wllk pluah, smart caracul and new novelty mixed clothp, swagger styles for winter wear; none tnado to aell for less than $16,50 and some worth $18 and 120; all size for women and mimes . '1250 $20 and $22.50 CLOAKS at $17.50 New lots of high class winter coats have been placed In this group. Every style is strictly up to the hour. Tho favorite styles in excellent quality cara cul, plusli and wool fab rics. Long, three-quarter and short coats worth read ily up to $21.00, at. quality cara- J750 New Tailored Suits SI5 Silk Underwear rroia th. D. HAXTMA2T STOCK. Stunning chiffon, crepe de chlno and china silk gowns, petticoats, combination suits and drawers, in colors and white, at greatly roducod prices. Silk Underwear, worth up to $!. at ... 81.50 Silk Underwear, worth up to 0. at .. . 81.50 Silk Underwear, worth up to 50. at . . 83.08 811k Underwear, worth up to Sll'.SO. at Hundreds of "Women's and misses Suits in the newest and most practical style ideas plain and trimmed in favorite now materials and colors, at Women's $25 Fall SulU $10 These aro some of tho finest suits from the O. Hartman stock. All new stylo gIA Ideas and fine materials, worth SIU up to ?2G and 27.l0, at Will "Fashlonseal Suits" for Women The nemo of valuo and tho correct expression of fall style In these superior tailored suits at. Children's $2 Wool Dresses, $1 This is a special lot of well mado prac tical llttlo dresses for school or dress wear; wool plaids, serges and novelties, In all colors and all sizes, worth up to 2.C0, at. m si CHILDREN'S COATS From the Stock of D. Hartman & Oo. Three new lots of these high-grade coata for children now shoxvn for tho first time on our second floor at wonderful values. nig lot of children's win. ter coats, made of heavy cheviots, mixtures nnd caraculs, ages O to 14 all colors, at $398 Children's new fall and winter cloaks of good heavy materials: smart girlish styles, In all ages and tho prettiest shades and mixtures; extra special at. Children's and Juniors' coats of good heavy American cheviots,, bouclcs, car aculs, chinchillas, etc., ages 0 17 years, exceptional valucg, at, ' 1M 'f S5 LW - J .nno &1 1 zD0U IMLw Plush and Caracul Coats $19 All the finest cloaks from the ble pur chase are Included here; many are beau tiful sample coats that would sell regularly at 127.50; newest of this season 0 styles; special at. . . , Wool and Silk Dresses Wool frocks Include scores of new fall Ideas for every day or dress occasions: Tho silk drosses are truly wonderful values In every new color and all tho iavoruo styles xor fail IU13; not one in the lot worth less than $7.50; big special offer. J .85 Cotton Petticoats One big lot of black cotton petticoats from tho D. Hartman stock; all styles are represented. All sizes Included. Thoy will give splendid service. Dlack Petticoats, worth up to $1.25, at . Q5 Black Petticoats, worth up to $2.00, nt 95t Muslin Underwear Fromthe D. Hartman Stock. In this purchase we've big lots of fine muslin gowns, chemises, combination garments, petticoats and princess slips, beautifully made. All the undermusllns worth up to 11. at 3o All the undermusllns worth up to $1.50, 63o All the undermusllns worth up to $2. at 8 All the undermusllns worth up to j3, 81, SO All the undermusllns worth up to $4. 91.98 All the undermusllns worth up to $5, $2.50 All the undermusllns worth up to $6, IJ3.98 An Immense Purchase From a New York Maker LEATHER BAGS At Less Than Their Regular Price ;Uags of such splendid style, and such superior quality were never before of fored at a price so low as we quote thorn to you Saturday, The .variety la, almost unlimited. Real Morocco ileal Seal Real Soffier Real Pin Seal Lsataav SUa-Idned Black and All Colon Bilk Messaline Hashes and Girdles. ... Jsl No. 1 Pearl Wax-Fllled Deads at BOo New Jet Uln Earrings at., BOo New 27-Inch Opera Beads at , ...OOo $1 59 Actual $2.50 Values Actual 3 Values Actual $5 Values Actual $8 Values Two 'to ri7. ratings 55o French Ivory Manicure Pieces 18o BOo French Ivory Dressing Combs 95c Heavy French Ivory Pin Trays at SBo Large Braid Pins, 20 brilliants, palr..69o T 300 Genuine $10 Quality Trimmed Hats at Five Dollars Ws offer yon a wonderful assemblage of theso new plash and velvet hats trimmed with novelty ostrlob, far af fects, gold bands, ato. (Two styles shown bars.) Mostly Jnst oas of a kind. All 910 hats and the best mll llnory vain offered by any store this season. Tour choice Saturday! $1 Fancy Feathers at 29c 1.000 dozen fancy feathers, hand- sewed wings, feather bands, stick ups.' Imitation paradise, etc.. In black. whlte. new blue, green, taupe and all the new shades of this 'season. Posi tively worth up to 11; main floor at... I HI I III 29c OBTBXOK TIPS 100 doisn bunches, 3 in a bnnoh, 8 Inohes long plenty of blaok and 3 colors will finish any street hat in stunning ityls worth up to 7Bo bnnoh of 3 tips, 1 C mala floor AOC 3 Lots of Ostrich Plumes Show room samples of one of Vew York's big ostrich feather soncerns. All good stock up to 10-Inch lengths popular colors tome slightly out of curl, but would be good values at $2.60 to IE.00 main floor, at 98'-$1.49-$1.98 eoo iw Bilk Velvet TTntrunmed Hats Over flOO solid blaok and the tat anes In colors narrow brim effeota new styles worth up to 83.50, at 95c a OO Trimmed Velvet gats, simply trimmed with bows of velvet ribbon, plnih bands some velvet brim Hats with plash crowns, for girls 83.SO values at, 1 .25 Remarkable Hosiery Values Saturday 29c Purchase of More than 1,800 Pairs WOMEN'S KID GLOVES Actually Worth up to $1.7,5 G Jf Pair. Sahirdav ... ... . . OO Pr. In thla sale wo offer you allthe samples and over stock from two of the best known makers and Im porters for, gloves. Lightweight overseam sewed real Rid Gloves., medium weight real Kid Gloves, full overseam sewed Cape Glove, overseam or P. K. seam real Mocha Gloves, genuine chamois washable Gloves, real Kid Sueda Gloves, for street wear or dress wear colors are black, white, tan, brown, gray, chamois, eta every pair guaranteed perfect and a won derful bargain at Some Worth $1.25 Some Worth $1.50 Some ' Worth $1.75J )1J PAIR AVomen's fine cotton and mercerized lisle thread hosiery, wide hem tops, double soles, extra spliced heels and toes, full fashioned, regular made, regular and extra sires; black, tan and white, nf at ZoC Women's and men's finn pntnn mercerized lisle finished hosiery; also fleecy lined and fine cashmero wool, regular and out stses; plain hem or ribbed tops, double soles, black, tan, white and colors, at, p- nnlr. . . . . I h ,' " ,l,"(urrn una. anu neavy rlDbed school hoslerv trlnl, knee, double heels and toe. fKi i,irir J.t . !V! "os!ery' trl'"' nalr ' 'e" m. I5c scqgSk.?S5NTS I Women's $2S0 and $3 Ostrich Bpas 59c Women's fine cotton union Butuf, high neck, long sleeves. ankle longtn, in just the weight for fall wear; regu lar and extra suos; worth to ?125; at, iult' The TIME is Here FOR WARMER UNDERWEAR on union I MIrsar nd rt,tirt,n'. . VV XjHi 75c Misses' and children's union suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length; some slzea In the famous Munslng wear; worth toon 76c, at, suit. . OJC infants' pari wool vests, In old - ovoi style, worth r..c!9c Misses and children1 lnnir sleeved vests, with ankle pants to match, In fleecy lined cotton, cream color; all BUes to 1C years; worth 35c, , ment JL7U p Thounnli of beautiful Hi tlo si'liriol pennants for Omaha and South Omaha Schools, made up In tin exact BC'f.ool colors and de signs -each 7 liiche.". long with Indestructible letters on the best fU may be purchado'l in our boys clothing dopui tiMeut, fee ond floor, old storu, Satut day The foltowlng school ptinnants are ready: Omalm IIIrU school, Cen tral school, Park school, Franklin school, Lincoln ncIiooI, Oass school, Cen- trnl l'ark school. Cen tral school,1 South Omnhai liinrolu Hchool South Oniajia. Fichus; dalnty.fluffy effects sc much In vogue for dresses and waists, at 60c to Exaulslto creations for dressda and coats In lace, swlss embroid ered and chiffon embroidered at the eet, 75c tO . . . J. . This Is an unusual opportunity to secure ostrich boas at an extremely low price; white,, pink and light blue; values to ?3; special for Saturday only at, each , .'50ci i ' i Medici collars, in all colors, the newest thing In neckwear this season, at 50c At a merely nominal price Saturday, each lc All other school pennants will be ready for sale at dates to be announced later i. I eaCh ties in RIBBONS on Main Floor Saturday $1.25 Very Attractive Va: Ueautlful rlbDonn ror millinery in all the fashionable colors some with rich velvet designs at very special prices Saturday. 5 BARGAIN SQUARE SPECIALS in SHOES Main-Floor 6-inch faille ribbons, specially adapted for millinery purposes; all new shades, at, yard OC Ribbons for gl rides and sashes, in plain and fancy colors, at, yard 25 e nd up 98c Women's Felt Slippers 08c Fur trimmed or with silk cord trimmings, very comfortable and warm; also crochet slippers in all colors; worth to $2. a pair , Itoudolr Slippers for Women Blacks browns and reds, In. all sizes, at. S pair . . 98c at Infants' Soft Sole Shoes Fancy patterns, In all colors and color combinations at Women's Fancy Dress Slippers Satins, gray suede, patent leather and colored kldskin leath ers; actually sold up to $5 pair, fly f xoO PX .i70 Women's Dress Shoos Tan calfskin, dull calfskin mid patent leather, with bilk stripe dloth lops Shoes that sell regularly for !, 16 and $0 In prac tically all slr.es, n mn at VUiU 49c New Books Fiction. OTHEIIWISB PHYLLIS. By Meredith Klcholton. SI PP. 11-85- UoughUin Mifflin company. Phyllis Is a breeaty, sound. Independent and thoroughly charming personality an outdoor girl whoso tan never leaves her entirely, even In midwinter. Tho people n tho town where she lives are, as ah says, 'nice and folksy." and ths part Phyllis plays In town affairs -furnishes the theme for an entertaining story. As Is most of Mr. Nteholson's former books, Jie scene Is laid In Indiana. THE VISION SPL.BNDID. By William MeLeod Hal tie. SU Pp. U.S. d. W. Dil lingham company. Two cousins, Jeff and James K. Far num. are both aspirants for the political honors ot thlr native town. The for mer, fearless and uncompromlslngrboldly fights for better social conditions, whllo ihe Utter is smugly and 'complacently E&Usfled with municipal graft holding full sway. Despite a kidnaping sqhsine. in which he is "shanghaied" half around ths world, tho blg-ldeaed man succeeds In disclosing a big graft scandal, and In cidentally wins the woman he desires, TUB WHAT-8HAIX-I.DO GIRU. By Iiabel Woodman AValtt SB Pp. U.S. L. C. Pago company. When Joy Kent finds herself alone In tho world, thrown on her own resources, she looks about her, wondering how she can support herself. She sends a letter to a number, of girls she had known In school days, asking that each pne tell her how she had equipped herself fok- a salary-earning career. In reply come let tera from the milliner, the stenographer, the librarian, the salesgirl, the news paper woman, the teacher, tho nurse, and from girls who had adopted all sorts ot vocations as a means of livelihood. Real friendly girl letters they are. ot tho kind niuuii bio aouna ana neiprui aavico in a bright and InteresUng manner. Ot courts there Is a splendid young man who also gives advice. j THE 1.ADY AND TUB PIRATE. Uy 'mir,1on ,,ouh. tt Pp. tl.26. Bobbs- Tho hero Is a modern riuucanetr. one Henry Francis Drake, millionaire bach, elor in ordinary and pirate by choice, who In this year of grave sails tho Missis sippi from tho headwaters to r the gulf, Tho villainous crow board tho boat; tho dashing pirate kidnaps tho gtrl-nd ma roons his rival. But the villainous crew aro Jut two small runaway boys who caught up Pirate Drake and set him chasing down tho Mississippi after his own boat, with his own sweetheart on board. He kidnaps his sweetheart, ma toons his rival and learns from tho pi ratical crew how to make love and the secret of the boyhood ho never knew. THE DESIRED WOMAN. By Will N. Harben. 407 Pp. 11.30. Harper & Bros. A tale of love and Idealism In the Georgia hills. It Is tho Georgia of great mills and big enterprises, of heavy spec ulation and the sophistications of peo ple In groat cities, as well as ot simple mountain folk and their homely ways. The keynote of tho story Is the Inevitable triumph of love and tolerance, the far spreading Influence of good Impulses. HRR HEARTS GIFT. By Oliver Kent Ul Pp. .. O. W. DlUlngham & Co. A atory in a western setting that is written around tho attempt of tho Con solidated Fuel and Smelting company to win out against ths trust, which was slowly forcing them to tho wsll. Rlchar.1 Waller, the head of tho company, found a way out oy uuiwinj- a cutoff which cut down materially the cost of shipment chavges and thus sa)-s the day for his company. An unuuial twist In tho love stipry allows tho introduction of some new Ideas similar to those advocated by ad vanced thinkers. JOHN BARLEYCORN, By Jack Lon don. 9U Pp. 11.30. The Century com pany. Mr. London writes of his experiences with alcohot, as newsboy on the Fan Francisco streets, sailor, miner, wan derer In foreign lands, finally with home and family and fame and fortune his under a system of life which ho declares for twenty years, against his wish and will, has forced liquor upon him. till now he Is "possessed with the drinker's de sire." It Is a strange and rather ab sorbing story, and, like tha author's for mer Imoks, full of the savage Joy' of lite for life's take. SWIRLINO WATERS. By Max Rlt tenberg. a, Pp. Its. G. W. Dillingham company. . A story of finance vand of tho stcugglo of two men fighting for supremacy The plot Is well handled, the characters Ufeltko and well drawn and the unravel Ing ot tho Intricate skein .of events fur nishes an Interesting and compelling tale. HAPPY-GO-LUCKY. By Ian Hay. 3 Pp. IL26. Houghton-Mifflin company. The ftory of the early Ufa ot a young Englishman ot a peculiar but engaging Individuality. How he fell In love ro mantically on tho top ot a 'bus, and the family comp'lcatlona that ensued from it. affords Mr. Hay a theme which he develops with the full realization of Its possibilities of comedy. LOVE IN A HURRY. By' Gelett Bur gess. SttPp. U.S. Bobbs-Morrllt com pany. The story is amusing, rapid and un expected and tho time covered within a second ot fourteen hours. It Is not given to many men, as the author says, to have several fiancees at onpe, .with tho slmon pure girl waiting In tho back ground, but such was the case with Hall Uonlstelle. And how he , got the fortune his uncle left to him, and the girl ho wanted, makes the story. Miscellaneous. TRAVEL LETTERS FROM NEW flTEALAND. AUSTRALIA AND A FBI C A. By E. W. Howe. 476 Pp. 11.3S. Crane & Co. Mr. Howe's observations aro put forth with his customary keenness and fresh ness of vision, and the account of his wanderings mako an Interesting and in structive volume. THE MOUSBKEKPER'B HANDY BOOK. By Lucia Millet Baxter. 263 Pp. 11. Houghton-Mifflin company. This Is a book whloh will bo warmly welcomed by the modern housekeeper. A variety ot subjects is given place In It. but they aro all subjects relating to home-making and housekeeping. In our great-grandmothers' handy-books, these subjects were trea'ted after tho old homely fashion of their day; -In Mrs. Baxter's book, they are treated In the new scientific manner of our own time. SOURCE PROBLEMS OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. B Fred Mor row Fling and Helt-ne Dresser Fling. 3SS Pp. '.10. Harper Af Bros." The second volume In , the Parallel Source series Issued by . Harper's, whloh embodies a new viewpoint In the teach ing of history. Prof. Fling Is head of the European history department of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln, and a recognized authority on old-world his tory. TRAINING FOR EFFICIENCY. By Orison Swett Mardon; XO Pp. fL Thomas T. Crowell company. Brief talks for readers youngrand old, on how. with tho powers at their com mand, they may attain tho highest pos sible degree of efficiency. HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERY AND CONQUEST OF COSTA RICA. By R. Fermvndes Guardla. 401 Pp. SL Thomas Y. Crowell company. A timely account of the energetic re publio adjoining Panama to tho north alms not only to -relate the early history ot tho whole interesting region, but also to shed all possible light on the process by which Central America evolved Into Its present-day divisions ana on tne be ginnlngs or the civilization, settlement and establishment of a regular govern ment In Coata Rica Itself. THE QUEST OF THE BEST. By WIN ham DeWItt Hyde. 2S6 Pp. 11. Thomas r. Croneli company. President Hyde offers hero a book full of suggestion and advice for all engaged In work with boys. A forceful. Intensely practical book on a vitally Importsnt theme. MARRIAGE AND GENETICS. By Dr. Charles A. L. Reed. 1. The Galton Press. Tho author endeavors to sound a warn tng noto of some of the conditions' that como under his observation Jn his pro-' fesstonal capacity. HOW I KEEP MY BABY WELL. By Anna G. Noyes. 193 Pp. Jl.IS. Warwick: & York. Tho book does not profess to be a gulds for the scientific rearing of children. While of value for referenco purposes. It Is not a medical guide that will help a mother dispense with the sen-Ices of a doctor. But with Its narrative. Its charts, Its illustrations and its exhaustlvo In dices, It will bring to the most export, enced mother something suggestlro ht ths matter of chtld-rearmg.