9 J. Plea for a By VIRGINIA T. VAN DE "WATER. "The day. Is long." said the unhappy wire, "the day ! longl" She was talking to a young woman who had been married ror several, years, as suring her that "husbands bear watch" Ing." . "But my husband' Is at home with mo every evening," said the young matron. "Bo I know he Is all right." 2"he older woman shook her head and made the remark quoted above. , f'AIt men must bo watched," she In sisted. 'Tile price of a falthrul husband Is-constant ;lgllance on the part of the wire. Very few man are good, my dear." This kind o'f talk Is so common among some women that one wonders how much of It Is the result of observation, how much of conviction and how much of It Is affectation. If It Is the outcome of observation. It Is a, mistake to tell happy women of such unfortunate conclusions. If It Is a convlo tlpn based Upon personal experience surely one's pride might keep her quiet on this subject. If this strain of conver sation Is an affectation, It Is not worth considering; at least It would not be were It not for the unhappy fact that It leads other women to believe that men are as bod as their traducers declare them to be. - For, at the risk of being smiled at as a credulous person who Is easily duped by appeatances, I Insist that I believe tfyat the 'average husband Is faithful to the wife whom he loves and who Is faithful to him. I know, as do all of us, that there are men who ore false to their marriage vows, Just ao there are men who are liars and cheats. But If one pauses to consider the various married couples one knows wilt bo forced to admit that among them are many good husbands; 'Might one not, then',' frown upon the kind of statement made by the cynical wife I have mentioned? "But," she says, "In all my life I have known less than a half dozen good men." Truly she had been unlucky 1 For by "good men" she means men who lead clean, decent lives. One wonders among what kind of persons her lot has been cast And yet, let us listen to anothe: woman. "To keep a fiusband," she ays, "one must watch him continually. And one must also amuse him. It Is not natural for a husband to be falthrul to a woman when she ceases to be amusing and at tractive." to women believe this? If so, Heaven hfelp them or give them wisdom? .For they have Indeed been unfortunate, or Ih'ey are very wrong . In their Ideas. I do ' not hold any brier ror men,, but when I hear such opinions as those re corded above. In my mind 1 see a long line or men. .whom I wish I .couM chow to these misanthropic, women, They stand rorthnot In ones or twos, but In groups, and' of some of tbem It might b tald "of. whom the world was not worthy." Of. . fathers. on CRn but say th'at they were rood husbands, yet when sno considers what that means It U algh praise. May I Just call attention to a Tew who shall be namqless here, but who are as real as lire-and truth. One had' a wlte afflicted poqr' creature'. with a cancer of the breast. She was pathetically sen sitive about having anyone know of her trouble, and would allow nobody but her husband to attend to the dressing of the cancer. This lie did, morning anu night, for the, years .through which, she lingered here. He: also saw the children ready for breakfast and school each day for this couple,, could afford but one maid, and that an -indifferent one), sat at the table wjth them,xhen arranged the sick wom an's tray with his own hands and took It.jto her, coaxing her to eat as he chatted brightly with her, At noontime he would run home from the , office long enough; to, look In upon her and "see ir she was all right" At night he was her nure,: and read to her when pain, kept her awake. This- lasted until death freed her. Who,. was "amusing" this man? Did be need "watching?" Another husband, a newspaper man, Vco hod a delicate wire and a, still more delicate and fretful child, would come home from the office at 2 a, m. and take care or the nervous baby until break fast time be fa re he -sought his own bed,' In, order that the weary mother might Bleep. Was this the "amusement" he mbat have or be unralthruir A certain poor clerk lays aside from his lunch money each week enough to bring home a box or choice bonbons to his wife on Saturday, as that Is what he used to do before they were married, and. How to Make ' Better Cough Syrup than You Can Buy A Family Supply, flawing 2 A full pint of couph syrup as much as you could buy for $2.50 can easily be made at home. You will find nothing th'at takes hold of tho ordinary cough irfore quickly, usually conquering it in side of 24 hour. Excellent, too, for spasmodic croup, whooping cough, bron chial asthma and bronchitis. Mix one pint of granulated sugar with pint of warm water, and stir for 2 minutes. Put 2Vi ounces of Pinex (fifty cents' worth) in a pint bottle, then add the Sugar Syrup. It keeps perfectly. Take a teaspoonful every one, two or three hours. , A , , This is just laxative enough to help relieve a cough. Also stimulates the appetite, which Ja usually upset by a cough. The taste is pleasant. ' The effect of pine and sugar syrup on the inflamed membranes is well known. Pjnex is a most vuluable concentrated compound of Norway white pine extract, rich in jruaiacol and other natural healing pine elements. Other prepara tions will not work in this combination. This Pinex and Sugar Syrup remedy h?8 often been imitated, but the old suc cessful mixture has never been equaled. It is now used in more homes than any bfher cough remedy. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this preparation. Your druggist has Piner, or will get it for you. If not, send to The Pinex Co., Ft Wayne, Ind. 31151 III Husband -J! as she cannot leave the two children, he never goes out In the evening without her. Another and his - name! Is legion, ror wa all know hlm-Waves iln thehbt city that his family may summer at "the sea shore or mountains. Other husbands work hard that the pretty womeri bearing their "names may dress better than they can afford to drees. Ah, were I to go on telling about the good husbands I know I coutd fill a volume) And what about the wives? asks some one. Are they not good, too? Indeed they are Ood bless themt But nobody dares say that they are not Men do not claim that wives "must be amused," that they "must be watched," and if any cad were to suggest thai "every woman has her price," thert u.u urw. Ul men reaay w onoKe ,,i iiuB vruru. ou j, uo nui need to champion the wives. Their hus bands will do that Since this Is the case, might It not be well ror wlvea who know how good husbands can be to protest when some unfortunate sister whose husband has been unfaithful to her states that "all men are allko" or when some woman who, never having been a wife or mother, feels qualified to give expert testimony on. husbands and fathers says that they are not to bo trusted. Bomeone has written of a cynic that "Just because there's fallen a snow flake on Jits forehead. He must go and fancy that It's Win ter all the year." But It Isn't In fact real winter occu pies only a quarter of the year. And the husbands who are not good are, I llko to believe, the exceptions, not the rule, the few snowflakes In hours full of gen erous and life-giving sunshine. ' Advice to the Lovelorn By BEATRICE FAIRFAX Don't Isolate Yourself. Dear Miss Fairfax: 1 am a girl of IS and I never kept company with a young man yet. I haven't many acquaintances, but only one lady friend. My relatives and even my parents "knock" me be cause I don't go out wun any young men. Should I remain with this friend, or try to get other acquaintances? ( Remain true to your friend, of course, but remaining true to her should not bor you from making other friends. Oo out more. Encourage the friendliness or those your own age. Don't get Into the lone some habit at your young ears. If "you are pleasant and friendly and kind; your circle or rriends will soon widen to In- elude young men. Don't Protest Too Mnefci. Dear Miss Falrrax: I am 25 years old and deeply In love with a young lady a few years my Junior. We met a year ago, and have kept company ever since. I am sure she loves me. but she doubts my love. There's not a thinrT I wouldn't do for her and I love her dearly, hut as she doubts my love how can 1 prove to this young lady that I love ber ru(,yj Perhaps you protest so much of jour love that you weary her. Try spending several evenings with her without men tioning the subjject. This treatment will result In her asking it you lovo her, In reply be less sure, less emphatic She will give more heed to a hair-hearted avowal than she has given to mp.-e ful some ones, because she will be Interested. I am suro the desired result will follow "My Own Beauty Secrets" ft By Anna Held No. 5 Beautiful Hcad-Drcsses That Cost Nothing By ANNA .HELD. (Heading "Anna Held's AU-Star.. Varlete Jubilee," Under Management of John. Cort.) Copyright, IMS, Njswa 8ervlce. Are you making the most of stmple aids to beauty that you have right at hand? Or do you sit In a corner like Cinderella before the ralry god-mothar brought her dresses or gold and sliver and priceless Jewels? Do you think you cannot be lovely un less you are robed In the creations or ma belle Parts, and set ofr by plumes or paradise and osprey and tho priceless aigrettes? . you t0,y0ur own modem fairy godmother. An Enviable across the crown, catch It at tho throat J with an artificial flower and arrange a big bunch or these flqwers at your waist. Now, aren't you a pretty summer maiden? Under the hat I am wearing a wee cap- T71l "W7t nn By Eli LA WHEELER WILCOX Copyright. 1912, by Star Company. Conversing with a bachelor a rew wteka since, regarding summer resorts, he re marked: "I have enjoyed this past sum mer more than any other ror many years. I have been so journing at a re sort where several southern girls were stopping, and I confess I found their society par ticularly Interest ing." "Tell me why?" I asked. "Is It than you find them more beautiful than our northern or eastern or west ern girls?" "No, I cannot say that I do," he answered, "I know the southern girl ias a reputation, yet were mere beauty ay in mi m m Ifoad-Drofls. plo that will look tliurmunto atop your soft tresses at the next soiree that Is party with you. It Is not7 to which you are Invited. To make the little cap, which Is a bit llko what our Narmandle peasants wear, "XTlA On the the consideration I should find It dlfflcult to give the palm to any one locality. In fact, there is greater variety In types of beauty to be found among northern girls. But the quality I find peculiarly pleasing In the southern glr) Is her affability, her aeemlng enjoyment or small pleasures. Sho does not hesitate to tell you she will be delighted to accept your society for some occasion when you offer It, and she tales pains afterward to convince you how much she enJoyd herself, "This Is wholly unlike the northern maiden. "She Is dignified and distant, and ac cept your attentions with an air of con descension, If not of absolute toleration. She often Impresses you as being bored by your gallantries. The New England girl Is particularly Indifferent, and at times austere. Perhaps she has been taught that a man Is piqued to greater effort'lf a woman Is difficult to approach, but 1 think the Idea Is a mistaken one. Men are mere human beings, and they like to think they are giving pleasure by Inviting youpg ladles to participate In th.) s.mmer amusements. They like to thli: tako a- bit of lace edging your head well back or the forehead from temple to temple. To this ndd two more pieces of equal length, and put them on with a slight out 'ward' flaro, Now, a longer pleco across' the back will complete the outline or your cup In trlungutar form. Kill It in with tulle or net to fit the hend ' smooth. Now wire tho edge and line your little cap with a soft, pretty bit of silk that will bring out the lights In your own bright eyes. Ah, mudame, you aro ndorublo. And It cost you? A bit of patience, some pains and a few stitches. And now comes a little headdress that the most fashionable mondalne will envy you when you set It on your well-brushed, daintily arranged locks. The foundation Is a soft satin ribbon bound llko the Scotch snood about your head from forehead to tho napo ot tho neck. Now for a hit or advice. Try to cultivate a nrt or tendril or two at the neck to soften tho lino when you dross your hair high. From back to rrout or your foundation ribbon fasten another ribbon. This ex tends from center front to tho base ot tho cairruro In hook. And now set two Girls of the South Their Easy 'ter Companions Than the Northern Belle With the Frigid Manners. they are agreeable companions and that an hour or two tn their society Is not a bore. "Therefore, this affability and cordial ity of the summer southern girl aro par ticularly pleasing to them. I confess I would seek a resort which I knew was frequonted by the southern girl far sooner than one where only north ern belles congregate. I glvo thin statemr.it Just ror what It Is worth the opinion or one bachelor. Tet it Is worth tho consideration of young women from all localities. The austere and glacial mannor Is not Inviting or becoming In a. woman. The extremely Indifferent youpg woman Is not the attractive one. Such an exterior Is sometimes a mask to a warm heart, but, as a rule, It Is an evidence of a selfish and self-centered and egotistical nature. Again, It Is a cover for painful self, consclou 'nras the self-consciousness which Is the result or lack or confidence and or self-depreciation The New England girl Is reared with an Ilea that vanity Is a sr. and she Is (irossbar loops or the ribbon across It to run In parallel lines from side to side of tho head. .And, finally, poise daintily and fetch Ingly on your "snood-ribbon" a scintil lating butterfly. This Is the secret or our qulvorlng "I'allllon'a" life: It Is rashloned, not or gossamer and flower dow, but or things almost as airy and rasclnatlngl Cut four wings of fine net und arrange Iniets or flowers and buds which you havo taken rrom outward old lace. Sew the wings thickly with gleam Inif and scintillating beads ho your butter fly may be u shimmering delight. Wire tho odgcH or tho wings with tine lace wire. And poleo "Pallllon" at the par ticular spot on the ribbon where he will make you look most like a flower on which ho has Junt alighted! Try my little rnncles; pray do, I think ynu will find them qultu enchanting. And I hopo they will Inspira you to Invent ono of tho necrots of the far-rained charm or the French womnn, She has skilful ring- and an appreciation or the Import ance or dainty accessories to the cos tume. And a ribbon or a flower well ar ranged will givo a woman a touch or very real lowliness. Cordiality Makes Them Bet- not accustomed to hearing her personal charms mentioned In her family. The old I'urltun fathers left their rigid Ideas about tho danger and wickedness or feminine vanity to their descendants. The southern girl Is reared to hear com pliments from her cradle up, and to ex pect them ,from her rather, brother and rriond. She regards them as ths small coin or society, and they do not spoil her! but she Is better flttod to enjoy compan ionship or the opposite sec than the girl who has been taught to distrust the man who pays a compliment and to be on her guard against flattery. She Is not afraid q show pleasure !n the society ot men, because she has grown up In an atmosphere or gallantry. She Is no better morally, and usually not an bright mentally, as the northern rnuidon, but she Is more affable, more natural. Sho makes no belter wife or mother than her sisters or colder climes, but she makes a better comrads oftentimes for a season. And the qualities which render her so agreeable It might be well for the northern E'n) to emulate. Hints on Dressmaking Economically 0 ny SIRS. FRANK LEARNED. Author or "The Ktlquel of ths New ork today." Til r-nii-nt -I,. ---- . I.. it advisable to have a comparatively small wardrobe, but each gown should be chosen with care and all gpwns and hats kopt In perfect order. Constance vigilance must bo practiced It one wou.d bo Well arcsieu on a nmitea evpenaiture. it is Important to know how to care ror and renovate clothes; how to utllite left over pieces ot silk, velvet or lace! how to keep skirts, waists, "hats, shots, gloves, veils and all belongings In good condi tion. ir but one new cloth dreis can be af forded In a season, It Is well to choose it vrv riarW m&tt-lit1. nlaln or rnurh. One good hat Is more desirable than two or three cheap ones. A hat of Inconspicu ous shape, simply trimmed and ot the best materials Is a tenilble cnoice. A nav hmitii nvr h nverlA&ded with trim mings, feathers or flowers. Last year's winter suit may do. duty as "second oe. Careful freshening, lining and pressing by a good tailor will be worth the ex pense. A rew yards or new oraia win help wonderMlly In rearranging a coat .1,1 w Wnlal ranv be altered to look like new, ir some Jresh trimming ! tastefully added. If one would keep a street dress tn good order It should never .he worn In the houie. It should be brushed well ana uio nUciHl on hangers In o a mnt should never bo hung by a loop. Waists should be turned on the wrong side when removed ana wen airea An evening dres when removed should bo hung In a closet not too full pt other garments. The next day it snouia im smoothed, mended, It necessary, spots should be taken out and the dress lata lightly In a box or drawer nnd covered with tissue paper, or, ir hung up In a clotet. It should be covered with a pteca- or fine muslin. Hats should bo dusted caretuuy wnun ...a mi in knica nnd covered with tissue papv or cheeie cloth. To keep shoes In shape they are placed on trees. There Is economy In having .several pa ra or shoes and wearing them alternately Gloves should bo removed by draw.mx them Inside out, turning tnem oac .K.m. nnd smoothing them UIOW1I1K i.iv... --- out neatly. Illp " 8'vesl hould bo mended without ueiay. (The Head Waitress By HANK. "Well, I've been trying to think out somo scheme to get Marie to forgive me, said tho Steady Customer to tho Head Waitress In the Cafe d'Enfant. "It's very depressing to come In here and haVe as pretty a paahler as she la look coldly over my head, especially as I never had anything but the kindest thoughts about her." 1 v , "You had no business to accuse her or being dippy over a mounted cop," said tho Head Waitress, "Just because she happened to pose leaning against one of the police hosses. I understand her steady feller, Jimmy Ball, la sore about It. too." "Jimmy Ball?" echoed tho Steady Cus tomer. "Who's he?" "He's a fine chap," said tho Head Waitress. "He'a secretary, of the Btreet Car club, or something Ilka that. Eddl MaoFhano was telling me about him. Eddlo's In the Corporate Consul's offlcei and he knows overybody. But what's your scheme to make up with Marie?" "I havo written her a touching' poem," said the Steady Cutomer. "It will have to be some toucher to nauare things between her and .ypu,'' said the Head Waitress. "It Is," replied the Steady Customer "I'll road It to you." "The world Is dark and dreary, Because 1 miss your smile, -And lire Is very weary I'm grieving all the while; I didn't mean to hurt you By what I said or dono. But only to divert you And havo. a little fun. I hopo I am forgiven, Because, 'twlxt you and me, By heart Is deeply riven, My pretty friend, Marie." "That Is certainly some sob atut sald the Head Waitress. "If I wao & girl I'd forgive you anything. It must be grand to bo able to write 'pomes like that." "Tee, It is quite some art," said the Steady Customer loftily. "I hope Mario appreciates It." "I guess she will," replied the Head Waitress, "but If she ever ahowa It to Jimmy Ball he'll knock your block ofr." Sage Tea Puts Life and Color in Hair Don't stay gray! Sage Tea and 8uJ pliur darkens hair so naturally that nobody can tell. You can turn gray, faded hair beau tifully dark and lustrous almost over nliht If you'll get a M cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Rem edy" at any drug store. Millions of bot tles of this old, famous Sage Tea Recipe are sold annually, says a well known druggist here, because It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that no one can tell It has been applied. Those whose hair Is turning gray, be coming faded, dry. scraggly and thin have a surprise awaiting them, because after one or two applications the gray hair vanishes and your locks become lux uriantly dark and beautiful all dandruff goes, scalp Itching and falling hair stops. This Is the sge or youth. Clrar-hsJred, unattractive folks aren't wanted around, so got busy with Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur tonight and you'll be delighted with your dark, handsome hair and youi youthful appearance within a fewjdayt