iE Bhfi; OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1913. Society By MELLIFIOIA. Thursday, October 9, 1913. SENSIBLE new style started In Paris has reached Omaha. Until f this season it has been extreme? bad form to attend Any formal r social function without gloves, but tho now gowns are so very dainty, almost sleeveless with the oxceptlon of the angel sleeves of tulle, tho gloves look heavy In comparison. "Therefore the new fad of going without gloves," said one of the gown Importers to me the other day. This new stylo was started In Omaha by Mrs. H. H. Daldrlge at tho Coronation ball. Mrs. Baldrigo wore one of the handsomest gowns at tho ball; It was of blue and silver brocade, with bodice and sleeves of tulle, without gloves. Miss Mary Muncbhoff, who has concertized much in Europe before tho nobility, and also In this country, rarely wears gloves when singing. Miss Munchhoff's arms and hands havo been used as models by the court sculp tor of Germany. For those who wish to wear gloves with the dainty evening gowns, tho shops are showing thin silk glovos embroidered In a design with rhine e tones. the uin of the Mendelssohn Omaha- choir ot Reception for Pastor. The Ladle' Aid soelety of the JUns eom Park Methodist ohureh will enter tain this evening in twmr "f Rev. an3 Mm. C. M. McCaakall and Dr. and XI i. Edward Hlslop. following the reception a program will be given and all are cor dlally Invited to attend. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr and Mrs. Frank O. Gibson of De troit, arrived Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Olbgon. Miss Gertrude McCarthy of Chicago, wjio U tho guest of Miss Marlon Kuhn, will return to Chicago Saturday. Mlwi Margaret Wear of Topeka. Kan., who spent the week here with Miss Mar garet Meyer at the Colonial, returned Tuesday evening to her home. Woman's Golf Clnb. Tkt Woman's Got. association will meet Friday at the Country club and the day W.ll bo spent pl&ylng golf. Miss .tJsix.Is. Ximball and Mrs. W. T. Burn, two prominent players of this club, will Hit IUI tOlttC3. Serxine-Miller Wedding. V quiet wedding took plao Wednesday t St. llridget'f church in 8outh Omaha, when Mlas Ed! the Miller, daughter ot the Me 1ft. C W. Miller, assistant post lnta'.er of 6outl; Omaha, and Mrs. Miller, became tho bride of Mr. Morris Charles Perrine. a prominent young flouth Omaha cosiratifclon man. The bride wor embroidered nt over uhll eharraeas. trimmed with psail ornament and drpd with pearl. Tho veil wia held with oiange blossoms from P.Mat Ixmia, CaL The maid of honor -was Miss Autli C. Miller, sister of th bride. She wore hi2ow lace over pink charmed te. The best man was Mr- Carl B. Holmes ot South Omaha. Mr. end Mrs. Perrlno left for the east on an extended honeymoon and will be at home at 4819 Military avenue after November 1. Surprise Party. ' A surprise party was given Sunday eve ning In honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. I 8a bata of Bee, Neb., at the home of the latter parent. V. J. FJxa,j7M Bouth Ninth strest. Those present were: Mr and Mrs. A. Kuncl. Mr and Mrs. F. Kuncl. Mr and Mrs. P. Flxa. Mr and Mrs. K. Rlche. Mr. and Mrs. A. Flxa. Mr and Mr. A. Hurkey. Mr and Mrs. M- Foral. Mr. and Mrs. J. Itoucek. Mr. and Mr. J. Jorash. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rabnta. Mr and Mrs. F. Flxa. Mrs. Janecek. Misses Marie Sabata, Kyveln Flxa, Creatine Foral. Misses TUay Flxa. Lillian Flxa, Kmma lllche, Anna Flxa, Messrs James Jorash. Frank Jorash, Pete 8lp. Messrs Rdment Hurky, William Hurky, Italph. Hurky. 1813 Birthday Club. Mrs. J. Novak entertained the members of the 1S1J Birthday club Wednesday at luncheon. The afternoon wa spent nt card and prlres were won by Mesdame U J. Plattl. I. C. Mynstsr, C. C. Coulll. son. K. Btrausser, Frank Snyder and Mlrs Nell Barnum. The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. 1 C Mynstcr. Chaloutka-Madserin Wedding. The wedding of Miss Sophia Madserln and. Dr. Hugo R. Chaloutka ook place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wil liam Wednesday afternoon at i o'clock. The ceremony was performed by rtv. J. A Jenkins. The wedding comes a a complete surprise to their friends. Dr. and Mrs. Chaloutka left for an ex tended trip to the coast will visit In Seattle, San Francisco and other western cities. They will be at home after No vember 1 in thl city. ' Luncheon for Church Women. The women of the Flrt Presbyterian church will entertain at luncheon Friday at 1 o'clock In the church parlor. The hostesses are the officer of the Ladles' Aid society and the leader ot the dif ferent circle. Following the luncheon a social hour will be held and plans for the work of the year will be made. All womon of the church are Invited. Auction Bridge. Mrs. Charles E. Metx. who 1 entertain ing at a series ot auction bridge parties at her home for her house guct. Miss Alice Judge, ot EL Louis, cavo the sec ond this afternoon- The room were dec orattd and five tallies were placed tor auction bridge Birthday Surpriie. A surprise was given Colonel W. E. Baehr of the National guard, Tuesday evening when the Rambler club wa en tertained at Mr. Uaehr' home In cele bration ot his birthday. Those present were Messrs. B. Y. Sough, O. A. Speth ruann, Theodore Tlllottson. W. H. (JouM. Jr. J. A Bayles, W. B. Baehr. rTomans Entertain. Mr. Harlow F. Meyer was hostess Tuesday evening at a regular meeting ot the 'Nomans" ot the Dletx club. Those present were: 1 Mesdames W. D. Hensley. John J. McMahon. Mesdames Fred Nestlebush. Andrew Anderson Henry Veldman, Doyle. Effle Lduintng, Mina Goehry. Margaret Lage. Mlases- Hdythe Maloney, Kern, Nellie Kemp. Gertrude Tracy. They arrlvnd two days ahead of time, be cause of the unusually fast passage made by the ship on which they crossed tha Atlantic Mr. Kelly tells mi amusing but characteristic tale of their reception at the customs house In New TorU. ' I "It's rather warm weather,'' he eatd to the Inspector who greeted him. "Ves," repUed the Inspector, "but the wvrld'a series start here tomorrow." And straightway they fell to talktnu base ball, and tha Inspection was none tho mora severe because of the mutual Intetest In the areat game. Mr. Kelly also reporta that he has hc curert uome very Interesting works for Valuable Discovery in ' Compkxion Beautifier (From The Home Maker.) Because of Its peculiar power of ab sorption, also because It serves every emollient purpose, ordinary mercollxeO! wax to perhnpn the most valuable com plexion beautlfler discovered within re cent years. If one urs this she needs no toilet cream. Home use powder af terward, but this Is not nccojiiary This rule for upplylng mercollied wax has been found very satisfactory. Wash tho face with warm Water, drying light ly. Before thoroughly dry. unolnt luce and neck with the wax, but don't rub it In. The favorllo way W to use before retiring, allowing It to remain on all night njid washing it off In the morn ing with warm water All druggist have this wax lit original ounce pack ages. Fur Urn removal of a wrinkled or flabby condition there's nothing better than to bathe tho face In a solution made by dissolving 1 ounce powdered1 soxolite In pint witch hazel. Bent-flr-lal results are quickly noticeable. advertisement Here's a pure food movement! (fKl-i ' j Mako tho refrigerator sweet and clean, SSBf I GOLD DUST IS Grease, dirt and germs vanish before it. r .a.JljfeJ I It cleans everything. jpjjpgpjj II "Lai (hm B9UI DVBT TYMS ttayaef mek" y : Committee Entertained. Mrs. Rose Smith entertained the central I committee of the Degree ot Honor j Wednesday afternoon at her home. The I ne,xt meeting will be with Mrs. Anna Zeller In two weeks. Tariih Aid to Meet" The Parish Aid society of All Saints' church will meet In the Wattle Memor ial Parish house Friday, October 10, at .a p, m. yoang People's Meeting. Th Young People's society of the Tem ple Israel have postponed It meeting from Sunday. October it, until Sunday evening, October 1. at t o'clock. Kellys Qe.t Back from Europe. Mr and Mr. T. J Kelly and Mr &g. mucU fjindsberg returned Wednesday 'rpw Ui!r iiirajwr vaiation m Europe PrincessLuise Scarf If you want a scarf distinctly out of the ordinary, learn how to make this. Note the unusual side border. The stitch, too, is new and at the ends there is a clever use of the beautiful new Fleisher's Silkfjake Wool. You will be surprised to learn how easily and at what little cost this strik ing and stylish scarf can be made. Send the coupon below for complete directions. The yarns used are Fleisher's Highland Wool and Fleisher's Silkflake Wool', two of the sixteen The Fleisher Yams have been the standard for three generations. They arc carefully spun from the choicest wools and possess wonderful elasticity which enables them to resist wear. Garments made of the Fleisher Yarns are soft, warm and comfortable. Whatever kind of yarn you need, always insist on Fleisher'slook for the trade-mark on every skein. it Knitting Wonted Ilr lira Saxunr KpanUh Uorte4 Urrmanteiru, Zenhrr M- and -fld) Ktderdvwn Wool HlUtOak Wool I riiflTff " 1 Sa4wter lee Wl AplrarVBTu rameU HbHIsad IlUhllnd Waol J'uhQitrf Yarn kniorm Weel 0U Vara CUp Ceivoo n iu line D Mail this Coupon to S. B. Sc. B. W. FLEISHER, PhllaJelpWa 77 Kan . SUI ijlfltrret , fitate ,gl Advance Notice Siturday hii will coniluu everal extra special salee. 81.00 ICld Olove at . . 85o $10 Trimmed Hat at tA Women' 815 Cloaks at 10 Tine Leather Hags, wortu np to to.00, at $1.69 a.50 Ostrich Plume, 9So Advance Notice tfondiy we aiiuou-ice one of the greatest sales of Rugs ever held In Omaha. The bargains will be amaz ing. Monday we will start a remarkable le of fine cur tain materials. See the windows, A DAY OF GENUINE MONEY SAVING EVENTS IN MANY DEXARTMENTS Special purchases enable us to offer you some really extraordinary bargains for JBriday in Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Fabrics, Shoes, Boys' Clothing, Millinery, Cloaks, Suits and other merchandise very desirable right now. HOSIERY Women's good quality black cot ton hosiery: double neeia ana toe, fast coior; Dane ment, at, a pair 5c Dress Goods Remnants at Prices That Are Wonderfully Low CHILDREN'S HOSIERY MIssch', Boya and children' ribbed cotton hosiery, double heels and toes, fast black; an sizes, at, per pair 0,000 jnrda of nil kinds of drens goods bctkcm, mohairs, llorrlnghnno, dlaKonal8,whlncordB yrcncl nmlEngUsh vo'llca, etc., In a splendid range of colors; lengths from 2 to 8 yards; double fold fabrics, worth to 75c; baae inent at, a yard 1,000 mJAj LENGTHS OF DRESS GOODS up to a yards to each picce. Medium and dark shades, in plain and fancr weaves. They aro from a special purchaso and worth to 50c a yard; for entire remnant, in the base- aq mont, at aOC 29c Matched Dress Goods Pieces from the Customs House. All importers' samples. As many as 8 of one kind to match; specially adapted for school dresses, boys' suits, etc.; some enough for sepnrate skirts and house m rv fhr dresses, at, each 7.T. . . . 1 C"wDC 75c SILK FACED PAON VELT5TS In a fairly good assortment of colorings suitable for en tire dresses, millinery and dress trimmings; an exceptional bargain at the pricc the most fash ionable fabric for tho coming season basement, at, a yard , DAMAGED . HANDKERCH'FS Women's fine em broidered corner and madeira en broldered: many all pure linen timl worth lOo to 2 So each; slightly dam aged or so:ie6: also men'd hand kerchiefs: stmi! n.'l pure linen, but basement, at. each. L.3ic 29c Flannels, White Goods and Wash Fabrics Notably Underpriced 3 BIG NOTION SPECIALS 100-yd. good qual ity Be wing BUkj iu colors, Qi, at, spool, . Xing' I hread, black and wblte, pools. .. I5c Oelnlold Dollar Dupport, at, Q. the card. Superfine Flannels at 13 Yard Fine, Boft flannel, 36 Inches wide In pretty designs and color tnga that are washable; will make serviceable gowns, kl- in i mono, dresses and IttC waists, at, a yard wS Bleached Sheeting Remnants of full width bleached sheet ing; very good grade, on bar gain square, at, a yard 19c 6c Outing Flannels nt OHc Yd. Thousands of yards white and fancy striped and checked out ing flannel; good grade, at, a ycrd. . , Bleached Muslin Rem nantsThe right weight and falflh for making j i i undergarments, at, yd. ' 2v Pillow Tubing Remnants of very best grades in the most wanted widths, -t a at, a ynrd JLfrC Remnants of Mercerized Waisiings and Suitings Would sell regularly at "T1 25c, sale price, yard. . 2 C LACES at 5c a Yard Fine ratine, ma orame. Bohemlnn nnd shadow laf e band and edges. In widths up to 6 Inches; black, white, cream and ecru; worth 15c and 20c a rn yard. h(j at. yard. Uu Friday Forenoon We, will sell thousands of jFriday Afternoon, Beginning at 1:80 We yards of all kinds of cotton goods various grades, from odd and broken lots, fore- OJL noon only, at, a yard 2 C will sell good grade sllkollne remnants for making wuiuriBra; on immense oargam square O 1 O 2 in basement at, a yard. MEN'S TROUSERS Worsted, cassl jneres and serges In good shadings; S3 and J2.50 val ues, at, a pair.. $1.29 If IN BASEMENT CLOAK DEPT. Women's Tailored Suits at $6.98 $6- New arrivals of women's tailored suits, all new stylos including tho new cutawty coats and plain tailored effects. The most up-to- date materials and colors; all sizes for women and misses in these serv iceable suits made to soil regularly at $10, for. . , Women's Winter Cloaks, $398 Boveral hundred women's heavy winter cloaks, long .or lengths, smart stylea, ex cellent materials and vory well tailored; long broadcloths, somo satin lined; a h very special values, for Friday, SH Women's $1 Waists at 50c These are cotton waists of excellent quality ,ln all sizes made to Bell up to r;A baBement, at, each. OUC Suits Cloaks W aists From the purchase ot the Hartman Stock. Children's All Over Aprons at pretty styles in all the most wanted uea are here, at , ,, 25g 7 f FJMI Boys Clothing Sale BASEMENT ' Boys' $3.50 and $4 Suits at $2.95 About 500 boys' suits in brown, blue and gray cassi mere, tweeds and worsteds. Norfolk or double-breaBted coat models; many have 2 pairs of pants our spe cial price Fri day, basement..! S2.95 .$3 Juvenile Suits at $1.08 Russian or blouse styles, in gray and brown cae simeres and tweeds; splendid wearing fabrics basement, at $1.98 95 c Boys $1.50 Long Trousers, Dffc Splen did wearing, strictly wool fabrics; me dium shades; sizes 27 to 31 waist measure basement, at. Boys' Odd Pants at 40c Corduroys, also serHceable tweeds and cheviots; many are all wool, made with belt loop3 and cut full and roomy; AQj ?1 values, at TCaC Extraordinary Sale of Millinery, Shapes and Trimmings SAMPLE TRIMMED HATS at. SI Basement Scores of pew trimmed hata in tho popular styles for fall; mostly in vttao new medium and small shapes; wido variety of becoming effects, made to. sell at $3 and 1 4, "at SI BRASSIERES fJood (fitting 25c brassiere3 of serviceable muslin, trimmed with cnibroUery Insertion and i Q edging at 1 aC 8P I I Women's Neckwear Lace collars, linen collars. Jabots and vests; a big lot on bargain square Friday in base ment, at, each. . Corset Dept. Basement. 10c Fancy FEATHERS at 39c Basement Include black paradise -effects, aeroplane wings, quills, feather bands, etc.; all colors; values on to $1.50, a"t OJC Velvet SHAPES Made up in two-piece shapes of. solid black, brown, navy' and taupe all silk velvets; large oua meaium hats; worth io $d.uu, at $1.39 500 New Trimmed Hats-2d Floor, at $2.95 $095 Thee np-to-data fall hata Bong-ht at a great sacrifice from a well known New YorX manufacturer. They are mado of silk velvet and erect pile plnjnes in all the beat color, such a slack, brown, navy, taupe In medtam and small shapes the correct hat for Immediate wear. Trimmed in aigrette effect, fanoy feather, eaadft, stick-ups, etc. smart street hat some nxaj ? llko cuts. Positively 95 and 96 value en cojj floor, at .... -4- CORSETS Zn Basement. Women' rront Lace Cor- Mini i tf coutll for slender t'yri-K, medium high lJbt. vvu'l boned, v ttn 2 seta garter at S tached, basement, at 91 60c Ooraet at 39c Good quality coutil M-ith lace trimming and 2 jet (far ters attached, f.j,- slenfler and medium figures; izes IS to :6, at.. u9u These Great Specials for Friday on Our Main Floor 5,000 Yds. Silk Remnants Price Best lot ever offored at the price. Lengths for all purposes in the lot. Silks for linings, millinery and dress trimmings, Bulgarian, plaid silks, nov ety silks, crepe de chine, charmouse, satin messa lines; also very fine black silks on main floor at Just about halt the regular price. REMNANTS OF VELVET 27-lnch English corduroy velvet cords, in a beauti ful line of colorings, special price, yard 7f) $8.50 and $10 fancy brocaded velvets, specially priced for Friday, at, the yard S5-05 40-Inch black crepe de chine Just received twenty pieces of beautiful quality, deep black 40-inch crepe de chine, closely woven and porfect in weave, regular price J 2.00, at, yard Sl-50 NKW FRENCH CHALUKS JUST RECEIVED A buperb collection In medium and small designs, mul ticolor effects, Balkan and Dresden patterns, dots, and Mrlpes of all slwa and widths, specially adapted for street dresses, kimonos and house dresses, at, yard. . 506 All the 91.00 36-tach StU Ratine In Ccpoiih.'.e.-tn. 1Mb. vi mi roo. wisteria, marine, French and RuasUn bluee. mahogany, new giey. wo xl shades, blank .nid evening tint, at. yartl .790 SXCTXNO SECTIOW All the 35o yard wide rilncss Sattne, In 37 dlffersnt shad, at. yard 19c 36-lnh 73o quality Toundatlon Bilks, In larr range of color, at, yard - 39o Every Woman in Omaha Should Take Advan tage of This Sale You can aava ISc the first day you lion with a Wliard Gaa Iron, In the cost of gas sJone. You can do a ten hours' Ironing In alx. as It saves all the steps changing Iron. No cleaning or wax ing necessary. It can b regulated to any temperature desired, for light or heavy work Thl 1 the only electric Iron type gas Iron on the market, and una MivfHja buiu Jbr 9.9U. UUl Dy ap,e Ha, Miuijiviticm we win offer this Iron for a limited time, at, only wui a $1.79 Dffacc r!nn1c Pamnni(n Main Hlfrh prnHn nlaln Anj . : ! ouu iaucy ureas goods rem nants, the accumulation of our recent yard goods ?na lrB JbeJenStha are 0,1 B00d- ai1 Citable fo? .?r!,d BUl dre88es' m,sse8' and children's wear, Kolft fflftlheeSgufar,fce00r JVaiS flannel French challls m the better grades-2 to !oiHrdJe.gth?' at a fractln t the regular price. Sold by the piece only. ifM f. I,aUerns Each containing ample material for any style garment. The C0,C! tion represents all the new fall weaves. Includk the scarce black and white checks, navy serges and S818' Jameustwn suitings and nobKlxea suitings so much in vogue values to d -I rv J3.50: on main, floor, for full patterns ij 1 ,UO weaves Bedford cords. Sebastopois coVtuJa,i .of manrusn 8m,,,,,,,. aerrnan brocaded CQ " 'Vj fTA fabric. French wool plaids yard .. . "C-!'1.'9 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Mine. Yale Lectures on Beauty Culture Brandeis Theatre, Friday, Oct. 17 at 2 P. M.