HIE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1913. MUST HAYE CHANCE TO PLAY 0. F. Wellcr Emphasizes Need of STURGESS ROASTS THE CLUBS BEIEF CITY NEWS Sarcophagus. Clfe Inst Yss. Pnan Mutual. Oonia fcighting rixtur.a. Borgss-aranasnOo. rideUty Storage Is Van Co-Doug. IMS. nave Boot Print Xt Now Biacon Presa Br. a. Kelly Operated Upon Dr. Ernest Kelly, 1436 Manderson street, underwent an operation today at a local hospital for appendicitis. He Is reported as having stood tho effects splendidly and tho at. tending physicians look for his speedy recovery. Wild Animals for Movies Ten prople and a car filled with Hons, tigers, leop ards and a camel went west over the Union Pacific, destined for Los Angeles, where the entire outfit will stage a net ting for a Jungle scene, for a moving picture. The country around Los An geles Is selected on account of It af fording opportunities for a tropical Idea. Pioneers Hold Meeting The monthly meeting of the Douglas County Pioneers' association yesterday was largely attended and was a sort of a family gathering, there being no business to dli. pose of. Some thirty-five of the mem bers gathered in the rooms In the court house and devoted an hour to recounting Incidents of pioneer days and renewing friendships. Tsamstars Dismissed William Robin ton, Q. Scott and Ed rang burn, charged with driving through the. floral parade last week, were discharged In police court. All three men are employed' by Hugh Mtirphy, and were hauling hot as phalt to Eighteenth and Farnam' street and had secured permits to pass through the pageant, as the work to which they were hauling the asphalt had to be fin ished, according to contract, that afternoon. Teachers Will Be Given Excursions Around the City The publicity bureau Is preparing to send out 19,000 welcome folders of Omaha to the teachers of the state, who are expected to attend the meeting of the State Teachers' aseoctalon hero In No vember. The folders contain some Inter esting viewa of Omaha and a lot of concise Information about the, metropolis. Invitations are constantly being received at the publicity bureau from manufac turers and wholesalers In the city, ask ing that the teachers visit their plants during their stay In Omaha. The excursion feature of the association meeting is becoming an Important feature and every year the teachers are taken In a body through some of tho large man ufacturing plants of the city. The list of invitations will be presented to the .teach ers when they come and a decision will then be made on a list of those to be ac cepted for excursions that will be enter taining and instructive. Of recent years the idea has grown in teachers' associations and educational circles that teachers, besides having a fund of book Information, Bhould learn as much as possible about the state In which they have the care of the young, and should especially have a compre hensive knowledge of the large industries and manufactories In that state. It is in pursuance of this idea that excursions of the' teachers are becoming more and more popular. Horse is Beaten Until it Dies Because a horse which he had purchased did not .prove to be as good a bargain as he expected, William Nltche, teamster living at Twenty-seventh and Mander son streets. Is said to have beaten the an imal about the head with a two-by-four, injuring the beast so severely that he was fqreed to shoot it. .Nltche made the purchase Tuesday aft ernoon, and Wednesday discovered that the animal was balky. Infuriated at hav ing driven a bad bargain he secured tho piece of heavy planking and rained blow after blow about the htlpless animal's head. The brute, with blood pouring from several cuts opened by the board, at tracted the attention of neighbors with its moaning. The police were notified and Humane Officer Hans Nielsen dis patched, and he had a difficult time in bringing the man to the station without trouble from a crowd that had gathered. In police court Nltche pleaded not guilty, but tho evidence submitted against him proved sufficient for Judge Foster to administer a fine of $25 and costs. Nltchs appealed the case. Ask Court to Approve - Sale of Barton Farm Charles Tvl Lyman and Frank B. Clark, trustees of the estate of the late Guy C. Barton, have made arrangements to sell the, well known Barton farm, consisting of 813 acres of land in Harpy county, to Charles J. Hysham at a price of fUM,K0, and have asked the district court to ap prove the deal. A commission of (2,373 is to be paid to Warren Blackwell for Belling the property. Y. W. C. A. OPENS LUNCH ROOM IN WHOLESALE DISTRICT A branch cafeteria of the Young Women's Christian association will be opened In the old Evans laundry building before the end of the month for the benefit of the young women who are employed in the wholesale district. The cafeteria will be operated under the dl rection of Mrs. Erna Mixer, who has charge of the lunch room at the main building. In speaking of the new venture, the association secretary at headquarters stated that there were many young women who were employed In that dls trict who had only half an hour for their lunch time did not have time to go very far from their work for their lunch. "It Is for the benefit of these young women that we are opening the new cafeteria. The rooms are almost ready and we will be able to serve lunches Just is soon as the equipment arrives, which will be within two weeks." Children Exercising Selves. BUILD THEM UP IN STRENGTH New York Plnycroand Kxpert Bhorrs the Importance of Developing; Mn.cle. of Yonnitstern When Ther Are (irovrlna. "We are facing a form of race suicide today that you are not yet familiar with," saw Charles Frederick Weller of New York, associate secretary of th Play grounds and Ilecreatlon Association of America. In his talk at the Clmmerclai club at noon yesterday. "It Is a suicide of the quality of tho race rather than the quantity," He waa speaking of the necessity of well regulated playgrounds In the cities and towns In order that a wholesome race might continue to thrive. "We have tested our lives too much by the cost of the rugs on our floors, or by the number of (automoblles In the garages." Ho tald he believed In the saying in England that the battle of Waterloo was won on the playfields of England In giv ing tho boys, who were to bo the future soldiers, tho proper kind of play, "The reason we are all crasy over base ball,"' he said, "Is that It brings Into action the motions of stone throwing, of club wielding and of running, which were the very foundations of existence- In primitive. life. And these activities must be kept alive." He gave figure's from a tabulation made In Richmond, Va., which showed that 1 per cent of the children wero on the playgrounds, 4 per cent on the vacant lots, 5 per cent In the yards and TO per cent on the streets. "This he said is a typical case. A tabulation of the where about of 1,528 children In Kansas City, he said, showed 13 per cent working, S3 per cent playing and 50 per cent doing ab solutely nothing. He suggested that Omaha set to work to study Us own situation In this regard. In order to work out a playground plan and program strictly In 'accord with Its own needs, Instead of working out Its program on the needs or uicnmona or Kansas City. FILES DAMAGE SUIT FOR VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT A petition was filed by William Jt Davis of Chicago against Walter Ij. Cropper of this city In the federal court. The petition states that the plaintiff has been damaged and asks for 33,000. ex clusive of costs and Interest. It Is al leged that Davis 'conducts what Is called the National Rating league, and that he and Cropper entered Into a contract to the effect that the latter would be In the employ of Davis for a term of five years. Davis claims to 'have copyrighted certain blanks and forms and a system of rating. He also alleges that Cropper disregarded the contract, came to Omaha and started up In the same line of, business for him self, using practically the same blanks, forms and rating system. Cropper termed his company the Mutual Adjust ing association, and his offices were in the Brandels Theater building. AUTO PARTY HAS NARROW ESCAPE ON ELKH0RN BRIDGE Suspended in r.iidalr, over a twenty foot abyss on the edge of a bridge at 8 o'clock Wedneiday evening, at Elkhorn, was tho thrilling experience of an auto mobile party of five on the way from Norfolk to Omaha, driven by George N. Deels of Norfolk. After breaking off the bridge railing, as the car suddenly be came unmanageable. It became lodged on the end of a plank. All of the occur pants got out of the car safely. Within a few minutes about fifteen men had assembled and lifted the auto back onto the bridge and the party then proceded on their Journey. Mr. Beels left tho car in Omaha and all returned home on thu train. The other members of the party were Mrs, Beels, Mies Helen Beels and Mrs. H. Gillette of Norfolk, and Mrs. E Pheasant of Pierce. , M0RGANTHALER GETTING TEAM DOWN TO BUSINESS In anticipation of the coming foot ball game with Doane Coach Morganthalcr Is giving the University of Omaha squad the hardest scrimmage practice or me season. The husky coach Is mores en thusiastic over the present squad than ever before and feels confident that his men will hold Doane down. The game with Doane will be the first real test of the University of Omaha eleven, as the game with Wesleyan at Lincoln cannot be counted as a compari son, rne MemoaiBTs uumcnu um uumi. team thirty-five pounds to the man. From what little can be learned from Doane It Is reported that the Dbane team Is composed of practically all vet erans ana ratner neavy. PEYTON CASE GIVEN Tft THE JURY YCQTCtDAY The 340,000 suit for alleged alienation of the affections of his wife brought by Iacey E. Peyton, real estate dealer, against Hugh W. Williams, president of the Drake-Wllllams-Mount company, which, during Its trial In Judge Day's district court, produced a number of sen i&tlonal developments, waa given to the Jury yesterday. Arguments were waived by opposing counsel. VERDICT FOR DEFENDANT IN PEYTON-WILLIAMS CASE A verdict for tho defendant was found in tho suit of Lacey E. Peyton against Hugh W. 'Williams In which he was" charged with alienation of Mrs. Peyton's affections. Says it is; Hard to Control Dance Halls under Circumstances. CITES "SHAMELESS DANCING" Bar Country Clnn anil Omaha Clnb Are Offenders In tho Matter of Permlttlnir Dnncea that Are Tabooed ! dome. "The social service board has decided It Is without power to Interfere "with, tangoing, turkey trotting and 'other shameless exhibitions' at the clubs and Ak-Sar-Ben ball." says T. F. Sturgess, who adds, "something ought to be done, for some of the clubs, whose members are supposed to know better, have been guilty of most shameless performances." Sturgess, chairman of tho social board, says he Is not afraid to "mention names" and proceeds to take a rap at tho Country club for one and mentions the Omaha club as being a sort of inciden tal aid to the Country club's "Immoral Influence." "After shameless danotng at the Coun try club some of the men and women went to the Omaha club and spent the night," said Sturgess. "I don't care who knows how the social service board feels about this matter. We believe we have a right to expect something differ ent from the Intelligent persons In tho community. If they persist In setting such demoralizing examples, what can be expected of the publlo dance hall? Whether a man pays 25 cents of 310 ad mission has no bearing on his acts In a dance hall." YOUTH FORGES LETTER TO GET INTO THE NAVY A young man who appeared capable of passing, all the examinations the navy recriiltlng officers could think of except the age qualification, entered the other day and expressed a desire to become a sailor. -He was told that it would be necessary for him to get the written eon sent of his mother before he could be enlisted, or her statement to the fact that he Is of age. Tho young man ap peared again. He had a letter, dated from Galesburg, 111. Tho recruiting of ficers Idly wondered how It was posstblo to write to Illinois', and recelvo a letter the second day, and noticed that the writing was In tho same hand as that of the young man. When asked If he had the envelope the letter came In, the young man produced one with all the confidence In tho world. It was dated October 4. "fhe young man was con fidently advised as to tho quickest exit of the Federal building. DANCING TEACHER SAYS OMAHA IS NOT TANGO MAD Miss Jewell Simpson, teacher of danc lng at the Douglas Auditorium academy, says that though she has advertised for pupils for her tango class, there have been so few responses, that she has de cided to abandon that branch, for the present at least. "Out of 200 students, only two have asked to be taught the tango or Its varia tions," she said. "The rest are satisfied with the simple, old-fashioned waltr and two step. "This fact convinces me that even though the tango Is at the height of Its popularity In the east, and In certain places here, It will never be universal or long lived. The average Omaha miss or youth Is apparently satisfied with tho waltz or two step at dances, and the lock legged steps, even though simple), are not very eagerly sought after. So I don't think that the social service board Will need to worry about Omaha going tango mad." TEMPERANCE UNIONISTS MEET AT MRS. FRANK BUTTS' The Frances Wlllard union of the Wo men's Christian Temperance union met at tho home of Mrs. Frank Butts Wednes day at 10 o'clock, and the meeting con tinued all day. F. A. High, district su perintendent of tho Anti-Saloon league, addressed the meeting and told of the work of tho league. Mrs. H. N. Craig presented Elisabeth Frances Anderson with a silver spoon from the union. Reports from the state convention, which was held In Fremont the latter part of September, were given by tho delegates. A parliamentary drill was given by Mrs. C. J. Roberts. MILWAUKEE ROAD PUTS DOUBLE TRACK INTO USE Next Wednesday the Milwaukee road will complete cutting In 160 miles of double track across Iowa. This will leave 200 miles of single track between Omaha anu the Mississippi river. Along this dis tance much of the grading has been fin ished and It Is expected that several stretches of double track aggregating some fifty miles more will be cut In before the first of the year. Reports to the Omaha office are that about 75 per cent of the grading Is done on the 300 miles not ironed. All of the new work at the division points has been completed, and the capacity of the yards and terminals at Council Bluffs, Perry, Marlon and Savanna Increased 100 per cent, Cnuaht a Bad Cold. "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed waa some thing dreadful," writes Mrs. Sarah E. Duncan of Tipton, la. "We thought sure he was going Into consumption. We bought Just one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that one bottle stopped his cough ant cured his cold completely." For sale by all druggists. Advertisement. EDWARD BIERMAN MAY RETAIN HIS EYESIGHT The outlook for Eddie Blerman, pho tographer, who was badly burned by an explosion of flashlight powder Tuesday night retaining his eyesight Is pro nounced as being somewhat betttr, "While a minute examination has not yet been possible th attending physicians take the present symptoms as an Indication that the eyelids received most of the blare and were closed In time to save the eyes from the full effects of the blast. BREATHE FREELY! OPEN NOSTRILS AND STUFFED HEAD-END GATARRA Ustant JUUsf When Hot and Head are Clogged from a Cold. Stops Hasty Catharrfeal DUenarg s, Sail Headache VajUshts, Try "EJy' Cream Balm." Get a small! bottl anywhere. Just to try It-Apply a little In the nostrils and In stantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of tho head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and heart ache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-ln-head or eatarrhal sore throat will be gone End sch misery now' bottle of "Ely's Cream drug store. This sweet, fragrant balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; pen etrates and heals the ilnflamwl, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air pacsages; stops nasty discharges and t feeling of cleans ing, soothing relief comes Immediately. Don't lay awake tonight atrugtrllng for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with Its running nose, foul mucous drop ping Into the throat, and raw dryness Is uisuciiins dui iruiy neaieis. Put your faith Just once In Ely's Get the small Cream Balm ' and your cold or catarrh.1 Balm' at any will surely ilUappear, m People Who Need New Rugs for Their Homes Will Find that Next Monday Is the Best r Day in All the Year to Buy Them A special sale of Rugs will take place at Brandeis Stores on this day, and Rugs of the most desirable kind will be sold at prices that cannot be equaled here or elsewhere at any other time this season. This event, which will mean so much to careful buyers for the home, is the result of a gigantic special purchase. The deal was so immense and required such a huge outlay of cash that no other store ' in this section could have attempted it. It is another instance where the powerful Brandeis buying organization actually saves money for thousands of Omaha people by securing goods far below the regular prices. j We made arrangements with a prominent Eastern manufacturer to take all the overstock and all the discontinued patterns of Rugs of various grades from his mill. He gave us a price concession that was unprecedented. They will all go on sale here Monday. These Values Will Certainly Make it Plain Why the Rugs You Need Should be bought NOW All tho High Class Sonmloss 0x12 English Wilton Rugs, worth tip to $50, at. . $29.98 All tho Qonuino WiltoiTltugs, 9x12 size, notunlly worth up to $35T6oTat. .... $24.50 All the 9x12 Axminstor Rugs, now patterns, actually worth up to $27.50, at $15.98 All tho Room Size Axminstor Rugs, that ore nctuaUy worth up to $22.50, at $12.98 All tho Sonmloss 9x12 BmssolB Rugs, mado to soil regularly at $lfi.50, at, $9.98 All the 9x12 Brussels Rugs, that wore uiado to soli regularly at $13.50, at $7.98 All the Small Axrainster Rugs, some worth $5, eorao worth $3.50, at. $2.59 and $1.59 Monday We Place on Sale Thousands of Yards of Curtain Materials From a Special Purchase, at Much Less Than Their Actual Value Bungalow, Filet and Novelty Nets BSofat, yard 25c Colored Madras, looks like real Sunfasi, yd.)25c Bobbmet, 45 -in., 54-in. and 72 "in asoat, yaVd 15c Voiles, Scrims, Etamines, etc., 5c, 10c, 15c, 19c yd THESE SALES NEXT MONDAY NEXT MONDAY ON OUR 3D FLOOR UNION PACIFIC TO START REGULAR SERVICE ON CUT-OFF Tlegular train service Is to be Inaugu rated on the Union Paclflo's Hastlngs- Qlbbon cutoff noxt Wednesday. A mixed train ha been running aeveral weeks, but after next Wednesday It la expected to put on a regular passenger train to connect at Gibbon with some one of the principal trains from the west. Return ing the train will make connections at Gibbon with a westbound train doing local business. On the date named a regular freight will also be put In op eration. BACKACHE VANISHES RHEUMATIC PAINS GO Few' Doses of Croxone Ease Stiff, Bore, Swollen Joints and Muscles, Relieving Backache and Bladder Disorders If you suffer with backache have pains In the neck or sides nervous or dltay spells a few doeea of Croxone will re lieve the congestion and you will be sur prised how quickly ail kidney, bladder and rheumatic troubles will disappear. Croxone promptly relieves these dis eases because It really does reach the real cause. It soaks right Into the walls and linings of the kidneys, cleans out the stopped-up Inactive organs, neutralizes and dissolves the uric acid and makes the kidneys sift from the blood the waste and poisonous matter that lodge In the Joints and muscles to scratch and Irri tate and cause rheumatism. It soothes and heals the delicate linings of the bladder and gives the kidneys renewed strength so they can filter the blood and keep you well. Croxone Is different from all other rem edies. It Is so prepared that It Is prae- ttcalty Impossible to take It without re sults. An original package of Croxone costs but a trifle, and all druggist are authorized to return the purchase prlca If It should fall In a single case. Advertisement. iiitiuiiiiii a 11 The Best Nurses in this Country recommend these nourish ing toasted corn crisps for invalids. Washington CRISPS 1t. The BIO Peki(t of 1 AvCV-Touud Coxa FUVti 1 UC. A TREAT NOTHING is so welcome to the head of the house as a refreshing glass of choice beer. Peerless is pure, concentrated health and sunshine- an honest, wholesome product of the soil Brewed with all the wisdom of 60 years' ex perience to a delicious mellowness, this choice beer is a beneficial treat to be enjoyed by every man and woman. Your dealer will supply you. M ssT W. C HEYDEN. Mrr. Piwoi M DjmUj tilt AMutkAZ)44 Peerless Beer ELbJBJMF-JFW CARL FURTH. DUtrlbiit. 710 3. ISUi air..t. Diuhi. f nMU Ml Dntlu 4tM AiUcUk A-B2 John Guild Brewing Co. LaCrosie, Wis. 6:30 p M wmm HI Limited In Chicago 8:09 A. M. for Eirly CenitiGtioits