THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10v 1913. The Omaha daily bee rOUMDKD BT EDWARD ROBKWATSH VICTOR ROSE WATER, BP1TOK. BEE BUIUDINO. FAKNAM AND Iffll. Entered at OrruihJ postofflee as second elu matter. TERMS OP BUBSCRirTION , RimAiv Rm nn vr ....... .12.00 Saturday Bm, ona year 1-5? Daitr Bm, without Bunder, one year.. 4.00 l'ally Bee, ana Hunaar. one year q-w DELIVERED BV CARRIER: Brenlns and Sunday, per month....... .40o Evening-, without Sunday, per month.. o Dally Bee, Including Sunday, per mo.. ffi Daily Bee, without Sunday, per month.iSo Address all complalnU of Irregularities In deliveries to City Circulation Ppt. Bemlt by draft express or postal order, payable to The Bee PubllahlnK company. Only J-cent atamps received In payment Of small account! Personal checks, ex cept on Omaha and eaatern exchange, not accepted. OFFICE8. Omaha-The Bee building. South Omaha MIS N Street Council Bluffa H North Main Street Uncoln-CS Little building. Chicago 901 Hearst building. . New York-Room UM, Fifth Ave. St. i-oulv-i08 New Bank of Commerce. Washington 725 Fourteenth Bt, N. W. fJORRKaPONDENCE. CoioMUnlcatlona relating to news and editorial matter should be addressed Omaha Be. Editorial department. SEPTEMBER CIRCULATION. 50,085 fitau cl Ivebraslfa, County of Douglas, as. Dwlght Williams, circulation manager Of The Bee Publishing company, being duly aworn. says that the average daily ulmclation for the month of Soptember, waa M.0S5. D WIGHT WILLIAM 8. Clroulatlou Manaser. Subscribed tn my uresenue and sworn to bator me this 1st day of October, ROBERT HUNTER. Notary JHiblla nbcrlterc lenrins the elty temporarily should lir The lira mailed to thcuu AAdresa will It clmuA as aftea am rentd. The crooked lawyer who divides with blackmailers must e squelched. Uisjita Cowiuer Over Odds. IteadUna. 01 courts, that la what giants are expuctod to do. Like homo othor folks. Governor 8ulzer has finally coucluded that dis cretion la tho better part of valor. If any other federal prison convicts want to get out by the pardon route, now must bo tho auspicious time to apply. Pshaw, those oastern railroad em ployes want a ralso of only $ 18,00 0, 000. What is that botween fifty railroads? . Borne of his friends think Qenoral Harrison Gray Otis, now up in his '70s, may yet livo long enough to come to an untimely end. The Mexican Herald opines that the rebels will not bo as quick to fol low tho ballot as tho bulfot, and that is about what will happen. Alaska 1b shipping largo quantities St rutabagas d6wn to tho utates. Wo kiew something would-turn up there, Ifott, drop that brick, you! Hero Is tho National Gorman American alliance resolutlng In Xavor of Irish home rulo. You havo to go some to beat thos'o Germans. A French sword expert was seri ously prloked in his 176th encounter, showing that accldenta will happen in the best regulated Parisian duels. Joplln, Mo., hnB adopted the com mission form of government, H there be any virtue in the thing, It surely ought to be adopted by Jopllq, Note how a Philadelphia' fan dropped dead when "Homo-Run" Baker fanned, it you would know how baso ball grips tho Amerlcrn public. President "Wilson said In signing the tariff bill that some such action had beep a dream from his child hood. What peculiar nightmares some folks have'. Credit tho colonel with knowing enough to time his departuro for South America before tho world terles could crowd everything elso out of the spotlight. A fashion molder tells us that tho Idea is lo make gowns now "to fit the souls of women." Does that ac count for tho paucity and trans p&rency of material used? A Rochester, N. Y., womau was brushed off the top of a house by a passing aeroplane. Folks will havo to bo careful from now on how thoy alt around on exposed heights in this flying age. By the president's executive order, the roller towel is to bo banished from all public bulldlnga in Washing, ton "in the interest of public health." Any unsanitary towels rolling around our public buildings hero? What is this? A diabolical scheme to move the families of twenty-one railway moil men from Lincoln to Omahai Well, now It Secretary Bryan cannot stop that he Is not so much with the administration. The St Louis Veiled Prophet has made his annual pilgrimage through the forest of Elm; Spruce, Walnut, Chestnut, Pine and Olive streets. We might add Poplar, but surely not even a "veiled" prophet would ven ture that far down at night The real cstatera cee signs of Boss Howell backing up on his attempt to hold landlords for water used at meter rates without limit by the ten ants, The Water board boss will hafe to back up on this and several other too proportions The Ilnooln Highway. Facetiously, it might be remarked that in building tho Lincoln Memorial Highway wo wore- at least catching up with tho ancient Komans, who, under Applua Claudius, as early as 312 D. C, built the famous old Ap plan way. But our civilization has de pended upon rapid transit, for which wo have provided with astounding skill and success our railroad thor oughfares, constituting the paragon of tho world. It Is tho spirit and en terprise of rapid transit that now provokes the demand for alroadway from the Atlantic to the Pacific, for wo may well doubt ita coming but for the swift-flying automobile. Enthusiastic Nnbraskana havo pronounced tho Lincoln Memorial Highway "the greatest movoment of Uy ngo." It is a groat movement, perhaps greater than anyono has yot had tho prescience to realize, but thero Is that other ocean-to-ocean highway, tho Panama canal, also con structed by this same indomitable and fast-fiootlng race. And thero is also projected an overland highway from Canada to .Mexico beyond the Rockies. It is said that off to tho aides of tho Appiun way in Homo wore great solitary woods "which could not bo worked for want of roads," but along tho "way" itself were stalely dwell ings and highly improved farms. Wo will begin to grasp tho full import of these national highways an in their prime work of annihilating distance and unifying communities wo ceo them also open up mora invitingly now stretches of territory to desira ble settlement, as tho, railroads have been doing for half a century. In the House of Its Friends. If republicans had predicted that tho democratic administration would play directly into the hands of Wall street In tho formation of a currency bill they would havo bean nnathe matized by all tho oracles of democ racy, Including Senator Hitchcock's newspaper. But lo, what has hap pened? Having exerted himself 'in opposition to tho bill personally on tho floor of the sonato, Senator Hitchcock Is reinforced in his as saults by his faithful paper at home, which thus approvingly quotes Frank A. Vanderllp, president of the City National bank of Now York tho Standard Oil concern, as It explains: The bill will Increase rather than de crease financial supremacy of New York. Interest rates will not fluctuate so milch nd New York wilt become a national banking center. Then 8onator Hitchcock's newspa per adds: That Is precisely what New York is at present and that la why so many people complain. The complaint Is Just. The icbntrot of the New York reserve bank. 'should the blir bccoms' taw, would' drift into the hands of the big interests, whlfh now dominate In New York City, even If they did not at once get control. ' Thus condomnod in tho houso of Its "friends," tho Wilsori-Glnss-Bryan, 'currency bill, needs no ono else to off or a frank exposition of Its de fects. Tho country certainly does hot demand legislation that will tend toward .. further centralization of financial power in Wall street. But tho administration boasts that It will put it through under caucus spur without material changes. The Bile of the Auditor, Time was when your friend, the operating official, looked askanco at the auditor, regarding him as little more) than a necessary nutsancn in tho management of a modern rail road. That timo has passed with the newer dispensation, which makes the auditor supremo In the dlroction of most of tho great railways of the country. His supremacy signifies the emphasis now placed on the in vestment side of tho business and in stead of abating the old policy of "all the traffic will bear" in tho matter of rate-making, its very logic Is to make all traffic profitable. The new system Is a matter of cou cern to the general public as well aB the operating official, chafing under tbe exacting demands of financial ex perts, whoso experience in tho trans portation business usually ends with their skill In manipulating figures so as to strike proper balances. The desire of the now regime Is to reduce railroading to a more matter of scien tific auditing, subject to the direc tion, not of tho man out on the lino with executive command of operating and traffic, but the expert with his eyes glued ou two rolatlvo columns of figures. It is not unlikely that orders often como to practical railroad men from those with almost no spoclal knowl edge of transportation. Looking too much to the stocks and bonds side of the railroad and not enough to physical efficiency is what has made lota of trouble and more than once upset the balance. Mrs. Pankhurst gives as her reason for charging to hear her coming loc turea fn the United States that she wishes to raise funds to promote auf fragettelsm in England. But do Americano willing to listen desire to contribute to such lawlessness as her band has been waging? But Mrs. Pankhurst will get the money. Amer icana will pay to see almost anybody and anything properly advertised. Of all the actor gentlemen. Do Wolf Hopper has the best claim to equipment for writing, up the world sorlea, and bis consists in the fact that he used to recite "Casey at thy Bat." to the amusement or theater audiences. looking Sackwar M8 JhisJ)ayin Omaha (outrun raoM Mt nut OCTOBER 10. Thirty Years A go John Dillon, the famous comedian, pre sented tho comedy drama "State's At torney" at tho Boyd, supported by Miss Nelllo Walters. A Rpotted Comanche pony which the Indians presented to President Arthur during his recent visit to their reserva tion In Washington, pas.ied through the olty In an express car bound to tho "Great Father" In Washington. C. F. Goodman left for Philadelphia and New York to attend the annual con vention of the Wholesale Druggists as sociation. Oscar Goodman goes east to attend tho Philadelphia College of Phar macy. The republicans held a primary to chooso delegates to the Judicial district convention, practically without contest, the delegates selected being F. W. Band- hauer, John If. Butler, Fred Behm, J. B. Redfleld, Luther R. Wright. W. J. Broatoh, W. F. Beckel, W. W. Marsh, John McDonald, W. L Baker and U F. McGinn. The democrats at the samo time se lected their judicial delegation In the county convention as follows: W. If. JJams, C. H. Brown, A. U. Ferguson, Ooorge Gibson, G. W. Doane, Samuel Ifarman. J. D. Howe, C R. Xtedlck and Fred Drexel. Mrs. II. C. Farnham has lost a gold bracelet, whose return to A. M, , Clark, 107 South Fourteenth, wilt bo rewarded. Mr. Henry Ross, who was Injured by a fall from his horse, la again ablo to be about. Charlie Bwobe of tho Merchants Na tional bank Is exhibiting tho Jaw of an Indian skeleton which lie found near Bellerue, Twenty Years Ago j'irui ward democrats hold a canoua and endorsed Walter Molse for the coun cil and Jamos E. Boyd for mayor. Mrs. J, Brown and daughter, Fannlo, returned from a pleasant visit to tho World's fair. Officer Burr filed a complaint against a saloon keeper, aliening that he kept his windows open on Sunday, Mrs. Robinson of Fortieth street and Grand avenue reported lo the police that somo of her best hens were mysteriously disappearing and she had a very definite Idea that thoy, were not absconding of their own free will and motion. Harry Langstodter and Rev. Leo M. Franklin left for St. Joseph to attend the wfddlnc of Ed'Wessell. C. W. Fowler, editor of the Steele City Standard, called at The Bee offices on a fraternal visit, being in the city to attend the Knights of Pythias grand lodge and visiting his sister, Mrs. John Wlthnell. A World's fair party composed of Peter Bouse, Rowe Williams, Vlo Gladstone, John Meyers and Mr. Murphy, was organ ized and ready to start for the Great .White city. Ten Years Ako The republicans of Douglas county, In Jonvantion assembled, nominated this ticket: District court clerk, W. W, Bing ham: sheriff. James Allan: county Judge. D. M, Vlionhalen county tre&furer.-Rot- crt O. Kink; county clerk, Charles Unttt; assessor, Harry D. Reed; county com missioner, M. J. Kennard; coroner, Ed ward F. Bralley; surveyor, P, A. Ed qulst; superintendent of schools, E. J. Bodwell. It elected Robert Cowell as chairman of the new county committee; Charles F. Tuttle, secretary, and Robert W. Dyball, treasurer. The figures showed a total attendance at King's Highway for tho Ak-Bar-Bon period of 13J.ttl, as against U8.S28 the pre vious year, After President Horace O. Burt had held prolonged conferences with Union Paclfla shopmen, formerly on a strike. a to the final adjustment of the settlement tentatively made June 3, the wholo mat ter woe passed up to Mr. Harrlman and tho national officers of the unionists for adjudication. . Mrs. J. D. Kite of Wymoro was the guett of her sister, Mrs. J. A. Dempster Miss Mamie UnAloy of Atlantic City, la,, returned to her home after spend ing the week with her sister, Mrs. J W. Noble, 3503 Hawthorne avenue. People Talked About General Carransa, leader of the MexJ. can revolutionists, is hailed as the "father of his country" by admirers. If he comes out on top the title may stick. The very latest terpaichorean caper in New'York select circles is named "Hltchy Koo." It combines "the dainty artlaUo steps of the turkey-tansO and the Ak Sar-Tlen slide." Humorist lll have to look to their laurels. Edward Gunster of Harvey's Iike, Pa., has tn his crop of chestnuts specimens which measure In the burrs threo and one-half inches in diameter. Th late Edward Butler, democratic boss of Bt, Louts, put a chunk of his wad into the St. Louis World newspaper. Now his estate Is striving to get back some of the boodle by foreclosing a mortgage on .the pianola. In a little yoom into which sunshine rarely enters, Junius 8. Morgan, future head of the Morgan banking house, is rounding out his Harvard career as a atnlor. Young Morgan ia llvint In Hollls Hall, the old-fashioned, 10yearold dor mi tor'- ' James A. Barwlck, United Btatss weather bureau observer, retired, cele brated his seventieth birthday anniver sary at his home at .Milton, Pa. Mr. Bar wlck spent thirty-five years, half of his life, in the service of the United Btatss government. Miss Halite M. Daggett said to be the first woman In the United States ap pointed to the wsltlon of lookout at a forest reserve station, Uvea tn Siskiyou county, California. She has been placed In charge of Eddy's Gulch lookout, situ ated on a peak of the Salmon Alps, .0X) feet high. Miss Elisabeth Burchantl of New York went to Dublin this summer to teach about 1.000 children .folk, dance, a; the (notation of the Countess of Aberdeen. When Lady Aberdeen was in New York last winter she was Interested In the dancing In tho public sehoola and so came the Invitation. Archie Roosevelt, the third son of Thtodor Roosevelt ha entered Har ard as a freshman. He Is a candidate, for a place on the 1S1I fool ball team. Archie. Ilka his brothers, Theodora. Jr . and Kernut wo preeedod him at Har vard, fs living In a luxurious svue of rooms un the noted Gold l"oat Twice Told Tales - Eligible. Alfred Noyes, tho English poet, who, alone among the entire poet tribe, makes a living out of poetry, said at a dinner In New York; "I wish It to be understood that my poems are not putting me In the Car negie or Rockefeller class. "While my poems atford me a com petence. I am still hit hard by the story (of Mrs, Blanco. ' 'Who Is that young man who Is pay. Ing you such marked attentlonT Mrs Blanco, a society leader, asked her daughter. " 'He Is a poet, mother," the young girl replied. " 'Gracious!' cried the mother. 'And can you, a millionaire's daughter, seri ously contemplate throwing yourself away on a starving poet)' " 'Oh.' said the young girl, 'you don't understand. He Isn't an ordinary poet We writes poetical advertisements.' " 'My darting.' said the mother, 'call him up at once. I'll ask him to our week-end house party.' "New York Globe. Malrhlnir Buttons. fftntrirv it nnnulnr nolnlon. nennles do' not exclusively riguro in the contri initial hnv At this conclusion might be gathered from a story recently tola oy juemii v. unanm. timi tn the Postofllce department at Wash. 'ington. Some timo ago. according to Mr stonDed at the par sonage to see the minister's wife on her way down town to do some shopping. "I havo only a minute to stay," said the caUer, as she was ushered Into the parlor. "I am on my way down town to match eome buttons." t "Why go all the way down towrtT queried the minister's wife, sweetly. "I may be able to match them for you." rrt vnu' rflitllv think you can?" re sponded the caller. "I didn't know you kept such a supply on nana. T hnvA Inns o f them." replied the minister's wife. "My husband gets them out of the contribution cox. i can match most any button In the congre gation." Philadelphia Telegrapn. The Loirlcnl Conclnalon. a iittu rlri .was walking along the street with her mother, when she saw a one-armed man. It was the iirst time i.i v,r ll fo thnt she had ever seen a man without an arm. and she wanted to know all about It. Her mother explalnea, i. tn tir nuestlons. that the man had probably met with tn ncctdent of aome kind and that his arm wouia never grow bal't. The little girl thought for o rr.r.mnt nd then said. "Well, If tho Lord made' us, It seems to me like He ought Jo keep us in repair. "-Judgo. Booster Editions ftepubllcan. Colonel J. C. Elliot editor and proprietor. Is one that the business men and farmers of Cuming county may well be proud of. The many natural re sources of the county are set forth in well written articles. Illustrated with views of public buildings, residences, business houseB, farm and street scenes and portraits of prominent business and professional men. It Is printed on a fine grade of book paper and it press work and typography are of the highest order. The booster edition of the Stanton Picket, G. A. Mayfietd editor. Is printed in magazine form and illustrated with a bird's-eye view of Stanton and numer ous other pictures. Among Its features are a description of the resources of Stanton county, a write-up of its schools and a. fine line of display advertising. Editor Buechler of the Grand Island Independent says Hall county Is the garden spot of the premier state of the union and uses forty seven-column pages to demonstrate that he has good foundation for the claims he is making. One great feature la a double page con taining two bird's-eye views of the city, each fourteen columns tn width. The r-ttatl, wholesale, educational, manufac turing and stock market of the city are treated In separate sections and each Is handsomely Illustrated. There are also Illustrated articles on several other towns In the county. The booster editions of the Gerlng Courier and Scott's Bluff Star-Herald, both of which are dominated largely by the personality of Asa B. Wood, are de voted to setting forth the splendid possi bilities of Nebraska's "Valley of the Nile." Hero crops do not depend upon the rainfall. Great Irrigation plants have made the desert rejoice and -blossom as the rose. Both papers are well Illustrated and well printed, and each carries a fine line of display advertising. Editorial Snapshots St. Louis Republic: Wealthy Americans who 'go shopping abroad may now tell the truth on their return tor a good deal less money. It Is doubtful If they will, though; it takes a lot of money to bribe honesty. New York World: Massachusetts now has a candidate for governor who rejects his party platform and a governor who bids for allegiance from three parties. And politics is not much more mixed in Massachusetts than elsewhere, olther. Baltimore American: The new tariff raises the duty on poker chips from 3S to (0 per cent ad valorem. Now, Just what does this mean? Is it an endeavor to encourage a home industry, or is It a sinister thrust at the great national gamst Chicago Record-Herald. Harry Kemp, the poet who ran away with Upton Sin. claims wfe, has been put in Jail In Eng land for giring there as a stowaway. Poet ICemp has for a long time suspected that society waa organised on a bad basis, He will now be sura of it Indianapolis News: Those members ot the bouse who run away at this timo may not find so warm ' a welcome at home as they expect. People pretty gen erally are coming to the belief that when they pay a national legislator a gcW salary it Is hi business to stay on tbe Job as long as there Is any work to be done, Philadelphia Ledger: Not only can shrimp, lobsters and lo now be Imported without payment ot duty, but turtles, with or without their strums, skeletons, human or otherwise; radium, whether in bulk or not; silkworm eggs, rags, teeth, natural or unnatural; extract of hemlock, valonla. wltherlte, stilts, postage stamps, nut vomica and Ipecac are on the tree i-t i ees. Aliont the Ak-Snr-Oen Ball, OMAHA, Oct 9.-To the Editor of The Bee: Thla dlsousslon about the alleged disgraceful scenes at the Ak-Sar-Ben ball Is doubtless mighty good reading for those who were not there, but as one who was there, and who stayed until 1 o'clock, I want to bear testimony that I did not see anything on the dancing floor that arty reasonable person could take exception to. People must remem ber that this Is a public ball, with guests present from many out-of-town places, and that every one does not go through the same dances in the same way. There certainly was no more hugging or high stepping than I havft f rn film i:t avaii social night at the different country """" summer, if the Ak-Sar-Ben governors, or any one representing them, had ventured to call any of the dancers off the floor, there would have been an uproar of protest and denunciation of it as unjustifiable interference. Where I think the ball management Is really open to criticism is In' the arrange ment Of the hall, reserving oil iu k space for boxes, allotod to themselves. a. la,n,,,e" ana "elr personal frUnds. AK-Bar-flen la Himrka . w . democrats organlxaUon with every mem- "c. u lno game level, and there should be no special privilege, or plaM1! ot honor, excepting for those who do the work, or participate In the formal pro fh!?V.V WaS uno"'clal'y announced In the seating, but Instead the first comers found all the best viewpoints fenced off te jb, of 8We,Cn? A TWELVE-TEAR MEMBER, Dcmnnu. Stntc-Oirned Stock Yard. SOUTH OMAirA . L ?. V,r.d,u of Tho tj.a. t . . 10 lno OHor oi uee: In v. cni.v. . a icouo appeared S"' H. W. Ralslon of tUl, wnoreln he both ao- We" Ctllclt,m a "tatemcnt of mle -.wBa recently m your great Paper. Mr. Raiitnn ... u. I 1". 1 . , i a. ieeaer Z tt ftn.d that ne- ln mmQn with havlntr conditions remedied in tho stock yards, but that I failed to go far enough in my statement concerning the treat ment tho feeders and shippers were re ceiving from the Btnrif v... t J. doe8 Mr. Ralston want me to point every thing out In detail where the farmers and everybody elso are flim-flammed by those bunko artists who are managing tho stock .l mo uiciaiion ot the beef trust tn Chicago. Mr. Ralston advises me to apply to the State Railway cnmmlulnn r .j , " " W ICUfDIB, Appylng to the railway commission .would "b uiniar 10 applying lo Governor More- (heads appointee, C. W. Sears, vice chairman of tho Nebraska Revenue and Taxation commission for a square deal If the stock yards and packing houses were ; concerned. Any one reading Mr. Ralston'i article can Dlalnlv dlrm th.i k i. -..n versed In stock yards transactions. 1 will quote a passage ln his article: "Mr BU'la and A. F. Striker, secretary, under mo guiaing eye oi Mr. Buckingham, look on while all thla rllm.flamml..i, I. n Ing on and never bat an eye." Of course noi, iney are worxing under instructions from Chicago. There 1b but one way, and the only way to get redress, have the state own the stock yards. What I am mosfc In. terested In is the oppression and persecu. tlon of the down-trodden employes hired by the month, with long hours and low serfdom, consequently my voice is like a voice in me wuaerness wnen i tanc to them as to how they could better their condition through education, agitation and organization. JERRY HOWARD. Political Straws The discovery that a check for $,700 had been lying around loose for weeks In the Philadelphia city hall shocked the regular chair warmers and almost Jarred William Penn off his perch. "Washington reports to various papers affirm that President Wilson will soon lift S.000 offices In the Postofflce depart ment from the reach of spoils hunters and clap them under the protecting wings of civil service. Roger C. Sullivan, one of tho demo cratic bosses of Illinois, Is looking Into the senatorial fight tn Illinois. Among other qualifications for the Job attributed to Roger is his versatility as a corre spondent ot W. J. Bryan. The pathos of belated regret clings to these words attributed to Governor Sul zer: "I sometimes wish that I had taken my wife's advice and remained In congress two more years, finished out my term of twenty years and retired to private life. Then thero would have been none of this worry." The New York Evening Post notes a curious phase of public sentiment spring ing from tiie impeachment trial, "It is not that the people love Bulzer more," says the Post, "but that they despise Murphy with heightened intensity. Every new fact brought out to the hurt ot tiie governor's reputation merely inflames tho anger against the Tammany boss. This is now the most significant factor ln the city election. Sulzer may well be destroyed politically. It Is hard to see how he can have any future; but It looks as it he might drag down Murphy with him." Over the Seas Boh-emla last year grew Us.SU acres ot sugar beets. The population of Korea-Is now esti mated at U.065,660. Prague's street railway covers a dls tance ot forty-nine miles. British railways In 1513 carried 1,394,. 337,000 ticketed passengers. Chile has B.7S3 manufacturing estab lishments, employing an aggregate ot 74.S13 persons. A suspension bridge with a main span S.T0O feet long ia proposed for the Mersey river at Liverpool. Sues canal established a new earning record last year, when its profits amounted to nearly 115,000,000. At the beginning ot the year there wers built, building or authorised for the fleets of England, Germany, the United States, France, Japan. Russia, ltajy and Austria a total of ill submarines. The proper old willow for artificial legs Is ld to be running short In England. A practical rubber leg has been invented, but it offers too many opportunities for artificial elongation to be popular. i 3&r n SAID IN FDN. "What's the matter with Bllgglns? lie s wearing a last year's hat. a cheap suit of clothes and a tin wateh. Has he had hard luck?" "No. He's getting ready to dodge the Income tax. " Washington Star- "You call yourself an actor. I'd have you know that I wear the mantte of Booth." "I may not wear the mantle of Booth, retorted tho other, "but I gotta fur over coat. Yah." Kansas City lournai. "There's nothing new under the sun," said the readymade philosopher. "No," replied the patron ot cafes and musical comedies; "nor under the electric lights, either, for that matter."- Balti more American. ... "Maria," sharply asked Mr. Dorklns, "Is that worthless young tohlpper snap per of a Dick Doogood still coming tosee Besilo?" "What do you mean by talking that way, John?" said Mrs. Dorklns. "He hasn't beefl here ln six weeks." "Hasn't he? Is the scoundrel trifling with her affecUons?" Chicago Tribune. "Before I engage In a business transac tion of any kind I always take my wife into my confidence." "D6 you find her advice helpful?" "Not often, but It always lessens the shock to her when I'm trimmed, because she's, had a chance to be expecting It." Chicago Record-Hearld. "Did you give this man the third de gree?" asked the police officer. "Yes. We browbeat and badgered him with every question we could think of." "What did ho do?" "Ho dozed off and merely murmured' now and then: "Yes, my dear. You're perfectly right" 'Chicago Record-Her-. aid. "A macadam pavement." muttered the .peHclofis SfreiitbeMtag You hive no idea the number ot drllcloui. mtsls that can be made with Fiuit Macaroni until you set our Ires recipe book write lor It today. A 10-cent ptckaze ol Faust Macaroni contains as much lood value as 4 lbs. ol bttl conform this by your doctor. MACARONI win lotr th hlfh-eoft-ef-UTUif probUm-wUI cot Dhiil-1 high stuwwiu tma mil mivti muicu, a cneit citaxr i stmi tooa tor srowint cauann imoKTinii ipmmug nun r rnrt4r. EM tor of It At U croc'--cMt tad lkM CktM, mora MAULL BROS. 531 To Be Given Away Last Chance to Get a 640-Acre Free Homestead in Nebraska WHERE AND WHEN TO REGISTER: At Broken Bow, Custer County, Nebraska, 231 mlleg from Omaht and 176 miles from Lincoln, October 13th to 26th, Inclusive, 'for lands located ln the NEBRASKA FOREST RESERVE in Qrant ahd McPherson Counties, Northwest Nebraska, south of HyannU; "same registration will be valid for the FORT NIOBRARA RESERVATION lands, near Valentine, Neb. DRAWING AND FILING: The drawing for lands In both reservations will take place on Octo ber 28th; filings on the Nebraska Forest Reserve Lands will begin November 17th, 1913; filings or the Fort Niobrara Lands 'will commence next spring. CHARACTER OF LANDS: These lands are valuable for mixed farming, dairying and llvestook raising. Many sections contain from 40 to 160 acres of choice valley lands, suitable for raising all kinds of grain and hay crops. , They are located ln the center of the "Kiukald land" area. It is appro priate here to say that practically all of th6 "Klnkald" Free Home stead Lands, with the exception of the above districts, have been filed on and are generally occupied by farmers and stock-raisers, MAP AND PARTICULARS: A special leaflet describing these lands, showing their location and giving details of filing and provlng-up, is available on request of any Burlington Agent, or the undersigned. Illustrative dally, round trip excursion rates to Broken Bow: ' From Omaha Lincoln Fall City Beatrice York Three trains Eaatern Nebraska From Omaha D. CLEM DEAVER, Immigration Agent, 1004 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. wmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmkmmmmammmkmmmmmmmm Ladies9 Department ?! a ' c Hosiery, The W. G. Cleveland Co. Abdominal Supporters, , , . W4 Trusses ant: Supports. ,.,5r.v5al Md Invalid BnpplUs J 1410-18 Kara, Bt. T.L mm. 1183. Bay yoar largical tapph.t whtrmyour phytkian bay his" !!!!!ll Tell the whole town of that want of yours by a classified ad in "The Bee." Phone Tyler 1000 man In the mackintosh, slowly rising to his feet and trying to wipe the slush from hla garments. " Is like an egg-better when It's first laid, b'gosh, than it ever Is ngalnl 'Chleago Tribune. "Many Judge from Bidder's .red nose that he's a heavy drinker, but he's not. His nose Is like a gas meter." "How so." j, "It registers more than Is consumed. Baltimore American. MAN FAILURE. Baltimore Sun. The engine may fall and the track may wc&r $ There are' metal and tools io remake and The target'may break and the switch go But solt and a blow will help them along; When men fall the system is crippled all through '. . Man Fal ure. that's .where. . the doom points at you. ...... Ties may wear out and tie bolts may rust. ,. That Is a matter repair gangs adjust: I'isions may ravwu w o,fc.i . The doom of the system's when men have grown weak, t. When men fall to answer with thorough ness kcefi t i. , Man Failure, that's where you loieythe machine! As the strength of the chain is .the . ... V. lint. - Hirenglll ui cauii mm, You cannot move earth if the men fall to think. It the men fall tp measure each moment OI Ilia Right up to the- keenest demand of. the Binie; It men. fail to master wth soul and with uraiii Man Failure-, -that's where you throw oft iliu nam, Cheap nvorr your rati! Mil Hro.fhln5t. ft It mid from Dorms Don una imn. scm nun Macaroni often It U St. 'Louis, Mo. Nebraska FARMS $0.2-1 From Hastings .'. . .85.08 Grand Island $3,20 Fremont .... $0.20 Columbus ...$708 Central City $4.72 87.08 .. .510.70 $8.08 $4.84 dallv In each direction between and Broken Bow. at 8:20 a. m 4:10 p. m., 11:35 With expert lady fitters Supports, braces and elastic hosiery must be correctly fitted both to be comfortable and produce results. lino