THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1913. 11 ItEAI, ESTATE. a cm: at. r. roil balk. 43 ACRES 8 Miles From Omaha Business Center 2 Miles From Florence On Calhoun Paved Road For Sale at a Reasonable Price Has about 33 acres of the finest bluo grass timber pasturo near Omaha; about 7 acres in alfalfa, balance in orchard; has G-room house and other outbuildings. The land is rolling but would make an ideal country home on account of being so close to Omaha and on a paved road, or can be divided into smaller pieces to good advantage. Has many different kinds of trees (mostly oak and black walnut). Will be pleased to' show it to you any time; only 30 minutes from down town by automobile. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. An Acre on Florence Boulevard .-: 6-Room House 5435 Florence boulevard, a beautiful new housj, modern and complete In architec ture and finish, with every convenience - and beautiful oak finish and floors, large ' living- room, with brick fireplace: large ' dining room and kitchen, with built-in cupboards, expensive lighting fixtures, ; beautiful decorations. 3 Targe bedrooms, with Rood closets, tile bath room. This Is one of the finest lots along the Flor ence boulevard, having" 20 splendid shade trees, mostly elm, fine front and back yard. Tou will like this place. Come out and see It Charles W. Martin & Co. Tyler 187. 216 Omaha Nat. Bank Bids. IMPROVED ten acres on N. 16th St., near pavement and car; best of soil; with or without truck garden equipment; household goods. Call 6902 N. ICth Bt CITY FROPERTY iron SALE. . Business Property On 2Uh 6t In South Omaha, within a half block of the very belt retail district, wo offer a large piece of ground with good brick building covering about halt Df'the ground. It now pays 6 per cent net on the price it can be bought for. but heirs must sell and divide. This Is a good .Investment with most of the value in land that. Is near the center of the re tail district and will grow. We can ar range to carry a large part of the price (345,000) In a loan on the property. This Is a class of property that cannot often bethought on a 6 per cent, basis. In five r ten years this will seem rtdleulomly theap. Harrison' & Morton 916 Omaha Nat Bank. Tel. D. 314. - Dundee-K500 Practically new 6-room stucco home. In Client condition, oak floors and lln ffi. ism cosh will' handle, balance same as rem. $5,200 'rooms hot water heat, dandy condi tio oak ''finish and floors, beamed ceil ings'. ro P& loctttd easy term5. $6,500 , New bouse, built by the owner for a horneT has large living room with beamed .ulntr fire Place, excellent lighting iix ?wres large fining room, excellent but 'ret kitchen" Three dandy bed rooms and slepingieporch on the second floor good "ayWo,ftoeat?ooml0TT.BsJistburl? Ereq ' : , Glover & Spain ' ' 919 Cltr Nat l Bk. Bldg. P. 1962. Close In Buy " $3,850 Nine-room houae, 8 blocks from P. O., modern except furnace; largo corner lot; paved streets, paving ' paid. Reasonable terms. The Byron Reed Co. Phone Doug. 297. 212 South 17th. BUNGALQW UOMU Brand new. strictly modern, on om floor, oak finish, combination lighting fixtures, beam celling, built-in book cases, fireplace, panel wall, plate rail, window seat, wall all decorated, furnace Vat. laundry connections, fine lot, pav lng paid. Here Is an attractive home located Just a little north of Kountse Park. Owner says get an offer; t&OO cash, reet monthly'. t a on TnrH . 1(6 McCague Bldg. Doug. 16S3. HANSCOM PARK HOME $300 GASH; BALANCE MONTHLY 1609 8. 27th. three blocks from cross town line and three blocks from Park line. Good two-story 6-room house in first-class repair; reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen downstairs; three large bedrooms and bath upstairs; open plumbing, good furnace, fireplace In living room. Fine lot, 50x127 ft., all level, the back yard being fenced with tight board fence; S7th street paved with Purington block and the pav ing all paid for. This Is a REAL BARGAIN. Go out and see It right away, Qwner home all day Thurs day to show you through. Price, $2,750; tSOJ cash, balance like rent Quick pos session given. Payne & Slater Co., 616 Omaha National Bank Bldg. A Real Snap 3015 B. 33d St.; nearly new home of 6-r. and bath; 2 large bedrooms and bath up stairs; t-r and hall downstairs; hot water heat; full basement: lot 52x115 ft. Price on this property 32.7S0; small pay xent down, balance easy; 1 block to car. R. H. Landeryou 221 State Bank Bldg. Douglas 2151. SI FOR SALE-Several tine building lots !$1 near the car Iln city water, good cation; terms 11 DOWN. II A WEEK "without Interest; you can start to build as -soon as you pay your dollar. H. H. HARPER. 1013-14 City Xat'l Bank Bldg. I'lione Douglas 2S9G. TO BUT, SELL OR JtKNT. FIKBT SUB QHN W. ROBU1NS. 1401 FARNAal IT. REAL ESTATE. ACHKAOn FOR SALE. RBATj estate CITY PROPERTY FOR BATjE. $500 Down and rental terms for the balance buys a fine, large, new, square house of six rdoms and reception hall; nicely deco rated throughout; oak finish In three rooms; all floors oak. The rooms are nice and large and very conveniently ar ranged. Three fins bed rooms and bath room upstairs, one bed room across en tire front of house. Nice cemented base ment, guaranteed furnace: paved street, paving paid. location Is first-class. Bee the house, buy it, and get away from the unprofitable rent habit. SCOTT & HILL, 807 McCagUe Bldg. Douglas 1009. A lot on 21st, near Pratt St. for ISZ3, ana on terms. O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. Agency. IMG Farnam Street. Tel. Tyler 1021. READ THIS AD. New S-room, strictly modern house In Dundee, finished in oak, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, full cellar with toilet; 1 block to car. Will take good vacant lot or (-room cottage as part payment; bal ance monthly. S. P. BOSTWICK, Tyler 1606. 218 R 17th St. MUST SELL. 7-room house, 2911 Seward St; best offer takes It. 6-room modern bungalow, 819 N. 22d St., South Omaha. Tel. D. 3607. Buy; This Double House That pays 12 per cent and the rent will pay for it in eight and one-halt years; or occupy half and draw 6 per cent on entire Investment. This Is a. good house, on good lot, located right. A few hundred dollars or a desirable property will make the first payment; terms on the balance. Call, write or phone E. B. Glbbs, ES6 a. aoth St, Omaha. Tel. Harney 1192. riWlNULKY Ke OIPK, REAL. ESTATE. Have moved from 238 lie Uldgi to fifth floor, room 5ta BRAND NEW BUNGALOW FOR SALE 6 rooms, all modern, oak finish; one fine sun room, full cemented basement; 19th and Evans St.. overlooking park. Telephone during day, D. 4428; evenings, 11. M23. NEW, modern oak finish bungalow of 5 rooms, with oak polished floor; all rooms nicely painted with flat tone paint; and elec. fixtures; paneled dining rooms: full cement basement; Rogers furnace and large garage In rear, slzo 14x20; has elec tric light and city water. One block south of Ames Ave.; east front on 21st St. T. W. HAZBN. 207 & 8 McCague. D. 1800. HANSCOM PARK, west side. Seven rooms, nearly new; hardwood Inside; hot air, electricity, gas; exceptional location; accessible; all improvements. Douglas 6232. ABSTRACT OK TI1XBS. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of flee in Nebraska. 206 Brandcis Theater. ItRAlj ESTATE. FARM A RANCH LA HUH FOB BAE.H Arkansas. 102 ACRES on river, tl.000; U cash, bal ?.nce.. ' yws 1W acres, 11,600. Box 67, Hatfield, Ark. Colorado, 320 ACRES fine, levol land; rich, dark brown loam soil; only 1H miles from town; on Burlington R. R.; In northwest part of Weld county, Colorado, where you can grow the best kinds of small grain without Irrigation. 80 acres under culti vation; fenced on three sides with 3 wire fence. Can also sell the adjoining half section that has 120 acres under cultiva tion. Price 120 per acre. Will sell on small payment down. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney Bt Iotth. 5 MILES OF COUNCIL BLUFFS, 120 acres; 105 acres farm land, is acres good pasture with some Umber; about 25 acres alfalfa. 12 acres timothy meadows, 4 acres orchard. Good 7-room house, barnes, sheds," wind mills and ex cellent road to city; a good all round farm; we know of nothing better near either city for the price; $130 per acre. Let us show you. McGee Real Estate Co.. 106 Pearls St.. Council Bluffs. Nebraska. FOUND ANOTHER HOMESTEAD 323 acres, 20 miles out; In settled neighbor hood; fine farm land, not sand hills. Price 1178, filing fees and all. In cor ner of Colorado. J. A. Traoy, Kimball. Neb. NORTH PLATTE FOREST RESERVE, 233,000 acres of land, and Ft Niobrara mill Itary reserve, 44,410 acres, open for regis tration by lottery at North Platte, Neb., beginning October 13, ending October 23. H13. Drawings at North Platte, Neb., at 10 o'clock a. m.. October 28. 1913, and continuing as long as necessary. You can register for 640 aores. President's proc lamation signed September 80. Write for full Information, R. A. SMITH. Colonization and Industrial Agent Union Pacifla Railroad, Omaha, Neb. 160 acres in Holt county, Nebraska, 6 miles from county seat. 40 acres In corn, balance in meadow, all nice level land. Will trade for a good grooiry stock. Price 340 per acre. For particulars write to J. E. Roberts. Milton. Ia. Texas. FOR good, cheap, agricultural land, any sized tract; write Joe Lyons, Desk 6. Marlln, Tex. Washington. FRED government land In northern Stevens county, Washington, where failure of crop Is unknown. Good eolL good climate, no drouth. For partic ulars address Floyd C, Smith, Northport. Wash. Wisconsin, GREAT BARGAINS Improved farms and wild lands, near good schools, churches, creamery and towns. Easy tayment and long time. Great datiy, clover and fruit country Write me to day George C Rice, Burnett Co., Web ster, Win. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Reoeipts of Northwestern Wheat Show a Deoided Let-Up. CORN FOLLOWS THE WEAKNESS Yellow Cereal Tmre After Wheat In Its Loss of Strength Anionic the Trndera of the Pit Clos ing; Prices. ni-i ... . OMAHA, Oct. 9, 1013. ..r,.!m9. '.P1 h-v recently been made FLn? buU ln wheat that northwestern lecelpta were to show a marked letup !n f,ne ytry n,ttr future were at least par tially borne out yesterday. Besides the almost entire absence of hedging sale against our northwestern wheat, as well os on western Canada account the run of cars at Minneapolis and Duluth was only Ml. while for the corresponding day ?ne y1"...0 lt w 1" th face of these bullish conditions there was a loss of He for the day( and both the Decem ber and May futures closed almost at the very bottom prices reached. A Min neapolis message to the Armour Grain company said that country deliveries of wheat showed a marked tailing off and that prices there are too low to draw wheat from the southwest; that a great deal of wheat Is now going from south ern Minnesota and South Dakota direct to the south as well as to the east Q rowers of wheat ln the northwest hold the whip hand. The matter of price rests largely with them. It la generally be lieved that farmers who were forced to dispose of their grain because of demands from bankers have evened up their posi tion In the financial world, and that there wilt be less pressure on the grain now held back, and that ln case of any de terioration In the crop prospects of South Africa a general bull reawakening will be seen. This change will not only be seen In tha principal spring wheat murivcl. but In the entire grain world. There are some men ln the trade who believe ln wheat, and they are looked upon as the more conservative handlers of this cereal. The average carriers advance the opinion that while the export trade In the wheat of the United States Is at an end for a time they also believe that the heavy taking of Canadian wheat will be felt In this country sooner or later. That while our visible supply Is a big one and that Canada is largely In excess of a year ago, the wheat will all be wanted either at homo or abrbad. Cash wheat was unchanged to Ho lower. torn followed wheat In Its weakness and suffered losses of UH4c for yester day. There was scattered liquidation by Chicago professional longs on the general ravoruble weatner over mo torn yc"" ThArn nr. flritnA In thn WhO VOlUn- teer the opinion that tho markot Is about sola out ana mai inosc who uro uun buying on the weak spots are accumulat ing iinM rr n hull movement later on. Liverpool was about steady ln the facet of continued good reports from Russia and Rumania. .. Cash corn was unchanged to He higher. There was little change In oats. There was no talk whatever relative to Canadian supplies and tho market was not disturbed because of any outside in formation. Cash oats were unchanged. Clearances of wheat and flour were 428.000 bit; corn, 3,000 bu.; oats, nono. Liverpool wheat closed H01 lower; corn, HTd lower. Primary wheat receipts were 1,312,000 bu. and shipment 646,000 bu,, against receipts of 1,1)22,000 bu. and shipments of 1.816,000 bu. last year. . Primary corn receipts were 387,J00 bu. and shipments 619,000 bu., against re ceipts of 467,000 bu. and shipments of 201.000 bu. last vtar. Primary oats receipts were 763,000 bu. and rhlpmenta 764,000 bu., against re ceipt of 1,049,000 bu. and shipments of 899,000 bu. last year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 38 111 101 Minneapolis 411 ... ... Duluth 336 Omaha 23 40 26 KanM City 44 63 29 St. Louis 72 20 64 Winnipeg 1,268 The following cash suies were reportcu: Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 1 can 81Jic; 2 cars. 81c, No. 3 hard Winter. 2 cais. SOHc. No: 3 spring, 1 car, 81tta; V, car, 79c. no. 4 spring, Vt car, vc. no, i durum, 2 cars, 80a. No. 3 durum, 1 cor, 80c. No. 8 mixed, 1 3-5 car, 79Wc. No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 'Kc. No grade, 1 car (durum mixed), TTc. No. 4 durum, 1 car, 7S&0. Rye: No grade. Vt car, 60c. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 8 cars, 6014c No. 3 yellow, 10 cars, 69 ',4c ; 1 car, 69c. No. 4 yellow, 1 car, 63c. No. 2 mixed, S cars, 63i4c. No. X mixed, 4 cars, 63c; 6 cars, 66Hc. No. 4 mixed, 2 cars, 68c No grade, 1 car, 67Mcr car, 00c. Oats. Standard 3 cars SSfta No. 3 white, 1 car (choice), 39Ho; 1 carsi 39c. No. 6 white, 6 cars, 88c. No. 8 mixed, 2-5 car, 3sHg. Rejected, 1 car, 38HO. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 3 hard, SlQSlHc; No. 3 hard, 80Vic; No. 3 spring, 7!!MUc: No. 4 nDflnff. 79Q! No. 2 durum. 80o ; No. 3 durum, SOo; no grade, 77c. Corn: ISO. i yellow, kjhc; no. a yeuow, ouxiwkc; No. 4 yellow, 6Sp; No. 2, 694c; No. 3, 68 69a; No. 4, SSc; no grade. C0Q72V4C. Oats: Standard, 3Sftc; No. 3 white, S939Vic; No. REAL ESTATE LOANS. LOANS of 11,000 and up desired on Im proved real estate. Large sums a spe cialty. W. H. THOMAS, , 23S State Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 OMAHA NATIONAL. Douglas 2715. LARGE loan our specialty. Stull Bros. WANTED City loans and warranto, W. Farnam .Smith St Co.. 1320 Farnam flt MONEY on hand at lowest rates for loans on Nebraska farms and Omaha city property In any amounts. U TO! TtTTjrTCT 823 Cty National Bank Bldg. 6 yty-i xnaei neater uiag. HARRI8QN & MORTON, 9)0 6m. Nat. "". nrcnu ximg, itn ana yarnaro. GARVIN BROSjE WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co". ' " u J WANTED TO BUY. WANTED 7 or 8-room house. Q-398, Bee, WANTED Five or stx-room new house, Address H-397, Bee. WANTED TO HE ST. Furnished Rooms Wanted T.M(l Inn Wa.t nf - . mil north of Leavenworth, south of Dodge; wuivuun, uim ur iwo nving rooms, private hath, or exclusive use of bath be tween certain hours; willing to pay lib- rallv for rtirhf RPCAmmful.H... ... dress A 290. Ben. WANTED By young married couple. 3 or 4 furnished rooms or small furnished flat; must be modern and reasonable: will rent for about months. Address - . -. - . r v .w..v.4 v. will UlUiailca O- rnnm imrlm.nh m.n,, Boaenstock. the Flatlron. WANTED-Room In private family 57 dining car conductor; young people pre- icricu. iiiu.i ud moaern list. Care Mil. lard Hotel, A. Luttroan. ro w" LIVE STOCK MAIIKE!' OF WEST. Ship lWe otock to South Omaha. Save mucnie Kim Mnuaags. rour conslan ments receive prompt and carsful atten tion. Live Stock Commission Merchants, MARTW BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising is the Road to Business Success. American Telephone & Telegraph Co A llilJod of Two Dollar r slurs will b 4l4 en WtdDKdtr, OrtoUr . 1U, to itotk. bol4rs of rwid at tlx cIom of budssis u TauOr. B4Btnt- :. lilt. " VlUUA.ll n, DRIVEN. Tretturir. s II.T7. o Ml (I) rejected. JSVc. Barley -MOIll tine. 67ff76c: No. 1 feed. eSStte. Rye fso, x, wc, .no. J, wo CHICAGO GRAIN AMI PROVISIONS Fratnres of the Trnillnar unit Closing Prices on Ilnnrit of Trade, CHICAGO, Oct. .-lnstead of proving bearish, tho government report today on wheat turned out sllRhtly In favor of the other side. The news, however, came too late to affoct prices, which closed steady, unchanged to a shade loer. As to corn, the Washington estimate showed soma gain as expected. The cereal, noverthe IMS, finished Uo to HtWo net higher, with oats Ho to Wcffic up and provi sions ranging from be off to a like ad vance. Most of thn time today wheat sagged, Influenced In part by the predictions that the government analysis of the yield and quality of the spring crop would count against the bulls. There were also re ports that acreage seeded to winter wheat had reached liberal proportions and that thn plant, lato In somo sections, was In flno condition. Selling pressure at IJverpool from Rus sia and Canada, favorable Argentine crop advices and a forecast of Inrgo world shipments for the week all tended to de press the wheat market. Prices here, Uiowevor, were steadied by moderately active buying on tho part of a leading house and because of a considerable drop ln northwest receipts. Drouth news from India, and German reports of unusual buying of foreign wheat to be used In mixing, received also due attention. Corn prices bulged on account of un settled weather, receipts being light and a more- active Industrial demand. Mis souri dispatches told of dampness Injur ing corn ln shock and of more or less Insect damace. Oats developed a better tone with corn, although trade was not large. The buying was chiefly invest ment demand of a conservative sort. Packers helped provisions upgrade, and then sold on the advance. There was said to be on Improved shipping call for Leading futures ranged as follows: Artlclel Open.l Hlgh.l Low. Close.lYest'y. Wheatl Dec..SStiirS6 86V4W 1H 85 SVV S5W 91U 6$H "0 May.9lf9lH Corn: I Dcc..6Sttlfi May.-0l8 Oats; Dec. UOTiifNl WTil91HVi I 69W 71SI 4Uil 6Sm63TitrC9j 70?i7Hia'i 40Til' 40TIO41 May.44',AuW 44HI 4H 19 75 Pork: i Jan..! 19 75 1 19 S5 19 70-721 19 80 May. 19 92W 19 W I 19 80 19 W Jani.l1 10 67K1 10 G2KI 10 63 1 10 (0 May. 10 7G 10 80 10 76 I 10 80 19 85 ' 10 47& 10 75 RJan..' 10 45 110 47-WI1 10 42MI 10 47W 10 474 May. 10 65 10 00 10 CO 10 W 10 67Ji rin.lMf fnti nrlpA were: WIEAT-No. 2 red, 82O0Sc; No, 3 red, 904j!c: No. 2 hurd, 8GMCr0o; No. 3 hard, 84H65V4c', No. 2 northern, 8707MB; No. 3 northern, &vmlM No. 2 spring, S4 84Hc; No. 3 spring, !4S6o; velvet chaff, R3fle614c; durum, 78S6c. CORN-No. 2. 70A31lc: No. UWMh 7lc; No. 2 yellow, 710'HHc; No. 3, OOH TOHol No. 3 white, 70aC0Ui No. 3 yellow, 70iF7Hia OATS-No. 2. 40ttc; No. 3, 40Vlc; No. 8 white, 40UNlHc: stanflard. 41Hc. RYE No. 2. 66K6Vic. BARLEY-S20. SEEDS Timothy, 33.76fi6.2o. CTover, PROVlSIONS-a'ork, 822.00. Lftrd, 16.. Ribs, 310.60911.25 Omaha Hay Market. PRAIRIE HAT No. 1 to choice upland, I12.00O12.60; No. 2. 310.00fil2.00; No. 3. $3.00 6110 00; No. 1 choice midland. lll.30Olt.00; So. 2. 39.5311.00; No. 3, I8.0rt9.00; No. 1 to choice lowland.J9.00tfl0.00; No. 2. J7.00 09.00: No. 3. 85.00O7.00. Straw: J5.00a$.0tf; choice wheat 31,6006.00. Alfalfa: No. i to choice Is quotable, tt4.00nu.OO; No. , 312.0014.00; No. 3. J10.0012.00. I.trerpool Grain Market. IJl Pill UUM, ' ' steady; No. 1 new Manitoba, 7s 3d; No. 2 old, 7s ta; HO. a oia, IB iu: iiiiuron ensv; October. 7s ttd: December, 7a Wi March, 7s lMd. . .... , CORN opoi, QUiei, American inixeu, 7s HHd; De'Cember La Plata, ts 2Tid. Coffee Market. ' NEW YORK, Oct . COFFEE Lower! European cables, reports of an easier cost and freight situation and heavier ruling of primary receipts seemed re sponsible for today's decline In tho coffco market. After opening 2 9 lower the market sold aboui 14it2d not lower and closed Irregular at a not loss of Ofl-21. October. .97c; December, 10.17e; January, 10.27c; March, 10.61c: May, 10,C6c; July, 10.84o; September, 10.93c. Spot, unsettled; Rio No. 7, 10Hc; Baritos, No. 4, 12140. Mild dulet: Cordova. lMTlSUc. nominal. I ' Aieini uoruri, NEW YORK, Oct. 9. METALS Lead, easy: 34.40 bid; London, 20. Spelter, easy; 35.30Q6.4O; London, 120. Copper, dull; October to January, 315.62 to 316.37; elec trolytic. 3l6.75ffl6.87; lake, 817,00: castinrr, 316.W10.75. Tin, steady: spot, 340.40340.80; October, H0.WpiO.0; November, 340.46411 40.76. Antimony, dull; Cookson's 38.30. Iron, quiet and unchanged. London mar kets close das follows. Copper, dull; spot, CT2 7s6d; futures, 72 7s 6d. Tin, dull: SDot 185 10a: futures, flS6. Iron, Cleveland warrants, 63s. St. I.nnls Clenrrnl Market. HT. LOUIS. Oct 9. WHEAT No. 2 red. 93flO(c; No. 2 hard. E$V4O0Sc; December, tmcl Mav. 92HQ02HC. CORN NO. Z, 7i'c: NO. 2 wniie, TiWiW, December, 699ic; May. 72c. OATS No. 2, 4ieUHc; No. 2 whl 42MQ14Sc; December, 41?jo; May, 41?ic. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Oct 9.-W1IEAT No. 2 hard, 8390c: No. 2, 8369Hc; No. 2 red, 9192$c; No. 3. 8791c; December, 83(Sr4o; May, 88V40S8HC CORN No. 2 white, 74c; No. 3. 78c; De cember. 70HS70o; May. 72KT3. OATS No. 2 white, 42V4o; No. 2 mixed, 41e. London tor If Market, LONDON. Oct. 9. American securities opened quiet and steady today. The market advanced on light buying during the first hour and at noon was steady, with prices ranging from unchanged to a point above parity. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. October B. COTTON SJot, good business done; prices steady: middling fair, S.07d; good middling, 7.79d; middling, 7.65d: low middling, 7.43d; good ordinary, 6.77d; ordinary, 6.43d; sales. 8,000 bales. Kmiioratrd Apples and Dried Fruits. NEW YORK, Oct. 9. EVAPORATED APPLE3-43ulet and steady. DRIED FRUITS-Prunes, firm. Apri cots, quiet and firm. Peaches, firm. Raisins, firm. Dry Goods Murket. NEW YORIC Oct 9 DRY GOODS Cotton goods and yarns held today. Some easing was noted in raw silk. Men's w- was in steady demand for quick shipment St. Joseph Live Stock Market, ST. JOSEPH, Oct. 9. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,600 head; market slow; steers, 35.DOQO.00: cows and heifers, 1.0oa8.60 calve, 35.0OjJ10.0O. ' HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady to ctrongj top, $8.15; bulk of sales. 37.908.10. SHEEP AND LAMUSRecelpts, 8,001 head; market steady. Local Securltlra. Quotations rurnUbfei br Burns, llrlnlttr A Co Omatia National tank bundles: ' Amarlcan.Cas It. lilt , tju &ju Iltatrlc CTaamerr pfd ju UMtrlc CrMnverr com ,. Ill no Cincinnati. O.. mi M u DMr & Co, 7 par nant r'd..., IU JU Itrtbtrrllla. Ia.. I. B. D. tl. JIM....100V4 101 Fairmont Craamarr per cant suar. It m ralrraont Creamerr 7 par caut tti. . HV4 lot loara Ilr. 4 U. b, IK: M Kamaa Cltr,- Mm, 4Ha. JU M!i Ji Kanaas Cltr Tarmlnal Itjr. i 1H0. .. J u Mluntaln Wataa T. A T lm ctnt.. 100 lot Miopia Wat Ulllltl.a (j, nil u m Marcbanta- II. A L. Co., ladlanapolla, ia. IIS , , tlu ftu Nortbwcitem O. L A C (a. 1H1T tl J Cltr of Omaha Walar tUt, lilt 97 U gv Omaha (las la. 1IT J i Omaha A C H. St. Ilr. ta. !ll...... (U MU Otnlh AC D. St. Uj. pfd Ilii 114 Omaha tc C II. 6t lly. com U u i-ropia a ii, i tc is aa, Pacific fl. tc O. I p, e. notaa. Bloui Cltr Stock Tarda la, 1110 I'll of Toronto 4s, 1)I Tannaaaaa (a. 1111 t white. 3SV; n ioo w nx. a is it n ioo tV4 l I clou Block Tarda, Omiha OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Slow, but Lower, and Feeders Quarter Lower. H0QS GENERALLY FIVE HIGHER Sheep Steady and Kat Lambs Stmnst to Ten Cents lllaher and Fairly Active nt Ailranrr Krrilrri Steady to Strong. SOUTH OMAHA, Oct. 9, 1913. Receipts were. Oavtte. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday n.SM J.600 3.7tM Official Tuesday 7,933 8.IS1 M.651 Official Wcdnesdav ... 6,119 .150 48,093 Estimate Thursday ... 3.801 4,234 2,601 Four days this week .57.638 T9Tsi5 l!Kfi Same days last week . 31,013 M.40H 143.S76 Same days 3 wka. ago.31.lS3 17.379 H8.439 Same days 3 wks. ngo.M,S54 2,213 i;6.R)5 Same days 4 wks. ago.23,657 22.613 162.0SS Same days last year. .33,455 17.1S5 H5.N0 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date as compared with last year; ... 1913. 19K. Inc. Dec. Cattle 7M.474 7o,SJl 13,847 Hogs 2,060,680 2,333,589 331,939 Sheep 2,353,601 2,0&a,6T.5 2o9,6 ....... The following table snows the rang of prlcta for hogs at the South Omnha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons; Date. 1913. 1912.19U.1910.19J9.19O8.l07 Kept 301 8 3HI 8 2 6 2JI 8 4I 7 S3) 6 69 601 03 6 01 6 M 6 81 6 84 5 81 a 5 93 5 93 6 07 Oct 1 .. a jitI S 8 63 7 87 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 2... a 18 8 t S 35 7 S S 63 3,, .1 8 20H 3 63 6 8 43 6 K 1.. 6.. 8 15H 8 69 8 33 8 71 S 77 8 77 6 3 28 8 27 7 S2 6 73l 7 6 43 C, 7.. 8., .. k re 7 i9 fi 32 6 43 6 47 8 40 8 47 8 77 7 r.r 7 64 6 31 6 16 7 S6S 7 62 C 16 7 S3 71 20 Buiidny. Receipts nnd disposition of llvo stock at the Union stock yards. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon: RECEIPTS-CARS. Cattle. Hogs.Sheep. C. M. & St P. Ry 1 1 v .. Wahush Ry i i AJnlon Pacific Ry 15 13 67 )C. & N. W., oast 1 5 C & N. W west 24 17 9 C. St. P. M. & 0 8 6.. C. II. & Q east 2 U. I). & Q west 75 15 26 C. R. I. & P., east 3 4 1 C. R, I. & P., west 5 Illinois Central Ry 3 C. Q. W. Ry 1 1 Total receipts 130 61 93 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle.liogs.Shecp, Morris Jc Co. 629 Wl 4.M Swift & Co 346 1,173 2,401 Cudahy Packing Co.... 531 1.654 1.48s Armour & Co 3K3 1,317 2,641 Lincoln Packing Co.... 20 ... , Sinclair 3 W. D. Vansant Co 8t Hill A Bon 203 F, D. Lewla 31 Huston & Co. 11 J. B. Root St Co 34 J. 11. nulla 24 L. P. Husx 64 Rosenstoclc Uros 126 MeCreary & Kellogg... 17 Werthclmer & Degen,. 191 Rothschild 73 Mo. & Kan.-Calf Co 10T Christie (Huffman 6 Roth S Meyers 1 llaker, Jones & Smith.. 67 Tanner 43 IHarVey 100 B. C. Co 2U Other buyers 688 33,413 Total 8,600 4,606 42,399 CATTLE Cattle receipts were quite liberal for a Thursday. 120 cars being re ported In. The demand, however, Is sel dom very brisk this late In the week, but still there was a pretty fair demand and most of the -receipts -changed hands in good season. Oood killing cattle were In demand, but tho most of the offerings were not overly good. Still there were a few cattlo hero good enough to' bring. 19. Taking the mar ket as a whole It can be quoted as about StctadV. Cows and heifers were not very active. ut still they did not show much change fti vuiiu'ureu who. yanioruay. in must cases prices 'were little It any changed. As reoeipts were moderate the big end of tho offerings" changed hands In fair season. Stockers and feeders were In moderate supply as far as tho fresh arrivals of cattle were concerned. There were, how ever, a good many cattle In the hands of speculators which have beon accumulat ing all the week, the country demand having proved to be somewhat disappoint ing. Owing to the lack of a good buying support from the country the market to day was Blow and weak and aa noted yes- leraay prices are right around 26c lower than the first or the week, The best cat tle, as a matter of course, have shown tho least decline and might not bo that much off. On the other hand the less de sirable and rheaner irrades have .Imwn the most depreciation. Quotations on cattle; Oood to choice corn fed beef steers, 817605.25; fair to good cornfed beet steers, IS.308.7&: com mon to lair corniea uoef steers, I7.760S.3O; fair to choice yearlings. 3S.60fr9.33: unn.i to choice range beeves. 37.6C4I8.2S! fair to good ran so bteves, 37.007.60; common to fair range beeves, I3.26Q7.00; good to choice heifers, 36.60Q7.6o; good to choice cows. 36.260.60: fair tn anrnl arrailna tit 9jc 05.25; common to fair grades, 33.35S.i5: buuu iu cnoice stocxers ana iceaers, (7.2S 4(8.30; fair to good stockers and feeders, t6.00dj7.23; common to fair stockers and feeders, 33.0004.60; stock cows and heif ers, 35.00(37.00; veal calves, 16.2309.60: bulls, stags, etc.. 33.26Q&75. ' Representatlvn sales: HIilCF HTEERS, A. I'r. No. At. Pr. ... Ill I 00 37 iu ii WJ "11 I 00 ...1171 I 70 BTEERS AND HKIFKRR ...140 1 it No. 4... II... 17... CUWH. 4.... I.... 1... I.... 1.... 1.... 1.... .... II.... 4.... 3.... .... Mo 4 SO 1089 4 10 KB 4 76 W0 t a loo I as mo i a s.. ..104 t 40 ..10M I 71 ..141 6 16 .- 713 I SO ..1041 6 0 ..100S ( 90 ..1111 I II i... 17... ... t... ... ....1165 ( 40 COWS AND HEIFERS, ...AM IU HEHTBRS. in o 4 iu at 16 i ia .... IU ( 80 I rs T X HULLS. 763 66 I 71 1016 6 71 110 ft 76 1400 I 71 140 6 76 i. 1. ...11 6 73 ...1110 6 71 ...laia 6io ...ino ice ...1110 m ...1440 4 10 I.... 1.... 1.... I tOt I 76 CALVES. Ml M 3 M 7 10 4 HO (60 1 I 71 2O0 176 170 00 161 171 406 30 7 76 2 I 00 1 . .. I 60 I 0 1 1M 2S0 1W 76 BTOCKERB AND FEEDERS I.. II.. iu 4 to 11.. I0 V) 111 I 70 700 7S til I 36 477 6 76 I 11 I It 641 6 10 t W I 60 2 640 I tt WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. 45 steers.. ..1144 6 W 21 stockers.1130 7 70 C 60 7 15 7 20 C 75 46 stockers. 766 7 03 It ft". 7 35 6 40 8 90 16 heifers.., 743 37 feeders, .1101 183 feeders, 1032 31 feeders.. 839 rows 10R3 47 feeders,. 933 15 COWS,... 1002 45 steers.. ..1144 j feeders.. lioo 7 40 10 reeders,. 067 7 35 9 heifers... tt 6 60 10 feeders.. 7GJ OR 33 cows 1000 0 00 28 fetders. . VZ0 7 00 9 feeders,. 031 6 26 Charles E. Murphy Neb. 10 feeders. .1149 7 25 Sand Hills Lend & Cattle Co. Neb. 20 feeders., 1541 7 00 80 feeders. .1133 7 26 Tully Sc Musser Neb. feeders, .1053 6 0S 17 feeders.. 934 8 65 162 T. St'.. 941 6 36 WYOMING. 239 feeders. 1015 7 35 10 feeders.. 1015 35 6 SO 7 15 7 40 7 60 6 55 7 60 7 30 6 0 7 M 7 I) 163 feeders. 682 7 30 11 feeders.. 8 7 15 8 cows..,, 1083 6 t 24 feeders,. 904 7 60 3 feeders.. COO 6 M 15 feeders.. 91S 7 35 IS cows ...1038 6 40 20 steers 120A 7 40 11 steers.. 1260 6 65 6 cows , , 1760 6 35 5 cows 930 21 feeders.. 872 C steers. 1053 19 feeders. 11 cows. ., 32 feeders 24 steers.,. 7 cows. . 46 steers , 15 steers. 667 1118 62 1293 1047 1142 1074 1SSI feelers 1015 7 10 feeders. 1015 6 35 163 folders . m 7 30 SOUTH DAKOTA. 30 feeders.. 1016 7 0) 36 feeders. . 781 615 HOOS Trade opened out In good shape this morning, first bids being made at slightly stronger prices. Shippers got In again today, nnd while their purchases were not very large their buying caused 'a certain amount of competition, and this In turn had a decidedly strengthening effect on values. Prices Improved stead ily as thi morning advanced, and when first sales were made looked to be about 5C higher than yesterday. The close showed up even better than this, and some sales made late looked to be as much as 6jyi0o up. On the whole values show an advance of a big nickel. Hulk of the offerings moved at 87.0OWS.00, while some choice lights sold to packers ns high as 89.15. Trade was not especially active nt any time, but nearly everything was cleaned up shortly after 10 o'clock. There were not enough pigs here today to give much of an Idea of the market, but in dividual sales appeared to be strong to a little higher. The general quality of the supply was excellent, hardly anything on the trashy order showing up. Supplies dropped off today, only about sixty-four cars, or 4.200 head, being re- ln- Th0 ,otBl ff h" week Is 19,315. a aliortn.Ro of 2,000 head as com pared with last week, and a gain of about tho same number over the corresponding days of last year. No. Aj. SK, Pr. No. At, .. Pr. " JJ J? I M lie no 7 II J" 7 76 ... . JM 7 K T7I W 110 ... 7 J " ... 7 10 II Hi ... 7r3 .. .17 IW 7 IJH 7 MJ IN 7 5 J IfJ 0 7 15 II.. .....Ill too Til 5 HI HO 7 II 14 ill 140 7 M 27 ... T M II W7 10 7 15 40 7 B 4 ..ISO 10 7 M J? ro no 7 tin 14. ......r&i ... k I' 7 110 7 so 41 321 40 7 1.. ....1I0 110 1M 74. ...,..! 1)0 7 IS H 110 7 S3 II 6T 40 7 K J 6 110 7 W U Ill IM TH 81.. 147 ... 1 0 41 Wl 10 7l 11 7t 60 7 10 II M7 100 7 8 J 10 ... 7 SO M IM 100 7 M J ... 7n 67,. .....Ill 1 774 7. lit 10 7 W 61, W7 ItO 7 1714 ... ... I XI f 717 ... 7l7j 371 10 t W 61, tn ... S 00 1 W 10 7 o 7 IM to I 00 1 IM 10 1 W 4 ,,177 10 Id t til ... 7 10 U IM 140 100 7 114 ... 7 n 61 900 40 I 00 II 1M ... IN It to too 16 IM SOO 7 SO 64 177 140 I 00 to ist ... 7 to ro 4 t oo 11 IU ... 7 M 113 40 I 04 61 Sll 160 7 M C1.......M4 40 I 00 " 174 ... 7 tut t 173 W s oo 41. in 10 1 lilt It tl IN IN M 104 1W 7 Kit, S4 IM ... 3 II U til 130 7 :u piaa II....... C ,., IOO tt.. 65 .,. IM ro M , 6 IS II.. . . M ... 00 tl IOO ... 6 60 Jl ...11 ... (00 SHEEP A good active market pre vailed In the sheep barn, the supply of killers being very moderate and prices strong to a dime better on fat lambs and fully steady on such tat ewes and with ers as wero offered. Advices from out side points had a bearish tone. Local buyers were out in good season and seemed particularly desirous of some good killers, which In the main sold about as soon as sorted. There was a marked scarcity of strictly choice lambs, there being one bunch good enough to bring 37.10, the top for the day, against 37.00 yesterday. The supply of feeders was largo and mado up by far the greater part of the total receipts. Quality of feeding lambs was very fair, there being one string about as good as has been seen here this season. At first trade was a little slow tn getting under way, but at a later hour movement nnd irloa Indicated u steady to strong market on most all kinds of feeder offerings. Om big string of lambs sold at 1160, being the top. The desirable feeding lambs are quotable any where from 35-90 to 10.60, quality and weight fixing the price. Tho total reoelpu were esUmated at soma ninety-three cars or 28,601 head, against 20,933 a week ago, 29,775 two weeks ago and 28,338 on the same day a year ago. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, B00(! T-7.: lambs, fair to good, .604r7.oo; lambs, culls. 3C.oojf4.oo: lambs, feeders, 35.90O.60; yearllngsTgood t0 i!n?lc5,',,5.v50tr5'Ki: . 2-arllnM. fair to good, 33.26.60; yearlings, feeders, 34.600 6.60: wethers, good to choice, J4.36ai.cS: wethers, falrto good, $I.004.2S; wethers. ??,4,0O4,65j ,we' gooi 9 choice. 34.0OO4.25; ewes, fulr to good, 4.754.00; ewes, feeders. 83.2503.75; cull sheep, 3, DO No. Xv. a- Pr 263 Wyoming feeder lambs 64 6 so 291 Wyoming feeder lambs.. 65 6 to 145 Wyoming feeder lambs (5 6 30 202 Wyoming lambs 73 7 00 64 Wyoming Iambs ,,. 72 7 00 COS Wyoming lambs 74 7 00s 106 Wyoming lambs ............ 72 7 00 188 Wyoming lambs 73 7 00 200 Wyoming lambs 73 7 00 157 Wyoming lambs ,. 73 7 00 IM Wyoming lamb 73 7 00 229 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 6 60 248 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 6.60 225 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 6 60 2eo Wyoming feeder lambs 61 6 60 280 Wyoming feeder lambs.. .... 61 60 304 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 6 (0 309 Wyoming feeder lambs 61 6 60 282 Wyoming feeder Iambs 61 1 10 20a Wyoming ewes S3 3 is 183 Wyoming ewes , S3 3 16 181 Wyoming ewe 120 4 00 189 Wyoming ewes 120 4 00 164 Wyoming owes , 11 8 10 65 Wyoming ewes Ill 3 10 230 Wyo. ewes and wethers.... IOO 4 25 CIIICAOO LI VIS STOCK MARKET Cattle 81 end y to Dime Lower Hoars Strong to HlRlier. CHICAGO, Oct. B.-CATTL75-neoelpU. 6,000 head; market steady to 10a lower; beeves, 17.1WJ.60; Texas steers, 33.9Ot7e.00: western steers, S3.15Q4.C0; stockers ana feeders, 35.2&Qi7.85: cows and heifers, 33.CS y.60; calves, I7.60CH.25. HOGS Receipts, 23,000 head: market strong to 6a higher; bulk of sales, 37.859 8.35; light, I7.l08.90; mixed. 37.7tm63; heavy, 37.70tfS.D0; rough, 37.6667.85: pigs, I4.764W.60. SHEEP AND LAMHS Reoeipts, 88.000 head; market 10a lowers natives, 33.90 6.00; western, 3i.10n6.00: yearlings, 15.000 6.00; native Iambs, I6.9dft7.25; western, 35.90 07.35. i 1 Knnsna Cltr Llvo Slock Mwrket. KANSAS CITY, Oct 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 5,900 head; market steady to weak; prime fed steers, J9.0039.t0; dressed beef steers, 38.00ii73.90; western steers, 86.60O8.S5; southern steers, 35.60iS7.00: oows, 34,26(3 7.25; heifers, 35.O0fl9.S0; stockers and feed ers. 3S.COS8.2S; bulls, S4.60Q4.60: calves, 84.00 10.00. HOOS-Recelpts. 6.000 head; market steady to 6a higher; bulk of sales, 17.J5 (fiS.25; heavy, M.054J8.26; packers and butchers. t7.903.30; light, 87.75a4j.j7V4; pigs. W.0087.26. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 0.000 head: market steady; lambs, W.06S7.00; yearlings, 35.008C.76; wethers, t4.2C4M.76: ewes, 33.6001.35. ' Klonx City LIVn Stock Market, SIOUX CITT. Oct 9. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,000 head; market steady; beef steers, 36.60i38.60; butcher steers, 35.26041,75; feeding cows and heifers, S6.0O34.60;, can- f(fl.90: calves, t7.50O10.00; bulls, stags, etc.. 1 .Wf O. iO. HOGS Receipts, 3.000 hood; market stronger; heavy, t5.60as.75; mixed, I7.85Q 7.95: llKht. S7.95I&S.0S: hulk nt mil.. en SJ1KKP AND LA MRS Reoeipts, 8.000 head; market steady: fed muttons, 15.25 6,76; wethers. 34.r6tJ9.60; ewes, t3.604M.CO; lambs, 36.0007.60. I, Ire Sdrck In Sight, Receipts of live stock at the six prln clpal markets: . , t Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. St. Joseph 1,600 6,600 3.00) Kansas City 6,990 6,000 9.000 St. Louis 8.100 6,100 2,700 Chicago 5,000 23.000 35,050 nuuiu uinaua i.ZSi 26,601 Totafs 21,301 86,934 79.20J Iloaton Stoot 3Ihrket. ROSTON, Oct. 9,-Closlng quotations oil Biuvnc, Aiiouat aivtMonawic toL AmaJ. Coptxr ., JJVNarada Con ijir A. r. L. A B. IISNIpliilDc Mloea ... Ik Arlwna Coin. . .. l s-iajvorth liutt tti B. & C. 6. A 8. M, 71 North Lata ....... i3 t5il. A Arliooa 114014 Domlalou in Csl: Haels 4M Oaoaola ...,,.",!.. la Ootannlal llHulsar It n9fr .'tans O. C OS abannoa tv Kaat llutta U. 31.., It Buparlar ......,...! u3 rrankllB , .... lKuparlor A D. JT... 3U (Iranbr Con. .. 7iTarartik tl Qraana CalmDta . to V 8. 8. It. a. at... Ills llojala Cuvftr II oo pM , .. 47 Kerr Lake . t IS ll'H.h Con. tl, taka Coitr . IHl tan Copper Co. lid I.a Italia Coppar tti Wloora IV Miami ronpar tl Wolrerlns 41 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Prices Move Up and Down in Abrupt Swings During Day. AN ADVANCE IN MONEY KATES Call Money llolde Firmly nt Recent lltsrher Level necllnsr Tendency In Certain .Honda Checked, lint Malti Movement Dorrnvraril, NEW YORK. Oct 9.-Thn stock market of today was a contradictory affair, Prices moved up and down In abrupt swings during the fore part of the day, although there was nothing In the way of definite news to account for the fluct uations. And when the one important development of the day was made known, which might have been expected to find instant reflection In the level of quota tions, the market placidly Ignored It. For several weeks the street had heard confident' predictions of an extra cash disbursement on Union Parlflo of the proceeds of the sale of Southern Pacific stock. It was largely on the strength of these predictions that Union Pacific was pushed up to 16ZH. less than a fort night ago. But the announcement today by the directors that no action would be taken at present and that the board had considered no plan which would "have Increased thn present field of the stock" had little effect. After & decline at the opening, the market picked up and gave a mild dis play of strength during the morning, with Union Pacific, Can and Steel show ing to best advantage. Around the noon hour the list dropped Abruptly, reaching: lowest prices for the long decline. South ern Pacific and Rock Island preferred touched new low figures for the year. Then prices moved up to the earlier high level. The only effect of the Union I'aclflo announcement was to check the rise. The list dropped slightly, but at the close prices were well toward the top. The recent turn In the money market was accentuated by a further advance In rates for all Ued periods. Cull money was held irmly at tho recent high level. Rankers were o the opinion that the high rates might be expected to prevail or some time and that the Nnr Tors: money market would present more or less o a stldft front during the time ot tho crop moving drain. It was pointed out that even if tho situation Is not strained conditions might becomo deranged quickly with low money! rates. A shipment of gold to Ban Fran cisco was arranged today, and It mm expected that several millions would he forwarded to the Paolflo coast -within the next few weeks. The declining tendency In certain bond was oheckedi hut the main movement continued downward. Total salts par value, 31.300,000. United State 2a and Panama 2s and 3s declined U In bid prlcea to new low figures. United States 2s, registered, sold "seller Ave days" ot P4V4, compared with the previous regular transaction at 96. Number and sales or isaomg quotation on stacks were as follows! . . . . . Mala, utta, tnr. Cloea. Aowiyainsiaa Ctopptr ... H.tW ttVt 7314 TfTtV fAmcrlcan Drat Bussr 1 Am art can nan It, 100 Arrarltan Dan pM. ....... too American U. A T 709 American Cotton Oil,,.. too Am. Ioo Baourittss,,,,.,. 100 Amtricsa Ltnal American iJoeomotlT ... 400 American a & It ., S,SD3 jtii a u M 41 It 2 t 101 114 ts, u 4 Bill sou 4M . .. " mu.....,,. ,, .... ..... ..... Am. Bucar Ret islsc. Araarloan TA T S,K 114 133M niusiitaii swvijvo sestt eatt Anaconda Itlnlos Co.... M00 Atchison a, 100 Ateslaon pfl ,,. Atlantis Ootst Line riilllmors A Ohio...... BathUhem 0taal tot Drooklrn Oluia Tr TOO 33 93U 30H ItVi ssu anadlan Pacirid 31,000 mu ntral Leather soo sow Chsaaixoks A Onto 1,000 V Chtcaco O. W. , ..... CMeajre. M. b Ht. P.... t,W 101H Cbleaio A N. W ., Cbloraeto F. A I too M JO ioovi ti Ootaoll4at4 Oas soft 1I9H 110U J10W Ocrn Productr tOOO IH lli as IM lluUNfl,,,,,, , Danrtr A Itlo Orasds.... .. nmitt a iu a. pfd..... .. lit lt tt II MH H 111. tt 10 lV 10s 14H S t. tttt M IU iteu DUiiuert' Raeurltlas ... Krla l'aV,pfd.,."'.,."."."!!.'i Brta M PM ,., General EJactrlo OrasX' Norttiarn ptd..,.., Graat Northern Or ctfa Illlnoli Cratrs.1 Isttrborouxh Mat, ...... Inter. Uct. pM International Ilarraatar., 7,100 ttSi 3.000 44H loo iih (40 14IU Looo jrs too tt too 10Vi 1.100 1ft 1,00a (t 21 4Hi 31 141 lH flit W intar-Msnna era International rapsr too 1 H iniirnaiionai rump Kansas Cltr BOuUiara... lAcleoa Oas Lohlsli Vallar Umlarllla A Ksatrrllla.. 31., 8t. l, A a SU. M. Mlaaourl. K. A T., Mlaaourl I'acino National III mult ., National La4 N. It. It. of M. I a tti. Xav Tors Central N. T., O. A W Korfolk A Weatara Korth American Northern Pacirio raollle Mall I'ennirltenla 400 1414 MH 1.100 uit; 100 114 '"iio 'taii 1,400 ta soo in 151H lHH mv tou, to 3ta uv itoi lit 44U. It 3.KO MU 4U M14 '"Hi iotU 10m; ........ n 3. too racpls's as 700 HI r.. u., u. bu it.,, fitiepvrvn vxmi ......... rreeaed Heat Or....,.., villus.. c-Mwmvw ben,,,, ...... ..... .,. lleadlng , M.S0O 1MV4 IO aiapupiia 1. at a., 1,000 Itavublto I. A 8. Ptd.... 1.100 llock talud Oo, 4.000 Utock liltndr Co. ptd..,., t,O0 hi. pia seeooara Air MB.., seaboard A. T. nti., f ...., n,ww umtinn D. 1... ...... Bouthern Paallls 11, am flouthsra Ballwar to) Ttnnaaaa Coppar ....... 1,100 Texas A raaltle ,. Union raeirto ,. (7,709 Colon peoMo pfd n, 100 Unllad Btaias Ileal tr fUntttd States Rubber,... too United StaUe gtaat M,KO . - a a u, u. niMi pro. ioo Utah. Coppar t,M0 Va. -Carolina Cbaaloal ,, 30t Wabssn ...,,..,,.,,..,, Wabaaa pfd (00 Wmwrn Marrlend Waatam Union Weetlnzhonas Eleotrto ,, 00 wnFanm at lauia rie... , , tou saias ror tns oar. 484,700 sbaras. Nevr Vorle Money Market, NTSW YORK, Oct . MONDT On call, firm at 3WIA per cent; ruling rates. f per cent; closing. lQi per cent Time loans, strong; sixty days, S per cent; ninety days, Ett per cent; six months. 63JGy; per cent PRIMIfl MERCANTILE! PAPER At IWHt per cent Sterling exchange, steady; sixty days. 34.816; demand, $4,850. Commercial bills, 34.813. SILVER Bar, OOT.o; Mexican dollars. 47c. RONDS Government bonds, weak; railroad bonds, easy. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows; V. B. rat ta. rc.. 44i K. C, Bo. ref. It., PI do coupon B. deb. 4a lilt,. I1U U. 8. ta rex 10l4 U A N. unl. 4a.... S do coupon K. A T, 1st 4a,. 114 U. s. 4s ret 10 .do ran. 4Ha...... liu do coupon ...101 Mo. Paclflo 4a. 17 It Panama. Is coupon.. 19 do conr. (..... ,, 7iu A.-a lit (a otfl... 41 N. R.ll. ( U. 4 Vie ii Amr. As. la IMA N. Y. C. T. tKa.. It A, T. A T. cr a,. tl do deb. 4e toi.i 'Am. iwwww ..,... n, it, an Ml. Armour A Oo. 4He, I0U. CT. tUs 71 Atchlion san. ia., do cr. 4a DM. do cr. (a A. O. U 1st -. . U.I A Ohio 4e... do t'.ia Drook. Tr. cv. 4l. On. ot Oa. (a... . 11 UN. A W. 1st s. . 14 do er. 4.,.., .10041 No. Paclflo 4e.. . I1U d tt vn . 11 O. B. IV rfiLr. la. St . WU Vtnu. ct, tWi I1J. , S74. . IIH do con. 4s , , tu On. Laatner la, (a !4US. U A B V. fr lm 70 u an. fa, .. Ill- Cht. A Ohio 4Hs... (4U 4o can. tt.... 11 110H 110 ll4 111 V 1I1U 11 Hi. u 114 mil ,.,, 2fi4 ..... ..... 24 .. 1(1 H IM to ira iiv 7IJ4 71 1S Wl uh iv 3 SOU m ..f 17Vs 4 3f 11K " ll)i 31 StVt as U 1I4U 1(1 1UU m u ? MVi t (lit Wi I4U MW losiai lot (I inu H tt (t a ts 2 ..... ll K 9H k n i-.. ..... h M14 Rfc dn conr. 4He (0 8t.UK. W, o. 4s 77 U Oilcago A A. tUt., SI 'S. A L. ad), (a,, 71 V4 C. D. A Q. J. 4i.... MU8o. Iac. col. 4. . oi do sen. 4a M'e do er. 4a.. ,, , M'i, 0 M A 8 P c 4HS..10I do let rat. 4a.. . 1 tt It, I. A P. c. 4a a Sa. Kallerar le..,,lom do rfa. 4s "IVt do can. 4a. ........ 74 W 'Rtfttie 4Vie IJHUslon paclOe 4 2 Tl. A II. or. 4i V7H do or. 4s... 71 D. a It. O. ref. Is. T14- do let & rat. 4a... Ill Sletlllera' (a .IW. B. Rubber . .lots. Erie u. 1. 4a. . ., 14 UU. R. Steel ftd (...1O0U do sen. 4a.. ,. 71 V..C Chem, (a..,. MM do cr. 4a. ar. 11 . 7IK Wabaaa let A ai. 4e 4 III. On. lit r. 4e.. JO 'Western if 4s...,TtH Inter. Met. 4,... .. 7IMWeat. Elae. er. (a. IIW Intar. M. M. 4Vis.. M WU. Ontral 4s.... tt Japan 4. II Did, Offered. 1 1 1 ' St. I.oula Live Stock Market. ST, LOUIS, Mo., Oct. 9. CATTLB-Re-celpts, 5,100 head; market steady; good to cholco steers. 37,3.00; stockers and feeders. J5,6tj7.W: cows and heifers, 14.70 459.00, bulls, t5.75gTS; calves, t.0ii8UX0: southern steers. M.O0tT7.75 cows and hel(ers. tl6.. Key to the Situation-Bee Adverjslng.