Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 09, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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List of Names of Well Known Men is
Bead in Open Court,
Mtii Lncllle Prencolt, I'ormfr Maid
In the Peyton Home, Is Askeil
I on llnrii Stand, iui to Ilc-
Inttona with Tlieiu. 1 1
t When Lucille Prescott. former mala In
ihe Ixicey B. Peyton homo, was con
fronted with a copy of a lint of name
of men, tome of whom are well known in
Omaha, compiled by her several years
ago, and required to say on her oath
whbther she had been Intimate with the
hitn as they were named one by one, a
Climax was reached In the Lacey- E. Pty.
Ion 140.009 suit against Hugh W. WlUlams
jfor alleged alienation of tho affections
jot his wlto never surpassed in the most
Sensational melodrama.
The young woman, who gave her aire as
years, was put through an ordeal
which finally caused her to break Into
tears. After a battle desperately fought
by opposing lawyers. Judge Day ruled
tjiat the questions asked by the defense
were competent for Impeaehlnr tho char
acter of the witness.
Roll la Called.
The names were called on by one. To
each qusatlon whether she had been In
timate with the men named, she answered
('No," until the tenth name was called.
Then she hunt ber head and declined' to
answer. Insistence caused her to .break
Into tears and a short recess ot court
was taken. Judge Day then adtvaed her
that she might decline to answer only on
the ground that she might Incriminate
herself by doing so.
When the name was called again she
Whispered that an answer tntgnt In
criminate tier sad that she refused to
Answer on that ground. She made a
.similar response when half a doxen other
names were called and In other Instanoes
made dentals. When first names were
not given she Insisted that she did not
know who was referred to.
The court room was crowded. From the
ijlme the first witness, M1m Ruth deddea,
testified that she had been hired by
Joudlle Preeoott And Looey B. Peyton to
berjura herself In deposition taken In
Sioux City the testimony has been re
ttlete with statements of Interest to sen-iatlon-eekera
and the number of spec
tators hie Increased dolly.
- Employed na Atald. i
Miss Presoott on direct examination
testified that Hugh W. Williams, well-!
to-do boiler maker, hod been often at the
Peyton home In the absence of Mr, Pey
ton, saying- that while employed an a
ViiiA by Mrs. Peyton she had witnessed
Mr. WlUlams visits.
Attorneys for William sought to show
that Miss Prescott's character was Im
moral; that she had been too friendly
wither. Peyton; that she had an Interest
In testifying In Mr. Peyton's behalf, and
that she had Induced" Miss deddes to
give false testimony.
The original list , of names was In a
small book -which Miss Prescott acclt
dentally left at the Peyton home and
of which Mrs. Teyton gained possession.
When Miss Prescott testified for Mr.
Peytoir rn divorce salt which was
thrown out of court by Judge on
the ground that neither party had clean
(lands, this same list showed up.
thinks Water Board
i Will Change Ruling
on Bill Guarantees
'.Harry Tukoy, at the meeting of the
Iteftt Estate exchange at .noon, exprtased
the belief that tha Water boad would
Fme to a satisfactory agreement with
the exchange within s weak on the mat
fcr of "requlrtnar the owner ot property to
kuorante the flAVmAnt rif t 1 mmtm Kill.
of the tenant The exchange Is trying
so get we noara to badi-track on this
ruling. Other members) of the Mhnn
were not so hopeful that tho board would
t. in so easy,
Bdwln 0. J owell, manager ot the City
National Bank building-, spoke on tho of
flee' building- attaatlod, saying that now-a-dano
hal the sum solA fnr rnt t,
floe buildings la not re illy rent for apuoe
a room rent, but Is paid for the sat
vw thai goes with It He went back
tea ah 1IM1 fVt - -
T .vwuw iwwvo Ul
ejetr store in the" small towns, saying
wi wKer ina tenant apllta his
wet IdndMnc In the halL dou M.
V T, 1.
u.retajt&e, ptxyrlaea hks own eoap and
www, ana iookm after a. hundred other
Hftie details that moke for his conven
luatm and comfort, the fee he pays
raonthly can be called "rent," but the
fe for the two of a modern orris tmiM.
InsTk for rent and service, lie held that
xa saoaern hotel glrea little more) for the
rent' la charges for room than does the
nfrdem ofSoe building;
The Omaha Political Equality league
held Its regular meeting1 Tuesday evening
In the assembly room ot the 'Toung Wom
en's Christian association: Mrs. lAuscoy
Smith was elected treasurer following
the resignation of MUj aura Blumor.
The following delegates 'were elected to
the state suffrage oonveatlon, whtoh will
bo. held in Lincoln the first week In No
vember: Win. Mary B. Newton. Mrs. W.
E. Bhafer and Mrs. rnsoy Smith are
delegates by virtue of their office. Mr
Prod Carey, Mrs. Paul Oettschmann.
Mrs. Harvey Morse, Mrs. J, p. White,
Mr, c. E. Brady. Mrs, Fred Wead, Mrs.
Mary I Crelgh, Mrs T. XL Ward, Mrs.
Prank Moore. Mrs. J. D. JUs and Miss
tt T. Dykeman, ,
Tho councU chamber of the city hall
has been secured for the meeting place of
the organisation and the next meeting
rill be held Thursday evening, October
, at 7; o'clock.
W. Kenmore. barber, Thirteenth and
Dominion streets, suffered a severe cut
In one of hi wrists .when he attempted
to save a little girl from being Injured by
a 'broken plate glass window. Ha was
standing m rront of his shop when one
or; three youngsters Jumped sldeway
and broke the heavy glass. Kenmore I
reached out to catch ber when he received
his wound. Po'Jce Surgeon Miller at
tended Kenmore and took a number of
Hitches to sew up the cut j
Injured In a Fire
or bruised by a fall; apply BucklenV Ar
nica Salvo, Cures burns, cuta, wounds.'
boAs, sores, eczema, plltn. Guaranteed.
SCa For sole by your drugglst--dVer-tt&eraest,
iitic Purchase of Women's Fall
Apparel !
Suits, Coats Dresses, Silk Waists, Muslin and Silk Underwear
The D. Ilartman com
pany Is a well known
Now York Jobber and
rnakor ot women's ap
parel. He s a 0 r 1 ficed
nearly hta entlro ntock
on hand of new winter
apparol in medium and
higher grades all now
etyJos this season.
It you expect to have
a new suit, dress waist
or cloak at any time '
this season, you cannot
do better than to buy
it at this ealo. Tho
quantities aro almost
unlimited and tho values
Wo placo all the lots from
this ble special purchase on
Balo Thursday on our second
floor. Tho lots aro all ar
ranged for easy selection.
New Tailored Suits
All the fall and winter model tailored suits from the S.
Sartman stook ore offered In these two lots. They are made
In all the very newest, ttpto-the-liour materials and colors
all slsea for women aas misses, and aU strictly fashionable
style Ideas,
FALL SUITS Worth $20.00 to $22.50, at $15.00
HundrolH of women's and mlssou' npUndldly tailored suits,
In the noweat and most practical style Ideas, Including the
amart cutaway coats and"tho severely tailored Kngllsh
models. Many wklrtn have new draped Ideas and
the aoats are plaliTand trimmed. A remarkably
large range of very desirable new style
PALL SUITS j Worth $25 to. $27.50, at $19
mis group inciuaea the, finest auita.from tho D. Hartmon
stock. Strictly hand tailored ideas. In tho new plain and
iivToiijr uunii, wiui , an me new. siyie, reaiures
usually found in tfUlto of much higher price. Many
samples are exclusive, ideas. X big special tot
1200 Cloth, Plush and Caracul Coats
These stunning new Coats from the XJ. Hartmon stock, and other special purchases, have been di
vided into five great bargain lots for Thursday. There la not a coat In the lot that Is not offered at
much less than its aotnal value.
No western store has ever offered so many new ooata of splendid quality to sell at a price
eo low as this. Most of thorn are easily wortrTtlO, andn large number In all sites were ac
tually made to sell regularly this treason for Thursday, on our second floor at........
If you haTe $10 to spend for a ooat you can get 60 more real value out of It
here than anywhere else you can go. Scores of clever and atrlotly fashionable
plush, oaraoul and heavy cloth ooats, made to sell up to SIB
Tha coats In tlilw a p e c i al ktou p were miule to eell at 118 and 30, and they are actual 1 y
worth every cent of It. Such style and quality rarely seen for lean then 20 your
choice' of. a splendid line at.,.. i. , ,,
Ksarly BOO.'hlgh olam new winter ooats are In
this grcup Thursday. , SSvery -favorite, new style
nptfituiiu ios( ouaia, toiin
quarter ooats and short ooats, worth
up to SS3.BO, at ,
All the flhost cloaks for 'winter front our Ma
pare lines are included Here, atony were mad!
to sen at H7M. A number of nneamnle 2!
ooats are Included la this lot. rh VIU
styles are sttuxiiUig, at.
In addition to this
purchase of apparel
(from the D. Hartman
Co., we Include im
mense lots ot new fall
and winter merchan
dise assembled from
other recent purchases
in eastern markets..
Silk and Wool Dresses
We have divided Into three lots all the Bilk and Wool
Dresses from oar recent purchases. Any woman who sees
thsO three groups Thursday will realise that they are tho
season's trlggest values. '
The Bilk Cresses are prettily made for dress wear and
for every day practical service as well the wool
drcBEps Include a doren or more very cloor. new fall
styles, extremely well made and worth up to 8.t77. .
Scores of. dainty Silk Dresses, in all the faVorlte shades
for fall.and many of the dressloat new styles.
The wool dresses ore mostly plain tailored
setgea, checks and novelty cloths, vworth up to
JIB. at...
We Kever Offered Such Presses at Q13.5Q New style features
. that yon would scarcely expect to find In dresses to sell for
splendid examples of tailoring. Not- a -dress.
. fforth leas than $16, many worth '$20, nt...
Muslin Underwear
In this groat purchase wo eocured hugo lots of undermuB
11ns of tho bettor grades. Many ara eampla garments, elab
orately made of tho highest class fabrics. Tho variety la
almost endless nnr! thn vnliina
truly remarkable. Wo onumorato
a few of tho opocial lots thus:
2? QR ror flne gowns, chemises,
9iJU combination garmonts and
prlnoess slips, made to sell up to so
SS.Rfi ror prlnoess slips,
ooutUilatlont, skirts, gowns,
eta, mode to sell up to ao each.
Si Qfl ror hsanUfully made com
,,,u blnatloa suits, petUooats,
gowns, prlnoess slips, eto, worth up
to t.
I Rn 'or all the fine undermus
W iww jjm ttotA the big purchase
made to sell up to 3.
$ for aU the gowns, ohemlses,
droweis; slips and combinations,
worth up to f2.
It On V'or all the pettiooats, gowns.
uu combinations, eto In good
style tade to sell np to Sl.Bo.
at fifl ToT U! women's fine un
dermusllns of splendid wear
leg materials and good trimmings,
worth np to 81.
A wonderful group of
new Chiffon. Orepe fle
Chine and Mess aline
Waists, in pretty models
for fail aU the new
shades worth np to 910,
Thursday, at-
Women's B a mole silk
beautiful new
creations slab orate
evening silk waists
handsome dress waists
made to sell regularly
np to 815 special at
Silk Underwear
From the
Gowns', Petticoats, Combination Suits and Drawers in crepe tie
chine, chiffon and China silks; colors and white.
Bilk Gowns worth up to $12.00; dainty chiffon crepe do chine
and China silks, pretty lace trim
mings, delicate colorings gE
and white, at v3
Silk aright Gowns, in pretty,
tucked, embroidered and laoe
trimmed effects of orepe de chine,
chiffon and China silk colors and
white mode to sell' up Q QO
to S10. at 1110
Bilk Combination Suits, worth to
86, laoe trimmed chiffons, crepe
de chines and China eJ Cfl
silks, at 6iuU
Choloe of Combination Garments
worth up to 810. Dainty effeots
In crepe ds chine, chiffon and.
China silk white and Q QQ'
colors, at tJiJJO
Silk Petticoats In crepe de chine,
chiffon and China ,silks, colors and
jjhite laoe trimmings 0O Eft
worth to 86. a.... aisOU
Dainty Silk Petticoats, worth up
to 810, laoe and chiffon flower
trimmed flounoes, colors Q (1 0
and white, at Oi JO
China and Crepe de Chine Silk
Drawers, worth to 89 all white,
with lace and ribbon Cfl
trimmings, at iJU
All New Styles & Positively Worth $2f-$3 PrTSf
Tkia offer is the result of a remarkable special purchase. Evtrrj pair thafr is offered in the basement
Shoe Department Thursday is a splendid value.
Thousands of pairs in new, up,to-date styles and dependable leathers. Every pair in i
perfect condition and guaranteed to givo absolute satisfaction. Mado in patent leather,
dull and tan calfskin and soft kidskhi leathers, with dull kid or cloth tops; button or
lace styles"; also the new Baby Doll Boots in dull leathers a wonderful selection at, pair
Men's Shoes at 1.08 Pair- We offer ox
coptlonal valuos In men's patent and dull
leather shoes, button and blucher lace
styles, in good lasts all t4 qq
sizes, at, pair. J) A eaO
Infants' Shoes at 6c Pair Soft kldskln
and patent leather with patent tips,
smooth Inner boIcs, neat, broad toe last,
button and lace all sizes at,
pair . . .
Theae Illustrations represent four styles of
the women's shoes on sale in basement at
81J)0 pair. They are drawn from the shoe
Children's Dress Shoes at 7Bo
Dull calfskin, with patent tips,
broad toe styles, hand turnod
soles all sizes to 8, 7C
at, pair ,, . . ,4
Boys' XUkskln Shoes, 81.40 ralr
Jlpst serviceable shoes for .boys,
solid leather soles all ( MP
elses to , at. W 1 10
Women's llouso Slippers at
$l.iS8 One-Btrap and Juliet
stylos, hand turned welt sewed
solea all sizes, at di
pair.... J)xe0
Hen's Bouse Slippers at 81.85
Tans and blacks, in Everett style
comfortable and very service-
a?T!u.'u"- $1.25
Infants Soft Sole Shoes At 40c
Fancy patterns In all colors
and combinations all sizes
Sr 49c
Women's rur Trimmed Juliets, SBe
Black and gray felt, with flexi
ble soles, very warm and AO.
comfortable all altea at,.' U
Misses' and Children's School Shoes at
81.UD Serviceable gunmetal and kldskln
leathers, in button and lace styles prac
tically all sizes to 2, at Ai on
pair p 1 e)a
Boys' School Shoes Dull and
patent leathers. In button una
blucher lace styles mannish
styles that fit perfectly ex
tremely comfortable
Sites 1 to 8 at ....81.93
SUes less than 1 at 81.49
23c Jar Shoo
polish mado, at.
Cream Best
The above illustrations are drawn from
four styles of the shoes that go on nale
Thursday in basement at, $198
Silk Vests, Knickers. Union Suits
From the D. Hartman Stock At Special Bargains
Women's Milan and Venetian
Pure Bilk Vesta, s)lk cmbrold.
erd in various designs; also
Plain styleh with crochet bead
ing tops ana tux ricoon tapes.
smeia reiniorcemem,
worth to 12.00, all
sixes at. enoii.
Women's .Milan and Venettm
Pur Bilk Knickerbockers, rein
forced. In pink, white. Amerlcnn
beauty and emerald green
sues i. s. 6 ana v worth 13.00.
on special
Women's IS CO Venetian and Milan Pure Silk Suits, bloomer knee
aiyie wui anuia reinrorcement wnne. pirnc, American
ptaisy ana entiuia itreen an vis; at. per
omer knee
$3.50 Ostrich Feather Bands, Special, $2.50
AU tho rage in New York at the present time. We offer 3
styles (one exactly like cut), in all the leading shades, such
as black, empire green, royal blue, white and com
bination of colors; a J3.50 value, at
1C and 18-Inch ostrich plumes, in black, white
and shaded effects, in alt new colors, Anftn
made of prime stock, extra wlda, X
worth $4, one day only, at.
Thursday, in Millinery Dept. 2d Floor
The Designer
IIEGUIjAR VlilCE 75c Year Just think of It 12 copies now
at 2f6c each. Published every month. Displays stunning
Illustrations of the latest, smartest styles. Splendid stories
dressmaking lessons, home helps, receipts, etc r
No Mail Orders Filled.